Most Canadians are past the stage Where they can be shocked any longer by revelations of waste and inefficiency in the handling of their tax monies by their elected officials. It is now a regular occurrence, cer- tainly in the case of the two senior levels of government, to confront the Canadian people with tales of mis- management and extravagance. However, the ’shocking waste of millions of federal tax monies in overhauling the ill-fated Aircraft Carrier Bonaventure pales any such previous excursion into government inefficiency. National defence is the sole responsibility of the federal gov- ernment and Ottawa’s inept handling of this major project can only be taken as a serious indictment of its administration. To date the only official comment by a senior govern- ment official on this massive blunder has been Defence Minister Leo Cad- ieux’s assurances to Parliament that the total cost is really only some $17 milliOn instead of the earlier estim- ate of $22 million. The BOnaventure is now in the scrapper’s yard despite an 18 month repair job which ended in September 1967, and which cost the Canadian taxpayer a. grand total of 17,108,090 dollars and 74 cents. This includes “overheadsâ€. such as salaries, for the sailors involved. But in terms of hard cash spent on labor and mater- ials alone the bill ran to about $12.3 million. Original estimates totalled $8 million. A “‘1' A The all-party Commons Public Ac- counts Committee headed by Conservâ€" ative MP Alfred Hales (Wellington) has recommended that the‘ govern- ment take disciplinary action against two deputy ministers (defence and defence production) and four senior civil servants for the role they played in this whole sorry mess. Disciplin- ary action can include firing. demo- tion or withholding of a scheduled pay raise. r “v After 727m extensive six month in- vestigation of the Bonayenture refit -â€"â€" it held about ‘20 public sessions in Ottawa and carried out an on-the-spot inspection in Halifax â€" the public accounts committee says it “feels it has only explored the mere tip of an iceberg of unsatisfactory estimating precedures, miscalculations and poor administration.†It rebukes the civil servants concerned for allowing the contractor, Davie Shipbuilding of Quebec. to renegotiate the terms of its contract while work was under way, in order to raise labor rates from $3.95 an hour to $5.10. This decision alone, says the committee, cost the Canadian taxpayer an addi- tional $1 million in costs. By MARGARET LADE When two York County teachers took a group of sec- ondary school students to Mexico City for a 10-day visit during the annual spring break, their one re- gret was that none in the group were of the “inedu- cable" or recalcitrant sort. Davie Shipbuilding originally tend- ered $5,768,068 for the repair job. When accommodation is needed for Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brown- ies, whose training in good citizenâ€" ship is an essential part of a com- munity, where doyou turn? To the churches, in most cases. ‘ When accommodation is needed for teenagers who have outgrown or are not interested in such activities, who provides it? Again it is the churches. ‘ ‘ Other groups such as unions, lodges, clinics, nursery schools and day care centres have found the only accommodation available to them is in church-owned. buildings. faithful church members attend the church services, present their free- will offerings, work in the church organizations and struggle constant- ly to pay the bills so that the facili- ties are maintained and are at the disposal of the community. They do not sit in “Comfortable Pewsâ€, they work and work hard for all of us. If you and/or your children have made use of these facilities or plan to make use of them, don’t you think you should contribute even a little by filling up those vacant pews and help. even a little, to see that these institutions can continue to fill their place? Elwood is a drop-out, (amelt a mluule-ageu one), fighting the establishment, represented by his sOCially conscious sister, his only weapons being love and Harvey. I understand that this role is one which Mr. Priestman has wanted to play for some time, and having seen his performance I can say he had every jurisdiction â€" he was Elwood P. Dowd. Edith Jones, as Veta Louise, was the epitome of the snobbish, small-town matron, ashamed of her brother’s eccentricities, and trying to get her greedy hands on his possessions. Her desperation and indignation were sustained throughout the play. and her dead-pan pronOuncements produced some of the best laughs of the evening. As her dumb but attractive daughter, Myrtle Mae, Judy Hartland showed less stage experience (Continued on Page 14) u nu. y.n..v “a, v - .--__, Perhaps her leaning to politics stems from her family upbringing. Lois had a father who was deeply interested in who was standing for election and why. He passed on this considerable interest in public affairs to his five children. Speaking of her father’s involvement, Mrs. Hancey said, “He said it even before President John Kennedy, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country’.