Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1970, p. 13

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Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bower- Rotary News man of Sussex Avenue, accom- The July panied by their 11 year old local Rotary grandson, Rickey Rolls of‘Summit Golf Brampton, returned last week was “Comn from a delightful holiday inalthough sev Vancouver. absent, com Visitors this week with Miss Mary Dmvson were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrick of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. George Dalley and family have returned to 1heir home in Dallas. Texas, after visiting his mother. Mrs. Mel Dalley of 55 Trayborn Drive. The Barricks will be spend- ing next week at Port Bolster on Lake Simcoe, before return- ing to the West Coast. During their stay the visitors spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Don MacWilliams of New- market at their summer home on Lake St. George. Ron Dalley has also left [or his home in Vancouver having visited his mother and other relatives. FASI CCURATE ‘PRISCMPTION SERVICE RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 Tenders For Road And Storm Sewer Construction Necessary Available Rating is (4) in (G) or (P) with a minimum of (4) in (G) and ('3) in (P). Sealed tenders properly marked as to contents will be received by: Mr. R. Lynett Clerk Town of Richmond Hill Municipal Offices Richmond Hill, Ontario. l NOTICE TO QUALIFIED CONTRACTORS » up to Noon, local time on MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1970 for the reconstruction of Yonge Street and var- ious side streets (Stage 2) in the Town of Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. The work includes grading, granular base, curb and gutter, asphalt paving, storm sewers, sidewalks and watermain. The major quantities for the work are: Earth Excavation - 24,500 cu. yd. Granular Base Course,‘ Class “A’f - 18,500 tons Sand Cushion - 12,500 tons Hot Mix Asphalt - 8,250 tons Storm Sewers (various - 4,700 lin. ft. sizes up to 24”) Curb and‘ Gutter - 13,000 lin. ft. Concrete Sidewalk - 57,000 sq. ft. Plans and Contract Documents may be obtained from the Toronto office of the Consulting Engin- eer. A charge of $25.00 will be made for each set of Plans and Documents, which will be re- funded to General Contractors submitting bona fide tenders to the Owner and who return Plans and Documents in good condition to the office of the Consulting Engineer within thirty (30) days of the closing of Tenders. Cheques shall be' made payable to Proctor & Redfern. Tenderers must have the necessary Available Qualification Rating and must complete Depart- ment of Highways, Ontario Form PCQ-(MR) to the satisfaction of the Owner and in accordance with the Department‘s prequalification proced- ures. The-Tenderer shall submit with his Tender a Bid Bend in an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the amount of the Tender. The lowest or any Tender need not necessarily be accepted. The Town of Richmond Hill Mr. R. Lynett Proctor & Redfern Clerk . Consulting Engineers Municipal Offices 75 Eglinton Ave. East Richrnond Hill. Ontario Toronto 315, Ontario Project E.O. 66235 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 9, accom- The July 20 meeting of the year old local Rotary Club held at the 30113 of Summit Golf and Country Club ast week was “Committee night" and >1lday in although several members were absent, committees did their initial planning for the coming Cut} In ' can: W5 son One visitor was introduced to the club, Rotarian Walter Little from Willowdale. Currently visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zinck on Beaverton Road is her brother-inâ€"law and youngest sister. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gaida of Winnipeg. Hl-i‘éstmli/innday evening local Lawyer Neil Mann gave a talk on “The Social Planning Coun- cil‘ Also spending a few days at the Zi cks “'as‘ her nephew, Richar Pastuck, and friend Bob Taylor, also of Winnipeg. who left on Monday {or a trip L New Brunswick. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. fllcnaru raswcn, auu lllClIu Bob Taylor, also of Winnipeg. who left on Monday {or a trip t. New Brunswick. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Zinck invited a few close friends to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Gaida's 25th wedding an- niversary and her nephew‘s birthday. Attending were Mrs. E. Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chapman of Willowdale and Mr. Zinck‘s cousin, Mrs. Murry Ripley and son Windall of Ing- ersoll. During the week Mrs. Zinck has accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gaida to many places of interest including Collingwood, where they enjoyed seeing Blue Moun- 61.3“ Dnunmr math: and buvinE The Mill Pond Park area in ‘Richmond Hill was the locale for the shooting of a six minute ifilm last week â€"â€" The Return Of The Troubadour â€" a visualiza- tion of the song “The Last Time 1 Saw Her". The director of the film. Paisley Maxwell «Glen! of Alâ€" lcaine Court is currently taking a film production course at Seneca College, which includes 'briefing classes on the making of films and use of equipment. ‘viewing a number of films and television commercials, submit- ting a story board for a com- mercial then forming produc- tion teams to make four com- mercials. During the week Mrs. Zinck has accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gaida to many places of interest including Collingwood, where they enjoyed seeing BLue Moun- tain Pottery made and buying gifts for their daughters and of Sarnia :Xnother recent visitor at the inck home was Ralph Milner 18,500 tons 12,500 tons 8,250 tons 4,700 lin. ft. Summer visitors at the home of the of Mr. and Mrs. George Ander- at the son of Centre Street East are y Club her sister, Mrs. James Rogers " and and children, Nancy and Jimmy, s were of Sunnyvale, California. their * Â¥ * Taking part in the film were Sally Coombs, currently on holi- day from Wraxall, Somerset, England, and Peter Temple Of Willowdale, who is entering the fine arts course at York Uni- versit in the fall. caine Court is currently taking ‘ a film {Si‘oduction course at Seneca College, which includes briefing classes on the making of films and use of equipment, viewing a number of films and television commercials, submit- ting a story board for a com- mercial then forming produc- tion teams to make four com- mercials. Preparing a shooting script for a feature film is the last part of the course and Miss Maxwell assisted by Ray Maher ,. A , ,1 -LAALL... One gallery, for example the] Western Canada Gallery is 80 feet long, 40 feet wide and 22 feet high. It resembles in size and appearance an Indian Long House, with walls of British Columbia logs weighing over a half ton each. There will be ancient artifacts and a 121/; foot Indian House Post, on loan from Ottawa’s Museum of Man. It is really a totem pole used in- side the Indian Long House and made of carved red cedar. It represents the Goddess Tson- of Toronto completed shooting for “The Return Of" The Trou- badour” on Tuesday. a film bas- ed on a song poet of today. who compares with a minstrel of the middle ages. Miss Maxwell was associated with the Central Library The- atre in Toronto for several years in an acting and directing capacity with Aries Productions, is active in television and is a freelance journalist. i fl\\\\\\\\\l\llll“tillillllullllllilllltll\\l\lll\lllilll\llllll\\\\l\l\l\\l\\l\ll mum|ulu\1\l\mumuuuuuuuumI“mmmum|uuuulmuuumm Obituary Planning a camping or fishing trip, a relaxing holi- day at a lodge. a tour of Canada or the States, or are you taking off on a trip to Europe? Or maybe just entertaining guests from out of town? ngioland Cuttancei 39 Yr. Hill Resident} News of your activities makes interesting reading for “Life in the Hill” col- umns â€"-â€" the service is free â€"â€" just phone‘ the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€"- we’ll be pleaqed to hear from you. A resident of Richmond Hill since 1931, \Mrs. Roland Cut- tance (Dorothy), 55 'Roseview Avenue, died July 20 in York Central Hospital. She had been a patient there since May Born in Cornwall, England, she married Mr. Cuttance al- most 50 years ago and came with her husband and only son, Gerald, to Canada in 1925. The family lived in Toronto for six years before settling in Rich- mond Hill. A member of Richmond Hill United Church, Mrs. Cuttance was active in church and com- munity groups, particularly the Women‘s Institute and the Friendship Group. a small group of women who for many years worked quietly in the interests of their fellow citizens. The funeral service was held Thursday in the chapel of the Marshall Funeral Home with interment following in Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. The of- ficiating clergyman was Rev. Allen Hallett. Pallbearers were four nephews, William Rapson, iBrni’Vanifox; Mbrris Manning and John Ferguson; Lawrence Wig- gins and Bruce Wilson. Staff Sergeant Joe Mc- Bain, who has been in charge of the Oak Ridges Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police for the past four years, retires to- morrow (July 31). Mrs. Cuttance is survived by her husband of almost half a century, her son Gerald and his wife Lois and granddaughter bcuuuy, ucx ovu say-u... _...... .