Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1970, p. 3

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One of the newest additions ed at 101 Newkjrk Road to Richmond Hill's business Markham Road). community is the Robert A.| This firm deals in real e Dye Limited Real Estate. Iocat-‘mortzazes. aDDraisals and The business office. and “dummy 6" 8 plant of “The Liberal" will érggleivemfgee be closed Dominion Day re- ment and th opening for business 8 am Plan recently Thursday morning. provincial g0 munmmmummmnmnumunmnu1\Immumnwmumn '1 “The Liberal Yonge St. at. Levendale Richmond Hill 884-1411 Robert Dye Heads New R. Hill Realty Firm . I Samtone Cumin Mas/tr nyahmtr ummuumuuuumummmmmulxmu1numumnuumuulé 5;; Mr. and Mrs. Millare are planning to spend two weeks in Charlottetown in July, but Deborah will be there to the end of August, then on to Ottawa for two weeks to perform in a musical production there before returning to Thornlea. After three weeks in Japan she spent a day with her family 'before journeying on to Charlottetown. Prince Edward Island. where she will appear in performance of "Green Gables" and other productions at the Charlottetown Centennial Centre. Next Wednesday ls Do- minion Day and “The. Lib- eral" will. go to press Thursday. A student at the Alan Lund School of Dancing in Downsview, Deborah has been making professional appear- ances on stage and television since she was 11. Mr. Lund was choyeographer for “Ania of Green Gables." 1n the course of her career she has played “Dorothy” in “The Wizard Of 02". "Wendy" in “Peter Pan". and ugly sister in "Cinderella"; and has appeared in numerous shows as well as doing photo-modelling for department store catalogues. Her awards include ‘a gold medal for a performance on educational television. A member of the cast of “Anne of Green Gables" at the O‘Keefe Centre last month. Deborah travelled with the "Green Gables" company to Japan and met Prime Min- ister Pierre Trudeau following the opening performance of the show at Osaka. In the current productiofl. Vsrliéwirsqunderstudying Pissy fkndyews in the part of “Gertie Pye". Singer. dancer. model, Thornlea Secondary _School student Deborah Millar, 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Millar. 70 Crestwood Road in South Thornhill, is having a very busy summer. Osa/(a To Charlottetown Liberal Closed Dominion. Day JACK BARTH Mr. Dye has been in the mort-lggfendaé gage and real estate business V in Toronto for 17 years, andlgo‘lmto came to Richmond Hill when he‘l free? recognized the potential forl‘er‘: .u‘ growth and development inlC°%.alhm Southern York County. "It isr17 “i I: Ialready an expanding area and M 1h ‘ I believe the expansion will be f M t; greater under regional govern- Tgm ment and the Toronto-Centred C1 ent‘ Plan recently introduced by the The” provincial government", he toldldamage "J.-- 5|. This firm deals in real estate, mortgages. appraisals and in- surance. is managed by Robert Dye. broker. and? has been op- erating locally since May 1. Going to a party this week? Then now is the time to make sure that your favourâ€" lte outfit is presentable and that hubby has an ample supply of clean shirts. Bun- dle your soiled garments up and give us a call. The professor was lecturing his class when he directed a question directly at a cute co-ed be suspected wasn't paying attention: “What hap- pens Miss Jones when a body is immersed in water?" “The phone usually rings," she replied. 271 Bay Thorn Dr. Thornhill 889-0391 (at JULY 1. WEDNESDAY â€"- The Junior Division of the Aurora and District Agi‘icultural‘ Society Horse Show. 9 am sharp to 1 pm to be held at Grand- view Farm, Bathurst Street. 1'4 mile north of Aurora Sideroad.i Local Show â€" Restricted to‘ residents and/or horses boarded‘L in King, Vaughan and Whit- church Townships â€" and to members of Timbertop. Toronto and North York, Tynedale and Maple Pony clubs. Riders must be under 21 years as of Jan. 1. 1970. Entry fees for all classes $2.00. Prizes in all classes. SATURDAY. JUNE 27. 11 AM â€" Hayride and Barbecue. Gayla Stables. across from Bayview Plaza, 52. Limited to 30 children 12 years and under. Supervisors on every ride. 884â€"9379. c1w52 MILLWOOD Recreation Ltd. Open swimming at Slater‘s In- door Pool. Don Mills Rd. at Van- dorf. Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:30 pm. to 4:30 pm. tfc16 There was no damage June 20 at 10.30 pm in a grease fire on the stove in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwartz, 183 Sussex Avenue. l Louis Vassos, who recently purchased the retaurant and imoved here from his former Idowntown T o r o n t o Dundas ‘Street location. said ‘he was :very lucky the fire was quickly contained. Richmond Hill Firemen June 17 at 9.55 pm were called to Markham Road to wash gasoline .from the pavement after an ac- ‘cident. ‘ There was an estimated $200 idamage at 6.18 pm June 19 when the wiring of a car caught fire at the Richmond Heights Centre. Store. 