ismum“mmIumuuumxumuuuw mm1m111mmmm\mmmamuunmlmmunmmuunmuummm ‘ . Bryan recently ran ‘in the Georgian Bay Track Meet and he qualified for the All-Ontario Track Meet, in the 400 metre run. On behalf of the Zone 6 coaches and athletes, I wish Bryan the best of luck in this upcoming race, and every other race he runs in the future. Langstaff’s young athlete is pretty well sat- Isfield with high school sports. The only thing he would like to see is “a few more meets because there is some great potential in the high schools of this area.†Bryan is definitely not a one-sport man. He played halfback for the football team. plays basketball, ice hockey, participates in swimming and just about every other sport, including KARATE. So far Bryan has won a hockey trophy and a cross-country trophy plus 23 ribbons for track. I’d say that he was doing all right for himself. Doug McCammon feels that Bryan has a. lot of potential. According to him, Bryan is “co~operative, coachable, dedicated, and hard- working. Because of these fine qualities he could develop into a very good runner.†Track News The following boys have recently qualified to compete in the All-Ontario Track Meet: Brian Loughran (Thomlea) 3000 metre, Keith Bagg (Thornhill) Int. Pole Vault. Bryan Hills (Langstaff) Int. 400 metre, Pete Agg (Bay- view) Jr. Hurdles. Greg Binkley (Richmond Hill) Int. Hurdles and Mac Smith (Richmond Hill) Sr. High Jump. An 880 runner must give all he can through- out the entire race, and this is when the training he has obtained in cross-country is used to its fullest capacity and to his best advantage. _ Smitlf captured the title last year and there is an excellent chance that he will keep ‘the title this year. The best of luck to all the boys. Junior , 80 M. Hurdles â€" 1. B. Voight (Lang) 13.5: 2. L. Sherman (Lang) 13.9. 60 Yd. Dash â€" 1. D. Jefferies (Lang.) 7.75; 3. D. Shubaly (Bay) 7.75. 100 Yd. Dash â€"â€" 1. A. Wilson (Bay) 12.4; 2. D. Jefferies (Lang) 12.4. 220 Yd. Dash â€" 3. H. Burch (TH) 29.35; 4. L. Sherman (Lang) 29.45. Long Jump â€" 1. A. Ceballo (Bay) 15'634"; 3. B. Voight (Lang) 15’2". High Jump â€" 1. L. Sherman (Lang) 4'10" T.R.; 4. B..Voight (Lang) 4’7". Discus â€"- 3. D. Hughes (Lang) 78‘6". Shot Put â€"â€" 2. S. Taylor (Lang) 26'934". Relay â€" 1. Langstaff 54.1 N.R.; 2. Bayview 55.6. i l Girls' GBSSA Results Congratulations are extended to the Lang'- staff girls who recently obtained the Georgian Bay Track Championship. Langstaff won with a total of 55'points. Second was Newmarket with 41 points. Other Zone 6 results are: Richmond Hill, 26 points; Bayview, 17 points: Thornhill, 13 points; Thornlea. 11 points; and Woodbridge, 4 points. All point awards were based on the 5-3-2-1 system. The following ledger will be used for the results of the Zone 6 point winners: Lang -â€" Langstaff, RH â€"â€" Richmond Hill. TH â€"- Thom- hill, Bay â€"â€" Bayview, Wood â€"- Woodbridge. TL â€" Thornlea, NR. â€"- new record and T.R. â€" tied previous record. In all of the results, the number before the girl‘s name is the position in which she finished. The number after the name is the time, distance or height. Intermediate 60 Yd. Dash â€" 2. S. Zepp (TH) 7.45; 3. N. Taylor (Lang) 7.6. 100 Yd. Dash â€"â€" 2. N. Taylor (Lang) 11.9; 3. S. Zepp (TH) 11.9. - 220 Yd. Dash â€"â€" 3. W. Paul (Lang) 28.5. 440 Yd. Dash â€" 1. K. Wynne (RH) 63.3 T.R Long Jump â€" 3. S. Zepp (TH) 16‘434“. High Jump â€"â€" 2. F. Thornhill (TH) 4‘7â€. 