BOWEN -â€"- Gerry and Arlene wish to announce the birth of William Thomas. July 19, 1970, 7 lbs. 15 025. at. York Central Hosptial. a brother for Jeffrey and Kimberlee. Thanks to Dr. Nirenberski. SHAW â€"â€" Ian and Diane (nee Yerex) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter Danielle Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alexander Humphrey are pleased to anâ€" nounced the engagement of their daughter Valerie Pauline Lois to Mr. James Roderick Marshall Dickson. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson. Mar- riage to take place August 2.2. 1970. c1w4 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Calverley ‘ i * t are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter CARD 0" THANKS ianfég "0f N159 affair? Gratefut thanks tn God for the we Liaim‘m 0? Thognhm The’ wonderful staff and nurses un mérriage to take lace Same,“- the second floor of York Cen- h 5 1970 at 3§0 m in St tral Hospital for the care giVen er ‘ n .‘ .'_. p .' 'to me while a patient latCLy, lldllhï¬ LUU bu UL - u A u v 1 - n . n . . v. ‘ - l The engagement IS announced Dr. Zuck of Miss Arlene Milburn, daugh- ._ . V ter of Mr. Alfred Milburn of Ell‘abeth 30111322 Montreal and the late Mrs. Mil- hurn to MT- William Edward â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Strugnen. sonpf Mr. and Mrs. William Strugnell of Richmond 3 Hill. Ontario. c1w4‘ U V -... ‘r a.- «Ann -1 Matthew United Church Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson of Thomhill are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marri- age of their daughter Nancy Lynn to Mr. Allan George, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boeckner of Maple. Mar- n‘age 10 take place August, 15. 1970 at Zion Lutheran Church, Maple. c1\\'4 Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Richf mond Hill are happy to an-‘t nounce the engagement, of their youngest daughter. Heather Jane, to Howard. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollard. Surrey England. Engagemmta MT- and Mrs- Alan G~ R0291} gingerbread clock. 21“ TV. m Rosemar Gardens. Richmond A_] condition Quantity of Hill. wish to announce the dishes. glassware, silverware. forthcommg marriage 01' their including antique items. House daughter Susan Alana- ‘0 M“ sold and all contents to be sold. James Brown. son of Mr, and for; Mrs. Ethel Ferguson, 112 Mrs. L. Brown. also mond Hill. Wedding place at St. Clements Church, 7 pm. August HAYES â€" m loving memory of a dear mother AgnES Hayes who passed away July 26, 1968. God knows how much we miss her Never shall her memory fade. Loving thoughts shall ever wonder Saturday. August Ist â€"â€" 12 n To the spot where she is laid. ,‘to 6 pm. also Augus' 6t_h 3n flflvmnriam -â€" Sadly missed by daughteriSï¬O p.m. m 730 pm. A, s. EVie and son-in~law Ernie. EFarmer. Auctioneer, 887â€"5311 c1 W4 J Gormley. 02w4 iflnrflymming marriagw daughter Danielle Margaretlsm'rry .- In the midst of our July 13, 1970. 6 lbs. 3 025. sonâ€"ow, we wish to express our Thaï¬â€˜ks ‘0 Dr- 50°01 and heartfelt thanks and apprecia- nursmg staff at York Central. “on to our many relatives. 01W“ friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown SEALED BULK TENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received by, the Director of Edu- cation. 22 Church Street, Aurora, Ontario, no later than 12:00 o'clock noon. Daylight Saving Time, Thursday. July 30, 1970 for the construcâ€" tion of an addition to Morning Glory Public School in the Township of Georgina. The Toronto Bid Depository for Mechanical and Electrical Trades will close Tuesday. July 28, 1970 at 3:00 p.m., Daylight Saving Time. Each tender shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of $30,000.00 made payable to the owner. The successful contractor shall be required to provide a 100% Performance Bond and a. 100W Labor and Materials Bond. The lowest J. J. MacKay.