POLICE SKETCH shows sus- pected killer. Palgrave boy supplied description. BY HAROLD BLAINE Extension of the Gormley- Palgrave double murder investi- gation to Quebec Province, re- wards totalling 514.0QO and checking of innumerable leads by a 27-man squad of police ex- perts, has still not unearthed Mrs. Hancey reported that this motion was prompted by public request at a meeting she held at her own expense May 11 to try to explain how reass- essment was carried out and its impact on 1970 taxes. a1mummunI\uuummumuumt11luumumuuumm\ummmm Enlv II nlcnmonu neignts Centre this weekend to help the merchants and their customers celebrate the Centre’s 10th birthday. There will also be a west- ern merry-go-round. nickle ‘ chips, soft drinks and ice cream for the kiddies. Highlight of the three- day celebration will be the Bonanza Days Sale with every.store in the Centre featuring many bargains. Get ready for a fun-filled summer by shopping at the Centre. A host of money- savers are yours for the roping. See full details in the third section of this issue of "The Liberal“. meeting arranged. "we Ieel that the policy-making official ,should. be responsible and ap- pear before the public to an- swer for that policy. It was a policy matter that precipitated the problem. We would like some advice from the Minister on what the provincial govern- ‘ ment is going to do, and when it is going to do it, to correct the imbalance of assessment." Councillor David Schiller pointed out that not only had there been a shift of assessment from industrial to residential taxpayers. there had also been a shift within the residential assessment. “There was also a shift from the people paying more than their fair share in the past to those who were pay-f "That would be a good arg-ma zument to use with the assessor or in a court of revision," ad- vised Councillor Schiller. Councillor Eric George maintained that assessment on market value “is not really a sensible thing. It’s an unrealized capital gains tax. We were better off before." Councillor Shaun Beggs pointed out that the shift in the tax burden was not con- trollable by council but has had the effect of “taking away from the town its power to make money. If done properly re- assessment should not be out of line." "If reassessment had been done 10 years ago. its impact n iU‘y’o." The second half of this mo- ‘tion, which was lost, asked for ‘the court of revision to be re- opened at the expense of the provincial government. Opposition to this half of the proposal was summed up by Reeve Plaxton, who commented that indications are that legis- lation will be introduced by Mr. McKeough to limit the tax in- crease on residential property .owners. “We have already struck a budget and to reâ€"open ithe courts of revision would jcreate absolute chaos in the ‘administration of this munici-y 'pality. I don‘t know how our. ‘staff could sort out the mess.‘ It would be impossible." (Continued on Page 15) ment. It is reported that the legislation is permissive, each municipality, where reassessment on 1967 prop- erty values has been done, having the authority to put it into practice if desired. Ratepayers should also hear in mind that the lim- ited increase is applicable only to reassessment. in- creased taxes because of in- creased costs of education, county and municipal gov- ernment will not be affect- ed by the ceiling. The proposed legislation will be effective for five years, giving the province time to do a complete re- assessment. or costs such as enumeration, voters’ lists, polling stations, etc. There will be more trustees elected for 1971. also. There are at present 17 trustees elect- ed by local municipalities and one elected to represent Roman Catholic Separate School sup- porters in the county. An increase in population in the county will entitle the board to two more trustees, 19 to be elected by public school sup- porters and one by separate school supporters. Population in York County. according to pro- ,vincial assessment figures now Estands at 154.683. , Trustees will be elected on lthe basis of the ratio of public :school equalized residential and uvuui, nu. Vvu Given fines of $15, with the alternative of three days jail, were Brian Neal, 18, of 52 Hunt Avenue: John Reddin. 