Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1970, p. 12

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July 23, 1970 La,“ DRIVE lNorth York Bids For 1973 Summer Games Civitan League O , . Nnrth Vmbs Parks and YOrk County. demonstrated entertainment available in summer employment for F r F ; Recreation Commissioner their approval of the stud- the area. technical and work- several hundred Students in a o a Douglas SNOW .iOtlrnied to em plan in setting aside five int: facilities, and pointed the area. and that by using By BOB CARTON Montreal 135‘ week 10 Dre- acres of the main campus out that the college and PI‘O- the Seneca site. the capital ‘ Long hair may look great on agree that with the increased arms. and officials of the lea- sent. the borough's bid to serve as hosts for the 1973 Canada Summer Games. The borough‘s brief. which expense to the borouzh could be substantially reduced by efforts of Seneca and local hm“ “hm” “Men's “1‘” 3”“ iin Richmond Hill it “in be ta- posed sports arena will have for site for the project. which will ultimately include a multiâ€"use field house with a one quarter mile all~weather Afghan hounds or displayed oniopportunitv for the local boys the stage of the Royal Alex to visit. other communities it is Theatre. but on football players important that their appearance be standard. me. There has been too much restriction in sports in the past. instituted by adults upon the a paved parking area 5.000 cat‘s. Facilities not [‘L‘ichmond Hill Music Blows Big Lead, ? available at . . , . _ . . 4 ‘ . . youth. that is conveniently lg. Manage Win , was enthus‘as‘lcany appm‘“ track' a {lfl‘V'mmre swimming the college are also listed. (ampalgmng ff" funds for boo. The opening practices of The. published scheduled of nored by the coaches and om- (nee“ eeg) :d i” 6" meitmg or North p931 “(10.5?” a??? sl'osn’mtm ‘m'l‘mmg parks “llh “‘"ms t filipglézoceflgf't t. . the four town teams and the the new raiders team with four (vials, Coach John Bark of mg .1' ’ ~ . 'Or .0unci on .lulv 13 “'1 Wing pa orms “0 ‘7 courts. baseball diamonds. ~-' 9 95 Dai' 10‘â€" . r - . - ~ . ~ ~ ~ d . , ‘ .. . i H , q . . , I . _ .iuienile Raidels will see a games in S(.alllOlO Dlomplf‘ Southern Blues su ort. the Richmond Hill Musu 9. EFICS (J (19 riport‘q 8. centres around the $1.250.- ten metres. a triple gymnas- Soccer fields. and arenas and pated in Halifax. probably crack dmm on candida”: who 1m; "9“. regulation hm H was ban and added {h . For the second week in a row Richmond Hill 000 sports Complex m be ium and a central area which schoois with mama” and 3.500 would compete here," ' ‘ " ‘ e SPHannn long coiffures not thought appropriate that. one team be "controlled" and the . . . . , ,. . .. .« _ , _ . -. .. . . report sporting that we cannot continually m- Music has blown a big lead in the late stages of the bunt on a five acre Sm, that will ptovide space and fatil track facun‘es and Specmmr predicts Mr. Crowley miss man nmhquaner of an inch p . . . . . ,v . I . Since i. takes about “,0 _ _ mote good sportsmanship. i‘al’r -. 7 . 