Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jun 1970, p. 7

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PETS FOR SALE | New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog‘WHEEL grooming â€"- poodles a specialty.j0tto hardtop. Open daily to 9 Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18‘ McKenzie CAT BOARDING Household pets kittens available to good homes. Also portraits of your pets pastel or pencil. 889- 2581. tfc44 MERLAND KENNEL‘S REG‘D‘ Boarding Now Available Cool in Summer and warm in Winter. Ideal conditionsâ€"clean healthy ~â€" outdoor runs. New- market 5th Concession, 895- 8281. c4w49 POODLE, miniature, reg’d., white. Grand sire ch. Roth‘ara the Pirate (imp). CD. and black miniature and mini-toy. Please make your choice. Ready week of June 22nd, $95. 884-7716. c2w50 DOBERMAN Pinscher, 3 mons. old. had all shots. black and tan, champion stock. 939-2153. c2w50 REED. labrador puppies, from champion stock. 887-5627. M c1w51 DOGS and cats boarded. New individual runs. Inspections in- vited without obligation. Char- gex accepted. Rivercourt Ken- nels Reg'd., Yonge South of Aurora, 727-5488. tfc51 LABRADOR pups. 7 weeks. reg’d. black, 889-3904. c2w51 5 PUPS, part toy collie, 9 wks. 889-6711 after 6 pm. c1w51 3 BLACK female puppies, 7 weeks old. Part German Shep- herd and St. Bernard, $10. 833- 6811. c1w51 __I_)RESSMAKING ALL sewing repairs and altera- tions for your family. Pick up and delivery. 884â€"8859. tfc36 EXPERIENCED dressmaking, alterations for all the family, fast service. Call 889-9423. tfc41 EXPERIENCED dressmaking â€" alterations of all kinds, includ- ing children's clothes. Reason- able. 884â€"4171; c45W50 lICENSED MECHANIC Wanted Immediately Due to Increased Business TRAILERS _r camper. convertible: p.m., weekends to 6 pm. view. tfc47 chair (near newt china cabinet. ampâ€"‘fim bedroom furniture pine cup- TENT trailer for rent, sleeps 6. . .. . ' 88445315. “048 boaid refinished. 2 complete) U-HAUL. local and one-way. cooking utensils, antique chairs, Bob Donald's Esso, 9700 Yonge washstands. Zenith St. 884â€"8011. tfc48 tor. full line of furniture. FOR RENT] equipped tent 145 Main St. East. Stouffville, trailer, sleeps four, plus dining room. After 5 pm phone 869- IROQUOIS Conquest tent trail- er, sleeps 6. 2 years old. approx- imately $550. Make offer. 884- 2454 after 5 pm. c1w51 KING CITY TRAILERS Rentals of travel trailers. tent trailers and truck campers from $40 .per week up. Factory clear- ance sale of Holiday and Rocket trailers and truck campers â€" no reasonable offer refused. Visit trailer equipment. Repairs. al- terations and custom hitches, open daily til 9 pm., King Rd. West of Yonge. 773-4260. c2w51 WANTED __’______._â€"â€" CASH for small Honda motor- cycle, must be in perfect con- dition. 884-1440. clw51 USED furniture and appliances. Dressers, beds, rugs, etc. for rooming house. 3848709. c1w51 ITSED household furniture. pi: anos and appliances Call Cent- ral Van & Storage. 884-1146. tfc51 30" OR 36" box spring type bed in good condition. 884-4884. picked up promply. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodvillle, Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. tfc44 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT INCOME OPPORTUNITY PRIME LOCATION Camping Trail-i iers Ltd., Hwy. 7 East at Bay-, our showroom for camping and‘ SALE REGISTERS JUNE 19, FRIDAY â€" Auction Sale of household furniture. ‘antiques. grandfather clock 200 Years old. 36" electric stove, 4 burner (twin oveni, Chesterfield the effects of Leslie Widman and Susannah Widman estate. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Al- 5320' _ Clwol vin S. F a rm e r, Auctioneer, TRAVEL trailer, sleeps 2-4. phone 8875311, Gormley‘ Ont. good condition, reasonable. 773- c2w50 5287. ClW5l it * it 1.: JUNE 20. SATURDAY â€" Auc- tion Sale of a private collection of antiques and furniture. 