18, of 48 Laverock Avenue, Apartment 203; and Glen Davis. Sydney Moon. 19, of 43 Elgin Mills Road West was fined $15 as well. But he was also put on a year’s probation because» of a previous conviction for auto theft. Richard Newton, 19. of 330 South Taylor Mills Drive. was fined $20, with the alternative of four days in jail. He had a previous conviction on a drunk charge. the court was told. , Those who couldn’t pay their ‘fines immediately were given 15 ldays to produce the money. a1 OI a 10 Illan plus unauuiau regional council for York. At a day-long session on the previous Monday between Mr. McKeough. members of his staff and the inter-municipal advxsâ€" cry committee, composed of the heads of municipal government in the present county. it had been agreed that the numbers on the regional council be in- creased to 27 plus a chairman, making a total of 28. The pre- sent York County Council has 28 members. In the original proposal each municipality has been allotted one member for each 10.000 population or major portion thereof. The new Georgina Township ‘Georgina. North l mu caciuau vâ€"ca alw. The final figures agreed on were two representatives for every municipality with Mark- ham and Richmond Hill having five instead of three each and Vaughan, Newmarket and Geor- gina having three each instead of two. _ In consultation With Stouff- ville representatives Whitchurch Council has also reached a de- cision on a municipal council of six councillors plus a mayor under regional government, in- stead of the mayor and eight councillors suggested in Mr. McKeough’s presentation May 6. This decision has been reported to the Minister. also, according to Whitchurch Reeve Stewart ‘Gwillimbury and Sutton) with‘Burnett. aummuumumummummumununuuummunmulllImum“mull“unumuuummumumulliiuunummmullummmmumm“mummunmmm\uuummulummummmmmmumumuuulmmuumuummmmuummmnumunuumuuumuumumunmuumlmmuuulumuumuumumuuuumImuuuuuumnmuumuuuuimmnunuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuummmnuumiImuummuumunmunuuuuummnmuutu1mmuul\u\mmmummmmmullmunmmuuuunmmmummuuuuuumummmmummuuuummumnmunmummummuuunmmmu1mm“mm[\mlimimummw Councillor Lois Hancey batted .500 at the May 19 meeting of Richmond Hill Town Council. Mrs. Hancey introduced five motions dealing with reasâ€" sessment and regional government and had two and a half of them approved. The first motion, which was passed by council, asked Mayor William Lazenby to convene a public meeting to discuss residential tax bills and reassess- ment and ask Donald-Deacon MLA York Centre to arrange to have Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy McKeoue‘h present to answer questions from the, ing less. Evidently you people were paying less. I‘m with you, my taxes went up. but I realize that my property had been un- der-assessed last year and in the years before.“ 7 Mrs. June Kirby of Markham Road reported her taxes had in- creased 16% this year. “We didn't realize what reassess- ment meant. What can we do now? Can we look at the ass essment rolls?†The first motion, which was passed by council, asked Mayor William Lazenby to convene a public meeting to discuss residential tax bills and reassess- ment and ask Donald-Deacon MLA York Centre to arrange to have Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy McKeough present to answer questions from the public. Highlight of the three- day celebration will be the Bonanza Days Sale with every.store in the Centre featuring many bargains. Get ready for a fun-filled summer by shopping at the Centre. A host of money- savers are yours for the roping. See full details in the third section of this issue of "The Liberal“. Cowboys and Indians. a clown band will all be pres- ent at Richmond Heights Centre this weekend to help the merchants and their customers celebrate the Centre‘s 10th birthday. There will also be a west- ern merry-go-round. nickle chips. soft drinks and ice cream for the kiddies. Richmond Hill Council To Seek Meeting Here With McKeough 0n Reassessment VOL. 93, NO. 49. R. Hts. Centre Ggrmley-Palgrave Murder 500 As 27=Man OPP Squad F allows All Leads Bonanza Days At We also thank 10-year-old Carol Anne Riddell and nine-year-old Diana Mullis, members of the class, for letting us know about this praiseworthy project. On behalf of the residents of Richmond Hill, “The Liberal†thanks these young people for their sense of civic responsibility. We trust their example will be an inspiration to others, children and adults. The grade 3 and 4 'pupils of Mrs. Elaine Whitworth cleaned up all the litter â€"â€" waste paper and pop bottles, etc., that hadaccumulated over the months and left behind them a much more beautiful area. Upset by reports of vandalism at the Mill Pond Park the pupils of Room 6, McConaghy School, spent the afternoon of May 22 demonstrating that they appreciate the town‘s effort to preserve and develop a beauty spot. Our photographer caught a few of the 34 youngsters as they diligently sought out, picked up and placed every small scrap of paper in garbage bags. Public Li“r‘PY 24 Wri'ht bt-, Richn‘NT Hill. T he Right Kind Of "litterbugs There was a flurry of activity