ROTOTILLING done eveningszDo you have a drinking probâ€" or weekends. 889-9427. tfc48 lem. If so AA can help. Write TREE SERVICE Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call unnatural (TI-no- and “nflvn THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE ALL types of landscaping, rock- eries, patios, and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam. peat and mushroom com- post by the yard or load. Free estimates. A. Hartwicl-I1 889- 6338, t‘fc42 WANTED used lawnmowers also repairs to all makes. free pick-up and delivery. Central Auto Machine. 101 Glencamron Rd. Thornhill. 889-4412. tfc48 JUNE 9, TUESDAY, 7.30 pm. Important Auction Sale, Pre- view 2 p.m. - 7 pm. York Farmer's Market. 7509 Yonge St Thornhill. Over 200 choice lots of period furniture includ- ing Georgian, Jacobean. Vic- torian, Edwardian, Sheraton, Chippendale, etc. Fine selection art glass, signed Stueben, Bac- carat, Milli Flori, Satan glass, Cranberry. Flow Blue china, etc. Sterling silver and large selection of antique copper and brass. Removal (Trees and Hedges) Pruning Transplanting Clearing Jobs. We will go any- where. Got a pruning problem? For free estimates call: ROTOTILLING, any size area. 889-8536. c1w48 LAWNMOWERS Complete tune-up $7.95 plus parts. Blade sharpened and bal- anced free, (rotary). Expert re- pair to all makes and models of garden and industrial equip- ment. No charge for local pick- up and delivery. Consolidated Mower and Marine. 223-3008. 06w47 GARDENING MAINTENANCE Spring clean-up, lawn rolling and fertilizing. pruning, tree and flower planting. also paint- ing, patio and cement work. 889-9385. tfc47 Call: 889-7024 11TH. â€" Auction sale of house- hold furniture; 2 piece Chester- field suite; 3 upholstered chairs;1 Zenith 19" T.V. like new, with stand; 1 kitchen cupboard unit 5 ft. long. near new: 30†Moï¬att electric stove; breakfast suite; bedroom furniture; 2 washing machines; tools; garden equip- ment: in the Village of New Gormley. The property of Mrs. J. A. Pope - No reserve, terms cash. Sale at 6.30 pm. Alvin 5. Farmer Auctioneer - 887-5311. c1w49 SALE REGISTERS JUNE 13, SATURDAY â€" Auc- tion Sale of household furniture. Empire sofa - carved mahogany, Shield back love seat, 2 Victor- ian parlor chairs, small pine cupboard: 4 ladder back chairs. very old; drop-leaf table; odd pieces of china old; crystal; chenille bed spread; 2 large pine tables: pine corner cup- board; 1 Quebec Hutch (Pine) and 4 ch ‘rs. Many other arti- cles at 2 3 Main St. West, Stouffville. The property of E. A. Armstrong. terms cash - sale 1 pm. Alvin S. Farmer, Auc- tioneer. Gormley. 887-5311 LINDSAY LANDSCAPING 884-7790 by WILLOW-HILL Lawn and Garden Supply Landscaping â€" Thornhill Phone: 889-5344 ' Government licensed lawn sprayinz Robert C. Simper, Auctioneer and Appraiser. c1w49 GARDENING 600 sq. ft. prime office space to rent in Richmond Hill Hydro Building, 4 Yonge Street South. Safe electric heating, air conditioning, parking. TO RENT PRIME OFFICE SPACE WEED SPRAYING Gov’t Licensed Free Estimates DICK MAIR For further information phone Brydon Ellis. 884-4466 294-0791 c3w49 large LENOâ€"The family of the late ’ cup- Edgar Pearman Leno wish to (Pine) thank friends and neighbors for L‘ arti- their kindness during their re- West, cent bereavement and especi- of E. ally Percy Bennett. Arthur - sale Dawson, Edward Mansbn‘dge, Auc- William Neal, Floyd Perkins, 1 Lewis Sims who acted as pall c2w49 bearers. c1w49 “(:38 tfc49 RIDE wanted. Richmond Hill to Mimico, leaving 7 am return- ing approx. 