Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy -â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course. dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€" how about yours? FROSTED FRUIT COMPOTE 1 (4 oz.) package white cream cheese ' 1 15 cup mayonnaise 2 bananas 1,2 lb. marshmallows 1 cup frozen raspberries 1 cup pineapple tidbits 1'2 pint heavy cream 3 tblsp. sugar Cream cheese until softened, blend in mayonnaise, beat until: smooth. Cut bananas into small pieces. marshmallows into eighths. Combine with other‘ fruits. Add to cheese mixture. Whip cream until fairly stiff, add sugar; gently fold in cheese- fruit mixture. Freeze in refrig- erator trays. Thaw slightly be- fore sewing. Liberal Lil. lflllliililmlllllllflll“IllM11111lm\mliililllliillllllliillililiiiiliilllll At this time of year everyone starts looking for- ward to their annual holi- days â€" what are you planâ€" ning to do? Ian Rankin received his Bach- elor of Science Degree in Phar- macy from the University of Toronto at graduation exercises held last. Friday at Convocation Hall. Ian who graduated from Langstaff Secondary School in 1966 as an Ontario Scholar. is t‘he son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rankin. 90 May Avenue. Guest preacher will be Steph- en Newroth, director of Day- break and a member of the parish. On Sunday next. the Royal Conservatory of Music of Tor- onto Alumni Association, Mark- ham Township Chapter, is en- tertaining at a tea at the home of Mrs. F. McLeary, RR 4, The York Presbyterial Spring Rally was held Monday at York Pines United Church, Kettleby. Guest speaker was Mrs. Emily Marquis, pastâ€"president of Tor- ronto conference of the UCW. Holy Communion will be held at 8 and 10.30 am on Sunday next at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. mmummulmuuluuuuuulmummmmuumuuuuuumumuuu Serves 10. 'News of your activities makes interesting reading for “Life in the Hill" col. umns â€"â€" the service is free -â€" just phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we’ll be pleased to hear from you. What’s Cooking? ONLY Regulars - Slims - Flares For Men & Young Men Use your CHARGEX Card Others regulaer to $19.95 “Clothier to Gentlemen“ Bond Clothes In The Mall Richmond Heights Centre MEYER SOLOMON 10% OFF $9.98 $31123; The families of the boys of the 4th are invited to a tour and barbecue at Shur-Gain Farms, Maple. on June 18 from 6 - 9 pm. Plan to attend and enjoy an evening of fun. Mrs. Redelmeier has just completed her two year term as president of the auxiliary and at the annual meeting and luncheon held in the ‘Nurses’ luncheon held in the ‘Nurses’ Residence many gracious trib- utes were paid to Mrs. Redel- meier’s work. which resulted in a particularly marked progress of the auxiliary during her ten- ure of office. Members then proceeded to the home of President Gayle Brilllnger at 39 Bedford Park where Shirley Fifield grac- iously presented the well deserved past president’s pin to Helen Birrell. Helen has been a staunch supporter of Scouting for many. years and held many positions on the executive. New Scout mothers. Ellen Redding and Barbara Hender- son, were warmly welcomed. The annual marathon bridge “thank you evening†was held May 27 with a full turnout of members. Carol McDonald was winner for the year with a score of 4.700 for 80. High single award went to Val Haworth, with a score of 6.490. ‘ Anyone interested in support- ing Scouting and enjoying a inight out twice montly? If so, please call Mrs. Fifield at 884- 2993 and register (50 cents a night) for the new season com- mencing mid-September to mid- Family Recreation Swim at the Richmond Hill Centennial Pool? Swimming in the pool and sunning on the deck sounds fun â€"â€" and you may take your friends! It is being held Mon- day to Friday. June 15 to 26, from 10.30 to 11.30 am and 1.30 to 2.30 pm. Tickets of 10 are $3.50 for members, $4.50 non- members or 50 cents daily. These may be obtained at the "Y" 25 Yonge Street North. There‘s one for the children too â€" a pre-school swim â€" for boys and girls from 3 to 6 years. .This is being held from Monday to Friday. June 15 to 26 in 10 half hour lessons. given by lqualified instructors. Class 1. 