Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1970, p. 9

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Roman. On behalf of the Lions Club, Lion President Antony Roman would like ' to thank everyone for‘thell‘ donations, and other help and also those who attend- ed. for helping to make it such a success. It is hoped that it will become an annual event. There was also dancing in the big hall with music supplied by the Linan Quartette. The main attraction was the elimination draw which was won by Everett Vanderkooy who took the money instead of the first-prize Massey - Ferguson lawn tractor. then donated $100 of it back to the Lions Club. Mrs. Cal Stacey of Agincourt man the $100 second prize; Mrs. Florence Mumberson the $50 third prize, and consolation win- ners D. . Reesor, Unionville: Bruce Mortson: Keith Hood: Tim Lawlor. Richmond Hill; Norman Goldstein, Toronto: Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Fred Church News The June meeting of the Vic- toria Square ACW was held on Wednesday evening of last week in the Sunday school room with 24 ladies and four men :present. Mrs. Herman Morison. Mrs. Norman Tyndall and Mrs. Faye Wills were in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Wills took the worship service. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Taylor IBctty Hill) showed colored slides of» air work in Lima, Peru, whicl were very interest- ing. Philip was a mining engin- eer in Peru for the past two M 0 ll There was a lucky draw at the bake sale. and a beautifully decorated cake was won by Clarke Canning. The boys‘ midget softball tournament began with a game between Markham and Union- ville, with Markham coming out on top. The second game be- tween Vandorf and Victoria Square was won by Victoria Community Day The community day sponsor- ed by Victoria Square Lions Club on Saturday was a great success, including a softball tournament. barbecue. euchre party. dance and elimination The mb M 1t, ‘ George 1 Sandie. FREE BARBEQUE CHANGE YOUR HEATING SYSTEM NOW» START PAYMENT IN SEPTEMBER BE PREPARED FOR FALL AND RECEIVE A fl RTER BROS. VIC M Jed. ociaI 9min ’Ir IE 301‘ playoffs. Markham beat loria Square thus win- 3 Lions Club trophy. credit is due to Jim and Norman Tyndall [or after the tournament. 1' was a delicious chic- mcue with salads. :pickl- also brought back a of articles which were and beverages. 9 fans made up 12 1 the small hall in the Prize winners were: Mrs. Martha Almstedt, arencc Dean and Mrs‘ nrber: Men: Ralph Alm- aI half hour followed ing. This was the last nf the UCW until Sep- If you don% go south Go “ANTHES” FORCED dwx» AHI .mhos e1 LVGB FURNACES hood Notes tulations to Mr. and once Cruickshank. who I‘lE‘d 50 years June 18. nily entertained them ial dinner in honor of ion, tulations also go to Mrs. David Collins on of their daughter, An- 5. Collins and baby 19 from hospital Mon- ;h a speedy recovery Tim Tomlin and Allan surgery in York County Hospi~ tal. Newmarket. this past week. This is your invitation to atâ€" tend a miscellaneous shower for Jean Kelly and Amos Hoover Monday night in Vic- toria Square Community Hall. About 30 relatives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith Sunday for a shower for Mary Pattenden and George Guerin. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Pattenden and family of Hawkestone, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Storey of Ballan~ who ,both underwent trae, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur} CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE Mi. 2. Gormley â€" Telephone 887-5421 889-643] TORIA SQUARE NEWS ations also go to 5. David Collins on their daughter, Anâ€" Collins and baby from hospital Mon- fimmiey Neighbcrhood Notes Brands and Wil- COMMON SENSE CONSUMERS’ GAS CO. CONTRACT DEALER (25 years of heating experience) Mrs. Stanley Boynton attend- ed a miscellaneous bridal show- er on Friday evening at the home of her niece, Mrs. Evelyn Lemon, in North Toronto. in honor of her great-niece, Miss Linda Watt, a bride-to-be of June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchan- an and family of Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nichols and family of Richmond Hill, Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent had Sunday evening dinner with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Cecil Nichols. The many ‘friends of Mrs. Buchanan will ‘be pleased to hear that she has recovered from her recent ill- ness. Mrs. Gladys Knapman, Smith- ville. Mrs. Eva Connors, Stoney Creek. Mrs. Blanche Tatton and Mrs. Bill 'Nigh had dinner Tues- day of last week with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Miss Belle Marritt. New-mar- ket. Mrs. Lynn Vogel. Vancouv- er. BC. and Miss Mabel San- derson had Thursday evening supper with Mrs. Blanche Tat- ton and Mrs. Glenn Bolender. Mrs. Earl Empringham held a trousseau tea on Sunday in hon- or of her eldest daughter Bar- bara, who is being married June 27. Mn and Mrs. Terry Magee and family of Islington Visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton on Saturday. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. David War~ riner, (Pat Draper) married five years. June 26; to Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce, married 44 yearS, June 26; to Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLaren, married seven years. June 29; to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker married 44 years. July 1. Registration will take place July 8 at 10 am. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to Donna Boyd. June 26. Markham Township Recrea- tion Committee will be hold- ing a summer playground pro- gram every Wednesday from 10 am to 2 pm during July and August in the community centre park, starting July 8. for all children eligible to start school in the fall and up (no age limit). Rev. Jenkinson and Mrs. Jen- kinson were attending the Sun- day school anniverary services at Teston United where Rev. Jenkinson was the guest preach~ er. Playground Rev. John Dickinson of Tes- ton United Church was \in charge of the church service. in the absence of Rev. Jenkinson. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILS'I‘ED - PHONE 887-5445 ‘ The flowers. (two pots of yel~ low mums) in the church on Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Styrmo, who passed away a year ago. Mrs. Styrmo who passed away June 26. and Mr. Styrmo who passed away July 21. Mrs. Faye Wills was in charge of the Sunday school on Sunday morning in the absence of the superintendent, Mrs. Martin Jenkinson. Phone Do away with charcoal, fire starter, ashes and all the inconveniences of your present bar- beque. To inspire those who would normally wait until fall to convert their present heating system to gas. we will give “absolutely free" one “Charmglow Barbeque" (illustrated above) with every gas furnace or boiler either con- verted to gas or as a new installation. if pur- chased from now until June 30th of this year, GAS FIRED The townline between the two Gormleys was paved early this |week. This stretch of road has ‘been very rough, holey and bad- }ly in need of repair. The heavy traffic Sunday night indicated how much heavier it will be now with Bayview Avenue paved up to the townline. Mrs. Whitney Johnston re- ceived word of the sudden pass- of her brother, Orval Wideman at Kenora, as a result of a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Empring- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wide- man and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and Sharon and Mrs. David Bennett were guests of Shirley Heise (Mrs. Empring. ham‘s sister) at the graduation Joyce Harvey of Keswick spent the weekend with Vera Doust. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gibson in the pass- ing of the farmer’s brother, Dr. Thomas Gibson of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and family attended the funeral Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards and baby son. Jason. of Toronto visited Saturday at; the Doust home. Mrs. Lillian Brennan Heibeler of Ordell, New Jersey, the for- mer registrar of the New York Jockey Club. was a house guest of Mrs. Mildred Holmes for two days. Rev. H. S. Hallman and Alvin Farmer attended the district an- nual conference of the Mission- ary Church in the New Dundee church this week. Mrs. Charles Milsted and Char- leen attended the graduation exercises of the Bethesda Train- ing Centre of the North York General Hospital held in Wil- lowdale Baptist Church Monday evening. Miss Joan Bell, daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Ross Bell of Stayner, was among the gra- duates. Fern Doner, RN left for eight weeks nursing in Vietnam with the Youth Corps. Fern spent a few days in San Francisco for briefing regarding the work. From there she flew to Saigon, where she would received her assignment. Jim Brayley of Arlington, Vir- ginia. is holidaying with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Avizius. “Mr. and Mrs. Abram Leham of Carlisle. Pennsylvania, spent several days with relatives here recently. I Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Cam- pey and sons spent a short holi- day with friends in Cheshire, Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Climen- hage of Stevensville spent the weekend with relatives here. Miss Deborah Ellas of Sharon is spending a couple of weeks with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Elias. while Mrs. Elias is convalescing from recent sur- fiery. Misses Mary and Adeline Rea- man have returned from a de- lightful four-week trip to Cali- fornia. They came home via Yellowstone Park, travelling 6.650 miles in all and report ony two flat tires. Congratulations are extended to George Sider and Mildred Brillinger who were married Saturday afternoon at Heise Hill Church. They were attended by Mrr and Mrs. Neal Sider. The reception was held at the btouff- ville Youth Centre. Mr. and Mrs. John Wideman and JAnet, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wideman and Margaret attend- ed the wedding of John’s bro- ther, Howard, to Mary Martin in Sudbury Saturday. Preece and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pattenden of North 333’. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pat- tenden and family of Stouffville. Wayne Wright of Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs; Chester Pattenden of Stouffville and Mr. and Mrs. John Steele of Richmond Hill. HEATING LTD. 889-6431 The proposal is to allow Vic- toria Square to develop a hand- ful of lots at a time on a street pattern, that Will reduce the number of enmnc'eg'tfi Wood- bine Avenue (formerly Don Mills Road). ’ The Victoria Square plan will now go to council for final ap- proval, unless the planners have some second thoughts. Frank Brwmwell of Victoria Square. a former member of the township planning board, told last week's meeting the plan would be much better if Wood- bine Avenue could be diverted to the east around the com- munity. The way traffic has been inv creasing. it is often necessary It was also explained that any building would first have to get approval from health authorities for wells and septic tanks. Victoria Square has grown at a rate of one house a year for quite some time, and «that is the kind of development rate that will possibly be allowed. The plan made for Victoria Square will only apply if land- owners want to sell lots, and if there is a market. Markham Township Planning Director Kunio Hidaka explain- ed that the provincial authori- ties won't permit much expan- sion of such communities that lack water and sewer utilities. But citizens present at fihe June 11 public hearing seemed to like the blueprint drawn up for the hamlet by Markham Township's planners. Not that Victoria Square is going to be allowed to explode with development. Victoria S q u a r e residents want a traffic bypass and not a wider main street. Victoria Square Residents Want Traffic Bypass, Not Wider Road Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Marian Kelly on the birth of her first grandchild, a daughter. Tracy Lynn, born to ‘Rev. and Mrs. Walter Kelly who are- in language school in Costa Rica. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Burk- holder of Markham spent Sunâ€" day with their son and daughter» in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burkholder. Mrs. Elmer Steckley of Ridge- way was a weekend guest of Mr‘ an Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Mrs. H. Cordes Ponsen and Miss H. Ponsen of Rotterdam. Holland, and Mrs. Frank Ermen and daughter Patty of Stouff- ville were dinner guests of Mrs. Beulah Jones Wednesday. .Doris Rice spent three weeks in Sick Children's Hospital when she had a spinal fusion. She was just home a few days when other trouble developed and she had to be rushed back to the hospital for further treatment. exercises of Bethesda Training Centre of North York General Hopital Monday night. Mrs. F. H. Palmer of RRI Gormley was also one of the graduates. Developmgnt Planned Massey'Fe‘rgusan LAWN and GARDEN TRACTOR PRICED FROM ONL Y Rumble Tractovrv & Equipment Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore PICED $ 7 1'”. Model MF 7 ROM WITH )NLY MOWER INCLUDED! Such easy driving we call it LAWNMOTORâ€" lNG. Your wife may especially enjoy the no-shift no-clutch Hydra Speed Drive that’s optional on MF 7and standard on larger 10 and 12 hp models. Mowers from 32 to 42 inches. And don't forget practical year- round usesâ€"leaf sweeping. snow blowing, spraying and tilling. Come in now for the best terms, trades, and a test drive. MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE Corner of Don Mills and Stouffville Rds. 887-5886 GORMLEY, ONT. 297-2171 Planning 'Board M e m b e r Harry Maynard explained that if Victoria Square wanted a by- pass road, it would be necessary to persuade the township coun- cil to pay for it. The province would not pay the 50 percent of such a project that is normal- ly available for county roads, he said. It was explained that the closing of Albert Street would be far in the future. if it came at all. And there would be ample opportunity for those af- fected by the closing to have a hearing. A question from Pete Gregor- son was followed by one from Doris Pickering. She was wor- ried that the proposed closing of Albert Street would give her only an access to Woodbine Avenue. Mr. Hidak-a explanied that the matter of Woodbine Avenue widening was not under the jurisdiction of the planning board, but was the responsibi- lity of the Toronto and York Roads Commission. The town- ship plan only reflected what the roads authority was expec- ted to do at some future date. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright and family were guests at the wed- ding of his brother. Robert; Wright and Valerie Bennett at] Rosemount Anglican Church Saturday. [ Another resident said his house was so close to Woodbine it could stand only a widening of two feet. and wanted to know what would happen to him. Gordon Draper said he was against the four lanes shown on the plan for Woodbine Avenue in front of his home. He also favored the bypass road idea. Construction materials going by in the early morning made the traffic almost unbearable now, he said. to wait several minutes to enter Woodbine Avenue, he said. Traffic lights were soon going to be necessary. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lehman (the former Agnes Cober of Gormley), returned missionaries from Rhodesia‘ Africa, spoke at the Sunday morning service at Heise Hill. Brethren in Christ Church June 21. The men's fellowship had a special father‘s day service Sun- day night in Heise Hill Church. Dr. Jean Erb spoke briefly to the WMS ladies Thursday night in the fellowship hall of the Missionary Church. Her hus- band. Dr. John Erb, left June 4 for Nigeria, Africa. Dr. Jean and her youngest son. Peter. will leave on July 7 to join him and both will be working in the TM Hospital in Nigeria. Mr. and Mrs. Meal Sider ofl <72 Wellandport provided special C music at Heise Hill Brethren 1n , Church Sunday morning. The men‘s fello‘ special father‘s day day night in Heise and family of Wainfleet and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Winger of Sudbury spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald and Brenda of Coquitlam, New Westminster. BC. had Sunday supper wtih Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko. Church News Sider TISSUE lplv Shirriff’s Family Size JELLY RE§§E§I§M 5 89¢ SPAGHETTI 7 1.00 4 Colours White Swan Bathroom SERVIETTES White Swan Rainbow FRUIT DRINKS 4 4802. 1 Tins I BEVERAGES Viva Grape or Orange 5 Flavours Coronation 28 oz. Non Returnable Bottles BREEZE THROUGH SUMMER WITH... Pkg. of 180 2 roll Pkg. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursd 25¢ MUSTARD Richmello McCain FROZEN Julienne APPLE PIE CORN OIL FRENCH FRIES 10c Off Mazola Pure French's Prepared Richmello 60% Whole or Cracked Whoa! BREAD POTATO 3.17.; TOOTH PASFE Stripe Lion Snap-Off Thermo‘ Insulated FREEZER BAG PICNIC BAG Each Sat. June serve the . ' Values effective in STOCK UP FOR TI Dominion Store - Rich1 CLOSED - D0)”. OPEN as usual TEA Leaver Brand Majoretie Salada Orange Pekoe Wed.. July P1 Jar Lb

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