4 pm. 884-3884 after 6 pm. c2w48 Mr. and Mrs. John Vigrass of Parry Sound. announce the en- gagement of their daughter Sharon Elva. to Mr. Roy N. Tay- lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tay- lor of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place Saturday, July 4th. 1970, at Trinity Anglican Church, Parry Sound. *1w49 GILLIES â€" To Bob and Doro- thy a daughter Sheri Lee, born May 26, 1970, at York Central Hospital. A sister for Ron and Steven. Special thanks to Drs. Bate and Hardy. ‘ _ clw49 TAYLOR â€"â€" David and Glenna (nee Ross) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, 8 lbs. at York Central Hospital on Wednesday. May 27, 1970. Special thanks to Dr. W. R. Wesley. c1w49 Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Baker, Tes- ton Sideroad, Maple, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Sharron Anne to Mr. Ter- rance Hellas, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hellas of Toronto. Wedding announce- ment later. c1w49 BARROW â€"-â€" Marg and Dave are happy to announce that Jenni- fer is here, a 7 lb. 2 oz. beau- tiful girl. born May 24, 1970 at Branson Hospital. c1w49 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger of Gormley are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Mildred Irene to Mr. George Arthur Sider of Hamilton, Ontario. The‘ wedding to «Jake place Saturday, June 20th, 1970 at 2 o‘clock in Heise Hill Church, Gormley. c1w49 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter Scott of Brantford announce the marriage of their daughter, Vir- ginia Christine to Mr. Bruce Graham Miller son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dickson Miller. RRl, Richmond Hill on Saturday. May 23, 1970 at 2 pm at Alex- ander Presbyterian Church, Brantford. *lw49 Engagement; Community Centre, May 26, and the beautiful gift of silverware. It will always be remembered. Special thanks to Barb and Les, Hart and Pat and Phyl Ottaway. Zoli and Rita Berta and Family. c1w49 CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank all our neigh- bors and friends for the fare- well party at Victoria _S_quare CARD 0F THANKS iï¬nrthrnming martian}? Transportation I’ERSON AL marriage mirth! BROESMA, Poppe (Peter) Sup- erintendent of Dufferin Court Apt. â€" Peter Broesma dear husband of Winda, father of Andy of Holland Landing, Peter of Brampton, Harvey of Lindsay, Len of Oshawa and Winda (Mrs. P. Van Dyke) of Brampton. Resting at Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service on Thursday at 2 pm. Interment Highland Memory Gardens. clw49 GOULDING, Ruth Grace -â€" Suddenly at York Central Hospital on Thursday. May 28, 1970, Ruth Hall, beloved wife of Darrell Goulding, Rich- mond Hill. Dear mother of Margaret (Mrs. Ron Browne), and George. Grandmother of Andrea. Tracey. Douglas. Dar- rell and Nancy. Dear sister of Sadie McKay, Violet Gamble, Annie (Mrs. Harold Redd), Maude Murphy, Nina Large. Alfred and the late Ernest and William. Rested rat the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday afternoon. Interment West- minister Cemetery. (As memorial tributes, donations could be sent to the York Central Hospital Memorial Fund.) c1w49 ARBON. Florence Mary â€"â€" At the Willows Nursing Home, on Wednesday, May 27, 1970. Florence Taylor, beloved wife of Stephen Arbon, 91 May Ave., Richmond Hill. Dear mother of Gary. sister of Betty (Mrs. Murray Bowen) Hawkstone and Marguerite Taylor. Beeton. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service was held Friday. In- terment ’Highland Memory Gardens. c1w49 MARSTON. Violet J .â€"At York‘ Central Hospital. on Monday, June 1, 1970. Vi Sheppard. (Mrs. Ralph Paris), wife of Robert E. Marston, dear ‘mother of Shirley (Mrs. W. Harrison). Gerald Paris and Janet (Mrs. E. Girdler), Rob- ert and Charles Marston, dear grandmother of 13 grandchil- dren. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yon-ge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednesday in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. In- terment Richmond Hill Cem- etery. SMITH, Bruce Warren â€" On Monday, June 1, 1970, Bruce‘ W. Smith of Thornhill, be-7 loved husband of Nancy‘ Walsh. dear father of Linda and Lawrence, son of James L. Smith of London, brother of Pat (Mrs. J. Fawcett) of London, and Brian oif Lam- beth. The family received friends at the B. E. Ring Fun- eral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 78) Thornhill, Tuesday. A memorial service was held at Thornhill United Church, Wednesday. Remembrances may be made to Cancer Re- search, Princess Margaret Hospital, 500 Sherbourne St., Toronto. c1w49 WICE, Roy E.â€"â€"-At his late resi- dence on Saturday. May 30. 1970, Roy B. Wice, 43 Grand- view Ave. Willowdale, (form- erly of Thornhill). Beloved husband of the late Julia Belcher, and dear father of Kenneth, ~Dorothy (Mrs. J. Dobbins), Ethel, Harvey. Hilda (Mrs. A. Zeigler) and the late Russell. Also beloved by 13 grandchildren. Mr. Wice rested at the B. E. Ring Fun- eral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 7B) Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel Tues- day,'June 2. Interment Thorn- hill Cemetery. c1w49 In honor of their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Usher of 41 Eighth Ave. 5., Woodbridge are holding an open house June 21, 1970 from 2-5 pm. No gifts please. *2w49 In Honour of the Fortieth Wed- ding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Oman Bowes. Open House will be held on Friday, June 5th in the home of Mae Watt, No- bleton. Ont. Six pm. until Nine pm. All friends cordially invi- ted. Dancing after Nine pm. Please omit gifts. *1w49 SHIPPING WORLD WIDE SHIPPING 889-6269 MOVING AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE Cali OPEN HOUSE BY RAIL, LAND, 3132:1111: AND c1w49 BUTLER Florence â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmotherwho passed away June 7, 1960. Ten years have gone. and passed us by. Ten years of missing you, Ten years to think, ten years to cry. Oh Granny why did you die? â€" Sadly missed by son Leo, daughter-in-law May. and grand- children, Jane. Bonny, Christo- pher and Mark. *1w49 COSTOFF â€" In loving memory of my dear husband William. who passed away May 29, 1952. Alone, but never quite alone, I face an empty chair. But sometimes in the silence I imagine he is there. My companion for so many years No longer here with me. And yet in some mysterious way He keeps me company. â€" Sadly missed by wife Ethel and family. c1w49 SPRING â€"- In loving memory of my dear husband Gordon who passed away suddenly June 4, 1967. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief. But memory turns back every leaf. Della. VAN KEMPEN Diana â€" In lov- ing memory of a dear wife and mother who passed away June 6, 1969. God gave us our mother. And He tried to be fair. And when He gave us ours. We got more .than our share. Although He took her back One year ago today. We are so grateful for The years He let her stay. â€"Lovingly remembered by Cor, Rosemary and Diana. 3n mrmnriam L Vaughan Township Fire Chief James Davidson last week asked Markham Township Police to in- vestigate after 11wo fires oc- curred only two days apart in a vacant dwelling at 7017 Yonge Street, Thornhill. The first fire May 28 at 8:28 pm was blamed on children. Papers and boxes in the kitchen were burned on this occasion. The house is believed scheduled for removal in the Yonge Street widening program. Garage Fire Seemed Set Second Fire In Vacant Dwelling Brings Request For Polce Probe The second fire occurred May 30 at 10:23 pm. This time there was about $75 worth of damage Try Eddy FREE this week . . . Your choice 41-piece oven ware set or, 50-piece glassware set or clock radio. FREE Shop-At-Home Service â€" No Obligation Instant Delivery FREE with every set