in the Orangeville area May 29. OPP headquarters received a report that the killer may have tried to strike again. It was re- ported that someone asked a boy if his mother was home and if he could get water for his car radiator. The man was said to have fled when the father appeared. \ Last week a car answering 1the description of a 1964-65 Rambler believed driven by the killer. was found in 3 Richmond Hill used car lot. But this car didn't turn out to be the right one, ‘VIew reported at press time that A fingerprint fragment found ‘all leads so far have led investi- at the Palgrave murder scene 1gators to dead ends. in Peel County has been check- Commissioner Eric Silk‘ QC ed. but without result. The head of the opp_ and Chief Palgrave print didn't match any Superintendent Jim Erskine. "lithe .RCMP‘S 3'000'000 ï¬nger' second in command of the OPP PH“t me- Special Services Division. Mon- 50 it appears the apparently day visited Downsview person- mad killer is not any known ally to keep abreast of progressicriminal. in the investigation. E At H11: ('pnh'a nr anmin Ontario Provincial Police di- visional headquarters at Downs- ï¬ew reported at press time that all leads so far have led investi- gators to dead ends. Yogi: County's rapist-murderef Speaking for the ratepayers present, who were among those who had made this request, Donald Stephenson of Harding Boulevard told council that the purpose of the delegation was to show support of Mrs. Han- cey‘s attempt to have such a meeting arranged. “We feel that the policy-making official; should be responsible and ap- pear before the public to an- swer for that policy. policy matter that precipitated the problem. We would like some advice from the Minister on what the provincial govern- ment is going to do, and when it is going to do it. to correct the imbalance of assessment." It was an 111‘s, Hancey replied that Mr. McKeough would be at liberty to. and indeed should, bring with him a team of experts to answer all problems. When Reeve Donald Plaxton cautioned that it might be a bit presumptuous to say "we want the Minister and no one else", } Anyone with information that may possibly relate to the double killing should contact their local police department or the Downsview OPP Detach- ment. 3 At the Centre of Forensic ‘Science in Toronto three of Canada‘s top scientist-Sleuths have been assigned full time to the search for the killer. They are Elgin Brown, head of the centre's biology section: Robert Nichol. head of the ballistiCS and firearms department. and Frank Pinto, a senior examiner and associate of Brown. Police say the method of 3114 m" “owe-s monon' ï¬ns and Other evldence pomt Illllll[m“IllIll“llmlllllllllmllm“m““\““\llmllllllllll\m\mlm But the OPP at Downsview'IllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllIllmnunmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll!’almost' certainly 'to the sis/[me now say this report proved to] The reward for the Germ. man 1n both k1lllngs. rs. - " ‘ the be groundless. _ l rave n e murder" Ferguson “as shot tmce In A fingerprint fragment found ley Pa g p ' back and once in the head. At was increased another $1.- w 5 shot fit the Palgrave murder scenel 500 to $15,500 Monday aft Gormlielyihhélrséxoaoggï¬ivea times In Peel County has been check-l "noon when King Towm tuitc: head A 22 calibre gun ed‘ bUt “Tumâ€? {esuu' The; ship Council voted to add "‘1 esed in‘both‘cases‘ Ealff‘ï¬nï¬i'ï¬i 313333.113 a $1,500 contribution. “as u Mrs. Kirby went on to statei that they have their home. located opposite Walter Scott Public School up for sale and have been advised by a realtor that the asking'price will have to be $1,500 to $2,000 less than if the house was located back in the subdivision away from the heavy traffic on Markham Road. “Because of the traffic, we can’t open our windows," she claimed. “So we feel that our assessment should be lower than back in the subdivision." She was assured by Mayor William Lazenby that she could check her own and her neigh- bors‘ assessment at the town office, now. "W9 “I deplore the poor public 55955' relations by the county assâ€" "9 doiessor,†the mayor said. “The 3 355' explanation which accompan- ied your assessment notices ‘133’01' could have "been more explicit. 09"}‘1 It could also have stressed that (Photo by Stuart‘s S‘tutï¬o) Council also approved a mo- tion by Mrs. Hancey, seconded by Mr. Beggs, “that the Town ’of Richmond Hill request the Government of Ontario to pro- vide sufficient funds to reduce the burden of the increase in residential taxes to not more lthan 10%." The second half of this mo- tion, which was lost, asked for the court of revision to be re- opened at the expense of the provincial government. “To achieve a fair assess- ment. the assessors should in- spect every home in the town,†stated Mrs. Hancey. “They have never been inside my home. but I expect them this year." would not have been so hard. In many cases some residential properties have been subsidiz- ing others." stated Deputy-reeve Ivan Mansbridge. “Would you sell your‘house aflt‘é‘t‘msw value?