7171 Yonge Street South Thornhill. I Vaughan Firemen were cal- ‘led to wash gasoline from the pavement June 20 at 6.37 pm Fafter an accident at Jane Street Land Highway 7. There was a rubbish fire call ‘June 19 at 7.43 pm at 51 Rich- mond Street. Maple. On 8th Avenue south of Woodbridge Vaughan Firemen fought a grass and brush fire at 3.46 pm June 14 on land owned by Pilgrim Properties Limited. where a barn and house burned in recent months. Mr. Buott told the judge they stole the 700 feet of wire worth about $13 as scrap. in order to get some extra pocket money. Markham Township Police were alerted by the CN after Vaughan Police also note that it is the season of the year for bicycles and that there were several bicycle thefts reported over the weekend. Parents and children are warned to take care that bicycles are kept se- cure. In Richmond Hill Provincial Court Tuesday the two men pleaded guilty before Judge Sydney Roebuck. They were Frederick Saunders. 25. resi- dent of the Mansion House in Stouffville and Henry Buott, 24, of 24- Spruce Street, Uxbridge. Vaughan Township and Rich- mond Hill Firemen last week kept fire damage to a minimal level as they snuffed out two blazes that threatened serious damage. At the Three Coins Restau- rant, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, damage was only an esti- mated $500 in an oven wiring fire that started June 17 at 10.45 pm after the proprietor and staff had left. Firemen Snuffed Out Two Blazes That Threatened Serious Damage In Markham Township last week two men were arrested, convicted and fined $50 each for cutting down and stealing copper wire from the CN Rail- road right-of-way near Conces- sion 9. south of 18th Avenue. One arrest has been made and further arrests are pending in connection with the recent considerable amount of van- dalism in the Richvale area, Vaughan Township Police In- spector Tom Shields told “The Liberal" this week. Inspector Shields says the in- cidents involved a teenager who was apprehended and the in- vestigation is being extended. “We should conserve our nat- ional holiday. People who have- n't unions have to work on holi- days when ordered to do so, or else they lose their jobs. No- “One of the reasons our fam- ilies are becoming so fragment- ed today is that the general hol- idays for all members of the family are Being eliminated. The people suffering are the ones that have to work and have no way of defending themselves against their employers. Their families can‘t get together", says Mrs. Smith. Wire Thieves Fined T hornhill Housewife Fights Dominion Day Changes Further Arrests Ahead For Vandals In Richvale She also gets angry at any suggestion that shopping cent- res, industry and other non- essential commercial activity might be allowed on Dominion Day. ‘ “People who value our herit- body benefits. That‘s the point ‘age have to carefully watch the they‘re missing. ‘character of Dominion Day and “There’s only so much busi- lspeak up. or else we will lose ness to be done, and it can be it", says Mrs. Jean Smith of 99 done on the regular business John Street, Thomhill, a col- days. Because working people lector of Canadiana and popu- can't say no, we all have to be lar as a lecturer. concerned“, says the active Mrs. Smith earlier this year. Thornhill housewife. during her lectures, circulated Mrs. Smith first became im- a petition against a proposal in erested in the problems of pre- Ottawa to change the name of serving the Canadian heritage Dominion Day‘to Canada Day when she began collecting Can- or Confederation Day. adiana. It began to appear to omma .vsun c1w52 Read “The Liberal” and rout the forces of darkness. You‘ll be formidable on community at- fairs, politics. sports, the arts -â€"-all your interests. Be bold. Get home delivery of “The Lib eral". There was a sprinkler alarm June 21 at 10.43 pm at the GEM Store. 7171 Yonge Street South Thornhill. In Vaughan Township damage was only an estimated $125 June 15 at 11.49 pm when a barn began to burn on the north side of Steeles Avenue. Fire- men felt the fire may have been set by trespassers. The owners of the Lot 1, Concession 2 building are a Toronto group. Vaughan Fire Department re~ ports. There Was a break-in June 19 at the Richmond Hill Golf Club snack bar and chocolate bars and soft drinks were removed. i A stereo player and tapes worth $150, June 20 were re- moved from an automobile parked at the Pinecrest Speed- way. Two new tires were also removed that day from a locked car parkedâ€" at the Speedway. The second car was taken June 20 from Gateway Mercury Sales Limited. 