Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1970, p. 15

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Twenties #‘Wm The Missionar Church rLet the Wall to Wall Experts . . . ii y 30L! TRINITY CHURCH THORNBILL Brooke and Jane Streetl Rector lev. Canon H. R. Howden, BA. L.Th. Estelle Markham, ARCT., RMT. Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 TRINITY I 8 am. â€"â€" Corporate Communion Breakfast 10.30 am. â€"â€" A.C.W. Spring In- gathering Service 7 pm. -â€" Church School Teach- ers' Dinner 7.30 pm. â€" Trinity Teens and THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 1'1, Yonge'street (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 10 am. â€" Senior Sunday School ‘ ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. & Que.) i II.“ I 'R W I‘m-rum THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Blyvlew at Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. David N. Sproulo 884-4236 ‘ lononry Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 TRINITY I 8 am â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€" Holy Communion Special Service and Coffee Hour for Newcomers EmflflflflSérlUXIJflV We have I : Willow ‘ 6313 Yongw I Open Mon. Wednesday 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion (Prayer Circle follows every 2nd and 4th week) EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€" Richvale Rev. George Young B.A. B.D 889-6789 311'. Robert Long. Organist SUNDAY. MAY 31‘ 1970 TRINITY 1 11 am. â€"â€"- Morning Prayer ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge At Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector: Rev. David McGuire Asst. Rev. Fred Jackson SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1970 8 Corporate Communion. Men's Fellowship. Followed by Break- fast and Speaker. John Dewar. Director of Planning, Vaughan Township. 10.30 Hymn Sing with Music on Organ, Piano and Guitar. Church School and Nursery 7.30 pm Richmond Hill Minis- terial Marriage School. "Love and Sexuality" Dr. Bernard Granton and Dr. Leonard Kry- stolovich. 11 Wednesday 10 Holy Communion 8T. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Amitage MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH 'Maplc Community Centre Keele Street North. Maple Pastor: D. S. Davidson 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Nursery Facilities for both Services I Open Mon. to Fri. 9 3.111. - 9 p.111. â€" Sat. til 6 pm. ' flgwgi‘l‘I‘h“Ifl EURDHH 0 mm. â€"- Holy Communion ‘1 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am Adults $2.25 6313 Yonge St.. Willowdale â€" (Across from Sayvette's) Delicious Chicken Willowdale Broadloom Ltd. B.M.K. * Burlington * Peerless Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow ‘ ‘ And All Kodel Carpets We have a good selection of room size rugs 74M): ANGLICAN Baby Nursery Church School Nursery to. Teens ALLIANCE (FREE estimates in your home without obligation) MONDAY JUNE 8th AT ALL SAINTS CHURCH KING CITY Trinity Teens and 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . BRING THE FAMILY! 3 Children $1.25 (under 12) Harding * Celanese * Kraus 42/023 5:30 to 8:00 p.111. DINNER day Services 75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. J. B. W. Lawrence B.A.. B.D., Pastor For Information Call 884-8038 9.45 am. â€" Church School for All Ages 11 am. --â€" Morning Worship Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhill Pastor Tom Cowan MA, BD. 9.50 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School 11 am. â€" Pastor Cowan 7 pm. â€" Pastor Cowan Wednesday 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer and Bible Study Supervised Nursery at All Sun- SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1970 9.45 am. â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Speaker: Mr. Jack Scott Prayer Meeting Thursday. 8 pm, 96 Keele Street South. Plan to come to this New Church where you will hear the Old Fashioned Gospel. For Further Information 889- 2025. ' "We Preach Christ Crucified" MAPLE BAPTIST CHURCH Lower Auditorium of Maple Public Library Merino Road 4South of Maple Road. West off Keele Street) SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 10 am. â€"â€" Bible School Daniel Chapter 1 11 a.m.â€"Moming Service Subject: "What Is Your Life?