‘M ’l‘HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'i‘hin-siinr. July to. 15‘7" 16 I Gormley Neighborhood Notes; CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILS’l‘ED â€" 887-5445 wedding of Alias, Ann Orr andicOinpaiiiiiig a sacrifice to keep‘ Ronald Parlane at, People‘s the spirits away It s taking. Church in Willowdale. Saturdaylplace in the. house behind us afternoon. Miss Orr has been aiev-eryone _ lS hitting around‘ missionary in Nigeria and with drinking rice wine. Very noisy. Neighborhood Notes John Evans had a steer killed by lightning in the severe elec- trical storm a week ago Friday night. Mrs. family have - W'deman and‘hcr new husband will be rettii'n-‘ I ‘ I > ' Dmouilfztunied from a ing to that African country m2!) via a DUI Air America plane. po __iChurch News ‘Rev. We came to Banmethuot JuneOn Sunday morning l3 Marijuana Plants, Were Found Growing BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. Gormley Phone 499-0376 Correspondent: MRS. her litisband Is at Princess .\1 ir- 33“ Games garct Lodge tor treatment, Marijuana 65 inches high Th? “F‘fldlul‘d Ladit‘s' Ball M“ Baker IS a bmlhm. of Mrmiias found grow-mg m a Dick. Teams winning streak ended at James Tooley and 1.1 w son's Hillarea garden last week.“9 game. They were downed Baker. - by Markham Township Police. 1345 JULY 3 b)’ the Victoria No one can doubt that the Chris Dugan is timed in. wnen 3 wer failure struck during the _ | J V , I] thought that was some plancgservice at Brown‘s Corners L'ni. Other guests at the Russell George Clark. has n V V_ ' H very emoyable mats} mm to me Noll/lermgsil Mrs. Metro Sudeyko but it Tl'aS nothing compared to ted Church. Rev. Chris was ’l‘ooley home during the pastchargcd with mariiuana lJOsses-lh 31W; \’;¢1‘10113 Sqtblalie {loath “€51 coabt ohrlcanll'iiiv DeVlille visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Su-the plane we changed to » - a CCiUIDPOd \‘-'Itll candleS and week were Mrs. ’l'oni Bennett Slop. _ _ a†11011.... it adnu‘iln elHO M." and dadrlll'r‘om. the devko at Malton on Sunday. ‘little Della\'illand Caribou carg01matches. and a theme on and daughter Deanna. and Miss Jhe 90"“: ‘_“‘"9 599mm! 3 Elm}: \‘emldabn l .9“ d ea ‘0' liiowd :nEtiarisn’l‘firf Farm to‘ l‘onai‘atiilatiOiis to Mr. and plane which holds about 20 "Light," Name†63mm" 0f 'l‘m'onm' ‘hlrd “mm ailerduio )oun'g ad i‘gotiii:u seeteiorh 937:0 “use 0 ' f 7' . .' v ~ ;' - 7 z "nvas seats ~ m .. . .. a. L w - . »K ‘ ~men were arreste or mari- 5 ~ n I' » Lockpot‘l. near Colborne. Mis. (rOidon Dalllc) lSdia (“7 iPCOPlCi “9 511 0" W John St..\.iit was ni-anisi “(dl 11‘le “15‘ Oil {0| are played at 7:30 pm Momâ€); ‘ ' " - - ' - .i ' )lrs.‘ n the sides of the plane with ' W l'on of htdI-rSOll, daughtei of Ur. and o ' ‘un b32551; iileennding‘ hthree \i'eekle. L. Gibson of G01Tnl0)‘ whoiall the baggage strapped in theme with her cousins, Kim and Tra-Jwere married I‘ues day eveningmiiddle. That was an EXPGI'lcnceiGough and Mrs. Dorothy Stef- more than two hours on Sunday ,iuana possession ~at I. am. June due in an acmdcm on Highwayao neai'_Dicks0iis Illlll School. 7 shortly an“. H a," “he†a At that time to marijuana plants til the power failure. when . or Wednesdays at either No. 4 moved to the piano: and Jack School or at Victoria Square .Community Park. Anyone inter- . cev Wilson. ;in Richmond Hill Unitedlto remember! I ‘fler who were in the middle of hydro pole was struok near (lipJ‘CRI‘Eel-Oltlll‘g 11110311321kgdetviigislgiv es‘ted can Re! deï¬ni‘e dates and . ‘Mr‘ and Mrs Jack wright and‘chlll‘ch. _ ‘ I am staying witlr Mrs. Betty? {me duct 1051 not a note. entrance fob-lastei~ Feeds Farm.‘ I Fa d “eâ€; Bmée “man '16 locations from either Gawain - family have returned from 21 About 25 “dame-S and:Mitcliell and her falllll)’.l Her Neighborhood Notes The townships police office cgaï¬fk _r H.