urg; stopped at High Park for offee at the Grenadier'Restau- ens at Grenadier Pond: boat tour of the Toronto Is- ands. and in the early evening ined at the Old Mill. People travel to Timbucto nd back these days. but several‘ n this trip had never seen‘ hese beauty spots in their own: ailiwlck. Hostesses for thel ay were. Mrs. Walter Craig? is Cora Brodie and Mrs. Ern-: at Johnson. Baroersnoppers Comoine a slug- ing and sight-seeing tour. They will spend eight days in Eng- land and Wales. and nine days on the continent. visiting Hol- land. Germany. Switzerland and France. One week will be de- voted to their own pursuits.y Sounds wonderful. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maw have returned from a six-weeks’ trip to England â€" their first since coming to Canada 22 years ago. They visited family and friends at Colchester and Sheffield. and hood years in Victoria Square. h [week Mr. and Mrs. been NICE-i isiols entertained at a combined' in SI in ii The Jack Bishop family leftldiscovered old familiar haunts: aot weekend to travel to Otta-ers. Maw says they found the? a and on through the States to‘ Vashington, DC. They return‘ his weekend, and July 27 Jack. nd Dorothy leave for England Colchester, Mr. Maw the clock- n a twoâ€"weeks‘ combined vaca-Lmaker. found much to interest I ion and business trip. They reâ€"v urn August 10. country prettier and more at- tmctive than they» remembered. And at the old Roman city of him in a rare collection of iclocks there. GORMLEY NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephono 887-5445 Neighborhood Notes 1 Mrs. Jack Gamble. Fernerand l l ' their league. and they ven't lost a single game out their last 13! Scores of their cent games are: June 15 - ctoria Square 6. Stouffville 1; e 18 â€" Victoria Square 6. aremont 4; June 23 â€" Vic- ria Square 20. Markham O: ne 25 -â€" Victoria Square 6, ugham 5: June 29 â€"- Vic- ria Square 12. Claremont 10; 1y 2 .â€"- Victoria Square 5, reenwood 4; July 9 â€"â€" Victoria uare 8. Stouffville 8; July 16 me of Harley and Audrey met is looking very smart th its new red brick veneer. The Victoria Square Men’s seball Team is in first place lelghborhood Notes During their absence. Buttonville WI members and Bishop’s sister. Mrs. Bon- riends enjoyed another “mys- nie Chapell. and her two child- ery" bus trip on Wednesday ren will hold the fort with f last week. The group. 41 in David. Leona. Betty and Randy lumber. set out by Gray Coach And speaking of holidays â€"â€" bout 12.30 pm with Gordon Keith and Milly Hood are look- ,aver of Richmond Hill as their|ing forward to a three-weeks lriver. Before the afternoontour of Britain and the Contin‘ vas over they had visited thelent from September 12 to De flcMichael Gallery at. Klein- )urg; stopped at High Park for 'offee. at the Grenadier’Restau- *am and 10 view the flower gar- lens at Grenadier Pond; took e new home of Mr. and 5. Elmer Leek. located on h Avenue. is well underway. . and Mrsl Leek will be liv- in the new home. and Al. rt and his bride will move in the old home after their arriage in December. And speaking of homes. ifhe Neighborhood Notes 1 Mrs. Jack Gamble, Ferne and Sympathy is expressed .toiKevin spent a weekend at Gar,- Mrs. Ross Taylor in the passmg den Hill and participated in the of her husband last week. Orange Walk in Port Hope. Congratulations to Mr‘ and‘ R9“ Kenneth Engle Played 8 Mm Ian Shaw on the birm nf‘tape recording of the Asbury their daughter last Monday 'm‘Revival at Heise Hill Church \-....