6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ‘ CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .81: per THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July 23. 1970 NewfowiIm'AECtty I‘OI'Sytllf DDg PETS FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED cookâ€""tor Pop‘s 'Continuch TO RENT » BayIICw r aï¬â€˜ ‘Eifllll 7' CLEANING’WINDOWS. MISCELLAN EOUSl MISCELLANEOU S MON. - TUES. 8 21.111. to 6 pm, WED. - FRI. 9 3.111. to 5 pm. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon USEDâ€"GATE“ PAINTING and DECORATING PRIVATE ‘ - - _ _ Se d grooming â€" poodles a specially. Tavern. 884-2752. tfc34 FEMALE, I W v V - ‘ - _ , , ; word thereafter._ Minimum charge 5100 9°“ m, Goddard. 8393606. L._“- . . . ., NCR B “ICU†.0‘ 1"“ )‘l'm‘ Mills area. 88-1â€"1996, c101 “ALLS AND FLOORS 834-1311 1966 M , g. , _ 1nd subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 “m, LIKE A HORSE A on. cepmg mac aniFURVISâ€"HED _ Day or night “(51 . elepl ~33. bucket seats, ' words for 90c and ,8c per word thereafter. - . - . . -. ' i We Work you like a horse but 09917110“- L‘PHIS 00605533?- 0\\'nif, .13. momv 0°0kmg 8843433 “093 _. . . ___,... ._.__ 7‘ A-1 COHdlllon. Full price $1295. 1 v ' _ _ h 150 DOGS and cats boarded NW- 3100 pm. week bu).S a 1m of oats. transportation. Apply stating; do! ltles, 16 Lorne. Est house 7 .. . v x A ‘1 STIRLING MAINTENANCE 222-6150. 04‘“? 2 COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word, mm. c arge s . individual “ms, Inspections m_ Must have can Experienw not experience references and .31-;east of Borks Jewellers at PLUMBING dc HEATING WINDOW cLEANING ’**‘ SCHOOLâ€"BUSâ€"ES‘ I 30x NUMBERS 3" 9â€" Charge 1’†mseru‘m of 50" vitcd without obligation. Chair-'necossary. 789-7287. tic-11 ar-V exl’emd ‘0 K- 3- 13030115“ Sang“ “€51 Roger_Pr°uu "‘ Telephone ’â€" 884'1311 1965 nd : . - IN MEMORIAMS DEATHS, I ___ 3844500 “024 “C4 a pilol models. VaHOUS CARDS 0F THANKS. 'gCX accepted» R1\"01‘COUI‘t KOD' consu‘umon CO- le~ 7901 BM" FURNISHEDâ€"room; VC‘O’Okiné" makes and passenger capacities »-‘â€"EXTRTMONEY“ W or u 5. ;.‘i u an i-rrrrr'zde‘ri'ri'riiit I ' or delivered. 96 Steeles Ave. 0.0-ia"Pirj¢i.on‘rf-I~I~‘fl~O-‘osss. "from 7 furnished model homes .3. ._ . W FOR SALE KITCHï¬â€˜J cabinets and vanities. Free estimates. Creative Decor. on! portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. ing» windows, also glass and screen repairs phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 parts, gears, belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. First class mixture new, and reasonable with free delivery. Call builders 226-2770. . c3w3 3 - 131“ doors alid flames, like new; 3 flourescent lights. 8'; 1 aluminum door, some flooring. 889-2453 evgs. *IW4 2' WHEELER boy’s bicycle. C‘aTl Jim between 9-11 am. 884-1606. clw4 SUPERVISED' camping for children, tents and sleepware not included. Gayla Stables 884-1928. tfc4 COM _3‘spe;d~bicy'dle, very good condition. 884-3593. clw4, linetal tool box $35: electric-fryand REGISTERED, malc. Beagle â€" 3 yrs old. 889-6016. tfc3 MERLAND KENNEL‘S REG’D Boarding Now Available Cool in Summer and warm in Winter. ldcal conditionsâ€"clean FOR SALE (Continued) DRIVEWAY GRAVEL office and showroom. 9212 Crushed stone, sand. concrete _ Yonge St., Richvale 889-2462. gravel (-th delivered in Smaulliealtlly * outdoor runs. New- 773-4696. tfc42 quantities. Call C. L. Knappettmarket- 5111 00110055101], 895- -' AISï¬MINUII'I 384-3089 IIc37 8?,8_1_.A__7 _ _A_ï¬_ _‘mc1_\_\~3_ -' Doors. windows. awnings, and TEXRWRID" LITTLE dog. 7 months, free to railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. Furniture $qu 119318; §§4f9L8 _+<cilyv3 tfc361mp0i‘ted.'sold from warehouse REGISTERED Labrador puppy. TYPEWRITEES Livmg, dlfllng and bEdroomS, From champion stock, 887-5627. ADDING MACHINES etc- _ c2w4 Sales Service Rentals EINAR (:EQSSEN LTD- IRISH setter puppies 6 weeks Authorized Dealer , 0’ . _ old. 889-5663. c1w4 All popular makes for sale in- HWY- 7: Jusglfaarital‘éiï¬ï¬h Lme: CAT BOARDING " eluding new and "hunt Sta'd' 4516369 Household pets kittens available to good homes. Also portraits of your pets. pastel or pencil. 889- 2555. Not Open daily 1-9 p.m. Saturdays 10 am. - 6 pm. #_r tfc50 2 x It’sâ€"studs. 