4. C. McAllister (RH) 4‘6â€. Discus â€" 3. D. Longhouse (Lang) 86‘434". Relay -â€" 2. Langstaff 54.0; 3. Richmond Hill 54.6. High School Sports H l Bryan has compet- ed in track for three years â€"â€" i.e. since grade 9. He states: that the only reason r. that he started off in -. running was becanse he wanted to part1c1- BRYAN HILLS ‘ n {[35:21}: Sgslgouiï¬rtgog Langstaff Track Star the school, but he also runs for the Etchicolfe Track Club. Bryan has chosen to specxallze 1n the 440 and 880 yard runs. Of these he prefers the half-mile because it is more exc1t1ng and offers a greater challenge. Bryan Hills, 17, of 261 Carrville Road in Richvale, is a grade 11 student at Langâ€" = staff Secondary. This young man is a sec- ond year intermediate for the school’s very fine track team. He has proven over and over that he is one of the zone’s top runners. Bryan Hills (Pia Schenk is a Grade 13 student at Bayview Secondary School) \\\\\ll\ll\lll\l“’ By Pia Schenk mun“mumunmmum\m\\\1\\\\m\u\m\uuuu mum l11\\\\l\1ll\\\\l\\\m‘ Thursday will bring another morning at school until noon. From 1:30 to 2:30 the Double- rink Arenas, Jane Street, at Highway 7 has been booked for a hockey demonstration by the boys of the school and with an array of skates it is hoped to fit the Jamaican youngsters so they can try this winter sport. Then they will return to the Phillips' residence on Yonge Street (south of St. John’s lChurch) for a barbecue. After '7 pm the Caribbean Mellowâ€" tones Band will be in attend- ance. In Markham Township at 3:15 pm May 30 Masasuke Ushio of Toronto had an injured wrist and knee after a $1,000 collision. Teresa Nikolaus of Aginenurt. driver of the other vehicle. had a cut lip. The accident was on Woodbine A v e n u e, 1A-mile north of Steeles. Local motor vehicle accidents injured a dozen people last week. but nobody seriously. Most of the injury accidents were in Markham Township. The evening of May 29 at Keele Street and Langstaff Road in Vaughan Township, Walter Kunst of 16 Malaren Road. Maple was badly bruised and may possibly have suffered rib fractures. His car had $600 damage in a three-vehicle crash. There was $400 damage to a car driven by Gordon Annan of Pickering. Mr. Annan had a scratched Street, Toronto, suffered only slight damage. ’ arm. A truek driven by Irwin Fernandes of Gerrard ‘Sixteenth Avenue. Thornhill had an estimated $200 damage to his car. He was pulling out onto Yonge Street and was heading west, across the street. Southbound on Yonge Street 'was Glenn Judd, 23. of 225 Lawâ€" rence Avenue. Richmond Hill. He had an estimated $150 dam- aEe. A parked car owned by ‘Peter Van Hoof of Iroquois, Ontario. 'had $150 damage. Details of several other ‘[known injury accidents in Mark- ham Township were not avail- able at press time. t i Arm and rib injuries were suffered by Maurice Minielly of Agincoufl May 30 at 6:55 pm when he lost control of his car on Concession 5 at 19th Avenue. Seven-year-old Stephen Minielly had a bump on his head. Dam- age to the car was estimated at $500, Markham Township Police said. John Clark to Scarboro in- jured his right knee in an acci- dent at 10.35 am May 28 at Woodbine Avenue and Steele- case Road. Gary Bell of 5950 Bathurst Street, Willowdale, was driving the other car in the collision. Damage t o t a l 1 e d $1.500. In an accident on Steeles Avenue West May 30 Edward Davies of 82 Fairway Heights Drive. Thnrnhill, had an 'esti- mated $300 damage to his ve- hicle. The other car was driven by Arthur Higgs of Willowdale and had an estimated $150 damage. The visitors from the Carib- bean will spend Tuesday at the Toronto-Dominion Centre. then on to Queen’s Parlo where they will meet Education Minister