†The Late George Trickey reminded his family continually that there were others who built this » country and that it was everyone’s responsibility to leave it a little better for the next generation. “Generally speaking, this can be done in two ways,†said Lois. “One is by taking an interest in (Continued on Page 14) of society have been steadily rising? It might cost each Cana- dian a few cents a year in their taxes. Are we so unappreciative of the leaders we ourselves have chosen that we cannot add gladly from our own annual inâ€"‘ come this pittance for those who are handling the most difficult and most important job in Can- ada? I say “shame on usâ€. The second issue that arose in Maple concerned itself with methods of dissent. Laurels go to Don Deacon for handling with sympathy and intelligence an emotional presentation from the floor regarding Darcy Mc- Keough's right to bring action '“lN““‘“lllllll‘l‘lllm“llWWW“l“‘“Wli“WWNW“\\\\\l\“\“\l\\\\l\l\l\\\l\lli\i\\\\\\“\\\\\\ll\\\\\\\l\l\\l\\\\\\\\\|\u\\l\mumliimmummumiuumuuuuiiimumunmmmnmuuummmuummmmuuuunuuuuuuuuumiuumummmu llllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllilll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“hullill!““lulllllllllllllllllllllllllllluulmm“lllll\“lllllllllllllllllllll\\l\\ll\ull\lllIll!\\ll\\l\\\\llllll\l\l\\l\ll“l“mlllllllllllll lllm“ll\llillllliulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'3 ’â€" m 1" 1'7 1 n . 01L- Jnfll-n Said Russell Rees. master teacher of geography. in his report to York County Board of Education. “In a mileau of seriously self-motivated stu- dents who are also a happy gang. I have no doubt that the ‘ineduca-bles‘ would rap- idly become recoverables." Language teacher from Langstaff Secondary, Mrs. Is~ obel Clemson, was pleased Since pioneer days the churches of Richmond Hill have played an im- portant part in life in this commun- ity -â€"- they are still filling that role. The number of people actively sup- porting each may have dwindled recently and pews may be sparsely occupied some Sundays but the facil- ities provided by the churches are in full use throughout the week. When accommodation is needed for Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brown- ies, whose training in good citizenâ€" ship is an essential part of a com- munity, where do you turn ? To the churches, in most cases. ' When accommodation is needed for teenagers who have outgrown or are not interested in such activities, who provides it? Again it is the churches. ‘ WBï¬ader Horizons Opened In Mexico Subscription Rate $5.00 per year Other groups such as unions. lodges, clinics. nursery schools and day care centres have found the only accommodation available to them is in churchâ€"owned buildings. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 28, 1970 \ffl , v An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 '0. L " tion Rate $5.00 per year; to United States $6.00; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher . "Second class mail, registration number 0190†Community Service mine liberal Never that so many of the 24 stu- dents were able to make themselves understood in Spanish“ including one who had taught himself from books and records. The students were from Williams. Langstaff. Stouï¬- ville. Huron Heights, Wood- bridge. Newmarket and King City, and all had been study- ing Mexico, and in particu- lar, Mexico City, in geogra- phy classes. They all paid their own way. many saving from earnings from part time jobs, and only the teachers were subsidized by the board. Six Mexican students were with them most of the time. helping to explain customs Again Federal treasury board estimates added about $2,300,000 for the sup- ply of materials that Ottawa would pay for, and approved an expenditure of $8 million. But by the time the refit was over, the public accounts committee says $10,290,090 was paid to the Davie firm and the direct cost of materials was $2,068,000. Adding in about $4 million in “overheads†â€"â€" such as salaries to government employees involved in the operation, the total cost to the taxpayer was a whopping 89 million more than originally estimated. The refit started in April 1966, was sched- uled to be completed a year later, and was eventually finished in Sep- tember 1967. Although the public accounts com- mittee has singled out six top civil servants for criticism, the politicians should not be allowed to escape all blame. In our democratic society the politician must accept prime re- sponsibility for the sins of commisâ€" sion or omission of any government. What of the ministers concerned and the departments of whichrthey were the ultimate head -â€" Paul Hellyer in defence, Charles Drury in defence production and Edgar Benson, chair- man of the treasury board? Where did they fail their reSponsibility? One major way the Trudeau Gov- ernment