THE The June meeting of the foods. A cordial invitation is; horticultural society will be extended 19 ladles and men to held on June 16 in Thornhill spend an mterestlng evening. United Church at 8 pm, There HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN will be a flower show featuring The congregation of Holy iris and peonies bwt also includ- Trinity will hold their annual ins other spring perennials. A parish picnic on June 14 at the panel of experts will speak Master Feeds Farm. The picnic] With the enthUSiasm 0f thelm'll begin at 1:30 with registra- SPGCialiStS 0“ "Their Own‘tion. with games and aetivitiesi Challenge 0F Cancer _One of the features of the family picnic will He held on Lions Carnival t0 be hem “1 June 27 at Bruce‘s Mill Conser- Thornhill Park on July 1 will be a science and hobby show and in this connection the Lions are seeking entries from students in grades 7 to 13. Anyone with a creative hobby. an imagina- tive model or interesting prov ject which they would like to exhibit is asked to contact Lion George Meek at 889-1644 for an entry form. vation Area. The picnic will begin at 2 pm and admission will be $1 per car. You are in- vited to bring along a picnic lunch and enjoy swimming and the many other activities plan- ned to interest all age groups. On June 15 at 8 pm at the church. Frank Kenel, a certified chef, will present a demonstra- tion and discussion on cooking HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY a fun afternoon for everyone. The puppies. incidentally. went for '75 cents each and although their new owners seemed some- what surprised with their pur- chase they were nevertheless delighted. DOMINION DAY CARNIVAL Lidn Gord Orr from King City was the auctioneer and he did a remarkable job. It was Thornhill Lions 'held their an- nual auction last Saturday un- der sunny skies. An amazing variety of items was set out in the Dominion Store Parking Lot and they included hospital beds and equipment, television sets. refrigerators, pots and pans and even puppies! By six o'- clock the parking lot was bare and a lot \of bargain hunters had gone home happy. LIONS AUCTION 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 11. 1970 Form tre life-saving habit. Have a health checkup when- ever you notice an unusual symptom, says the Canadian Cancer Society. -Bedding Plants -Shrubs Perennials ~Potted Plants Join the throngs of wise shoppers every Saturday who pick up their week's supply of fruits, veg- etables, meats, eggs, flowers. etc. at real savings -â€" Fresh from the farm to you. It’s growing time . . . we have: Open Every Saturday at 7:00 am. Snack Bar Country Fresh YONGE AND ELGIN STS., THORNHILL MEATS, VEGETABLES, EGGS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, DELICATESSEN, ETC. Socially Speaking In Thom/Ii†/r/. will begin at 1:30 with registra- tion. with games and activities beginning at 2.25 pm. Bring a picnic supper and enjoy an af- ternoon of fun. Some of the activities and races planned include three- legged races for father and son. a mother and daughter egg and spoon race and a tug of war. The program will end with the traditional open air service after supper On Sunday at 10.30 am a family service will be held at vited to bring along a picnic lunch and enjoy swimming and the many other activities pian- ned to interest all age groups. On June 15 at 8 pm at the church. Frank Kenel, a certified chef, will present a demonstra- tion and discussion on cooking and consumer purchasing of foods. A cordial invitation is extended to ladies and men to spend an interesting evening. HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN The congregation of Holy Trinity will hold their annual narish picnic on June 14 at the Presbytery Of the United! The dance pupils Vtth enter- ,C-iml‘ch but any boy 01‘ Eil‘l Whoitained were: Group 1 - 5 year Wishes to attend is welcome. folds; Nesereen Ahmad, Made. Big Canoe is Situated 0“ 135‘leine Sarick. Sloane McRev- acres of woodland surroundinginolds. Lorraine Dobson. Fiona La private lake. There is a 150‘Schmeigelow and Andrea {foot sandy beach and 80 foot‘Church. F‘I‘om Group 2 - 6 and dock providing safe swimming 7 year olds: Janet Parker. Lisa and boating. Activities at theIGreenwood. Nicola Schmeige- camp-include’hiking. canoeing. 10w, Mary Hobson, Cathie Wy- overnlght trips. campcraft 35119, Rosemary Maxwel, Alison “fell as Bible StUdy and discus-'Leclaire. Marianna Loader. Kar- smn. I en Crandell. The Primary {The camp is open to boys and Group included Marilyn White. girls grade 3 to 11 and fees Alix Moon, Adrianne White- are $45 per-eight day period. head and Judy Harrison. The Markham Regional Fam- ily Life Centre is sponsoring a tour of homes in the Unionville land Markham area on June 18 ‘between 1 and 5 .pm. Tickets which are available for adults ionly may be obtained by calling 294-1762 and they are $2 each. Refreshments will be avail- able and the afternoon will present a unique opportunity to see the inside of some at the lovely old homes in the townâ€" ship many of which have been