10.30 to 11 am. class 2. 11 am to 11.30 am. class 3. 1.30 to 2 5pm. class 4. 2 to 2.30 pm. For children of "Y" members the fee is $7 for one child. and $13 for two children. Non-mem- bers $9 one child, $17 two children. The annual picnic for the Women's Auxiliary of the H05- pital for Sick Children was held Wednesday at the country home of Mrs. Francis Redelmeier on the Maple Sideroad. The wind-up meeting of the 4th Richmond Hill Scout Lad- ies' Auxiliary held May 20 start- ed with dinner at the Fontaine- bleau Restaurant in Willowdale. Miss Eden Anderson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ber- esford Anderson, Centre Street West, is spending the summer months working in London, England. In the fall she'll be returning to Trinity College, University of Toronto. where she is taking the honor course in English language and literature. Members will meet again June 9 for their closing dinner followed by cards. Cars will be meeting at 6.30 pm at the gen- eral post office. Anyone interested in support- ing Scouting and enjoying a night out twice montly'.’ If so, please call Mrs. Fifield at 884- 2993 and register (50 cents a night) for the new season com- mencing mid-September to mid- May. Stoukfville‘ The May meeting of the East Central Branch of the YWCA, held at the home of Mrs. John Heard in Gormley. took the form of a geni party. On Sunday members of the horticultural society will have a preview of the display. considered to be one of the finest in York County. Visitors will be welcome any afternoon from 3 pm onwards to view the Iris. which this year are more beautiful and colorful than ever. To qualify for the draw all Mrs. Paxton had to do was cash her cheque in a member store. If you follow her example this month you could be the lucky winner for June. If you're a keen garden- er. or just love flowers, don't miss the opportunity of seeing the magnificent Iris display next week at the home of well known Horticulturist Bob Little at 54 Arnold Street. Mrs. Marjorie Paxton. 125 Wright Street, Richmond Hill. was the lucky winner of $84 in the April “Triple Your Bab}r Bonus" draw sponsored by the Richmond Heights Merchants Association. -Mrs. Paxton is seen at the right of the above picture as she received the cheque from S. S. Kresge Manager Jack Brown. A Trip/e Winner Bert Cook was re-elected as president of the bowling club for next season. The evening concluded with a program by the Bolton Com- munity Choir. which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Jim Tinkler won the trophy donated for the most improved bowler and in the absence of A. Plewman, the presentation was made by Bert Pattenden. The Senior Citizens Club’s annual bowling banquet was held in the Richmond Hill Unit- ed Church, with 125 in attend- ance. Winner of the trophy was Jack Sheahan‘s team with Em- ma Masters’ team as runner-up. During their stay in England they saw many friends and rela- tives, including Mrs. Jones‘ mother. Mrs. J. Miles. brother in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Don Richards and nieces, Hil- ary and Lindsay in Coventry. They stayed with the Richards family, whom they are hoping will make a reciprocal visit to Canada next year. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Jones spent the weekend in Galt, giving all the news of their travels to their daughter and son-in-law. Carol and John Asher, who plan to go to Eng- land-in August. The two trophies for high triple, donated by Allencourt Lanes in memory of Victor Rod- gers, were won by Jack Sheahan 738 and Kay Seymour and Bea Cook, who tied with 671. The club's executive wish all members a very pleasant sum- mer and look forward to seeing them again in the fall. For fun and recreation why not register for the YWCA Family Recreation Swim at the Richmond Hill Centennial Pool? Returning last week from a three-week trip to England, Portugal and Paris were Mr. and Mrs. Len Jones of Knoll- side Drive. YWCA The Thursday Afternoon Unit of the UCW will meet June 4 at the home of Mrs. Allan Bales on Mill Street. Cars will leave the church at 12.45 pm. Please bring a box lunch and a cup. Richmond Hill United Church begins its summer schedule on Sunday next and will meet at 10 am. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be administer- ed. A special offering will be re- ceived proceeds of which will go to the benevolent fund of the congregation. Free babysitting provided while mothers cavort in the pool â€" what a lovely thought for the warm days ahead! Further information on this and other swim courses may be obtained by calling 884-4811. A larger number of entries was recorded this year than at any recent fair and the competitors in the culinary art displayed their skills in making everything from bread and rolls to lemon meringue and latticed top raspberry pie. lillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll Miss Janet Hall of 118 Weld- rick Road attended the 15th annual exhibition of Canadian Handweaving held May 26 by the Toronto Spinners and Weavers in the auditorium foy- er of £33th College Street I £%§% The annual rummage sale at the YWCA Resale Shop is be- ing held June 10 from 10 am to 2 pm at the ‘Y’. 25 Yonge Street North. Miss Hall, a member of the Ontario and the Toronto Spin- ners and Weavers, received an honorable mention for her entry in the weaving section â€" a grey coat and hat she had made from material woven on her loom. The exhibition, which attracts entries from all across Canada, was ofï¬cially opened by Lt. Col. F. F. McEachren, vice-chairman of the Province of Ontario Council for the Arts. It will continue until this Saturday, June 6 They visited Hertfordshire. Surrey, the Cotswolds. Cam- bridge and concluded their holi- day with a glorious week in swinging London. Mr. Cornwall is vice-pgesi- dent, and his wife company secretary. of Airflow Develop- ments (Canada) Ltd.. on New- kirk Road. The final meeting of the sea- son for the 151; Richmond Hill Brownie Pack under the direc- tion of Brown Owl Mrs. Vincent Gallant will be held June 13 and take the form of a fun day and garden party. Many bargains will be avail- able â€"â€" first come, first served. Inumuuuumumumu\mummnmmmuunummlunmmmmu Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cornwall and children Philip and Gillian of Laverock Avenue returned last Monday from a three-week trip to England. YWCA Local Gourmets Get Just Desserts Mrs. May Park, 260 Wel- drick Road, was a big Win- ner in the domestic science classes at the 121st annual Spring Fair held May 22 and 23. She won seven firsts, a second and two third prizes. Mrs. Liz Mad- aleno, 124 May Avenue, amassed three firsts, five seconds and three thirds and her daughter. Connie, won a first and a second. Mrs. Pauline Zinck, 97 Beaverton Road, won three firsts. a second and a third and Mrs. Pat Norman of 2328 Keele Street was awarded two firsts and four seconds. M r 5. Eleanor Veitch of 234 Weldrick Road earned two firsts and a second and Mary Mortson of RR 2, Gormley had two firsts. Mrs. Judith Findlay, 159 Mill Street, came up with a first and a third, Mrs. A. MacDonald of 96 Roseview gained a first, a second and a third, Mrs. Kay Smith of 33A Elgin Mills Road won a first and a second, Mrs. Beatrice Thompson of 99 Elgin Mills Road got a sec- ond and Mrs. Barry Mc- Kinnon of 92 Roseview re- ceived a third prize. N0 fines will be levied at the Richmond Hill Pubs lic Library from ‘Tuesday, June 9th to Saturday, June 13th, 1970. O PASSPORTS O PORTRAITS O WEDDINGS 0 COMMERCIAL For Prompt Service Tel. 884-6741 Closed Mondays 30A Yonge South Richmond Hill ‘ ‘F OR GI VENESS WEEK ’ ’ Please Return All Overdue Material! The Allenbrae Branch of the! The installation of ofï¬cers of YCHA held a Fashion Frocks'XI Beta Rho. Beta Sigma Phi. Party at its meeting on May 11.1was held May 19 at the home of with members acting as models.iDoreen Greer. It was an enjoyable evening.