KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. Free estimates. Creative Decor. office and showroom. 9212 Yonge St., Richvale 889-2462, 773-4696. tfc42 By appointment only, 889-2724. tIc44 Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. ' tfc36 Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. ‘SEASONED hardwood for fire- places, also kindling. Picked-up or delivered, 96 Steeles AVe. W. or call 225-2781. tfc19 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows. doors, awnings also glass and screen repairs phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 Richmond Hill GARDEN SUPPLIES Loam - manure - top dressing - seed and fertilizer. delivered. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc43 STEREO. Fleetwood. and 23†TV, black and white. Both ‘6 months old. 884-7901, after 5 Pm- clw5l BOY’S bicycle, Supercycle, $18. Will also trade for girl’s bicycle. 889-5242. c1w52 HEAVY duty four burner Mof- fat Electric stove in fair condi- tion. $35.00. Phone 884-2745 after 6 pm. c1w52 WOODWARD'S GREENHOUSE WASHER, dryer and stoveparts, gears. belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfc50 Assorted plants. annuals. 39 Hoop Street. King City. 833- 5306. t£c47 GOOD used typewriters for sale from $25 up. 884-6524. tf051 BEAUTIFUL pagoda brass, with accessories. 7263. MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS SUPPLY 8A YONGE STREET S. Welcome to our free wig de- monstration June 26, 2‘5 pm. 884-5894. c1w52 HONEY & BEES} WERNER CLAIRTONE stereo excellent condition. Owner leaving coun- try. 773-5023. c1w52 KITCHEN table and chairs $35. large bird cage $10, baby car-ri- age $10. 884-4985. tfc52 TRAYNOR bass master ampli- fier and Espana bass guitar, complete, $450. 833-5648. EMPRESS tent trailer. sleeps 4, $175: power mower $12; 2 wheel garden tractor with cultivator and plow 560: large tricycle $18; solid tire 2 wheeler with train- ing wheels $10. 884-5400. {KOOL - shade metal awnings green, large size. 887-5459._ ELECTROHOME TV, console ï¬ANO, upright, attractive an- model. $50. 889-1089. c1w52 tique. white finishI excellent mucondition, 884-6621. c2w51 UU'K'UVHA. -â€"....- KLL parts 1962 Anglia, hattery'â€"““‘“"“' 18 months warranty‘ After 6. LIVE chickens, heavy birds. 384-8239. c1w52 884-6367. 7 tfc51 MEN‘S Aran sweater. madâ€"e23 RUG, Indian, good condition. Ireland, new. 884-4561. c1w52lreasonab1e. 889-8821 c1w52 BOY’S bicycle, CCM 3~speed, RIDING lawn mower, 8" table 26" wheel, $25. Good condition. saw. 7" skil saw and rototiller. 889-3419. c1w52 884-2822. c2w52 BEAUTIFUL Wilton rug 8’ x LARGE 10‘, reasonable price. 832-2550. good co c1w52 '3’HP engine $20, mini chopper frame $10, 884-7840. c1w52 ï¬ARDY Boy rand comic books, lxé price. 884-5338. ~31W52 40 HP electric start Scott motor with controls; baby crib and mattress; high chair; infant seat; playtex baby nurser set. All in good condition. 832-1202. 1947 CHEV. business coupe, 29,000 original miles, $600. 884- 5366. c1w52 GENDRON baby carriage, ex- cellent condition, $25. 884-7679. c1w52 GIRL‘S 3 speed bicycle lent condition. 884-1638. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent Insertions if wording unchanged. 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word: min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. 54" CONTINENTAL bed $25; basket chair and cover $5; set of Mr. and Mrs. chairs with match- ing foot stool, burnt orange- crushed leather $65; 884-3807. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sines Service Rentals llBERAI. CLASSIFIED THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 25, 1970 FOR SALE L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. ELUMINUM 884-1745 tfc3 birdcage, $15. 834- c1w52 c1w52 c1w52 'nings. TOP quality top soil, sand and 9. gravel, crushed stone for drive- c1w52 ways, 499-1160. c2w51 c1w52 c1w52 excel- c2w52 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone. sand. concrete gravel etc., delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett 884-3089. tfc37 ACORN fireplaces â€"â€" special, June only. sale prices, Fireglo Centre Showroom, 46 Steeles Ave. West, 889â€"3133. c4w49 Manure and loam. 889-9385. tfc46 2 AQUARIUMS, total capacity 85 gallons, 30 tropical fish, pumps, filter. $150 or swap for new canoe. 