0 run forms part. of the Seneca "'9‘ {0' 3 “Ede rang“ "I accommodation. , _ . _ . .I. h name. But thls lame the?) won, by «.01211125 wne ‘ Community couege camp“ mmmunmh somal and smd_ “V 0mm 1 mat reqh and 0.19413” year; '0 plan {aboie the collar line. othei [our teams ‘lcittA‘als can‘t: pla). clean hung. when the q the fourth, while Eric S was held SLOIe esa. 3‘ F. h d w « , r em activities 4 D ' 0“ ~ I a {or the games deadline for 1 Bruce Venn. Manager (Homes for the R038 A 9} PF ' boys see the coach smoking and .. _ . . M . me an oodblne Av- n dences at, york (imversity at » - ‘ ‘Pl i R 'st t' e or‘ s d to "HAIR". To avoid any ' »' h' Seven runs in the second inning had put . US'lC . ewes. Phase 1__ the field house. lane gum a d qt em Aw submlssmns m the Spons ayer ogisralon. r p . . no in _ V I f 14 kicking up is heels_ out front by a score of 8-3. Eric's stormed baCk m ‘ Conceived h' in t d t is the target, for 1970, and in... would b” ",aeiiab‘ie m federation was set. for July Sm" "“mbl‘ng‘ 0' . d‘sag""e' mm“ “mm m“ l‘f‘l’pl lam} 'Vl Coaches Rick Bunnen of ‘ I ' ' th s thev i ~' - 3 e 5” en ’ I . . e a" . . 15. 1970. mcnt from the coaching ranks. of football the ban regil atlon womsmes. and Ra), Sullivan of tile bottom of the thle to tie 6 game. a. , administrative counCil last thessYtsiifgaiés ‘havelsgt a Road participants and officials gene“ i; hoping mat if but all evecutive members.will also apply to coaches. man- Cmgbv park were concerned ~ 4' ' i s. ‘sl ifall. and supported by 92 fl - . in P? g“ a." during the summer months. ‘ ‘ , ' . . . .-.. * n 7 . a. - . . . fl r n my ~eâ€"-â€" ‘ ' V V " med me rm percent of the student body, sash donations to crowd? and that there are facilities "‘9 “on”? m“ “‘59 a“ W“ W" mm" bms “Wm be de' Eric’s were handicapped in this game. as they were missing two of their key .lnfielders. _ Ken Topley hit a two run triple for Mustc Centre. ial 3200.000 by public appeal. federal. provincial and mun- icipal governments will pro- prived of football because of the hair regulation. Bunnett‘s apprehension could be directly facilities for track. basketâ€" ball. throwing and playing activities as well as seating at Centre island for boating events which will he a part. of the Summer Games pro- the sports complex is designâ€" ed to serve not only the stuâ€" dents. but also the com- Queen Marion Foxi Strike-Out H . _ . v - . H . _ "tie the money needed to . - attributedto the head condition kmnear Pontiac 3. Bennett s Textiles 2 munitics or North vork and capacity {m 5,000 people. 2,.am. H ' - w A h G F H ' . , _ have the centre readt t f ' h. .t ' “ In this closely fought match no one person stood iork County. In PO-Operation with ml- Backup material provided mm. for me 23m... QM? I 20301:; ‘Zej,§§,‘,‘“§.§§°“f,Ԥ.‘2 out, except Dale Kirby. who knocked out a tuple The borough council's lege representatives. the hor- to the. borough council by are held every four years sprouted 210,10“ crow of um and eventually scored the winning run. Parks and “Creation 90"“ oush Nepal“ 3 ls'page Seneca“ ASSlS‘am .093 " In the brief it iS painted l Richmond Hill" Wlmhl‘idgt’ 5“? “'35 advanced m third by kempt tresses. Rav ~Sullivan some costly errors in the fourth inning almost . mit‘tee beframebii‘literfsted riln iéricfdto be prestented tqo title acnnctgofiggwliy kpt‘flms 0m- out that major national and .l.adies travelled to