renovated. CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH The annual congregational family picnic will be held on June 27 at Bruce's Mill Conser- vation Area. The picnic will begin at 2 pm and admission will be $1 per car. You are in- vited to bring along a picnic lunch and enjoy swimming and recently returned from the Arc- ‘tic. will be the guest proaclieixl ‘ Winchester 'Group ACW will ‘hold their annual picnic at Edr wards Gardens today (Thurs-‘7 day: at 11 am. 1 Volunteers are needed for the’ ‘Vacation Bible School for chil- 3dren to be held at the church lJuly 6 to 16 inclusive. A key? :leader. two adult assistants andl three young teens are needed to; complete the staff. If you would like to help get in touch with Rev. Reginald Howden at 889~ 1515 or call Mrs. Nan Girard ‘at 889-3370. ‘ UNITED CHURCH Registrations are still beingi accepted for Camp Big Canoe“ located nine miles east of Braceâ€" bridge near Fraserburg. The camp is sponsored by the York Presbytery of th e United! Church but any boy or girl whol Thing". There will be an op- portunity for questions by mem‘ bers. Door prizes will be offer- ed and visitors are cordially in- vited to attend. TOUR 0F HOMES at real savmgs! Ample Free Parking The picnicl be an op-lthe church to mark the close of is by mem- the church school classes for :1be offer- the summer. Examination cer- irdially in- tificates and awards will be presented to the children and Bishop Donald Marsh, who has anal Fam. recently returned from the Arc~ 0,150,.ng a tic. will be the guest preacher. Umonvme Winchester ’Group ACW will n June 13 hold their annual picnic at Ed- “ Tickets wards Gardens today (Thurs- fnr adult: day) at 11 am. "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Markham Toxmship Council June 1 approved construction of a car wash at the northeast corner of Steeles Avenue and Yonge Street on condition that the operation should not be open to the public until fall. Councillor William Masters pointed out that there have al- ready been complaints of a wat- er shortage in the area, that the shortage will continue until a new water service is in opera- tion in the fall. Donald Webster. development representative for Imperial Oil of Canada assured council that the building will not be ready for use until fall, and that the plan includes adequate land- scaped buffering to protect the residential area in the vicinity of the proposed car wash. He pointed out that the pro-‘ ject conforms to land-use zon- ing in the area. and there is nol way the company will be able to operate the car wash before Oc- tober. Questioned by council. he said that from 50 to 60 gallons of water are used per car. and that the rinse water â€"â€"- about 10 percent of the total â€" is re-cycled. He estimates that For additional information and camp folders contact Mrs. Allan Martindale. 77 EIgin Street. 889â€"1690. A country holiday is available for senior adults of 60 years and over at Cedar Glen August 9 to 23. The. holiday is arranged through the United Church and additional information may be obtained by calling the church office at 889â€"2131. A most successful Strawberry Happening was held at the church Wednesday of last Week The bake sale was a complete sellout within minutes and many ladies came along to enl joy the delicious strawberry Shortcake and tea. Feature of Group 1 Primary: Michelle Mele. Barbara Padmore and Linda Antonacci. Group 2 Primary: Ann Rees. Pamela Keith. Marianne Eber- hard. Elementary: Deborah French. Susan Pilon. Sara Moon and Susanne Muttart. Chore- lographer was Mrs, Patricia Up- craft and lighting was under the direction of Dave Still. An interesting guest at the recital was Lois Smith. former prima ballerina of the National Ballet Of Canada. Another feature of the after-i noon was an art exhibit by‘ pupiles of Mrs. Audrey McDon- ald as well as a display of pot- tery by Mrs. Joyce McKay. Car Wash Approved For Yonge - Steeles Area For additional informatinn and camp folders contact Mrs. Allan Martindale. 77 EIgin Street. 889â€"1690. Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 He spent the last three summers work- ing in the Barrie summer recreation pro- gram under Parks and Recreation Director Gary Stoner. He has also been working with youth groups for the St. Catharines Recreation Commission. Mr. Parker during the past two years has also been an instructor for the Ontario Department of Education courses for playground leaders. Again this year he will instruct in outdoor and playground safety June 30 to July 3 during the playground leadership course at Camp Samac in Oshawa. The 22 members of the Markham Township playground staff will also travel to Camp Samac for training. STE V'E PARKER Recreation Director Steve Par/(er Heads Summer Fun In Mar/(ham Township Winter is the busiest time for the car wash business, he said, followed by spring and fall. “In the summer a lot of people wash their own cars.