Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1970, p. 24

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mg, mono Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June 19m ‘ W M, . W _, V ,. . ' l . , f V -- ~ , - ‘ , The Yangtze Pagoda Tavern is Metro Toronto‘s cool and elegant spot where the “In Crowd" dine on many succulent summer dishes. in addition to your choice. our mOst FAMOUS SMORGASBORD consists of .Chinese and Canadian entrees: selections of the finest. Cantonese ( uisme and delectable salad. well prepared With our chef s secrecy. Delight i , _ _ your palate with these outstanding varieties of gourmet dishes for your Trustees for \ork Count) elected will remainth _. H ~ - . ‘H .. ~ s ~ - {Roman Catholic School Board 14 for the entire regjgngajebul filliliig pleasure. It s In to eat Out at \angtze. tool it tonight by dining \Hll he elected in October. atboundaries of the areas repre~ at langtze PagOda Tal'ern- the same time as trustees tor‘sented by each trustee may be t ” the York County Board of Edu-‘changed. cation and the new councils and; Superintendent Joe Hodge it-egional counctl tor the Regiontpmnted out that under the new v ‘ ' tof York “hieh was establishedtregional form of gmcrnment.‘ Reser‘ahons’ last month by the Department trustees to be elected by sep- 884-4273 3 I i z .1. ‘ ‘ . ~ ‘ ‘ - ‘ oi luntctpal \ftaiis atate‘s‘chool electors ate to be 889.3035 At its regular meeting on‘apl’°’_“°“°d l" ‘Pl‘opomon 10 June 2. the Roman Catholici‘equal‘led r95‘dem‘al am‘l farm 0 Board agreed that it would betassF‘Ssmem 0" pmpt‘mf‘s 0“ more, pmnnmical EM them andtwhlch separate school taxes are less confusing for the electorspald- it’ separate school supporters A5 50°“ 35 “1" 355955?le were given the opportunity to of 93f“ “f the new munlcmah'. cast their vote {or trustee oniues ’5 know” the board can 1’“ October 5, the date set tot mu-iadl‘lsm .f’f “‘9 dlS‘F‘butiO“ 0f . » ' = " ' ‘ CANADIAN AND ORIENTAL nicipal elections in York CounnthleeS‘ ’ ' Al 9‘ 59m A ‘ ‘. E' t. " ' '" tLin an address delivered in G“'i“imb’u€ry. Kineum'l'gvnshtiisld ,_ ' -‘ , SmOfgasbord only Halve“, Secondary schoo, on‘Newmarket and the Town oil W, /, May 6. Municipal Affairs Minis- Markham have one represenla- g a . 5‘3"“ Pally hm” 5 ' 9 ' tcr Darcy McKeough said. "The‘u‘Lfif‘aCh; ‘ t_ _ " p ‘ ~ Ladies. Nights. Mon. & Fr]. regular term of Office fm. 311‘ ere ts one represena ive ,- . , _ - v new councils will be two years (0" Nm‘h and East Gmmm' ’ ' ‘ - $198 for ladles 0m“ to coincide with the scl‘tooltbury‘ Georgina and sumo," one. 5! e - , i. i i ‘ . board elections. Elections to for Stout'fV‘llle and Whitchurch.‘ n SS Mans Iuncheons Mon' to Fr‘da-v from 12 3 p'm' the County Board of Education and “‘0 l0" vaughan TOWUShiD BanQUEt FaCilitieS Available could be held at the same time and WOOdbridge' _ l and locations as the municipal! Markham Townsmp has three ielcctions. The government willirepresematives and Richmondl YONGE STREET NORTH. RICHMOND HILL assume the total cost of thetH‘lL has two- i initial local elections.“ ‘ In a staff report to the trus- tees it was pointed out. "it ap- pears that it the elections are held at a time other than the 'municipal elections. the board «photo by Stuart's Studio; will be required to pay the cost. as was done in some municipali- Trophy Winners At Ne wmarltet Festival “as? decrees, “The election ‘of trus- Showing some of the trophies they won in the recent Newmarket Lions' Music Festival ‘9” “f a mun” or .dls""'°‘ Si’p.‘ are a few of the piano students of ('osmo Music Company in Richmond Hill. :‘ra‘wbmf‘ggdLitidnlfnif‘: These students are pupils of Miss Jan Nicholls, pictured top centre, who received first and 323m; Amer; and in the flame second trophies and a scholarship for her performance at the festival. Miss Nicholle alsn rec- imanner as municipal elections ently earned her ARTC Diploma from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. in the municipality." It also The only boy in the picture, Bernard Souche. is an accordion student of Miss Nicholls‘ “3‘95 “‘3‘ munlCll’a‘ elections mother, Mrs. Mary Nicholls, 192 Weldrick Road, Richy-ale. . lake: place WWW“ ygmt but Front row are Marion Rigon, Jo Ann Dufton. Laurel King. Centre: Marie-Lise Souche, fiegfnnglg: 1242;;- the Cathy Boynton. Marieâ€"Jose Souche, Marie Ellen So‘uche and Lenora Bedwell. Rear: Jan Nicholls, York County Board of Emma- Bernard SOUChE. ‘ ttion agreed that its elections ‘this year should coincide with $44,000 King City Bank Robbery Like Episode In Television Filmiii iigmscei‘éiiatikii’é‘ii iltoard report. "The October 5 In a King City bank holdup