QueensvtllelLynn Olsen‘s sacrifice bunt {indiconcedeq his mama;1 k not so ' I ' ‘ ‘ ma mg 9 ' or t 9 “a la" Ama 9‘” ‘po :5 a . ic e s were international Sporting events July 14 to defeat hostesses tolscored on a squeeze play Wien‘ } . , ‘ m‘qt Kinnear the game‘ as Bennetts scored bOth games shortly after the col- Federation in Montreal in sold at the Summer Games from 1967 to 1976 have been ‘ {Liz Fyfle sacrificed imuCh ““h the boys who “In ‘ ithe tune of 4â€"2. or Will be located in Halifax. l Quebec City. Montreal. Win. nipeg. Saskatoon and Van- couver. Locating the 1973 games in North York would be a first. for Ontario. . _ . play. but with the coaching Marion Fox was again sensavll The Hillers scored their finalistaff that will be working with tional «on the mound for theyrun when Lynn Olsen hit'a ionizimev Park ilocal iaSSes. having 13 strike-{ball over the right fieldersj Pra‘cfices startme 27 at fiw 3011's and’giVing UP only two “its head for a home “mt local sites conveniently located land two “‘alks- Catching for. Queensviile didn‘t score. anyi their runs in that inning. , Rick Carton tied Kyle Chatfield's record of :1 strikeouts in one game, while Bill Andrews of Ben- nett's. struck out 5. Charlton Hardware 14. Ando (‘ast Sanitation 12 Never, have i ever seen a team blow a game the way that Ando Cast did. After 31;: innings they Eizid accumulated a 12-2 lead. Thanks to numerous walks and three homeruns in the last tivo innings, t‘harlton scored six runs in both the fourth and l'il‘th. A big factor going against Ando Cast. was the *‘act that they left 12 men stranded on base, while (‘harlton only had two. in Halifax in 1969. and that a conservative estimate of attendance in North York would be. 250,000. It. also pointed out that games would provide iege unveiled its plans for the mammoth sports com- plex early this year. Seneca's board of gover- nors. composed of leading citizens in North York and support of its bid for the games. in its brief. the borouch also listed facilities for ac- commodating participants and guests. medical services. the _ ‘ . . . [for the boys in all areas of ' iMat‘ion was another old-timcizfuns until the seventh innintziw.n to participate without u“- ‘it-iilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiilitiiiitliiiiiiiiiiilittiiitiiiiiiiiiiiilliliiiiiiiiiiitltliiiiiiitiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilitiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiitlltllliilllllllillllllllllllltlllllllllllitiiilttilllilitiiiitllililtillltlliltltilllllllilililllllillllitililtiiitliiiillliiitlliilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.ii‘lrene BIT/50n- “"‘0 3150 turned‘Whe" Cam-V A’lf‘mac f“ “Shiite travel arrangements. A re- l . . l" a terrif‘c’gama lbase by .the “1.0" time apk gulation concerning clothing . . . . ‘ Richmond Hill started scar-.Phyl Kmit was issue a wai “mm m outmmmm games was Shutoutiing in the first inning when SueThen Donna Hope hit 3‘ Inng‘defeated and “1-15 area of com . . i , lDau'SOn hit a two-baggcr andball [or a triple in some thelcei‘n was .left. to the individual . l - .then scored 0" Mary inlll‘am' “V0 base runners: . . icoaches discretion as to proper Mid_season Report S 2 0 ison's single