1.970 16 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. June 4. Maple, Kleinburg Conr ' Kleinburg Klarion Maple United Church ls Setting Neighborhood For Caroian-Palmer Marriage representative at Guelph 1n Ap- son of ril. Little Allan Wilkie. News Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilkie. For those who would like White nd ll {(11 l, . . . Rushworth Cresce t . - t h a good. old-fashioned _ a A“? 0“ g a 01 and‘ Attendants w athe ‘. “The Liberal’ is always willlnz to DubliSh “"118 "333!“de People ï¬nd "OMS cnnil‘lbuied by “8 readers in Mable. Concord. Edzeley and Kleinburg. almg al home nBézailfisceUpliils bgndeacroncml ï¬lmllal. to those carnations and candelabra with Moriarty as maldeO: hoCdOi'; Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg. Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432. “hit? and .‘l'eilow tapers formed Garry Palmer. the bride‘s sister- the setting in Maple L'nited‘in~law. as bridesmaid; Candace Chum“ In" Apr†24 “Gliding Oi‘Weese. the bride's cousm. as E‘PI-"n Rene Palmer ‘0 P8111 Edajunior bridesmaid: Wallace Dilâ€" ‘ward Carolan. Rev. Norman worth as [hp best man; and Rug- Booger-E W‘H‘Wmf’d ih? mm‘l‘iafle sel Dilworth and Bruce Palmer ceremony and the groom's bio as ushers. ther. John Carolan. play the The bride‘s attendants wore organ. long«sleevcd gowns of butterciip held in days gone by and see many demonstrations sponsored by York Pioneer Historical So- ciety. take the family. a picnic basket and join the crowd at Sharon Temple. cast of Holland Landing June 7. There will be a bus trip again this year in July and all women of this area classmates at school have misâ€" sed seeing him. they visited at his home last week with their grade 1 teacher. Mrs, J. Ware. Senior Residence Planned For Maple Senior Citizens drift?» Ving on a field trip June 15 to ‘Huron lndian \"illagc. Midland ‘and the Wasaga Beach Zoo to Maple United Church cele- they might well live out tal funds on hand. annuities. area. and doors of wood ances. Rents will be geel'ed . , Tl h.“ I brates its 100th anniversary their lives in loneliness. for mortgage bonds and outright would he hung in steel fram. in mgr culminate their years studies are “01mm!†in 00f"? along. ‘ lf‘ ‘11 t’- H graduate of St. _\'(:110\\'\\-lth while lam, “.1â€, and this year. and in recognition many are no longer able to gifts and bequests from the as, Interior partitions would Hmwvgrl 5mm “16â€. may on Indians and on anllllaiSl'\l§l- Chocolate cake. ice cream and Michaels School of NUTSlnglcan-lod “mega†m. daisies and 0f the OCCKSIOU- the Congre‘ ("we and are dependent on Community. he of steel and plaster. and be some who are not in a m†mil-V dill‘nd Dial-flay l‘i‘i» “’3 “'("N’ SPl'Wd hl’ Mrs. Jack “lilo is on the staff of North- greentinled carnations. gation is planning to build a friends and relatives for t a c a mere “.nuld he ll)... exhs mslllrm ln my the full lenh day afternoon, June 12 at the Thomson and .\lrs. St. Clairiwestern Hospital. is the flailSZi‘l' Following a reception for the residence for senior citizens transportation. Living in 3 There was a momentry set- from every suite. all ll“. mmmlllpp is hoping seilnnl. Tennant to the delight of every. tel of Ni. and .Irs. Lloyd Pal. 7Q guesls m the church hall. Kleinburg . Nashville in one. The 70th anniversary eel-lmer of 26 Church Street. Maple Mr. and Mm paul Carola“ left on property belonging to the new and strange community back in planning when it. was that the community will see Each suite would have its church. could for them become it discovered that the cheapest. . _ - emu-01, fit to contribute to a fund ’ Rwhvlew WI 1‘05th a dell†ehmimn on June 4 ‘5 the lamand ‘h?,g“‘?°m- a graduate.“fl°n a “’edding ml) to Washing- Members of Vaughan form of isolation. land available in the area llltélelggillsiligcmuldt be which could he used to assist )ous luncheon May 7 for mgm-Iofï¬mgl . gel-tolgelillierf 1flor the the Universnybof Toronto \‘i‘lolton. DC. the bride wearing a Township Council and Plan- The meeting was told that would cost $50,000 for less E.qulpped with all {ll-ed hot those who need some sort. of 1"?