|. Fun‘rn‘ Unanitall [sunday evening. Reeve Stewart Rumble of rkham Township has been quently heard to say he as retiring from municipal fice. Monday he confirm- this in a formal announce- ent. Asked by “The Liberal" Another 1 ienced candi representati‘ Township W James Jongi only other member ex the running The -team plays every Thurs- ty evening at Victoria Square 1d would Welcome any fans lmnummnmumunuu“\\mumum“munmmummmmuuummmmmum\“mumlumnmummummm\mnmuummuuv “[th?th Notes On Sunday the final church *vice was held before the met recess. Regular ser- :es will resume at 10:00 am nday, August 30. Congratulations to Mr‘ I Mrs. Ian Shaw on the birth their daughter last Monday York Central Hospital. g officer for the October municipal election. was ex- acted to be made official is week. Harry Graham, clerk of the awn of Markham. is expec- ed to be named election isistant. The chief returning officer r the new York Region is i be Dean Taylor. a super- Vsor in the municipal org- lization and administration ranch of the Department :' Municipal Affairs. Expected to be in the run- ing for Markham Mayor .‘e the present Town of [arkham Mayor Alma Wal- er and Markham Township >eputy-reeve Anthony Rom- [arkham Mayor Alma Wal- er and Markham Township >eputy-reeve Anthony Rom- n. Reeve Stewart Rumble of [arka Township has been equently heard to say he is retiring from municipal ffice. Monday he confirm- d this in a formal announce- lent. Asked by “The Liberal" aoiy DC a guuu ucb u“ mu, of the Markham seats as a regional representative elec- ted at large. Another likely and exper- ienced candidate for regional representative is Markham Township Ward 2 Councillor James Jongeneel. He is the only other township council member expected to be in the running. WMMMWMNMMllMN“illill“Nl\\lllll\\\\l\\\l'lllll\\l\\ll\llll“Nillllilll\lllllllllll\lllllllllllll Ward 3 Township Coun- cillor Eldred King lives in what will be part of the future Township of Whit- church - Stouffville. The other Markham Councillor is William Masters of Thorn- hill. He was appointed by council to fill the unexpired term of Allan Sumner. and it was said when he was ap- “lllllllllmllllllllllllllilillllllllli\lllllllllllll“\llllllll“lllill\llllllllllilllllllll“lll“Illllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllmill“\lllllll“llllllill\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill has already begun on revis- ing the voters‘ lists. which must be printed and posted by August 7, ‘ In each new municipality of the new York Region the procedure has been to name the clerk of the larger f o r m e r municipalities as returning officer. Where two former municipalities treasurer. He served in the armed forces for 41/2 years during World War 2. Mr. Crisp has lived at 191 Henderson Avenue. Thorn- hill, since 1961. He previous- ly resided in an area of Markham Township that was annexed to the Town of Ma rkh a m . ummmumimuuuumuumumuun- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Black- lock have moved to Thornhill‘ M11. and Mrs. Alfred Giasson and family have moved to Rich- mond Hill. anu 1:“ou unvc “wâ€... .v n.“ mond Hm. ‘ | Victor Noble underwent an we welcome Mr. md Mrs_5appendectomy at. Yurk Coun- Sterling Reid of Richmond Hill‘ty Hospital. Newmarket. Friday: who have purchased the Black- Mrs. Elmer Steckley of Fort lock house and the Jacksons and Erie spent the weekend with Houghs who have bought the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Giasson house. Mrs- George Shaffer and MiSS Congratulations to Rev. and E1519 Shaffer 0f Stayner had . 0 Win er (nee Miriam dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MESHRj FHEMH mm mm, Brilhnger and Jean on Friday. Election day for the huge zw Town of Markham is oming closer. Appointment of Harry risp. the present Markham )wnship Clerk. as return- ev. and 15-1516 anoner OI Dwyner nau Mrs_ Roy Winger (nee Miriam dlnnor \Vlth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heise of Gormley) who were Bnumger and Jean 011 Friday. married July 11 in Bulawayo. The Evangel Trio from Osha- Rhodesia, Africa. 