2 pine cupboards refinished. Enâ€" glish Burly grandfather clock in top condition, pump organ. chest of drawers, school dinner bell. key wind watches. box chairs, Carnival glass shaving imugs (Beehive jar), Beaver jar. Many other antiques. Don‘t miss this sale at Lot 1. Con. 1. Uxbridge Township. on Ux- bridge and Pickering Townline. The property of Mrs. Mervyn Bunker. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Alvin S. Farmer, phone 887-5311, auctioneer, Gormley. Ont. c2w50 i. a 1% it SATURDAY, JUNE 20 â€"â€" Clear- ing auction of the entire houseâ€" hold furnishings for A. T. Wil- liams. at Lot 12 - Con. 6. Whit- church Twp. (formerly Ross Harper farm) being 10 miles NW. of Stouffville) or (10 miles S E. of Auroral including F. Free refrigerator good, automa- tic washer and dryer. electric ironer, vaccum, 8 pc. walnut dining suite, B. R. suite good, TV and record player, wallrug. 4' x 6‘ picture, chest draWers. c1w51 moustache curp. lamps, odd dishes good, chair, jars, crooks, 212‘s]: 53,1316??? 3 cabmet’tfczyll children toys, garden tools. pots. ' â€"â€" pans, Canadian mink jacket USED TV tower, reasonable. good. Sheets. bedding, comfop Phon’e_773'5624- *1W53 ters. wrought iron suite, sec- DEAD or crippled farm animals tion Chesterfield. etc., Note This is an outstanding sale only a few of the items listed here. 2 auction rings. don‘t miss this sale. property sold. Terms Cash. No Reserve, Sale 1 pm. Atkin- son and Wilson Sale Mgrs and Auctioneer. c1w51 * it it it wk FRIDAY, JUNE 26. 1970 â€"- Complete estate of household furniture including 1958 Jaguar mk 8. upright freezer, fridge, stove, beds, (like new) chests, china cabinets, tables, kitchen set, new sofa and chair, lamps, stoves. 4 early Victorian parlorl / I , Births ,HARRINGTON .â€" Aliciiacl and Jackie (nee Duncan) are very proud to announce the safe arrival of Heather Lyn. 8 lbs. 10 025. on June, 1970. at York Central Hospital. A little clw51 l ‘ sister for Jennifer. l , Engagements I Mr. and Mrs. David R. Har- ‘court of 19th Avenue. Rich-i mond Hill. are happy to an- toilet sets, dishes. crock. .iugSVEnounce the engagement of their} Kn refrigera-IWayne McKillop. son of 311:} at and Mrs. Kenneth A. McKillopi idaughter. Denise. to Mr. jOI‘ Winnipeg. Manitoba. Wed- ‘ding to take place early fall. c1w51 III )k >'< X" :HII'. and Mrs Stephen Hills of jCarrville Rd. Thornhill are ‘happy to announce the engage- ‘ment of their daughter Linda .Lee. to Mr. Douglas Fulfoi'd. [son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fulford of West Hill. >k it :‘t if Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gib- son. Gormley. Ontario. an lnouncc the engagement of their daughter Sara Brown to Gordon ,Darrell Daillcy. son of Colonel land Mrs. G. D. Dnillcy of Rock- .ton. Ontario. The wedding to ’take place on Tuesday. July 14, $1970 at 7:30 pm. in Richmond lHill United Church. *1w51 ‘_â€"_â€"___ BAKER, Lloyd William â€" Sud- denly at his residence. Mark- ham, R. R. No. l, on Saturday, June 13. 1970. Lloyd W. Baker. in his 67th year. be- loved husband of Rose Wilt- shire; dear father of Rolpli. Clare and George: brother of Irene (Mrs. W. Horiierl, May (Mrs. Edgar Anningi and Dor- othy (Mrs, Elmer Boyntonl and Leslie. Service was held on Monday. Interment Locust Hill Cemetery. c1w51 * * air a GILLAM Roy ~â€"- At York Cen- tral Hospital on Tuesday. June 16. 1970. Roy Gillam be- loved husband of Kathleen McMullen of Bathurst St., RR2 Maple. dear father of Douglas. Jean (Mrs. John Rolosonl Barbara (Mrs, Wm. Phillipsl and Sharon (Mrs. R. Giles) also survived by 8 grandchildren. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 clw51 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill.’ Service on Friday at 1.30 pm. Interment Maple Cemetery. c1w51 xi * a we HOWARD Clarence William â€" Suddenly on Monday, June 15. 1970. Clarence Howard, beloved husband of Joan Forbes, of Oak Ridges. dear father of Linda (Mrs. N. Hanâ€" l Ifiurthcnming ( 1 £113 ' , arriagra I, Mrs. Ganna Wall of Oak Rigdes wishes to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter Elizabeth Theresa. to .Mr. Leo Klauke. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klauke of Rich- mond Hill. Marriage to take place September 5. 1970 at St. (Mary Immaculate Roman Cathoâ€" ilic Church, at 3 pm. c1w51 we >'< a >2: Mr and Mrs. John Hynd. of Maple. wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Catherine Irene to Mr. .Ioscf Kaufmann. formerly {Luising Austria. son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Josef Kaufmann. Austria. lMarriagc to take place July 18, ‘1970 2:30 pm in St, Mary linâ€" imaculate Roman ‘Church, Richmond Hill. c1w51 t a a: a Mr. and ‘Mrs. Leonard C. Waitâ€" inore. 86 Elgin St. Thornhill are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their ‘daughter Corinne Lynn to Mr. Craig Benjamin Severn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Severn ,of Maple. Marriage to take place 4 pm. Saturday .luly 4. 1970 at Thornhill United Church. clw51 A 91 )‘x xk Mrs. Daniel Barton is pleased to announce the marriage of her daughter Miriam to Mr. Carn- eron Hill. son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hill. of Hagersville. Ont. Marriage to take place July 11. 1970. c1w51 at: a: a: it The Reverend and Mrs. James D. C. Jack of Toronto announce the forthcoming marriage of their (laughter. Anne Louise, to Mr. Robert Warren Manning, son of Mrs. Manning of Pheasâ€" ant Hollow Farm. Maple and the late R evei‘en d Robert June 27, in Leaside Presby- terian Church. c1w51 Anniversary 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Briton Plunkett. of RR2 Woodbridge, cordially invite you to attend a reception in honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Friday June 19, 1970 from 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm at Vellore Memorial Hall. Please accept this notice as your invi- itation. No gifts please. In illimnriam BEATT'f In ever loving memory of dear Guy. who passed away June 21. 1967. Loved and remembered al- ways. Mum, Dad, Kay and Alf. clw51 of“ THE "LIBERAL, Ri Police Accident Report l l i The lack of sidewalks on'was the driver of the other carl South Taylor Mills Drive figur- in the accident. He had cuts} ‘ed in a nearly fatal car-pcdest- and bruises. Damage to hisl rian accident at 9.47 pm June 9.fcar was estimated at 8200. p01- here in Richmond Hill. Thereiice said. . were less serious injuries tol * '1‘ * * ianother 10 people in accidentsl Miss Marilee Cook of Rich- ,last week on local roads. mond Street, Maple was injured‘ , Gillian Thomas, 14. of 234 June 14 when the car in which Ashlar Road. Richmond Hill was she was riding knocked over a walking in the roadway with a stop post at Maple Avenue and group of friends when she was Keele Street. The car was driv- hit by a car. on by David Allison of Park ‘ She is now in the neurology Avenue, Newmarkct. and had an‘ department of the Hospital for estimated $750 damage. accord- Sick Children. She is to liave‘ing to Vaughan Township Pol-i an operation to correct a dc-‘ice. , .prcssed fracture to the head. Vaughan Police are also look-{ C a t h 011 c She was in traction at press ing for a hit-and-run driver who‘ll on Woodbine Avenue. ltime with a broken leg thatwasjbacked into a parked car Junel yto be set later. She will be in‘l4 on Pearson Avenue, causingl hospital for at least severallan estimated $175 damage. weeks, but complete recovery Graham Palmer. 