Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1970, p. 10

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At a meeting on June 15, York County Board of Education ap- proved the appointment of Jan deLaat as principal of Fairmead School for the Trainahle Re- tarded in Newmarket effective September 1. Mr. deLaat has had five years York County BI experience in education and is “on. trustees ap‘ now on staff at the Sand Junior nearly eight pa School (formerly Woodland the areas of En Junior School) as a teacher in a and occupations special educafion class. Authors“ rang. He is working toward hisr bachelor of arts degree at York University and also towards a specialist certificate in special education which includes ad- ministrative and supervision of special education for teachers preparing for administrative. supervisory or consultative roles. 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June ‘25 Mrs. Ethel Warden, present principal at Fairmead. has sub- mitted her resignation. from position, but will continue on staff as a full time teacher at the school. Approval of sketch plan and‘ working drawings for an addi- tion to Crosby Heights Senior School have been received from the Department of Education, and three quotations were 1e- ceived for completion of the project which involves enclo- sure of a courtyard and included enlarged library and resources centre for the school. At its meeting on May 11. the Board of Education accepted the lowest bid. $49,800. ahd a re- quest for final approval from the department has been sub mitted. I This project is to be financed from current funds set apart as "work in progmss" in the 1969 budget Total cost. including architect fees is $54,731. York County Board Of Education Briefs You probably won’t be able to spot the big change in this year's Volkswagen if you iusf pass one on the highWGy; but you might get onjnkling when one posses you. The 1970 VW has a bigger engine. (It's now1600 cc.’sJ How we did it‘Is inferesfing: we made the engine bigger, but We didn’t add any Weight. 50 whfle it pushes the Volkswagen At a recent meeting of the York County Board of Educa- tion. trustees approved a list of nearly eight pages. chiefly‘ in the areas of English literature Most nf these books. said Edu- cation Director Sam Chapman, have been in use in the schools. but because they do not appear in the department‘s “Circular 14" they must be approved by the board Authors range from Shake- speare to Shaw to Steinbeck and include Canadian writers Con- nor. Mowat. MacLeannan and many more. Sophocies Sheridan, Ibsen and Miller are also on the list. Automotive servicing. Basic Blueprint Reading. Child Care. Practical Retailing. Teen Home Nursing Manual. and Trouble Shooting Math Skills will help prepare the student for the "real world". Teachers in secondary schools in York County will have an im- pressive list of text books to choose from in addition to those prescribed by the Department of Education. Instead of gathering dust through the summer months. books in the schools of York County will be available on re- quest to local public libraries during the months of July and August. 7 ‘ _ At its regular meeting June 8. the Board of Education agreed to a policy that will give county residents maximum use of books which would not otherwise be available during the school va- cation period. Preamble to the new policy notes that school libraries nor- mally cannot be kept open dur- ing the summer as staff are not available. It also points out that 178 YONGE STREET NORTH/RICHMOND HILL/889-7701 W. 8: P. Motors Limited mars/tall gunera/ game 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels unce 1876 as most books and other mate- rials in school libraries are cur- riculum oriented and required in the schools for day to day use by students, year-round integra- tion of school and public libra- ries is not practical. School oriented organizations will be encouraged to hold con- ferences on education. as the county board feels that confer- ences organized by such groups will be more likely to focus on items of current concern to ratepayers than similar meet- ings organized by trustees and staff. In adopting policy on confer- ences. the board agreed to make suitable meeting places avail- able without costs. make small grants to defray incidental costs, supply reasonable admin- istrative assistance such as du- plicating notices and programs. and at the request of the organi- zation. supply planning assist- ance by trustees or staff. The board's communications committee will be responsible for making and approving such arrangements as may be neces- sary for these conferences or meetings. The policy does not cover local home and school or parent‘teacher aswciation meet- Ings. The contract for construction of a new secondary school in Aurora has been awarded to Konvey Construction Company of the Town of Markham. The tender price, $3,844,470. is about $300,000 over the amount budgetted for the pro- ject. however, and trustees agreed that architects and staff should go over the tender and investigate alternatives which could reduce the total price. LIMITED 884-1062 harder, it doesn’f push itself any harder. One of the reasons why Volkswagen engines with 200,000 miies on them are not unheard of. Still, a liffie more horsepower hardly makes the bug a Beast. A new Volkswagen won’t show any- ody that you’ve arrived. = It‘ll lust make sure you get there. 