Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1970, p. 23

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Harrison â€" Obee The marriage vows of Roberta Larrine Stephanie Obee and Robert Clement Harrison were heard by Rev. John McTavish in St. Matthew’s United Church, Richmond Hill East, at 4 pm May 30. Pink and white snap- dragons and gladioli formed the setting for the ceremony. Tra- ditional wedding music was played by Mrs. Robert Garden of Tweed. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Obee of 313 Osiris Drive, Richmond Hill and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Harrison of Edmonton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of nylon chiffon over taffeta with a short train. Embroider- ed lace formed the stand-up collar. the long cuffs and a front panel. She wore a should- er-length veil of scalloped illus- ion net with seed pearls and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. white carnations and lily-of-the-valley. Honeymooned At Virginia Beach After Wedding In St. Matthew's Her attendants were Dianne Brown of Toronto as matron of honor and Mary Lou Baxter of Toronto and Carolyn Mann of Niagara Falls as bridesmaids. All wore gowns with bodices of navy blue and skirts of white illusion lace embroidered with navy blue roses, accented by deep pink commerbunds. They carried nosegays of white gladi- oli and stephanotis with blue forget-meâ€"nots. The grooms attendants were William Harrison of Wetaski- win. Alberta: and William Ken- how""many shoulders has your executor? RICHMOND HILL The hard earned estate you leave behind is too important to be entrusted to inexperienced and untrained help. Peopleâ€"even those who merit your trustâ€"die, disappear. become incapacitated. It happens every day. But not here, because at: Victoria and Grey Trust, your estate management problems, big and little, are the responSibflity'first, or a friendly, sympathetic trust ofiicer you get to know, and second, of a team of competent, trained specialists who operate under government license Don‘t leave your estate to chance. When you make your will, specify Victoria and Grey as your executor. WCTORM and GREY V101 (111111 and [111191 TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Principal Toronto office: 197 Bay Street G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. 395 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL BRAND NEW 1910 CHARGER 45 TOMPKINS VA CHRYSLER- DODGE ALL STANDARD FACTORY EQUIPMENT ny of Oakville and Noel Mac Vicar of Toronto as ushers. The more than 100 guests were received at the Royal Fontainbleau,' Willowdale, by Mrs. Obee, who chose an apple green gown with a corsage of Polynesian sunset roses for her daughter’s wedding. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a cranberry colored gown with a corsage of garden- ias. Guests were Lpresent fromâ€"W monton and Wetaskiwin, A1- berta; Victoria. B.C.. Ottawa. Tweed. Norwood. Hastings, Oril- lia and Niagara Falls. _ _ Following dinner. ? dancing was supplied Prasky and his 1m; Markham. After a two week honeymoon in Virginia Beach. Virginia, U.S.A., Mr. and Mrs‘ Robert Harrison have taken up resi- dence in Toronto. concerts “no r1 deny auu Markham. After a two week honeymoon in Virginia Beach. Virginia, U.S.A., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison have taken up resi- dence in Toronto. -...r ...... WILLOWDALE: An hour long parade and spectacular fire- works at six locations through- out the borough will be among the major special Dominion Day celebrations July 1 in North York. The parade will feature 100 antique cars, 15 floats, 15 marching groups and bands and clowns. Starting time is 10.30 am and the parade route is from the North York Hydro Building at 5800 Yonge Street to the borough offices at 5550 Yonge. Also featured will be a softball tournament. 3 physical fitness program and evening iMaI-k'nv One final reminder: Come rain or come shine. the Head- ford congregational dinner and Sunday school picnic \\i11 be held this Sunday. The location is George Barker‘s Picnic Grounds and the first event of the day will be the pot luck supper at 1 pm. So consider this your invitation to bring your family. your pot luck supper and come prepared for an enjoyable day. Neighborhood Notes Father's Day was celebrated in the George Clark household with a barbecue on Sunday. Guests of honor were Wes and Jim Curtis. Other guests in- cluded Mrs. Wes Clark and Jean Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis Jr. A happy birthday to Susie mhn will ha six vears $2989. :linn‘er, music for supplied by Gord his Imperials of 884-1107 889-3764 On the occasion of the anni- versary of Teston United Church Sunday, Rev. Martin Jenkinson was guest preacher. Mr. Jenkinson had been Teston' minister for 22 years before coming to Victoria Square and Headford. In his absence Head- ford congregation was fortunate to hear Rev. John Dickinson of Aurora. Church News Jenkmson was guest preacner. Mr. Jenkinson had been Teston' minister for 22 years before