111.9 newly- wa provided special music at Weds are taking a trip around the Missionary Church on Sun. the world for their honeymoon. day. Mr. and Mrs. LewisI-Ieise andf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Byer Mr. and Mrs. John ,Reesor at~.and family' have taken up resi- tended their sister's M'edding‘ ldence in Berkeley RR 1. Berk- Stephen Bone of Willowdalerley is about 15 miles southwest ls holidaying with his uncle and of Oven Sound on Highway aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John Evans. 10. Congratulations to R Vibtoria Square 4, Green- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. Gormley Phone 'risp Gets Election Correspondent 3 BUTTONVILLE NEWS HEADFORD NEWS : MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 Sharon Burton. 3 niece who lives in Stratford. came back to stay with the Burtons for the week. from Headford. The Headford Boys‘ Team was successful against Button- ville on July 13. winning me game with a score of 20-17. On Sunday afternoon the Harry Burton Family attended the annual Burton Family Re- Another recent addition to the Burton household is Karen Crang. who lives in Bradford. Karen. who rides at Amber- croft Farms. will be staying un- til lame in August. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark and Jean together with Ruth and George Boynton of Wood- bridge spent Sunday visiting Mar; and Jim Huitson in Little Britain. Other visitors to the Huitsons are Jim‘s mother and aunt from England. \ ’ . . -nnn uuuu -. ‘.._ Ben Terry has added 6.000 miles to the speedometer of his camper-truck in the last three weeks. He has just returned from a trip to British 'Columbla where he and the family visi- ted Vancouver, Glacier National Park and‘the Qu’ Appelle Val- what his future plans were. Reeve Rumble replied that the only thing he was going to run for this year was "the hills". was "the hills“. Markham in October will elect a nine-member council. The mayor and two regional government representatives will be elected by all the voters of the new town. The other six members of council will be elected from the six new wards that have been new wax-as established Markham Lawyer Paul Mingay is considered to be another strong possible can- didate fqr mayor. He was narrowly defeated by Mayor Walker in the last town election. If Mr. Mingay doesn't run for mayor. he would prob- ably be a good bet for one of the Markham seats as a regional representative elec- ted at large. Another likely and exper- ienced candidate for regional representative is Markham Township Ward 2 Councillor James Jongeneel. He is the only other township council member expected to be in During their absence. Mrs. Bishop's sister. Mrs. Bon- nie Chapell. and her ’two child- ren will hold the fort with David‘ Leona. Betty and Randy. And speaking of holidays â€"â€" Keith and Milly Hood are look- ing forward to a three-weeks' tour of Britain and the Contin- tober 4, when the East York Barbershoppers combine a sing- ing and sight-seeing tour. They will spend eight. days in Eng- Congratulations to Miss Chris. tina Beintema on her success in achieving an Ontario Scholar- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Byer and family‘ have taken up resi- dence in Berkeley RR 1. Berk- ley is about 15 miles southwest of Owen Sound on Highway 10. Phone 499-0378 “1: Fifty-five children arrived at the the playground July‘15 to ï¬nd and their leaders in circus costumes. Carnival games. bingo and musi- yooo cal chairs were played with his Dougie Williams and Kathy wee Cunningham as champions. A .ned grandstand performance was Ibvla put on by the children in the A“, afternoon. Church News There will be NO church ser- vice until August 30 at 11.30 am when Rev. Martin Jenkinson will be in charge. Anyone wishing ministerial assistance from July 22 to July 31 is asked to contact Rev. George Davison at Mellville. From August 1 to 12. please contact Rev. Allen Hallett of Richmond Hill United. Playground Registration has total of 65 children