46¢ each. Loughth - Richmond Hill 884-1745 Lumber, Yonge 8; Scott Drive, I. tics ‘2 mile north of Hwy. 7. 889-. ~_ ..__.~_.__ ,.__g___,, fz‘lngENT trailer for rent, sleeps 6.‘ places. also kindling. pickedmp BLACK counts and raspber-1884-6315. tic48 “‘5 4°C Pim- 237 CFOSby Ave-‘UJIIAULI 'ISc'aI’ and‘onclwayi .r W. or call 225-2781. “(:19 @‘5608- ,7“ <__7H_~77H°2“’3iBob Donald‘s Esso, 9700 Yongc g Ymflï¬mâ€"ï¬ï¬ï¬ HEATHKIT amplifier and l‘a- St. 884â€"8011. tic-48 + Free estimates Aluminum Sid-F110- $100.- 7735925 _ “2"â€; SALE 5 doors, awnings LADY‘S bicycle, good (3011017- 6 and 8 berth insulated hardtop campers. fully equipped. tion. 884-9305. cl'.v4 Acro PIANO, completely recondi- Enterprises: 125 Yonge St. S-- CLEANING woman, experi- Maple. tfc28 tioned, $275- Call after 6 pm. AUI‘OI‘a. C2“?t enced. no children, ThOI‘HIIlII. WASHER, dryer and stove 887â€"5442. c1w4 1967 TRAILER. 16’. sleeps 5, 3 889-3315. c1w4 TOILET and sink 345. 832-336.; burner propane stove. electric c1.“ and propane lighting, ice'box. " For all makes. Repairs to elec- m I‘z'i h‘tcli and mirrors. tric lawnmowei's and small 811- BEst 2 ' 39†continentalsi ElizZIIICIIllthtilndition. AskmU pliances. Math's TV, 49 Indus- padded headboard. 884-5830. $1275 Phone Aurora 72'1_3034t: \ trial‘Road. 884-7903. tl'c50 V r clwéi ‘ clw4 GOOD ugdâ€"typewriters‘foErsale REFRIGERIATORfGâ€"e n‘cii'ial ""i V 7" 5 7 t; 311:5 6" from $25 up 884.6524. “C51 Electric, automatic defrost. $70 Eggggggel {01 Ien' 8 018“; ï¬â€"KY’fonï¬sxiEu‘h“ 222â€"5391. clwl- ~~~ r) - “~~â€"~- ~ I: -. m- ..- “we r. .7 VA 217‘ GLENDALE. 1968. like new. arse Quantity BED chesterfield. excellent con- 3 burner “me large {mice dition, $65. 222-5391. clwé. tfc52 WANTED 3 or 4 women, partl time to canvas country locations for large daily newspaper stall- ing in Sept. Must have own car, guaranteed salary. plus commis- sion. For ll‘llGHleW call 311‘. Johnson. 834-4408, tfcl WAITREss"â€"Piuii andupart- time. Pop‘s Tavern. 884-2752. tfc49, KEYPUNCH operator with about one year's experience, for large building products company in Maple. Contact Data Processing Supervisor, 889-4973. c1wE EXPERIENCED drapery seam- stress. Apply in person Bouk- ema's Interiors, Towne & Coun- tl‘ye Square. c4w3 LADIES â€" looking for a high paying position in a fast grow- ing industry? For appointment ,call 859-4474. Clw3 TELLER-TYPIST ’7 REQGTRED by chartered bank Hwy No. 7 and chle phone 889-4123 c2w3 TURN your spare time into large profit, Sell famous Raw- leigh Line of Household Neces- sities. Write W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd. Dept. Gâ€"351-CC, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207. Que. c1w4 ARE YOUâ€"INTERESTED‘1N_ SIGNS? Experience ill woodwork and spraying and can work outside. 35 or over. 889-1720. clwul EARN UP TO $60 PER WEEK IN SPARE TIME AT HOME, NO SELLING. PHONE MRS. DURBIN 787-5653 FOR FULL DETAILS. clw4 â€"v_~-_‘.__..-_ toilet aild hitch, sleeps 6. 389- Baled 889 7834maple’Ar“ 20" TRICYCLE, excellent con-11694. " c1w4 NEWLï¬WE‘L’I dition, $17. 884-3516. clw4 1969 TRAILER, 13.‘ can be AppoinnnentONgï¬ â€œgamer 25" WESTINGHOUSE color pulled with compact car. $1075 . 889-2724. . tfcé TV‘ 1970 mOdeli best; offer. or offer. Hogan's Trailers, 334 ' _*‘-â€"â€"~â€"â€",â€"~â€"â€"~~ 887‘5901 4-6 Pm. *1W4 No, 7 Hwy. east of Bayview. \S CLEARANCE I) )I e uxe, goo m c1w4 KING CITY TRAILERSâ€"â€" 35:9: Sale of Holiday alld Rocket condition. $12. 884-1311. IFCU. FT. Westingho : and apartments. Two pisce . . . . . . - chesterficld sets in differentimagemtol" “055 top free/‘9“ ham] ‘wldllelsgnfl nud‘ ‘Cém‘ . I ‘1 d I ~ I ' _i$50: 36" propane gas Stovapers. l\BC tiuck caps lioin ,53 95 an m omsl a so mam“ I , l b. -1 . $249 up. Rentals - few avail- - ing table 'sets and lamps. Likelo‘en p "5 1°18] ovenl glass door. automatic timer and clackf,able [0" August. 20?» discount $50 01. offer. Underwood type_llll September. Repairs. altera- “Titer $35; ping pong table $25.}t10ns. cu‘smm hitches. camping ' trailer equipment from fryer‘ deep fry‘ hail. dryer and wheels to roof; Open till 9 pm, other items. 