CALL 884-8494 MR. TELEVISION Complete stereo line Low Payments No Payments Till July Sadly missed by TV Rentals FAST SER‘TCE We go all over York County 9 - 10 - 7 Days a Week Phone 884-8494 Open 9 am. - 10 p.m. & all weekend SALES & RENTALS All sizes available All TV Sets are Brand New First and Black & White COLOR his wife. c1w49 y COI‘. WA gasoline motor powered pump valued at $186 was stolen *1w49.May 28 from Richmond Hill Burglars were quite busy Rent-All. 41 Yonge Street Av: again last \X'eek in Richmond North. The pump was left out- pm Hill. Markham and Vaughan side overnight beside the firm’s 'I Townships. building in the Agincourt Plaza. Ste The most serious break-in took place Sunday night at. the Hilltop Furniture Store. 47 Yonge Street North in Rich- mond Hill. Owner Raymond Desmarais says close to $1.000 worth of furniture was stolen, including a 16-inch color television set, four 19-inch portable television sets. and two coffee tables. 7 Mr. Desmara‘is visited the A woman who apparently was store Sunday and everything a short change artist managed was in order. The break-in was to get away with an extra $10 discovered at opening time from the Allencourt Pharmacy Monday morning. » at Markham Road and Bayview The burglars entered the store by breaking a back win- dow. They then left by a rear door that could be opened from the inside. Markham Tovmship Police at 5 am May 30 caught a man in a Thornhill building and charged him with break and enter with intent to commit theft. Stephen Chapman of 6 Stan- croft Road, Vaughan Township faced the charge for the first time June 2 in Richmond Hill Criminal Division Court. Csapman was arrested at Per- formance Engineering Limited, 55 Guardsman Road, Thornhill. There was a break-in May 30 at the, 400 Drive-in in Vaughan Township. Two vending ma- chines were forced open and cigarettes and cash were stolen. A truck tire was also stolen. Damage and loss in the break- in was valued at $260. Also May 30 burglars entered a building at the Thackery land- fill site, Steeles and Kipling Avenues, by forcing a window. Two gauges and a torch valued at $200 were stolen. Burglars, Thieves Have $3,000 Week Damage was estimated at $800 May 30 at 9:57 pm in another suspicious fire at the former Texaco Service Station at High- way 7 and Dufferin Street. to the building Furniture Store Break-In Fire Chief Davidson said the fire appeared to have been set inside a rear door in a stair- well. r The building is said to have been insured. It is owned by Harry Hoffman of 30 Cedarcroft Road, Toronto. Children were blamed May 30 at 11:51 am for setting on fire a waste paper container behind the Shoppers Drug Mart on Royal Orchard Boulevard in Thornhill. Damage was neglig- ible. An oil leak in a township park at the rear of 141 Royal Orchard Boulevard May 28 at 5102 pm was a fire source. Children again were blamed for setting the oil patch on fire. There was no damage reported. Sunday, May 31 at 6:45 am a man with heart trouble came to the Keele Street fire station to use the inhalator. Richmond Hill Firemen were mainly busy doing fire safety inspections last week. Their only call was to a grass fire at 4 pm May 27 along the railroad track north of the Elgin Side- road. But this was really a demon- stration of fire fighting tech- niques and a practice session for the Vaughan Fire Depart- ment, both regular men and volunteers. On the evening of June 1 there was a big fire and a lot of firemen on Jane Street, a mile south of Sherwood Side- road. A vacant house was being burned with the owner‘s per- mission. There was also a de- monstration of the use of che- mical foam in ï¬refighting. WILLOWDALE: Lindsay Watt, Georges V a n i e r Secondary School student, won a $50 third prize in the Ontario secondary school physics examination of the Canadian Association of Physicists. A total of 618 stu- dents in grades 12 and 13 par- ticipated in Ontario. The con- test is Canada-wide but each province sets its own examina- tion. Three faculty members at the University of Guelph set and marked the Ontario papers. 