Sympathy Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris and family in the passing of Mr. Ha-rris' sister, Mrs. Henry Ringle at 'Owenl Sound. :1 - â€"â€" â€" ~ 1! EVERY FRIDAY And SATURDAY EVENING! n“munn\11mmmuuuuumlmuu\u1muuuummmmunmumtulu1l1xlluuuummummmuumu“munnumummummum“\u\munumuummu\umummmmll1\m\u\\\\\1\u\m\uummmI The many friends of Frank Beatty were sorry to learn of his sudden passing on Wednes- day of last week. Sympathy is extended to his wife Elsie, ‘brothers and sisters. Services were 'held Friday afternoon from the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. with interment in Victoria Square Cemetery. The many friends of Harold Hagerman were sorry to learn of his passing on Friday of last week. Harold spent his boy- Post, Rumble Quits Politics STEWART RUMBLE To Retire December 31 :New OUTDOOR LICENSED PATIO: On Our . . 0r Indoors on the NEW ENLARGED DANCE FLOOR: We Also Feature: 0 The New Thrill Sensation g SUMMER TURF SKIING Saturday and Sunday Afternoons - 1 pm. to 5 0 BUSINESS MEN‘S LUNCHEONS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE CATERING FOR. ALL OCCASIONS FULLY LICENSED Victoria Square News Licensed Dining Room mu a few minutes north of Vaughan Rd. on Dufferin St. Just a a u; Alulttb .v--. __ to learn of a miscellaneous shower at their on Wednes- home in honor of Miss Dianne Sympathy is Olsen and Gordon Berta who wife Elsie, are being married August 8. ;. The bride and groom-to-be re- 161d Friday ceived many beautiful gifts. 1e Marshall Neighborhood Notes reached a so far. few minutes north 1 RS. W. SANDLE ER. 2. Gormley -â€" Phone 887-5421 wife Nora, sister Mabel (Mrs. birthday party for the 1970 Anderson) of Port Hope and birthdays of the Desmond Meed brother Percy of St. Catharines. family. Also present were Mrs. Funeral services were held Alice Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jim frnm Hw Huerman home here Barker and family. vu, J Funeral services were held from the Hagerman home here Tuesday afernoon. conducted by Rev. Martin Jenkinson, with in- terment in Victoria Square Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton were guests at the Dailley-Gib- son wedding held in the Rich- mond Hill United Church Chap- el on Tuesday evening of last week, and the reception that; followed at the Honey Pot Res- taurant. The. bride is a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning were guests at the Hoover-Kelly wedding held Saturday morning in the Brethren In Christ Church. Gormley and the recep- tion that followed at Summit View Gardens Restaurant, Jef- ferson. ‘ Misses Pét-Gubby. Richmond Hill and Pat Williams of Vic- toria Square are spending the next three weeks touring Eng- ‘ land, Scotland, Wales and . France. l WEDDING DAVIE - COPPIN Janet Ann Coppin and David Davie were married Saturday afternoon July 18 in Victoria Square United Church. Rev. Martin Jenkinson was the of- ficiating clergyman and Mrs. Verna Pat/ton of King City play- ed the Wedding music. The re- ception followed at the home of the bride's brother and sister- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. David Coppln, at Nipigon Farms. Summer Weddingr This leaves things wide open for a lot of new faces to fill the new Markham Town Council seats from former township areas. pointed that he wasn‘t plan- ning to run for council in the next election. The situation is different in the area of the former Town of Markham. where there are six sitting council members available to fill seats in the next election. Nomination day is expect.- ed to be September 21. so that possible candidates are going to have to get their plans made soon. This first election in the new York Region is going to be operated and paid for by the province. ' Markham Returning Offi- cer Harry Crisp says work has already begun on revis- ing the voters‘ lists, which must be printed and posted by August 7. Tuesday évening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart _l:1e1‘d .