‘ Chairman GENERAL CONTRACT 38111111 ADDITION TO MORNING GLORY PUBLIC SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINA The York County Board of Education on any tender not necessarily accepted Slhith & Milne. Architects, 4 Main Street. I\ wmarket. Ontario TENDER of Rich- to take Anglican 29, 1970. c1w4 *1w4 lSATURDAY, JULY 25. 1970 at‘ Rich~112.30 p.m, -â€" Auction Sale of an-‘thousehold furniture including H16†Mueller 3-cushinn Chesterfield Either and chair. like new. Grandfather '. and clock with selection of St. iland. Michael's. Westminister or Wel- *1W4 lington Chimes. hall table pearl inlaid top. _very unique. stated to be old. high-back white oak bed. scroll top. dresser and [g wash-stand. Deluxe apt. size Frigidaire stove. like new, set *1w4 us in the loss of a beloved hus- band and father. Frank Beatty. We especially wish to thank the Rev. Bruce W. Fraser for hls consoling words. all the donors ‘ of the many beautiful floral of- ferings. heart fund donations and the Gideon Society. the pallbearers. and Grant A. Mar- shall Funeral Home for their kind efficient management of the services. Mrs. Elsie Beatty and son Bill. *1w4 for for éiso to the many friends who prayed and sent cards. and thanks too to Dr. Bloom and Dr. Zuck. Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Paxman of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the marriage of their son Richard L. Paxman to Denise‘ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Oliver of Au- rora. The marriage took plaCe at Trinity Anglican Church. Aurora. on July 18, 1970. CARD 0]“ THANKS JULY 30. THURSDAY evenmg 6.30 pm. â€"â€" Auction sale of household furniture including settee with matching rocker, arm chair and straight chain“ china cabinet. oak sideboard. )gingerhread clock. 21“ TV. m of 1en Limoge china. Many. many other items including an- tiques. For: Noah Badger. 93 Wells St, Aurora, Ont. 2nd Street east of No. 11. 2 south of Wellington; Gord Orr, Auctioneer. c1w4 THURSDAY evening August 6th at 7.30 pm. â€"- Auction sale of Missionary Church Parson- age, at 322 Main St. N. Mark- ham. 7 room frame house with centre hall plan, 2 storey. oil heating and all other conveni- ences. class to school and church. in extra good condition, lot size 51‘ by 168' with garage. Property sold subject to reserve hid‘ terms 10% of purchase price time of sale and balance with 60 days. possession within 60 days. Open for inspection Saturday. August Ist â€"â€" 12 noon iiirig sn. King City. com 011'. Auctioneer. c1w4 S. L. G. Chapman. Director of Education marriage c1w4 CUTTANCE. Dorothy â€"- At} York Central Hospital, oni Monday evening. July 20.‘ 1970. Dorothy Cuttance. be-‘ loved wife of Roland R. Cut- tance. 55 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, dear mother of Gerald and his wife Lois. dear grandmother of Can- dace. Resting at the MarshallI Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service; Thursday 1.30 p.m. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w4 t it ‘0' . DOWNING. Margaret Hall (Peggy) â€"â€" Suddenly as the OAK RIDGES . 88-Year-0ld I As Car Rolls 0 Eighty-eight-year-old J o h n Johnson of 72 Roncesvalles Ave- nue. Toronto, was treated in York Central Hospital after the car he was driving rolled over on Highway 400 south of the King Road at 10.25 am July 17. Damage to his car. the only vehicle involved in the mishap. was estimated at $700. The in- vestigating OPP Constable was Keith Stacey. DOWNING. Margaret Hall (Peggy) â€"- Suddenly as the result of a motor accident. on Sunday evening July 19. 1970. Peggy Downing. be- loved wife of Lester W. Downing. of Maple; dear mother of Peter; loved daugh- ter of Mrs. Muriel Savage, Richmond Hill: and dear sis- ter of Susan (Mrs. David Salel, Acton. Resting at the Mar- shall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service on Saturday at 1.30 D.m. Interment Maple Ceme- vestilgating OPP Constable was Keith Stacey. 