THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. May 1970 5 l"Il‘m"lmll‘lll'l“millâ€lIll“lllllmllllll‘ll‘lllll‘lillitilllllllllllllillilllll‘llliIlllllllllllllllli-tilllIillllul‘lllIIllllIIlllllll“llIllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllIllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllltllIlllllllllIlllIillllllllllllllIillllllllllllllllllllllniiiillii Blackâ€"White Study Course Planned For County Schools In September ilefferson Pupils Visit Jamaica For Learning, Fun Week I Grade 6 student; of .leffer- School ‘t‘here they partitipated Hone Gardens and Hope Zoo, ‘son Public School who particr Ln school work for half a day On Friday morning they ra] pated in the second school to and ate lunch with their pen led on the GO\'Prn0r_General at lschool exchange for the D33? DBL? hls resmence m ngsmn “he†Wyeek arrived back at. Toronto On Wednesday the group he addressed the youngster. [mematmna] Arman m the went to the ocean where a swim who then visited the Mayor of early hours of Sunday morning in the sea proved Quite an exâ€" Kingston. That afternoon the _ (mum‘n about: r3“? “Blah-(mg in tnday's $813.11.. In plan a currlmllum mlirlp' and that in after a most interesting. al- perience. then on to the Dunn community at August Toxin SW19â€. Ill‘mllI-‘lpd \m'h (mmll' Board Of Edilta‘ addlllml l0 ill? BIRCH-“INT? SilltllPS. the committee .though somewhat \iet, week in River Falls which were climbed cavea party at the school with tion to authorize two teachers to spend a week include social matters (if greater significance for ‘Jarï¬flcall d l d t 1 :jlirgiiglllgtl:m\l&\:l:11; Speapllinnstgpp- Ellalgcglni.â€Pft‘glglt‘sllgtgqr‘an: andd itigo this summer designing a curriculum guide for a Canadians. such as French-Enulish problems and e pane \tas cave iml m. r - ~ ~- i 13 311 P (mu-Sp on th 5‘ .,' r. ' * . Q' ' ‘ .' . . ~ '. e 1230 am and it was almost 130 seafront second on the Calgary Stam h l 4 } Pf “11 'led‘ to be Offered m count) 1119,.p0‘1mnne 0f mmmn“ moqu Indmn“ and when the parw mm,er from Tummy. Wodnmday and pm“ sc (tors int;1 ie a . hsklmos in (.anada. . ‘ . , -; r r < ‘ h- tol'- r ~ or e ast s v - - a " ' i - . V ~ the customs hall to be Elected TIWL‘IF‘F “"l“ “Talked l Ft‘llm‘mi’ 3 “l†““t‘l‘ “l 9“ p P PHI “:3†(“HIM-“‘5 1“ Bla‘k 'lhey proposed that the committee draw up \‘l'hite studies have been offered at various levels at Thornlea and Bayview Secondary Schools and have. created increasing interest in teachers and students in the county and in the. province. trus- tees were told. At a meeting on May 11. the board considered a letter from Bayview Principal Arthur Martin. Bayview History Department Head Donald Raw- by the waiting parents and‘rential rains of “Hurricane .-\l- mm» final farp\\o]1< “We mam, friends led by Mrs. Bonnie‘ma" which passed through the on Saturday. final swims taken Thompson. who (lPSE’I‘l es a spe- Caribbean on those days, some- on what prayed m be the warm icial vote of thanks for her en- what curtailing activities. The est, day of the. mur‘ and with ergy. enthusiasm and oi‘ganiza- Canadian students noted with packing completed mp group ‘tion which made the trip pos. envy that owing to the open- dran to the airport m embark O isible as well as the forthcomingsided construction of the on the return journey. ur {trip of Jamaican children to the schools, holidays were declared The party of 25 children was ‘Jefl'erson community in June. ,‘on all wet days. accompanied by Principal Don The tour began May 17 whenl A visit to the “straw market" 31d Hansen with George Eld guidelines for teaching techniques to be used. such as seminars. documentary studies, audio- visal materials, field trips and speakers: a list of books, including an annotated bibliography, documentary material and Black literature: audio« visual materials available. including films. film strips, records and tapes: and periodicals. .the flight, left a cloudy Torontoon Thursday was a memorable ridge, Mrs. .lean Scriver and “SS and Thoynlea Hlsmr." Hpad Donald Bosle “,Radal. prgblems are a real pmblem in Why settlefor less? This major Canadian Trust ,and arrived in glorious sunshine‘event. Here bargains and moâ€" All-g. Lorraine Phillips acting a. which was brought to the trustees‘ attention by “(la-l" 5 SOCIQt-‘V dedal‘ed MY- Bal'salmash "The Company,federallyincomoratcdand supervised with the mercury pushing the mentoes were bought after trad- chapei'ones. ‘Other members 0 Superintendent of Planning and Development course “I†Stress 315†pl‘ObIemS Closer to home.