Cathy Buxton got; The game against Agincourt clothing [or these games. ' . . , . I _ on on a fielder's choice and‘in Richmond Hill Wednesdayy n is'nm nur iméminn to as_ STANDINGS (As Of JUL" 19) \ Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers continued their scored when Marion Fox hit a night last week “'35 Tamed 0”“ i e . a, Pt sumc the role of par nt. sad V I . . W L T winning ways last week in the Oshawa and District lions single. i Wimbridgescl‘e “hedu‘ed .toiPresident. Bob Thompson. but; c Dave'hlylldnAnry 1%“th Blimliitmimgf Kinnear Pontiac 7 l 0 14 Major Fastball League by walloping Scarboro 7â€"2. Sandy. Glass scored in thelhost Community [Alercélan‘tzi [gin is time that local sports or- ‘oason‘ “ le mo an. 13 ' Charlton Hardware 6 2 0 12 and edging Oshawa Bunny‘s 2-0. 35.960“ “W” “1‘” She 3” 31mg.” 'WEdnes‘la“ 3". a, Y gamzations reallZEd that they Alan Ne‘mna‘n $191?de £05322;3’L;:fie(;23({lt0n- Macis Heating 6 2 0 12 Billy Drennan came I‘m with a Sharp perform‘ Single. then stole second base_ Aglncourt Thursday mg . Wave a responsibility to the boy. For thaec :ecoiizilli‘viek. in'a row Dynes have lost. RiChmnnd Hm.Mu.5ic 4 4 0 8 am" agaimt the “Bunnyjs Thursday Eight 0f laSt Wetlfitlg?“91l;:|:t:0Allignzfvflvfj: a game 5-0 because for the second week in a row Ami? CaSt Sammtlon 4 4 0 8 week as he walked Up his second Straight ShUtO-Ut s y “limo” sysmm' “‘8 for me ‘they lost bi; default. Erica Cycle &_Sport 3 5 0 6 ballgame limiting Oshawa to a couple, of singles while . . . O O 0 boys. one for the adults, we Against Mac’s they had only a few players the Emmett 5 Temles 2 5 0 4 Smka (“it 15 batsmen Over the nine Inning game must do what we consider proâ€" . ~ ~ .. - - ’ Dynes Jewellers 0 8 0 0 at. the town park. He also struck out the side on per' week before they had six. 1“ it it t t TEAM BATTING A VERAGES (Tykes) - Tiger Division â€"- Kent Clothes 25. Richmond Hill Auto Body 7 AB OB R HR Ave. Bob Domik was the winning. nine straight pitches in the sixth inning. hurled a fine game. Grabktl' (Continued from Page 11) test team in the industrial loop just to keep in shape.” Bill is sort of a victim of his own “youth must The four town teams which commence practice on July 27 will involve boys 11 to 14 years . . 9 pitcher Tuesday night of last gave up only four hits. n - .- ' 1 this season of age. 125 pounds top weight Ramqey Rec 13 Pizzaville 1 ‘1‘ AW“ Cast“ Sallltatm“ 237 15“ $7 3 week at Scarboro hurling sev- Kinnersly then stole second. be served,.Ap0hcy haVl?.g begghegnthgebfe developing limit The new Juvenile Raiders P th D”. . ‘ ‘ ' ’ 2- Klnnear POHtlaf’ 1-92 115 3 3 - " en innings and allowing only went to third on a fielder’s because' tmy age m n g g f c ' 18 will accomodate boys 17 years an er “15‘9" - 3- Bennett'5 TBthleS 198 111 45 3 561 one hit. one run. and striking choice and then scored on a anymore and Why take 3' SpOt away "tom “‘Ome and under. 135 pounds in To“), 8 .ESSO 5‘ Cartel. Brathers 5 4. Richmond Hill Music 217 119 77 7 .549 out five. 'Drennan buried the fielder‘s choice. or 19 year-old kid who has a chance? ' weight. Opening games in the. sum“) Nme 5‘ Twm Hms .Mercmy 0. . 