“ 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Mr. Leander Roblin and Film “God's Long Vineyard" Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) 884-3091 SUNDAY. MAY, 31, 1970 11 am. and 7 pm. Mr. Gordon Ivey Wednesday, June 3 8 pm. â€" Mr. H. Willemze All Welcome WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meet Us Where Weldrlck Road Meets Bathurs: Bu. B. T. McSpadden, Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer. Resurrection, Rapture and Revelation 4/ fl é BAPTIST 226-0941 ll (Beverley Acres School) ;Pnstor, Rev. Andrew P. Jones I‘ 884-6136 I Friday 7 pm. â€"â€" Adventurers ages 9-12. I SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1970 9.50 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour‘ ‘There is a Class for Everyone? -11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship I‘ THe Pastor Speaks: "I Shall Not Want” ‘7 pm; â€" Evening Fellowship :Held in the Basement Hall of; ;Bayview Restaurant. I Tuesday ‘ 7.30 pm. -â€" Youth Fellowship I Wednesday A 8 pm. â€" Midweek Service of; u ydu. â€" uuuwccn ucnvu.c v; IPrayer‘and Bible Study ‘1 Evening Activities â€"â€"1are in members‘ homes. Call 884-6136 for further informa- 'tion. Everyone welcome to our new church with a new ministry. SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1970 10 am. â€"- St. Andrew’s Church and Sunday School 4. 11.15 am. â€"â€" St. Paul’s Church The Lord's Supper GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. 11. S. Hallman, Minister 887-5846 Friday 8 pm. â€" Youth Fellow- ship. Installation of Officers SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 9.503.111. â€" Bible School with classes for all ages. For bus transportation from Preston Lake and Lake Wil- cox phone 8875846 or 887- 5303. 11 am. â€" Worship 7.30 pm. -â€" .Gospel Senice Wednesday. 8 pm. â€" Study on "New Life for All“ followed by Prayer. "A Warm Welcome Awaits You" 9.30 am. â€"â€" Ages 6-14 11 am -â€" Ages 3-5 Wednesday, 4 p.121. Ages 6-8 SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 11 am. â€" Worship Service Sermon: “Blow The Works" (Infant Care: - Church School 9.30 am. â€"â€" Ages 6-14 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street ‘ Thornhill, Ontario Highway No. 7B The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans, DJ). Minister SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 9.30 am. - 11 am. & 7 pm. ' Services of Worship 889-5391 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Out. and ST. PAUL’S, 7th Con. Vaughan, Rev. B. F. Andrew Minister Miss Loris Adamson, Organist RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Miss Joan Weir Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1970 9.45 am. â€"- Church School, 6 years and up. ‘ 11 am. â€"â€" Juniors, 5 years and under 11 am. Vâ€" Morning Worship Preacher: Rev. Fred Campbell. Visiting Choir. Friday â€" Junior Choir Practice 7 p.m.. Senior, 8 pm. Nursery Services Provided Advance Notice: June 20: Annual Picnic June 21: Anniversary Service June 22: Metropolitan Toronto Police Chorus Royal Orchard Blvd. "’"0" ""“m” Bay Thom Drive, Mrs. Irene ’Bowes Thornhill. Ontario SUNDAY. MA; 31. 1970 Arnold D. Weigel. B.A., 3.13..” am- â€" Worship Semce Pastor THORNHI‘LL. UNITED Phone 889-0873 ‘ CHURCH SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 Minister 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday Church Rev- Alfmd C- MOAustel‘. School -â€" Grades 3 - 8. BA. BB. 11 a.m. â€"-â€" Sunday Church SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1970 School Nursery â€"â€" Grade 2 9.30 -â€" Church School. 11 am. â€" Service of Worship 11 8-111. -- Morning WOTShIP Infant Nursery Provided } Nursery ZION Lfimflcn For further Information call to M"... a-..u. A: u...1-\ 389-2131 SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1970 9.45 am. â€" Sunday Church School 11 am. â€"- Our Service to God (The Friendly Church) For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 The Service Visitors are warmly welcomed ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN Ministers CHURCH The Rev. Robert F. Smith Ba A'en e 8,, 884-1675 fliwCegtl-eust. Rev. Allen E. Hullett 889-9126 ' u RiChm‘md m Organist and Choir Leade . . hl e The Rev James S Daup ne Gordon M. Naming pm" 88mm Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1970 lst. SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY‘ FUNDAY' MAY 31' 1970 9.4.) a‘m._â€"'- ChurEh.School 9.30 a.m. â€"- Sunday Church ‘ School. 11:00 am. â€" The Service Nursery care is provided’ during PRESBYTERIAN ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. John McTavish Minister. 884-5526 (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuclde. Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer CHRIST THE ’KTNG LUTHERAN CHURCH lUTHERAN UNITED Tuesday , 8 pm. â€"- Service of Prayer SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1970 11 am. -â€" W. A. McLellan 7 pm. â€"- W. A. McLellan NOT A DENOMINATION A CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ORDER A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 D. Lowery. Sec.. 884-4880 CONCORD SUNDAY SERVICES 945 am. -â€" Bible School 11 am. â€"- Morning Service Church and social agency leaders agree m‘th parents on the need in the community for such a project. Any interested person who considers this an important development is asked to telephone his needs. sugges- tions or inquiries to Mrs. Hazel Loughridge. 