†- . . ’ nineties. On Monday the and hRgEZImE 0"?" DOC“ the community. lI‘HVPlllnR “'lth Q19 hen Bacqahnaqi “It ‘ 1] - l] t] - I . ‘ ' . pays the highestinterestonsavmgs. Yourbalance dents visited August Town and later the party toured the the party. although touring in ‘ p ' - r - , 1“ a 0'l°,leenl' m" “‘3 lust d‘ffm‘ grows/aster at Guaranty. domndpmly and “on holiday. _ The. board agreed With a staff recommend. ent. aspects to it, commented Markham Town- ,mâ€, Mrs. Mandy ppm; Mrs ation that the teachers form a committee of two ship Trustee John Honshersrer in moving that the Jean Powell and Mrs. A. Mc to work for seven full days at summer school board approve the proposal. IMNIIIDIIIIXIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNHIIIillIllIlIINIlIIIIlllllIlllIllIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIl|IIIIIIlmlIl|lIIlllllllllllIlitllllllflilll{IIIlllIllllllIIIIlIlIlIIlllllllllIII!llIlIIIllllllIIlllllllllllllrh Bride of King City. = _. 7 w h... d-llltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllIllIlllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllillllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIlIllllWIIIIIIlIIlllIllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIlIlIIIlIIIIIII' O O - (Advertisementl (Advertisement) GUARANTY? TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Capital and Reserve $33,000,000 Member of Canada Depart! Insurance Corporation wt Your legion Reports Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By George Wood __ 88mm, 1 Correspondent Leonard Lomas â€"- Phone 884-3000 M A L L N S Nekhbm‘hmd Notes Ition was Doug Workman of;appea1 last year is that Canon As vou read this column. four [as Hopson. Gord Mills. Johni Early readers are renunded Gamble Avenue. iBill Graham of Port. Harrison y N ' ‘4 YONGE ST’ s" RICHMOND HILL ,, of on} members are preparingpgden and Jack Sanders. Also of the community club meeting The mother and daughter has been able to order a new RICH 10‘ D HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1188 for 3 mp to Ottawa to represent present, “41] be mâ€- zOne Comwat Jefferson School tonight,banquet. for Guides and Brown- snowmobile from a Montreal RICHMOND HILL our branch atthe 23rd Dominion mander Frank Barrott. Higli-i‘WEâ€"‘dné‘Sday all 8 pm) When Alâ€" ies was held Monday eveningifirrn, paid in full in cash, three. Convention taking place Mayiligbts of the business transactedd‘é‘n Spraggett will speak on and full details will appear iniquartcrs of which was donated MYSTERY 0F MR- PLESS 3L through June 5. lat the convention will appear inl’Betler Lmne Through Dynam-‘this column next week. by this parish. Bennett‘s Textiles is doing a very brisk business The members representingithis column on the return of ‘9 Thinkmg - MT- Spfaggetl Church News | New,†Newmm director at “19594 dal's- , L95 OTISeafOOrI Corner 8: Morison of our branch are: President Doug_]mâ€. members. who is now a reSJdent. of thisl The sei-Vices at St. John’s: ‘ ‘ ' Bel‘nma se‘l'mg MaChInes SR." he mUSl he ï¬lVlnE the male?