-_,_. Birthday greetings to Stephen Meed. seven years. July 25; An- gela Ottaway, 11 years, July 26; Margarite Frisby. five years, July 28. and Desmond Meed. July 29. ‘ Thursday evening of last week Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Nich- ols entertained at a combined han Rd. on Dufferin 5 agggggl WE'RE OPEN; Tuesday to Saturday â€" 12 noon to 1 3.111. â€" Sunday 12 ‘ noon to 10 pm. ‘ Telephone 889-4988 uuu n»; .â€".. A speed; Eébbvyery is wished for Garnet Francy who has been ill Tuesday of last week Mrs. Clarence Steckley and Laurie MacDonald visited Mrs. Charlie Croxford and Donald at Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed ‘and family left on Saturday for a six week tour of points in the United States. the Maritimes and Ontario. in connection with their missionary work. They will also be visiting Marcus Meed, father of Desmond. at Bristol. New Brunswick. D1|au.u. LVL'V a..-†Mrs. Mary Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchanan and family attended the Whittaker reunion at Harriston Sunday. Returning Officer Crisp was named deputy-clerk of Markham Township in 1956. He became clerk - treasurer in 1957. succeeding the late Charles Hoover in the post. He is now the clerk of the municipality, a separate job having been created for a township treasurer as the township grew. Before coming to Mark- ham Township, MI. Crisp was employed for several years at Upper Canada Col- lege, where he was assistant treasurer. He served in the armed forces for 4V2 years during World War 2. Lcunuvu ... _..__,, Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley were Mrs. William Noble, Miss Karen Baxter, Paul Ross of To- ronto. Wally MacDonald of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kieson of Montreal and son ‘Garry of Toronto and Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jim Ward of Oshawa. are joined. the clerk of the smaller municipality be- comes the election assistant. The returnng officer names a deputy returning officer and the poll clerks. He is also responsible for establishing the polling places. FLOWERS “FLORAL DESIGNS WITH YOU IN MIND’ Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wedding Consultants Wire Orders Accepted TURN SPARE ROOM FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS LAURELEA FLOWERS 3213 Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL 884-5211 , __ I‘ So Off Pack Scott Decorator ‘â€" A l I l P I f 241 iiTOWELS, ET|SSUE ALL VARIETIES JELLY POWDERS ‘i’N‘STANT COFFEE DOMINION’S OWN BRAND - DOMINION’S OWN BRAND - DOMINO DOMINION ASSORTED EVARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM DOMINION’S OWN BRAND - DOMINO Silvikrin Scott Bathroom ' - ' wifhdeï¬cm' Tteat-yowfanflybaoootmspdmï¬eshsahdbusmg’ sun-ripened flavowandgoodness...gmmoathecmysflnestfamsand , (“I u__..- A_.} Mum Anal 0‘.“ Z-Roll Pkg. B-Roll Pkg. RICHMELLO THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July Orange Crystals g may v5.1 wvâ€"-' WING Pkg. 0! 5 3% oz. Env. Margaring Cheese Slices 33:: 36¢ Mom’s Coloured Parchlnent Kraft Canadian Grapefruit Juice 33;" 59¢ Kraft Unsweetened Tteatqowfanflybaoootaispdm-ï¬esh sabdbu'stingwifh deï¬cious. sun-ripened flavour and goodness...g:0\m oaths country’s ï¬nest farms and tushed to your Dominion store to ensure full flavour and freshness. And this , kindofflashnasscostsmnmSo"gofmsh'withpcoducevmasï¬mm 1 lb. Pkgs. Values effective in Richmond Hill until closing Saturday, July 25th, 1970. . . . We reserve the right to limit quantities. 590mm“ elï¬aéoï¬bmW’ 10 oz. Tins $1 .00 64 oz. 48 oz. Tin WHEN YOU SHOPA'I Dominion French or Regular Cut Rich’s aifee Rich 2 $23: 49¢ Breasts or legszéa‘? $l,89 Still Meadow Breaded Chicken Birds Eye Awake Juice2T£85¢ 24 oz. oz. Jar 9 ‘. Pkgs. 8 9 ¢ Jar 69¢ 9R 1970