William Davis. Wednesday they will have an opportunity to en- joy swimming. boating and a barbecue. Canadian style. at the Smith's cottage at Honey Har- bor on Georgian Bay. They will also visit the reconstructed Sta Marie among the HUI'OM at Midland. Police Accident Report There was a threeâ€"car accl‘ dent at 8 pm May 28 in front of 82 Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. Heavy Damage During Past Week In Road Mishaps With 12 Hurt Monday the Jamaican children will spend the day at Jefferson School and in the evening the whole community is invited to a box lunch at the school. The Operetta. “The Gallant Tailor“ will be performed. Neighborth News Arrangements have been fina- lized for the visit of Jamaican students to the Jefferson com- munity. The plane will arrive at Toronto International Airport. Malton. at 9 pm Sunday even- ing and the children will travel directly to the homes where they are staying. It is hoped that the RCMP officers on duty at the airport at that time will be allowed to wear their dress uniforms. scarlet tunics and gold striped riding breeks. Walter Petrishin. 57, of 81 Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 8844690 The new neighbors will be glad to meet you. And they'll want to visit with you . . . later. Right now, they need something moreâ€"a list of schools and churches, util- lty companies' telephone numbers...alltheinforma- tion one needs on arriving In a strange city. So be aâ€"k-iend indeed. A Welcome Wagon hostess will call at your request to provide all this and gifts as well. Make your welcome warmer when new neigthrs arrive. Cail Welcome Wagon at ISA FRIENDLY CALL ENOUGH? Egin Milis - Jeï¬ersgn flaws Correspondent Leonard Lomas O A three-mile hike is being held Sunday through the scenic Albion Hills Conservation Area. comma-hing at 3 pm. The area is located five miles' north of Bolton on Highway 50. The authority's Rod Martin will lead hikers on the walk and explain special features of the area in- cluding flora and fauna. [ Highlight of Friday will be a ‘lvisit to Niagara Falls and then éSaturday at 10:50 am the plane will again head south for iJamaica. The Metro Conservation Au- thority invites the. public to take part, in the following spe- cial events arranged for this coming weekend in its conservaâ€" tion areas and at Black Creek Pioneer Village. During the past week visits were arranged for students at Jefferson School to Toronto Island. Tuesday was the turn of Mrs. Barbara Walwyn's and Mrs. Gloria Morrison's classes. Wednesday Mrs. May Hopkins' and Mrs. Janice Morgan‘s classes made the trip. and finally Thursday Ian Ashurst. Mrs. Verna See] and Mrs. Betty Vent went with grades 4 and 5. Early readers are reminded of the performance of the Operetta "The Gallant Tailor" Wednesday (June 10). A i‘liunsdag’†Iain-"Asli-Liigtfull/li‘sn Th? “Mixed Blessmgu- 5“- Verna See] and Mrs. Betty VentlJOhn 5 “9Ԡcombo group 3"? to went with grades 4 and 5. £51113 3‘ the Aurora HOSPItal Early readers are reminrledlsmurday evenmg' They have ' w ' l ' of the performance 0f thelbeen muted to mm; at a Lmted . .. . .. hurch picnic in two weeks Operetta The Gallant Tailor 1C, Wednesday (June 10). “me' Recently they sang at . "Daybreak" and at the "Rom- Gu‘des onia" meeting in Toronto. The Jefferson Guide Troop! The Winchester Group of the had an afternoon's horse riding‘ACW will have a trip June 16 at King City under Captainjto “Singing Waters" at Orange- Dorothy Wilton Conservation Authority Plans Full Calendar Weekend Events O Other regular Weekend na Phone 884-3000 ,ture hikes are as follows: Sat- urday â€"â€" Albion Hills. five mil- les north of Bolton on Highway ‘50: Boyd area. near Wnodbridge. ‘and Bruce‘s Mill, two miles east, of Don Mills Road on the Gorm- ley-Stouffville Road »~â€" all at 2 pm and 330 pm. Sunday â€"â€" Boyd, Bruce‘s Mill and Glen Iaffy. near Mono Mills and Highway 9. at 2 pm and 3.30 pm; Greenwood Area.’ three miles north of Highway 2. on the Greenwood Road. at 2 pm; and Claremont Area. located in Pickering Township. 