l8 Bride to be Shirley Davis was Also present honored with a pantry and tea mother, Mrs. I cup shower on July 17. The former membe shower. which was given by Bride‘s Club, \l Mrs. Margaret Riley. Elgin SLIDavis has beer and Mrs, Pauline Bickerstaffjmany years. was held at the home of Mrs} Shirley, who Riley. Among those who gather-of Mr. and M1 ed to surprise Shirley were heriArnold Avenue. sisters Lila Davis. and Mrs. Lor-lto Charles Davi raine Lucas of Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill as well as Cathy Enright -â€" allion August 29. of whom will be Shirley's bridal " attendants. I Another bridl Charge Two Youths Destroyed 16 Maples Two youths have been charg- ed with the recent destruction of 16 maple trees planted by the North York Park Depar‘L~ ment to beautify Forest Grove Drive. in Willowdale. They are Christopher McLean. 16. 182 Steeles Avenue East, and a 15» year-old hny. McLean, was scheduled to appear in court last week but failed to shnw. The 20-foot trees were re- placed within a week of then‘ destruction at a cost of about $2,000. It is reported a number of youths watched the trees being destroyed. They did not inter- vene or report the incident to the police. The persons wno gave the information leading to the two youths charged dld not take the $1.100 reward of- fered by irate residents of Bay- \'iew Village. TELL your neighbour, tell your friends. we are selling 12.463 empty frames â€" most sizes. styles. finishes for 50c. $1. $2. $3. $4. $5. $6. $7. $8. $9, $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about non-glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut â€" most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we‘ll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10.000 Picture Frames. 102 Doncaster Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri, Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Chargex or your per- sonal cheque. Here’s your opportunity to earn some pocket money of your own. For full details please phone Mrs. Norma Moss at “The Liberal†requires responsible, reliable boys or girls for two established paper routes. 0 Laureleaf Road area of North Thornhill. o Crestwood Road area of South Thornhill. CARRIER BOY or GIRL “BE AN ANGEL" Learning about God’s love for his children through Bible stories and songs is a very pleasant way to spend a summer morning, the young citizens of Thornhill Green shown above will agree. They were enjoying a sing-song at the Vacation Bible School in Christ the King Lutheran Church on Royal Orchard Boulevard at Bay Thorn Drive. Sessions for three age groups from four to 11 years of age were held daily from July 6 to 16 at this church and at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Brooke Street, from 10 am to 12 noon and at Emmanuel Anglican Church on McKay Driv e, Richvale and Thornhill United Church on Dudley Avenue from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. “'11 I ? ',, , 1 7 .A AII.:_A_. uuuzvu vu. UHUAVJ AA'VJAuV --v... -.v The program, conducted by volunteers, featured Bible stories. singing games, hiking, crafts and handiwork and refreshments. The theme this year was “The Bibleâ€. These Ecumenical Vacation Bible Schools were sponsored by the Thornhill Ministerial Association for the third consecutive year and reports indicate that enrolment and attendance were as large this year as last. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, July 30. 1970 LIBERAL CIRCULATION AT 884-1105 Children learn About God’s love For Them Socially Speaking ’ln Thorn/rill Shirley, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis. Arnold Avenue. will be married to Charles Davis of Gormley in Richmond Hill United Church on August 29. Another bride to be who has been honored with several show- ers recently is Kathy De Marco. College friends from the Uni- versity of Guelph sunprised Kathy will a kitchen shower as did Mrs. Sadie Ricketts of To- route, a neighbour of the groom’s family. Mrs. Norman Bent, an aunt of the groom, gave a linen shower for Kathy and a pantry shower was given for her by Mrs. Ross Burroughs. Sisters of the bride to be. Mrs. lGerry Ross and Rosemary De Also present Were Shirley’s Marco surprised her with axMarco family who has been busy mother, Mrs. Davis, and many bathroom accessory shower andltravelling this summer is Caro- former members of the War Mary Cornish. Kathy’s maid ofllyn, who was married last year Bride's Club, with which Mrs. honour. gaVe a come as you are to Gerry Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Davis has been associated for party for the bride and groom Ross have been touring Europe many years. to which each guest broughtâ€" a ‘prior to returning to their stud- Shirley, who is the daughter hand made article. lies at the University of Toron- of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis, Kathy. who is the daughter ofito. Carolyn will be entering her Arnold Avenue, will be married Mr. and Mrs. Vincent De Marco.