1970 Speaking to a resolution pre- sented by Woodbridge Reeve John McLean, East Gwillimbury Councillor Garfield Wright. a member of York County Board of ‘Health, explained that the pre- sent unit has been in existence for two years but there has been little communication between the York and Oshawa offices due to geographical distance. One Health Unit Effective June 30 In session June 3. York County Council agreed to dis- solution of the York-Oshawa Health Unit effective June 30. and the formation of an inde- pendent York County Health Unit The new unit will continue to operate from the main office in }Newmarket and the area offices 1in Richmond Hill and Sutton. “There has been little liaison. the only link has been at the senior admmistrative level. the Medical Officer of Health and supervisors." Joint capital assets are rela- tively insignificant. said Mr. Wright, and 75 percent of the budget comes from the proâ€" Vince. Both Health Minister Thomas Wells and Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough have agreed that health units should follow municipal boundaries, he said. and grants are paid on a quarterly basis. June 30. Mr. Wright pointed out, is the end of the second quarter. In reply to a protest from Deputy-reeve Anthony Roman of Markham Toivnship that it seemed a little premature to dissolve the York-Oshawa unit before the end of the year, County Solicitor Douglas Lucas said the county would have to pass a bylaw dissolving the pre- ent unit. but either party can withdraw from the agreement on receipt of written notice. Appointed to the new board of health for York County were Mr. Wright, Reeve Albert Lajd~ law of the Town of Markham, Reeve Stewart Rumble of Mark- ham Township, Reeve McLean and Dr. Slingerland. “The board recommends that a new board of health be ap- pointed by York County Coun- cil and that Dr. Owen Slinger- land be retained as Chief Medi- cal Officer of Health." “The transition should be very smooth. We can carry on with the present staff to the end of 1970.” The board also recommended that present staff now employed by the York County section of the unit be retained. TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS FOR BIG BARGAINS a-\ummmm“mu\m\\\\\m\u\mnu\muuum“mm“uummmmmumu\muun\\\\\\\m\\\\\m\t11l1nl\mu\\\\mmmu\\\\\\\u\u\mm\\\\uu“umum“umumx“\“mnnummummmLummmmnmu«mum1mmunututuInluluIiIum“umummumuumtmunllIi1umummuumuautImum“x“mummuummmmnmuumummmnm‘ 5 WE RENT : CONTRACTORS' g! EQUIPMENT LUIIIIIIIIILCC‘ mlu LIICIC "CID four factors involved in at- tributing to this condition: The budget proposed by the committee at the begin- ning of the year was cut by $78,000: the welfare case load had increased due to unemployment in the county; the cost of nursing home care for indigent patients has increased from $9.50 to $10.50 per day; and welfare rates have increased 12 per- cent effective May 1. On March 4 the Social and Family Services Department LCllUuLtl‘ c The change in welfare rat- es im‘olved compiling of new budgets for all welfare recip- ients in the county. the re- port stated. and this neces- sitated considerable overtime work for staff and hiring of additional part-time help, ad- ding to the salary portion of the committee‘s budget. Al- though the period of reces- sion appears likely to con- tinue, said Mrs. Rolling. York County is not as badly off as many Ontario munici- palities. u: A'luLLll A. v”... VAVuuev V... percent. London 13.6 per- cent. Metro 2.4 percent. Mis~ sissauga 24.3 percent. Ot~ tawa-Carleton 2.3 percent. Simcoe County 8.3 percent. St. Catharines 9.1 percent. and Windsor 3.2 percent." With the exception of Wel- land. all Ontario municipali. ties reflected the same trend. In the area of new busi- ness. the committee respond- ed to a request from David Porter. chairman of the board of directors of the Richmond Hill Day Care there is a charge of $15 per week for each child. The report, which was ap- proved by council on June 3. outlined reasons for a trans- fer of a $5,000 grant to the Victorian Order of Nurses. York County Branch. from the general fund to the wel- fare budget. In February council re- moved the $5,000 from the welfare committee budget and at the same session ap- proved a 320.000 grant to the VON from the county Council agreed. therefore, that $5,000 be paid to the VON through the