8336276. c1W41ivcekends till a pill. limg Road. _W__ ,,A__,_ - I '1 _ "m - , ’4 FROST-FREE fridge, also stovei“est of Elkâ€"#9 “,3 4 60 Câ€"L 88937187 after 6 pm. c1w4‘CONTI‘NUED sayings on OTTO hardtops. Free camping book, ‘ -PSYCIIEDELIC LITE free. Spare wheel, free canopy, IS an RHdeTgl‘Ound store selling free car wiring. 6 models. Mc- a=t underground low prices. Pos- Kenzie Camping T r aile r s ters, black lights. strobe lights. Ltd. Hwy '7 East at BayVIcw. incense and color organs and alliotto and Wheel-Camper. related items. Open this weaki Monday, Friday and Sat. 10 - 5.[ 62 Crosby Ave. ART PROULX 884-1650 tfc4 WANTED EXPERIENCED accounts pay- able clerk with typing experi- ence to work in Markham area own transportation. Apply E211- erson Electric, Mr. Lord, 1397â€" .1030. c1w4 jSARAH COVENTRY nationally ‘ladvertised jewellry announces, expansion program in your area. IImmediate opportunities for full or part time. No invest- .ment. Call 368-9321. clw-t EXPERIENCE auto body repair man wanted, B-licence, excel- lent working conditions. Must have own tools. 889-3633, 'Thoi‘nhill. c3iw4 FRUS'I‘RATION IS UNNECESSARY 11' you are not satisfied with your present income alld work- Iilig conditions then why stayâ€? I (phone anytime 773â€"5755. public in the credit field. Sala- ried position. candidate must be over 21. single or recently mur- i'ied. high School graduate quali- fications. Must be capable of becoming Branch M a n a «g I: r within 2 - 3 years. Some Sales, experience an asset. Car‘ reâ€" quired. For appointment for Richmond Hill office telephone Mr. Ger- vais 884-4417, for Willowdalc area telephone Mr. Bauman 225-7731. clw4 Rays wanted. over 1670.11 after 7 pm. 884-3383. (‘2w'4 CLERKâ€"TYPlsT" i-ccfuircd im- mediately, banking experience preferred, but not necessary. 884-8109. c2w4 MASSEUSE Licenced. female masseuse. A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 52 Yonge St. South Call Mona Robertson 884-6941 re: Appointments (:lw4 FEMALE wanted for counter work, Saturday mornings only. 223-6473. c2.\\'4 SHORTHAND Executive secretary, own trans- portation. Salary open. A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 52 Yonge St. South. Call: Mona Robertson 884-6944 Be: Appointments CIW4 EXPERIENCED clerk required to operate Burrouglles bookkeep- ing machine in modern air con-1 ditioned office. Good salary and friitge bcnfits. For appointment call Mr. Wardleworth 889-5416. 02114 Eon lease, 3.000 - 6.0001(1‘1’. industrial spacc. Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading. 166" clear. immediate posses- sion, $110 iiet. Lorod Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. large or too small. 884-5009. tfcll RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tic-42 FINLATâ€" ELECTRIC ‘ tit-50 .3 bedroom apartment, adultsi 88-1-6840 evenings. ticS‘ZContractor. free estimates. Call ONE bedroom and two del‘OORll‘?n'\ume 384'3931' “('37 apartments. 884-2376. tic] BAKERISPBACEIIDE FURNISHED room. business girl. cooking possible. Bayvie‘y - Markham. 884-3900 eygs. tfc2 ‘TWO bedroom unfurnisned winterized cottage. Outside con- veniences 773-5897. c1w3 FURNISHED. 3 rooms. parking, business adults. Yonge south of Sheppard. 221-4764. clw3 SUBLET large Bachelbijbaï¬â€"d; 6259. 777777 A_ c2113 SUBLET 1. bedroom apartâ€"iniiâ€"iivt: Yon .'l"' I- ~- ge 5' “omhm‘ “lmmmgdmns and additions. homes. of- EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 6.: Water lines, footings. 889-3604. tch NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms. additions, renovations. tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc32 GENERAL contracting. Llltera- -‘~) 1“ DOOI'.Saum‘ 88.43711) H‘f’lices. factories. Custom carpen- ,ROOI\‘I to rent, suit gelitleillan.,ti‘y of all descriptions. Les 1884-1629. tfci‘: Webb 889â€"2546. tfc3 TWO hedrnoln apartmâ€"eiltASlslll available now. 447-1883. c1w3 Rodii‘in‘aiaolcfsaizoal. FLOOR-COVERING All types floor tile. sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll RUBBERâ€"W Several type faces to choose from â€"+ including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. clawi‘ BRIGHT comfortable room, Richmond Hill. 884-3395. c11v4 3 Bï¬OOM brick house it? Holland Landing. 