|third year of medicine and to Charles Davis of Gormley in Doncrest Drive, will be married‘Gerry his final year of den- Richmond Hill United Church to Peter Burroughs of Toronto tistry. Neighborth Notes Holiday time is here again and I would appreciate hearing about everyone's vacation. Mary Lenton, Weldrick Road, left June 27 by BOAC for Eng- land and the Channel Islands to visit relatives. She also took an eight-day tour of Germany, Holland, Belgium and Paris. Jean and Joan Masters, Weld- rick Road, are staying with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sutherland. on a farm at Singhampton for two weeks. Bill Wehrens, May Avenue, is spending part of the summer visiting friends and relatives at Indian Head and Regina, Sas- katchewan. Gavin Wright, May Avenue,- visiting his brother Ross and family in Haney. BC. and is; ‘going with them on a vacation‘ trip on Vancouver Island. 1.. Tnlu -. “mat-On u-nrl'linn Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. John Small and family were indeed saddened to hear of the tragic accident which re- sulted in the death of their son David. The funeral was from the Marshall Funeral Home July 25. His brother Stephen received a broken ankle when their bicycle went out of con- trol. David was found uncons- cious on the road and died on the way to hospital. Congratulations are extended to Miss Brenda Heer, Morgan Avenue, and Edward Perks, who will be married August 22 in Doncaster Bible Chapel. The reception will be held at the country club at Jane and High- way 7. The newlyweds will make their home on Baythorn ‘ Avenue. Gavin Wright, May Avenue, visiting his brother Ross and family in Haney. BC. and is going with them on a vacation trip on Vancouver Island. In a pretty July wedding, Marilyn Lane. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lane. became the bride of Ronald Serink at Em- manuel Anglican Church. Rich- vale, July 25. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lane. Yonge Street. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. W Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 Kathy, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent De Marco. Doncrest Drive, will be married to feter Burroughs of Toronto at 'Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, Bayview Avenue, on August 8. Church, Bayview Avenue, on August 8. x It it Mr. and Mrs. Vincent De Mar- co, Doncrest Drive, have recent- ly returned from a visit to Me- xico City where they attended the International SERRA Con- vention. SERRA is a world wide religious organization. They spent a most enjoyable time visiting all the sights of interest and they Were accompanied by their 14 year old daughter Rose- mar who stayed on in Mexico after her parents left to spend a month with Mr. and Mrs. Jose Munos de Cote at their summer home in Acapulco. it it It Proud parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gairdner of Yonge St.†Thornhill, have been closely fol-‘ lowing the results of the Com-‘ monwealth Games held recently in Edinburgh, Scotland. Both their son and son-in-law were members of the Canadian team competing at the games. Bill Gairdner came sixth in the 400 meter hurdles and David Steen iof Oak Ridges, their son-in-law, ’was first in the shotput, winning a Gold Medal for Canada. Well .done.‘ . :k ill it Ill l Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williams, ‘Garden Avenue. have returned from a holiday at their cottage l0“ Georgian Bay near Colling- Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Russell and friends enjoyed a weekend camping at Lake of Bays. A belated “happy birthday" is wished for Rev. George Steph- enson, Grandview Avenue, who celebrated his ninetieth on Do- minion Day, July 1. with an at home during the afternoon and evening. Many of his church friends and neighbors dropped in to congratulate him and wish him well. Mr. and Mrs. Steph- enson enjoyed every minute of the festivities. The man who celebrated his birthday on July 1, thinks it should be called IDon‘t forget the summer séhool at Grandview Park. be- hind Henderson Avenue School. It will be held each Thursday from 9 to 12 am and from 1:30 to 4 pm. It is open to all child- ren from five to 12 years of age. Register at the playground. The fee is 50¢ 90th Birthday South Thornhill and Bayview Glen Another member of the De‘wood CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUB. PHONE 889-5205 “Canada Day†and it would then mean more to a lot more people. Friday, July 3 Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson left for the summer home of his daughter, Norma, and her husband Percy Young at the locks, where a family birthday party was held to