- * it s- 1! mmmunll-‘V l5 3 “'9†known all-‘Anglican Church on Sundaleat‘ltfge‘?k' the hr;an for 6".th Ial away. Mr. Solomon. Bond Clothes and Ed Leeds I u thor. TV and radio personalitywill be a celebration of Holy re al a 95 on onge The“ bports 5"an 53" he ‘5 “p l" “mailing- B‘â€â€˜â€-" Show TV The Case For The Suburban (present-mg the "mm in Gordon Communion at 8 am and they? North pl‘eaCht‘d 3* the morning Repairs and Atlas Photo Supplies sav they are going to Legion Hall". Thats the title of Sinclair.s spot on th; weekendvi‘m] he a famil'v WNW; with the service at St. Johns recently get. to the bottom of the mystery Kari of Karl":- Beauty :3 program that will appear onand is an authormr'nn mp 0;“ \mmger memBP-N of. the com and gave a most interesting and Salon and Len of Beneficial Finance know something. but iCable TV Charm“ 5' May 3}. cult and unexplained, having-grega‘tim partici‘paï¬nz at 10 moving account of the work in are not say-mg. The police say they need a material witness. Lat l†Pm- This 15 5‘ Illa†hm†been associated with the lateiam. Please note the early ser- WhICh he ls engagpd' idISCUSSWn Program mS’m"Bisbop James Pike in psychl-ivioe has been brought forward - bers of out Dram“ Palllc‘patmg' cal research. ‘one. hour from the usual 9 am ’- Our local TV stars are Douglasi Friends of the Kerswill fam- time. ‘HODSOYL Frank Barn)“ and JaCklily will be interested to hear On Saturday from 9.30 am to ,Sanders. that Janice and Garry Griersonfl pm a prayer conference of the i a: at a t of Toronto have a baby boy. deanery spiritual life. fellow- l Member; visitlng our ladies‘Grandparents are Royhnd Ruthlship will be held in preparation . and escort room can now see,‘Holmes of Falconbridge andtor the Bishop Bardsley Mission for the ï¬rst time in one loca.igreat-grandmother is Mrs. Rob-'in October. “on. the many trophies won byiert. Holmes of Langstaff. I At 7.30 pm the final monthly‘ . our branch during the past yearl Several grade 8 students who meeting for the summer will. be ATOY UTLET TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON QUALITY IMPORTED MEN'S & WOMEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES MEN'S SHOES & (from Italy) (from England) & (from Sweden) t0 Regularly $24.95 to $28.95 Regularly $19.95 to $40.00 OUR TWO COMPLETE RACKS PRICE $12.95 TO “6.95 MEN’S SHOES SANDALS Reg. $6.95 to 514.95 $I0.95 Two Pair for “9.95 _Our Price $4.95 to $12.95 Complete Size Ranges DISCOVER THESE VALUES AT “The Shoe Shelf†IMPORTED SHOES AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS A & P RedB-I‘Vl’téhite 103 YONGE ST. NORTH - RICHMOND HILL 95 COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED . AUTOMATIC DELIVERY OF THE FINEST HEATING OIL 0 Free Annual Furnace Conditioning 0 24-Hr. Emergency Service - 7 Days a Week 0 Gulf Parts Replacement Plan \ «m. c xx. . i-n various tournaments. Our attend Crosby Heights Seniorlheld at St. Matthew's Isljngton,i lthanks fm, thiq goes to Fred‘Public School partimpated ini3962 Bloor Street East. Trans-‘ " ‘ the. walkathon from the schoollportation will leave the church Ito Toronto City Hall. The first1at 6.45 pm. i walker to arrive at the destinaâ€"I The result. of the skidoo fund ask. . s “\u as ‘Catlin for building the new dis- play shelves in the said room. l rt! it s it Woodbridge Branch 414 Is this year's host, for our annual district. drumbead service Which 9 9 ; $133 ';::.,,§;1;;;e:",f:;:;’ 33;}; M ark/lam fauna] BIIEfS . Band in attendance. Fall-in will| 7 1‘ be at the woodbridge Legion At a meeting on May 19,tfore overall rates can be set.‘ ‘ Hall at 2 pm and all members Markham Township CounClI‘COLll'lCll agreed to deal with the; are requested to attend this agref’d #0 the appolntment of rates in committee this week. senjca Bring your picnic bastDaVld Tinker of Victoria Square kets as family picnic groundsto the parks and recreation de- ‘ are. available next to the Legionlpaflment .m replace Z0“ Bert? Ham also of Victoria Square. who 15 Our branch will play host to m°"lng t0 RiChm‘md Hill- ' , . hi At an earlier meeting of ' E3351zoéiegoglgg:rgimeï¬fn:h?