“ a‘d Anne Clark m 884mm? 01 ‘ .eek3s holidav at st, Ola_ "friends attended 3* “llscellaneous husband. Archie Mitchell. is one Michael Mediand “as a We“ was alt'ected. and the traffic °_ ‘L 50" .l . " Coach Ron Lcuschner a‘ 88+ “ Bryan and Patsy Hunking oflsliower Saturday afternoon at of the captive miSsionaries. of David McAmhm, “month, 3. lights at Highway '7 and DonIS'qu‘g- 0‘ S‘a'bp'o' a 222]. Kitchener spent "Sunday \iitliithe home of MIR Jim W001i?" Mrs. Mitchell lives _in the.the Mcm.lhu1_.s cottage m“ Mills Road. 11‘3"“? f mots", “may-'52,“; The “cadreâ€, 8mg. Team has their uncle and aunt, Mr. and‘in honor of her daughter. June, middle of the Rada), “1le \:ll_ Dwight The mm P & J Bum.†on plan 15 weie oun .lnel‘tivzaalstCoi “0‘ seen much act-ion the las‘ Mrs Ronald Elliott. ‘Mrs. Michael Bridges- ilage. None of the iiiissionai'iesl . ' , Don Mills Road at Perth Avenue ‘l_“°"“_a5 0“ a plop ' t “00k. Monda\,_ mm, “on we“. ' Quite a number of people 23- have lived on the mlSSlon comu lxen and Lms Bennett and mum ringimm. 43, ~ ‘ Mrs. John Hawkins was ad- V ‘ ‘ V mitted to Scarbor'o Centenaryithered at the station Satuida} pound Since the houses “ere ‘ 0' sur er on to see the passenger train,‘destl.0yed and several missiom sunday f I g y drawn by the last steam engmelaries slain in 1968. The house Miss Lois Dart of Hampton is pass through Gormley. . c {is Wood with cement “001,5. holidaying with her uncle and Rev. Arthur Brndiar. district Theâ€. is no generator __ no Ja aunt Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moh]. secretary of the Canadian Bibleelecmcitx. Mi's. William Noble was a Society was guest speaker atithough There are no screens on‘ guest Friday night at the wed-iboth servrccs Sunday at the ding of Miss iCherilynn Hider sionary Church in the absencerdm. a mosquito net. and Ian Hempseed in Don- of Rev. Howard l-lallnian. lands United Church, Toronto. Letter From Vietnam 7 Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doner‘iS also very gummy from the1 El and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sudeï¬have reccivedthe following let- mins‘ is "yko attended the wedding of tcr from their daughter. Miss On Wednesday m0 army dooian Miss Wanda Stone and Walter Ferne Doner RN. who has gone‘tors took us on a tour of 3 mm“, Sudeyko in New Tar-onto. Sat- to do relief nurSlng in Vietnam: Vincial hospital they supervise; urday afternoon. “The drums you hear in the n was very interesting but OVEN Mrs' Charles Milsied and background Whey,†loud wough crowded and dirty. 1t depressch Charleen were guests at the to go that [art is Lhe musrc ac-‘me. I We also saw an underground ievacuation hospital where theyl lbring in wounded soldiers and! keep them until they can be .flown to Japan or to the United CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE ‘ States. ~ . We had dinner at the officers“ RR. 2. Gormley Telephone 884-5421 mess. Thm was a riot because.‘ Church News last week with Mrs. Philiplwe were the only girls of; There will be no services inrRumney's parents. Mr. and Mrs. course and the Cl 5 havent. Victoria Square Church from‘R. Healey of Brooklin. visiting‘seen an American girl for ages.‘ July 26 to August 30. The last cousins who are here fromlwe got a lot of stares and whis- church serVice before this sum-‘Hertfordshire. England. 1tles. mer break will be held July 19i da be {('|lltll!Ii urn Quartermacvy ’{1‘L|il‘|Il'[!|: ' Rev. and Mrs. Martin Jenkâ€"‘ After that the two doctorsl at 11:30 am and the first one inson were guests at the wed- tone ,3 major and one a captain)! after the break August 30 at ding of Miss Kendra Lawsonand another GI-took us in the the same hour with Rev. Martin and Robert Tetley in King City amny jeep out to a small village Jenkinson in charge. United Church July 11. and the where a crossbow maker liveg_ Ladies’ Ball Team ’l‘eceplion WhiCh fOHOWE‘d at the Saigon has very noisy traffic. We are sorry Lois Draper’s bride's home. We go to sleep and wake up to name was omitted from last Wedding anniversary gl‘eetâ€" pigs squealing. dogs barking. week‘s report on the ladies‘ ball ings 10 MT- and Mrs. Lan‘EHCe roosters crowing, drumsosome-l team. Lois is assisting 'Muriel Bob’ntOTL Who were marl‘le‘l 15 times, the community radio. and‘ Mortson with the coaching. 