Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1970, p. 16

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Your correspondent wishes everyone to be aware of the fact that all material for this column must be in her hands no later than Friday morning of this week, due to the Civic Hol- iday Weekend. Xour cuue-ayuuuuu everyone to be aware of the fact that all material for this column must be in her hands no later than Friday morning of this week, due to the Civic Hol- iday Weekend. * 4x a :0! Mike and Anna Granger and daughter Anita of Goodman Crescent, recently returned from a five day sightseeing trip to Ottawa. While there, they watched the Changing of the Guard and enjoyed a tour of the Parlia- mnnf Buildings as well as a tour v- - .._, _, , Dr. MacNaughton has been 'associate dean (science) of Wel- lington College of Arts and Science since 1966. He also holds the rank of professor of physics and continues to devote a portion of his time to teach- ing in that department. , Born at. Maple, the son of 'Mrs. Richard 0. MacNaughton and the late Mr. MacNaughton, he attended the Maple Public School, Aurora High School and received his BA, MA and PhD degrees in physics from the Un- iversity of Toronto. ‘L'ummery of Port McNicholl ar- it was still chilly. With the boat rived and stayed till Friday. |headed into the wind. When the "‘ * * 1boat turned back. with the windl Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and‘behind. many ventured out on, family. Laura. Libby and John.!the front deck to enjoy the sun, have returned from their holi-‘which it seems always shines on day at “The Breakers". South- our senior citizens. ‘ ampton: followed by a few days To stave off the pangs of hun-‘ w1th Jim and Pat James at ger the members enjoyed cof- thelr cottage on Georgian Bay, tee from the snack bar on board north of Parry Sound. It was a‘and cookies which had been mce easy relaxing holiday. af-[provided by Mrs. Leila Hynd, fording the family the rest they who has been going along on neededr these trips in the capacity of ‘nurse whenever she has the ‘time. ’1‘ 1 at a 1k a- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matthews ru___1.__i_ n ...... t NJ L-_1_ -5 n...‘ Llly u. v-0. , While there. they watched the Changing of the Guard and enjoyed a tour of the Parlia- ment Buildings as well as a tour of 1he National Arts Centre where they were impressed by UL uu: ““b AAAAAA â€"â€"_.7 , where they were impressed byl Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ballingerfl the three and a half ton cur-‘Keele Street South, have been tains, the two theatres and the.busy entertaining and enjoying opera house capable of seatingithe company of Mr. and Mrs. 2,300 people. Masaaki Matsuoka from New They visited the Science Mu- York and the parents of Mrs. seum and the home of former Matsuoka, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prime Minister MacKenzie King Matson of ‘ Australia. Both in the Gatineau Hills of Que- couples visited last weekend, bee. and the Ballingers intend to re- Rather than a week at a cot-,turn the visit to ‘New York in a law. the Grangers thoroughly'ifew months. Rather than a week at a cot- tage, the Grangers thoroughly enjoyed a holiday that was “dif- ferent“. enjoyed a holiday that was “dif- Mr. and Mrs. Ballinger are‘I ferent". also looking forward to a visit: * * * * ifrom a very dear and close‘: _A1most each week We hear ofifriend and her family from their tragedies of one kind or an-lhome town of Birmingham. En-‘ other. but it is not easy to find‘gland. Mrs. Dorothy Rogers and words to express the shock and‘daughter Laraine and son Bran- deep sympathy felt by our en- don will be staying for the tire community on the aceiden- month of August, when the Bal- tal death, July 19. of Mrs. Lcs-llingers have planned a full ter Downing (Peggy). schedule of ‘happy holiday We know that the manylevents. Included is an afternoon friends of the family also wishlgarden party, August 15. with to extend their hopes and pray- many guests and games, etc. ers for an early recovery to Mr. planned to make the party a and Mrs. Lester Downing Sr. happy occasion. We know that the many‘ friends of the family also wish: to extend their hopes and pray- ers for an early recovery to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Downing Sr. both in hospital following the accident. We were sorry to hear that'enjoy their first visit to Canada." both Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garth- * * * * Waite were badly shaken up last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steeles ‘ week