“‘counml. Counctllor Eldred King Members ‘in'shing to represent1mm“d “that “'9 accept Mr' Ber' . . ‘ ’ ' a’ w' r t, H our branch in this tournament ta 5 "351“ “on 1th reg P e _ Ewas a hard working member of are-requested to'contact Sports the committee_ He made a real » Officer Gord Mills as soon as . contribution." “ possible. “' While on the subject of sports, * i * * Your Area Sales Representative ELGIN R. EVANS . Gulf Home Comfort Limited 362-2881 ' ' we are advised that a bridge , ‘ _ club is being formed and all in-i Markham TO‘mShll" “111 hire terested members are requested three Students this summer tOIRIChmond centre Open 6 p.m. “’5' ThurSday and 9 DJ“. . to be in the ladies and escort work as vacation relief in the‘ roads department at a wage of $1.85 per hour. Council also agreed to the : room at 8 pm Tuesday evening. COTTON OR NYLON . , . . I’m-W me sum hiring of a relief typist for duty COTTON Erizgnmmsmpme, throughout the township office ' s I during summer vacation period. "HE GOWNS 3 n it t it. Of . s-M-i. 3-6X JR. aors’ srnsrcu NYLON SWIM TRUNKS Reg Kresge Price l 00 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 87‘ 7-12 BOYS' SIX GUN DRILL DRESS SHORTS Markham Township Council KresgaAnniversaryPrics last week received a number of letters from residents of Union- ville protesting plans for road widening in the area. Clerk Harry Crisp explained that people are afraid the wid- ening of Kennedy Road will a-ia JR. GIRLS' COTTON PRINT mean demolition of some older FLARE kresgeAnntversarv'Prico buildings and that a citizens' PANTS I committee has been set up to Regkresge Price 0 PT. attempt to preserve the. Village. 4.54 Pr. “8 BOYS, Deputy-reeve Anthony Roman ANNIVERSARY SPEC,“ COTTON SHEEN said the Department of High- "loussgs ways is working on the \viden- KrgsaeAm,ve,.a,..P,m ing of Highway 7 at Kennedy .' t s ' E E ' Road. and Kennedy Road. which ‘ _ i I I. I a .1 5 E . Pr. goes iroug ' e j Unionville. will have to be wid- ened for a distance of about 400 PKG. or 4 ATTAN con: _ PAPER. feet to allow space for right ff ZPLATE HOLDER and left turn vehicles. South of Kresa- Anniuarsary Price 27' x 27' PRINTED NYLON OPAL HEADSQUARES Reg. Kresge Price 192‘ Highway 7. Kennedy Road is,- being widened to four lanes. “A group of citizens are anx- ious to preserve the character of Kennedy Road." declared Mr.. Roman. “They do not want it to suï¬er the same fate as some villages and towns have with roads going through.“ Council agreed to refer the question to committee for fur-‘ PKG. 101' PAPER PLATES Nessa. Anniversary Fries 99‘s... BAG OF 60 WOODEN SPRING Re: 'ri'esga PM! 3 -‘i/ ANNIVERSARY SPTCIAL .99 15 oz. rm 1-“ i. ' io 02. rm lADIES 2 PIECE LUGGAGE SET ther StUd‘V' KresgerriiversaryPrice 18"Vamt/ I . it t . plusJQ‘iunchJlman. I .9 ' Water rates are gomg down, Blue worsen. 7 7 in Markham TOWDSI'UP. The ’ )_ ' 23 oz. TIN ' 'eek a roved a‘ ’ ~ co'uncu ‘lTaStl'l Nvill ship consum- K ""m SPRAY sun“ K m", “DY “WK†‘LOTHESP'INS b) 13‘†‘t‘ lgcooo gallon; of waten Rei- “3595 PH“ 57â€" Tin MIXED NUTS HAIR SPRAY Reg. Mesie Price 35: Bag ers up 0 - > , i ~ "955* “58‘ ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL for 56. The present rate is ‘NNIVERbARY SPECIAL apprise†Amalia“, 2 83‘ 12 OZ. PISA GOLD COLORED TIIMBLERS ‘_ j. 67¢ BLISTER PACK "MA'i'CHBox 'rovs Kresge Ann “(gfsaly Price 3 "ii 1.00 Metal grain model car: aoo-it3' tor?! BOP BAG WITH COLORFUL EIGURE 50' High-24' wide" . K'esge S'tniv"=,af'l Price age‘ . VSIZ‘EAVEA’NSISTDR , I r I "It is only fair that sewage . ' bail-Egan‘st “Want I _ ¢ charges be based on the actual A; .a 942:1: 43%!“ ~ ’ €Req.U.S.Pd.°"- Anne-W’- a f eratin the two sew- NC" 0’ 14 WP ‘1'““M†BATTERY t '- ' Each co-t o- op g 57 m 7.500 gallons for $7.50. This‘ - ¢ represents a reduction‘ of ap- ' 1. ms_ proximately 25 percent in water‘ ’ -- z bills. _ Council is also contemplating a reduction in sewer rates. but ithe rates are still being worked out. ‘ l'nder the present system. lsewage charges are based on water consumption but Deputyâ€" .‘reeve Anthony Roman pointed our 3 good deal of water is Canal: _ 11â€?†We“? ‘h" “7"â€? W SUNIONCARBIDEEVEREADY BATTERIES iwaterlng lawns. \iashln: cars. w. uh, iEIC-. and does not revert to 56W- one or 4 Ln" sigt runststoa bard re; . “:5, 7, Buy one at the regular price â€" get the sec0nd one for a penny Friday & Saturday May 29 8. 30 was†Anniversary Prim :.- . 1r;- : . » . . A , , â€" 4 Eat, drink ond be merry! GteeaAm.D.Q-Ccrn. «aggnhoslgeet: _ r g . V ‘ r . . V > r. I r charges on the next 183 YONGE STREET NORTH . t a ‘establ.shed. said but industrial and commercial Across The Road From Centre Plaza intestatetobettoriedoobe.