___ \‘n‘fe Lois and granddaughter; The Hanna Family will be Candace: a brother John in Cal-greatly missed by their many ifornia; brothers Sam. Reg and friends who, along with “The Cecil and Sisters Ethel, Gwen Liberal“ wish them health, hapâ€" and Phyllis of Cornwall, Eng-:piness and success in their new land. :locale. The staff sergeant is a native of Scotland who came to Canada in 1922. After joining the OPP in 1940 he served with detach- ments at Perth, Alexandria, Ottawa and Georgetown be- fore coming to Oak Ridges. His fellow provincial policemen honored him at a retirement party held July 22 at the Veterans' Club in Willowdale. OPP Staff Sergeant Retiring Arriving last weekend from England were David Edkins and son, Mark. who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monks of W00d1ane. During their stay the Monksl and Edkins will be guests ofi Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Haworthl‘ at their cottage on Lake ofl Bays. Mrs. Haworth and M1‘s.Monks were entertained by Mr.‘ and Mrs. Edkins at their home in Brookmans Park. Hertford- shire, while holidaying in Eng-‘ land last April. I Well known residents of the Hill for the past 19 years, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hanna. and four of their family, Christo- pher, ~ Yvonne, Timothy and ThereSa, of 360 Markham Road are leaving next month to take up residence in Vancouver. While here, Mr. Edkins is looking forward to seeing again the many friends he made while on _a previous visit to Canada in 1967. The new wing of the McMich-fh; the current film“ version of‘ ael Conservation Collection of‘uGoodbye “If. Chips"_ Art in Kleinburg will be offici- 3k * * ally OPEHEd 0n AUSUSL 7 at} Mona Robertson of Centre pm by the Premier 0f ontarlo Street West spent last weekend the Hon. J01“! r- “Obal'ts- lat the home of Mr. and Mrs. With the openfilg 9f the 1‘18W1Richard Bostock in Durham, on‘ “'ing, the gallery W111 befimneithe lovely Saugeen River. t With the Openmg 0f the neWiRichard Bostock i Wing, 1119 gallery Will bCFO'IT‘e'the lovely Saugee one of the largest in Canada,| While there. R with almost an acre of floorformer residents space and will house over 600 Hill, took her on paintings, many of them recent new conservation acquisitions not before seen at those who like to the gallery. _ ‘_ lin the heart 'of a r oqua, supposed to devour had little children, Set in the arch- ways are two huge, red cedar carvings, weighing 1,400 lbs. each. They were carved by the Kwakivti tribe and more partic- ularly by their internationally \famous sculptor, Douglas Cran- mer. Prior to their moving they have been entertained at many parties â€"â€" by members of the choir of Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church, of which Mr. Hanna is choir director, who held a dinner and presentation at the Summit View Gardens Tavern on June 27, which was followed by a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finnerty on Browndale Crescent; at a surprise party by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cardwell and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Card- well, held at the latter’s homeifreeze firm‘ 3 to 4 hours. on Lucas Street, attended by the many friends they have made since movingrto Richmond 1 cup banana slices 1:: cup diced orange sections 1 cup heavy cream. whipped Combine sugar, flour and} honey in saucepan. Bring to‘ boiling. Cook 1 minute, stir- ring constantly. Gradually stir lemon juice into beaten egg, then add small amount of honey mixture. Return to remaining mixture. Bring just to boiling, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, cool. Stir in the fruit, fold in whipped cream. Pour into refrigerator tray, To serve cut in squares and garnish ‘with orange sections if desired. Serves 6 to 8. on Lucas Street, attended bythe many friends they have made since moving to Richmond Hill; and at two dinner parties‘ held by Mr. and Mrs. Frank‘ Winkhardt of Sussex Avenue: and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flood of‘ Centre Street East. l Fellow members of the CWD entertained for Mrs. Hanna at a party and presentation at the home of Mrs. Pat Killean on Beechy Drive and a neighbor- hood coffee [party and presenta- tion was held at Mrs. Jim Strain’s home on Sussex Aveâ€" nue. On July 15, many f1‘iends,‘l ICC UDC VI I Ulll neighbors and relatives attend- ed an.0pen House held by Mr. Recognizing that' it holds and Mrs. Hanna at their Mark-'school buildings and facilities ham Road home. in trust for separate school sup- They plan to drive out west porters of the county, York shortly after the wedding of County Roman Catholic School their son Paul to Sheila Waters, Board July 21 adopted a policy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack which will give maximum serv- Waters, Church Street South, ice to separate school support- which takes place August 8 atiers and the community at large Our Lady Queen of the Worldiin the use of these facilities. .Church. Paul, a