“We’ll have to give the Lake Wilcox area a great deal of at- tention." he said. "It’s an area of challenge and I just hope we won't be hit too hard in the pocket book over the next 10 years." Richmond Hill Planning Con- sultant Max Bacon noted that one of the basic questions un- answered to date by the govern- ment was in the matter of serâ€" vices. w Mr. Sayers said he had hoped the restructuring of Richmond Hill’s boundaries along regional lines "would have gone a little further south. and further west. I was hopeful that its northerly direcï¬on would have stopped at the Vaughan-Markham T-own- Line.†This would have excluded Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox. Board Chainman Harry Say- m said what everyone was thinking when he noted the re- development plans for Lake W005: and wondered “where we will get the potentï¬al assess- ment required to help finance the cost of redeveloping this area.†It was pointed out that under he Toronto Centred Region Development Plan, Richmond Hill seemed destined to remain basically an urbanized centre with a lack of assessment to handle any new headaches along with the old ones. The new headache being the Min areas at Oak Ridges and he Wilcox. Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy McKeough has already unmmced that in 1971 Rich-‘ mond Hill's enlarged boundaries will reach to Highway 407 on the south, Bathurst Street on the West and Highway 404 on Ilihe out. Included in the north- erly expansion will be Oak Ridge. and Lake Wilcox as far north as the CFRB Sideroad. “Our costs will be going up and we’ll basically be staying just as we are.†As Councillor Lois Hancey. a repreentativo on the board, put it: There was more joy in heaven than in Richmond Hill May 26 when members of the local planning board got around to discussing the munnicipality's proposed new boundaries un- der regional government. Need More Assessment, Services When Hill Boundaries Expanded A proposed loo-unit housing project involving the extension of Centre Street West to Trench Street was unfolded before Richmond Hill Planning Board May 26. The tentative plan, as sub- mitted by Warchester Invest- ments Ltd. of Toronto, would entail construction of 14-unit emi-debached homes on the north side of the Centre Street West extention and an 83~unit Extend Centre St. West Propose lOO-Unit Subdivision In Hill Branch Offices-Vancouver, Edmomon, Winnipeg, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Monoton, Halifax Waterways are almost as crowded as the highways today. That’s why it’s best to play safe with an Economical "package" plan that protects you against liability or property damage should an accident occur. It also covers boat, motor, trailer, equipment from ï¬re, theft and collision. You wouldn’t drive a car Without insurance. Don’t run the risk when boating. Call your Economical Insurance Agent now and enjoy carefree boating this summer. ECONOMICAL ECONOMICAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Kitchener, Ontario WHY TAKE THE RISK WITH BOATING! Richmond Hill â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-13351 Willowdale â€"- Neil G. McDonald Limited. 2221-1611 “There’s only one way they can get it," replied Mrs. Hancey. “We just won’t have the faci’li- ties to service them under the present conditions.†One member also pointed out that when Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox become part of Rich- mond Hill it was “only natural that they will want to have the same standard of services as we have now and they’ll be clamor- ing for them." The board asked Mr. Bacon to prepare a brief on the new enlarged town and present it to members at the next board meeting. Mrs. Hancey stated that “the majority of people living here are of modenate income and they just can’t afford to sit by as taxes go up. Provincial educational grants were cut back last year but they‘ll have to be restored to their former level and ‘increased’.†"Our costs are going to go up but we're just going to stay as we were. We’re going to have to meet these extra costs if the province isn’t prepared to pro- .vide assistance.