†he asked the ratepay- EI‘S . you had 14 days in which to register complaints.†in police determination to bring in this so-called de- mented person", said Coun- cillor Rowe. “It is a drastic problem, no doubt about that". ag- reed Reeve Gordon Cook. as council voted in favor of Mr. Rowe's motion. Councillor Gordon Rowe noted that King Township lies between the locations where the murders took place. “There is a terrible am- mount of concern in King because we are between the two municipalities where the two acts were commit- ted. People are worried and are bolting their doors. There should be no letup “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 4. 1970 The drawing of the wanted man which police have released is based on a sketch by Mrs. ’ Police say residents should }not be unduly alarmed by re- rports of investigations nearby. ll-Iundreds of tips are being fol- lowed up daily. While the sus- pect remains at large. extra police patrols have been assign- ;ed to the 25-mile rural area ifrom Gormley to Palgrave. l The man being sought is be- lieved to be between 35 and 40 rears of age. He weighs about 160 pounds. He has black hair and a swarthy complexion. The 1964 or 1965 Rambler American automobile he is driving ap- pears to be beige, but was prob- ably gold in color originally. Red primer paint is believed to be showing on the right fender1 and door. ‘ When the York County Board came into being in January, 1, 1969, elections were held the NRNRlllllllllIll“ll\ll\\ll\lll\ll\\lllullNI“llllllllllllllllfllllllullullw 10% Limit 0n Tax Increase nunumunl1mm“lunmummmummmnmumuumuml mluuumuumuuuuuummmmuuumuumImmuuummuum County Board Summer Schedule School Board Eections In October Add Two Trustees In a staff report, it was pointed out that. if the election is held at a, time other than the munic- ipal elections; the board would have to pay the cost. In announcing plans for regional government in York County earlier this month, Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough set October 5 as a tenta- tive date for municipal elections, but left it to the board of education to decide whether or not it would hold its elections on the same day. York County Board of Education agreed at a meeting May 25 to hold an election for trustees in October in conjunction with the municipal elections rather than waiting until December, the time when school board elections are traditionally held. The reported formula is that industrial and commer- cial taxes will not be de- creased by more than 5% and that residential taxes will not be increased by more than 10% from the 1969 level, due to reassess- ment. It is reported that the legislation is permissive, each municipality, where reassessment on 1967 prop- erty values has been done, having the authority to put it into practice if desired. Ratepayers should also hear in mind that the lim- ited increase is applicable only to reassessment. In- creased taxes because of in- creased costs of education. county and municipal gov- ernment will not be affect- ed by the ceiling. "The Liberal" has been told. unofficially. that rep- resentatives of York Coun- ty have agreed to Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy McKeough’s proposed legis- lation to relieve undue in- creases in taxation from re- assessment. The regular schedule will be resumed in September with meetings on Septem- ber 14 and September 28. The. board convenes in committee at 7.30 pm on meeting nights. and the meeting is opened to the public at 8 pm. There will he a meeting on July 6 and another on August 17. and if the volume of business war- rants it. a meeting on Au- gust 24. All meetings take place in the board administration building in the old Church Street School in Aurora. In June it will me-et as usual on the second and fourth Mondays, June 8 and June 22. Private citizens or depu- tations wishing to speak or make a presentation to the board must contact the sec- retary. Box 40. Aurora. in advance to ensure that their business will be included in the agenda for the meeting. At its regular meeting on May 25. York County Board of Education set its sche- dule for summer meetings. Lithmmli Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" thitchurch Township Police Chief Fred Mason says work on the Whitchurch municipal