Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1970, p. 18

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18 -ni\u Blood Donor Clinic 1. The Red Cross Society reâ€" ports that there is an extreme- ly critical shortage of blood at the blood bank. with less than Were then entertained to a boat 1 . g . _ I one day‘s supply available trip on the River Avon. Also on‘ners in this section were: Illr.3p1‘essed the. lhanks Of‘the 50‘ .p 331mg Ito emer umvel'smes the Vaughan Township Offices. the University of Toronto. throughout Metro and the sur- the program was a visit to an and Mrs. J, King. Mrs. G. Kll-icelty in delightful and IIIlPl‘Oln- "‘Gle {31- . with a final average of 84' For the summer she is a}. rounding areas. At Toronto exhibition of art done by prison ham. Mrs. H. Mizen. Mrs. M. ptu verse. ' and 9131. mCLarSln- 13; 50" 9‘ Mr- percent. Janet Springer. 18.‘camp counsellor up north and . . General Hospital alone. it has inmates. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges Wardle. J. Wain. M. Smith. M11, Refreshments and a somal Marvvallsi C‘OUlS Slncalgmu :8 daughter of Mr. and Mrs, during the school V9313 “.aql SCfiffOldmg * EXtenswn Ladders * Heaters been necessary to Postpone 100 then acted as guides for a tour and Mrs. B. Stewart. Mrs. P.‘half hour concluded the meet- list av'ithea lgscem- 119:9? t 9 Charles Springer, 43 Kirklgirls‘ athletic representative al Pumps Operations because of the lack of the City of Stratford before Bishop. Mrs. J. Tirl'eU. MISS M- mg and EaVe members _an OP’ Cent andnwivlirafi: Otakin per; Drlve- Thomhlll‘ intends to Langstaff- Trenchers (94” d th of blood, and closer to home. at leaving the visitors downtown Dean and C. Elgm- portumty to emoy the [me ms. course in engineering sciteznce StUdy mathematics and science To qualify as an Ontarioi' Boom Truck - 16’ â€": Stale: -)18’ boom York Central Hospital. the blood shortage has forced the cancellation of all major sur- gery of an elective nature. The blood of staff members of the hospital has been typed and in W. J. Zerback. president of the Stratford Senior Citizens‘ Club. Members of the Stratford Club served tea to their guests who for visits to the stores and to enjoy dinner at the Limelight Restaurant before returning to Thornhill later that evening. The Senior Citizens‘ Club will reconvene for the fall on Sep- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. July 23, 1970 Thornhll and Dstrci News “The Liberal“ ls always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 S0 en n liorn/I ’ In the speciman floral section the high point winners in order were: J. Manning. Mrs. M. Riley. Mrs. D. Butteruorth and J. Mitchell. Other prize win- In the decorative section where competition was really keen. beauty. humour and ori- ginality vied for attention. Those taking first. second and third place in the various clas- in the Thornhill area. rangement and display and new ideas for home decoration and floral gifts were quite obviousâ€" lly appreciated by Mr. Wood‘s} audience. Murray Smith cx-' play on exhibition and to dis- cover how the various entries stood in the eyes of the judges. Commonwealth Games George Neeland of Franklin Avenue. who. as was reported Glen Sincarsin 90 ‘70 The four young people from Langstaff Secondary School who have been awarded Ontario Scholarships are not only schol- ars. but athletes. and all are at the University of Toronto. During the past year he was president of the student coun- c11. and plaYed football last fall. He served the team so well that he was named to the Georgian Jeanne Valentin 85.6% Ont. Scholars At langstaff Secondary _’ 84% ning at the University of Wat- erloo. During the school year. for fun. she played field hockey. This summer she is working in at the University of Western Ontario in London. A sports enthusiast, Janet was head cheerleader at Lang- staff, and this summer is a swimming instructor for North Janet Springer Linda Pearson I 80.6% of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Pearson} 57 Roosevelt. ended the year with an average of 80.6 percent. and is looking forward to maj- oring in physical