†Pf “’15 at. the \ork-i’t est merli eis hunti rule a, . when is employed 3' Clarhson alld pink linen dress and cape with ning Board. Trustees for the in January 1969. at the an- than one acre. {later from baseboard radla- subsidy. lDistricl Annual Rally. serl-ed h:th mllan‘iq ei's wi be welcomed. Gordon Co.. Toronto, is the son black accessories and corsage Police Village of Maple. rep. nual meeting of the congre- The committee. however. lorsl At the moment lhe com- lbl’ Vi 00dbi‘1dge PreSbl'ierlan b‘ 6““ U .l d ' 0f M'S' ‘1' 033mm “(Lt e layteiOf TOSejCOIOFed sweetheart roses- resentatives from York gation. a committee was set remained undaunted. and it. There “.lll he a common mlllee ls walling lo]. a heap Vt omen. Ten women from the l em ($1125 in e recenin :Mh. Camié‘n 0f 31 BOUlEld A‘e' On their return they have taken County Council and all in- up to siUdy the feasibility of was found that it would he gllllng 1.00m “.hh open fire- ing before the Vaughan 10â€} branch attended. we come l . he“ membeistmtsllslington.l up reSidcrce at 2050 Keele teresled pérsons ln the com_ providlng suitable accommo- pmslhha l0 erect a Sullahlp ‘ Township planning Board. Fifteen members were pres- congiegation ,\ tiansfci. They Given in mairiage by herlStmel. Toronto. place. and a large hobby room as well as large storage lockers for each suite. are Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Grant.‘father. the bride entered the Mr. and Mrs. David Corbett._church to the strains of the Mr. and Mrs. lan Mitchell. Mrshwedding processional from "The ent May 19 as the new Presi- dent Miss .‘lerle Hamny preâ€" jsidcd over the meeting held in church owned Jackson Street dation for senior citizens in Maple. Months of work and study building on property on adjacent to the church. munlty were invited to a meeting at the church on May 20 to view architectural hoping that it will agree to a re7oning of the property for this particular project. KINGSDALE ANIMAL ‘ ' ' Rnoms in the “minimum - - ‘th lov lv new 11 f M ~< Bessie Biii‘roughes Mr and‘Sound of M sic " Sh wore an drawmgs and to hear plans by members of the commitâ€" The location wnuld he . ' _ Tl“. church. lnn. ls hr,me ‘ e e. ome o v l.. l T .. l. l. I u: . _ for the residence. which tee and. congregation have ideal. meeting the sociologiâ€" 53:25:"2‘21:{geigpdezï¬rn‘fuig lhal ahpmml “.lll mth in lgarnet . MacDonald, 'vl hrlle AlnlgzeLOIlgfrglllegilgl‘le.‘:ll‘i Ian‘rfiloOi-length dress (sf white. hieaui HOSPITAL would consist of eight self- resulted in selection of a Site. ca] needs of the l‘IGSldPniS. as the ‘91“le mav wish m llmp for ll". mnmmgnllnn l" l. chool lâ€"louse Sideroad \‘(lllgl‘h \eran. whplglnnp M“ H izlhisll le soie. fashions “11h. lentil DR. CARL HEDER contained suites. lounge and and commissioning of an it would be Within walking l. I.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . go ahead with its Centennial 3'1 ML“, Hambllf and “'3‘ '. ' ‘ ‘ . “ M I 9' ‘seeves and a Liam and “med 833.5401 laundry facilities architectural designer Col- distance of the centre of “mg “"1 them‘ l'md 5mm Proicct ‘an" Mm" “’V‘PWM 'he†Whetsmnp and M" and M“ a hm‘qâ€M “i “now T0595 “Mil ‘ ' i ‘ ’ i ' i ~ * f the fumiwmgs may ' ' ' k 'l d fil‘ (1 th lu - R0139†Gl‘ani- ‘white carnations In a brief re ï¬red by the ored sketches of a home-like town. the foul corners. post mm" 0 l l now e ge o ecs an e m I .. _ p p be. large and heavy. the The 01d" part “I the ‘bei'lng industry in Canada as a' . buff brick and cedar shingle building along with floor plans for the two storey building designed by Boris Lebédinsky 0f Toronto were (in display. The committee's brief pointed out that. while there. is an ongoing need for acâ€" office. churches. They were assured by the York-Oshawa District Health Unit and the Ontario Water Resources Commission that drainage would accommodate a septic bed for eight people. and when sewers are instal- led. the eight suites could ac- church committee. it is pointed out that there are many retired people in the Maple area living in large homes with big lawns and long driveways. They are no longer able to take care of ordinary main- tenance such as snow shovel- church was built in 1870. af- ter the original congregation decided to move from its or- iginal building at Sherwood to the new community of Maple. October will be observed as Centennial Month. says rooms are all quite roomy. although the kitchens are strictly utility size. it e a 1i: The committee. chaired by Morley Kinnee. pointed out: that, studies of the needs of senior citizens indicate that skit. designed to entertain. Last week was Canada Week so why not seek to improve our knowledge of this great country. If each one of us did one thing to benefit our land. what 3 won- derful thing it would be. A contest on naming trees ling, grass cutting. painting commodation for senior ciii- commodate twice that num- DPOPIIP Niall? 