when their pick-rip truck and children Jennifer and Caro-l‘ was struck' from behind whileelyn of Lancer Drive have re-‘ they were stopped for a mailiturned from a two week holi-‘ delivery. Bill says that a lot of‘day at their cottage at Madoc the youngsters in the baseball‘near Belleville. They did some league will probably be happyiwater skiing and sailing for a that he won‘t be out to umpire‘lmost enjoyable and relaxing for a few weeks! {summer holiday. We received a bit of good‘ news when we were told that‘ Mrs. Ella Keffer is now out of‘ the intensive care unit at York Central Hospital and feeling ‘ )JU-UU Wa‘fiey arrived at Midland be- complete lfayl‘gdllod 2;;11 Tm |"88"':‘:'; 1110 . _ v, . _ .'1 an - eneang or a , l Radios NONFItleS 1"“ “ondel't'lll throw hour cruise _ among the 30.000 islandS- The { FRIDAY And SATURDAY EVENING i?§:;°;§§( 3‘ _n I‘L ........ Ul‘... OnO I NEW OUTDOOR LICENSED PATIOi A Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News Just a few minutes north of Vaughan Rd. on Dufferin St. E F a“““““““nu‘n““““C MAPLE SIDEROAD A'I‘ KEELE . 832-2664 MAPLE’S ONLY DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE WINE’ DI E' DANCE And it} ENTERTAINMENT” “The Liberal" is alw Maple. please phone 0r Indoors on the . . . ENLARGED DANCE FLOOR: We Also Feature TH F. O The New Thrill Sensation â€"- SUMMER TURF SKIING Saturday and Sunday Afternoons - 1 nm. 10 5 DJ“ 0 BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEONS O CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS . FULLY LICENSED RED WAGON SALES WASH ’N WEAR hOI'IEY pot Licensed Dining Room All Colors LIBERAL, Richmond Hill always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Kleinhura“ one Mrs, Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432 TAVERN quite perky. Her many friends will be looking forward to see- inglher home again soon. Dr. Earl MacNaughton has been appointed dean of the Uni- versity of Guelph‘s new College of Physical Science. They have plans for trips and a stay at Sparrow Lake as well, so that their visitors can truly enjoy their first visit to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steeles and children Jennifer and Caro- lyn of Lancer Drive have re- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moynes and family have been enjoying comnany during the third week of July. It began with Mrs. Moynes' brother. Fred Brittain Slot Mags $30.00 ALL STEEL Ontario, Thursday. July IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE ,ull" 7 r the! The Matthews spent a day in 331_)Banff. enjoying a ride on the fulljgondolas and took in the Cal- _day gary Stampede. They visited oon1Wi'th an uncle, Bill Stinson while Nith‘in Calgary, and then to Edmonâ€" etc. ton to visit with cousins of \_Mrs. y 3 Matthews where they were sur- prised to see everyone dressed in the Gay 90’s style in prepara- Lion for Klondike Days. and Up" WE'RE OPEN: Tuesday to Saturday â€" 12 noon to 1 am. -â€"- Sunday 12 noon to 10 p.m. Telephone 889-4988 and family of Goldwater. who visited for several days and re- turned home taking Gail Moynes home with them for a holiday. Mrs. Eileen Drury, a friend from Lindsay visited from Sunday till Wednesday and then Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lummery of Port McNicholl ar- ‘rived and stayed till Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matthews and Robert. Goodman Crescent. returned last weekend from a wonderful holiday trip to the‘ west coast in which they drove. 6,100 miles. Mrs. Matthews par- ticularly enjoyed the holiday. with no beds or dishes for three weeks! They visited along the way with members of families ‘on bothgsides, including a two- day visit with Mr. Matthews’ brother Bob and family in Van- couver. who showed them ‘around the city. They stayed at Merritt, near ‘Kamloops, BC, in the mountains, Twith sister, Bertie Birk and fam- iily who were preparing for the !summer roundup on their ‘ranch. ‘ ! The Matthews spent a day in. [Banff. enjoying a ride on the »and although it was much later, time. The boat arrived back at the dock promptly at 1 pm and the group walked the short distance . to the Diana Restaurant where they enjoyed a hearty dinner“ and good service. After leaving Midland. the bus headed for Orillia and the home of Stephen LeacOck on Lake Couchiching. Although se- veral were getting tired at this point and remained on the bus, most of the members went along on the lengthy tour provided and were impressed by the home of the well known and loved author. The bus returned to Maple by the more scenic route? getting home than planned.