Yes, we knqw that you know quite a bit about York Central Hospital, located in Richmond Hill, you've been a patient there. But. did you know that many of these little extras and some of the equipment is there‘ as a result of a lot of effort on the part of the hospital auxili- ary branches? There are some dozen or so of these organiza- tions in the district served by the hospital and not the least of these is the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox Branch. Despite the fact that there are only 22 ac- tive members the branch ac- complishes a terrific amount. Hospital Auxiliary [II-956 15 “It! Udn suuauo .4..- - . ‘ I . v . v . . . _ , , , , Wilcox Branch. Despite the} Canvassers will be calling on fact that there are only 22 ac-llocal homes between June 1 and ï¬ve members the branch ac-‘7 seeking donations to further camplishes a terrific amount. tthe work of the York County Our local branch of the aux-Branch. Mental Health Associa- tliary is almost solely respons-ltion. As more and more citi- ible for the supply of small zens are helped by the associa- toys, crayons. coloring books. tion it becomes more and more etc., to the hospital's pediatric apparent that funds are ever ward. Last year $500 was rais- needed. ed by the group and turned It is much easier and more Church News Nelgnnornoou mmca la .e" w“ .-. -_..__ _ The Afternoon unit 0* thei Mrs. Allan Ferguson enter-'pital‘ Where he has UCW mat at the home 0f their tained friends and. neighbors at Surgery- leader- Mrs- Gc‘rdon Hampton a miscellaneous shower in honor MrS'AubreY Lloyd who was in charge of the meet- of Miss Marion Simpson wholidays with her sister ing. Mrs. Fred Hare led in the is a June bride_to_be. lbert Jennings durin; devotional period. Program with . Mrs. Milton Well Mother's Day theme included R013; Fï¬gngfrzngar'f:gcillslr§f'1Harry Hutchinsw ‘. ‘ those who went wit readings by Mrs. Andrew An- nand and Mrs. Hare. and a con- wgsï¬orgf “Kid frï¬gï¬bï¬rS-Ergflcmb of Oak Ridges test on books of the 01d Testa- 1e . .e g pe zens) on their bus the Victoria Day Weekend at Niagara Falls area memt. whlch was won by Mrs. . Nelson Thompson and Mrs. W11» the“ “maze at Head Lake' blossoms and other 1 {red James. Norman Rumble is spending terest. j-llllll“m“lllllllllllllllll\ll“\lllllllllIll“\“ll“llllllllllllllllllllll“\llll“\llllllllllllllllllll““milll\lll“llllllllllllllll‘lllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllllll\l\\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli #â€" __ A The mailing of circulars to all King’s resi- dents had two purposes, says Mr. McKee. The first reason was so as many people as possible could be informed about the hydro line li-lllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllll“ll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llmllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The band hasn’t started play- lng yet but the controversy over the fact it might continued to ring in King Township Council‘s ears last week. King Township Object of contention again was the already partially com- pleted bandstand and dance floor on 40 acres of land in the centre of a residential area on Lot 12. Concession 5. Bandstand Dispute Hits Sour Note; I". ..... The project has inspired 3| It was also suggested that protest petition containing 129.council could refuse to issue signatures plus the personalibusiness operating permits to representations of Thomas undesirable operations but iti Poole and John Wilson who liv- was pointed out that once 3 ES in the diSPUtEd area. building was up council would The same twosome. Messrs. have little grounds for refusing; Wilson and Poole. were back on a permit providing the operator the scene at council's May 19 agreed not to misuse it. Ln- 3.. The same twosome. Messrs. Wilson and Poole. were back on the scene at council's May 19 meeting trying to find out ans- wers that just weren‘t forth- coming. Namely. how to pre- vent future bandstand projects and more particularly the pres- ent one. Door- T o-Door And Mail Canvass Starts Against Hydro Plans In King Township a resolution compelling the building inspector to turn over my future requests for building permits to council‘s permits and agree- ments committee other than those for residential or educational centres. This left the situation much the same as before except that