Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jun 1970, p. 9

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arines, Creemore. Uxbridge, Negotiations with the inside Thornhill and Nobleton. workers were successfully con- Following the service a pot- eluded early in May, giving the luck picnic luncheon was held office and clerical workers an in the Sunday school when increase of $500 for the year everyone had a chance to visit 1970. The increase was retroac- \vith their friends. tive to the beginning of the The June meeting of the year. Friends were present from Vellore, Millbank, Richmond hill, Markham. Queensville, To- ronto, Cannington. Islington, Brantford. King City, Bradford, Port Hope. Michigan, St. Cath- al‘ines, Creemore. Uxbridge, Thornhill and Nobleton. Victoria Square United was beautifully decorated with spring flowers for the annual memorial service Sund morn- ing. Rev. Martin Jenkiwon was in charge and gave a very in- spiring message. Guest soloist was Mrs. Allan Orr, a former resident. now of Bradford. The local Lions are sponsor- ing a community day in the park and hall June 20 from 2 pm to midnight. There will be a bake sale at 2 pm and the Lions would ap- preciate any donation of home baking. jams or preserves for this sale. For further informa- tion please phone Mrs. John‘ Lee at 884-6601. Mrs. Norman Bell at 887-5454 or Mrs. John McCague at 887-5409. All pro- ceeds will be used for commun- ity purposes. There will also be a baseball tournament, euchre. dancing. elimination draw and a chicken barbecue. Everyone is welcome. Bobby Nichols, June 13: Mrs. Doris Pickering, June 14; Deb- Debbie McLaren, three years, June 16; Ruth Frisby, seven years, June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Bel‘t Nichols and Bob have moved to their new home in Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Charlebois of Weston had Saturday even- ing dinner with Mr. and Mrs.‘ Rolph Boynton. Mkhm Outside Union Begins Contract Talks v..- 4....-- An, Church News At its meeting on June 1. Tuesday evening of last week King City Lions paid their an- nual visit to Victoria Square and District Lions and enjoyed a delicious buffet supper. Guest speaker was Frank Donnelly, who gave a very interesting and humorous talk. (1) KOREAN ADOPTION PLAN (2) VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES (3) BLUE HILLS ACADEMY (4) BAYVIEW BENEVOLENT FUND (5) HUGO SCHENK MEMORIAL FUND (6) YORK EDUCATIONAL CLINIC Thank you for helping us to help others. KAP CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL During the social hour that followed everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Lillian Knapp, Barbara’s grandmother. who was celebrating her 82nd birthday that day. Lions Community Day Barbara and James received many beautiful and useful gifts for which they thanked every- one. The $4700 raised will be used for our adopted orphans and to assist community services. This year the following organizations have been recognized by the students: Shower UCW will be held in the Sun- Monday evening of last week day school June 17 at 8 pm with neighbors ‘and friends gathered Mrs. Norman Tyndall, Mrs. Her- in the community hall for a man Mortson and Mrs. Faye miscellaneous shower in honor Wills in charge. of Barbara Empringham and MrS. Philip Taylor (Betty James Woodward, who are to be Hill) who has just returned married shortly. They were as- from Lima (Peru), will show SiSlEd With the opening 0f their pictures of her work there. All gifts by Mrs. Carman Hender- ladies are invited to attend. son and John Wilson. Neighborhood Notes SCHOOL would like to express their appreciation to the citizens of the area for their generous response to our annual fund raising campaign known as KAP (Korean Adoption Plan). a week, sperit Sunday with the Burton family. Birthday greetings to Marie BUILDING MATERIALS SAND & GRAVEL Georgie Burton’s sister, Mrs. C. McAvoy of Kitchener, has been visiting her for the week. Georgie’s mother, Mrs. E. Le- couve of Montreal, who has been visiting in the area for a week, spent Sunday with the Open ’Til Noon Saturdays -â€" Cash and Carry Get well wishes to Harley, Marilyn and Marie Horner. who have all had a bout of the meas- les recently. Sunda‘y, Mr. and Mrs. Cum- mer Lee drove to Grand Valley to get Mrs. Lee’s mother, Mrs. M. E. McDougal who was visit- ing her sister, Miss M. Tovell, there. Congra'tulations to Rosemary Leek who has successfully com- pleted her second year at York University. Neighborhood Notes Everyone is welcome at the Headford Sunday school picnic which is again being held at the beautiful park on George Bark- er’s Farm. The date is tent- atively set for June 28. but should this be changed, notice will be given in this column. Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL 889-4137 â€" 889-4176 PUBLIC NOTICE $4,700 The students of BAYVIEW SECONDARY VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Correspondent: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 ER. 2, Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE HEADFORD NEWS -â€" WE DELIVER About 35 outside workers have joined the municipality’s office workers as members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. and were certified by the Department of Labor in April. At its meeting on June 1, council agreed that Reeve Stewart Rumble or Deputy- reeve Anthony Roman should join Township Clerk Harry Crisp in representing the muni- cipality in contract negotiations with the township outside work- ers. ‘ VA». Mr. and Mrs. Paul Charlebois him of Weston had Saturday even- Spar ing dinner with Mr. and Mrs. tena Ralph Boynton. hm . Birthday greetings to June Collard, June 10, Gordon Mc- Whirter Jr. four years, June 11; Bobby Nichols, June 13: Mrs. Doris Pickering, June 14; Deb- Debbie McLaren, three years, June 16; Ruth Frisby, seven ‘ Herb Boynton of Toronto had Saturday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. David Boynton and twin sons of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace. [ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Well- ‘man and family of Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wellman and family of Omemee had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols, Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent. Mrs. Philip Taylor (Betty :Hill) who has just returned from Lima (Peru), will show pictures of her work there. All ladies are invited to attend. Neighborhood Notes Cedar Grove was the setting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Briliinger for the junior farmers’ picnic and Mr. and Mr5. Peter Stickley last week. Members who at- visited Mrs. Annie Hilts at tended from Headford were: Fairview Mennonite Home in Jean Clark, Rosemary Leek. Al- Preston Sunday. Mrs. Hilts. for bert Leek. Charlie Barker. many years a Gormley resident, Gordie Lee and Ted and Mur- is 89 years old and had just ray SCheepers. come out of Gait Hospital. The Victoria Square Mens Baseball Team has been in top form, winning three games rec- ently. Results of the games were: Victoria Square 10, Stouffville 4 Victoria Square 8, Greenwood 4 Victoria Square 5, Markham 4 Dinner guests of Mrs. W. H. Wellman June 3 were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millen of Rich- mond Hill. There is a rather pitiful Headford ladies’ team who could use some of Victoria Square’s excess talent. Homer, who was seven June 10 and to Jeff Rumble who will be one year old June 13. George and Anne Clark en- tertained Jim Curtis, the Pete Vanderkooy family and the Tom Dunleavy family at a bar- becue Sunday afternoon. Telephone 887-5421 12 Yonge Street South Proposals have been put for- ward for such an extension to the west of Unionville in ’che Varley Village area. Widening of Kennedy Road ‘to four lanes south of Highway 7 has been completed, and an earlier plan to continue the widening has been shelved while the Department of High- ways studies alternative plans for a re-routing of Kennedy Road north to bypass the vil- lage. . There was no seconder for a motion by Councillor William lMasters that the Department of Highways plan be approved, and council agreed to turn the question of the Kennedy Road improvements back to the roads committee and committee of council. Reeve Stewart Rumble asked if the decision