‘ everyone seemed to enjoy their outing. They stayed at Merritt, near Kamloops, BC, in the mountains, with sister, Bertie Birk and fam- ily who were preparing for the They visited North Battleford and Saskatoon, places where Mrs. Mathews’ parents had liv- ed many years ago. In Winnipeg they visited with a sister of Mr. Matthews. Mrs. Naomi Sorenson and family and then drove ‘south through the US. where they stopped near Grand Forks and visited again with members of their family, They left home, July 4, in heavy rain and had rain again in Edmonton. but otherwise had beautiful weather, and enjoyed an easy trip with no reserva- tions of strict schedules to keep I A full bus of senior citizensi The boys' baseball games on ‘left Maple early on the morning July 20 were rained out so we hof July 21 With temperatures have only the scores from July 1hovering at the "shiver‘f level 23. and rain threatening. By the The Tiger cubs won over the time they were well on the road Leafs 5 to 4, the Panthers won the skies were clearing and‘over' the Lions 13 to 10 and the \ g°0d Weather Promismg for theiBeavers trounced the Buds 19 to l'day. 2. I They stopbed at Sault Ste. Marie and enjoyed a boat trip through the locks and headed for home. to. They found accommodations easy to obtain by stepping early enough in the day: It Sesms that the hardest part of the holiday. as for most folk, was getting back into the rout- ine at home. Maple Senior Citizens SKI VALLEY SKI VALLEY (L 1970 _12‘m lay 12 'C 000 '3 ‘ The management was most ’obliging in providing blankets, since even though the stem sec- ‘ation of the boat was glassed in. ‘it was still chmy. with the boat headed into the wind. When the boat turned back, with the wind seniors had the boat all to themselves and even with nearly 40 people, it seemed almost empty. The boat arrived back at the dock promptly at 1 pm and ’the group walked the short distance to the Diana Restaurant where they enjoyed a hearty dinner and good _service. We Were unable to get the scores for T-Ball. but will try ‘to have two weeks scores for *lhe next issue. “Girls mL, ud,1 _LA_J:_A. I-.. LL- ! Plans are underway at the‘ moment for two more outings, the first to Toronto Island, with the one hour boat cruise through the islands and the harbour area, and the second, a two day excursion to the Gananoque- Kingston area for the 1,000 Is- lands boat cruise and visits to historical sites in that area. Dates have not been set for ,either cruise, although Percy ' Neighborhood Notes ‘ ‘ A warm welcome is extended "to Mrs. Drew Wilson from Newry. Northern Ireland. who "is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. S. McGowan and family. We hope she enjoys every minute of I her stay in Canada. . Jack Houston of Edmonton. IAlberta is holidaying with his niece, Mrs. Fred St. Johns, be- .fore starting a trip to Ireland, ‘Mr. Houston is 81 years old. Puterbaugh or Mrs. Louise Coo- per will be glad to hear of any preferences. Keep an eye on this column for further details. All senior icitiiens should take note of the offer made by Ave- nue Taxi_for free transportation for all senior citizens on Wed- nesday afternoons from 1 till 4 during (the month of August for a five mile radius. Please read announcement under transport- ;ation heading on classified page. A wonderful idea and a gene- rous gesture that we feel sure will be appreciated by those of our seniors who do not have their own transportation. Scouts and Cubs Camp Hiljac ‘has been a bee- hive Iof activity with a day camp running for a full week last week, and another planned for August. This camp is for Cubs, Scouts and Venturers. ~ Baseball This puts the teams in the following standing: Leafs Beavers Panthers Lions Tiger Buds Congratulations to Mary King who won a lovely handmade quilt in a raffle held by the women’s group of Houssey Rap- ids near Gravenhurst. Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available m your area. Phone Glen Pratt Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. The final standing for the Crestwood Rd. News Cubs Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 BOYS AND GIRLS Pts 1 1 l The {éams now go into the {first playoff series with the best ltwo out of three games and two lweeks to play the game} girls as of July Eringate 13 Maple I 15 Thistletou'n 15 Richmond Hill 15 Woodbridge 14 Willoudale 8'5 12 Bramalea 12 Willowdale CS 16 Alderwood 12 Although the . u 12 3 11 4 8 7 '7 7 5 7 3 9 3 13 0 13 number lUUU l 800‘ 733‘ 533 500 417 250 .188 o of games played by each team seems irregular. there have been several games rained out, games