1k It It wk Louis Caruso of 312 Earls- court Road. Toronto. was in- jured July 18 when his car was damaged to the extent of $1,800 on Highway 400 south of the Maple Road shortly after mid- night. Again only »the one car was involved. Mr, Caruso was admitted to Yorkâ€"Finch Hos- pital with neck and back injurâ€" ies. The accident was investi- gated by Provincial Constable Ian Robertson. HAGERMAN. Harold M. â€"â€"~ On Friday. July 1'7. 1970, at. vaâ€" berry Michigan. Harold Ha- german in 'his 75th year. hus- band of Nora, brother of Percy of St. Catherines. Mabel (Mrs. W. A. Anderson; of Port Hope and Bessie, de- ceased. uncle of Mary. Mr. Hagerman rested at the Family residence in Victoria Square. service was held on Tuesday. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery. c1w4 THOMAS. Eva F. -â€" At St. Michael's Hospital. on Sun- day. July 19, 1970. Eva F. Harris, beloved wife of the late Blythe Thomas, dear mother of Hugh, grandmother of Ken and Jill. Mrs. Thomas rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 78). Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel Tuesday. Interment Holy Trinity Cemetery. SOUTHWELL. Frank ~â€" After‘. a lengthy illness at York Cen- tral Hespital. on Thursday. July 16. 1970. Frank South-l well. beloved husband of Margaret Corneil of Rich: mond Hill: dear father of Barbara. Joan, Vancouver. and David Albert. Kingston. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, 126 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. Ser- vice was held Saturday after- SMITH. John Peter â€"- At York Central Hospital. on Saturday evening. July 18. 1970. John Peter Smith of RRI Maple. Dear Brother of Victor of RosemOunt. Clarence of 0t- tawa‘ Marjorie (Mrs. E. J. Stuart) of Wellington and Phyllis (Mrs. Bruce Dolsonl of RRI Maple. Service was held on Wednesday. Inter- ment Hillel‘est Cemetery. TUTT, Arthur George â€" At his home. on Monday. July 20. 1970, George Tutt. in his 74th year. beloved husband of Kathleen Galt. dear father of Herbert an d Leonard. of Gormley, brother of James. the late Fred and William, also survived by 9 grandâ€" children. Mr. Tutt rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 7BR Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel Wednesday. In- terment Highland Memory Gardens. c1w4 All friends and relatives are invited to attend a Trousseau Tea which will be held at the home of Mrs. S. J, Waters. 186 Church Street South for daugh- ter Sheila. August 2. 1970, be- tween 2 pm and 5 pm. c2w4 WILLOWDALE: Seneca College expects about 1,200 persons to take the 49 offbeat courses it is offering this summer. The low-cost â€"â€" betWeen $10- 315 for six to eight weeks â€"â€" program at the Finch Campus in Willowdale teaches car rally- ings. scuba diving. drama. mus- ic. \vinemaking. bridge. hunting safety and the repairing and appraising of antique clocks. um\unmuuumm\mmlmmummumumuuuu“uuuumum Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service on Saturday at 1.30 pm. Interment Maple Ceme- tery. clw4 mummuuuuummuuuuuuummmluuununuunuummuulm Vlce was “mu Dnbuluug uh». noon. Interment Richmond W Hill Cemetery. (Memorial tri- V‘ butes may be sent to the W Canadian Cancer Society or The Richmond Hill United F Church Memorial Fund.) (:4 ..H VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN Trousseau Tea @mtha SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 'sday,‘ Oliver Cromwell of 8th Ave. louth- nue. Woodbridge. suffered seri- :1 of ous injuries when the car he Rich. was driving was in collision with ,r of a car driven by Angelo Merenâ€" .uvergdino. 13591.9 Davenport Road. gstomToronto, July 11 at 3.40 :pm. Fun- Site of the accident was High- ;treeL way 7 near Highway 400. Mr. sep Cromwell was admitted to York- after_ Finch Hospital. Investigating mend was Provincial Constable Barry i1 tm Wilton and estimated damage ‘ “3, was $2,000. c1w4 c1w4 I“. of! A two-car collision July 13 at OrgBathurst, Street and Gambke mes_lRoad in Vaughan Township ‘ caused an estimated $150 dam- and_,age to a vehicle driven by Ed- d at win Sanderson of Newmarket. ame, There was little damage to fhe 73,. other car driven by Kenneth he1d|Mashinter of RRI, Newmarket, 1n_ipolice said. gated by Provincial Constablel The seconfl sessinn of Parkâ€"Y Ian Robertson. Day Camp commenced July 20 * * “' * and parents may still. register Twa persons were injured boys and girls from 8 - 14 years July‘ 12 at 7.15 pm when the for the last week of camp start- car in which they were riding ing July 27. rolled over on Highway 400. Jointly sponsored by the town north of Highway 7. Again parks and recreation committee only the one car was involved. and the YWCA. campers meet Driver Theresa MacKenna. 