5. Charlton Hardware 207 113 60 5 .546 final ism fillings Zlvmg up 3 Richmond Hill-s only other In any case, it: would appear that Bill has more town league arescheduled for Studio Nine upset pennant Winning Twm Hills 6_ Ericvs Cycle & Sport 216 115 56 2 .532 run an a it. run came in the sixth inning on going for hlm being a manager. , spptembea. l2 wmle the Radars Mercury as they beat them by default. i. i - 1r~1 91 60 0 532 D-Vnes Jewellers W0" “he Joe O‘Nemis loft home run a it it it it t kick-off their season the follow- , * * * * * u;- g” S geatliig 1.19 65 24 ~1 '4'55 ggmgi" the firs; mil“; againft hver the left centrye-field fence HES A WINNER ing day September 13. . ynes .ewe ers _. i te unny's as ere innersy ' . Civitan football is footihall TYKE FORECAST , * oth Mac‘s and Kinnear have la red one less led off with a single against The Bunny's were never a Four ears ago he took over as playing coach of 1 e for m f of it . p l y , p ay d e um . From eaCh teamfh paSt performance during the game. Pitcher Walt Grabko who also serious threat at the plate. Reid’s Auto Body in the Industrial League and won mg‘flar season’ thls ‘5 my Summation 0f how the ** Dy'nes Jewellers have played two less games. league championships in 1967, 1968, and 1969. In Tyke playoffs will turn out. Tiger Division â€"â€" Semi~Finals â€" Kent Clothes as their games against Maids and Kinnear were Dynes Break Loose In The Fifth 1969 Bill’s team entered the OASA Intermediate More Sports Page 19 defaulted. The Tuesday night game in I Dynes.scored their third run “AA” playoffs but were eliminated. _ over Ramsey Rec. _ ' Scarboro was scoreleSS until in the eighth as Boyne was hit 3111 has three children and plays hockey in the Panther Division â€"â€" Semi-finals â€" Twm Hill Merc- PLAYER BATTING AVERAGES the fifth inning when the Jew- by the pitcher. Glen Van Every Winter with the members of the Richmond Hill Fire . ury Over Ton-V’s ESSO' . . TOP 15 (12 01' More At Bats) fills? bmke the we w‘th two 2:11:51: mtlboifllf 83217381” Department. He has been with the town municipal Fmals “ Kent Clofhef OrertTwln H1115 Mercurl“ AB OB R AVe- Duane Reid doubled and then The Jewellers rounded out office since 1967_ and is deputy-treasurer. . “w "‘ 1. ROBBIE BARKER. .Domik helped his own cause the scoring in the ninth with He's also quite enthuSlastlc about the recently (3111111155 . ‘ Richmond Hm Music 14 12 in .357 by striking another two base,tour more runs. formed Richmond Hill Ban Association which he N‘S' Smm‘ Rea] EStal'e 4'1"“th Real EState 1 2 KEIR TODD MW" 130"”: f‘zemlm t5“? 0" Oghfise ‘l'asloc’i‘e 1‘1“ “'39” 11°" states, “Presents a united voice for all the teams . Mr' Transmissm" 6' Hodgins Hardware 1 . Ando Cast Slanitation 92 i7 11 77‘3 la" em” a“ e" ope ome »‘ e‘ smge ' es OW-nmg here which is a more effective way of doing bus- ~ , M r' ' ’ on a as ed ball. sngled. and Georg Dickeyl . n ‘ B-abis Boys 13' Town 5"“, Bad) 8 3- DOUG REID. Thepscbre remained that way singled scoring O‘Neieil. BoyneP mess. ‘ _ ' _ l i 1 R1035 F “we” 22' Dam” Queen 2 Mac’s Heating 13 10 8 .769 until the seventh when Scar- struck out but Van Every doub« Another ambition of his, one he would ike to . * * * * * It 4‘ GLEN JARVISy boro got one of the runs back led scoring Downing and Dick-i gee happen later this season. is an inv1tatlonal two- Girls -â€" Both junior and senior girls were rained Bennett’s Textiles 13 10 4 _769 EsnGlen Hart fi;v.eillt<edeand Sign gy. llVanEvlery then scored on tier intermediate and industrial league tournament out so the games will be replayed at a later 5 TED GALLONY 0 Q's easy _ Y 0 first ‘ ma '5 Sing e_- t the town ark . . . . v ‘ . . h 11. 