884-3266. tfc49 STRAWBERRIES. pick your own starting June 22nd, quart boxes or 6 quart baskets. Mom, Wed.. Fri., 8 am - 12 am Sat. - 1 pm - 3 pm. 1% miles north of Stouffville, east of 9th Line. H. Ennerberg, 640-3974. c4w51 CHROME high chair, $8; mesh convertible crib and playpen $25;.baby bathinette $15. 834- 3807. c2vw52 WASHER, new Hoover spin dryer, rent or rent to own. 221- 8125. c1w52 WRINGER washer and automa- tic dryer, like new. 884-1034. ALL glaSs showcase like new, reg. $350, $75. Paint compressor with motor and hose, $35. Aqua- rium compressor and tank and motor, reg. $350, $75. Color bar dot generator, Heathkit $50. Shrimp hatchery, $15. 6/12 volt fast and slow charger, $50. Polaroid land camera with flash reg. $139, $40. Meat slicer reg. $89, $25. Portable TV. guaran- teed 3 months $49.95. Allencourt Electronics, Allencourt Plaza, 437 Markham Rd. c1w52 PLYWOOD camper, sleeps four very good condition, $350 cash Call 832-1219 after 5:30. 'OLD pictures, toasters, double bed. pots and pans, rug, etc. 884-8625. c1w52 1 USED riding mower good con- dition $85. used power mower and baby carriage. 884-686}. GIBSON 90 watt bass amplifier with 15" speaker, good condi- tion. 884-3298. clw52 PIANO, rebuilt. $325; also chest freezer. $175. Call after 6 pm, 887-5442. c1w52 Furniture Imported. sold‘ from warehouse Living, dining and bedrooms, etc. ; EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. ‘ (EFCO) Hwy. '7, just east of Fifth Line, Bramalea 451-5369 Open daily 1-9 pm. Saturdays 10 am. - 6 pm.“ CHESTERFIELD suites, Tradi- tional Provincial, Californian Colonial, and Spanish from builder's model di'splay homes, matching tables and lamps. Like new and reasonable. Ideal for living and family rooms, dens. apartments, and cottage. De- }livered. Call Builder 226-2770. c3w50 ï¬ECTRIC stovew 24â€, Tappan- Gurney, 884-4280. *1w51 LARGE size crib7 and mattress, good condition $15. 889-5696. condition. $150 884-6117. 3 qts. for :31. Pick your own 7:00 - 11 am Monday to Satur- day evenings 5:30 - 8:30 Monday to Thursday Islington Ave.. north, 1 mile south of No. '7 |1 TENT .727-9110 1967 YAMAHA 100‘ cc. ggod hwy mantled, $25. Sunbeam electnc mixmaster with attachments and blender $20. electric deep fat fryer $5. garden tools. 889-1852. c1w52 â€"_______â€"â€"â€"â€" POOL table and accessories. 6‘ x 4’, hardly used, $65. 889-7686. c1w52 MUSHROOM COMPOST AERIAL with roto, must pe TELEPHONES crank style. 832- 8788. c1w52 SINGLE 884-1746 FOR SALE (Continued) STRAVVBERRIES TEAKWOOD mumps 3 phone Aurora. tic52 bed, rocking Sunbeam electric or best offer. c1w52 c1w52 c1w52 clw52 tfb50 01W521m 3 beqroorp :2w52 cows 1 /___ >e disâ€" HOUSEKEEPING cottages on [ecu-ï¬e Lake of Bays. ‘1-2-3 bedroom. ts and hydro. safe sandy beach, boats 2p fat motorS. also camping, reason- '-1852. able. Phone 884-2828. c2w51 /â€" 01W52 PARRY Sound area. 3 bedroom ies_ 6' cottage, fireplace, sandy beach maps after 5 pm. 884-4835. c2w52 chair. c1 w52 SINGLE and double bed. dres- sers, electric Beatty stove, elec- tric fur machine, new furrier's pieces. other odds and ends. Mr. John Donald, 246 Oxford Street 884-3389. c1w52 STRAWBERRIES pick your own Monday to Saturday, 7:00 am to 12 noon. Bring own 6 quart bas- kets. No small children. West side of hwy 47, 1/2 mile south of Stouffville. 640-2168. c3w52 DRIVER for warehouse work and driving small tractor trailer Co. located Keele Street and hwy. 7 area. 889-1138. c1w52 REFRIGERATOR. M c C l a r .V- Easy, 5 years old $50. 884-8972. c1w52 CROSS antique†bed for sale. Phone 895-9433. c2w52 WASHER, wringer $40, stove 30" $100, available July 31 889- 4335. c1w52 1 FOLLEY automatic saw shar- pener with bench, motor and new files. in perfect working order. 