29 at the parks and recreation‘ rolled over on Highway 400. north of Highway 7, Again only the one car was inVOIVed. Driver Theresa MacKenna. 29 Bonway Drive. Rexdale, was ad- mitted to York-Finch Hospital with lacerations to arms and a fractured skull. A passenger, Clement Labrecque of 35 Ben- susie Drive. Rexdale, received a lacerated scalp. Damage was estimated at $2,500. The inves- tigation was carried out by Pro- vincial Constable Bob Lorentz. it it It )0! Oliver Cromwell of 8th Ave- nue. Woodbridge. suffered seri- ous injuries when the car he was driving was in collision with a car driven by Angelo Merenâ€" ‘dino. 1359b: Davenport Road. Toronto. July 11 at 3.40 pm. Jointly sponsored by the town parks and recreation committee and the YWCA, campers meet at the parks and recreation building across from the Mill Pond each morning at 9.15 and walk to the campsite. Travel- way bus routes stop at the Mill Pond at 9.10 and 9.15 each morning and leave at 4.10 and 4.15 after camp is over for the day. The last week of. camp fea- tures “science week â€"- outer space" style. The usual Tues- day afternoon swim for girls ‘and Wedneday swim for boys will take place at Centennial Pool. Cook-outs are a weekly feature at Park-Y and there will be. program surprises on the last day of camp for 1970 July 31. Four persons were injured in a collision involving two cars on Highway 48 at Ballantrae at 1.40 pm July 11. Investigating Gormley Driver Gets $400 Damage In Bump Douglas Page of RRZ. Gorm- ley had an estimated $400 dam- age to his 1967 model automo- bile at 7:35 pm July 16 on Don Mills Road, just south of Mark- ham Road. His car was in a rear end collision with a 1970 model car driven by Angela Bender of ‘72 Child Drive, Aurora. Her car had an estimated $300 damage, Markham Township Police es- himated. A two-car collision July 19 at Dufferin Street and Steeles Avenue West caused an estiv mated $250 damage to each vehicle. V a u g h a 11 Township Police reported. Louis Greenspnon of Willow- dale and Francis Squires of Cooksville were the drivers in- volved. A young $2,000 Appaloosa gelding named Irish Whiskey is still very sore after being dous- ed with pink paint in his pas- ture north of Richmond Hill last Friday. Doused In Paint, Horse In Agony The ‘hofse was attended by a veterinarian and had to be shaved. There was concern at first that Irish Whiskey might die, but now it appears he will have nothing worse than a lot of raw skin area and a very strange looking appearance for the sum~ mer. Irish Whiskey is owned by Mrs. Karen Milne of 52 Graylee Avenue. Scarboro. and was be- ing boarded at the Thornhil] Boarding Stable at 600 Yonge Street North. The same weekend as the paint incident took place the stable was taken over by new tenants. Mrs. June Haywood and her husband Gerald‘ Mrs. Haywood says children are suspected of throwing the paint over Irish Whiskey. Vari- ous cans of paint were found thrown around at the pasture where horses from the stable were grazing Friday. There was no paint on any of the other horses. Mrs. Haywood says they now hope Irish Whiskey will re- cover and be okay. Vaughan Tmmship Police are investigat- ing the incident. OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT 88-Year-01d Driver Injured As Car Rolls On Highway 400 REPORT ofï¬cer Provincial Constable Joe Lee reports that a car driven by Jean Graham. 