5' hmadf‘l' D?“ 1’35"" RP“ Nm‘mml 300E395. was won by Mrs. Art Train. and minor repairs. nor are zens at all health levels. the her. SPPNIVP M iii? anti Fl happier and “WWII?†“i I“? 59m†The topic for the day was “A they able to find reliable immediate need in Maple is The drawings displayed at flame of: mind if they are! Citizensplan arelhopmg ihai Canadian Industry" and the casual help to do chores. re- for selfâ€"contained housekeep- the meeting demonstrated able to live in a residential iii? .l’tl'llifilhE Will he “’9†imotto was “Study the past. ‘ move screens and storm win- ing units rather than for a how the building would neighborhood where they “"‘lpmal h-V “‘90 work in the present. plan for dows and do other odd jobs. lodge where room and board blend with existing buiIdings mingle with people of all Those on the committee the future". Roll cal] was an- Hog Grower 1 and 2 the new modern feeding method designed for new hog grading requirements. ages and occupations. and for this reason the residence has been designed to conform to the surrounding neighbor- hood in appearance. It was also stressed that. the congregation intends this to be a community service. and that. church affiliation will have no bearing on a person‘s application fer resi- deuce. It, will be a non-profit op- eration and will function in- dependently of church fin- are Chairman Morley Kinnee: Secretary Mrs. David Ander- son. and Mrs. Lynn James. Dr. David Anderson. Merrill McPhail and Bruce Thurston. The senior citizens resi- deuce. Mr. Boogers points out. will pay taxes equivalent to taxes that would be paid by two average size single family homes which could. under present zoning. be built on the site. but it will not add to the schOol popula- tion. swered by naming an Ontario industry and its headquarters. Mrs. Art, Train gave an inform- ative report on the three day Agriculture and Industry con- ference she attended as the WI The Voice Of Concord Neighborhood Notes in the area. and sketches of the interior illustrated the roomy design of living rooms in the individual suites. The building would front on Jackson Street. and en- trance to the parking area would be from Keele Street. Construction would be fireâ€" proof throughout with block and brick walls. steel joints and concrete floor. F100rs would be covered with tile or hardwood as apâ€" propriate for the particular are provided. or for a nurs- ing home. Since the lack of sanitary sewers in the area would make the project ineligible for provincial financial as- sistance. the congregation plans to arrange its own fin- Anclng. and on March 11 the committee reported to the congregation that a building could be erected for about $80,000. The. committee also announced that the project could be financed from capi- Workmen are in short sup- ply. and these senior citizens are concerned because they feel they cannot continue where they are for very much longer. yet they are reluctant to move away from the community which has been heme to them fer many years. where all their friends are living. A move from Maple. it was pointed out. would in most cases cause such an emotion- . . . . Happy birthday to Sean Fra- al and social upheavel that « .ser who is two years old June d-iillllililliillllllllililillllllillilillliilillliilllliililiiillllilllllillllllliiillillillllliilililllllliilliiilllllllllillllllillllillliillllllllillllillilllllliilililllllilllllllllllllllllllilliillll illlllllllllillli‘illlllilliiiilllllllllllllillilllliiillllllillllllillililiilltillllillllilllllllllilllllllllll\liillliilllllllllilllliliilllllllllllliliilllllllilllllllilillllilllllllllllllliilllllllltill\lllliilllllilllllllllllllilll-F 