884-1443. *1w52 ROUND oak table, single pedeJ stal $75; pine cradle, early Que- bec, $55; desk, walnut, domes- tic centre knee hole, 7 drawers, 48 x 26 $75; wash stands. dres- ser, chest of drawers, $19 and up; Egyptian curios, many ar- ticles of good fine used furniâ€" ture, unpainted and antiques. Uplands Furniture, 8236 Yonge St., Thornhill 889-5582. Open 10 am - 9 pm. c1w52 HARMONY electric guitar, case, amplifier and guitar jack. Case hardly used. Amplifier made by Paul. 8†speaker. All in very good condition. 884-5687. c1w52 APT. aid regular size pianos. World Wide Shipping, 360 New- kirk Rd., Richmond Hill. DE-HUMIDIFIER and Fire- stone Briggs and Stratton Lawn- mowers both in excellent condi- tion. 773â€"5256. c1w52 BUNK beds, good condition, walnut finish, two pairs of drapes, 1 pair double width, full length, beige background, tur- quoise design. 884-3089. clw52 RIDING mower excellent dition $125 or best offer. 0705. ( USED fridge, stove, and bath tub, pair of wooden garage doors, best offer. 889-0705: t: ARBORITE kitchen table, and chairs. excellent condition, even- ings 8846696. clw52 30†VIKING stove, timer clock. $75. Green nylon chesterfield bed and chair $45. 884-8317. GARAGE door $25 casement window 4’ x 7’ $15, table top $10. canoe $40, electric stove $20. 884-5759. c1w52 E HALIBURTON Beautiful cottages. all conveni- n ences, good fishing and swim- ,- ming. equipped for light house- y keeping. $50.00 to $90.00 weekly »,, â€" phone 55w4 - Box 535 Hali- 7 button. Flamingo Cabins. nâ€". YOU can shop for less at WYN- DOT Ladies Wear. Bayview Plaza 884-2214. Better than a discount house because we stock the good brands e.g. Lady Bird Gaytolwn and Wyndham Bermuda Shorts \on Sale to clear. c2w52 STRAWBERRIES pick your own 35¢ a quart in your containers, picking in quart boxes only. Starting Friay June 26. Picking times Mondays 7 am - 12 noon, 5:30 - 9 pm. Wednesday 7 am - 12 noon, 5:30 - 9 pm. Friday 7‘ am - 12 noon, 5:30 pm - 9 pm. Saturday 7:00 am to 12 noon. ‘Closed at all other times. Adults and senior teens only, No re- servations. Whittmore’s Farm, Steeles Avenue, 14 miles east of Yonge Street, peas beans, raspberries, currents. and goose- berries coming later. c2w52 2 Bedroom cottage. plus cabin, all conveniences on Lake Ku- shog, Highway 35, north of Minden. $50 weekly. Phone 889-4373, after 5. 03w51 Lake Wilcox, furnished 3 bed- room cottage. inside conveni- ences, overlooking golf course. swimming. boating, fishing and golfing in secluded area, weekly monthly or by the season .Call 773-4508. tfc51 cottage, firéplace, Sandy beach after 5 pm 884-4835. c1w51 TEACHER, piano and theory, establishing Richmond Hill. 884-3925. tfcsg Summer Accommodatlon ï¬fRi SALE CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS (Continued) TUITION c1w52 '. 889- c1w52 c1w52 c1w52 con- c6w51 I EXPERIENCED" cook Tavern. 884-2752 LIKE A HORSE We work you like a horse but $100 per week buys a lot of cats. Must have car. Experience not necessary. 789-7287. tfc-ll EXTRA MONEY 3 hours, 4 evenings per and Saturday, $50. Must car. 789-7287. EXPERIENCED Female teller wanted. Excellent working conditions. Salary com- mensurate with experience. For appointment phone 889-7528. INSURANCE adjusters office requires competent, accurate dictaphone typist mainly to in- scribing letters and reports, also general office routine. Good salary for the right girl. Tele- phone for appointment 884-8481. c2w51 PART time cashier evenings. phone â€" 884-5433. c1w52 WANTED SALES PEOPLE LOCAL REAL ESTATE OFFICE REQUIRES 3 people right away with or without experience, if you would like to discuss a future in the dynamic world of selling then please give me a call. There is no obligation and in strict confidence. Call now. Tom McKeage 889-8181 or res: 884- 17969. c1w51 FEMALE, full or part time. bookkeeping machine operator, typing necessary. own transpor- tation. Apply stating experience, references and salary expected. K. J. Beamish Construction Company Ltd., 7901 Bayview, Avenue, Thomhill Ont., or teie- phone Mr. Charlton, 889-1191. 