the onus for approving any fu- ture "controversial" building permits will be shifted from Building Inspector Donald Mc- Callum to t0wn5hip_ council. Mr. McCallum had drawn‘ criticism at the May meeting for issuing the permit for the bandstand even though techni- cally he had every right to do so. The area in question is not regulated by any zoning bylaws CORRESPONDENT: MRS; ’KTNG CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish 1 Interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new pondent in Oak Ridges v Lake Wilcox is \lrs. ] Orton. Yonge Street, 773-4635. in King City Mary nn‘ u1nz A committee called the Concerned Citizens of King Township want Ontario Hydro’s pro- posed multiple line right-of-way plan changed so the wires and towers will go through Southern York County. along the recently announced High- way 407 corridor. .- : ,,-L.‘L.'_.‘ 3-.....â€" 4m wag 1v I uu;;:u~.. To this end they have sent petition forms to all 3,500 homes in King Township in an effort to gain §UDDQrt.__ . 0 ,,,,LL_ 1-...-.2..- - nnnn‘fllz gnu: Duyyu; u. Ontario Hydro is currently having a second look at its plans. The line as last proposed would cut across King and Whitchurch Townships from east to west betweenANexymarket and Aurora. w Kflér considerable de- bate. counch agreed to pqss Cuuu Ivvuv va- -__ , “They’ve been planning the hydro line for six years. The Highway 407 communications corridor should have taken something like as long to plan. It’s unthinkable they haven‘t gotten together,†says Norman McKee of RR 1, Schom- berg. Mr. McKee is a co-chairman of the hydro line sub-committee of the townshipwide group called Concerned Citizens of King. ’ The other chairman is Wesley Coons of 8 Beveridge Drive, Don Mills. Mr. Coons has been waiting for the hydro line right-of-way to be settled before start- ing a new home on 50 acres purchased near Schomberg. The hydro line sub-committee also plans to canvas homes as far as possible in the built-up areas of King Township. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill TEMPERAN.CIE_‘..7.1111415“.,,.1‘;I.l3l‘.lV S Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox News 1 Neighborhood Notes over to the main auxiliary. This along with similar sums, was used to buy medical equipment. Meetings are held once Meetings are held once monthly only and much of the work can be done in your home at your convenience. nu JV... ..v The June meeting is the last until September. It will be more or less a social evening and refreshments will be “pot luck". If YOU would like to attend. please contact Mrs. Brenda Neil at 778-4378. Mental Health Mr. Wilson and Mr. Poole went away unhappy because their problem was still left high in the air. prohibiting "undesirable" uses asbandstands. Mr. Wilson had hammered at council to freeze non-conform- ing buildings in the township until the Ofï¬cial Plan had been passed uuuuul; ycumu. Reeve Cook observed that a licensing bylaw wouldn‘t pro- vide the protection the tow:- ship needed. Councillor Margaret Brit- nell also felt I “licensing bylaw is not the solution to GfJENNINGs â€" PHONE 773-5892 Ontario; Thursday, May 28, 1970 e also plans to in the built-up all King’s resi- . McKee. many people as the hydro line il‘lllllhlllWillillll“\lllillilllllillllllilll\llllll\\l\\li\\\l\\\illllllllllllllllllll“\llllllllllllll\\\lllllllllllllll“ll1111“\llllllllll)\\\\\\\l\l\\lllllllllllllllll““\“llllllllll\lllllll\“lllllllll\lllllllllllm“ y. “We feel King Township is in a crisis,†says Mrs. Coons. From being a quiet farm and rural area, King has reached the point Where there is a threat of the township being cut up in all sorts of ways. Recent problems of this kind have included a dance hall, hydro lines, and nursing homes, she says. E 5 g E 32' 5 a {3 11 be “pot Your local financial campaign ,ld like torchairman is Mrs. Reta Szeler of tact Mrs.!Newman Avenue, Lake Wilcox. 378. 