hon- or Mr. Stephenson. Present Were three of their children and their families â€"-'- Norma, at whose home the gathering was held: Kenneth of Willowdale, and Isabel (Mrs. Len Keighley‘, who with her husband, is a mis- sionary at home on furlough from Japan. Daughter Muriel, a missionary in India, was not able to attend. There are nine grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson owned a cottage on Peninsula Lake for 25 years. but sold it this year. They are renting in the area for the month of July and plan to attend the senior citizen camp at Cedar Glen. Mr. Stephenson retired from the ministry in 1950 after serv- ing 40 years in the Hamilton Conference and 11 years as chaplain of Lambert Lodge. Since moving to Grandview Avenue. he has been very ac- tive in community work. BRADFORD â€"â€" Three Brama- lea residents narrowly escaped death recently when their car was struck broadside by a tram just outside the town limits. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dyce and four- yearoold son Robert had just turned off Yonge Street to en- ter the Page-Arnold Marina when their car was struck by a southbound CNR freight train. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) Parks, Recreation, Sports Land Plan Being Studied In Markham Township Preparation of a master plan of development for parks. rec~ reation and sports facilities in Markham Township is being considered by the township Planning Board. Sunday shopping is being of- ficially opposed by the Willow- dale Businessmen’s Association. In a brief to North York's traf- fic. fire and licensing committee the association has asked that council oppose any move to- ward legalizing open Sunday. A spokesman for the associa- tion says businesses should re- main closed on Sunday as an anti-inflationary measures. This is based on the premise that employees demand higher pay for Sunday work and these operating costs are passed on to the customers. The possibility of adding a development fee for each home unit constructed, is being stud~ iedi lull“ i Such unit fees would be used by p; to pay for land acquisition and ner a the construction of community to m. leisure facilities in new subdiv- reatic isions and apartment areas. plann Particularly needed. es- Th‘ pecially in the Thornhill Flam area. are large community aka t‘ parks capable of handling mama major sports activities and ment large group gatherings. O for I Also badly needed are minor and 1 playing field areas to accom- It_ modate children’s baseball. soc- bl.- cer, skating, etc. 9“ 1 Merchants Don't Want N. York Open Sunday “The only stores which should be open are those selling necessities, such as milk and bread,†declared Ozzie Higgins. “No one would argue that we should be able to get these items at all time." He also suggests that gasoline stations should be open on a rotating basis on Sundays. “We must have services available, but this is different from having wide-open Sundays," he said. The association's unqualified opposition is also based on the fact that “Everyone deserves a day of rest,†Mr. Higgins con- tinued “and a universal day best se’es the need of the community.†Mr. Higgins will be asked to present the association’s views to the next meeting of the borough’s traffic, fire and lic- ensing committee. Existingisubdivisions in the main have only been required to supply enough land for neighborhood tot lands and jun- ior play areas. They do not us- ually provide for active sport. The existing space is mainly for horticultural uses and activities of a passive nature. A report on recreation. park and sport lands was prepared by Parks Manager Alan Sum- ner and was recently presented to the township parks and rec- reation committee and to the planning board. The planning board has asked Planning Director Kunio Hid- aka to co‘operate with the parks manager to draft a joint state- ment on public land planning for presentation to the parks and planning boards. “In view of the rapid devel- “Where a stream 01‘ Water- opment taking place in various course traverses a Piece Of areas of the township, a set land dedicated for park pur- policy should be established as Poses and is used as a storm to the types of recreation lands sewer, then 30 feet on either that should be provided, and side of the stream should be also setting out the manner in considered storm sewer. and which these lands should be 013- not part of the five Percent tained.“ writes Parks Manager of land being dedicated; Sumner. “In all draft plans that In- “Parks and recreation area, insofar as the township is con- cerned, would be divided into types as follows: . “Neighborhood parks ~â€" which would include tot lots or junior play areas. but not pro- vide for active sport. Included would be space devoted to hort- icultural uses and activities of a passive nature. 