would not come under the jurisdiction of the village trustees. Township Clerk Harry Crisp informed ‘him that the trustees have re- sponsibility for use and main- tenance of roads in the village,i but the township must deal with1 the Department of Highways. Deputy-Reeve Anthony Ro- man told council the depart- ment’s proposal would mean re- moval of boulevards and trees on the main street for a dist- ance of 350 feet â€" about one block. It was pointed out that town- ship approval is not required for the highway widening, but that it is needed for installation of culverts and curbs on Union- ville’s main street which would be required for a “throat widen- ing” at the intersection to facil- itate movement of left and right-turn vehicles leaving and entering the village. :5 Mrs. Clifford Sider enter- ’ tained at a personal shower for 4 Miss Mildred Brillinger. Miss Brillinger was also hon- ored at a dinner Wednesday night by the staff of the de- livery room of York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill, and was presented with some Blue [_ Mountain Pottery. The hospital a staff entertained her Thursday [- evening and presented her with a “heat platter". g Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger c and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley ‘- visited Mrs. Annie Hilts at ‘: Fairview Mennonite Home 4 4 11 o a inl ' Noble’s 1101 Mr. and derson ha apartment Mr. and have taken apartment We wish for Mrs. underwent York Com market. Congratu Mrs. Ralph birth of t born to Mr pringham. Glad we’re vacationing with you! At a meeting of the Town- ship Council June 1 it was agreed that the Department of Highways’ plan for the widen- ing of Highway 7 through Unionville should be approved, but that it withhold approval of the proposed improvements to Kennedy Road north of the highway. The Police Village of Union- ville has the support of Mark- ham Township Council in its fight to preserve the character of its quaint and historic main street. Unionville will cease to exist The Brillingers and Stickleys also visited Mrs. Mandy Jewett, another former Gormley resi- dent. who is in her 100th year. Markham Council Study Unionville Road Plan I Gerald Sudeyko and Miss Heather MacDonald were hon- ored by friends and relatives Saturday night at Victoria Square at a miscellaneous shower. Miss Mary Pattenden was guest of honor at a miscellane- ous shower Saturday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Chet Pattenden. Neighborhood Notes fiarmey Neighborhnod Noies' Oh yes, Tex-made will be along this summer as always . . . . . . in the sports shirts father wears, mother’s bright dresses, the kids’ shorts and sweaters, the canvas of their running shoes, the tarp on the luggage, the sailboat’s sail, the headlining and tire fabric of the family car . . . just to mention a few ways. You’re more familiar with Tex-made sheets, towels, pillow slips and other famous consumer products . . . a company like ours serves Canadians in hundreds of hidden ways. Drive carefully and have a good time! SIMPSON 'S DRY GOODS CORRESPONDENT: MRS dominion textile limited as ‘a police village when region- al government comes into effect in January, 1971, and it will become part of the Town of Markham which will include most of the present Township of Markham and the present Town of Markham. Mrs. Alex Log: surgery last week Hospital, Scarboro for Mrs. Russell Ellas underwent surgery last w: York County Hospital, market. have taken apartment We wish upstairs part of Mr: Noble’s house. Mr. and Mrs. Car: derson have moved apartment in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wayn Stereo Tape Headquarters * Accessories We are equipped to install speakers inside all four doors of your car for top sound (FOR YORK COUNTY) * 8 Track Stereo Cartridges * Stereo Cassettes * Auto and Home Players * AM-FM-SW Units ARGUS CAREFREE CAMERA OUTFIT Richmond Heights Centre The Fabric People Great Father’s Day Gift! An easy-to-operate . . Features: Instant loading drop-in cart- ridge, no film to thread. Takes color and black and white pictures. Conven- ient, easy to carry. Complete with batteries, film, flash