graduate of First priority in the use of {Centralia College of Agricul-‘school facilities will be given 'tural Technology, is currentlytor educational purposes, sec. ‘employed by Gamble and Rog- and priority will be given to ‘ers Livestock Brokers in Tor- organizations and activities 'onto and in September will be sponsored by separate school going to Montana to get his'supporters and third priority to lauctioneer’s licence. Two othercommunity oriented groups. isons â€" Gregory, leaves August No rental fee or other charge [14 for the Holy Family Momsâ€"Twill be made for educational, tery in Hartford. Connecticut,‘student. parentâ€"teacher groups and Bernie is completing his or fund raising activities by in. final year in business adminis- ternal groups when approved ‘tration at 'Ryerson Polytechni- by the administration. ‘cal Institute in Toronto. Also inCIUGed in the groups Mr. Hanna. a native of Van- couver. and Mrs. Hanna, form- erly of Calgary. met in England, while serving in the Canadian Air Force. After their mar- riage they spent just over four years in'Toronto, prior to mov- ing to Richmond Hill. During this time, 22 years, Mr. Hanna has been associated with Assur- led Tire Sales Ltd. of Toronto. They will be leaving their present home this week and until their departure will stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cardwell on Cartier Crescent. Dui‘ing their stay they had a[ wonderful time meeting again“ Ethe legion members and theii“ wives. attending parties and spending several days at Mr. 1and Mrs. Thomas Sanford’s ,m summer cottage at Sturgeon 1dlLake. They also accompanied iniMr. and Mrs. Hopson to many 0f'places of interest 1n Ontario. Both Mr. annd Mrs. Hum- ks phries are employed by the of Birmingham Criminal Investiga- flfition Department. ‘Mr. Hum. of phries as a detective and his rs. wife as a member of the office 1.. staff. Mr. and Mrs. Alver Hum- phries have recently returned to Birmingham. England, following a three week holiday with her sister and brother-in-law. Rita and Doug Hopson on Palmer Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Humphries had‘ already met several Richmond Hill residents last year, when; Mr. and Mrs. Hopson, with‘ other members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 375. and their wives, went on a legion flight to England and were entertained by Mrs. Hop- son's and Mrs. Humphries‘ par- ients, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houl- dey at their home in Birming- ham.l ‘ Mrs. Alison Clarke and her 10 year old daughter. Susan, arrive lnexvt Thursday from Kensing- ‘ton, London, England, for a ithree week vacation at the ‘country home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Douglas-Crampton, Duf. ferin Street. An actress,‘Mrs. Clarke play- ed Sir Michael Redgrave‘s wife :in the current film version of \“Goodbye Mr. Chips“. 1 What’s Cooking? While there, Rosa and Dick. former residents of Richmond Hill, took her on a tour of the new conservation park and for those who like to put up a tent in the heart 'of a national setting â€" with all facilities for out- door living available â€" as well as a quiet river bank for trout fishing, Mrs. Robertson recom- mends they try Saugeen Pro- vincial Park on the historic old Durham Road. You reach Dur- ham via Highway 89 and Mount LForest, after leaving Highway 400. 2 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. enriched flour 1/2 cup honey 1/5; cup lemon juice 1 beaten egg 2 cups fruit coektail. drained 1/2; cup halved maraschino cherries cup banana slices cup diced orange sections 1 cup heavy cream. whipped Combine sugar, flour and honey in saucepan. Bring to boiling. Cook 1 minute, stir- ring constantly. Gradually stir 1 1:: and a comedy “Generation” b1 William Goodhart, directed by .Paisley Maxwell, from April It to May 1. v..- - -y- ....-J _- Roman Catholics 83 Teachers â€"Register Religious Education Religious Education Co-or dinator Robert Cooney of New max‘lrnf infm‘mafl Vnrlz {Tnnnh nnumnmuummuuuuuuum1mmmummumuummmmmmw Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers. be it nriain course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€" how about yours? \Youth And Parish Groups To Have Free Use Of York Catholic Schools mmmmmmm“\\\mumuum\|\uuuu1mmuuuummumuumm First priority in the use of school facilities will be given for educational purposes, secâ€" ond priority will be giyen to organizations and activities sponsored by separate school supporters and third priority to community oriented groups. No rental fee or other charge! will be made for educational, student. parent-teacher groups or fund raising activities by in- ternal groups when approved by the administration. Also included in the groups which may use the school fac- ilities without a rental fee or other charge are Brownies, Guides, Cubs. Scouts, religious education classes. local masses and local parish. charitable and: youth organizations for meet-i ings on a frequent and regular basis and when approved by administration. 