03w51 AVON CALLING Tired of Housework? Then get outâ€"meet peopleâ€"â€"-earn Money - BE AN AVON Representative. Call now -â€" 925-4255. *3w51 LIGHT gauge, welder fitter re- quired for sheet metal fabrica- tor, experienced welders only need apply. 889-6533. 315‘ SALES clerk for dry cleaning m_ store, no experience necessary. 5 part time afternoons. For ap- â€" rpointment call 884-7821. c1w52 HIGH school girl for waitress, weekends. Saturday 7 .am-3 pm. Sunday 8 amâ€"3 pm. Good pay. Apply in person. Peter’s Res- taurant, 7584' Yonge St. Thorn- hill. c1w52 mfNTED WILL TRAIN Girl for motor hotel, house- keeping, excellent opportunity. Apply Mr. Elliott, 8700 Yonge , «H.311 - .--..... ~.___ Opening for 1 saleman over 30 yrs. of age, with knowledge of farm properties to specialize in land and investment property sales. Call Mr. McLean 889-1176 David McLean Ltd, Realtor, 74 Steeles Ave. W. c2~w52 St.. Thornhill RELIABLE couple u our Arabians, close Apply to Box 8, “T11 SHIFT foreman, over 20, Wim 2 years service station experi: ence, who wants to go places. Must have neat appearance, be able to meet and deal with the public. I ‘w_ant men of excep- tional ability and interest in the service station business as a 'care‘er. Bob Donald’s Esso, 9700 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. tfc52 THORNHILL AREA Experienced Bookkeeper-Typist, 2 days weekly. permanent, own ‘ transportation. RICHMOND HILL AREA Bookkeeper - fully experienced 5 day week. A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 52 Yonge St. South Call: Mona Robertson 884-6944 Re: Appointments c1w52 FARM SALESMEN WANTED OFFICE assistants with some office e/xperierime. §mall office 'i'rrénd Jane Street area, must have own transportation. 889-1868. c1w52 DICTA-TYPIST We require an experienced girl who has good speed and ac- curacy. Will also perform a variety of other tasks in a pleasant working environment. SNAP-0N TOOLS ‘ OF CANADA LTD. Keele St. 1 mi: north of Hwy '1. 889-7501 STUDENT, Thornhill area, re- quired to entertain 2 pre-school children for 3 hours a day dur- ing summer months. $1 an hour. Reply giving particulars to Box 14 “The Liberalâ€. clw52 DRAFTMAN REQUIRED ‘For sheet metal and layout ‘drawing, construction know- iledge an asset. Triduct Indus- ltries, 169 Centre St. E. 884-4952. ï¬MAN for cleaning motel room. Must have own transpor- tation. 889-1399. clw52 CLASS A mechanic â€"â€" wno nas a future in mind. Must be ex- perienced in gune-up, complete brake work. front end align- ment. We offer salary, commis- sion. medical benefits, excellent equipment and working condi- tions. Opportunity for advance- nâ€"An v. . vrr,,,, 1:18-12. Bob Donafd's Esso, 9700 Yonge St. Richmond Hill. ‘ sheet metal and layout ng, construction know- an asset. Triduct Indus- 169 Centre St. E. 884-4952. c1w52 mechanic â€" who uple to look after close to Maple- 8, “The Liberalâ€. tfc52 reach more prospects save time & money - i rfor Pop‘s tfc34 To, with week have tfc41 tfc47 c2w51 c1w52 c1 W52 tfc52 MALE students. min. Gr. 12, wanted for training on research animal farm. Starting immed- iately Saturdays only, continu- ing in permanent full time posi- tion after school term ends. Non-smoker, clean-cut. with good working habits only. Apply High Oak Ranch Ltd. 88-1-2580 Mr. Morgan, Manager. tfc44 WAITRESS â€"- full and part- time. Pop’s Tavern. 884-2752. EXPERIENCED girl for local bank. Apply in writing Box 11 “The Liberal". c2w51 FULL time bookkeeping for professional office in Richmond Hill. Apply stating experience to Box 15, “The Liberal". FOURTH classfléngineer, could be older man or retired. 88+ 4591. clw52 has GENERAL clerical part time. Typing an asset. Apply Box 13 “The Liberalâ€. c1w52 EXPERIENCED Girl Friday for 1 girl office, knowledge of bookkeeping ,and typing. Aristocrat Pools, 70 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill. TEENAGER, girl or boy. good swimmer. for company at sum- mer home. $10 weekly. 889-4373. c1w52 11" BILINGUAL insurance secret- 11‘- ary 5 years experience. seeks OX'full or part time position in 52 Richmond Bill or vicinity. _ Available immediately. 