889â€"5037. c3224 '1 BEDROOM apartment. busi- ness couple or mature single “HARRISONS CUSTOM WANTED bookkeeper with ex- perience to trial balance, will- ing to be trained to do monthly income and balance sheet stateâ€" ment. Write Box 22 “The Liberal" c2w4 EMPLOYMENT WANTED FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- mansllip guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please tfc42 RELIABLE energetic man de- sires maintenance or janitorial work. Call Art Adams. 884-7518. nc3w'3 EXPERIENCED cleaning lady with own transportation, 9-4. 884-5088. clw4 18 yr. old student wishes work. 884-1637. c1w4 PART time work, sidewalks. patios. septic tanks removed. vei‘andahs and cement work. 889-0879. c1w4 GTWTCLXRE‘S'PaintingP; inâ€" business woman. after 6 pm. 884-8347. ciw} C t CbAIlIPIiINTRY "" “" “' ‘ â€' , ' WA; 7‘ ' US 0m Ult omes, renova- LARGE double 10°.m‘ broad‘tions. additions. and repairs, loomed. furnished. private baih- Kitchens 3 Specialty Morris .{ggmésgzcgfn facllmesv ggffiinai-riion. 884-2838. tfc45 1;; BEDROOM muse, alanine Aï¬gï¬g’yï¬gggm 'Aug 1 $160 Maple 832-2432! . . ‘ S ' ' ' ‘ “M4†Alcan â€" Siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 tfc41 BRICK & STONEWORK Fireplaces â€"â€" chimneys â€" cus- tom built patios, walls. flower-boxes. garages. etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884-3484. SING‘DEAaccommodâ€"ation, lovely modern home, 889-5326. c1w4 i BACHELOR apartment. avail- able Aug. 1. 55 Trayborn Dr. Richmond Hill. 884-7930. ch4 For BACHELOR, mo'dcm. Yonge St., Aurora. $40 weekly, iii- cludes services. 727-9488. tic-i, l, .V 27 BEDROOM apartillentd fridge. stove, free parking. 834- 2475. , clwiï¬ __.-. ., ,, SUELET 71 Abedi‘bonl.’Thorndilli ' . CARPENTER 13 months left on lease, 339-;Additions. alterations. recrea- 8647 aft“. 6 p.†“gallon rooms, ceiling and floor â€"* Wï¬ ~ - ‘v ,7 ~-* ~ -ltiling and painting. Free esti- APARTMENTS A\AILABLE 'mates. E. FOX' l troll, 649-5590 884-1596 c4w-i SINGER SEWING MACHINE Repairs â€"â€" any make Northtown Plaza 221-9357 tic-t4 LEONARDI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General Repairs. Patio. Stonework. Side- walk, Trenchng and Excavating. Lic. No. D0033. 889-5228 tfc44 JOHNNY INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING 773-4464 I tfcl E & L TRENCHING Underground cable 1 and water pipe trenching. Phone 884-6268 Richmond Hill. lfc<t6 SIIIL-‘IARS ANTIQUES 209 Market Square, Newmarket, Ontario 895-8087 , NOW OPEN Shop Hours: 12.00 noon till 9 pm Monday to Saturday. ’ Specializing in antique furniture. all types of refinish- ing. restoring. repairing, custom cabinet making. upholstering, buying and selling. Come one â€"- Come all. No job too small. c-lw2 Summer Accommodation . ‘ ‘niiiincaro‘yfl Beautiful cottages. all conveni- ences, good fishing and swim- ‘ming. equipped for light house- keeping. $50.00 to $90.00 weekly â€" phone 55w4 - Box 535 Haliâ€" burton. Flamingo Cabins. c6w51 HOUSEKEEPING c o t t a g a 5. Land of Lakes area, inside con- vicnces. safe sandy beach, fish- ing, boat included. 884-3753. tfc2 :Summ er Properties ‘ LOTâ€"forMSale» inA BaTs‘viile‘a'rEai Lake Mnominee. Phone 222- l 5143. tfc34 , HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS 'Choice level lakefront lots. Lots of sand. Lots of trees, and a perfect setting 773â€"4352. tfc49 3 bedroom suite for August. 889-7480 $185 a month, 2 bedroom suite mg? for September 1, $160 a montll. RON MOORE Rent includes hydro, fridge, stove, heat, soft water. etc. Near Richmond Heights Plaza. Adâ€" PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- uits only. can George C. wi1_ mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. cock. Real Estate. 884-8311. _v V__ H M Wti‘c35 "0114 Plastering Thornhilll R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. RICIIvALE INcai' Yonge. large 1 bedroom, ' EXCELLENT'building lots. Du- clos Point, 45 miles from Rich- :mond Hill. 884-2273. tfc50 CRYSTAL PIER LODGE I and 2 bedroom housekeeping cottages and sleeping cabins, boats and motors, storc. dining room. gas. etc. Cabins from $20 NEW bl‘icksfl000701dâ€"Duttv-hl 6104‘ Consider real estate selling. Setterior and exterior. free estiâ€"i H , h l . ._ Repairs 2 Speciality weekly. housekeeping from $4.3. briCkS 300d {01‘ fii‘EDlaCe OI‘ZCEWautOmatic rw‘ashei‘iSlOO‘. your own income and‘ hOlll‘S.‘nlal€S.â€"i§fl2‘i‘? MN “£2113,gfgfé‘é‘jntpiï¬atem93:,£11,? 