1, Edgar William Hopkins of 326 Palmer Avenue, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario, will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name, or for the debts contracted in my wife’s name of Mrs. Peggy Ardith Hopkins after June 4th, 1970, without my written consent. DAILY PICK-UP AND PARCEL DELIVERY Metro Wide Same Day Delivery 889-9427 NOTICE Edgar W. Hopkins 312‘ 2 Teenagers Remanded l aZï¬On Kidnapping Charge side overnight beside the firm‘s The woman paid employee building in the Agincoui‘t Plaza. Stephanie Blissett for a small Burglars forced entry to Our bottle of sun tan oil with a $20 Lady Queen of the Worldlbill. After some fast talking Church. Bah/View and Crosby and a series of changes in the Avenues. sometime prior to May money exchange arrangements. 30. Religious articles, including the buyer left with an extra $10. some small crosses and statues Among the thefts reported valued at less than $50. were last week in Vaughan Township stolen. Markham Township was an electric golf cart wort-h Police still have this incident $1,000 stolen from the Thorn- under investigation hill Golf Club. It was missed Two teenagers faced charges of kidnapping and robbery in Richmond Hill Provincial Court May 28. Jacqueline Horth of 116 Sher- boume Street, Toronto, and Robert Robidoux, 18, of no fix- ed address. were charged with forcibly seizing John Terance Rogerson of 216 Douglas Street, Stratford, May 27 in Markham Township and robbing him of his money. Robidoux was only released from Guelph Reformatory two weeks earlier, the court was told. The pair were remanded in custody until June 2 without bail by Judge William Camb- lin. Robidoux told the court he had no parents. The charges were laid by De- tective Douglas Tribbling of the Markham Township Police De- partment. Two teenagers were brought to Markham Township Police Station from Lindsay May 2'7 by Detective Tribbling and Deâ€" tective Robert Burbidge. This was after a high speed chase by Whitby and Lindsay OPP that ended with a car smashed into a' store from, in Lindsay. The driver of the smashed car jumped into the Trent Canal and for a time refused to come out. When he finally did come out, he was arrested for danger- ous driving. Mr. ngerson, a passenger in the sm shed car. told police he picked up a pair of teenagers in Toronto to give them a ride to Stouffville.» When they reached Markham Township the car was seized from him, he said, at what he thought by the feel was a gun in his back. An attempt was made to put him in the trunk of his car. Then his hands were tied. and untied ‘ later. Mr. Rogerson said he was driven around @he Newmarket and Stouffville area at high speeds, finally ending up on Highway 401, headed for Peter- boro Intermediate C.G.A. or R.I.A. student, or an indi- vidual with sound accounting experience, required by Head Office of large wood products company. The successful applicant will be responsible for the Head Office accounting functions. This is a career position and will lead to a senior accounting position Within the organiza- tion. ACCOUNTANT Good working conditions and excellent em- ployee benefits fully paid for by the Company. For an interview, phone or write: Mr. R. J. McGuire, c/o Weyerhaeuser Canada Limited, 121 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario. 884-1122 Gibbins Construction Ltd. 8 8 7 - 5 7 2 7 MAC HEATING CO. cansumms' GAS For the one low cost of $12.00 applied to your gas bill your furnace will be