384- iut 5504. - clw52 GIRL wanted for general office duties. Must have typing. Apply World Wide Shipping. 360 New- kirk Road, Richmond Hill. FOREMAN Esso 400 Service Center on Highway 400 between Maple Sideroad and King Sideroad rec quireS'a foreman for the mid- night to 8 am. shift. Must be capable of doing minor automo- tive repairs. Must be neat and tidy in appearance and relia-b‘e. Phone Esso 400 at 832-1166 for interview appointment. HELP WANTED TELLER‘TYPIST REQUIRED FRUSTRATION IS UNNECESSARY IF YOU’RE NOT SATISFIED with your present income and working conditions then why stay? Set your'own income, A career in real estate can be very rewarding. Top training pro- gram offered. Call Mr. White or Mr.’ Cuff. Norm Black. Realty Limited, 889-6241. tfc52 1 MATURE woman. must have sales ability and be able to En- struct beginners in dressmaking. Bernina Sewing Centre, 884- 3775. c1w52 RECEPTIONIST - typist requir- ed for Thornhill Real Estate office, evenings 5â€"9 also alterna- tive Saturday. Sean Flood 889- 9330. c1w52 FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 mer A HANDYMAN with truck. Odd jobs wanted, moving, clean-up etc. Anytime. 889-8536. 92w46 FEMALE Grade 13 graduate, seeks summer employment June 15 - July 17. Anything consid- ered. 884â€"1806. Lynn Horwood. n03w50 RELIABLE energetic man de- sires maintenance or janitorial work. Call Art Adams. 884-7518. nc3w51 RELIABLE, energetic young man seeks permanent employ- ment. Will consider anything. Prefer Richmond Hill area. Please phone David Bradley, 884-5630. nc3w51 EXPERIENCED cleaning lacLy would like housework 9-3 p.m., references. 889-0879. clw52 PART time work, sidewalks, patios, septic tanks removed, verandahs and cement work. 889-0879. c1w52 BOATS - MOTORS SPEED boat 13' Gleh-l Tutfy, mahogany ply. refinished. com- plete hardware. 889-8098. . v-n 11 ft. class B & C Runabout, neW, 1969. 889-3144. gnu-5% at Hwy No. 7 and Keele tom, with trailer. 1 tion. $275. 889-6579 16’ Cedarstrip. tibreg1§ss ‘09?- fym 25 Evinrudé: 1969 $400 88+2340. NEWLY reï¬nished 16’ Canadian Flight Craft, 60 hp. Gale motor, trailer and accessories. 884-3134. c1w52 14 ft boat 25 hp. motor electric Quiick sale $295. 832-2503. ,-n EMPLOYMENT WANTED by chartered bank phone 889-4128 (Continued) :â€"_â€" ’v / Jlenl Tutfy, RELIABLE day care available ,nished, com- 9-8098. c1w52 C RunaBout. L4. _c1\v52 breglass bot- good condi- 9. c1w52 used 5 hours. c1w52 ’4â€" for children. any age. Reason- able. 884-8644. tfc48 //.â€"â€" CHILDREN’S COTTAGE HOLIDAY Will give children, any age a fun, swimming, boating holiday at my cottage, reasonable. 884- 8872. c1w52 RELIABLE day care in my ‘lhome, $12 a week. 884-4985. c1w52 c2w52 clw52 tfc49 c1w52 c2w52 Canadian clw52 *lw52 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 WBm, cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 8844194 for appointment. tf015 OFFICE in Yonge St. ’profes- sional building. ample parking. $50 monthly. 884-1117. tfc39 BAYVIEW and ï¬igï¬way 7, building for rent 50’ x 34‘. 889- 1899. tfc50 OFFICE space. 800 sq. ft., also ‘800 sq. ft. office storage space, icentrally located in Richmond \Hill. 889-6161. c3w501 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading. 16'6" clear. immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. YOUNG bachelor has 2 extra large furnished rooms in new home to suit 2 single adults. Garage optional. Yonge, Rich- ‘vale area. 889-7118. tfc51 BEDSITTING room. suit gen- tleman. 884-1629. tfc50 2 bedroom furnished cottage, Nine Mile Lake, use of small boat, good swimming, near Mar- ina. 889-8477. c2w51 ment, adults only. 889-5233. tfc51 1 bedroom selfiéontained apart- living room, kitchen; upstairs, from July 15. Partly furnished if wanted. References. 884-2495. c1w52 3 bedroom apartment, adults. 884-6840 evenings. tfc52 BRIGHT 4 bedroom, basement apartment. kitchen appliances. fireplace. private bathroom and entrance, parking, Keele and Hwy. 7. 889-8318. c1w52 FURNISHED apartment, suit 1 or 2 persons. TV, parking, must be reliable and trustworthy. 