1 Approved representatives of York County municipalities when conducting an activity [clearly identified as municipal business, organizations which lprovide a community service, lwhen approved by administra: tion. on an occurrence basis and‘ organizations providing a lim-l ited community service where the event is not revenue pro- ducing, when approved by ad- .ministration, will be charged: nized additional co sessed costs of heat Rental fees for z are $3, for library c $6, gymnasium $20, board owned chairs of kitchen $5. The subject to revision quired. Specific applicatic mer uses by recre mittees and for otl school facilities will ered by the adminis ject to this policy terms of the permit \‘ided that adequal ion, acceptable to t maintained by the 2 supervision falls be ceptable level the be revoked. It was administrative per draw up a set of g be applied to each All applications school facilities are in writing to the tion to the atteni plant supervisor. FROZEN FRUIT DELIGHT FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Miss M. L. Batstone \1lll\\\\\\\\ll““I\l\“lll\\l\lll“Illl\\“\lllll\\\lllll\\ll!ll\\\l\l\lllll\ll\lll“ University Womenl Meet At York I The WA would appreciate donations of saleable goods â€"â€" clothing, articles of furniture, records, kitchen utensils, linens, bedding, whathaveyou -â€"- just call 884-1435 for a prompt pick- ‘up. munuui1mmuumuuuunm“mm!uu\nu\umuuuuuuuumum! The Women's Committee of the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra is planning a giant rummage sale on October 17 and although the date is in the future, the planning and organ- ization is well underway. Since its inception. the or- chestra, one of the town’s big- gest cultural assets,’has provid- ed enjoyment for many people in Richmond Hill and neighbor- ing towns and has earned rec- ognition as being one of the best amateur orchestras in‘ On- tario. There was a good turnout at the first reading for “There’s A Girl In My Soup” held on Wed- nesday last at the Curtain Club Theatre. This engaging comedy by Ter- ence Frisby, being directed by Gerry Crack, will open the sea- son on September 24. This will be followed by a‘ mystery “The Detectives”, di‘ rected and translated from the Spanish by Dagmar Matyas, from November 20 to December 5: “The Devil’s Advocate” by Dore Schary, directed by Tony Miller, from February 12 to 27 and a comedy “Generation” by William Goodhart, directed by Paisley Maxwell, from April 16 to May 1. The board will recognize the winter course in religious edu- cation as equivalent to a uni- versity credit for category purâ€" poses and will underwrite the fee of $85 each for its teachers. Religious Education Co-or- dinator Robert Cooney of New- market informed York County Separate School Board, at its July 21 meeting, that so far 33 teachers have registered for the winter course in religious edu- cation. The course will be given in Newmarket from September 1970 to April 1971. It is expec- ted final enrolment will be 90, with 75 of them from the county schools. The course is also open to teachers from other separate jschool boards and some have ‘registered. it was reported. ! Profit making organizations }not providing a community ser- ivice and upon approval of ad- ministration will be charged a rental fee, the rate for recog- inized additional costs and as- }sessed costs of heat, light, etc. no rental fee but will be re- quired to pay ,for repognized additional costs (including jan- itorial services) at a rate of $5 per hour. Organizations providing a limited \community 5 e r v i c e when the event is revenue pro- ducing and approved by admin- istration will be charged a ren- tal fee and will pay the $5 per hour rate for recognized addi- tional costs. Attending the 18th tri- ennial conference of the Canadian Federation of University Women, to be held August 16-21 at York University. Toron- to, will be Mrs. David Fayle. Miss Edna [Hard and Mrs. Lewis Clement of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Louise Aimone of Thornhill. Rental fees for a classroom are $3, for library or staffroom $6, gymnasium $20, for use of board owned chairs $5 and use of kitchen $5. These rates are subject to revision when re- quired. Specific applications for sum- mer uses by recreation com- mittees and for other uses of school facilities will be consid- The conference will have as its theme. “New Attitudes For A Chang- ing Society" and will in- clude seminars on “Dis- advantaged Canadians - Indians." environmental pollution and unrest in education. Delegates from 115 