†Councillor James Jongeneel suggested it might be wise to allay fears of residents in the area by sending out circulars describing plans for the opera- tion and giving assurance that it would not have an adverse effect on the supply of water to homes, nor be detrimental to the appearance of the area. At the same meeting the REV. council turned down an appli-lmond cation for outdoor display of‘ficiatet camper trailers on property on‘ring C! the north side of Steeies Ave~ marria nue. Several such applications Watsor have been presented to council Grams in the past few months and all Tulips have been rejected. setting Commented Councillor Mast- ers. “If we approved all these applications for spot re-zoning we would have trailers all the way from Yonge Street to Ken- nedy Road." about 80.000 vehicles will go through in a year, using from four to five million gallons of water. hard. Elementary: Deborah French. Susan Pilon. Sara Moon and Susanne Muttart. Chore- ographer was Mrs, Patricia Up- craft and lighting was under the Church Hall. The program in- cluded piano playing as well as dancing and ihose pupils who took part included: Nancy Hogg, Laura Langman, Mikel Muttart, Margaret and Marianne Ball. Bill Wylie, Cathy Atkins, John Mele, Ann Padmore. on the pi- ano. and Sally McLean who gave a delightful solo on the flute. Dr. Dillwyn Evans, minister of Thornhill Presbyterian, was unanimously elected last Sun- day in Halifax as moderator of the 96th General Assembly of the. Presbyterian Church in Canada. THORNHILL SCHOOL OF BALLET Pupils of the Thomhil] School of Ballet gave a recital on 'June 4 at the Holy Trinity the afternoon was a display of arts. crafts and paintings by local artists and a display of work by the boys of the House of Concord. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Steve Parker, 3 third year university student working toward a. career in com- munity recreation. has been appointed sum- mer recreation director by the Markham Township Recreation Committee. He is now in the midst of organizing a 22-member staff and a summer community recreation program. His headquarters are are the North Thornhill Community Centre, Baythorn Drive. Mr. Parker is a native of North Bay and has been a resident of Barrie for the past four years. During the last two years he has been a liberal arts student at Brock University in St. Catharines. He intends to complete his Bachelor of Arts course and then take a postgraduate course in recreation at Conestoga College in Kitchener. Grace Barnes of Aurora. whose marriage to Richard Chalklin of Westwood Lane will take place in Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora on July 18 was guest of honor at a bridal shower at the home of Pat Mills in Aurora. Hostess was Mrs. Sharon Mills, and a lovely luncheon was enjoyed by 18 guests. Many beautiful and use- ful gifts were received by the bride-to-be. Given in marriage by her father. Russell Watson, Marsha looked lovely in a long slim pastel pink silk embroidered Rev. Arthur Hallett of Rich-l mond Hill United Church of-‘i ficiated at the May 23 double‘ ring ceremony which united in marriage Marsha EL'xzabeth Watson and Gabriel Arpad Grams. both of Edmonton. Tulips and candles formed the setting in the ‘home of the mother of the bride. Mrs. Hilda Watson, 'Carrville Road. Guests of honor were Auxi- liary President Mrs. Sandra Sill- cox and Director of Volunteers Mrs. Ruth Miller. This group of volunteers re- gularly man gift carts at the hospital from Monday to Friday. About 20 volunteers from the Richvale Branch of York Cen- tra Hospital Auxiliary enjoyed a buffet luncheon under blue sunny skies in the garden of Mrs. Peggy Chalklin on West- wood Lane on June 2. Marsha Watson And Gabriel Grams Exchange Wedding Vows May 23 Neighborhood Notes The afternoon also featured wig, cosmetic and Artex demonstrations, a display of paintings by Neil Mallett, plans for the addition to York Central Hospital, a bake sale and garden plant sale. The large and gracious rooms of this more than a century old home were turned into bowers of loveliness by the many roses donated by H. J. Mills Co. Ltd. of Richmond Hill. Among the guests were YCHA President Mrs. Sandra Sillcox and Miss Elizabeth Francis, Thornhill, who was born and raised in the Heintzman House when it was owned by her father. A corner of the beautiful drawing room with a few of the 150 guests is seen above. One hundred and fifty women enjoyed the luncheon sponsored by Richvale Branch of York Central Hospital Assoc- iation in the North Thornhill Community Centre on May 26. Convened by Mrs. Shirley Addey and Mrs. Peggy Chalkin, the successful event was catered by “Luncheon Is Served Canada Ltd.â€, which featured the products of many Canadian food manufacturing firms. Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White, 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3808 RICHVALE NEWS Gracious Heintzman Home Is luncheon Setting 1 The 16 guests enjoyed a bufâ€" ‘fet dinner. Included were the bride’s two grandmothers, Mrs. 1Henrietta Watson of Willow- dale, who is in her Slst year and Mrs. Elizabeth Watson of Keswick, aunts, auncles and cousins. Marsha’s sister, Marilyn, of Edmonton, and Gabriel’s family of Austria Were unfortunately unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Grams will reside in Edmonton. The introduction service for Emmanuel‘s new incumbent. Rev. George A. Young, will be held at 8 pm on June 15. Offi- piating will be Archdeacon F. G. Ongley, and the guest spea- ker will be Rev. Paul Morley formerly of Richmond Hill. There will be refreshments and a fellowship hour after the ser- «mumumuumumummuuuuunummmu\\\m\\\\\\\\\\\mm Emmanuel Anglican Church will have its parish picnic on Sunday. The morning service will be held at 10 am. then everyone will drive to the Au-‘ rora Conference Centre on Yonge St.. Aurora for a picnic.‘ vice Birthday wishes to Paula White who celebrated her ninth birthday on June 10. Church News gown with silver shoes and accessories. Maid of Honor Kathy Eichholzer of Toronto wore a grey mini gown and cape with red hat and accessories. I Wlul qu ‘uau auu uuypouuxn.-. Best man was her husband,'°f_ Horst E‘ichholzer. long time uni- 5?‘ versity friend of the groom in 5“. Austria. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilton of Edgar Avenue wish to an- nounce the adoption of their chosen daughter, Joann. a sis- ter for Dianna and David. He will be convalesc'mg at his home on Sumner Lane. Thornhill, before re- suming his duties as Mark- ham Township Parks Com- missioner. Former Ward 1 Council- lor for Markham Township Allan Sumner returned home Thursday of iast week from a stay in Sunuybrook Hospital. His many friends and neighbors will be pleased to know that he is well on the way to complete recovery. WEIGH‘T'WATCHERS 0F ONTARIO LTD. ; For information call mumâ€"J Weight Watchers 3; a gregATM. Allan Sumner Convalescing new MENTBERS START ANYTIME AT ANY GLASS MEN, WOMEN and TEENS NO CONTRACTS Every Tuesday 7:30 to 9.30 p.m‘ OUR. THORNHILL LOCATION Royal Orchard & Baythom NORTH THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE 0n the morning of June 18. Langstaff Public School will ‘have a field day. All parents are invited to attend and watch their children’s efforts in broad jump. high jmmp, running. Next Sunday the summer schedule of services will be in effect at Emmanuel Anglican Church beginning with Choral Eucharist at 10 am. The parish picnic will follow the service, as members proceed to the Au- rora Conference Centre for lunch and games. The May meeting of the Langstaff Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Helen MacEachem. The new president, Mrs. Shirley Moreâ€" house. welcomed the membersl and five guests and flien pre- sented the Women's Institutel cup and saucer. to Past Presi-j dent Mrs. Fem Russell. Stan Wright of Ontario Hydro showed a very interesting film entitled "Play It Safe" and an- swered the many questions from the ladies. Refreshments ware served by Mrs. Betty Pattison and Mrs. Joan Suter. of the Holy Land with English stars Cliff Richard. who will sing six songs of Ralph Car- michael. and Cliff Barrows. It promises to be a sight and sound experience for anyone who at- tends. On Monday, the service of Introduction of the new minis- ter Rev. George A. Young. will take place at 8 pm. All friends of Emmanuel are invited for this occasion. A one~hour feature film. "His hand" will be shown at Lang- staff Secondary School on June 20 at 8 pm. It is a colorful tour Neighborhood N otes TELL your neighbour, tell your friends, we are selling 12,463 empty frames â€"â€" most sizes, styles, finishes for 50c, $1. $2, $3. $4, $5, $6. $7, $8, $9, $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about nonâ€"glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut â€" most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we‘ll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10,000 Picture Frames, 102 Doncaster Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues, Wed.. Thurs, Fri., Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Chargex or your per- sonal cheque. “BE AN ANGEL†CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 LANGSTAFF NEWS :35 WE RENT :33: CONTRACTORS’ iRichvale Scaffold Rentals: r ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ THORNHILL UUV'IUDV uni‘nuu‘uununu‘3‘ Carrier Boys and Girls Firsf! “The Liberal†is keeping pace with the rap- idly expanding growth in the North and South Thornhill Areas by establishing home delivery service routes throughout the district. Here is a real opportunity for energetic boys and girls to earn their own spending money by joining the Carrier Staff of one of Ontario’s fast- est growing suburban weeklies. Phone Carrier Circulation today and ask for Glen Pratt. He will gladly answer any questions regarding the Liberal Carrier Plan. Bus. 889-6204 7699 YONGE ST. HOME * 1 R.B. SHELSTON, A.|.I.C. Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24†depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton Immediate Coverage AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS IN AREAS SERVED BY THE LIBERAL EQUIPMENT GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 884-11056 AUTOMOBILE (25 Years’ Experience) Phone Prompt Claims Service (Photo by Stuart's Studio) 889-1059 THORNHILL, ONT. * BUSINESS Res. 889-4131