884-4602. c1w52 RICHMOND HILL basement apartment, 2 bedrooms, raised floors, vacant Bayview and Markham. 223-3294. c1w52 FURNISHED 1 bedroom base- ment apartment, private en- trance. 884-5963. c1w52 APARTMENT in private home, 3 rooms, store, fridge, 1 car parking included. 884-1474. ..=n FURNISHED basement apart- ment bachelor, suit couple or single person; $115, private parking and entrance. 737-4613. c1w52 4 roomed apartment; modem,‘ $140, includes all services. 727- 9488. tfc52 ’______’_._’â€"â€"â€" ROOM, gentleman only, private entrance. Close to Bayview and iMarkham. 884-8270. .n-n BRIGHT Richmond 3 furnished rooms, private en- trance, carport. Close to TTC, business couple, 889-4690. ,,gn A bright 1 bedroom. upper du- plex, central. $125 includes hydro, heat and water, garden and praking. HU. 8-2578. ...=0 FURNISHD room, gentleman preferred. 884-7315. c1w52 1"â€" y/i PRIVATE room available, park- ing. 889-3270. c1w52 / FURNISHED room n e a r Yonge. cooking facilities. Suit 1 or 2 girls. 884-3709. c1w52 SUBLET 1 bedroom a Bayview and Markham after 6.30 pm. rooms. own emraucc, um. ..-.V, 5 pm. 884-5366. c1w52 3 bedroom apartment includes fridge, stove. hydro. heat and soft water, near Richmond Heights Centre, $185 monthly.‘ Adults only. Available Sept. lst Call George C. Wilcocks Real Estate. 884-8811. c1w52 2 bedroom apartment. $165 monthly. includes hydro, park- ing, close to Richmond Heights C e n t r e and transportation. Phone George C. Wilcock, Real Estate 884-3811 1.1 upR‘) BABYSITTING day or night, very reliable, call anytime at 884-4559. c1w52 RELIABLE day care in my home. Richmond Heights area. 884-8302. c1w52 TO RENT D'A’Y CARE 4 BEDROOM own entrance comfortable room Hill. 884-3379. ‘ bedroom apartment rooms, private en- 'Lrance; Call after c1w52 '_’,/â€"- artment includes hydro, heat and near Richmond 3. $185 monthly. Eper du- 884-8578 c1w52 tfc50 c1w52 c1w52 c1w52 c1w52 c1w52 l/ ml RALPH ELMS DECORATING W52 Painting, paper-hanging, inter- : ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. “-10 MlSCELLANEOUS PORTRAITS done charcoal specializing in child study. $25. 832-2432. clw52 PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx - Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 GENERAL carpentry, recrea- tion rooms kitchen and repairs. 884-2505. c2w52 TRACTORS Massey Harris pony with mower. Ford 9 N with blade. 884-8722. c1w52 HANDYMAN with truck. yard§ and basements cleaned, trees re- moved and patios. 294-4869. SHAMPOOING SUMMER SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc52 PAINTING exterior and in- terior, carpentry work, altera- tions. rec rooms. no job too large or too small. 884-5009. RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls, planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tfc42 FINLAYV ELECTRIC Contractor, free estimates. Call anytime 884-3931. tfc37 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 85 water lines. footings. 889-3604. tch NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 DRYWALL plaster. acoustic tile ceilings. moveable partitions. Home or office. 884-8391 - 889- 6784. tfc16 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 All types floor tile, sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll HOME REPAIRS REMODELLING Carpentry work by experienced contractor. Recreation rooms, alterations. repairs, painting and free estimates. Phone John Neufeld, 883-5857. nc6w50 1 Several type faces to choose from â€"â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions. additions, and repairs. Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"- siding, Eavestroughs Doors‘and WindOWS For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 Additions. alterations. recrea- tion rooms, ceiling and floor tiling and, painting. Free esti- mates. E. Fox. 889-7480 CLEANING WINDOWS, WALLS AND FLOORS Day or night 884-2433 t1 RON MOORE Iï¬EG’D collie pups, champion PAINTING ' PAPERHANGING sired tri-color and sable. 832- Interior - Exterlor. Free esti- 2574. clw52 . jg mates- Ca“ anytim- BBQ'EBEEPUPPIES 5 blonde. 