19, of 339‘ ‘is expected. Bluegrass Boulevard. suffered‘ l The accident took place In injury to one hand and had anl (front of 294 South Taylor Mills,estimated $30 damage to hisl Drive. The driver of the carlmotorcycle at 11.15 am June 13.l was Gary Nichol] of 8 Gem The kick-stand came down andl iLane, Oak Ridges, police said. “he lost control of the machinej } ’i‘ * r * lin front of 321 Bluegrass Boule-i There was $300 damage and vard, police said. 3 iinjury to a juvenile June 14 at "c ’v‘ * * l “2.10 pm at Clarke Avenue and ‘Yonge Street. South Thornhill, ‘whcn a stolen car was in a icrash. Charges were laid in juvenile court. One driver is being sought by police after he failed to remain There was extensive damage‘ but no injury June 13 at 10.30l am in a two-car collision ati Woodbine Avcnuc (formerly at the scene of a June 13, 2.35 Conservation Area parking lotl entrance. John Welsh of Rex-1 dale, the other driver in the‘ crash, had $150 damage to his car, police estimated. Harold Robertson of Toronto, faces two charges following a‘ June 13, 8.20 pm accident onl Woodbine Avenue. 1o-mile north of 18th Avenue. Markham Township Police charged him with failing to remain at the scene of an accident and Metro police charged him with impair- ed driving. The other driver in the ac- cident was Melvyn McGladery, also of Toronto. * a a a: Cary Dickinson, 16. of 244 Becchy Drive, Richmond Hill. was in York Central Hospital Overnight June 7 for treatment of face contusions and abras- ions. He was hurt especially around one eye. Gary was a passenger in a car driven by Philip Robb, 19. of Toronto. The car suffered an estilnatcd $700 damage when it ran off the road into a ditch at 2.20 am on Harrygan Crescent. Mr. Robb suffered contusions to the forehead. Three Richmond Hill teen- agers and a Thornhill resident suffered minor injuries in a Baker's Bea Young Glen Moreland hurled a no-hitter June 9 as his Rich-l mond Hill Squirts team bounced Markham 13-0 in Markham. I The locals followed that ef- fort up Thursday night of last week with a 7-5 victory at the town pork over Unionville. Moreland‘s no-hitter saw only four Markham batters reaching first base. three via walks and one on an error. He struck out 15 batters. Baker‘s runs were well dis- tributed among Forbes. Strang, Berezmvski, and Randy Martin who each score twice \vhile Lloyd. Tipold and Quercngesser each counted once. ‘ Martin had three runs batted} in while Forbes MacMillan. Moreland. Bcrezowski and Lloyd; each had one. Moreland also had a producâ€" tive day at bat getting four for five, one a double. a? >k Ik fl! ( Baker's Sales were outhit 11 to 7 by Unionville but still manâ€" aged to out-run the hustling visitors for their fourth succes- sive win. Hit By Car, Girls Skull Fractured .pm accident at the Bruce's Mill: ‘ chmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. June 18. 1970 LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 7 p, Don Mills Roadl and Highway i. James Ryan of Willowdale and Maureen Burk of Omar-imNeighborhood Notes Street. Newmarket, each had an! Joan Barrews SChOOI 0f 331‘ estimated $500 damage to theinlet gave its second annual de- cars. Markham Township Policeimonsu‘afion for the Parents Of said. lpupils last Saturday evening at There was a two-car crashithe Langstaff Public School June 12 at 8 pm at GermanAuditorium. Each class from-the Mills Road. 500 feet east or nursery up gaveademonstralion Concession 3. Raymond Easby of the basic exercises, soincâ€" of 1 Davis Road, Aurora, had an,times performing in groups ione estimated $150 damage to hiS‘ilflel‘ the other to show the1deâ€" \‘ehiclc. John Thornhill of‘velopment of each step 03‘ a Bathui-si Street, Willowdale.imovemcnt through the grach. had an estimated $50 damage. The grade two children di‘d a DOIK‘Q Said. character dance “En Bretagnc" Three vehicles collided June dressed in blue skirts with white 14-lorgandy aprons and caps. ‘fTa- hmile north of Steeles Avenuelrantelle" was the grade lure? East. John Yoannon 0f TOF- dance with each dancer wearing l0nt0 had $50_ damage. Donnala yellow skirt and jingling a Schnauel of Ajax had $500 dam-Hambourine. . 330. Mid Daniel Bl‘eithaUPâ€"l Ofl Emmanuel Church Sunday Scarboro had negligibile dam-[School gave the awards “fiat- age. Markham Tovmship Police tendance and proficiency in esm‘mted- class to the students during Cuts to the rielit arm were Sundrys genie . . . f“. i J .. (3. Both awaids suffered by Patricia Farrell ofiwereagiven to Helen Reeves Mount Albert June 12 at SteelesiRobin Smith Tom Jemcoe Avenue and Concession .7398), Cook J0}. Turtlebury' Markham Township. Her carlR ~ ' . - . . ,_ , oscmarie Meier. Janet Patteiâ€" liad an estimated $000 damage. Suzanne Holcman‘ Tom James Tamblyn of Scarborolififlhd R d Puerson Peter had $300 damage in the two-car ‘ an y a ‘ . 