'Lake Wilcox Recreation As promised last week. here calling onils the telephone number for June 1 and Mike Scanlon. new recreation to further director for Lake Wilcox â€"â€" rk County‘773-5303M Mike can be reached ch Associa- during the day regarding any more citi- questions on recreation. economical to prevent rather than to cure mental illness. In the short space of time that "mental health" have become every day words. great strides have been made but more have to be made. As usual finances play an important role. When the canvasser calls. please be generous. a few days in York Central Hos. pital. where he has undergone surgery. The baseball diamond at the school has been repaired and a good rain will pack everything down and have it in shape for the season. Mtg/Aubrey Lloyd spent a few days with her sister. Mrs. Wil- bert Jennings during the_w_e_ek. Mrs. Milton Wells and Mrs,‘ Harry Hutchinson were among those who went with Sunshine Club of Oak Ridges (senior citi- zens) onvtheir bus trip to the "The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges . Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Elisabeth Orton. Yonge Street. 773-4635, in King City max-y Dawson. 384-1105. controversy, so canvassing would be easier and quicker. The second reason was to reach people in those areas the canvas does not reach, particu- larly the rural areas. :1 .1 L. _, -LjL: .« 13-....«n Au“; uuv Lu;\.~. yawâ€... Residents can mail their petition forms regardless of the threatened postal strike. The committee has opened boxes in the local post offices at Schomberg, Nobleton, King City and this problem. Only a zon- ing bylaw can really do the ‘ job." 1 Mr. Wilson told council that the contentious question of proper sewage disposal facilities for a dance hall had prompted him to question a York-Oshawa Health Unit inspector. “I was informed that the pre- sent system was approved be- cause the inspector thought it ‘would be a type of take-out restaurant and involve people ,coming and going." Kettleby Acumen.) Mr. McKee says the citizen’s group is afraid Ontario Hydro may just .be going through the motions of studying alternate routes for the hydro lines, and not giving the situation the kind of serious consideration the citizens expect. So the committee has undertaken the big job of doing a door-to-door'canvas as far as possible, with this being backed up by the campaign by mail: .1 ‘ 1 , ,1“, _.:_.LL .: "a... The debate eventually went‘i from the sublime to the ridicuq ‘ lous when an ancient township‘. bylaw forbidding all but mili- tary bands to play in the townu ship was resurrected by Mr. Wilson. Clerk Harold Rose indicatedl the bylaw had been amended at sometime in the past. “But I don‘t think anyone would seriously want to stop all music from playing in the town- ship except military bands." he questioned. * - I 7,: A- to Ian“ Valllyuxbln U.) The group feels that the hydro right-ofâ€"way should go through Vaughan Township, if it can't be included in the Highway 407 corridor. Vaughan Township being _1arge1y industrial in the southern ,1 ,L, u. -A‘-£1:_L L U u “onâ€, ~V-..° _ part, the hydro firteceiavnd towers wouldn’t conflict with the landscape like they would in King, says Mrs. Marjorie Coons, another member of the group “Caklvllyu- The debate ground to a halt shortly after this. WILLOWDALE â€"â€" A maternity leave plan for North York's 2.200 women elementary school tï¬chers was approved last week by borough trustees. Trustees indicated the plan may be extended to all other women staff employed by the board. The plan will provide a mini- mum seven weeks unpaid ma~ ternity leave and a maximum of a year wit}; 5 possible further year‘s extension by mutual agreement. “it"{ailwapply to married and unmarried teachers. __..=,,, , (senior citi' Many friends and neighbors U‘ip t0 the gathered at the home of the to see the bride-elect to surprise her and points of ‘in- present her with many lovely gifts. v r.|\\unu\\ummmmum“mum1m\\lmmumunmummmuuuumnmun\nnuumumug Work is being carried out al- so on the community hall. form- erly a church. A foundation is being laid, most of the work be- ing done by the young lads with an assist from Alex Brock- ton and his bulldozer. A meeting of coaches was held May 26 to finalize plans re uniforms. distribution of equipment. teams. etc. Oak Ridges boys and girls who haw: not been placed on teams are welcome to phone Mike at 773- 5303. There will be squirt and peewee teams in the inter- township house league. The All-Star Peeweeswill he coached by Pete Lacey. the sen- ior girls (14-18) by Mrs. Gerry Cook and the midget boys, who are entered in the Markham League by Ross Davies. There will be a juvenile team also. which will be playing ex- hibition games only. until teams of the same calibre can be lo- cated. Don't