7120 Yonge Street. South Thornhill. and re- covered by Metro Police. Markham Township Police also report one arrest in con- nection of the theft of 16 freight moving jack ‘carts from Strathmos Scales Manufactur- ing Limited, 8 SteelcaSe Road, off Woodbine Avenue. The carts were valued at $325 each. One was taken June 21 from a driveway on Roosevelt Drive, Langstaff. and later found at Pearson Avenue and Roosevelt Drive. an alarm at 10:55 pm Sunday night. One man got away and was later arrested. A warrant is out for a second person believed to be now in the United States. Both men were given 15 days to pay their fines, with the al- ternative of five days in jail. Vaughan Township Police re- port two automobiles stolen and recovered over the weekend. “The American Revolution had the result that 50% of On~ tario‘s population was made up of United Empire Loyalists who came here because they wanted to respect laws and had no faith in the revolution. Mrs. Smith first became int- erested in the problems of pre- serving the Canadian heritage when she began collecting Can- adiana. It began to appear to her that we were neglecting our heritage. "The difference between our Canada and the United States is that they defied law and or der to set up their own nation in 1776. In those daysrthe lead. ers of the US. were all rebels. “In Canada we are heirs to a civilization that was actually wrestled from the wilderness by our ancestors. We are very lucky to have such a high level of basic freedom. Ours is not just economic advantage. STAND YOUR. GROUND JACKPOT $400 (MON. - SAT) LOW. LOW PRICES 0N PRESCRIPTIONS DELIVERY IN WILLOWDALE and , THORNHILL 6369 Yonge St. (1'sc s. of sfeeles) Willowdale Between Sheppard Ave. and North Bay BINGO MONDAY, JUNE 29 LIONS “All. That’s Open to Midnight >|.7.7&S. Dispensary 225-7719 THE 0_N_|.Y DRUG STORE STARTING TIME â€" 8 RM. RICHVALE LIONS CLUB Early Birds 7.40 pm. 106 Centre St. East 11mumammal!qummuunmmmmmmmmnunummum mum“uuuuuuuumuuuummmml1mmuum\ummmuumuu: But Mr. MacKay urged, “We have to get the people interest- ed and involved. then the gov- ernment will listen to what we have to say.” Mr. Chapman told the trus- ‘tees that such a move on the part of the board would be help- ful to staff morale. He reassured ‘ them. however that teachers and staff have a commitment to the schools and to the students. Although time is of the essence, he added, “As staff we would be very disap- pointed if there was dif- ferent treatment of schools in this area (south of the proposed Highway 407) be- cause we may loose them in two years or ten." Richmond Hill Trustee Robert Ross was not sure that the acâ€" tion suggested by the board was in the general best interest. Municipalities. he said. should be more concerned with land use. sewers. etc. than with schools. that a broader base for local government is necessary for future development. “In the past.” said Mr. Ross. “Small municipalities have failed to unite in an effort to get these things alone I don‘t know if education is as impor- tant as all that land that is lay- ing dormant.” Trustees from all areas of the county approved Mr. Jolliffe’s motion that a committee pre- pare a strongly worded brief to be submitted to provincial authorities. "That is why people have come here --â€" to get away from the pollution and confusion,” declared Trustee Deena Simp- son. also of Richmond Hill. “Do you not think people and education are as important as land development?” demanded Mr. MacKay. This brought irate comments from other trustees. King Township Trustee Mar- vin Hunter also approved inde- pendent action on the part of the board. “We in the north would not like to lose our friends in the south.” "In Canada law and the Roy- al Mounted Police preceded settlement. In the US. settle- ment was first, and law and or- der followed. They could fire their hired sheriffs and often {Continued from Page 1) said Trustee Jolliffe. “I do not want to be parochial. but I live there, and I do not want to be part of Metro.” He added, "We are big enough and strong enough to make our awn case and at the same time work with the county and the municipalities.” Board May Lose Derek Kinneme got a triple for the Jewellers with one on. Domik had a no-hitter going for him until the last batter in the ninth inning, John Pipher, cracked a triple off him. Domik re- tired the nem man. Domik recorded 21 strikeouts. Bob Domik hurled a one- hitter Tuesday night as the Richmond Hill Dynes Jewel- lers downed Oshawa Bun- ny's 4-0 in an Oshawa and District Major Fastball League game played in Oshawa. MRS. JEAN SMITH Dominion Day Defender Domik H urls One-Hitter 52 NUMBERS “Recent governments have done everything they can to el- iminate our traditional symbols. The main excuse for adopting our new flag was that Quebec couldn‘t respect the old sym- bols. “But Quebec doesn‘t respect the flag. The fleur-de-lis is still important to them because of its royal and religious