coming to Victoria Square and Headford. In his absence Head- ford congregation was fortunate to hear Rev. John Dickinson of Aurora. All the children of the com- munity and their families are invited to take part in the 10 am service at Headford United on Sunday. The occasion is the Sunday school anniversary and there will be no 11 o'clock school session that day or for the remainder of the summer months. Brown‘s Corners residents at-} tended a public hearing last week concerning proposals for future zoning in the com- munity at Don Mills Road and Highway 7. Although I was un- able to be present. I undersand there were three suggestions â€" (1) keep it as is; (2) rezone the southeast sector as an industrial park; or (3)residential area. With the widening of Don Mills Road to five or six lanes as is proposed for the near future, it is difficult to imagine how the neighborhood can re- main static for very much lon- EPI‘. Grounds and the first event of the day will be the pot luck supper at 1 pm. So consider this your invitation to bring your family, your pot luck supper and come prepared for an enjoyable day. Neighborhood Notes Father's Day was celebrated in the George Clark household with a barbecue on Sunday. Guests of honor were Wes and Jim Curtis. Other guests in- cluded Mrs. Wes Clark and Jean Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis Jr. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hord, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- son. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boynton and Miss Ellen Boynton. Friends are happy to see Mrs. Jean Cook again. Mrs. Cook who now lives at Owen Sound has been guest at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sherman at the Town of Markham. Mrs. George Hooper is in hos- pital for surgery this week. We wish her a rapid recovery. Keith and Millie Hood are looking forward to a trip to At-, Centre [or a panoramic view of the city. then on to Kensmgton Market and the ethnic city; then to Yorkdale for a brief break and on to dinner at a new res- taurant on Highway 7 near Duf- ferin Street. In July the WI plans a trip to Muskoka. It’s Recital Time Last week was an exciting one for Buttonville's music world. There were two recitals. On Wednesday evening June 17 Mrs. S, J English entertained A happy birthday to Susie MacKay. who will be six years old June 27: and to Marilyn Horner, who will be nine, also on the 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman and Brenda and Paul have left for approximately six weeks on a tour of the west. Field day was held at No. 4 School June 22. Boys and girls from the Headford area who won events are: Crests were awarded to the winning baseball teams to mark the' close 'of ‘the ‘seasdn.'Mefn'-’ bers of the team from Headford are: Chris Dingham, second high, second softball throw,‘ third running broad jump. Billy Dodson, first standing broad jump. Frank Nigro, third 75 yard sprint. Dougie Bell, third 50 yard sprint. second softball throw, and member of the winning team in the junior boys’ relay race. Mary Nigro, throw. - Roberta Ball, member winning team in the girls’ relay race. Danny Vanderkooy. member of winning team in the junior girls' relay race. Boys â€" Captain Bruce Wat- ford, Mike Dunleavy, Chris Dingman and Danny Vander- kooy. Girls, Maggie Bell. The Headlord Ladies‘ Base- ball’ ‘Eegm finally did it. We won a game""‘\&Qednesday at No. 4 School. Wé ‘played against an assbrtment of The!) collected from Headiord and ‘Richmond Hill and various other parts and we won! The score was 28 to 34. Honesty forces me to admit that certain concessions were made, such as the ladies team being allowed five fielders and having to put out only two men each inning. Nevertheless their ability has improved and hope- fully it will continue to! Headford News Correspondent: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS member of the in the junior third softball Summer again. and a new crop of corn is shooting green sprouts in the field across the road â€" another year‘s reprieve from industrial outdoor stor- age development! Neighborhood Notes Among those attending the Annual Thornhill Cemetery Memorial service held June 14. were Mr. and Mrs. James Rodick. Mr. Jack and Miss Mary Rodick, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ger (YOLLES Comfortable Continental COMPLETE Reg. Value $69.95 Make your move now from crib to bed, spare room to guest room! Here is a complete con- tinental unit to give you years of comfortable service. Com- plete with washable vinyl head- board. Beverley 39" quilt-top mattress and matching box spring, and set of legs. Act now! Buttonville Community Happenings RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Here's Why BEVERLEY IS WAYS BETTER Layer upon layer of deep padding, anchored securely to the frame with scroll quilting; no shifting or bunching, ever! Scientifically positioned coils in mattress and box spring give you extra comfort, longer service. Smooth, firmnspine level comfort right where you need it most. For