1734 Altona Road. Pickering. northbound on Highway 48. was struck by a westbound car driven by Robert Firth of Unionville. The Firth car went out of control. then struck a pedestrian, Patricia Wookey of 58 Tournmaline Ave- nue. Agincourt. who suffered a strained back. Jean received bruises and cuts to her mouth: Lori Graham. aged 9, suffered lacerations and Lynda Graham. aged 5. received bruises. Dam- age was estimated at $1.300. May Sti†Registerff Day Camp's Last Week} I Controller Brian Harrison ‘was unable to convince the board that the Metro Licensing Commission should be asked to license people who rent mini- blkes to ensure operators would ‘be 16 or over. be program surprises on the last Pickering Township Police day of camp for 1970 July 31. charged Thomas Neville. 32. of The half price rate for one Fairport Road. with driving week of camp is $6 and parents while impaired and with refus- are asked to phone the "Y" ing to take a breath test. immediately if interested â€" it It It It 01'. ‘Call in and regisâ€" The Torontw ter from 8'30 a?" to 4'30 pm 0“ Centred Plan has pronounced Thursday or Emmy at 25 Yonse the “death sentence†on the Street North m Richmond Hill. nnoe highly-touted satellite AURORA: Mrs. Frederick (Nel- lie) Rex, for 20 years in charge of the janitorial staff at St. Andrew’s College, was honored by oï¬icials, associates and col. leagues at a party recently on her retirement. Mrs. Rex was affectionately known as “Maw†}by the student body of the :school. SCARBORO â€"â€" Mini-bikes may be on their way out m Soarboro parks. Last week (the borough's Board of Control recommended that. the recreation and parks committee include mini-bikes in the bylaw that forbids snowmo- biles and other motorized ve- hicles in most parks. By veteran. small house with 1 acre ‘nr more. approx. 10 miles north of Thornhill. V.L.A. cash. Write Box 23 “The Liberal". REAL ESTATE WANTED You can still get a copy of “The Liberal" Truro in Tent City or It doesn’t matter where you bed down for your vacation . . . you can still get your copy of “The Liberal†by arranging it with our Circ- ulation Dept. Vacations don't mean that you have to do without your favorite paper; you can read about the doings of your town and your neighbors even if you are thousands of miles away. Go to the mountains, go to the seashore, your copy of “The Liberal†will be right behind you with the same infomnation-packed. entertain- ment package that it has been for these many years. Order now from Circulation for mail delivery. Phone 884-1105 or 8844983. At last Sunday's service in Emmanuel Anglican Norman Reeve gave a very in- teresting talk on the “Whole Armor of God". Next Sunday‘s service will be celebrated by the Rev. David Sproule of St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church. Richmond Hill. be “The Mind of Christâ€. iWhile the minister is on vaca- ition. calls for assistance .should ibe made to Ralph Day at 884. j6336 or Richard Edmunds at 5884-2286. Church. ' His topic will l small lake. On one side of the lake 3 family has built a small screened house to View the lake wildlife. Under lthe floor of the structure, which is built on the edge of the water. is a shel- tered area with lots of straw for ducks to nest in. Around this shelter were 50 or 60 mal- ilards and white ducks. They ‘paddled around that area and then over near where we were watching as if the:r expected us no throw them some crumbs. Bolton has many beautiful WILLOWDALE: North York will place workers in 1wo born ough high schools to help de- velop (them as community cen- \tres. Saturday. the Cook family deâ€" livered Betsy and Penny to Camp Artaban, a church-spon- sored camp on farmland north of Bolton. Later we took a walking tour of Bolton. VThevriver in the town has been dammed up to form a Vacation Church School at‘ WILLOWDALE’ North York Emmanuel has been a lot of funl will place workers in two bar. for 30 youngsters during the Ough high 5°h°°15 t0 “.919 d9†afternoons. Among the many velop 'them as commumty cen- projects were finger painting "95- . which the younger ones enjoyed