6. i0 Ml'S. Dave Fraser. June 13 I - ShgetlolglFrank Ceolin also on PLACES VILLA GE 0F MAPLE Your correspondent. has not- _ many from Maple. who walked meeting Vadership -- ' ' rition . _’ Research shows that high energy feeds are most efï¬cient. Shur-Gain Hog Grower 1 and 2 are high energy feeds. They produce the lowest cost per pound of gain and the leaner carcasses now called for. ‘ New Shur-Gain Hog Grower 1 and 2 (and the proper strain of hogs, to put these high energy feeds to maximum use) are a winning c0mbination for the modern hog producer. Feed Shur-Gain Hog Grower 1 and 2 fOr better grades and higher proï¬tsh Discuss feeding for better grading with your local Shur-Gain Dealer. the school and went along to help. The teachers and the children wduld like to thank both mothers on their marvel- 10us response and co-Operation. Robert Leishman's grade 4 class returned very tired, but pleased with themselves after their long hike and lunch un- der simulated pioneer condi- tions. At least one young lady Dr. Armitage alSo presented Mrs. Mary Davis. Superintend- ent, with a gorgeous heuquet of red roses for her faithful work during the year. This Coming Sunday will be the special attendance awards service at St. Stephen's. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church The congregatidn of St. An- each Tuesday night and Thurs- day night with Bruce Thurston. Mrs. Agnes Foster. and Mrsi Bill Warthwaite. ’ MARC The Maple Area Recreation Committee reports that the in- structors have been hired for the summer playground proâ€" gram, and that the notices with dates of registration will be go- iced many motorcyclists driving around the subdivision at speeds recently in the walkathon from' Langstaff School to Toronto much above the limit. Do par- ents know how dangerously City Hall. The object of this effort was a donation to the teenagers behave when they get behind the wheel? Surely cen- York Central Hospital expan- sion. No idea can be given as trol bumps aren't necessary in a yet to the amount of money residential area. Recently a family's pct cat was killed tnd raised. but the young people certainly deserve a lot of credit. PEOPL It would seem that moving into a new home was a good luck omen for Miss Linda In- gram. now of Malaren Road. the driver did not bother to stop â€" this could have so easily been a child! Shortly after moving from their a a: x a- d .. . . . . . Guides . rows are deep in their plans has I‘EiurhEd an exile†0" ing out in the very near future. . . hm.“ or many I'Ea’is 0â€. heele The mental health association..for their annual strawberry fes- scrambled eggs and bacon with Also we understand that the Ten members of lst Concord SW“ NW“ Lmda “35 the York County Branch. have be- tival to be held in the com- toast dipped in bacon drip- Estonian gymnastics prOg‘ram GUIdesi With f0“ ThOmhlu winner of a hockey pool which companies and one from Lang- had been sponsored by the. pings. staff held a challenge day at gun their campaign to raise funds for the work of this munity hall June 10 from 5 till The cost for a salad which is finished for this year‘ Markham Juniors. ’0! it! it it Congratulations to Mr. and Roland Keffer. who are celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary next Monday. Mr. Keffer, this week planned to Mrs. branch. with many canvassers calling on each home in the area. Mrs. Pat Kantaroff. 832- 2609 is the division leader in Maple. and everyone is urged to greet the Canvasscr cheer- fully. and to support the asso- 8 pm. plate and home baked desserts with fresh strawberries is $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for child- ren. Mrs. Andrew will take the pulpit this Sunday in the ab- sence of Rev. B. F. Andrew attend the Lutheran Synod meetings held in Kitchener, June 1 to June 4. a: a: it s Our sincere sympathy. on be- half of the community to Mrs. Sylvia Brock and to Kirby Brock. on the recent death of their bro-' ther-in-law and uncle. Ernest McClelland at his home on Wilson Avenue. Mr. McClel- land is also survived by his oiation as best they can. I It )0! 