3’931‘5 SEQ {I‘ll-KI}? 110 Mil aVigilaii-tillei-y' fire and army trucks.‘ , . Mrs. onad 10 OS. marrie we didn‘t hear any mug in 1:. we‘ngdiessgy4egggglg Gifctgiis;isix years ago, July 18; to Mrmsaigom bur here in Banmethuot " Square defeated Headfbrd 18â€"15 and M“ D°uglas. Kemp 'Kal'enlit's part of the everyday “0159-. Friday evening the local ladies ChadMCk' married one yan The first flight it bOlhel'E’d "‘9' took on a team composed of JUI‘V.19‘ _ but now it doesn't. It probably their husbands in the com-' Mlsses Peggy Lem'l‘ a’1‘jlvi'ould if it were closer. Most of munin pal‘k‘ ana won 30-13, ltiBeuY Sandle are Spendll‘g SIXlthe fighting is in Cambodia. . - . ' ks of their vacation work-1.- H W'- is whispered that the men could l‘ 66 ‘ V 11g‘ no - l have defeated their wiveg ing at the Thornhaven Playâ€" ground, Richmond Hill. 3:} were too gentlemanly to Mrs. Paul Charlebois of Wes- iton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Playground ' _ Proulx of Toronto. had Sunday There is still room for childâ€" . evening dinner with Mr. and ten in the playground summer Mrs. Ralph Boymon. program in the park. Last Wed- .15..!‘.,...- 2‘11 -‘il l o . i BRADFORD: Simcoe County Board of Education is using a new computerized accounting system which it hopes willen- able it to pay its bills on time. Reduction of red tape whichl 'Iiilvvv'V'} _‘ . Sunday visitors with Mr. and - {‘eSday there w?“ 53 Chlldl‘enilt’lrs. Clarence Steckley weremften delays settling an accountl I 1" attendanceï¬vlm the RPening’Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ward. Osh- is one or the expected benefitsi j da-Y theme bemg "Space '- The awa and Terry MacDonald of‘of the new system. l -. children made robots and spaceiRichmond Hm. l d_fl_i._,_ .l 3 men' This “'35 fouowed by a Miss Nancy Hardy of Torontoi flâ€"i -â€" I Program Of crafts, games andiand Mrs. Faye Wills are spend-i ' ‘ ' musm- ling two weeks in Bermuda. * The playground is held ever-"i Master Vincent Wills ls E WEdnESday dunng JUL" andispending two weeks with his v Auguï¬ fro"? 103m to 2 Pm “digrandparents. Mr. and Mrs.‘ ‘ " ls undenominational. Hal-ding Wins at Jordan. i Neighborhood Notes '1 The newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. . A miscellaneous shower will‘James Woodcock iBarbara : be held July 20 in the com- Empringham) have returned, . munity hall in honor of Dianne from their wedding trip spent ,. I Donnelly and Murray Hanna. camping in the Maritimes and bv ; who are being married in Augâ€" Quebec. They are now living. I ICENSED j list. in their apartment in NeWmar-l ,‘ ‘ 1 . Another community shower ket. INSTRULTOR , will be held July 24 in the hall Special birthday greetings to g in honor of Ann Binnington and'Fred McRoberts who will be ~ Bill Boyd who are being mar-celebrating his 89th birthday‘ ried later this summer. ‘July 21. A happy birthday is. Residents of Victoria Square’ivished for John Empringham‘ are-asked to accept the above‘July 17. notices as an invitation to at- Mr, and Mrs. Don Boynton lend both showers. and girls attended a family reâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rumney'union at the home of Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rum- Mrs. Harold Stephenson at Wil- T/ie Re vo/utionary MAZDA 1200 Sedan ‘ h $1929 MAZDA 1200 Automatic _ $2129 MAZDA 1200 Sport Coupe $2115 MAZDA 1200 Station Wagon $2195 I WARD BROS. MOTORS LTD. 23 MARKH \M Rd. Richmond Hill SSJ-ltlIS $6.00 PER HOUR Courses A vailable Phone 884-8396 * M4204 See And Test Drive ‘ l I ‘l t their daughters have been holi- during the past week or two. ‘ There is plumbing/pita] at Scarboro General :‘eâ€" of occupants was exiting fl‘0n11g10“lng m Markham To‘msmp'l I cently. Mrs. Stan Fierheller 'mdiperth Avenue on (0 Don Mills. M's"tlie windows and we Sleep tm‘iMl'S. William ROdle have alSOlRoad. and struck a southbound . The soil is very red becausegihem ‘of the high iron content »â€" andlheanh or Highway 7 has bccnl D' k' ' Iâ€"I'll ~sa c imunitv open for two weeks now. and: 1‘ Sons 1 L 0" ~ .last week saw the first traffic‘nn 48’ jusl Soulh of incident, .On Wedncsday yen-ism†\‘l 0‘ f.