'htfld d d. S be pkdupn una fl, p ' . . _ date' Kinnear Pontiac 17 13 7 .165 {iemmclife ailethgvaiiayrz‘riililiid in iir'hali) Oflcthee ninthoiflnllng This; laSt OAS/1x All'ontamo Toumament . ' - " . ' t i O i * 1 (Widgetq). ' Ri h 0nd Hi" 10 Weston I; * 6. WAYNE HILLABY, to score on the miscue. off Drennan. showed nghmOht-tl Hilcl is 311;} sciatic bettefi‘obadl “ L c m - ' Kinnear Pontiac 17 13 9 .765 for specta or in eres an in we a u ~ ~ ' . . It seems funn-V' bUt a dirty 01d jOCkStrap is a 7 KEVIN McLEOD ' d I. put on more tournaments. There’s really not too . 'o ' . w lucky charm for the World Wide Window Cleaners- I Richmond Hill Milsic 21 16 7 762 s many Intermediate tournaments around and I think ~. i Going into the bottom of the seventh, Richmond a: 8 MIKE WOOD ’ it wéuld be good for the gama” 1 , ‘ ‘ r r Hill was tied at 2-2. The first two batters got out, . '_ H t' ’ 1 9 8 750 c d ii at it I a: a: ‘ , . ANDY ‘ .‘liid then they exploded. Every batter after that ii 9. gillslggr’ 6 1“ ' e To CONCLUDE /' ‘ , V '. touched the _joc.kstrap before he went up to the Kinnear Pontiac 12 9 5 .750 Rain prevented any play in,time. Some small notes to conclude this week’s col- ‘ plate. That inning World Wide got eight runs, in- 10. GORD SINFIELD ,iast tweek's housedieague ggmeslPEEWEE d R f umn. t -, . -. i , cluding Wayne Kirchen's third homerun of the year. Ando Cast Sanitat'ion 19 14 8 727 ll" t e squirt 3“ “0m MS' RlChmO" Hm “tar-V ra'i Note that lohn Griffin one of the principals a . ,_ . a ' _' - . , . - -. ,- ‘ ' ' 'r ions. The teams had barely veiled to Newmarket and drop-‘ . ‘ ' . ' v ' " RPR‘CEIObaQCl‘tQEILElEUCelf]“if: ahlsooilmteriieiittiirye (tiff lb: #11. K-EN TOPLE-Y' ‘ lined up on the field before awed a 6'1 decismn to the home the Rmhm‘ond H'lu font atnhd COoutrmty glmg'te‘iii‘sCoollE " batters includintr theofinal fhree 1:0 end 318 game 12 EEEEEHIEO‘EIEEMUSK 21 15 10 '714 horremi‘il downp'ou‘l ended a“ team h t the 'mallrll' Offll’lgladsa: thee Aiilrgti‘aioHighlands last i i ‘ " ° ‘ ‘ . I , Opes 0 any actlvtih Their defence. whic up 0_ . amplons ips - »_ .i r H ‘ , . TOURNAMENT Ando Cast sanitation 2] 15 10 .714 SQUIRT now has been the mainstay of weekend. Winner, inctdentally. was Nick Weslock , ‘ .. With tyke, squirt. and peewee house league *1? DAVE LYON . The. league title race is still the team. faltel‘ed badly. Robert of Burlington A teams travelling to East Gwillimburv this Saturday l" R‘ h - ’ i. . q . iwide open after six weeks play Sternats scored their lone goal. Ah wor‘d from B,” Frampton manager of the v. N . , to take part in a tournament. 3 “ainst: teams from m mond H1" Mus” 17 12 ‘ .706 With only {our mints separat' BANTAM ‘KO’ d t Cl b hole '11 one July9 ' ' ' A " Vew .k t d E t G I” b g h~ _' r]. 