1k of their daughter. Marilyn a May 24. gree, majoring Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brice and family attended the graduation Waterloo Lutheran University. Marilyn obtained her BA de- in psychology and plans to attend Ontario College of Education this fall who is to attend the General Assembly in Halifax until the following Saturday. This will gation Of St. Andrew's as they know Mrs. Andrew's ability in the pulpit, and guests will be cordially welcomed. WI Mrs. Adam Read was host- ess to Maple WI May 13. Mrs. t be a special treat to the congre-i wife. Hazel. to whom he hadl in with a view to eventually spec-l ing gift from her grandmother. Pearl Jarrett presided and Mrs. and Mrs. Jesse Dewsbury gave ‘ Lions Club Men of the Lions Club are urging everyone to get their tickets early for their annual barbecue. to be held June 17 at Shur-Gain Farms. or at the community hall. if the weather is poor. It has been impossible to prepare the proper amounts of food in years past. without some idea of how many would be attending. consequently the men have decided to work on advance sale tickets only at a cost of $2.00 per adult and $1.00 for children. Tickets are available from all Lions. including Roy Clegg, 832-2620. Doug Chalmers, 832- 2620. and Lloyd Palmer. 832- who are housecleaning to re- was so successful that; plans are being considered for a repeat of this program for next fall. Scouts and Cubs The Cubs would like to thank David Sefton. of the Duf- ferin Drive-In Bazaar for being so kind to the boys last week- end, and so eager to help them. The boys were allowed in at no cost to participate in the ba- zaar by selling their first aid kits, which, by the Way. are selling well, but we understand that there are still quite a few left. and can be had by calling Ron Taylor. 832-1072. Mr. Sefton advised Charlie Wilmot that his bazaar is open to any charitable or religious organ- outing May 25 at Camp Sumac. Boyd Conservation Park May 23. The Concord company present- ed one of the challenges. which was making a Guide uniform from newspaper and magauines. The girls did such a top rate job that they all won full points. The enthusiastic Guides Were accompanied by leaders Mrs. Molly Kerr-Taylor and Mrs. Corine Anderson. A mother and daughter ban- quet was held May 27 at. the House of Concord for the Guides and Brownies. when District Commissioner Mrs. Ev Goodwin was an invited guest. The mothers‘ association pre- sented Mrs. Anderson. who is MAPLE FEED MILL 832-1241 i AT CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. MAPLE l ‘ . ializing in social work. Jean Robson. the new secre- 1387. the men on the commit- ization at no cost. at any time. leaving with a crystal vase to 0 ï¬les}: Igggiellieafï¬ihï¬fnyflfé‘slrxlhg‘ ‘Last Wednesday, Marilyn tary.' took the minutes of the tee. The 1305’? 0f the R935 Runner remind her of the lst Concord Heavy and country Best Home flew to Vancouver. 3 graduat-lmeetmg. Mrs. Jean Jackson We should also remind those Pack enjoyed their weekend Guides and the girls gave her i s .00 a bouquet of flowers. Girls and‘ leaders presented Mrs. Jim‘ Madill. Mrs. Barbara Ward and Mrs.‘ Bonni McC'auley each with‘ Thornhill and unable to be told of her husband‘s death. The service was held from the New Bigging Funeral Parlors Ont north of Oshawa and next weekend the boys of the Eager Beavers will be camping' at Frank Robson‘s bush. This Mrs. John Kidd, where she is staying for ten days. prior to her summer employment at the. Banff Spring Hutel. excellent reports of the dis- trict annual. After the busi- ness was transacted. Mrs. Read and Mrs. Helen Baker took member to call the BP Service Station. John Kucherawy. to have one of the Lions pick up any donations for their auction Garbage Bugs .. . . KITCHEN SIZE BAGS - 29c PKG. (15 TO A PKG.) Mount Pleasant Road with in- terment in Maple Cemetery. I it: it it She has toured the Univers-l ity of BC. and taken a bus tour‘. of the beautiful west coast city.. charge of the program. Valerie Murchison delighted her audience with two dance sale to be held in the fall. Everything from odd dishes, flower pots, and electrical ap- weekend. June 6, the Cubs will be attending the Cub-a-Ree at Calnp Hilljack. We hope to‘l