2:“, 488 Efï¬e Esumates Bit)“ 392- “"1010†F3115 01‘ I)??? barbeque 5125‘ assâ€"[298’ BBQâ€"i884'8524‘ 91“"; HOUSE requiredwith baseynenfiTop “ainmg “flex-9d For d,,e'}GRADE 12 student wants chiâ€"(bath, 525 weekly to responsible “5"1 889-3185 9 kmmoum QIRZI' “‘4 :1 7584?; I. H 7 777 _ 02““; '__ ’ITIa‘n;,{,6nd" ‘Zmdflpmiï¬nem ,0 mm 2 (,Duples‘ tails call Mr. Whlle 0rle Cll‘f-,ployillent, anything consideredadult. business person or cou- . . s. .- . DE“Q‘-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 3 NEW jolly jumper to sell or ex- Lmvi'ey, summer clearance sale,‘ThOl‘nhill - Richmond Hill area, Nomi" 313"“ Really Lumxil844-2685. clwat pie. Call after 4 pm. 889-2992. G.YJ. CURRIE & ; change for playpen. 884-8836. all models, save up 10 $530. preferably equipped. 884-35301889'6i114. - it i .7 , ,- , s "1“‘4 BUHTDBG CONTRACTOR . . . L . .. .. .ï¬ - -c- :‘ > 7 > 7“ c1w4,A150 used organs on saier Cash‘or 884-5906. c1w3 EXPERIENCED service station} ‘ ,FURNISHED baseman, apart Alterations andadditions. Com-'pEyTALE preferred. flow to i 9‘ x 12’ RUG; royal; blue. 1 75'1‘301‘191'015- Organ 19550115 0111." SIIYDOAyotIrh-ave a i37bedi'oom house man With some mechanical :ment vicinity of Crosby and,mel'Clal and [95[d_9mlal~ CUStOm transportation and industry. :- old, new $75, asking $35 839_ Toronto Organ Cami-e, 5254.0“ “.ouldil-lke to rem-3 Relia_ knowledge, must have icicle, .Bayvlcw, $105 month. 884-3421. CRFPPDII‘.\'.m7/3-Dl304. _ _ tfc9 834.6235, cgwg _; 6847. 01w4 Yonge St. Willowdale. l’zlble couple. 3 children. Beverley eljcf‘s- Ask for NI" “ML Pd“: ,7_ “Wig mfg _ A W WV A Hg, 15. w. PAYNE IA\fï¬JéiE't-mfyblmgigdy.i : CEDARâ€"post5_ ahï¬gï¬ge Muslim†“01'â€! 0f 401- Lal's'vsi’Avres district Preferred but 1_°_°3_-L_ ALL . ‘1" TENNESSEE walker â€"â€" quarter IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Drains, septic tanks. All types‘block west of Yonge. 884-1640. 0811 C. L. Kuappett. 834-3089, _.-.._,___ , c3wit GARDEN SUPPLIES Loam - manure - top dressing, top soil. fill, screened loam. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. Â¥ ifc4l 3 HP Briggs and Stratton mini- selection. 222-6517. l I‘ Lh‘q. c3w4 will consider other. Must be CASH registers sighâ€"tï¬gï¬i: clean. occupancy September 1. ’ ‘ ' ‘ c2..v;$ hers from $20 up. Adding mach-'CEH "I35 384‘8031- ines $25 and up. Uplands Furni-iUp to $200 PER MONTH rent ture, 8236 Yonge St., Thornhiil. offered by responsible couple 889-5582. Open Monday. Wed-vfor a good house or bungalow nesday and Friday evenings tillxin Richmond Hill. Required by 10 pm. c1w4 September 1st. 884-5540 *2w4 BALED straw. feed oats, whole,FAMILY of 75 urgently require ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR:â€" horse, chestnut gelding. height Secluded farmhouse, 3 brd- 0f 0011011918 “’Ol‘k. of child care staff. for Loyal True Blue and Orange Home, Richmond Hill. Must be a gra- duate of an accredited child care workers course and have several years experience inI handling staff in an institu- tional setting. 8 hr. Shifts Mon- 16.2 English saddle and tack. $700. 889â€"5163 or Cumberland. Stables 887-5703. 7 tfc51 PONY for sale, call 887-5610. FREE ESTIMATES tfc31‘ RALPHâ€"ELM? DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter-i room. 2 bathroom. \\'ali~lO-\\'«‘iii'889'5762 bi‘oadloom throughout, 3140 per month. 888-1064 01‘ 837- 5952, between 7 - 8 pm. 9 - . . v A , .7, _ (33“4 n g‘ “,7 7 “I‘lflior and exterior. Free estimates.- 2 PINTO mares. western Dl‘Oke. 2 - 1 BEDROOM! apartments. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. well mannered and marked. 884-2512, c1w4‘ tfc46 $400 pair or $225 each. 640- FURNISHED room [oiT young CHIMNEYS ch14 FULL board. packed lunches, young mail, $25. 889-8704. c1w4 DAY CARE RELIABLE day care available . ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- ncls ch'd.. vonge South of l n r _ view Ave- incl-mini. om. or and parking facilities. Please SHAMPOOING Lumbarâ€"PAINTING Suitable for passenger o . union $1.50 AUI‘OIBLIZ7-5488. tfc51 :nJOEZ-mjld eyenyagsMper \ll'eck telephone Mr. Charlton 889- phone 884-1194 for appointment. SUMMER SPECIAL Interior and exterior painting. tion, group activities or 13:33: : Classified advertisements should be In as early in the IPOODLES, beautiful chocolate can 789_7283%’ $0 ‘ uSL grit}: _, ,_ , ,_ ___i F3313 m“ ; ‘ _ r. V_-_ tfcl§ISngljfl agg4_gl;§5316i'ficlds. Bat); 95‘ Free estimates. Phone 223-2401. version into campers. Phone D. week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays, miniature. male and’l lovely RELIABLE A! v .