884-1359 levenings only‘. or Mrs. Barbara Mann at 884-4618. The interest and enthusiasm shown by those parents and teenagers attending the com- munity sponsored series 'on “The Family And Sex Educa- tion" at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church during the late winter months. have inspired the com- mittee in charge to explore the possibilities for further pro- grams of a similar nature. auu (4. vv....,..... 0... (Clarke and WilloWdale Sta.) gus service. Three “chartered SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1970 CNR trains were to operate be- 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School tween Richmond H111 and Tor. 11 am. -â€" Family Service, onto Union station during the Speaker: Mr. Skinner morning and evening rush 7 P-m- â€" Evenmg 59M“ hours". said Mr. Robarts. Speaker: Mr. Skinner uAt the time of the announce- Wednes‘iay ment it was believed from pre- 7.30 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting liminary discussions with the and Bible Study ‘railway that such a service RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPlecould be provided for the im- 24 Oak Avenue, Richvale lmediate period of five fto seven 9.30 am. â€" The Lord’s Supponyears. and A thaft satl§f§9t0fy 24 Oak Avenue, Richvale 9.30 am. â€"â€" The Lord’s Supper 11 am. â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening ‘Service munion. Are You Interested In Family Life Talks? The young people particular- ly. both the panel participants and those in the audience dur- ing the four sessions. have ex- pressed a definite wish to keep open the lines of communica- tion between adults and the youth of the community on this and related topics. As a consequence in reply to this challenge those who were responsible for the success of the experiment in family life education hope to meet with re- presentatives from still other groups such as the Social Plan- ning Council. Family Services Centre. Big Brother organiza- tion. etc. in order to outhne a procedure for an on-going pro- gram in many other areas of family life education. Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€"- Bible Study 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Service. 7 pm. «- Sunday Evening Gospel Hour Listen to the Light and Life Hour. 9 am. Sunday Morning. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruulel Pastor Rev“ David A. Dyer, 3A.. 3.1). 884-6629 SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1970 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 6.45 pm. Crusaders Wednesday 7 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting 01-100 1390 RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor, F. C. J. PEARSE V 222-2200 Saturday 9.30 am, Sabbath School 11. am. Divine Worship DONCASTER BIBLE ’C'HAPEL Grace" I In his recent statement to the CARRVWHURCH‘Legislature. Mr. Robarts said Minister the Transportation systems Rev. Harold W. Kemp BA, BulBranch of the Department of Organist: Miss Doris MitcheaniShways “1st a “PM out' .0110“. Director: 'linmg the progress made m de- M H veloping 'the GO system. He SUNDrgy'Irgxyngeimo tabled 11115 report in the House. ,,A,4, __lJ _,__,:JA_A,L A 9.45 am. â€"-â€" Church School Ltd. for the operation of both Primary Only rush hour and off-peak express 11 am. â€" Sermon: "Amazing bus services. Grace" I In his recent statement to the (Continued from Page 1) Despite the collapse of the Richmond Hill - Toronto train proposal. the premier told the RICHMOND HILL UNITlmLegislature that commuter bus CHURCH (Yonge and Centre Streets) Ministers The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Rev. Allen E. Hallo“ 889-9126 ' Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1970 services to all areas covered by the original expansion an- nouncement last November will be in operation by September 8, the day after Labor Day. PROMISE EXPRESS BUS To serve the area to the north through York County. the pro- vincial government will work out schedules, set fares and pay a subsidy to Gray Coach Lines Other Denominations MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South. Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Booger: 1 am. â€"â€" Service of Worship I am. -â€" Church School Tuesday Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Hour Wednesday 5 pm. â€" Christian Youth - The Lord’s Supper amily Bible Hour Sunday School Evening ‘Service Tuesday , Service of Prayer I, MAY 31, 1970 V. A. McLellan f. A. McLellan DENOMINATION H OF THE NEWi MENT ORDER CH OF CHRIST )ad and King High Drive Atkinson ster. 889:3364 ’3’. Sec.. 884-4880 ONCORD AY, SERVICES Bible School Morning Service Worship and Com. Vednesday ’ Bible Study W- ly Life Talks?