Depart- ment of Social and Family Services. and the balance of $15,000 be a direct grant to the VON. "There will be no change in the amount receiVed by the VON." Warden Gordon Cook assured council, "It is just a transfer of funds on our books. The difierence is that we can then pick up $4,000 in welfare grants from the province." d'llll“Illllll“mlilllll\\llllll“ll\llll“lll“Illlllllll“lll““llllllll“till“llllllllllltilllllllll“ll“llllllllllllltlillllllllllllllllllllllllll\mlllllllllllull“llllllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili'llillllll‘ l\llllllllllllllllI‘ll“\l“Will\ll“lllull“l“ll“\lllllll““llllllllll\llllllllllllli“ll\l\\\l\l“llllll\l\“lllll\lll\\\\\\\\l\\\\\l\\\l\\\l\ll\\\\l\\\\\\\\lll\lill\\\\l\\\l\\l\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\' :Richvale Scaffold Rentals; 9114 YONGE ST. York County‘s Welfare Committee is running into problems, with more than 50 percent of its budget for 1970 spent in less than five months. In reporting to the June session of York County County Council, East Gwil- limbury Reeve Gladys Rol- ling. chairman of the welfare committee. said there were four factors involved in at- tributing to this condition: The budget proposed by the committee at the begin- ning of the year was cut by $78,000; the welfare case load had increased due to unemployment in the county; the cost of nursing home care for indigent patients has increased from $9.50 to $10.50 per day; and welfare rates have increased 12 per- cent effective May 1. 9114 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-1059 Welfare Scaffolding "‘ Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24” depth) Boom Truck - 16’ -â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton Phone Is there a Wedding in Your Future? 884-1105 Budget Overspent In First 5 Months was notified by the province that an increase in nursing home care rates had been enacted and would be grant- able retroactive to January 1. said Mrs. Rolling, but since York County budgets for the calendar year and the province works on a fiscal year, the welfare committee decided to grant the increase retroactive to March 1 only. Thermo-engraved (raised lettering) Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announcements, confirmation in- vitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements, etc. (Raised Lettering) Looks and feels like the finest hand engraving, The letters have an elegance and individuality only the finest hand engraving can match. Thelma-engraving (raised lettering) Costs about half as much as hand engraving, because it eliminates the copper plate that makes hand engraving so expensive. AND IT’S READY WITHIN 10 DAYS Of course you can order matching enclosure cards. reception, response. thank You and at home cards, etc. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. 15 distinctive stylesvof lettering. THE LIBERAL Wedding Invitations THERMO-ENGRAVING "It is interesting to note that the statistics recently received from the Ontario Department of Social and Family Services which come pares general welfare assist- ance accounts from January to October 1969 to the same period in 1968 show York County with an increase of 2.1 percent. vhile other in. creases were Hamilton 4.6 percent. London 13.6 per- cent, Metro 2.4 percent, Mis- sissauga 24.3 percent. Ot‘ tawa-Carleton 2.3 percent. Simcoe County 8.3 percent. St. Catharines 9.1 percent. and Windsor 3.2 percent." With the exception of Wei- land. all Ontario municipali- ties reflected the same trend. In the area of new busi- ness. the committee respond. ed to a request from David Porter, chairman of the board of directors of the Richmond Hill Day Care 63 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill Centre. the York County De- partment of Social and Fam- ily Services investigated and documented applications for indigent parents desiring day care service in order that the centre could qualify for pro- vincial subsidy. At present the centre is subsidized by the province under the auspices of the Town of Richmond Hill and there is a charge of $15 per week for each child. The report, which was ap- proved by council on June 3, outlined reasons for a trans- fer of a $5,000 grant to the Victorian Order of Nurses. York County Branch. from the general fund to the wel- fare budget. 0 Free Annual Furnace Conditioning 0 24-Hr. Emergency Service - 7 Days a Week 0 Gulf Parts Replacement Plan FINEST HEATING OIL AUTOMATIC DELIVERY OF THE Your Area Sales Representative Gulf Home Comfort Limited ELGIN R. EVANS 362-2881 Mrs. Rolling pointed out that a provincial subsidy of 80 percent is available on VON services to indigent families if approved and paid through the county’s Depart- ment of Social and Family Service, but as presently al- located. the county will lose approximately $4.000 in sub- sidies. budget

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