11/2 miles north of Highway 7 on Sideroad 10 at 4 pm. 0 Black Creek Pioneer Village at Jane Street and Steeles Ave- nue is featuring home crafts of the 1860‘s during the June weekends. These include dem- onstrations and exhibits of spin- ning. weaving. rug hooking. quilting. embroidery. etc. In addition, there are 20 fully re- stored buildings to visit. includ- ing the newly-opened town hall and the restaurant in the cellar of the Half Way House. Simply address your reply to the box number given in the advertisement (elg. Box 50 "The Liberal") Please include ‘ in your ,reply only material that will fit into a regular business envelope. ’ Further information on au- thority events and places of in- terest may be obtained by con- tacting their offices at 889-5425 ville Church News The service Sunday at St. John‘s Anglican Church will be a celebration of Holy Com- munion at 10 am. The married couples will meet at 8:30 am Friday evening at Allencourt Lanes. Richmond Hill. for a bowling party. after which it. is intended to adjourn to the home of Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Rumble. 225 Altamira Road. Richmond Hill. for ne- freshments. TO ANSWER BOX NUMBER. ! ADVERTISEMENTS v Who dld not give Ed Leeds of the Sports Store a sporting chance? Who told Beneficial Finance to put their money where their mouth is? Who told Les of Seafood Corner to jump in the sea'.‘ Who told Mr. Morison of Bernina Sewing Machines and Repair Depot to button his lip'.’ Who took Bond Clothes to the cleaners? Who short circuited Bunny Snow of the TV Repair Shop? Who told Karl of Karl's Beauty Salon to go and dye? Who told Mr. Pless of Bennett's Textiles it was immaterial? Mr. Steingart. of Atlas Photo Supplies. that‘s who. He explained the reason for his remarks to the police. The police said he was justified. ' 6 SCOTT DRIVE, COR. YONGE LOUGHLIN LUMBER 4 Colors 10 choose from Open Daily 8 a.m. - 6 pm. Sat. 8 am. - 4 p.m. 1 Mile North of No. 7 Highway ARBORITE Counter Tops $2.95 FT. FIR PLYWOOD (Advertisement Good 4’x8’ 4'x8’ 4'x8‘ MALL NEWS 9mm SALE! ASPENITE SHEATHING 4 " $3.89 Sheet RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL WHY ARE THE POLICE TAKING SIDES? 889-1109 FREE DELIVERY One Side s 4.96 a" s 8.34 m" $11.35 Minimum Order $15.00 ' LOWE BROS. Exterior House Paint $2.50 Qt. - $7.40 Gal. Sashless Windows FLOOR TILE Poplar Underlay $1.69 3’0 x 3'0 $30.20 4'0 x 3'0 $34.95 5’0 x 3’0 $40.55 Slightlv Higher for Double Glazed Ideal for Cottages, Sunrooms 2’6" 3’0 4'0 5’0 16¢ . EACH 12x12, 8 Colors per sheet THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, June 11, 1970 Advernsement) $23.55 $30.20 $34.95 $40.55 Richvale Richmond Heights Centre GUARANTY TRUST SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS highest daily interest Capital and Reserve $33,000,000 mum! or CANADA nzrosn msunmcs coamxmon 44 YONGE ST. 5.. RICHMOND HILL 884-1188 Withdrawals may be made at any time Minimum balance $3,000.00. Interest calculated at 6% per annum on the DAILY balance. COMPANY OF CANADA “'hy settle for less 2 Thurs. 8; Fri. 'til 9 pm Open Daily '11! 8 pm.