of- fice arson case has been sus- pended in order to put all avail- able personnel to work on the murder. Whitchurch Township Coun- cil has added its own $2.500 re- ward to the $10,000 offered May 25 by the province for informa- tion leading to capture of the man who murdered two school teachers’ wives in recent weeks. Gormley area residents who were shown the sketch have confirmed seeing such a man in the district. Mrs. Ferguson may have sav- ed her son’s life by calmly tel- ling him a knock at the door was just a man seeking help for a sick child. She was raped in her bedroom. then shot in her living room. An increase in population in the county will entitle the board to two more trustees, 19 to be elected by public school sup- porters and one by separate school supporters. Population in York County. according to pro- vincial assessment figures now stands at 154,683. Ferguson‘s nine-year-oid son The Ontario Provincial Pol- Dale. ice have a squad of 27 men at Gormley area residents who work on the two murders. With were shown the sketch have them full time are two police confirmed seeing such a man in sergeants from Whitchurch. the district. Staff Sergeant Dave Fellows Mrs. Ferguson may have sav-Iand Sergeant Donald Hillock. The last amount added to the reward money offered for the killer came from Albion Town- ship, in the amount of $1,500. preceding December. In some municipalities they were held in conjunction with municipal elections, but since there were no municipal elections in Sut- ton, Georgina, King or Rich- mond Hill that year, the board had to pay $3,900 in election casts for these four municipali- ties, which together represent about 22 percent of the total equalized assessment. It was found. too, that in these muncipalities only about 14 percent of the electorate voted, where as in municipali- ties where councils were also being elected the turnout was in the neighborhood of 30 per- cent. If the school board elections are held in October. the board will be required to share a few costs, such as printing of bal- lots. but the Department of Municipal Affairs will pay maj- or costs such as enumeration, voters’ lists, polling stations, etc. There will be more trustees elected for 1971, also. There are at present 17 trustees elect- ed by local municipalities and one elected to represent Roman Catholic Separate School sup- porters in the county. At its meeting in the af- ternoon of the same date. Vaughan Township passed a similar bylaw for the area in Elgin Mills which is provided with water bv the town. Lawn watering in those areas will be re- stricted to between the hours of 7 and 10 pm Mon- days and Thursdays. Mark- ham Township Council has also been asked to pass a similar bylaw for its res- idents who receive town water service. At Richmond Hill Coun- cil. meeting it was explain- ed the restrictions were necessary to ensure that people Jiving in apartments Richmond Hill up-dated its bylaw which controls lawn watering at its meet- ing May 18. The new by- law restricts lawn water- ing as follows: From 7 to 10 pm Wed- nesdays and Saturdays in the area north of Crosby Avenue and east of Yonge Street; between the same hours Tuesday and Friday in the area south of Crosby Avenue and east of Yonge; and between the same hours Monday and Thurs- day in the area west of Yonge Street. its law ing law ing Hill Lawn Watering Bylaw Has $300 Fine The OPP special squad in- cludes men from the CIB and uniform personnel. They are investigating the May 6 murder of Mrs. Doreen The Downsview bureau is get- ting numerous calls about the two murders and all calls are being screened. OPP Inspector Roy Williams is also a member of the investi- gation squad. He was original- ly assigned to work with Whit- church Township Police when investigation of the first mur- der was underway. Two chief inspectors of the OPP Criminal Investigation Branch are heading up a special command post based at Downs- view OPP District Five Head- quarters. They are Chief In- spector Robert MacGarva and Chief Inspector Archie Fergu- son. One of them, Glenn Davis, 18, of 136 Elgin Mills Road West, was also charged with impaired driving. He pleaded not guilty to this charge and is to be tried July 26. The five were arrested May 7 at 10:20 pm at the Steer I-rm Drive-In, 255 Yonge Street South, the court was told. Sydney Moon. 19, of 43 Elgin Mills Road West was fined $15 as Well. But he was also put on a year’s probation because» of a previous conviction for auto theft. Richard Newton. 