education at Scholar. a student must have an? average of 80 percent or better in at least seven grade 13 sub- jects. Ontario Scholars receive a financial award of $150 from1 r“- I l , Richval 7783 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-7783 MNM Ring Fu BYRON E. RING “““““““ , WE RENT . CONTRACTORS' Lift Capacity - 2 ton e Scaffold Rentals 9114 YONGE ST. any emergency their blood will tember 2 at 1.30 pm. in Holy 595 were; a few Weeks ago. earned a Bay All Star team as defensive York .Parks and Recreation the Department of Education toll ' be made available. Trinity Church. their new “Staten, Beauties" _ rose in place on the Canadian team tackle_ Commissmn. assist them in continuing their THORNHILL -In view of this urgent situa- meeting place for this coming a pedestal container _ Mrs. L competing at the Common- The previous year he worked Linda Pearson, 13‘ daughter education ““““ tion Thornhill residents are year. New members are always Time“. Mrs. A, Quauy. J. wealth Games in Edinburgh. on the school year book. 7 â€" ““‘â€"_‘;1_ urged to come out and donate welcome and anyone interested Mitchell. “The Long And The came fourth in Ins event at the AS a member of the 164th T0_ blood at a clinic to be held in in joining is invited to contact Short of It” __ a fun arranafi games last weekend. The event mam scout Troop Glen earned Thornhill United Church on Mrs. Ann Holmes (889-6776! or ment __ Mrs. R Bishop. M. was the Nil-meter hurdles and the Queen‘s Scout award, the Monday, July 27 between the hours of 1.30 and 4 pin. and 6 and 8.30 pm. Senior Citizens Members of the Senior Citi- zens' Club rounded off their social activities for the summer with special events planned for _ Senior Citizens' Week. which the CGIT. are at Camp Big . , 1h “Pam was celebrated June 21 to 27. canoe, the United Church glgrst'y..D_'_ flégtseigzoior'the cab Seath of Clark'have.“ Avenue. 3 Weller Crescent, Maple_ aver- The week began with a special Camp, near Bracebridge. where “doors __ Miss M. Dean‘ Mr. one of George 5 high school aged 85.6 percent and plans to church service held in the Pres- byterian Church on June 21. A trip to Centre Island was en- joyed on June 23 and on the 25th a picnic luncheon was held in the garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mizen. On July 15. 41 members took a bus trip to Stratford where they were welcomed on arrival by Mrs. W. S. Hodges. record- ing secretary for the United Mrs. Grace Baker. i222-3604i. Local girls who are enjoying their summer while doing a useful and important job as junior counsellors are Elaine Hall. Bettyanne Hawke. Linda Hutton and Sharon Hawke. The girls. who are all members of close to 50 children are enioy- ing the wonderful facilities the camp has to offer. Mrs. Marion Martindale of Elgin Avenue acted as camp Bible Councillor for the June 29 to July 7 camp. Horticultural Society The July meeting was held on July 14 and provided a fine display of delphiniums. roses and other summer flowers. There were 124 entries in the :Smitli. Miss M. Dean. "Welcome Home" â€" featuring blues and /or delpliiniums Mrs. D. Butterworth, Mrs. A. Qualiy, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart. "Jug- ged Flair" â€" a design for the kitchen in a jug or pitcher - Mrs. G. Killiam. Mrs. P. Bishop. and Mrs. B. Stewart. Mrs. G. Hairs. “Large Baskets of Flowâ€" ers" â€"â€" J. Manning. Mrs. M. Riley. Special prizes were won by Mr. Manning in the speci- man section and by Mrs. Tir- rell in the decorative claSses. Some fine early garden ve- getables appeared for competi- tion. the winners in order being Mrs. M. Riley. Mrs. H. Mizon. George‘s time was 142. Well done George. George. who has been Corn- peting in athletic events since his high school days is now a student at the University of >Waterloo. Among his trainers are Bob Meldrum and Bernie Rodgers of North York. Charlie teachers. did much to encour- age George in his early days of competition and he is therefore following the hurdlers progress with great interest. Mr. Seath is now principal of the new Don Head Secondary School in Rich- mond Hill. Also following George's ath- 3letic career with great interest and a certain amount of pride are the staff and patients of highest award in the movement. When school ended he work~ ed for awhile with a lawn sprinkler Installation company. but is now employed as a clerk for a pre-cast concrete com- pany. Jeanne Valentin. 18. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sven Valentin. study urban and regional plan~ IIIlllIItlllIIllllllIIlllllIIillIlIllIllIlllflIltllltfllllIlIlllllllllllllllllllllllEl Extra Playground South Thornhill An additional summer playground to serve the South Thornhill area Is to open today (Thursdayiat Grandview Park and Hen- Clip and use this valuable coupon. Senior Citizens of Ontario. Mrs. various show classes. The ex- M“ M‘ smlm~ Mrs' M' Humhm' Montreal Children‘s Hespital. derson SChOOI grounds. Hodges escorted the visitors to.hibitors' door prize. a book ongsonv Mrs' A- Flow and mm A“At the age of nine George suf- Markham “WSW. Sum' the Pavilion in Stratford Park horticulture. was won by Mrs. Quauy' ‘lered a serious accident. which 2‘“ Recreahon D‘recmr where they were met by Mis.‘A. Flow. The Program for the evening resulted in long and extensive 1:5";eeiark" announced Family Reading THORNHILL LIBRARY Markham Twp. Public Library System Books Your Parents Never Read When They Were Your “DON'T TAKE TEDDY" Age -â€" This story is about the was most enjoyable. Dick Wood. well-known Willowdale florist demonstrated with flair and charm the use of dried materials along with fresh foli- age and flowers in making beautiful. inexpensive bouquets and arrangements. Tips on ar- surgery at the hospital. Since ‘then. his complete recovery and athletic achievements have served as inspiration to many children in the hospital. George will be returning home to Thornhill with the Canadian team on August 3. South Thornhill and Bayview Glen Registration forms are available at the playground or at the township recrea- tion office in the North Thornhill Community Cen- tre, Baythorn Drive and Royal Orchard Boulevard, telephone 889-7832. The program will be for children ages five to 12. This additional playground will be operated one day Guest Pas: ” This coupon valid for one free visit to any Vic Tanny’s club. (adults onlyâ€"women over 18, men over 21) (This coupon expires Aug. 15, 1970.) love of a younger brother for his older. but retarded per week, on Thursday. brother-digeddg-ddwhfa tfhe Illneyiitalgea serialll‘s accident CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR from 9 am until noon and - . § is cause y e y. i is ina y eci e that must 0 l ' I to a. mum“... e g PHONE 889-5205 W“ 13° 1”" “"1 4 m» To prevent this happening. the younger brother runs away with Teddy. discovering for himself the Camp Big Canoe Taylor. 27 Valloncliff Road and Fully qualified and ex- perienced leaders will be on xi'lizcegvhelmtitilig difficulties of helping Teddy do the simplest Linda Hutton of Sprucewood Jim Matresky. Kitchener. who hand and the program will l‘ingRfing'Is‘HE LILIES BLOOM" Tl I . th V Drive. Betty” and Sharon will be married in Thornhill be the same as in the rest . â€" HS Is 6 m0\- Hawke of Bayview Glen pmd’United Church August 22. A of the township, said Direc- lng story of one young Appalachian girl's desperate resourceful and sometimes very funny attempts to preserve the dignity and independence of her family. The a uthors have captured the freshness. the beauty and pride and hurt of the Smokies and of the wildcrofters who live in what an old hymn calls the land. ‘ Fair". ‘Where The Lilies Bloom So Elaine Hall of Steeles Avenue spent one day at home before returning to Camp Big Canoe near Bracebridge to be couri- sellors at the intermediate camp sponsored by the United Church. At the previous camp. Elaine was chosen to go on a canoe trip when 17 counsellors and campers, accompanied by the canoe instructor. paddled up the Muskoka River from Fraserburg to Baysville and back again. It was quite a strenuous trip. but all those taking part were in good condition and found their first long canoe trip an enjoy- able challenge. Mrs. Marion Martindale taught naturccraft