‘ years. and that satisfactory scheduling of trains and finan- cial arrangements could be worked out. In looking back at my announcement, I said then that in our attempt to develop maximum utilization of all mod- es. the government had accept- ed the advice of the CNRA “This advice was that the only rail capacity available without resorting to costly and major modifications, existed only on the line that we had selected. and at that. it was severely restricted. We have been informed recently that detailed studies subsequently carried out by the railway would make the use of this line not only very expensive. but a1- so virtually ineffective for com- muter purposes. SERVICE T00 SLOW “In order to accommodate even the minimum service of two trains during the morning and evening peak periods. ad- ditional track and switching equipment would be required. This would be required because of the large volume of existing fill“ill“lll\lillillli\llll1llllllllillliiilllllliliilliliiliiiiillillillliilliliilli THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 28, 1970 15 {Richmond Hill GO Link With Buses Is New Plan’Area Jehovah's Witnesses Need u“ vuo-â€" - _, _, “The original concept which I outlined last November pro- posed a combination of rail and bus service. Three chartered CNR trains were to operate be- tween Richmond Hill and Tor- onto Union Station during the morning and evening rush hours". said Mr. Robarts. But things didn't go as ex- pected for the development of service north of Toronto, through York County. “At the time of my announce- ment in November. it was tena- tively scheduled to have the commuter extension projects in operation about the middle of the year. I am now advised that testing of equipment will begin in mid-August. Public operation is scheduled to com- mence on September 8. follow- ing the Labor Day weekend.” MORE GO LINES Mr. Robarts then outlined plans for GO system extensions for Oakville. Hamilton. Whitby. Oshawa. Ajax, Pickering and Burlington. These plans fol- lowed closely along the lines an- nounced in November. he said. Mr. Robarts said considerable work has been carried out in the short time since his origin- al announcement of the gov- ernment's acceptance of propos- als to extend the GO system. “The many tasks involved in translating these basic planning concepts into actual services have involved negotiations with local governments, the carriers. the design of equipment and terminals. ordering equipment. establishing integrated schedul- r- -vw. _ "The report also indicates that certain conditions have made it necessaiy to alter some of the} original proposal concepts. New‘ approaches have been adopted; to provide the high level of! commuter services which the government wishes to make available in these areas. The government has now concurredi in the adoption of these newl proposals in the interests of (up-i erational efficiency. economy and expediency. es and fai‘es. and negotiating operating contracts." said the premier. Pollution Teach-=1 n Thornhill United All members of the pub- lic are invited to attend and no admission charge will be made. of Hugh Martin. will be singing. as an added attrac- tiou. Vaughan Councillor David Fraser and Donald Deacon MLA. York Centre will be present to help in the gen- eral dialogue. The 95-voice choir from Woodland Senior Public School. under the direction Concerned about pollu- tion of air. land, water and the spiritual life. Thorn- hill United Church has ar- ranged a teach-in on “The Environmental Crisis” for June 3 at 8 pm, in the church building. A panel of experts has been membled to deal with every facet of pollu- tion. They include Dr. Robert Snow of Glendon College. York University: Merrill Cathcart. assistant to the general manager 0n- traio Water Resources Commission: William Hogg. regional engineer. air man- agement branch. Ontario Department of Energy and Resources Management and Rev, Russell Hors- burgh. Toronto director of Youth Anonymous. Moder- ator of ihe panel will be "A $750000 order has been placed with General Motors of Canada Limited Diesel Division for 15 newly-designed express buses to be used on the three northern corridors. Thse ve- hicles will have a number of ‘special features. including spa- ;cious‘ seating'for 45 passengers in buses normally including seats for 53 people. These bus- es will also have air-condition- ing and heating systems. bright interior decor with special light- ing systems. large picture win- dows and air spring suspension .lhat will give a limousine qual- ity ride. “Negotiations are now being carried out for the purchase of the mini-bus equipment. It is expected that an order will he placed shortly for early summer delivery," said the premier. “As a step toward the inte- gration of public transportation systems. Gray Coach and GO Transit have reached agreement on a common ticketing system within the areas of common op- eration. “In most cases. under this agreement. the tickets of both carriers will be honored by each other. The transportation plan- ning group in the Department of Highways is also investigat- ing the long-term possibilities of co-ordinating fares of allt modes of operation in the Tor- onto region. As part of this in- vestigation. G0 Transit and the Toronto Transit Commission have entered into a joint study: of new developments in automa-‘ tic fare collection equipment to‘ determine the feasibility of in- troducing a unified ticketing system. 