a plant for their efforts during the year on the executive of the mothers’ association. This group PITTSBURGH PAINT... THE BEST 5 PAINT BUY '9 5 then gave sterling silver pins tol leaders Mrs. Molly Kerr-Taylon Misses Devina Pl'yde and Linda McCauley. Guide helper Miss Janice Best and Brownie helperj Miss Pat Carleton were given ‘pendants. l Thanks go to the students of numbers. Beautiful pictures of lovely Hawaii were shown and Mrs. Read and Mrs. Baker serv-i ed a delicious lunch. Mrs. Jesse Dewsbury and Mrs. Velma Jennings were the‘ have a report on these activi-i ties at a later date. l At the father and son ban-‘ quet. the ladies served a fine dinner. and the fathers and sons enjoyed their outing to- and is generally enjoying her holiday. ‘ Senior Citizens A good turnout of seniors en- joyed an afternoon of games May 25. while several of their pliances to furniture and bicy- cles will be most welcome. Al'l though we quoted the amount spent by the Lions each year on bus transportation to the Thornhill pool for the summer. Iiiillliiliiiillllilllllllliillillilllllllllitilllltillllllllllllllllllillllllillilllll i Vaughan, .Woodbridge Study group had gone on a most en- delegates chosen to go to the swimming lessons as nearly gether. At the banquet the fol-‘ . . . \ New Setup joyable weekend trip to Our district rally at Vellore June $300, we probably should also lowing group committee was; The“ Bfiowmes m‘isenffd 3 GALLON nation‘s capital. It Was unfdr- 25- mention that the Lions put out elected for the new executivefSkIt Bemg a Bm“me an ‘ White only A Steering committee ‘0 unate that the weather was so The next WI meeting will beznearly $2.000 for the benefit oflMl‘S. Grace Stewart. R055 Gai‘-‘l’arti“ii’ams “ere Vi‘iian Han' Can Be Tinted 3:231; gingeilgnz: 1:0“ good for the trip both waysï¬held June 10 at the home of‘ihe children in Maple during ratt. Glen Hutchinsom Peleriscelll‘l..t{anlceB‘V:l‘d. ShilllyDngli. 05 999' but was cloudy. dull and eveniMrs. Annie Palmer, Keeleithe year alone. This is a lotiHobbs. Morley Plant and B. “5 in? 51“ er a" e 9 led and appointâ€! Omdm rainy for the one day tour Street South. of money to raise and theylMcMurdy. , lSmith. The 311‘15 3150 rendered a . . . of Vaughan Township and the Village of Woodbridge has already been set up. it was announced at the May 'need the support of the com-lBrownies lchoral number. following whichl munity to do it. i The Wednesday afternoonthe Guides danced a modernl Baseball lBrownie Pack ended their sea-ldance which had been choreo-l Another project of the Lionsison last week with ‘a baseball graphed by themselves. ‘ George Bailey School The students of the Bailey School will be participating in' the track and field day to be: around the city. It made it‘ difficlllt for those who had in~ tended to take pictures of the1 many places of interest that? LUXURIOUS KITCHEN CABIN! 18 meeting of Vaughan were seen. iheld at Langstaff Secondary is the coming season of base-game at the community hall Presentations made to the Council. Those who remained at home School. June 18 and 19 for the ball for the boys and girls- ThEi Dark followed by supper. During Guides included best patrol, This committee will as. were busy making Dians fOF‘SenlOI‘ PUbllC StUdE‘ntS 0f areairegistrations. although theythe party. their retiring Brown best attendance and most com- Semble “formalin†and the trip to GUEIPh and Fergus three. and today. June 4 is thewere supposed to be in last Sat- Ow'l Sadie Allen was presentedplete dressed for the year. The to visit the new cattle breeders‘ lestablishment and to enjoy a lvisit with the Andrew Sniders' data from both municipali- ties. compile statistics. etc. as an aid in planning for date set for the softball inlll‘n-‘urday. will still be accepted. we with a gift from the girls for evening concluded with a film ameht to be held in WOOd-Iunderstand. by Lindsay Boud- her wonderful years with them. by Noxzema on skin care: bridg“ ireau' 8324346" ‘ i It i ii‘ WALL CUPBOARDS In six standard sizes. Beautifully prefinisbed inside, fully covered with N“- the, new Town of Vaughan .who have invited the wliole‘Josepb Gibson School . A new idea is being used this ‘ l. ' . l _ l , l . . - . -~ which will come. into being group for refreshments when Tonight. June 4. a dlscussion vear with the boys aged nine to. l w ashahle \inyl in white colol. Burma-Teak woodgrain in fillal’lltlll‘etflntlshs, January 1 on the. advent or :they arrive in Fergus. This or panel is to be held to excl-.12 playing softball. while those‘ ‘ magnetic catches and black colonlal-style knobs, postforme coun er op regional gavel-“ment m ltrip was being planned fer uate the progress of the open aged six to eight will be play- in Arborite Beige Sei‘im. york Count.