thoroughly CLEANED AND SERVICED by expert licensed fitters W e supply the A.B.C. of saving money 0 Approved Technical Knowledge 0 Better Efficiency 0 Cleaner Air Phone Now And You Will Be Glad You Did SERVICE CONTRACTOR For Richmond Hill & York County Spring & Summer Cleaning Program Mac Heating 884-7977or3302 Government Licensed Fitters All Residential 8. Commercial Work HOMES Custom Built Or REMODELED! SLreetIAvenue May 29 at about 7.10 24 Hour Service) Among the thefts reported last week in Vaughan Township was an electric golf cart worth $1,000 stolen from the Thorn- hill Golf Club. It was missed May 31. At Boyd Conservation Area three purses were rifled and small amounts of money taken in each case on May 30. On May 29 21 Hillside Avenue woman had $30 taken from her purse while she was mowing her lawn. There was $500 worth of van- dalism May 30 at Roselawn Public School when empty beer bottles were thrown through many windows. INNER“ll\u\\\\ll\\ll\ll\lll\l\llllMIRWfllllllll“N\ll\\lllfll Catholic Teachers Picket When trustees of York County Roman Catholic School Board arrived for their regular meeting Tues- day night. they found about 30 of their teachers parad- ing around the parking lot in front of the board‘s ad- ministration building on Dufferln Street in Rich- mond Hill. Queried by the press, the teachers refused to com- ment. Said Teacher Nego- tiating Committee Chair- man Robert Cooney of Newmarket. “Our message is for the boardâ€. Board Chairman Eugene Jacobs admitted, “We did not know they were coming until we got here.†He suggested that the picketing was “a show of strength" by the teachers who are impatient at the failure of board and teach- er committees to arrive at 5;: Sheement on contracts for the 1970-71 school yea}. Chairman of the Board’s Negotiating Com mitt e e, Gaspar Parent, Trustee for Newmarket, told “The Lib- eral" that both committees have agreed not to release information to the public until their proposals have been approved by the main bodies of the board and teacher association. Negotiations are usually completed before the end of March, but, Mr. Parent pointed out, there have been problems in arriving at contract agreements throughout the province. “We can only discuss,†said Mr. Parent. “Our re- commendations have to be ratified by the board and by the teachers before we can sign a contract." THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, June 1, 1970 Consumers’ Gas Approved smmWWWW,..,..,.,.‘...,MW&W \Ihe Mover Lid. Free Rem Brand New APARTMENTS IN MARKHAM A Tornado Couldn't Stop Us! ' MAYFAIR TEXTILE SHOWROOM Children Welcome (ONLY 5 STILL AVAILABLE) Includes hydro, water, stove, fridge, drapes and TV outlet. Wall-to-wall broadloom in each apartment 127 BIRCH AVE., THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse ‘I MOIII'I’I'ï¬ Specially Redqggd Summer Discount Sale ' bonueu Acunaua F F 0 Double Knits 70 In 0 100% Wool Suiting START YOUR FALL SEWING NOW on Highway 7, across from SHERWOOD PLAZA ' Two- Bedroom Suites $165 Per Month Summer Cottons Plain & Printed 45†From 69c to $1.59 Yard Plain & Printed Denims Heavy Weight 45†- $1.29 Yard Brushed Cotton Lace 36†- $1.49 Yd. 100% Wool Lace - $1.98 Yd. Black Stretch Lace - $1.98 Yd. Indian Silk $8.95 Value - Only $2.50 Yd. Crimplene 12 02. English - $5.99 Yd. Tailored Cotton Blouses Girls 8 to 16. Misses 10 to 20 - $1.99 SALE RUNS FROM JUNE 3 TO JUNE 10 Let us help you solve All your M oving problems Phone Markham 294-4979 RENTAL OFFICE 0N PREMISES WELLINGTON TOWER APARTMENTS 111 Wellington St. W., Markham 301 MARKHAM RD., RICHMOND HILL â€" 884-6428 â€" efore you move! LOCAL 0R LONG DISTANCE Terry Cloth 0 Lace Printed Surahs Plain & Bonded Crepes Bonded Acrilacs Double Knits 70 Inches 100% Wool Suiting 889-4911-2-3 Geï¬tle a: 1 Lamb