- ‘ CAREER OPPORTLINITY BAX yle and Highway 7, . {if . “ 4.. I ‘,__ Cf ‘_ w c4w3 Hadwen 925-5411 or 833-5352. .I and enclose payment or telephone beige toy male, reg d.. shots ‘ (30111) e to look aftel BENEFICIAL FINANCE building for rent 50‘ x 34‘. 88.9- PA'INIING (‘chrlol' and m- STANLEY “v. BURNS ‘_ru _-ï¬_ “W3 send ads by ma] , _ , 727-6669. ttcaZ 0‘“ Arabl‘msv 31059 t0_MaP10~‘ COMPANY OF CANANA 1899. th50 tel‘lor, carpentry work. altera- Custom Carpentry 1969 CHEW? 1!. toT’iT ll! 3‘ 384-1105 0" 8844933 and 3'9“ w“! "eel" 3“ mvmce- "" #’ NW "â€""‘ ’“'“‘ Apply 10 BOX 8. “The Liberal". INTERESTING work with we r uons, rec moms. no job 100 Complete Home Budding - D C 4113. 00 V8. 3 speed automatic, good condition. 884-2226. clw‘t 1903 PARISIENNE co'nvei-tibiE V8. good condition, certified. $476 full price. 889-4270. clwlt 1968 v.w.. {MEL motor and transmission and rear body 0k. Call 844-2988. > 77 mi 7 ‘ *lw4. 1967 COUGAR vs autonTaTic full power, consol. radio, vinyl roof. belted tires. very clean. Must sell. $1795. Call 895-9794 after 7 pm. c1w4 1966 COMET 2 door hardtop. power equipped. 889-8767 after 5 pm. clwi 1963 AUSTIN Hcaly Sprite, hardtop plus convertible top. $300 or offer. 1963 Meteor. not running $60. 833-5276. c1w4 1960 T BIRD ps, pb. pw, and p seats. New transmission, good engine, new tires. Ask for Har- ry 833-5306. r11-.4 1969 FORD 12 ton pick-up. 22.000 miles. top shape. Full price $1795. I. & M Highway Trailers, 64 Yonge St., Oak Ridges. 773-547], clw4 £39 vs EORD erTg'in’can‘ifh au- tomatic transmission. A150 240 6 cylinder Ford engine with standard transmission. 884-8802. *1'.v4 1962 PONTIAC coHvertible, private. 1 owner since new. $395. Phone 889-4103. c104 1959 METEOR standard 6. $50 or best oftei'. 889-7486 after 6 pm. *1114 1962 AUSTIN Cambridge, good running order, good body, $135. 889-8703. clam 1966 FORD Custom 4 door sedan, 6 cyl., auto, $650, 334â€" 4832. ‘\ clw4 1966 CHEV. Impala, SS, con- vertible, best offer over $1200. Phone Newnlarket 895-4224. ask for Dave. *1'v4 1964 GM van and 1951 Pontiac coach, good condition. 884-7951. 1 c1 .v4 19768vVolkswagen bus, tar: with tan and brown interior. radio and whiten-ails. Full price $1895. Lic. No. X30004. Call Charlie Pcmberton at Kinncar Pontiac, 884-4481. (:Ill'4 I963~1v1el'cui'nycon‘oliiie. ideal for camper. A-l condition. 773- 5717 or 773-4616. c2w4 1966 STUDEBAKER. automatic, radio, extra mounted snow tires. excellent condition. $625 or best offer. 889-1694. c1w4 1967 AMBASSADOR, automatic V8, 1 owner. very clean. 33,000 miles. Full price $1195. L & M Trailers, 64 Yonge St., Oak Ridges. 773-5471. cl\‘.4 €9.70 KAWASAKI Bushmaster. 90cc. 1012 HP, five speed box, only 600 miles, still under war- ranty. Must sell. Call anytime Mon. - Fi-i.. 773-4467. clw4 E CHEAP TRANSPORT 1963 Sunbeam convertible $99. 1969 Ford II‘alrlane, auto. 5199. 1962 VW Deluxe, radio .. $199 All good running cars. Out they go at low, low prices, sold without plates. NEILL DATSUN LTD. Yonge St., 1 Mile North of Richmond Hill 773-4661 889-0972 ch4 # Transportation IVAN TED daily-Richmond Hill to and from Danforth-Pape area. Arrive approx. 8 am leave approx. 4:45. Please call 384- 3749 cvgs. or 929-6938 days. A c2w4 What is the best kept BEST secret in Richmond Hill? (See Page 15) CAR SAVER TRAVEL TRAILERS Built in Britain by Thomson. Save wear and tear on your car. Save money with better mileage. Check these special features; Ultra lightweight. can be towed by small cars with simple hitch. Inde- pendent suspension and acr- odynamic body styling for smooth easy towing, Auto- matic acting brakes for safe relaxing driving. Large pic- ture windows with colourful family planned interiors for maximum livability. 5 mod- els 14 ft, to 19ft. from $1865. THOMSON - YORK KELFIELD 6T.. TORONTO bike engine, excellent condition . . . day to Friday â€"' 110 nights- , . for children, any age. Reason- ; $60. included also never been Si R“mg-83932:?893350111â€:f 0‘ ifd‘fog Vunf‘mmgmd Phone Mr. Moore for appoiiit- L._-,,-~-_L._.9i‘_4 lady. homey atmosphere, 88-1- Chimneys and fireplaces builtiable. 