could strengthen parliament- ary control over the public pending is by implementing the recent rec- ommendations \of Auditorâ€"General Maxwell Henderson to speed up the annual review of federal accounts. One important consideration is his request for additional office staff so he can carryout a more thorough examination of federal expenditures. The present practice of delaying con- sideration of the public accounts and his own report for as long as a year after the fiscal year ends, prevents Parliament from‘ carrying out sug- gested reforms until another fiscal year passes. A uh The practice in Australia in a similar situation could very well be adopted here. There, the treasurer’s statement of receipts and expendiâ€" tures is brought down within weeks of the end of the fiscal year. It is then reported on by the auditor- general, examined by the public accounts committee and reported back to Parliament, all Within three months. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau should waste no time in pushing Mr. Henderson’s propoaals through Parl- iament. Not only would such action help to restore public confidence in our parliamentary system, but it would also give the Canadian tax- payer some guarantee that similar “Bonaventures†will not occur in the future. Churches are also used by many young couples so that their weddings will be a lifelong pleasurable mem- ory. They return to have their children christened, they drop their children off for Sunday school train- ing in the basics of moral develop- ment. but these are the only times the church sees them. Week after week the same few faithful church members attend the church services, present their free- will offerings, work in the church organizations and struggle constantâ€" ly to pay the bills so that the facili- ties are maintained and are at the disposal of the community. They do not sit in “Comfortable Pewsâ€, they work and work hard for all of us. If you and/or your children have made use of these facilities or plan to make use of them, don’t you think you should contribute even a little by filling up those vacant pews "and help. even a little, to see that these institutions can continue to fill their place? and the history of the counâ€" They also had an excellent and interesting guide â€" Senor Martinez de Vega, who acted as guide for George Bernard Shaw in 1924 and for John Diefenbaker on his honey- moon. - When Mr. Diefenbaker lat- er visited Mexico as Prime Minister of Canada, he in- vited Senor de Vega and his wife to dinner. The students were inter- ested In more than history and geography, however â€"â€" three made a study of the group’s pulse rate from 3.000 feet to 10.000 feet above sea level as they ascended from “Harvey†Still Keeps ’Em Laughing The Footlights Club of Thornhill celebrated the 140th Anniversary of Holy Trinity Church, Thorn- hill, with a production of the delightful comedy “Harveyâ€. I It is more than a quarter .of 3A century since Mary Chase created that most lovable character Elwood P. Dowd, whose friend, the invisible but ubiquitous rabbit, (six feet, one and a’ half inches tall), gives the play its title. The years have been kinder- to. “Harvey†than to many of its contempor- aries, judge by Friday’s audience, it can still keep ’em laughing, sometimes hilariously. The Footlights’ production was-handled ’with affection and played joyously, and this was communicated to the audience, who résponded accordingly. Betty Priestman, who‘has, been an inspiration to the Footlights Club for many years, and who directed “Harveyâ€, cast her characters with remark- able accuracy, considering the fact that the club has been inactive for some time, and some of the actors had to be recruited from outside the parish. In a brief introductory comment, Mrs. Priestman ex- pressed her delight at the support she had received from the young people of the church, who had desi‘gned and ‘constructed the attractive sets, and many of whom were on duty backstage or serving refreshments in the intermission. In 1119 Spoilighi: On the face of it"‘Harvey†is pure fantasy. After ‘all, six foot, invisible rabbits just don’t exist. Or do they? With Robert Priestman playing El- wood P. Dowd it was difficult not to come under the same spell, and to believe in Harvey as com- pletely as he did. Perhaps the reason for the play’s surprising freshness is that it is thumbing its nose at respectability and the soâ€"called norm, which, for all the mildness of the actual script, is a very contemporary theme. J1JIA ‘_A:l \IVAA vuu Pu; w; J ......... Elwood is a drop-out, (albeit a middle-aged one), fighting the establishment, represented by his secially conscious sister, his only weapons being love and Harvey. I understand that this role is one which Mr. Priestman has wanted to play for some time, and having seen his performance I can say he had every jurisdiction â€" he was Elwood P. Dowd. Edith Jones, as Veta Louise, was the epitome of the snobbish, small-town matron, ashamed of her