14. DAVE WOQDER, ing the top five teams. The Ballymena squad was 00”“ ry u “.33 1 th ‘199 ' mai e. an . as. no lm ury. ere is a 15‘: of Mac’s Heatlng 16 11 10 .688 Dynes Jewellers lead the awarded the point via the easy by Ross Dibble. Ross made his score on e I I ‘_ I ~ . "l‘e: [teams that 319 gomg for sure! at the “me Of thls 15. GEOFF PECK, pack with. three. wins and three route as Markham failed to yard 10th hole. . _ . p i " ', . .“."‘tmg' , . . , Eric’s Cycle & Sport 19 13 7 .684 “‘35 fOI‘ “me Pomis- One 90"“ show we for the scheduled lea“ He was playing with Ivan Waimsley. of Rich- tykes â€"â€" Ramsey Rec" TWlii’HillS Mercury. Rent *Denotes that player is of Bantam age flack are the fiapgers.wl191 thaw gue encounte1‘-* * * mond Hill. NHL Old Timer goalie, Don Fisher, and ClOtheS’StudloNnei Ton-V S ESSOiCarter Broth- HOMERUNS __ Wayne Hillaby, Kinnear, 3, Rob- “gill? :2..,::,gle:.d“..::: gong... {0. mm W ,. Bill Carruthers. . . eis. bie Barker, Richmond Music, 2; Alan Newman. cliff‘s are tied with six points Dani E550 Service. B'ayvievv.‘ Bl“ adds that the 1970 ClUb Champlonsmp was :‘tquirts â€" Mr. Transmission, Rice's Flowers, Bob's . Boys. three more teams to be selected. I cewees â€"- Kinnear Pontiac. Mac's Heating. Charlton Hardware, two more teams to be selected. II! it 1': Ill it Next Week‘s Schedule â€"â€" ilondav. July ‘37 â€" Tyke Playoffs "l‘uesday. July 28 ~â€" Eric's Cycle & Sport vs. Mac's Heating (1), Kinnear Pontiac vs. Ando Cast . Sanitation (2), Charlton Hardware vs. Bennett's Textiles (3). Dynes Jewellers vs. Richmond Hill Music (4). Wednesday. July 29 â€"â€" Senior â€"- Allencourt Pharm- acy vs. Ed Leeds (4), Stoness Tourist vs. Perry Hill (5); Junior â€"- Hall‘s Fuels vs. Village Pizza (1). Consumers‘ Gas vs. Powell Fencing (2), Police r Assomatlon vs. Village Coiffure (3). fliursday. Jilly 30 â€" Murphy Real Estate vs. Dairy Charlton, 2; Keith Doxsee, Bennett's, 2: Dave Mallory, Charlton, 2; 13 others tied with one apiece. PITCHING (3 Or More Decisions) â€"~ Al Basinger, Ando Cast. 3â€"0. 1,000; Rick Carton, Kinnear. 5-1. .833; Mike Wood, Mac's, 5-1. .833; Ken " Topley, Richmond Music, 3-1, .750; Kyle Chat- field. Charlton, 5-2, .714. lET'S PLAY TENNIS By Eric Glrdler Phone 884-1605 l iers bring up the rear with two .leads ‘Stephen Shannon of industrial while the. Red Barons are one point back. The Blue Bomb- points on one win. Jamie Tuck of the Rangers the individual scoring race with 14 goals followed by Life with eight. l ATOM . Lazenby's Leaders have .Vel to drop a point and have run. up 12 in six games. l Second place is currently: held by Emerald isle Motel ivi‘i'b‘ nine points; Spartons foliowl with seven. A much improved[ Dan's Esso holds down fourth position with five points fol-j lowed by Dynamos with two and Travelways with one. t ! Avenue and Markham Roadi Richmond Hill. ‘ UTL Summer Cleara FACTORY LADIES' SHOES AND SANDALS won by 22-year-old Peter Turner Jilly 11. Peter was also club champion in 1969. ET me of Q . (l , H dg’ . H .. y I I 333:" o? in. all? WOMEN S SHOES MEN 5 SHOES 3:4.) S. Smith Real Estate vs. Mr. Transmission Tennis ASSOCiHli‘m & (from Italy) (from England) E - ' " I 7“â€" em-» v.4. Richmond Hill had two entries in the Inter-County & (from Sweden) to l" Vito Body lose Tourrneyi ’Tairt washed out both games the Richmond Hill Auto ilv Squad last week. ter in a losing cause. He was handicapped for the final two innings after being.r struck by v- i ' _. -‘ ' . . ..2. 