at this camp. Camp Big Canoe is an ideal Lake has 100 acres of unspoiled beauty surrounding it. The girls were thrilled to hear moose and owls and see raccoons and porcupines. They recorded seeing 20 different species of birds. including red- eyed vireos (nesting just outSide the dining lodge). rosebreasted grosbeaks. cedar waxwing. hum- mingbirds and a great blue heron. On nature hikes. the woods and shorelines revealed a great variety of wild flowers. mosses and ferns. such as stemless la i'y slippers. orchids. wood sorrel. wintergreen (great chewing and maidenhair. Christmas and royal fern were just a few of miscellaneous shower for the bride was given July 21 by Mrs. Fred Wyers at her home in Bay- view Glen. assisted by Mrs. Peter Cunningham and Mrs. Reginald Hawke. The summer holidays are here and your correspond- ent would be very pleased to hear from one and all on how they spent their sum- mer vacation. Whether it’s a sojourn at the beach or a motor trip, why not call me on your return? I’d be glad to hear from you and our readers would enjoy sharing your holiday experiences. iHistorical Buildingsl A Metro historical authority should be set up to buy and re- store historical buildings before they are lost to development. North York Controller Paul Hunt says. “It is important that we move now." Hunt said‘ last week. “Otherwise we are just going to destroy our heritage." He plans to ask Metro Coun- cil to seek provincial govern- ment approval to expand the role of the Toronto Historical Board. Hunt wants to restore the 97-year-old Zion Church. and1 cemetery on Finch Avenue. tor Parker. At this playground only, the registration fee for the whole summer will be 50 cents per child. QlllllllllllllllillIllllllIIllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ask Municipal Bd. Rule Yonge Development North York Borough Council will ask the Municipal Board to rule on arguments over a planâ€" ned $30 million apartment-office complex at Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue. Among obstacles blocking the‘ . wants To S V eight-acre development are place to interest campers m: a e TMetro Council's demand that» Inature. she reports- 35 Ha“ Sheppard Avenue be widened for it â€"â€" North York officials disagree â€" and ratepayers‘ pro- tests that the high-rise will be built "practically on the front lawns” of neighboring houses. Borough Planning Commis- sioner John Curtis said last week he recommended referral to the board because of “lack of pro- gress” in talks with the builder, Yonge-Sheppard Developments Ltd.. on widening Sheppard Avenue. He said residents’ pro- tests also influenced council. “BE AN ANGEL" TELL your neighbour, tell your friends, we are selling 12.463 empty frames â€" most ’ i2. . The large assortment of mild progressive resistance equipment. together with individually decigned program, fun d easy". your personally supervised makes getting in shape these. There are still vacancies in boys and girls camps. Registra-I tion forms may be obtained by. calling the United Church of- fice at 889-2131. The gii‘ls’ junior camp is now east of Leslie Street. and save, the 122-j‘ear~old Green Bush Inn at Yonge Street and Steelesl Avenue. which is slated for de-l molition. After seven years of debate.‘. sizes. styles. finishes for 50c. . $1, $2. $3. $4, $5. $5, $7. $8, $9. $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about non-glare or regular ‘ Lynda Chutney ls Bride of Glenn Beckwith Summer Wedding cool, blue tropical simming pools set 0 y Refreshing, I v gorgeous South Seas decor, make each View a pleasure. glass. We have both at give 3 i ' V .- away prices. Mats cut â€"â€" l ‘ 4 -' most colors. Any size one ‘ ' ‘ _, - - .