brother’s eccentricities, and trying to get her greedy hands on his possessions. Her desperation and indignation were sustained throughout the play. and her dead-pan pronOuncements produced some of the best laughs of the evening. < 1 1 av "Ll- the lowlands to the ancient city of Mexico. “In my opinion, the most predominant feature of Mex- ican culture is not its history. geography or language, but the people," reports Lin Timbers of Stouffville, “I am a history student and have an avid interest in the early eras of Mexico‘s his- tory, particularly the Aztecs. I have read extensively liter- ature on these peoples and their civilization in Mexico, but seeing the actual articles and countryside seemed very much like hearing a book re- view of a book you have al- ready read. “Mexican people seem to have a passion for life. They Fifty-one Queen’s Scouts from Barrie, Bracebridge, Cannington, Claremont, Dunbarton, Gravenhurst, Huntsville, Lemonville, Midhurst, NeWmarket, Oshawa, Richmond Hill, Scugog, ISharon, Thornhill and Whitby received their coveted awards at the annual Lakeland Region Ceremony held in Bayview Secondary School May 9. Each received his award from Col. W. J. Rankin of Camp Borden, representing the Queen. York Summit District was the host and the impressive ceremony was arranged by Assist- ant Provincial Commissioner for Lakeland Region Ron Sculthorp with assistance from-the local district council, including Bob Miller, Ray Weeks and Mrs. Fred Fifield. The invocation was given by Rev. Father Michael Grace and the benediction by District Chaplain Rev. Fred Jackson. Music was provided by the Bayview Secondary School Band. After 60 years of Scouting in Canada this was the final Queen’s Scout ceremony, since under the new program the Queen’s Venturer award will be the highest award, replacing the Queen’s Scout. York Summit was represented by the above group (left to right) Richard Bruce and John Lucas of 3rd Richmond Hill, Wayne Carswell of 3rd Thornhill and John Riley of 3rd Richmond Hill. Some indication of the amount of work which led to the top award is given in the badges on the red baldrics worn by the Richmond Hill Scouts. The last Queen's Scouts In This Area By MARY MONKS llllllml\\\ll\u\\\\lluuuuuuuuuuluuuuuuumlmuuuuuuuuuuumuuumuu...uuu.uum.... For Twenty Four York Céunty Students aren’t as rushed and materi- alistic as their more north- ern neighbors. Some people would interpret this as lazi- ness, but I find it exceeding- ,ly refreshing. They live for living. and not for what the day will cost or profit them. They appear to be very poor, but to me they are very rich. Their wealth is not measured in gold. “These people know how to laugh and sing. This is something we great white leaders of the stoekmarket have lost.†Lin continues, "It is 3 mar- velous feeling to walk dawn the street and have someone you have never seen before wish you a beautiful day. In Rambiing Arqagfl Richmond Hill Councillor Lois H ancey “There should be more women in public life,†declares Richmond Hill Councillor Lois Hancey. This highly articulate, able and forthright councillor means just what she says. She would like to see more women in public life because even though family needs are looked after better than in the past, there is still much to be done. Women would be in a good position to see that these needs are met if they had enough representation on the g0verning odies. Nvm‘jrAny good legislation is the result of proper participation and sufficient representation from all factions in society,†she says: ..1 mun-1.xâ€... -.. -v---- __v- , Councillor Hancey feels that women do not take part in the political life of the community mainly because it takes money to run for office and many do not have it. The one group who could afford to do so are mainly concerned with volunteer work or other worthwhile community service. Even so, it is important that there should be a number of women serving their community at the political level also. THE THREE ROLES OF LOIS HANCEY Lois Hancey was born and raised in the Oak- wood - St. Clair area. She is the wife of Lionel Hancey and she explains him in two words. “He’s wonderful.†' “ThemIV-Ianceys, who have lived 13 years in the Hill, have two sons. George, 17, is a student at Bayview Secondary School and Arthur, 13, attends Crosby Heights Senior Pghlic Sohool.†r-v, VI. vow; ;Lu.5..v~ we--. .. Being a devoted wife and mother certainly hasn’t kept Lois from being a fully developed person in her own right. Her family acknowledges her needs and gives her the backing necessagy for a strenuous community life. Canada people are very much afraid of each other. They are terrified that the real self will show and make them appear human.