884-8644. tfc48 ; [used wlleel_s_,m§~ti_9-5213. iclwltlulitance'hwv'. a 9‘ bfj_;L tlgiiirml 13:]? an? 310:1‘01131}: ment. 889â€"54er. 7 7’†01‘1'4 GELDING quarter horse “1195:3333 _W m _r_ and repail'e‘i- FIE? eStInlaleS- RELIABflE day care in my “ ’LLOYD baby pram, deluxe:1932 1:123†{FCP‘VPWWGIM‘IM',piease can 3-,;3_,-,397~ (3H4 JMORNINGS ONLY “Pt bindâ€); Verb: gegleuej i0?“ 2 OFFICES. located in new E‘fipeï¬t “'Orkmansmp' :Vears home, $12 a week. 884-4985. model, In good condition. 339-iplus , ‘3 T ' es‘mMOUFF‘“: .-,,. 7‘ _ - .. * r #- Pei'mallent mature, clerk typâ€" “1m ‘h‘ldlm' Cd: , Iee VF building chie and Hwy 7 area. exeellencc‘ PM"? 88413.2- tfc52 0217. CzW4 fï¬â€˜I-ISOIL r _ “V c_1w:i.THORNHILL Business gemlw is“ knowledge of bookkeepingJGolden Stallion . Cies in .inaoo sq [1‘ and 400 sq' {L For WALKER CONSTRUCIION 1.7 .' ’_. I .. '..' '_ ~-~~ - â€" r ‘74» «r . -1 i. . w,“ . â€"-v , . 2,. . ~ . . _ .I . |gmia_ on Hwy ~18 or phone PL‘i- - . , - _ .. i “(:43 RELIABLL ddy tale 3‘31 dme STOVE 30.. l t.-_ ‘ . , 2 PAIR diapcs. 1.. x 9:) and man iequllts unfunnslled base Richmond Hill. . ,_ _ mfonnation call 889-0165. ,ï¬, , . 1- . . .g B. “a . - eec m. an oinatu ., , -., _ . _ , _ , , . __ , . ., .C . ferla\\’ 43,-3295, *lw4 . _ . r â€" ~ Ariâ€"afar cnldicn any age. din.“ oven extras good condltmn 144 .\ 9a , blue and \lilllB,IlllElll OJ bacliclm apt. 3) Sept.‘ A1 EMPLOIMENT AGLN 1 (hi-I, SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED land Cemre 884_.,636 “W4 L $75 ’889_4335' Châ€. never used. 855 for lot. Com- 1. Would consider sharing all‘ 52 Yonge St. South _ i5‘3EDROO\1"bï¬h:él'n\\f‘jw'ari Se“, . 1 d .-_L._.__‘â€"A ..:~_;.M,..Â¥_ T. â€"â€"i__s_ ,;.;-.â€"- _ ~â€" â€" - - bination refrigerator freezer. apt. within 2 miles of Yonge and Call: Mona Robertson Bawiew km asp Gin-tine?“ , eis c eane ICARE f0, Chlldpgn glc-en m my i EARLY canad’a" 50!†“'alm†perfect condition. 5195. ‘189- No. 7 Highway. \Vl'ite Box 19‘ 884-6944 re; Appointments ' “Tit wima S .15? B '15:; C. Stunden ‘home, DICk-UP 1t d9511‘ed- 334'. . corner cupboard With upper . -~ Lil 1min i.1“4 “W4 _-.â€"__'â€";_-:_ _ : ‘9 ,, m “‘3†0" D'. ' 1928. tfc4 . 8318. ch14 The )e a . , _ L k “ 1 . . Phone 884-124.) _ glass doors, 8 feet high. Jakes‘,- --- ---~'r- - _ I » , w . ,1 2,‘ Pi - iv in]: 7‘ “filing 14 boat. hardtop. 919‘3910 flan; a e 1m"- C1“4 “c2.â€" and Hayes rectangular theâ€..- HOME and cottage used mull-BASEMENT apaitmenl. DIEM) L FEJAL HE P 1. I stoermg and runnmg “glus. 3a VR_W wood table, approximately 2i: ture. appliances. unpainted fur-iably furnished. near York Com-High school students needed for I“, Evinrude motor. To see the yew Flagstone by 3 feet 920431811 c2,†niture, range at 524.95. fridge;tral Hospital. P. Harnden .13- survey work. Must beneat in boat 887-5438. c2153 Patios 8.: Walks UWSED f .d dm’ ,_ 1- $24.95. steam and dry hum-1169. after 6:30, *1'0'4 appearance and self dISClplll'ie. 14, MOLDED lvwood with 13 1 General Masonry “.ge 3“ mm 9m" 34,95. 2 burner liotplate seesaw , fmmngjï¬gagâ€"gï¬ For intervle“ come to 31 Yonae pl , , A. . . L_,.____.L___ Walker Construction â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" _- lent condition. Ideal for 001- ,. , - _ I I 1“ h t S N: . -t., 13 10 T) .._HP Johnson motel. “mushleid USED h . 1 m f . -t . -_. ., ., Self propelled ME, 410 31.300 t 89 70 meat glindci $4.90. hand Ia\\n[3036 “W4 t. . .. sul . at am iUIs ' d . t, l, 400 ,b 5: offer ouselo mm the, .11 I $84-$89 . , age or rec' room‘ 8 ‘0 5:1 4 mower. $4.95. chest of silverâ€"l ' lday July 23. Clll‘4lgg4 £3310 5‘3 01 ‘3 chfl' aims and appliances Call Cent-1 “C43 Ell-F. 300 \Illthdcab 13 header M . y. “- _ _ ‘ _ i _-~W.-___.â€"~â€"râ€" - _ . ' . " . a _ â€"â€"--- “Ar #7.. L Li‘s ‘ ' ‘ ' ;. . C- .H- -- LL - .c _ ‘ ware. 30 pieces $19.90. clegln‘IC,â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘ GENTLEMEN are you intercst- “scruffyâ€" ; 7’ ï¬a. _' “13-131 van & °t013°e‘ 884 11:16; " PAINTING {\,I’F(~m3§0é3p:d3- 51350 ’ AD‘TIIRAL T\‘ best Offer‘ .364.Â¥f°°d mmer' my†bulls SIWQ‘L! G ed in a rewarding career who a H BOA? '9 “P ï¬xedlisai‘ï¬nii.