University W o m e n ' 5 Clubs will participate, from all over Canada. Representatives of the Canadian Indians will be present to join in the seminars and Adminis- trator Sam Chapman of the York County Board of Education will be speaking on education unrest. William Earl Bonnell receiv- ed his Honors Bachelor of Arts degree from Trent University. Peterboro, this spring. He is the son of ME. and Mrs. Jphn Bonnell, 217 Altamira Road, Richmond Hill and plans to further his education in Lon- don. England. John and Barbara McFee, Maid of' Honor Alison Fraser and Bill Powell entertained at an engagement party at the lat- ter’s home on Yonge Street North. Twelve couples attend- ed and the bride and groom re- ceived many lovely gifts for their new home. Bill came to Richmond Hill with his parents from Schu- macher. Ontario. in July 1957 and attended MacKillop Public School. He graduated from Richmond Hill High School in Entertaining at showers for“: Miss Colleen Ann Fraser prior to her marriage to Gordon Rob- ert Pratt on Friday evening at‘ St. Mary Immaculate Roman Catholic Church were Mrs.‘ Christopher Rhodes of Bayviewi. Avenue (kitchen). Mrs. Hugh‘ Allen, Palmer Avenue (miscelâ€" laneous) and Mrs. Gail Robinsonl : of Thornhill (miscellaneous). in 1966 Colleen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fraser, Kerrybrook Drive and Gordon is the son of Mrs. Frank Pratt and the late Mr. Pratt of Lawr- ence Avenue. Many parties were held for Carol Barfoot of 305 McConvey Drive, prior to her marriage to Craig Ross of Willowdale which took place May 30 in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Trent Graduate Entertaining at miscellaneous}; showers were’ Miss Karen Phil-‘6 lips, Mrs. Linda Lawrence and‘ Miss Sharon Miller, all of Tor-5 onto, Mrs. “Anne Blakelock of‘: Maple, Mrs. Marg Hunsdale andL g her daughter Carol, co-hostesses; ‘ Miss Kathy Kew and Mrs. Shar-i f on, Cook, all of Richmond Hillne A personal shower was held by‘: Mrs. M. Lewis of Scarboro. lg mmm WILLIAM EARL BONNELL The bowling league of Texas Instruments Incorporated made a presentation to Carol and Craig at their annual bowling banquet, the employees of Trail- ways ‘of Canada presented her with a lovely gift and the com-‘ pany gave them both an electric carving knife. A presentation of a dinnerware set was made to Craig by his employers, Ho- barts Manufacturing in‘ Don Mills. Carol‘s sister, Mrs. Gail Hause of Brampton was the matron of honor and Karl Ley of Scarboro was best man. Miss Karen Phillips and Mrs. Linda Lawrence. cousins of the bride. Miss Jan Nicholls and Miss Carol Hunsdale were brides- maids. David and Garry Bar- foot, brothers of the bride, David Ross. brother of the groom, and Donald Hause were ‘ushersf The happy couple travelled for part of their honeymoon, spending the last week at their family cottage on Deanlea Beach, Georgian Bay. They have now taken up residence in Willowdale. Frank Southwell Dies After Lengthy Illness After a lengthy illness, Frank Southwell, a resident of Rich- mond Hill for 24 years, died at York Central Hospital July 16. Born in Southern Blackburn, Lancashire, England, he came to Canada as a young boy with his widowed mother and baby sis- ter. The family settled in the Toronto a‘nteg. Corneil and Paul Fiege; and ‘three longtime friends. Harold 'Knight of Willowdale, Sam Jar- man of Florida and Peter Mc- lHardy of Ottawa. Obituary After his' marriage to Mar- garet Comeil r in September 1940, Mr. Southwell lived in To- ronto until moving to Richmond Hill in 1946 taking up residence at 237 Church Street South. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hursday. July 30. 1970 13 STAND YOUR GROUND ~ ‘ 1 WWW ‘Read “The Liberal“ and rout lthe forces of darkness. You‘ll be ‘ Iformidable on community .alf-l . ‘fairs, politics. sports, the arts l-â€"-all your interests. Be bold. iGet home delivery of "The Lib- eral,“ :nr n:r\r:nna Complete colour coverage Home. Church, Receptions Moderate Prices PHONE: 225-8335 QUALITY CLEANING A'I‘ Discount Prices Alterations and Repairs -l-‘DOI- PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS â€"â€" ' GLASSES r ' CONTACT LENSES “FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION" RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE In The Mall ' â€" SE Open Mon‘ to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am - 9 pm APOLLO ll COIFFURE 452 MARKHAM RD., RICHMOND HILL Corner of Bayview Ave. PRESENTS ITS ‘ ON ALL '21? PERMANENT WAVES {L7 BLEACHES a": STREAKS :33 TINTS This Anniversary Special Expires August 15. 1970 condo» S. Discount Cleaners For Appointment Phone 884-6811 34 YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HILL m r-->.0.0.¢ - _ --_1.o.o.o.o.o-o-‘ 884-1955 884-6171

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