The community co-ordmators, very much and wan plaques staff members of the recreation made by the juniors. This is and Parks departmjmt- ‘7‘“ the third year that Emmanuel work 1“ Jéne .Jumo“ mgh Anglican has taken part in the School and Vnctona Park Secon- joint vacation chm-ch schools Clary Sch001- _ of 'the 'I‘hornhill Ministerial As- Under the plan. wh_1ch ha-s sociaï¬on. Under the plan. which has sociaï¬onj' been approve‘j by the borough Your correspondent would be‘ council and the school board. delighted m hear of how any of, the workers Wm organize drop" our readers spent their vacation. in centres for teenagers. work The news is a‘ways published on senior citizens‘ club rprn- after the people have returned grams and he“) “33’! V01“â€â€˜ home in order not to publicize a iteers for similar activmes. vacant house. PICKERING:A 14-year-old girl was killed and two teenagers were injured when they were struck from the rear by an auto as they walked east on Finch Avenue in Pickering on July 13. ‘Police said the car tossad all ‘three into the air. Killed was Lorna Garvalho. 14. of Fairport Road. Pickering. Susan Pesche. 14, also of Fair- port Road. is being treated for a broken leg in Scarboro Cen- tennial Hospital. Michael Mc- Keown. 18. of Rosebank Road. is in serious condition in St. Michael‘s Hospital, Toronto. with head and leg injuries. STOUFFVILLE: The Toronto- Centred Plan has pronounced the “death sentence†on the once highly-touted satellite Community Planning Branch, rejecting an application for the rezoning of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Township of Uxbridge, bhe community Planning Branch, ‘Department of Municipal Af- ‘Iairs. reaffirmed the Robarts Government's intent to limit growth in this zone to moderate expansion of smaller communq ities now in existence. SCARBORO â€"â€" S c a r b or 0 Board of Control agreed Last week to look into providing rent-free space for a junior achievement club in the borough. Under the program high school students are taught by businessmen to organize and manage their own small busi- 1185565. But the request by J. H. Hampsey, chairman of the Scar- borough area board of directors of Metro's Junior Achievement Club. received some critici§m. NEWMARKET: The Lions are paying for construction of a wading pool near the curling club at the. fair grounds. The pool will be 40 feet in diameter and '18 inches deep in the cen- tre with a one-foot ledge and a three-foot deck. A filtering 1system is being installed. It is ,expecth to be ready in two 'weeks. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue. Phone 889-4553 LANGSTAFF NEWS Bolton has many beautiful older homes and the surround- ing -countryside is well worth a visit. on a sunny summer after- noon. Robbie and Bonnie Jeuy of Garden Avenue- have gone north m Swastika on Kirkland Lake to spend several weeks with their grandmother. The Liberal Front Quarters OFBEEF 59m. Sides Of Beef lb. 65,; ROASTSQM. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July LEVENDALE MEATS FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER CANADA PACKERS LOOSE Wi‘e'ï¬'ï¬iiéâ€? 39¢ 6 LEVENDALE ROAD RED & BLUE BRAND ONLY C USTOM CANADA PACKERS RED 8: BLUE BRAND South Block, Richmond Heights Centre mu“mmmumuuumm\m“umunmmmmummumumg THE Challenge OF {g CIVIC HOLIDAY g CUT - WRAPPED & FAST FROZEN “RCPT Every adult should have a regular physical checkup to guard against cancer. says the Canadian Cancer Society. 413 N. Taylor Mills Dr Richmond Hill INDUSTRIAL and COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Road. Sewer and Watermain Design I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT at us help you solve All your M oving problems Ideal For Your Bar-B-Q ENGINEERING PLUS ERIC GEORGE, P. Eng. A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of "The Liberal", 63 Yonge St. S..,Richmond Hill, at we will be pleased to mail one on request. Teleiyhbne 884-1105. ".‘J In Memoriam Verses 884-5801 Phone 884-4274 POUND 19 Gentle as a Lamb