19. of 330 South Taylor Mills Drive. was fined $20. with the alternative of four days in jail. He had a previous conviction on a drunk charge. the court was told. farm assessment in each muni- cipality to the total for the county, but the board will not know what the distribution will be until assessment of the new municipalities of the Region of York is known. Five teenagers in Richmond Hill court June 1 pleaded guilty to drinking under age. Given fines of $15, with the alternative of three days jail, were Brian Neal, 18, of 52 Hunt Avenue; John Reddin. 18. of 48 Laverock Avenue. Apartment 203; and Glenn Davis. Sitting trustees are not pre- pared yet to say whether they will be seeking re-election or not, since many factors are still not known. The bill to create the new region provides for a ward structure. but it is option- al. The councils of some muni- cipalities have indicated that they intend to adopt (3r con- tinue) a ward system, but these have not been finalized. Coun- cils may also divide a munici- pality into two or more areas for election of trustees. but this, too, has yet to be decided. Teenagers Fined Drank Under Age At the Vaughan meeting. Reeve Garnet Williams was critical of Richmond Hill‘s water system when it was reported pressure in Elgin Mills dropped to 15 lbs. Monday. “I can‘t. see why Richmond Hill did so much pressing to take in so much land when they can't ser- vice what they've got. We supply the’ town with water to compensate for this water supply to the Elgin Mills area." “We should let them know we are disappointed," commented Deputy-reeves Albert Rutherford. “but I can't see what we can do but pass this bylaw." and in the northwest. sec- tion of the town would be ensured of a sufficient sup- ply of water. In other years restrictions were im- posed only after an excess- ively hot dry spell when taps in that area ran dry. Also behind the provis- ions of the new bylaw. which provides for fines not exceeding $300 for those who do not observe its provisions. is the nec- essity of protecting a re- serve supply of water for ï¬re-fighting, it was stated. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Obiects To 5 Upper Tier i Changes In a special meeting May 27. Whitchurch Township Council agreed to ask Minister of Muni- cipal Affairs Darcy McKeough to adhere to his original propos- al of a 16 man plus chairman regional council for York. At a day-long session on the previous Monday between Mr. McKeough. members of his staff and the inter-municipal advxsâ€" ory committee. composed of the heads of municipal government in the present county. it had been agreed that the numbers on the regional council be in- creased to 27 plus a chairman, making a total of 28. The pre- sent York County Council has 28 members. Moorby, 34, of Gormley and the‘es at Humber College. May 19 murder of Mrs. Helen! Both women were shot in Ferguson, 37, of Palgrave. Peel'their homes while a child was County. (present and while the husband Mrs. Moorby was the wife of was at work. The weapon used .3 Richmond Hill school teachermwas of .22 calibre. Mrs. Ferguson's husband teach-i (Continued on Page 15) The new make-up of the re- gional council with the original in brackets will be: Vaughan, 18,000 population, 3 (2); Mark- ham, 31,000, 5 (31: Richmond Hill. 27,000. 5 (3); King, 12.000, 2 (1): Aurora, 13,000. 2 11); Whitchurch, 11,000. 2 (ll; New- market, 16,000, 3 12): East Gwil- limbury, 10.000, 2 (ll; Georgina, 13,000, 3 (2). Although the latter municipality which will be com- pOSed of the present Georgina, Sutton and North Gwillimbury, has only 13,000 permanent resi- dents, the same number as Au- rora, it was given extra repre- sentation because of the greatly increased number of\ residents In Mr. McKeough's presenta- tion made in Bayview Second- ary School less than a month ago. the policy of representa- tion by population, with one representative for each 10.000 population or major portion thereof was stated and the bal- ance of power was equally divided between the north and south of the county, each hav- ing 13 members. Under the new plan the three municipali- ties in the south, the new Towns of Vaughan. Markham and Richmond Hill. will have only 13 representatives. al- though they .will have much more than 50 percent of the population and of the assess- ment. and the northern six new municipalities will have 14 rep- resentatives. in the summer. The chairman will be appoint- ed by the provincial govern- ment for a term of four years. After that his appointment will be the responsibility of the re- 1gional council. Disputed boundary lines were also discussed at some length. it is reported. Whitchurch and 'Markham Township boundary will remain at 19th Avenue and ‘the Markham Township - Rich- mond Hill boundary at the pro- posed Highway 404. The boundary between Richâ€" mond Hill and Aurora was set in