4 dark. $10 ‘7 3 each. Call 332-1219 after 5.30. f.______,_. _. . ., M 'I‘I-InI-nhl“ c1w52 msterlng R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs 3 Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 G. J. CURRIE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Alterations and additions. Com- mercial and residential. Custom carpentry. 77375604. tfc9 Drains, septic tanks of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE E CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION TREE CUTTING Dead Elms Pruning E. C. DOAK Phone 832-8985, Maple SEPTIC TANKS PUMI’ED Sewers cleaned FLOOR EOVERING RUBBER STAMPS New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 CARPENTER C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 E. W. PAYNE wux A. FREE ESTIMATES FREE - v tfc311 ‘Child iï¬mhm All types c4w52 tfc23 tfcn tfc32 tfc50 tfc45 tfc41 tfc27 tchO tfc46 tfc43 “0433 MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING and DECORATING 884-1311 BRICK & STONEWORK Fireplaces â€"- chimneys â€" cusw tom built â€" patios, walls, flower-boxes. garages, etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884-3484. c12w42 tfcz LEONARDI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete, Drain and General Repairs. Patio, Stonework, Side- walk, Trenching and Excavating. Lic. No. D0033. tfc51 SINGER SEWING MACHINE MIDDLE aged couple (abstain-1 ers) steadily employed, require warm house immediately, rea- sonable rent. Propane or oil heat, bathroom. hot and cold water. Thornhill. L a n g s t a f f, ‘ Richmond Hill. Maple, King City or Nobleton, farm or country. Call Willy, 773-4341 after 6 pm. tfc46 Professor and family desire 4 bedroom house or equivalent, furnished or unfurnished for 1 year beginning Sept. 1970. Tel- ‘ephone 884-2112, 9-1 or 2-5 ‘pm. Weekdays. c2w51 faster REPONSIBLE couple small‘ bungalow or 2 bedroom apart- ment in private home. Call Ron 9 am - 5 pm. 773-4311 or collect 1-274-1098 after 6 pm. c1w52 2 room apartment, unfurnished ‘for older gentleman. 884-2822. l c2w52 New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 839â€"3606. tfclB \KITTEN 7 weeksflold. and mo- ther cat need good home. 884- 2376. c2'.v52 CAT BOARDING Household pets kittens available to good homes. Also portraits of your pets pastel or pencil. 889- 2581. tfc44 _______4_.¢ MERLAND KENNEL'S REG’D Boarding Now Awailable Cool in Summer and warm in Winter. Ideal conditionsâ€"clean healthy â€" outdoor runs. New- market 5th Concession, 895- 8281. c4w49 DOGS and cats boarderd. New individual runs. Inspections m- vited without obligation. Char- gex accepted. Rivercourt Ken- nels Reg‘d., Yonge South of LABRADOR pups. 7 weeks. reg'd, black, 889-3904. chil POODLEs, beautiful chocolate miniature. male and 1 lovely beige toy male, reg’d., shots 727-6669. tfc52 Aurora, 727-5488 GERMAN Shepherd 10' months old, female, no papers, 884-4602. REG’D collie pups, champion sired tri-color and sable. 832- 2574. c1w52 E & IITRENCHING Underground cable and water pipe trenching Phone 884-6266 Richmond Hill. BOXER-LAB, puppxes. 5' weeks old. 889-0315 after 5 pm. 3 beautiful blue eyed kittens free to good home. 884-3092, . WINDOW CLEANING 884-1311 SHELTIES,‘ three males, 9 weeks old, registered, champion stock. Phone any time. 832-1434. clw52 PETS FOR SALE REGISTERED Labrador puppy from champion stock. 887-5627. c1w52 marked dog, very children 884-5286. FREE to good home; nicely PARROT, West African grey, 18 months, healthy, beautiful, talks. 884-6621. c1w52 WANTED toy poodle puppy. 884-7263. c1w62 WANlLU Luy yuuuu, run-nu f, 884-7263. clwsz WANTED room and board for # young man within Town of Maple. Call 326-2613 Orillia 01' . Write 320.Moffatt Street, Ori1< 25" Consol colour TV. will 113' Outano' *1W52 trade for best 4 wheel drive ROOM. suit 2 gentlemen or 2 Jeep or pick-up truck offered gir1s,334.1o15. “W52 749-4203. “C46 wanâ€"â€" 'c‘iuild hasvvallergy). 884-6353.ch52 PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR W:Richmond Hi1}. for boys and tickets. reservations and indlvi-Igirls. Swimmmg. crafts, etc. dual travel, call A. H. Creighton Free transportation. Openings Travel Agency. 