{ Amid candlelight and roses resulting in a contribution 'to the new executive was instal- group fpndg- I ‘_ _ led by outgoing President Diane Attention bridge enthusiasm Anyone interested in joining the marathon bridge sponsored by the 4th Richmond Hill Lad- ies‘ Auxiliary for the coming season is asked to contact Mrs. Shirley Fifield at 884-2993. The schedulewuns from late September until the middle of May. Play twice monthly â€" dues 50 cents per game. Pro- ceeds for Scout and Cub work. Partners please. l * * R. H. Senior Citizens Senior Citizens’ Week will be lheld from June 21 to 27, start- ‘ing with a service at 11 am in Richmond Hill Baptist Church on Wright Street. Monday and Thursday there will be picnics to Terra Cotta * Alice Smith and Treasurer Shir- ley Linch. it ‘k Plan to attend the second annual auction sale of house- hold and miscellaneous articles being held on Saturday next at St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church, starting at 1 pm sharp. This popular event is being sponsored by the 3rd Richmond Hill Scout Group and all pro- ceeds will be used for the * group‘s summer camps. Articl- es for the sale would be very much appreciated and may be left at the church Friday night between 7 and 9 pm or Satur- day morning between 9 am and noon. Pickups can be arranged by calling Don Snider at 884- 5200. The idea of the exchange visits was initiated by the two choir leaders and organists, Miss Joan Weir of the Presby- terian Church and Miss Victor- ia Sears of the Baptist Church who both graduated this year with their Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of Toronto. The exchange visits have been most successful and they hope to repeat them dur- ing the year. Taking the choir‘s place dur- ing their absence on Sunday was the Headford Choir under ‘the leadership of Mrs. Stewart Rumble. Prior to the closing dinner at the Aloha Restaurant on May 26 the 5th Richmond Hill Scout Ladies’ Auxiliary install- ed the following executive for the coming year â€" Past Presi- dent Joan Robertson, President Marilyn Schiller, Vice-President Joyce Wells, Secretary Joanne Taylor and Treasurer \Pearl Wilson. For the final meeting of the season. members plan to dine out June 8 at the Summit View Gardens Restaurant. Convenors ‘a re Telephone Babe Dance. Publicity Sharon Fewstcr, Uniforms Arlene Chat- field, Program Helen Hadwen, Membership Gwen Bell, Sewing Midge Wooldridge. Sunshine Sarah Bruels-, Social Joan Rob- ertson, Fran Marshall and H05- pitality Doreen Street. Officers of the group com- mittee are Chairman Ted Sale. Secretary Jack Bradstock, Treasurer Cam Smith, Badges Murray Marshall, C a n1 pi n g John Wells, Ways and Means Gary Chatfield, Transportation Dave Barber, Organization and Expansion John Wells, Venturer Leader and Scoutmaster Bert Hunt. Mang Cub Pack Pearl Wilson and Lobo Cub Pack Tony Thompson. The annual bazaar is set for 'November 7, with Mrs. J. Dews- bury as convenor. 11 am service on Sunday at the First Baptist Church. Orillia, following the Oi'illia choir’s visit to the local church on May 10. Officiating at the service was Rev. Raymond Le Drew. Senior Citizens’ Week will be held from June 21 to 27. start- ing with a service at 11 am in Richmond Hill Baptist Church on Wright Street. Monday and Thursday there will be picnics to Terra Cotta and Toronto Island. Tuesday, members will meet at ABC Bowling Lanes and Wednesday and Saturday will be social days at the day centre. Future plans include a trip to the ONE and arrangements for bus transportation are being made for members. For furth- er information please contact S. McPherson. ' Sixteen members of the sen- ior choir of Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church sang at the The annual picnic will be held July 13 when the club will visit Niagara. QUALITY CLEANING AT Discount Prices PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS . â€"â€"â€" 'GLASSES [:1 ,. I t‘ 'CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION†Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. 