The last bank robbery in‘tVaughan Township and sever-tin the bank at the time of the :2::1tv\‘::).kct?nf1rmed by the I Chp and use fins valuable coupon" that seemed to the bank managâ€" Southern York County wastal men were involved. ‘ ' ‘ . , holdup were being withheld by; 3 81' like an 913150119 Straight. out earlier this year at Maple inl Names of the four customerslpolice for security reasons. ‘ The number 0f truStees to be ‘ of television‘s “Sergeant Fri- ~ 7 M . , ._- . m, . . June 18 got away with $44,000, the biggest haul known in the Toronto area [or several years. This coupon valid for one free visit: to any Vic Tanny’s club. (adults onlyâ€"women over 18, men over 21) The staff of six and four cus- This coupon expires July 15/70 tomers were herded into the vault by a man who stopped in~ side the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at 52 King Street. waving a revolver. All the tellers‘ cages were carefully cleaned out and Man- ager Dave Webster was forced to open the vault. Sergeant Leonard Stribbell and Constable John VandeBurgt of the King Township Police. raced to the scene as soon as a call could be made to the police station. The robber managed to make his escape in the few minutes it took county police and the OPP to set. up road blocks. saidl King Township Police Chief’ Leslie Pengelly. The get-away car was left running outside the bank. Chief Pengelly said. The green 1968 Meteor escape car was later found abandoned in a farm lane on the east side of Keele Street. 21/2 miles south of King City.. The car was stolen in Welland and carried stolen license plat- es. It was recovered by Vaugh- an Township Police. The holdup man didn't wear a mask. but wore sunglasses. He stuffed the money into a green plastic bag. He was dres- sed in a casual shirt, .pants and Windbreaker and is believed to be about 28 or 30 years old. He is about five feet. seven inches tall and is of medium build. weighing about 140 to 160 .///4 POUHdS- The large assortment of mild progressive resistance The bank Staff that faced the ’ ’ .- » - I I ~ t. 7 - t. r â€" equipment. together with your personally supervised gunmhn were all from the King . ; ' ‘ ' I individually designed program, makes getting In Shape City area. except for Manager; I t ” 7 funkan eay. Webster. who is from Aurora; - They are Mrs. Geraldine Baird.‘ Mrs. Margaret MacLeod. Mrs.‘ B e d f t Ann Piepers, Miss Connie‘ e r a y Haynes. Miss Leita Mueller.l Miss Linda Bly’th and Paul Kiéitié’i with an electric air conditioner first bank robbery at King City 1 since the township police force. ‘ took over from the OPP six Years ago. There had been one You’ll enjoy summer so much more if you live in air condi- prevrous robbery of the. King cm.- bann a number of year, Air. conditioning tioned comfort. Electric air conditioning lets you sleep better 33“ ‘1” “M l for the Office because nights are kept refreshingly cool. You work better too, i 4““‘nnnl because you’ve enjoyed a good night’s sleep. ‘ , r .- , r I IS YOUR HOME : Electric air conditioning Electric air-conditioning does more than just reduce the I: H I . /, , t ,, IN NEED OF provides a better Working temperature. Humidity is lowered to a comfortable, healthful g ' i , 2:31:25”: WORK? Ghmatercomfortable‘er‘ level. Y ou’re assured of a happie‘; healthier summer. - '7- ' FREE ESTIMATES ing Conditionseasetenémn‘ This year. don‘t let. summer heat. and humidity sneak up ' Tr - ‘ I I V I BLOCK LAYING increase output. Prove ll: to on you. See your appliance dealer now. ‘ y I“. . CONCRETE STEPS yourself this summer. AND REPAIRS ' RELAX “cacao-l yourhydra w I . _ REDUCE... llllllllllllttllllllllllllllllllitltmllllmmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘ come in and see for WWII: Talk to your \ch Tax-my v 0 fitness expert. He or she will shew you how they‘ve 0 O N . helped thousands of happier, healthier, Canadians , V - - 1 get in shape quickly and easily. V v - r. r» * ~ v A - ~ . v. mm . AWHDLE t ICTOR§AINR§EIKSDER or - :Egggfifiggfggfifljfif‘ NEW CONCEPT RICHMOND HILL ‘ ‘ ‘ ' eLosnsto20poundsmasiittleagmvigioa 0F VIC TANNY 1:53;: . . trinity _. .. HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMlSSION ‘” with]? ‘ » ." Chairman Royal Ofthard Bl‘vd’ (Plaza) ~1WE::::::!TOTM AVERAGEEOST m . ! THORNHILL â€"- 889-8494 tuitititil’t'il‘éslié't‘cn superintendent I 10 Other Convenient Metro Locations 4 YONGE ST. SOUTH 884~4466 4 Yonge Street South NI'RSE-IN~CHARGE .‘llSS JANE BOWMAN t iflillt' i ‘\i.‘ ~.iiil1l‘ .«lti.tllllllttltttluiltillllilltllllllltlliililillllitllllltli wmwm I0 OBLIGATION s

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