†,. _ ‘fcl‘fl- INTERIOR: EXTERIOR [xi-p. 35 ‘3‘ $1750 : 1333' L. ., _ ,____, , _ _ ,Â¥l\‘+i‘1'“99 bmfh “001' 001mm“ __,: - r ,7 _ 7 ’77. large Canadian sales finance mom}, and Hallo“ f)“ aâ€; DEAD or crippled farm animals: _ _ _ g _ _ V ~ _ ~ -,‘\I‘F' 3'5 8. ’31330 r LITTLE PEARLS $14.95. Viking Vacuum cleaner. TREE SERVICE immmmo Can M... CmnprL{condition Must sell. .5030. .78.; picked up pmmpl,‘ For (“you PAINTING pct-whiqu “7 my 51330 ’_ GREENHOUSE like ne\\'..rcgular $65 for SSW-I. Removal m1,“ and “edges, 88-1-8136. ire-1,5101 _ a V ‘ “ line call Long Distance and .ISlx" _ _ _ v . . , . _ _ _ flu†‘tvpe C2358 7. p.m $.35†Potted Plants. Cut FIO'At‘l-S‘IRIIIPS. dishes. wash pails. carâ€" Pruning Transplanting‘s.FOSITIONS AVAILABLE 1H. BOAT. 60 HP- mom]. “.uhfm. Zonm, 33800 Call-umwm. . “Lang Jon†be“? T “now.†. 7.5230,: etc. 833-5306. lpets- buï¬etS, cupboal‘us- Gllt‘S‘ meal-mo Joh< We will «0 any- electric start, steering and l'unâ€" Ed Pcconi & Son. \\ 00(1\'llii(‘.‘ (ft-52 rumble Tractor and Equipment " ' “i “ '\ :i' 1’ ~. - b ‘n‘.. c .... . 'd 71‘ ~ - 'n' ' . ' " ' n" ‘- ' ' Ii . . . . > V _47 7 “C4 0:; .fi_l“‘\‘:â€i\_ .d‘ebsfl‘;kqd°;:‘: where. Got a pruning Droblcm. ‘ SllllLHBOARD. receptionist. ",m‘j yin." ‘fOIh‘IUEIS {OPDi‘igiom Luemt To" GAL Sbfm, ‘ PROGRESSIVE lDOn 31,115 and mounnno Rd‘ GIRL'S bicycle, boys bicyclef .3,“ metefld “‘1; 1 ,i‘or free estimates call: typisl. “m.†“:“lcleiiigflm; .‘ _ . “‘4 BOOKKEEPING SEvaCES 1 887-5886 2.91.2171 bed 5*". A" in Queue,“ CUHJ-SggsgaiFsvd Fangs: __§_')â€â€œ(‘)‘)f‘ LINDSAY LANDSCAPING 1 17' fibreglass runabout. 85 elcc- OLTBOARI). throttle aild sllitt‘Pcrsonal SOl'VlCl‘. professionaliV “‘4' dition. 884-6195 after 6 pm. .6 d 911°: b“ ‘d :03 6'1“de 334.7790 ,‘ GIRL FRIDAY, some posit-lg ll‘lC shift Evinrude. convertible control. cables up to l-t' with or‘dong on a dam. weekly or, ‘ Cb†levill'I‘iSBg ltliidlnoespaly an LIES: ucssmnd pane“. {Opt hydraulic. 1m and “3383. without control box. 88-1-7359.‘monthly basis. interim financial ---- â€"-;â€"â€"~,â€"»--â€"- 7 - 2 - - m -. v Nerfâ€"ig :Loads of - series. 51 . i. , . v ‘_ ,n _ ~ MASSEY l‘erguson Tractor {ALL types of landscaping. rock- .. CLERK 3 rec and inventory 18892604. acce< >52“-4 â€"â€",‘â€",-~r - . dPXFKz‘ZlI.) oféild l T with blade. about 1965 mOdeij. ‘_‘â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"reries. patios. and retaining walls ' ' " SSS: Laï¬u‘rg; "03mg ii“: 2.,5 4-7363 dis ‘7‘ ‘ Si§:,TE.-ACI»IER. piano and theory. in good condition. Only works Jof railroad ties 01- stone Sandv . S . , . . 9 C- ‘93 - 0 IV ‘ “ ‘ ' ‘ establishing Richmond Hill.- .. . ' “ ECRETARLexperiencedior . . . _ _ _" a» - - . _ ‘ , H ‘ _ _ . ’ 700 hrs. 884 I270. _l\_-I _ . loam. peat and mushioom com sales and marketing shorthand } EATING SERI 884 392.3. tfc50, - SACRIFICE __ Owner moving ALL sewing repairs and altera-xpost by the yard or load. Flee required. . AW l_’ I '_ _' Humidiileis Repalis to apartment. Electric vae‘ tions for your family, Pick up estimates. A. Hartwick. 389; WOODLANITSchool. boy‘s gold Hem Runs C1 . ginstallauonsl al'tomatic “'ith l‘Otissel'ie- Like EQLEEPT'ABEE-BSDQL 6338' “of†HI‘CORPS PERSOXXEL [\mmh' with (“WM-10“ brawl-‘1' ‘ ‘ Lic Filters ear‘i’n4‘bHi' Sci‘ ltc TO-L'P-S I iii 1 i] and ‘)u‘ . o «.3 . I y - ,- -- , .. _- o _‘ - - ,- - s \ , ,\ . . - . , 3 _1 . _ (_- V 3%), ‘~ - -'â€"‘â€"â€"7‘--»Aâ€" ..‘_ -â€" i -’ ‘- ' 1... fi' :85. “a - 5 He“ 31-0. Reflle-EIRIOI. oldu ENPLRIENLED dicssiiiakmg LxCELLLxI .ludeii. Ian] and 18 \ONGE ST. NORTH 0‘ “d 889 5046 < in.) 5..., n... a dunkmg ,,,~.,.,_i w hm. Mum. 1.,†“Myâ€, ,mcrmmn, and ,nmw model, quiet. good running or- dcr 2474. 1L2. 530. Both for S140. d c1\\~l maintenance service. chxnn- For l'i'ce c<tiziiiite Crtli 389-0123 €36.31 cl“; alterations of all kinds. induct-garden in: children's clothes. ,ahle. 88-1â€"4171. RICHMOND HILL I 881-67112 ’ c‘ w I; canary. 7 Mill 834-41121: Orange - yell-ow Pond area, you iii'ri. clw 4 EMSâ€"86841. Clem. ll so _\A can help. Write ‘BO\ 34. Richmond Hill. .‘lAt' HEATING )1' Sitâ€; 88$ - 7977 V1 LlclTI c4‘ll; idlliil ll'il' 1']. call . H. (‘rclzhton TlH'.F‘l \smlc'y 839â€"3643 tic-17 Dixon Rd. at Skyline 110ch Open Night: & Weekends 247-1108 or 221-0894