'Turtlebury. Attendance awards acmdem' went to Kim and Becky Robeit- son. Tracy Warner. Craig Davies. Proficiency awards went to An- gela and Jacqueline Collins, and Wayne McLellan. Following the service the members drove to the Aurora Conference Centre for a picnic in the shade of the trees and games. races and kite flying. Riclivale Lioncttes will again be joined by local euchre play- ers at the Lions Community. Hall on Spruce Avenue for an eycnâ€" ing of cards. prizes and refresh- ment. The date is June 23 at t Markham ings. MacMillan tallied one run. Strang reached first on an error,, and Moreland then lashed a two‘ run homer. Glen Philip singled the second and Forbes slashed a in homerun into centre field. 3 pm- and the COSI I5 $1 at the Baker‘s led 5-1 after two inn- door- - ings. From then until the sixth inn- ing the Richmond Hill hitters Were silent. ‘ Then with two out in the; sixth Tipold beat out a bunt,‘ reached third on an over throw and then scored. Philip scored on Forbes hit. Unionville scored one run in the seventh loading the bases with none out. i Pitcher Philip then bore. down. to get the opposition .iutg aided by Chris DeGeer who made a fine play at second for: the third out. Philip struck out eight for his‘ second win. ‘ a a a v This Saturday Baker's will be entered in the Etobicoke Tour- nament at Valley Park. Game' CAR SAVER" TRAVEL TRAILERS Built in Britain by 'l‘lioin'smi. Save wear and [Car on your car. Savc money with lzcz‘wr mileage. Check these special features: Ultra llfllll‘~"Cl'_.'Ill, can be towed by small cars with simple hitch. inde- pendent suspcnsicn :iiid acr- odynamic body siylinv. for smooth easy towin'r. [autoâ€" matic acting broken for safe relaxing driving. Large pic- ture windows with colourful family planned interiors for maximum livability. 5 mod- els 14 ft. to 19 ft. from $1865. THOMSON - YORK KELFIELD ST., TORONTO Dixon Rd. at Skyline Hotel Open Nights & Weekends . Company Benefits Available in Aurora for Maytag dishes ' ' ' it: >0! two-car crash June 12 t 125 . . , glass, Oil paintings. )H l . (M W F -3 ) at * a - Baker’s t. k .1 - - - - - -h . l sen eatiei rs. . rascr 1_ _ I .51uc eai y scoring time is 10 am With West End 247410 2143894 . 5 Day Week Egflifddrficlflanfilgdfit :33, prints' odds. findings afidlgom: Richard; Hal‘01d: Bobble. BRILLINGEB â€" I_n lonng Sgwagvlzs‘ggan Road and Bay five runs in the first two inn- AC providing the opposition. 8 or 2 . Steady work can Linland Eqmp’hent sales. atsgzeRighmindeStregt Timmy; and Kelly‘ Begging at {fleralogngfssi lzgtnusagn There was an estimated $500 _ “v Apply Ltd" 767-2171 or write 1909 Richmond Hill at 700 pm: garghalét Ftlgnerfigcifigggfii JET)“, 19th lqfil’7 damage to a car driven by Stac- ~ A _ ‘ ' ‘ on e .1 .. ‘ ' ' i v . . . TWIN HILLS MERCURY Davenport Rd" Toronto 13?;61 Everything must go.1éoussesold:‘ Hm- Service on Friday. 1m“; “Sunshine fades and shadows 0f Nilklshlaaigoicté ' Mr. Wilkinson 3 Terms cash: “0” ‘ 132992 mem Aurora Cemetery- fa“ iiiad a cut arm. ' This Fathers' Da ive him a 'n th t k _- r. and Co. Auctioneer 8: Appiaisci chYSIiSwoet remembrance Gun/1575 LV F‘, v 1._ f 336 C. b. ‘ V, g Q! a W0! 8. 884.4441 , FOR BIG BARGAINS 223-0839- * * at * * €1W51. e y. c a all." h b F u ' Avénrfilefifiilfimghg Hi”. An electrical gift. To help him with ‘ CONSULT THE N1CKL1N Eugene Earl â€" Sud- * Sadly “Md 5 a ‘6" whiplash injury. Nancy Parker, his chores or add more fun to his hobby. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Female Help Formold Plastics requires female help for all three shifts. Start immediately. Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd. 95 NEWKIRK ROAD, RICHMOND HILL SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH. â€"« Auction Sale of household fur- niture. dining room suite ches- terfield, combination writing desk and china cabinet with oval glass and mirror, bed room furniture, end tables. chest of drawers. coffee tables. cedar chest, golf clubs. Dishes tools at 418 Loretta Crescent, South, east end StouffvilleProperty of Ken McCaffrey. Terms cash, sale at 1 pm watch for list in Stouffville paper. Alvin S. Far- 'mer, phone 887-5311 Auct. ' c2w51 . a u: it a: a JULY 2. THURSDAY EVEN- ING The undersigned has office. kitchenette, etc. lines. on a rotating basis. 240 Prospect St. Counter Top Dishwasher $69.95 CAROCELLE PORTABLE Ideal for apartment, home bars, small families, Call 889-0431 for free home demonstration SPRAY PAINTERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For spray painters who can set-up, operate and maintain spray painting equipment used on conveyor lines. be physically capable of loading and unloading conveyor Must be willing to work day and afternoon shifts Group incentive pay system. Resume of work experience should be mailed or deliv- ered in person to personnel department. OFFICE SPECIALTY LTD. Must Newmarket 895-2321 All your M oving problems MOVING ? ESH'EIZ'NG YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT et us help you solve Gentle as 2 Lamb elore you move! \Ihe Mover lid. 127 BIRCH AVE. THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse 889-4911-2-3 ‘ received instruction to sell by lpublic auction at Victoria Square Community Hall, 334 miles north of No. 7 Highway. 31/2 miles south of Gormley, (Don Mills Road.) about 200 art- icles: furniture, antiques, glass, Cranberry, Carnival, hanging lamps, oil lamps, bells, brass, kettles, jugs, gun rack, Victorâ€" ian tables, chests of drawers. Goods will be on display from 4 pm until sale time at 7 pm sharp. Terms cash. Don‘t miss this sale. Alvin S. Farmer, aucâ€" tioneer, phone Gormley 887- 5311. c2w51 NEWMARKET: The town has (had to pay $25 for fixing the last March. A man walked into the police station and remand- led to be arrested. When he was told he couldn‘t be because he had done nothing wrong, he walked outside and kicked in the door. When the case comes ,up in court and if the man :chooses to pay a fine and costs ~instead of going to jail the re- ‘pair bill will be part of the .costs, council was told. I l MOVING BY RAIL, LAND, AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING . 24 HOUR SERVICE 1 CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE Call WORLD WIDE SHIPPING 889-6269 I police station door kicked in ‘ denly on Monday. June 15. 1970. Earl. beloved husband of Georgina Nicklin of Toscanini Road. Oak Ridges, dear father of Eugene and stepâ€"father of Edith and John Boyle. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service on Thursday at 2 pm. Cremation. c1w51 * it s a: PETERSON Roberta (Betty) â€"â€" At the Princess Margaret Hos- pital on Tuesday, June 16. 1970. Betty beloved wife of Ralph Peterson. South Road, Oak Ridges. dear mother of Barbara (Mrs. I. Hansenl Beverley (Mrs. P. Lowcl Fred. Ron. Betty Anne. (Mrs. S. Kerri, Susan. Tom, Debbie, and Karen, daughter of Mrs. Gladys MacCallum, sister of Laura, Averill, George and Jack. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service on Thursday at 11 am. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w51 i CREATIVE DRAMA SUMMER WORKSHOP COMES TO RICHMOND HILL children. teens, and young for adults I (Join us for a creative fun suin- mer programme under the pro- lfessional direction of Tony lMoffat-Lynch. REGISTER NOW! For detailed information telephone Miss Sittig. Toronto 923-1108 Service 929-3376 Head Office ChildrenTeen Talent Ltd, 423 Sherbourne St., Toronto Ans. i ! l Mother, sisters. and brothers. >‘.