†thorities Robin Howden, apd We; In her account of the trip, Deb Pridham of Langstaff tells the fascinating story of the hidden convent in Pue- blo. an... When cloistered orders of religious faiths were outlaw- ed in Mexico in 1850,>the people of Pueblo supported a group of nuns, hiding them from outsiders until they were discovered by police from Mexico City in 1927, The nuns were then trans- ferred to other clerical in- stitutions and the convent taken over by Mexican au- Robin Mackie and Joanne Howden, also of Langstaff, and Wendy Spry of Stouff- ville, were impressed with the crafts of Pueblo. which was originally settled by 40 Spanish families, all special- ists in ceramics. From these settlers there grew an indus- try which still produces cer- amics which are the pride of the town. Handcarved and polished onyx jewellery and ornaments are also produced in Pueblo. ‘ The trio also described the subtropical town of Cuernaâ€" vaca. 4,000 feet above sea level where the palace of Cortez was located and there (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) by Elizabeth Keleon in the JOHN ROBERTS MP REPLIES “DIVIDED LOYALTY†Dear Mr. Editor: I would ask, as a matter of fair play. that you publish this letter as a correction to several mis-st'atements of fact in your editorial of May 7, concerning the issue of representation. You say that in my column of February 12, that I “sought a substantial increase in salary". That is not true. My column re- Dorted the debate on salaries You say that in February 12. tha substantial incre: That is not true. ported the deba going on among I ties, and I made commendations ~ be tied to some servants. that a: be tied to so servants. thai commission re that members salary and am penses rather free expense : lieve that MP salary thougl :to have this i] \only after the penses rather than have a tax free expense allowance. 1 do be- lieve that MP’s deserve a higher salary though I would prefer to have this increase take effect only after the next election. But your assertion that my column. written while “safely†in Ottawa urges an increase in my salary is contrary to the facts. You say that I question whe- 1 ther my loyalty should be to my constituents or to the‘policies‘ of the Liberal Party and govern- ment. That is not true. That question is not discussed in my column. What I asked was whe- ther my loyalty should be to my constituents’ opinions or to the interests of Canada as a whole. What is good for Can- ada is not necessarily what is good for the government. But I have not so far found the in- terests of Canada, and those of ' the citizens of York-Simcoe. differ. It is false to suggest I was advocating government in- terests in opposition to those of the citizens of York Simcoe. You say that I voted for the recent pension increases for MP's. That is not true. I did not vote for them. I do not think they are justified. and I have publicly expressed my opposi- tion to them. I suggest a simple question to the editor: ‘If he were a mem- ber of parliament would he vote for a proposal which after thorOugh study he was con-‘ vinced would vitally.harm the interests of Canada as a whole? Members of Parliament have an obligation to represent the interests of their constituents. Journalists have an obligation to verify their facts. JOHN ROBERTS MP. York Simcoe. May I be permitted the priâ€"‘ vilege of the use of space in your fine paper to express some views regarding your Editorial “Divided Loyalty" (May '1)? It deals with the duties and re- sponsibilities of our Member of Parliament, John Roberts. REPRESENTATION, PAY, PENSIONS YORK COUNTY MP'S Dear Mr. Editor: In the same issue Roberts’ Column bears the title, “Where Does Roberts’ Prime Duty Lie?†The tendency to over-simplify} the democratic process in both these articles is very evident. That same tendency was evident when three MP‘s (Barney Dan- sou, Donald Deacon and John ‘Roberts) appeared before their constituents (about 100 people) on Friday evening May 8 at the Masonic Hall in Maple More: over the tendency was is nota- ble on the part of the audience as it was on the part of the plat- form guests. It seems to me the issue is not divided loyalties at all but of balanced loyalties -â€" often a matter of eventual good as against an apparent temporary good. Three issues bearing on this subject arose at the Maple meeting. ...y--.._°. First the matter of salaries and pensions for MP's. What can we say about a Canadian citizenship that is not prepared to raise‘ the salaries of their re- presentatives (which have not been raised since 1963) when salaries in every other segment of society have been steadily rising? It might cost each Cana- dian a few cents a year in their taxes. Are we so unappreciative of the leaders we ourselves have chosen that we cannot add gladly from our own annual in- come this pittance for those who are handling the most difficult and most important job in Can- ada? I say “shame on us". The isééimd issue that arose in Maple concerned itself with methods of dissent: La_urels go expense 3 that MP’: “y though we this in are many houses still re- maining with historic fres- coes done by Diego Divera. Taxco, by} contrast, was desert-like and mountainous and is famous for its high- quality silver. Although the mine is rich in ore, the visi- tors from York County found many beggars in the streets, chiefly young children and very old people. _ _. . .n Bill Herbert of Thomhill Secondary was impressed at the vast difference in the way of life of rich and poor. The upper classes he found very formal and polite, and on the streets. The lower classes on‘ the Cidnitinued on Page 14 review ars be p account 'ere hardly ever seen My column re- ;e on salaries IP's of all par- only lhroe re- â€" that salaries level of civil 1 independent N salaries, and paid a straight it for their ex- Questions of two women re- lis lating to the abortion caravan 31 were cleverly fielded by Roâ€" ur berts with the old cliche, “Can- ug ada isn‘t ready yet.