the original plan as 40 rods north of the CFRB Sideroad. Since this strip of land includ- ed both the Ontario Hospital and the Blue Hills Academy. Aurora wanted the boundary thereof was stated and the bal- ance of power was equally divided between the north and south of the county, each hav- ing 13 members. Under the new plan the three municipali- ties in the south, the new Towns of Vaughan. Markham and Richmond Hill. will have only 13 representatives. al- though they .will have much more than 50 percent of the population and of the assess- ment. and the northern six new municipalities will have 14 rep- resentatives. The change was prompted by the Town of Aurora which will have 13,000 population within its new boundaries. which come into effect January 1. 1971. Under the original plan this municipality Would have had only one representative. Under the new plan it will have two. In both plans the mayor of each Disputed boundary lines were also discussed at some length. it is reported. Whitchurch and Markham Township boundary will remain at 19th Avenue and the Markham Township - Rich- mond Hill boundary at the pro- posed Highway 404. The boundary between Richâ€" mond Hill and Aurora was set in the original plan as 40 rods north of the CFRB Sideroad. Since this strip of land includ- ed both the Ontario Hospital and the Blue Hills Academy. Aurora wanted the boundary line adjusted to 40 rods below the sideroad. Hmvever. accord- ing to Mayor William Lazenby of Richmond Hill, whenit was learned that the sideroad will become a regional road, it was agreed on as the boundary line. Mayor Lazenby is taking ex. ception to the decision to in- crease the number of members only one representative. Under the new plan it will have two. In both plans the mayor of each municipality will automatically be a member of the regional council. The new make-up of the re- gional council with the original in brackets will be: Vaughan, 18,000 population, 3 (2); Mark- ham, 31,000, 5 (3': Richmond Hill. 27,000. 5 (3); King, 12.000, 2 (ll: Aurora. 13,000. 2 t1); Whitchurch, 11,000. 2 (ll: New- market, 16,000. 3 (2): East Gwil- limbury, 10,000, 2 (1); Georgina, 13,000, 3 (2). Although the latter municipality which will be com- pOSed of the present Georgina, Sutton and North Gwillimbury, has only 13,000 permanent resi- dents, the same number as Au- rora, it was given extra repre- sentation because of the greatly increased number of\ residents Mayor Lazenby is taking ex. ception to the decision to in- crease the number of members of the regional council. In a letter to Mr, McKeough, he 'points out that the size of the regional council is too large to work effectively. “I can under- stand your reasoning and ap- preciate your support of the or- iginal proposal, because it is representation by population," the mayor wrote. He proposes that this original proposal be accepted with the addition of one representative for the Town of Aurora. “I believe it would be easier to add representatives to the regional council on a rep. by pop. ‘basis as the area grows than it would be to decrease the size of the council if it proves too unwieldy," Mayor Lazenby told the Minister. Whitchurch Supports I7 Members Maygfr Lazenby Drastic changes in the regional government plan for York County presented May 6 were agreed on May 25 at Queen’s Park when municipal represent- atives met with Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy McKeough and officials of his department. The agreement provides for increasing the number of members of the upper tier of government, the regional council. from 16 plus the chairman to 27 plus the chairman. It was also agreed that election to the regional council should be directly by the electorate. 355 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL 869-5435 PHONE 727-9453 Wilson m'blett CHEV-OLDS WHERE TEACHERS‘ WIVES WERE SLAIN Police get flurry of tips from telephone callers The final figures agreed on were two representatives for every municipality with Mark- ham and Richmond Hill having five instead of three each and Vaughan. Newmarket and Geor- gina having three each instead of two. In consultation with Stouff- ville representatives Whitchurch Council has also reached a de- cision on a municipal council of six councillors plus a mayor under regional government, in- stead of the mayor and eight councillors suggested in Mr. McKeough’s presentation May 6. This decision has been reported to the Minister. also, according a population of 13.000 had been given two members because of the large influx of summer re- sidents. Aurora. also with 13.000 population. had asked for two representatives also. Where Cars Cost Less! MARK OF UCELLENCE