< >i< >l< viz GEORGE â€"- In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father Thomas Stephen George who passed away June 20, 1966. God knew that he was suffering That the hills were hard to climb, So he closed his weary eyelids And whispered, “Peace Be Thine.” Away in the beautiful hill of God, By the valley of rest so fair, Some day. we know not when, We‘ll meet our Loved one there. Lovineg remembered by 'Ruth, Bruce and grandchildren. '« k >9: * LINE â€" In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Gordon Line who passed away June 19, 1967. Ever remem- bered by son Earl. daughter- in-law Lois, grandsons Ron, Dale and '[‘immy_ c1w51 )i< >:< >i< xi: WATSON â€"- In loving memory of my dear son James (Jiml who passed away June 16, 1963. There have many many changes over the years But our thoughts still think of you. â€"Sadly missed by Mum & Family. c1w50 **** In loving memory of a de- voted wife and mother. Edith, who passed away June 17th, 1947. and a son and brother. Harold, who died March 18th, 1966. Never forgotten. A. R. Young and Family *lw51 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank friends and re- latives for the gifts, flowers and cards which I received during my stay in York Central Hospi- tal, and a very special thanks to the nurses on the second floor. Maud Fockler “lw51 l iii-is»: CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank Dr. Socol, Dr. Blakely. the nurses in the coronary section and nurses on the 4th floor. my many friends and relatives for the lovely gifts. iflowers and cards, which I re- iceived during my stay in York Central HospitaL Mrs. R. Collins in #1 wk :1 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Jesse E. Baker would like to thank their friends and relatives for the ex- pressions of sympathy and cards ‘received during their recent lbereawmnt. J Mrs. J. Baker and Family. clu51 nc1w50 15. of 440 Osiris Drive, had cuts and bruises. , Harvey Hamblyn, 23. of 2‘ Trimingham Court, Thornhill,‘ When you go gift-hunti Homers Kill Dynes Tony's Win By 5-2 A last inning home run by Oshawa Tonys Pitcher Robbie Mason with two runners on handed Richmond Hill Dynes‘ iJewellers a 5-2 loss in Oshawa (and District Fastball action Tuesday night. It was Dynes second league ,loss of the season. ‘ ‘ The blow came with the score, tied 2-2 in the bottom of the, ninth with one out and runners} on first and second. 1 It came against losing pitcher} Billy Drennan who was touchedl for eight hits and two home-l runs. One of the homeruns was} Jack Sneddon‘s in the first in-, ning. l Mason allowed six hits in‘ winning his own game with arm and bat. He also doubled as well as scoring the tieing run‘ before the big blow. l l ash Car Tiresl Take Thirty Hens Tires were slashed on three: cars June 13 in the Richmond! Hill Inn parking lot, say town‘ police. . George Diceman of Lot 29,‘ Concession 5. Vaughan Towng ship and Mary Beckford of To-‘ ronto each had two tires slash-‘ ed. Joseph O‘Hara of 25 Fish-' erville Road. Willowdale hadI one tire slashed. ‘ The same night a concrete‘ block was throwu through the, rear window of the nearby} Woolworth Company store. Between 6.30 pm and 9.30 am (June 11-12 $30 worth of cloth- ing was stolen from Joy Aug- ust’s clothes line at 47 Elmdale iCourt. Richmond Hill. On June 13 at the Pinecrcst Speedway. Highway 7, west of Keele Street. Rudolph Michael had $195 worth of stereo tapes land equipment stolen from his parked convertable. The con- vertable cover was slashed. I Also June 13 a home made red mini-bike was stolen from af ,home on Crestwood Road in ‘Southern Vaughan Township. l A $150 portable car radio was stolen by someone who broke, ‘into an automobile parked June‘ 12 at the Willowdale Golf Club; on Dufferin Street. . Thirty Leghorn hens wonhi 860 were stolen by a chicken‘. thief June 12 from a barn on Concession 6. Woodbridge. ( nuns: ng, think electric. your hydro Richmond Hill Hydro Electric Commission SAM COOK, CHAIRMAN AL. HORWOOD, SUPERINTENDENT 4 YONGE ST. SOUTH 884-4466

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