symbol- ism. Mrs. Smith says the name Dominion was freely chosen by the Fathers of Confederation, and was taken out of the Bible. The name Dominion Day was also freely chosen at Confeder- ation, and has been used for over 100 years. “They have their problem be- cause their whole tradition is against law and order. and their heroes are revolutionaries." “Now in the 20th century people like President Richard Nixon are saying that people must respect law and order and are wondering why they can’t create this respect. had mob rule Tomatoes 39¢ Lb. Imported No. 1 USA. Fluffy White â€" NEW ONTARIO No.1 Hothouse Boys. the camp leaders have found, tend to lean to- ward wilderness types of programs and to emphasize self-satisfaction through ac- complishment. “Tween” Crowd Can Do Their Own Thing At Y ALL COLORS â€" 2-Ply Q““‘“““““““‘l‘-“““‘Qu Realizing that most young people of the 12 and over age group feel that there should be a lot of oppor- tunity to do what they want to do â€"â€"- to sit under a tree and talk, work on a group project. go for a walk â€" camp planners are encoura- ing this group in particu- lar to develop their own camp schedules. GARBAGE BAGS Pkgs.15's z pkgs. FIESTA WAXED TREATED Jointly sponsored by the Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Committee and the YWCA, the Park Y Day Camp for boys and girls 8 to 14 is approaching its second summer season. and once again the camp will be located in the Mill Pond Park area. In its planning for the summer. the YWCA of Richmond Hill and District is giving particular thought to boys and girls in the 12 to 14 years group. AYLMER Tomato or Vegetable SOUP 4 IO oz. tins 49¢ NABISCO FRESH LEAN MEATY QQEEQQQSQIQEEEEQI MAPLE LEAF Lean Loin Park Chaps HI-C Orange and Grape DRINKS 2 48 oz. tin; 29 Yonge We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities .““““““II‘!““‘l-“‘II“‘I I R LEY’S r0 0 0 LA SCOTT TOWELS 2-Roll Package SHREDDED WHEAT 15 oz. pkg. Day Camp Plan POTATOES IBM-89° SPARE RIBS 79:: Mrs. Smith says she was very happy earlier this year when the Dominion Day name change came to a vote on second read~ ing and failed to pass. She sent her petition to Prime Minister Trudeau and to Barney Danson. MP York North. Mr. Danson sent it on to Secretary of State Gerard Pelletier. she says. “If we are going to legislate away all the old symbols of our heritage. where are we going ‘to pick it up again?" asks the Thornhill housewife. ‘ “The monarchy is a safe- guard. We are lucky to have it". she says. Mrs. Smith was disturbed when the matter of changing the name of Dominion Day was suggested by certain groups and given consideration in the Justice Committee of the House of Commons. “So we should preserve the rest of the important symbols of our heritage. Our heritage was dearly won and is of im- mense value. COst to Richmond Hill youngsters is $12 for one camp period. and $15 for out-of-town boys and girls. Call the “Y” 884-4811 for further information. “Most young people of this age feel there should be a lot of opportunity to do what they want.“ de- clares YWCA executive di- rector Verna Harries, “and the strength of the day camp program lies in the fact that campers in each age group enter into activi- ties ‘at the’ level suited to particular stages of de- velopment. Different activi- ties and methods of presen- tation give campers new ex- periences each year." Day camp, says Miss Har- ries. has been proven to be a happy answer to the plight of the “in between” 12 to 14 year old youngsters. Two two-week periods are offered again this year: July 6 t6 17 and July 20 to 31. Girls are inclined to take part in casual programs, emphasizing, group inter- action. THE LIBERAL", Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 25 ll!!!‘!!‘!!!!lg CROSBY TABLE SYRUP Ont. No. I Firm Green Lge._S_i;e 18's HEAD LETTUCE I each All-Purpose FLOUR FIVE ROSES LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 HEINZ PANTRY SHELF Grapefruit or Orange SECTIONS 2 19 oz. tins Maple Leaf (Sliced or by the Piece) BOLOGNA PUT A LITTLE FUN IN YOUR LIFE . . . 01‘ better grade wood grain Wall Panels SPAGHE'I'TI 2 14 oz. tins 39¢ These panels feature the exclusive surface pro- tection of (Mar-Gard) that resists scratches and stains, and ends varnish and wax forever. NANTUCKET MAPLE 8: HEARTS OF OAK 4’x7‘ SHEETS $4.35 - 4’x8’ SHEETS $4.95 Everything For Do-lt-Yourself People ORIOLE LUMBER llMITED NOW APPEARING . . . THE FANTASTIC Audley Williams Quintet Summer Offer OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY ’TIL 9 RM. SATURDAY ’TIL 4 RM. Exotic Dancer Margo Delmar 7181 Woodbine Ave. just north of Steeles 7-|.b. Bag Free Delivery - 499-1246 This Sale Ends June 30 We Have 6 “Knights” at our Round Table . Why Not Join Us For one? with 15¢ pkg. 39¢ 39: 25, 1970

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