8: Fri. 9 am - 9 pm Alterations and Repairs In The Mall Quinn 5. Discount Cleaners RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884-1955 iephone There were also several piec- Sharon es by contemporary composers e Chat- and an interesting number was [adwem a medley of songs by the Beat- Sewing'les. arranged and played by mshine Laurie Hawkins. Amid candlelight and roses the new executive was instal- led by outgoing President Diane Matheson and includes Presi- dent Glenna Taylor. lst Vice- President Doreen Greer. Re- cording Secretary Doris Clu- siau. CorreSponding Secretary Alice Smith and Treasurer Shir- ley Linch. After the recital. a most en- joyable social hour was held. with coffee. soft drinks and cookies made by some of the pupils, while pictures were be- ing taken of the group. The comfortable and informal at- mosphere of the library added greatly to the success of this event. Relatives and friends of the pupils of Estelle Markham AR- CT, RMT, filled the auditorium 0f the Richmond Hill Public Library on Sunday for the an- nual piano recital. There were students repre- senting each grade of the Royal Conservatory from beginners up to grade 10 and everyone gave an excellent performance. Variety was added to the pro- gram by various duets and tak- ing part in these were Christine and Jamie Brown, Michelle and Chris Gaffney, Paula Cotta and David McCartney and Lisha Van Leeuwen and Christine Burnett. Some of the students will be continuing lessons during the summer and anyone interested in rtaking a summer course should call 884-3787 while 0p- enings are still available. The York County Branch, Mental Health Association. will have many canvassers knocking on doors in its ap- peal for funds to further the work of this branch during the week of June 1 to June 7. Division leader for the east side of Yonge Street will be Mrs. Pat Fraser and her captains are Mrs. J. H. Bryan, Mrs. Bunny Stone- man, Mrs. Moira Daubert, Mrs. D. PoweH, Mrs. J. Taylor and Mrs. R. J. Street. Executive Secretary-Trea- surer Faye O’Callaghan asks for the wholehearted support of the community this week as the need is ur- gent and the canvasser’s time limited. Will you please be gener- ous when she calls? 0n the west side of Yonge Street. division lead- er is Mrs. John Dobrzensky and her captains, Mrs. R. Standfield. Mrs. H. Ten- nant, Mrs. J. Cornwall, Mrs. J. D. McCartney. Mrs. F. S. Harwood, Mrs. Craig Bow- den, Mrs. Ursula Young, Miss Margaret Dobnensky and Mrs. Mary Lou Ren- nenkampff. 884-6171 numum“llllmunmumummummuumnmu\\u\u\\\\u\\\\\\u\u munuuummtuuumumuuuumtmunlmuuuuuuummuumm Carolyn lismore Best Dancer Peel Festival VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL , BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN Choose from nearly sixty courses . . . something for everyone educate Summer‘ recreate activate For more information call Seneca Coilege 491-5050 9 cm. to 9 pm. 1750 Finch Ave. East Carolyn Lismore, just turned 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Lismore, 462 Balkan Road, Richmond Hill, is pictured with the trophy she won as the best all-round dancer at the 1970 Peel Festival. Carolyn also won a scholarship and Cathy Boynton of Richmond Hill was awarded the junior scholarship. Both are students of the Dennis Moore School of Dancing. A total of 189 awards and medals were won by students of this school. Students from the Dennis Moore School of Dancing also have competed in the Kiwanis Festival at Orillia and won every section in which they were entered. Palil Gordon and Dennis Beaulieu each won a scholarship for their tap and jazz routines. 884-4101 THE LIBERAL, Richmond H11, Ontarin, Thursflay, June I, 1970 ‘ot Senem ' Town and Country Nursing Homei fl I 3812 Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill K“W““““‘A““‘ Stereo Tape Headquarters (FOR YORK COUNTY) * 8 Track Stereo Cartridges * Stereo Cassettes * Auto and Home Players * AM-FM-SW Units * Accessories We are equipped to install speakers inside all four doors of your car for top sound LEGION COURT Monday, June 8, 1970 at 11:00 am. Any veteran or dependant who may require advice or assistance with regard to Veterans Affairs and wishing to arrange an interview with this Officer should telephone 884-0086. No payment is required for this Legion Service ALL VETERANS PLEASE NOTE “At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We Will Remember Them†Friday, June 12 ‘ 1 to 4 pm. SALE OF WORK The Royal Canadian Legion 57 NEWKIRK RD. RICHMOND HILL 773-4022 884-6474 The Command Service Bureau Officer BRANCH 375 RICHMOND HILL will be present at at the and (Photo by Stuart’s Studio)