“ *June 4. while for Julie 8. Dr..space grade 5 classroom at 7.30 mg Teeâ€"Ball. This sounds to i The informauon compiled lR. A. Bigford hns kindly conâ€" pm. Everyone interested is us like a new version of soft- hy lhe committee will he .sented to he present to show a urged to attend. especially ball. but without a pitcher. 4 8 m I ' program 0 pictures. those with children in grades 4 This encourages the younger _ p I conï¬dered by the present isr. Stephen‘s Anglican and 5 this year. children in their fielding. catch- " ' ' I ' councils in the two munici- palities which will become one January 1. The. present councils may accept. adopt or modify the submissions and may make recommen- dations to the council of i On Thursday. May 21 the ‘Sunday school teachers com- ‘bined with the ACW for their banquet at. 7:15 in the parish hall. ‘ Dr. and Mis Ramsay Ai‘mi. tage were present and the guest The opportunity for parents ing and running abilities. to visit the open space centre Lester Downing has agreed was not taken by too many par- to help with the coaching. but ents during the month of May. fathers are needed as well. The although those who did go games will begin for softball. along for a morning with the June 25 with the boi's playing classes did enioy it and found Mondays and Thursdays while CEDAR $I.i9 OODBRIDGE ARENA FENCING L. Ft. (Highway No. 7 and Islington Ave.) W I mplete with $22.95 (5° :|;;C?::::wn’:hi°thowitnbbe lspeaker for the evening was the half day well spent. the Tee-Ball begins June 23' D CASH other De<jgn3 On Di: la ' BenChes 5 ' or“ o“ c 0 er ‘Rev. Earl Gerber of Oak Rid- Last Thursday the grade 1 with the six to eight-year-olds PRIZES i hp 3 (Knock-Down Type) ’ ges. who has been a missionary class of Mrs. Sharon Primeau. playing on Tuesdays. I Representing Vaughan on the steering committee are the grades 1 and 2 class of Miss Girls‘ Baseball Patricia Hayman. grade 2 class The "Maple Sugars" got un- in the Artic for several years. Mr. Gerber showed slides and SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Reeve Garnet Williams' talked on the work done there of Miss Ellen Burton and the derwav last week although ' 0 mac]! out on an I o o o AVD COTT AGE MATERIALS _ . a . . c. _ - . a _ A x x (mu-"cm" 50h“ G‘Ibel't' A buffet supper prepared by grade 1 class of Mrs. Lauma their first game. scheduled for' Door Prize “gill†cards for I 7 Administrator James Meg the ladies of the ACW was en- Donald and Treasurer joyed after which presentations Beck finally took their long Monday was washed out with planned excursion to Centre Is- the rain. but they won bandin I CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Howard Burkholder- “’OOd- were made to teachers Mrs. land but not without difficul- against Willowdale "B's" on . . hridse's representatives are Eva Watson. assistant superin- ties. Mrs. Beck. on arriving at Wednesday. This. of course. 15' Proceeds {0' _ PHOKE 832'22‘1 . h f“ [quEIeJEaEnTrl'Kzil-EZPE Refers John h.llclleain.hl')i:l tel-idem and attendance secre- the school became ill and could the iiivenile team under the The Woodbridge Minor Hockey Association F A n 30m“; ‘ ap eS'al 530' a m to 5 p'm Pl! Y-l'Pt‘Ve A. H0 bugs .9: iary. who is retiring after .0 not go. so on fiie minutes" noâ€" leadership of Don Tarling of r i c i . - “433‘ 5 3 am- ‘0 pm ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ “‘1 Clerk-Treasurer Bert .Vears of service. and to Olwen tice. Mrs. Fran Lippav and Concord. and “oodbndge )Iemorlal Arena loung. iMichell. pianist and treasurer. Mrs. Jean Sharples appeared at The minors are practising 4!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!’ I