5 Train Profit Returned The man who made $305 pro~ fit on an experimental commut- er train run between Toronto and Barrie then gave the mon- ey to the province said last week he wants it back. John Medcof. a Mount Albert lawyer. earned the money with a one-day return commuter train he promoted last October 16. He said he wants the mon- ey back because the Ontario Government has announced it won't provide G0 Transit serv- ice north to Barrie. "These vehicles will be equip- ped with a new air pollution de- vice which will considerably re- duce hydrocarbon. carbon mon- oxide, and oxide of nitrogen emissions. In addition, smoke and exhaust odor become al- most negligible and noise is re- duced 30 percent. The inclu- sion of this device will mean that GO transit will be the first fleet in North America carrying this pollution control equip- ment. “I should also like to report that these bus services will be operated on behalf of the gov- ernment by Gray Coach Lines. a wholly owned subsidiary of the Toronto Transit Commis- sion. A special task force made up of representatives of Gray Coach. the TTC, GO Tran- "Even if this improvement was made. the running time beâ€" tween Richmond Hill and Union Station, including the station stops. would require 53 minutes. Such a schedule would offer no advantage over existing public transportation, or travel by automobile. sit “It was estimated that on the basis of the projected volumes of riders that would be attract- ed to this service. a rail service would require a subsidy of $2 million per year. On a per pas- senger basis. this would amount to between three and four times the subsidy being paid on the lakeshore rail commuter serv- ice. “Consequently, it has now been decided to introduce a comprehensive commuter oper- ation using buses. This will comprise G0 Transit rush~hour and offâ€"peak express services which will be integrated with local and trunk line services operating within the corridor between Barrie and Toronto As part of this new approach. the government will establish new ‘bus terminals in Newmar- ket. Aurora and Richmond Hill to provide parking and passen- ger waiting facilities. total trains through Richmond Hill in a 24-hour period are tw0 passenger and 12 freight trains. he says. Mr. Deacon represents‘ Southern York County in the Legislature. Mr.’ Deacon also says the ONE and GO Transit were of- fered 10 used Budd cars which1 would have been adequate for the trial service at a cost of ap-‘ proximately 525.000 each, verr sus the $300,000 for each of the' GO Transit‘s self-propelled cars. He also says a comparable CN 20-mi1e run between St. Hil- Mr. Robarts added that cur- rent plans call for work on ter- minal installations along all the GO system’s three new routes to commence at the beginning of the summer. traffic which would conflict with the proposed rush-hour service. “Becalise the government has now been informed that there is no likelihood that ’these oper- ating conditions on the northern line can be improved. it has been necessary to consider al- ternative proposals to fulfill the service commitment for this area. "Because of the necessary‘ change of plans. details of this; new approach will have to await the completion of negotiations with local authorities and the carriers which will be involved. "In addition to providing the mini-bus service originally plan- ned for Newmarket and Aurora. investigations are now being carried out to determine the feasibility of also introducing such a service at Richmond Hill. JACKPOT $500 JUNE 2 â€" 20 Regular Games $20 1 share the wealth â€"- 1 rainbow -â€" 1 pie plate Earlybirds 7.30 pm. CONTROL POLLUTION and an independent consult USE MINI-BUSES EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) Medcof Wants $305 Train Profit Returned a one-day return commuter train he promoted last October 16. He said he wants the mon- ey back because the Ontario Government has announced it won't provide G0 Transit serv- ice north to Barrie. “Why should Montreal have the benefit of 124 commuter trains daily on three rail lines provided by the CNR at no cost to the local taxpayer, while the CNR provides the Toronto area with only four such trains? “Premier Roberts should de- mand that Ottawa assume traf’ fic control of these empty rail- way rights-of-way and give prior use of them to any quali- fied public carrier. Then the people of this province would not be forced to put up with a monopoly that is denying them the best integrated and mini- mum cost type of public trans- portation," says the York Cen- tre MLA. The mini-buses mentioned by Premier Robarts are intended to help existing local bus lines in gathering passengers and