- . North York Council has ap- in progress and w ill be followed. _ _ ‘ ‘ Rev, Alfred McAlister ofi‘ici-i v . , ., v . - - ~ t rm (hate forlproved turning Willowdales. mame and yellow respectnely b3 the Jumor m e 6 Gibson House into a borough; _ated at the double ring wedding-A11 carried ' girls in grades 3 to 7, from July ceremony in Thornhill Unitedito match {)3sz figsggnatfi: 30 to August 7. The boys‘ jun- Chumh June 5 at 4-30 pm When bride‘s sister. Sandra Churnev l01‘ and intermediate “in be‘ Lynda, daughter of Mr. and wearing a yellow outfit made}; from August 10 to 18 and junior) ., Mrs. Matthew Churney. Brooke charming hower am and cardboys from August 20 to 28. $3“? the, name “111ml?316 to Street. Thornhill. became the ried V9110“. and “fine roses and Thursdax July 15‘ a success- that portion of North \ork. It bride of Glenn Beckwith, only camétions m1 [woméek area daily yam. is located behind the post office son of. Mr' 311d Ml‘s. Nicholas tion Church School was comâ€" on Yonge Sll‘eet. Beckwith of Willowdale. Bask- pleted. It was held each after- ets of colonful rhrysantliemums. norm for IO daE‘S- i-llake fegUlal‘ POCkel money OD gladioli and carnations formed Neighborhood Notes la Liberal paper route. Estab- 3“ gin-am"? selling for the Congratulations to Helen lished routes may be available “'Eddmg pan-‘3 Drake of Sprucewood Drive and in your area. Phone Glen Pratt: The “‘1de music was play- Mirvin Golin. who Will be mar- Carrier Circulation. 884-1105. ed by the church organist. Mrs~ ned at Thornhill L’nited Church T ’ " Robert Richardson. “£11318,le reception M” {01. G I Give“ in ,man'iage b." her low at Pellei‘s Restaurant. Wil- father the bride wore a gown of lowdale French lace over satin with a Mrs, Martha Cole of Spruce- “ . ., . . . tram and her veil was held in wood Drive and Mrs. Eileen The Liberal requ1res responSible. reliable boys or girls for two established paper routes. 0 Laureleaf Road area of North Thornhill. O Crestwood Road area of South Thornhill. place by a crown of pearls and Russell were hostesses at a Here‘s your opportunity to earn some pocket rhinestones. She Carried a , 'shower for Miss Drake July 22 white orchid surrounded by Friends from all parts of Can- at the home of 311-5 c. Russeu, money of your own. For full details please phone Mrs. Norma Moss at rosebuds and cal-nations. ada. the United States and Eng- promo? Avenue. LIBERAL CIRCULATION AT 884-1105 dollar. So come with your 1 .4 . . pictures and we‘ll do the job . . . for YOU. Save much money. _ . v ' House of 10.000 Picture Frames. 102 Doncaster Ave. _' ‘ - RE 0 O 0 8894346. Open Tues. Wed, Thurs. Fri. Sat. 9 am. to 5 pm. Go North on Yonge Come in and see for yourself! Talk to your Vic Tanny fitness expert. He or she will Show you how they ve helped thousands of happier. healthier, Canadians St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on get in shape quickly and easily. YOU CAN to Doncaster. Feel free to use Charge): or your per- sonal cheque. - LOSE 2 " to 4” off the waist o LOSE l ” to 3 " off the hips . o LOSE 5 to 20 pounds in as little as 20 viSits SUMMER PROGRAMS BEGIN DAILY 10 Royal Orchard Blvd. (Plaza) THORNHILL 889-8494 10 Other Convenient Metro Locations Watch for the opening of six new locations in the Toronto area museum at a cost of 5100.000. Built in 1843. the house was the home of a surveyor who The groom's attendants were Ron Parker as best man and master of ceremonies. Dave Mo Donald and the bride‘s brother Chris Churney as ushers and David Churney. the bride's brother as ring-bearer. The 100 guests were receiv. ed at the Broom and Stone Club in Scarboro and enjoyed a de- licious wedding supper and dancing. Many returned to the Churney home in Thornhill for a late party. If mu couldn‘t _ afford Viz: Tami." 3 beforeâ€"you can non! THIS IS THE TOTll WERAGE CO“ ON I COURSE BASIS INDIVIDUALIV DESIGNED full 100! Intuition in Her attendants were Sandra 13nd attended the “'Edde- Mr and Mrs. Ceril Russell. Beckwith. the groom‘s sister. as For a honeymoon trip to Que- Proctor Avenue. welcomed rela~ maid of honor. Miss Yvonne bec and Northern Ontario. the IU’FS from New York for a Visit Easter and Mrs. Jill McDonald bride chose a pant suit of light â€" Mrs Ina .‘lacmrmvskl. daugh- as bridesmaids. The maid of green Wllll navv accessories On trr June and granddaughter honor wore a peach color gown their return they took up I‘GSI- Karen 7 and the bridesmaids were in deuce in Willow-dale. A . Congratulations tn Margaret

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