6.2; . ' p the Auto Body team was the hat of Newmarket Catcher! Menigetlzglhtzlleeael alighlgeilh‘isaélailnnedr g-PO'lfile‘lgBuagirf Munro “hue team mate ROM” Hughes o 5 s '95 Two Pa" for S '95 . "d .to play tnionville in Bob Fraser. Fraser had gone and John Freeman 4_5_ 5-1. 6.3. ' ' ‘ has seven» Complete Size Ranges THIS WEEKS ' ' “n‘t'lllg‘ll' 9539M” ." and down SWinf-ting on a change-UP. Ladies' Doubles ~ June Beck and Eleanor Llovd 6-3. 6-3. MOSQUITO d USED CAR SPECIELS. ins > icitnon Hill Kent and let go of the bat which flew Mixed Doubles __ Joan Freeman and Don pain 6.1_ 6.4; l Harold Kennedy score both Fu‘i “lies in Richmond Hill Sun- out to the mound and caughtl Beck 6-2. 6-3. @0315 as the Expos blanked, Prlce when the rains came. \uto Body‘s ncxt game will against Markham Aces this May at the town park. It in in in Griffin on the pitching arm. He continued but was obviously .working under a handicap. ‘ Kent‘s won the opening game .4-0 against another Nev/market is:cgiflgnfjdlHiéllaiifntuctolhes mam the week previous}... befl game with Thornhl'll. * i y. * .SEason. Aubrey Dognan haiifdlcd . . 112.11%... ;dld(1 Eartlclpglt‘c linlatlije' Dg:nl;l1ree_mt pucmngkfl me 31:01:13121; gigejrglfileerflpgggrstw‘g“goBgilml'OEé‘i: 3:3 {2818101151112}: 180:3: .‘aSaSrsnggbgls;ola‘l. aA & P Shopplng Plaza .65 chsvglleéguotajb. $5;ch .:;~il;‘:su%ou;_;:niwi;:: einnimleliié rmflhfibpias i;:liiéga}ie:illigrli1§ BLarkFillrdllfig \li'rgth‘nSilianYeliarZigsanéie'iularigiélr3:“?an?er mfg};A;,f§.§‘iia‘:;§{iid"?ivinfill: 103 YONGE sr. NORTH RICHMOND HILL 3?; 3‘95.d'0'.;§§.~§ommé .li”ii.3ili..‘il:i2.fii"33???"1;.i‘i2”‘2’.i‘“i'.i’;.“lilo?”3332:; Shift: Elli?“ £2..‘°l..“li‘.2 5.3.13 ESEET’S..:.Z‘S.:G’§§: TE. 2°.fi”§...i’3§l’.’si'i§§§ COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFI'NDED Elfigilfix “’ ‘ .ll Griffin pitched threeâ€"tilt- t the two rivals. Men's Singles at Pine Point. Out of a . Bob McKee advanced to the third round and Don Paul at 2 press time had advanced to the quarter-finals. total 96 entries 1 Tuesday, .iuly 14 our inter-County team hosted Brampâ€" l ton and prm'ed to be too much for the visitors. SWPGDJDZ the match six games to nil. I Joy August and Joan i i ii: at t The scoring was as follows i On July 28 our IntebCounty team will host a match with Pine Point. i you at the courts. Due to the fact that both league matches were scheduled to be held in Richmond Hill on July 28. the courts will also be occupied on July 30 by the York North Mark Kernohan of Larenby's has piled up a total of 13 goals lNewmarket 2-0 for their first lwin of the season. This was a good all round {effort by the Killers and was: feasin their best game of the were down by a goal at half- a, Regularly $16.95 to $28.95 Complete Stock Reduced To “The Shoe Shelf” IMPORTED SHOES AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS Regularly $19.95 to $40.00 TWO COMPLETE RACKS MEN‘S SHOES IN THE MIDDLE‘OF r" 'THORNHEL) I *PhOne OPEN-TILL.‘ 9 RM '68 Buick Wildcat 2-Door Hardtop. auto. P.S., P.B.. P. windows. deluxe interâ€" ior. Lic. L63866.

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