889-5643. |for August. Phone Mrs. Wood tfc47| 884-7937. c4w49 Repairs â€" any make Northtown Plaza 221-9357 WANTED TO RENT PAINTING sandy male cat, 9 months 884-2433 889-5228 TRAVEL good with *1w52 tfc41 tfc44 tfc44 tfc46 tfc52 c1w52 clw52 clw52 tfc51 YOUNG DRIVERS SPECIAL AUTO INSURANCE RATES & PAYMENT PLANS CALL 889-4933 FRANK CAIN 787-0454 I RENNIE ATKINSON 751-0240 1964 BUICK Speciéi, call 884. 2482 after 6 pm. c2w51 283 vs rebuilt motor. excellenT: condition. After 6 p.m., 884- 5612. *1w52 1962 Chrysler 4-door hardtop, {black with red interior, excel« ‘lent radio, not certified, $125. i884-1618. c1w52 COLLECTOR'S CAR 1960 Austin Healey 3000, overâ€" drive. hardtop, as is, best offer. 884-8826. c_l\\'52 1964 Chevy II station wagon. 6 cylinder. automatic, certiï¬ed. $450 or best offer. 884-3198._ 1962 Ford GS'léxie, 352 v3 standard; road worthy cert"i< cate. 889-6745. c1\\'52 1968 Coronét’500, 2 doorâ€"hard- top, excellent condition. 933- 5373, King City. c1w52 1968 MGB. wire wheels. oven drive. Must sell. 884-5585 or 832â€"2494. c1w52 Private owner must sell before July 1, moving. 1968 Austin 1800, 19,500 miles, excellent shape. certificate furnished. $1,550: also 1961 Ford, 6, 2 door sedan, good shape, $250. 884-6855. c1w52 1965 CORVAIR Corsa conver- tible 140 HP. engine, 4 shift. New tires and snows, A1 condi- Ition, certified. $695 - full price. Private. Phone 884-2611 or 884- 2998. *1w52 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 4 door hardtop, V8, DOWer steering and brakes, certified. 749-5310 evenings. nc1w52 1964 ‘Chevelle Malibu Wagon, 3 seater, 8 cylinder, 283 motor. automatic, power steering and brakes. Roof luggage rac’rs. ‘All real good condition. 889- 4312. clw52 v1966 Chev, 4 wheel drive. lé ton, ready for work with 5 good isnow tires. 4 speed transmis. sion, fresh dark green finish. - full price $1895 including snow lplow. Lic. No. B52476. Call .‘Chuck Pemberton at Kinnear . Pontiac, 884-4481. clw52 1969 CHARGER. power steer- ing, brakes, vinyl roof, automa- tic, Tacho, 4 barrel carb. 383 cc engine. radio, 2 spare F70 x 14 snow wheels and many other extras. Cost’ over $5,000. F‘I‘ quick sale $3,000. Call 884-8378 or 884-2528. nc1w52 1?;62 Volkï¬vagen. Phone, 8841 6675. c1w52 CAMPER TRUCK 1969 Ford F100 with Cap Cams per, partially completed intern ior. 9.500 miles with remainder of 50,000 mile warranty. Fea- tures include: * Custom trim * Wheel diSCS * Economical 6 cylinder (240) * Standard trans< mission * Heavy load springs, shocks and clutch * Two tone * Power steering and brakes * Oil and voltage gauges * 8 ply tires plus * two wide track studded snows * 2 West Coast: mirrors 5 Step bumper * Radio 9‘ iZiebar‘t undercoated. $2800. 884-4534. c1w52 1962 PONTIAC 2 door hardtop. 884-3522, 884-7645. clw52 GINGER and white neutered male cat. Spots on mouth. An- swers to Titch. Mill Pond area of Richmond Hill. Please phone 884-2233. nc2w51 LARGE REWARD Area Bayview and Hwy 7. Seal- point siamese cat, very timid. Please call immediately 297- 2763 or 889-2581 with news. Re- ward gladly paid for informa- tion leading to recovery. SOLITARE diamond engage- ment ring lost in Richmond 1â€"1111 or Thornhill area. Reward of< feted for return. Please contact 889-3509. ‘ c1w52 ff"â€" BLUE and gray budgie blrd. named Jackie, 9791 Bayview ‘Ave. or vicinity. 884-4068 or 630-4139. clw5Z __'__________.___fld GIRL’S silver ID braéelet. Phone NANCY 884-5058. ORANGE maleï¬ Persian cat, missing since Friday. Richvale district, reward. 889-3186 BOYS AND GIRLS Make regular pocket mongy on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished route may be available in your area. Phone Glen Pratt, Carrier Circulation. 884-1105.. ROOM and board for lighï¬ duties, any age considered. 889- 9161. c1w52 9 am. to 12 noon ROOM & BOARD USED CARS STNIMMINGBIRD MON. ‘- TUES.‘ 8 am. to 6 pm. WED. - FRI. 9 am. to 5 pm. SATURDAY DAY CAMP LOST Day Cam}; c4w50 c1\i'52 c1w52 c1w52 c1w52