bringing them to the G0 ter- minals. This experiment in- volves 11-passenger mini-buses to be purchased from Ford Motor Company. They will be dispatched in time to pick up the customer at. or near. his home. and take him to one of the hourly G0 trains. in areas where trains operate. or to the larger buses. ant. is developing an operation agreement the province and the pany. “There is no doubt in my mind that the ON is hoping to keep its valuable rights-of-way free of annoying passenger trains. It is clearly more inter- ested in moving freight than it is in moving people. The gov- ernment announcement is noth- ing more than a poor, makeshift arrangement. Fancy buses sit- ting in traffic are no answer to moving commuters. He also says a comparable CN 20-mi1e run between St. Hi1- laire and Central Station in Montreal, including six stops, requires only 38 minutes. “Transit travel time from portal to portal must be faster. or at least as fast. as the private auto. “There must be convenient and well integrated connections between public transit vehicles. “Service must be well main‘ tained. courteous and reliable." CITES MONTREAL Mr. Deacon says the existing lakeshore GO Transit service is excellent on the last necessary point, but could be greatly speeded up with imaginative scheduling. “Even at present volumes, double decker equip- ment is needed to alleviate rush-hour congestion.” he says. “If the province is really seri- i ous about attracting the motor I ing commuters to an integrated I public transit system," says Mtll Deacon. “it must recognize theil simple and elementary rules]- which every successful opera-ll tion rigidly adheres to, as fol-{l lows: 52 Numbers LIBERAL Stay-laters egggsggggbmets ror Ib,UUU Delegates bus Com"; Have you a spare room whichlconventions. So we will make ‘ ‘cnuld be rented for delegates to‘a direct approach. asking people {loned bl‘ the summer convention of Je-;t0 rent us a spare room for a 1ntended hovah Witnesses at Woodbine‘few days." 95 v - . bus 1m Racetrack from Jul“ 30 to Aug ‘ Mr. Brodie also recalled that {91‘s and ust 2? Starting last Saturday . v A Go tiny-embers?“ the group in the‘m 1966 nearly 50,000 Wltnesses _‘L netnnAaA a. A-.."-..H-_ :- PIN-.. 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurs ........... ;-u.u uusy uu lU runs- ust 27 Stem“ S S . Mr. Brodie also recalled that members of mi :3” aixffiznn 1966 nearly 50.00'0 Witnesses Richmond Hill area have beeniattended a convfntlon in Torâ€" ringing doorbells to locate asiomo' (:we don t. me“ my many billets as possible. Pre_igreat difficulty this time to ac- siding Minister Alexander commodate a swan" number: Brodie has announced that The people of this are“ have about 120 local Witnesses areialwa‘vs Show?" a.remarkable de' participating in the canvass. 31.” .of hospltam-‘Y' And filer’ov' “we expect about 16‘000 vis_Jah Witnesses are internationalLy itors for our 'Men of Goodwill‘ known for h?neSty and rehab“- District Assembly." Mr. Brodie‘lt-V' The p.011“ don't even have explained. “so this will test our to superv‘se our gathermgs' hospitality. After we have tak- some people. even leave us the en care of all possible in ourike-v to the" 131.8“ for our homes and have filled all avail-'99"ple .to use “1.119 .9” home' able hotel and motel space. \ve‘owner ‘5 0“ "acamm' must ask the local people to This is one of 10 conventions help us out as they have so planned by Jehovah Witnesses kmdly done in the past for our this year in Canada. Richmond Hill area have been ringing doorbells to locate as many billets as possible. Pre- siding Minister Alexander Bmdie has announced that about 120 local Witnesses are participating in the canvass. IIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Have You A Relative â€"â€" Friend Who Needs Nursing Care ‘ and Has Limited Funds -â€" ' Pension. Eta? Call â€"â€" 640-3061 â€" Stouffville Billets For 16,000 Delegates STARTS FRIDAY MAY 29 GREEN GABLES MANOR The Manor is available to Bed or Ambulatory Guests â€"â€" Aged or Convalescent â€" receive person- alized, professional care in a spacious and con- genial country home atmosphere on a 14â€"acre estate. Private and semi-private accommoda-, tions. T d CINEMA s Yonge St. North at Steeles Ave. CINEMA I - HELD OVER â€" Popular Demand “BEFORE WINTER COMES" A FRANKOVICH PRODUCTION Starts 6:45 Week Days Saturday & Sunday continuous 1:30 pm. a TON TECHwa nun Gambia PW!" NURSING CARE FIDWBP DAVID NIVEN - ANTHONY QUAYLE They are eligible for kind competent in a modern licenced nursing home Academy Award Winner “Goldie Hawn” in AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM CINEMA II DOUBLE BILL mm PRESS“: ' m“ BUl'CH CASSIDY 9N0 THE SUNDANCE KID Notttmflmafiets. Mmcstofitisme. Continuous Sat. 1 p.m.. Sun. 1.30 Mon. to Fri. at 7 8; 9.25 In Color "MANSION COLOR BY DELUXE (Adult Entertainment) ODEON 884-6221

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