†‘ Mrs. Hancey said that there hadn’t been any negotiation with Metro for services in this area so how can Ithey say this is what is going to happen. It’s going to cost us more but no one can say what relief the province is going to give us. Memlber Howard Whillans speculated that “the province probably doesn't want too much development in Richmond Hill. We‘ll have problems cleaning up what's already here in the muni- cipality." “We’ll simply have to have further provincial government aid to help .us,†said Mr. Sayers. Councillor Hancey stated that if “We get no services we get no development but we still have to face increased costs due to the enlarged boundaries. It will cost us more just to stay as we are and I see no relief in sight." ’ “They’ve made no commit- ment on services on which the entire future of Richmond Hill is dependent if it ever hopes to grow. There is no way the pre- sent facilities, even if they were enlarged. could hope to handle the services needed in the new enlarged municipality, " he said. “El-arming Board M e m b e 1' Howard Whillans looked ask- ance at what he termed the high density proposal in what is a predominantly low density pres- tige area. WEEâ€"grhfédy existing single family homes on Richmond Street would complete the pro- ject. _ _.. .. town housing project on the “I’m a resident in the area south side abutting Don Head and I for one wouldn't like to Secondary School. see such a high density develop- Threo already existing single ment,†he said. "It Would be family homes on Richmond surrounded by a low density Street would complete the pI‘O- area and I think you would get ject. a lot of objections from the Planning Board Member present residents. I know you’d Howard Whillans looked Aarsh- get it from me.†Board Member Donald Bar- nett said that a project like the proposed would at least “be one alternative to replacing the pre- sent eye-sore existing there n DOW . The board decided to circu- late the proposal to the various municipal department and to the school for their comments. The units would cost approxi- mately $22,000 each and be of the condominum type construc- tion which means each resident could eventually own his parti~ eular quarters. He said the three present lots on Richmond Street and the proposed semi-detached hous- ing north of Centre would act as a buffer zone between pre- sent homes and the town hous- ing development on the south. He said all wiring for the de- velopment would be under- ground and that heat would be supplied by electricity. \bhem. ‘ “I’ve no opposition to open- ing up Centre Street," said Mr. Whillans. “I’m just opposed to this type of high density de- velopment. I think the people in the existing homes will take 1 the same, attitude.†Developer representative Jer- ry Rose said the area would have "more three bedroom units than four and it will be a very attractive one. We’ve provided space for a great deal of landscaping.†to opening up Centre mreet West." It was also pointed out that the development would contain a population of 300 which would mean at least 78 school children requiring an additional two to three classrooms to educate- Mr. Sayers noted that the de- velopers would have to do “a real selling job because there are a number of people opposed ‘The area is tentatively zoned for single family," he said. “and we have to decide whether we want multiple housing there or not." Chairman Harry Sayers ob- served that the board’s basic function was to assess the pro- posal from a planning viewpoint and leave the question of servic- ing to other municipal depart- ments Councillor Lois Hancey in- terjected to say “there would be no problem in servicing it. We’re adding an addition to our plant this year.†Mr. Whillans added that the town was short “of prestige type lots and this is what this particular area was set aside for.†Mr. Whillans also questioned the town’s capacity to service such a project. up -Cef1tre Street Unmatured Debenture Debt Bank overdraft Temporary loans Accounts Payable Due to Revenue Fund â€" Elementary Reserve for Working Funds Equity in Fixed Assets TOTAL TOTAL Fixed Assets Dwenture money receivable Accounts receivable Due from Capital Fund â€" Secondary Other Current Assets -â€" Deposit on land TOTAL EXPENDITURE Business Administration Instruction Educational Services Attendance, Health and Food Service Plant Operation Plant Maintenance Transportation Tuition Fees Capital Expenditure (Non-Allocable) Other Operating Expenditure Debt Charges Non-Operating Expenditure GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INDIVIDUALS OTHER TOTAL RE VEN U E OTHER SCHOOL BOARDS GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO General Legislative Grants (Excluding Subsidy and C.P.P. Reimbursement) 7,700,835 Education Mill Rate Subsidy 584,150 Canada Pension Plan Reimbursement 95,188 Other 9,042 LOCAL TAXATION TOTAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For The Year Ended December 31, 1969 ‘ REVENUE OTHER LIABILITIES â€" Deferred Income -â€" Arbitrators’ Awards ACCOUNTS PAYABLE T0 TA L DUE FROM â€" Revenue Fund - Secondary Capital Fund - Elementary OTHER ASSETS -â€" Arbitrators’ Awards CASH INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Municipalities (including underlevies) Other School Boards Government of Ontario: General Legislative Grants Canada Pension Plan Sundry Government of Canada Individuals Requisition Supplementary Taxes, etc. Adjustments for Under- and Overlevies Municipalities (including overlevies) Other School Boards Trade Creditors Payroll Deduction Liabilities Debt Charges Due and Unpaid YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS TO THE SUPPORTERS OF YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET Toronto, Ontario 19 May, 1970 J. J. MacKay Chairman of Board We have examined the Revenue Fund and Capital Fund Balance Sheets of the York County Board of December 31, 1969 and the Revenue Fund Statements of Revenue and Expenditure for the year t' examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting r supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. ‘ In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Board as at Decen the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles gener' Ontario school boards. ‘ REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET As At December 31, 1969 ASSETS As at December 31, 1969 ASSETS EXPENDITURE LIABILITIES LIABILITIES $8,057,204 259,812 65,585 $369,218 22,996 6,339 3.787 276,794 506,181 23,377 240,656 ‘ 5,888 1,364 610 52,920 $20,496,387 172,581 98,343 373,321 $33,706,015 676,132 198,858 566,916 $16,896,523 3 489,537 10,701,828 404,495 7,544 1,462,863 541,581 736,842 17,032 19,730 251,063 2,164,579 99,429 $16,896,523 $ 8,382,601 36,147 $ 816,478 1,770 764,756 $1,583,004 $1.583,004 8,389,215 24,336 41,939 .152.921 612,927 208,63 190,73 152.921 693,652 89,303 612,927 40,524 22,285 5,000 26,702 19,896 TOTAL Unmatured Debenture Debt Temporary Loans Accounts Payable Due to â€" Capital Fund -â€"- Elementary Reserve for Working Funds Equity in Fixed Assets TOTAL Fixed Assets Debenture Money Receivable Accounts Receivable TOTAL EXPENDITURE Business Administration Instruction Educational Services Attendance, Health and Food Service Plant Operation Plant Maintenance Transportation Tuition Fees Other Operating Expenditure Debt Charges N on-Operating Expenditure TOTAL RE VEN UE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INDIVIDUALS CAFETERIA SUNDRY OTHER SCHOOL BOARDS GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO General Legislative Grants 5 (Excluding Subsidy and CPR Reimbursement) Education Mill Rate Subsidy LOCAL TAXATION REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For The Year Ended December 31, 1969 REVENUE DUE TO â€"â€" Revenue Fund - Elementary OTHER LIABILITIES -â€" Arbitrators’ Awards TOTAL RESERVE FOR WORKING FUNDS OTHER ASSETS â€"â€" Arbitrators’ Awards TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Municipalities (including underlevies) Other School Boards Government of Ontario: Canada Pension Plan Sundry Government of Canada Individuals ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Municipalities (including overlevies) Other School Boards Government of Ontario â€" Grants Trade Creditors Canada Pension Plan Reimbursement Other Requisition Supplementary Taxes, etc. Adjustments for Under- and Overlevies YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SECONDARY SCHOOLS (INCLUDING TRAINABLE . RETARDED) I‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday; June 11, 1970 P. E. Held - License No. 3675 of DUNWOODY & COMPANY, Auditors S. L. G. Chapman Secretary-Treasurer CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET As At December 31, 1969 ASSETS As At December 31, 1969 County Board of Education as at for the year then ended. Our of accounting records and other EXPENDITURE LIABILITIES LIABILITIES ASSETS at December 31, 1969 and as generally accepted for $7,260,299 227,921 11,284) 5,279,035 367,533 79.899 319 $287 80,261 47,759 82,508 163,469 25.699 4,888 30,264 70,335 $36,428,875 $36,428,875 $32,241,613 3,173,868 1,013,394 $13,764,212 $13,764,212 $ 7,476,936 88,264 18,875,551 1,042,894 566,916 19,149 362,917 9,313,246 285,195 294,145 991,799 139,653 520,568 62,717 170,900 1,413,159 209,913 5,726,786 67,075 115,174 $373,997 89,303 58,571 100,000 3621.871 280,195 9,782 $621,871 $ 6,035 458,772 157,064