‘ . u. .1 We were sorry to learning a small car. which stopped‘ It “35le “51 “me “5 ‘c'l mes Tooter has been in “OS-lat. the drive-in with a full quoia‘legal "alum has be?†{mm game by default when Victoria yng at their Muskoka cottage Square failed to field enough ed the game on wednesday to ‘Oak Ridges for the same reason. eighborhood Notes according to Detective Douglas Tribbling. the township police on hospital patients. We wish‘car. There were no injuries. igmlffgs expo†m nalcoucs and ‘ r N, all a l‘aDid I'Ellll‘l’l lOl Residents in the area motes-1‘1, .. .r v. ted the establishment of a driveâ€"‘ TURN SPARE R00.“ Mrs. Bert Baker of Eagle Lakeiin at this particular point for a‘ INTO SPARE CASH a guest at the home of Mitinumber of reasons, one of them BY USING d Mrs. Russell. 'l‘ooley whileitraffic. versary July 17, George and Anne Clark and Tom and Marie Dunleavy spent iplayers. Then Headford forfeit~ nephew. phillip Briggs ‘the weekend in Peterboro \risilâ€"ianswer. .ing friends. An interesting sidelColumns in “The Liberal" every“ LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS trip was made to the Serpentyweek for job opportunities. HEADFORD NEWS MARIE DL'N LEA VY Phone 884-3035 Mounds t’roi incial Park. This park is on the site of an ancient Indian burial ground. where skeâ€" letons. pottery and other utcny sils from LTOO years ago have been Square Ladies at No. 4 School. ibecn found. A trip was made the previous weekend by John and .\laril_\n Rumble with friends from New- market. It seemed that the trip. planned as a boat cruise. would llllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllltilll[lll“hitthlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'l l V. O. N. VICTORIAN ORDER 0 P‘ be a complete washout when to begin with the clouds opened and it rained "cats and dogs" and then the boat‘s motor broke down It) miles out on Sparrow Lake. But the weather cleared. and after being towed to shore, the group completed the trip to Midland by car. Saturday. .luii‘ 4. Jim Curtis accompanied by Mrs. Lillian Homer and Mrs. Anne Golder. drove to Huntsville to attend the wedding reception of their The wedding ceremony had been held previously in Newparket. l Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rumble l Read the Help Wanted % i NURSES l RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY 8844101 4 Yonge Street South N L' RSE-IN-(‘HARG E MISS JANE BOWMAN allllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i l Congratulations to John and have left for a short business-; Marilyn Rumble who will cele-Mjihmloasupe trip to 1305mm" brate their sixth wedding anm‘ Massachussets. WAN THEXTRA‘INCOVM a?“ 1 A temporary job may be the WW 7 HM. For All Orcasions We Deliver to Toronto 8; Surrounding Districts Flowers Wired Anywhere Rice's Flowers RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 - At All Hours - a new Scott’s Chicken Vi a in Richmond Hill Still the same location with everything brand neW but that mouth watering Kentucky Fried Chicken, cooked to Colonel Sanders†own secret recipe of 11. different herbs and spices. Whether you buy it in Snak Paks, or by the Bucket or Barrel for the whole family, it’s “finger lickin’ good". You can also get all the delicious extra fixin’s from Scott’s. Great Salads: like their special Bean Medley, or Villa Potato Salad, Creamy Cole Slaw and smooth Macaroni Salad. They’re terrific and created to add extra zest to Kentucky Fried Chicken! Kentucky Fried ï¬liiakeii. Colonel Sanders makes it “finger lickin’ good†ï¬toï¬ii chickenvjflu. I87 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill Phone 884-1194