not played for other reasons and even a game when no score was available. Eringate plays Woodbridge, Maple plays the Willowdale B‘s, Thistletown plays Bramalea and Richmond Hill plays the Wil- low'dale WC‘s. :Vellore Hall Erected In I845 i gTO Undergo $19,850 Facelifting The Maple Sugars last week won against the Willowdaie 3'5 14 to 5 and against Richmond Hill 9 to 7 to put them in second ‘spot. ' Vaughan Township Councilv has taken steps that will pre-‘ serve for posterity historic Vel-! lore Hall. This community hall‘ has provided accommodation for meetings. community entertain-I ment and special events since it“ was first built in 1845. For many years before the township offices were built in Maple it‘ provided accommodation for council meetings and for :p01- ling booths. In 1919 it became a “memor- ial" to the men from the town- ship who had served in the arm- ed forces of World War I and the Vellore Women's Institute undertook its renovation and maintenance. Council included $20,000 in the 1970 budget for renpvafions to the building. Specifications were drawn up and tenders calâ€" led. The low bid was submit- ted by Dashwood Construction Ltd. of Rexdale in the amount of $19,850 with a completion date of six weeks. This was ac- cepted by council at its July 20 meeting. High bidder of the four re- ceived was for $23,950 with a completion date of 10 weeks. The alterations will include a one-storey addition 11 by 22 feet to accommodate two wash- Shaw Reunion Once a year. members of the families of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shaw, Kleinburg, and Carl Shaw, RR 1, Kleinburg‘ get to- gether for a picnic. For four years hosts have been Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kitchen, RR 3, Schomberg. The 1970 “Aquarius” picnicj was held at the Ki chens’ Farm, July 19, with 58 members of the family present. Little Rich-‘ ard Garry Maarse. 31é-‘month- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Case Maarse of Bolton and grandson of Mrs. Cecil Burkitt of Klein- burg. Was the youngest person in attendannoe. Coming from ‘the farthest distance were M1: jand Mrs. Clark Shaw from |Pierre Fonds, Quebec, with Itheir children, Karen, Kevin, Kyle and Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kilner,' Brent and Barbara. came with Mrs. Norman Howard, all of Toronto. Also from Torontm were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaw.i Mr. and Mrs. Doug Howard of} St. Catharines enjoyed meeting‘ relatives again, while their little‘ ones, Glen, Linda and Donna, played with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Purdham, Steven, Paul and Danny arrived from Sharon to meet the clan. ‘ Klein burg Klarion 15 15 15 14 12 12 16 23 13 0 12 3 11 4 1000 800 733 533 500 417 250 ,188 mulawman“mumunuum“mu\munumuumuw“mum Binder Twine Fete September 12 l\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\il\\\\i\\\\\l\\\l\\l\\\\\\\M\\\\\\\“\\\\\\l\l\l\\“um rooms. including a septic tank and tile bed. Since a minimal amount of deterioration has been discov- ered in the joists. only three additional beams will be needed in the building, the specifica- tions noted. The fourth annual Klein- burg Binder Twine Festival will be held on the main street of the village Sep- tember 12. The Shaw Bin- der Twine Festival was a Centennial project in 1967. following a suggestion by the late Vic Ryder with the backing of the Rotarians and others. It was a revival of the old binder twine (le~ livery nights held by the late Charles Shaw Jr. from 1892 until 1931. On the exterior. pointing Will be done on the brick walls and chimney where necessary, win- dow frames, sash and glazing will be repaired and storm win- dows installed. Sills will be ‘repaired where necessary and the front entrance doors restor- ed to original finish. The roof will be stripped and new sheathing and shingles applied. The front canopy will be re- paired and weatherproofed and the eavestroughing and down spouts renewed. with the col- lumn pedestals being repaired. The furnace room will be renovated, fireproofed and heat- ing ducts will be relocated. On the main floor, flooring will be shimmed and fastened and covered with plywood and tile. The existing ceiling will be made safe and a drop ceiling with 12 light fixtures installed. Wall plaster will be renewed where cracked and broken and the wainscoting resurfaced. The interior and exterior will be The big day attracts about 10.000 people and this war all organizations are taking part. including R o t a r y. Lions, Women’s lnslitute. home and school. volunteer firemen. church