a relaxed, restful sleep. SINCE 1898 26 STORES TO BELIEVE IN POSTURE CONSTRUCTION CORRESPONDENT: 'MRS F. H. LEAF â€" PHONE 499-0376 lantic City N. J. this weekend.,her pupils. who in turn preser Keith is an enthusiastic mem- ted a variety contert. Melani ber of the Scarboro Barber- Watt played the opening “1 shoppers who will compete in Canada," followed by pian Atlantic City on Saturday at the solos by Wendy Craig. Lauri international competitions to be Stephenson. Cathie Jones an held in the convention hall. T e Nancy Armstrong. Cathie an group is hoping to win the n- Mrs. English played a duet. an ternational Trophy this year. then a chorus. accompanied b Later this summer they will be Sharon Buchanan sang "Let U in Europe on tour. ‘ Have Peace On Earth." The Brown‘s Corners UCW re- cently held a picnic at the home of Mrs. John Brown. to wind up their current season. Mrs. Au- brey Stephenson and Mrs. E. Walton were hostesses; the wea- therman co-operated and every- one had a happy time. Buttonville WI members and friends went on their annual mystery tour on Thursday of last week by Travelways, At Czinada Starch Co.. Ltd., the group was given a demon- stration and their hostess was daughter-in-law of Mr‘ and Mrs. Stewart Rumble. After lunch at Mississauga Park the tour con- tinued to the Toronto Dominion Centne for a panoramic view of the city. then on to Kensmgton Market and the ethnic city; then to Yorkdale for a brief break COIL-0N- COIL COMFORT DEEP DOWNY QUILT ’YOLLES\& BURROUGHES her pupils. who in turn presen- ted a variety contert. Melanie Watt played the opening “0 Canada.“ followed by piahn solos by Wendy Craig. Laurie Stephenson. Cathie Jones and Nancy Armstrong. Cathie and Mrs. English played a duet. and Derek Armstrong played an excerpt from Haydn‘s Surprise Symphony. and Minuet in “G”. to celebrate .Beethoven‘s 200th birthday and Johnny Schmucker performed a number. There were piano solos by Christine Craigie. Heather Watt. Alanna Martin and Cheryl Ten- nyson; then Heather Watt and Derek Armstrong sang a duet. “Billy Boy". There was group singing again, then John Martin, Paul Craigie. Sharon Buchanan, Melanie Watt and Paul Steffler. all advance students played. The evening ended with songs. jokes. limericks, poetry and of course refrehments. As- sisting the hostess were Susan Tennyson. Maureen Martin, Sharon Buchanan. and Melanie Watt. Connie Reeve was in Ot- tawa for a week. and unable to be present. On Friday evening, at Brown's Corners United Church, pupils of Marguerite Jones and Doro- thy Ressor presented a recital for parents and friends. Both Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Reesor are former pupils of Mrs. English. Ginny Barton. who had been taking lessons for only two months, opened the program SINCE 1898 26 STORES TO BELIEVE IN esen- ‘lanie : “0 piam aurie and and , and ed by at Us d an 'prise “G 200th ucker IS by ‘X’cff with two piano solos and a duet with Mrs. Jones. There were piano solos by Brian Carr. Jane Watford, Christine Pirrdera, Lynn Carr. David. Nelson. Pamela Felgate. Bruce Watford, Kim Fowler, Bruce Felgate. Rona Lea Gor- don. Debbie Fowler. Heather Swartz.v Kathy Cunningham. Lorna Cox. Regina Allen. Julie McConnell, Gayle Jones, and Lorna Cox. These were interspersed with duets. songs by the junior choir. solos by Marguerite Jones, as- sisted by daughter Gayle and Kimberley Webster, and accom- panied by Mrs. Reesor. Mrs. English read a poem from her own book of “Home- spun Poetry" and Rev. Chris Dugan displayed fine talent as ‘a soloist. singing two solos. To conclude the program. Mrs. Jones and Mr. Dugan, accom- panied by Mrs. Reesor, sang the 23rd psalm to the music. NEWMARKET: Town council has agreed to rezone the vacant Newmarket Motors building site on Botsford Street for stores and apartments. The town purchased the building as a site for a new town hall but have been unable to raise the necessary finances. They will sell the Botsford Street site and “spend our money in a better place". Part of the building will be used as a teen drop-in centre from June 1 to Septem- ber 1. Afterwards. there were cook- ies and beverages served in the Christain education wing. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Tl' Free Delivery A complete bedding ensemble by Beverley, makers of Springwall, is yours at this unbelievably low price. A luxuriously comfortable mattress with a deluxe scroll-stitched quilt top, and companion box spring. Famous Beverley balanced construction; pre-built borders to prevent sagging; scientifically designed to give you more com- fort, longer service. Ticking is dramatic damask in serene shades. Reg. Value $49.95 Ea. Mattress or Box Spring = Free Storage ’til Needed - Free La YOUR CREDIT â€" NO MONEY DOWN Tape Cartridges and Cassette Players This Week’s Special THURSDAY. FRIDAY & SATURDAY FOR AUTO, BOAT AND HOME .. SEE MUNTZ ST.88 - 8 TRACK PLAYER $49.95 for the finest in Yonge St. N., Richmond Telephone 884-8194 ree Layaway TAPES As low as $4.95

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