†One must question the wis- of dom of the Liberal Party in a spending tremendous sums of I". public money on a Commission 'e- On The Status Of Women, pay- on citizens of this area without due consideration of the citizens themselves by referendum. Canada to formation - of women ‘ to come to speak with spite of i ment staff fortunate < of Commo standably. he may be too busy. Or could it be that participatory democracy is a one4way street. just from the top down? We. in York. are fortunate in having intelligent. dedicated young men to represent us in Ottawa. We owe it to them to read and listen to what they have to say. Yet let us not be like the voter who said re: American TV in Canada, “What right has Joe Greene, one man. to speak in the USA. for all of Canada on this issue?" This voter is only demonstrating his complete ignorance about how government works, yet Roberts keeps explaining parliamentary methods to us whenever he writes. Why don’t we learn? John Roberts represents Can- ada on the UN peace keeping committee at the United Na- tions. Speaking of “Divided Loyalties". how does he decide what is his duty to his consti- tuents in this regard â€"â€" when to concern himself with public ‘hand-shaking functions and when to disappear in solitude to do his homework for important international affairs. The poor are important, as are tax rates, inflation and all the rest. Yet the future of the parents and children in Roberts’ constituency may find the high cost of living to be a direct reâ€" sult of excessive military ex- penditures. We also spend three hundred million dollars every year on research into biological and chemical warfare. Why don’t we spend this money reâ€" searching for new jobs and for instruments of peace . . . in- ‘stead? Anyhow, let's all try together to make our democratic way of life a living reality. It's not easy and it still remains to be seen whether the human animal is yet sufficiently mature to han- dle this humanitarian concept of government or whether because ‘of his own selfishness and stupi- dity he’ll soon be washed down a polluted drain of his own makâ€" ing. uummmuuumm\mnuuImmumuuuummuuluuumuuuuuu Fantastic Bonaventure iRefit (Hamilton Spectator) The cost of refitting the Air- craft Carrier Bonaventure -- now destined to:- the scrapyard â€" is a scandal. It ought to -â€" but probably won‘t â€"â€" produce cries of wrath from already over-burdened taxpayers. The Commons Public Ac- counts Committee, which has been investigating the refit job, has verbally chastised two Dep« uty Ministers and recommend- ‘ed that two departments cansidc ‘er disciplinary action against government employees on lower echelons. Is that all? When it was decided to give the Bonaventure a mid-life re- fit the estimate for the cam- plete job was in the neighbor- hood of $8 million. Now the committee has determined that the total cost of the complete refit was over $17 million. Notwithstanding the enor- mous amount spent, the feder- al government has now decided to take the carrier out of serv- ice because it costs about $20 million a year to operate. A bamacle cleaning job on its hull alone cost $1 million. The government intends to keep the defence budget at no more than $1.8 billion until 1972 and eliminating Bonaventure is part of doing so. , ,,A2_--- .1- innit“- oflicials were "disclpuneu" anu became fall guys. ‘ It is not enough that there is to be talk on the report. If this kind of thing can go on under ,the very noses of our federal 11a; u u; u.....° The whole business is incred- ible. Among the costs was a charge of $258 for repairing an $8 medicine cabinet and $320 for fixing an officer’s chair. A paint job, estimated to cost $150,000 v33 charged at r A I--- “.4 vnvwvvv , $1,103,000. There is a long list of similar shocking charges. All of it, the whole $17 million, is wasted money now that the air. craft carrier is to be scrapped. What will happen now that the report is published? It would be disgraceful if the af- fair were buried under moun- tains of words and _a‘few minor -_; un. -v., politicians there is drastic need for departmental responsibility. What is there to prevent simi- lar cases occurring? DOROTHY HENDERSON. RR 2, King. 1 the wis- Party in ; sums of ‘ommission across ‘ of in- . group money