forget the meeting May 28 at the community hall. The speaker will be Scott Darrock. North York Regional Director of Recreation. See you there. Shower ‘vu- v. uvvuuu ‘uuï¬wv- V A bridal shower was held re-I Cently for Miss Nancy Wow" The exchange charge on out- daughter of Mr: an‘d Mrs. Frank of_town cheques. one of bank_ Wood. Lake Wllcox. Hostesses ing‘s longstanding nuisances were Mrs- Bernice Murray and has been eliminated as of May daughter Judy. _ _ ‘ 115. g-muummmunummum1m\mmm\mm“mmm\\1n\uu1m\11“mun\mumummnmumwmmmmmm“munuumummmmmmmmumuunummumu1mmmnmlumnmummummquum\\numuuuunnmumummmlnnmmnmlum1u\\11\111m\11\m\\1\1\um“11mmum\11\1\ummmmmmunlumulmw Public and press were sent home on a pretext May 4 and then a meeting of Whit- church Township Council continued. Councillor Merlyn Baker charged in council last week. Banks Drop Exchange Outâ€"Of-Town Cheques “It was not discreet to hold the meeting in that manner." said Councillor Baker. He made knmm his objection May 19 during council dis- cussion of meeting minutes. The major chartered banks made the announcement last Friday that the levy (a mini- mum of 15 cents) will no longer be charged for negotiating a cheque drawn on a .bank in another town or city as long as the cheque is in Canadian dol- lars and is cashed in Canada. Some banks excepted a few places in the far north. The removal of this charge will represent a saving of mil- lions of dollars to the public. Among these who greet the news with satisfaction are memâ€" bers of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce, who in February, through the local bank managers. made represen- tation to the bank head offices to have the charge eliminated. Business discussed after public and press left included repairs to the municipal building after the recent fire and suspected arson. assault charges against two Whit- church Police Constables. reâ€" signation of one policeman. and several other items. Mr. Baker also challenged the minutes of three meetâ€" ings. He. was supported by Councillor Gordon Ratcliff. But the minutes were ac- cepted on a three to two vote. Reeve Stewart Burnett, De- puty-reeve Norman Barnard. and Councillor Mrs. Betty van Nostrand formed the majority. Mr. Baker called for a recorded vote. Mr. Baker said there were 30 or 40 citizens attending the May 4 meeting. Repre- sentatives of the local press were also present. ule iviay '9 lllEULlug. they“, sentatives of the local press were also present. After a bylaw prohibiting the disposal of liquid indus- trial waste was presented. Llnuuld wvu‘ “A... . vvv‘ their adoption. "I believe all business of council should be open to the press and to the public. This is unless there is a “Chief Mason reported that Sergeant Hillock and Constable Cousineau have been charged with assault and requested council to pro- “Moved by Betty van Nos- trand. seconded by N. Bar- nard. be it resolved that this council support the action of Sgt. Hillock and Const. Cou- The water space on the lake was out almost in half by a resident who built a log boom across the lake in front of his home. Illllllllllll\l\lllllll“illllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllll\lllll\llllIlllllllll1ll“llllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllll“llllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllll“\llllll\ll\\l\\ll\lllllllllllll\lllllllllll“\llllllllllllllllllllll“llllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllllll“\llllllllllllllll'F‘ Baker, Ratcliff Challenge Secrecy In Whitchurch the press and other taxpayers went home when it was said the council was going to sit privately in committee to study roads department sal- aries. said Mr. Baker. By Reeve Burnett's own admission. the council never did discuss salaries that night because other things kept popping up. The council then met for 112 hours. Mr. Baker added. York County Branch Mental Health Association will have many canvassers knocking on doors in its appeal for funds to further the work of this branch during the week of June 1 to June 7. Please be generous when the canvasser calls on you. After the May 19 meeting Reeve Burnett said council actually had gone into com- mittee and that the motions included in the council meet- ing minutes were actually committee motions. Councillor Baker said there were other mistakes in the minutes. including a para- graph \\'hich referred to a committee meeting that never took place. "I had to take a stand in council that we need to fol- low meeting procedures more in accordance with our pro- cedural bylaw and the Muniâ€" cipal Act.