groups. Scouts. Guides and others. Entertainment will go on all day with the famous Moxie Whitney Orchestra from the Royal York Hotel being featured along with Murray Morrison and his square dancers, Irish dan- cers. Westview Centennial Band, and the award-win- ning barbershoppers, the Queen City Harmonizers. Comedians Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster and TV personality Fred Davis will be special guests. The festival is free for children and only 50c for adults. painted were Howard Shaw of Weston‘ and Mrs. Hank Van Bemmel of Malton. Mrs. Frank Shaw of Kleinburg guessed closest to the number of peanuts in the jar. Indoor games were enjoyed due to the rainy weather. Mrs. Andy Shaw missed the cn“-"n"ether as she is recuper- ating in the hospital. [Lucky Winners The group committee of the 2nd Kleinburg Scouts are happy to announce the winners of the Camp Adventure Draw: Mrs. Donna Craig, a case of soap: Mrs. Janet Berton, 10 gallons of gas: William Kerr Sr., lawn fer- tilizer; Mrs. Jean Ellis, case of soap; Clive Mortelliti. car floor imats: Cyril Legge, watch: Mrs. iShirley Shaw, go-cart clutch: ‘Mrs. Doris Wheeldon. electric can opener; Bill McKellar, Cob- 11‘a bicycle. The committee thanks all residents of Kleinburg and dis- trict for their continuing sup- port which enabled 27 Scouts to attend camp in Haliburtou this year. Special thanks goes to the sponsors -â€" Glaxo-Allen- bury. Maws Elevator, Silver- wood‘s Dairy, CP Tool. Norm H'all’s Garage, Rowan Electric, ,Wegner and Sons and Klein- |burg Rotary. Neighborhood Notes Larry and Jean Price. with Steven and Lynn, were guests of Pat an\d Bonnie McCauley at their hideaway on Black Lake near Bala recently. The Pltices ‘were trying out their new Star- ‘craft, hardtop trailer and report that everything worked out well. The McCauleys and Doug; Debbie. Trudy and Cameron were also enjoying the weekend and there was always something doing. Swimming. fishing. wat- er skiing and exploring all ad- ded to the weekend's pleasure and activity. The McCauIey family were guests of the Prices for a bar- becued steak dinner Saturday and on Sunday the Prlces join- ed the McCauleys for a hot roast beef dinner. The delici- ous beef had been roasted in an outdoor oven Pat had rigged up out of an old range destined 1for the dump. A happy hour was held each day from 4 to 5 pm for the adults at Prices’ trailer and no children were supposed to dis- turb them, but you know child- ren. § : eavv Duty Plastic § Garbage Bags‘ 9”.” A FACTORY QLEARANCES . . . Ii??? mu In six standard sizes. Beautifully prefinished inside, washable Vinyl in white color, Burma-Teak woodgrain magnetic catches and black colonial-style knobs, post: in Arborite Beige Scrim. PHONE 832-2271 The Voice Of Concord $1.19 FEfifiNfi L Ft- # .â€"â€"â€"i SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS ‘ CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTS“ Other Designs On Display KITCHEN SIZE BAGS - 29c PKG. (15 TO A PKG. The weather. which was rat.h-‘ er wet and misurable Saturday morning cleared up and the rest. of the weekend boasted beautig ful sunny skies. l A welcome to Concord is exei tended to Mr. and Mrs. Mike‘ Harrington and daughters, Jen- nifer. 2'2 and Heather, sixl Lweeks. The Harringtons come llo King High Drive from Sar- ‘nia. by way of Thornhill. ‘ l A farewell from the com- munity goes to Mrs. Gladys Marshall. who is moving from ‘King High Drive to a new home :in Stayner. Mrs. Marshall has lived in 16 years Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lacey. Lawrie 'Road. were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kelly and family of Stayner. Pam, Denise and Ron- da Kelly stayed the week as guests ren. A happy vacation is wishedi for Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh. who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lacey. Mrs. Walsh is visiting her brother and sister in Ramsey, New Jer- sey, whom she hasn’t seen in 25 years in Concord for more than 3f ihé six Lacey child- (10 to a bag) - Rex. $1.49 ALL CEDAR pmc mans (Knock-Down Type) After visiting in New Jersey. Mrs. Walsh \n‘ll go to Meriden, Connecticut. to see her daughâ€" ter. Mrs. William Schneider, Mr. Schneider and family and a-t- tend the wedding of Grand. daughter Kathy on September PKGS. $1.00 DRIVING LESSONS $6.00 PER HOUR side, fully covered with rain in furniture finish, postformed coufitertops 10 Lessons $50 Special Student Rates Phone KEELE ST., MAPLE LICENSED INSTRUCTOR Complete with Benches 884-8396 GALLON White Only Can Be Tinted

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