cube iongratulations 57 NEWKIRK RD. RICHMOND HILL 773-4022 884-6474 PHOTO a t l a S SUPPLIES ulations to Mr. and 1 Empringham on the their granddaughter, r. and Mrs. Jim Em- CHAS inV '5. Wayne Johnson p residence in an Willowdale. speedy recovery ‘5. Alvin Winger rs. Clifford Win- ith relatives at ne weekend. . Emerson Stiles, it the winter in visiting with Mr. MILSTED Wholesale and Retail arman into IS who .veek in New- Hen ry'present ho Ellas cl in roll cal The ratepayers say the pro- ject â€" to house 1,350 people on a 10-acre site bounded by Kings- ton Road, Galloway Road and Poplar Road would ever- crowd schools, create traffic problems and put a strain on recreation and park flacilities. SCARBORO â€"â€" Scarboro Plan- ning Board last week approved a 490-unit public housing pro- ject in West Hill despite oppo- sition from ratepayers’ groups in the area. ing a p] Mrs. N01 excellent district ‘ John Brc address ( Mrs. Charles Mil Charleen were week( of Dr. and Mrs. R0: Stayner. Gormley Women’s met Wednesday aftern home of Mrs. Fred M 11 members and 01 Geoffrey turned from ness trip to lands. daughter of Mr. and I sell Sproxton. is stati miles east of Huanuco‘ the area devasted by t earthquake last week. ents haven’t had any u Betty since the catas Geoffrey Campey Richmond Hill 887 ress ‘ plant members ent. Presi ; chaired call was ; a plant Norman hter of 1V Sproxton 5 east of ent report :t annual Brown pre ;5 on the 1 5445 nesday afternoon at Mrs. Fred Munro ' bers and one vi: President Mrs. Ru: ired the meeting. was answered by n ant brought for : ~man Brown gave report of the TEI Innua‘l meeting. 1 wn presented :1 vi tn the uses of che sale followed. a social half hour a three the Ca 884-3221 | Milsted weekend 1 5. Ross B and Mrs. Rusâ€" stationed 100 ‘eek. Her parâ€" my word from catastrophe. :y has re‘ 2 week busi‘ aribbean Is- 3. Peru the sev Institute recent 5. Mrs. 1 visual cheese. . after at was d and guests Bell at ,1 at the to with visitor Russell severe The nam- sale. Values effective in Richmond Hill until closing Saturday, June 13th, 1970. . . . We reserve jthe right to limit quantities. CHEESE SLICES POPSICLES SIZE I38 5 New Jersey Grown â€" Large Size BLUEBERRIES PEARS .MORE/ VEEK NLFHHISII DIN NIBLET CORN WHITE HEATPROOF BY FEDERAL GLASS Kraft Processed “Singles’ Sealtest Outstanding mounted prints of world renowned artists’ works W461. * ommrou * FREE - with the purchase if $5.00 or more (excluding cigarettes) with coupons lrom mailer hook mailed to your home! “Also the display of handsome . ‘ frames at Outstanding ' LOW, PRICES. for home and Cottage! 3 iG-REA m 'I * MASTERPIECES .-Your lavou'riiéAsubjecI's 19 match your room decor are here. You ago! one free picture (with coupon!) each Week for 12 weeks. And, additional pictures'ore available without coupons at minimum cost. Muke your selection "0") a diileront group ol famous paintings ouch week'. Landécapu; Seascapes still lile, porlrniL religious subjects Star; your an gallery today! ' -~.. Green Giant Fancy Culverhouse Choice Dessert PONY-TAIL BREAD 10 15 1.00 DOG FOOD California Valencia Dominion‘s Own Brand â€" Richmello White Sliced OVENWARE SUNKIST 24 oz. Loaves OAKEPAI WEI-l 99¢ IDEAL FOR HOME or COTTAGE! NO COUPONS... N0 PURCHASES NECESSARY! MIXING BOWL SET 51.69 ‘EEK N4 “NEW “iii IEEK IlJ-l-HS'IN [MFPAN m- 51.2! munâ€"luau!" 0H1 WFFEEMUG 3a. 29¢ kalâ€"J-lht Jam CASSEROLE We $1.39 NEW“ cfiux'i '1-31 U1 lOAF PAN CASSEROLE 33:: 51159 Budget lullb‘ll Pint Box 51.29 1 9‘ oz. I 0 0 Tms . 99¢ 8 oz. Pkg. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, June 11, 1970 12 oz‘ Tin Pkg. of 12 49¢ (excluding cigarettes) with coupons from mailer hook mail“ to your home! 19¢ VALUABLE co'urou unvth unaqu 'I'o'a“"" -- You Go Home Happy! SQUASH Dominion Fancy Diced Downy Flake WAFFLES ctn. of WHEN YOU SHOP AT asst'd sizes 6 Tins 89¢ FRENCH FRIES 48 oz. Tins 2 LB. BAG VEGETABLES f 6 10 oz. btls. c GAVE” 137x? 5 APPLE JUICE SPRITE or COCA- COLA Cudney â€" From Concentrate I8 oz. pkgs. Non-Returnable Bottles 7 Varieties -â€"- York Dominion’s Own Brand Hilltop Potatoes 4 $12289¢ 2 :12; 67¢

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