“ Mr. Baker told "The Liberal". “I felt the minutes were incorrect, and voted against their adoption. 2nd ANNUAL MEETING Ontario Hospital, Aurora YONGE STREET N. AT .C.F.R.B. SIDEROAD Refreshments -â€" Open House May 30th King City Notes Wednesday, June 3rd - 1970 Board of Directors Blue Hills Academy INVITES YOU to THEIR at 8:15 p.m. special meeting of council or committee. and where there is a written motion approved by a majority of council that it be otherwise.“ said Coun- cillor Baker. ‘ In the King area leadership \will be given by Mrs. Mary Elderkin and her captains. Mrs. iJean Heaslip. Mrs. Dawn Bal- ‘lard. Mrs. Rene Bamford. Mrs. [Peggy Belknap, Mrs. Margo Rumney. Mrs. Peggy Schmidt and Mrs. Jackie Agnew. Councillor Ratch'ff said minutes from a May 8 meet- ing recorded two motions as carried. when in actual fact there was no vote taken on the motions. "It makes all the differ- ence in the world." said Mr. Baker. v Deputy‘reeve Barnard said. "It doesn't make a damn bit of difference." "He's all out of said Mr. Barnard. “What difference couple of mistakes said the reeve. “What is the sense of hav- ing minutes at. all. then?" asked Mr. Ratcliff. According to the minutes dated May 4. the business conducted after the press and public went home including the following: Chief Mason appeared be- fore council advising that Constable Ivan Bates had re- signed effective May 15. 1970. See resolution. “Chief Mason reported that Sergeant Hillock and Constable Cousineau have been charged with assault and requested council to pro- does a make?" order.†vide legal counsel on their behalf. See resolution. “Chief Mason reported that one. John Edward Bell. has been operating a salvage yard (used tiresl on the Markham Sand and Gravel property on the CFRB Sideâ€" road for at least two years. and is unlicensed. The chief was instructed to see that this operation is licensed. "Chief Mason advised of a large music festival which is to be held at Duffel-in and Steeles Avenue, which would involve up to 500.000 peo- ple. and that Vaughan Town- ship Council has approved of same. He further advised that the OPP might be con- tacting the municipality re traffic control. "M. Miller. Building Inspector. advised council with respect to the Carter sale to Congram. Mr. Miller was advised to seek legal ad- vice. "Moved by Betty van Nos- trand. seconded by Gordon Ratcliff, be it resolved that council accept the resigna- tion of Constable Ivan Bates. effective May 15, 1970. Car- tied. Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with The Weed Control Act, 1960, Sections 3, 13 and 19. that unless noxious weeds growing on their land with- in the Municipality of King are destroyed by June 15. 1970, and throughout the season, the munici- pality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes. as set out in the act. (Dande- lions and Goldenrod are not classed as noxious weeds.) The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Township of King Notice To Property Owners Dated at King Township May 25, 1970. CARMAN TILSON Weed Inspector Township of King sineau in their proposed acâ€" tion. as explained to council by Chief Mason this date. Carried. “Moved by Merlyn Baker, seconded by Gordon Ratcliff. that council hereby au- thorizes the reeve and clerk to make arrangements with the insurance adjusters. Morâ€" den and Helwig Ltd.. to en- gage through them approved personnel to clean up the of- fice building and complete the necessary repairs and painting. etc.. to put the building back in satisfactory condition. Carried." The May 4 meeting min- utes then continue with an item reporting passage of the anti-dumping bylaw. the only item of business done while press and public were pre- sent. In other business May 19 it was decided to authorize the return of a license fee paid for a regatta proposed in J1me on Preston Lake. Commodore Richard Hall of the Oakville Hydroplane Club. wrote to council. say- ing there. was not. enough water to have a regatta. The water space on the lake was out almost in half by a resident who built a log boom across the lake in front of his home. lll\\\\\\ll-}I