0 “Minor playing field areas â€" that would accommodate minor baseball, soccer, skating, rinks, etc. This type of park should range in size from 1/2- acre to three acres or more. de- pending on the use, and should be within walking distance of all sections of the neighbor- hood. It is expected that an overall public lands plan policy will be prepared and presented to the council for adoption. 0 "Community parks that} would provide for a wide var- iety of activities, ranging from major sports to large group‘ gatherings and activities. This type of park should range from six to 15 acres. and possibly provide space for some struc- tures, such as arena, swim- ming pool, etc. Where prac- tical, the community park area could adjoin school yards. 0 “Regional parks of 50 to 100 acres would provide wide open space for various activi- ties and could be a joint ven- ture with other municipalities, I “Unfortunately a very nega- tive attitude has been taken to the acquiring. in any manner. of flood plain lands, such as main streams of the Don and Rouge River Valleys. These areas, by their very nature. could provide space for both active and passive activities. and may be secured in co-oper ation with the conservation authority." writes Parks Man- ager Sumner. The report continues as fol- lows: “As it is 'urgent that some form of policy be established regarding the processing of plans, the following could be used as guidelines â€"â€"- “Where feasible, five percent explained to him that hydro will use the unopened road allow- ance at right angles to Crest- wood Road. about 1,000 feet east of Bathurst. to transporti transformers from a railroad} siding along Crestwood Road to Bathurst Street and Steeles‘ Avenue and thence into the Borough of North Yerk. the ratepayer stated he thought the neighboring residents should have been informed of the plan by the township. He reported he had been told "it is to be a permanent thing, to be used by Ontario Hydro and then by North York Hydro and that the street will be ex- tended right through to Steeles." or be a conservation authority project. "Where feasible. five percent‘ of subdivision lands should be acquired for park purposes (as required by provincial regula- tions); “In all draft plans that in- clude multiple density housing. it should be understood at the time of site plan approval that extra land will be required. Such land should be dedicated before approval of the plan. Failing this, an extra suite fee should be charged for use in purchasing additional land; “A portion of all suite fees charged against multiple unit developments should be used for park development; “All proposed park sites should be inspected prior to final approval in order to as- certain the usability of the land for park purposes, keeping in mind the balance between ac- tive and passive activities, ldrainage. proximity of other park areas, and all other as- pects that could enter into a complete parks system: “The policy of securing land in in d u s t rial subdivisions should be continued; “Where feasible. all park lands included in subdivisions should be graded. covered with topsoil. and seeded by the de- veloper." BOYS AND GIRLS Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available in your area. Phone Glen Pratt, Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. 'What Is Happening On Campbell? lCrestwood Resident Asks Council A ratepayer from Crestwood Road at Vaughan Township July '7 meeting wanted to know what Ontario Hydro is doing on‘ Campbell Avenue. When it was explained to him that hydro will use the unopened road allow- ance at right angles to Crest- wood Road. about 1,000 feet east of Bathurst. to transport transformers from a railroad siding along Crestwood Road to Bathurst Street and Steeles ‘Avenue and thence into the ‘Borough of North York. the iratepayer stated he thought the neighboring residents should have been informed of the plan Iby the township. ed the temporary use of Camp. bell Avenue for unloading transformers (which will be used in the Borough of North 'Yorkl. it was reported the first transformer is expected in Au- gust, the second in October and others in 1974 and 1975. Conditions of the approval were that a culvert be installed to gain access to Campbell Ave- nue, with a concrete protection pad over the gas main near the track. That Crestwood Road be left in as good condition as it is and the temporary road be cov- ered with top soil and sod to re- turn it to its original condition, were parts of the agreement. “Why would they have un- loaded 36 culvert pipes for only two transformers? Why couldn‘t they be unloaded at the yard here (Maple)? Somebody is trying to pull the wool over our eyes." he stated. In the April 2 issue of “The Liberal", when council approv- *‘i WE RENT T. CONTRACTORS’ ’: EQUIPMENT "“““““““‘L i: Richvale Scaffold Rentals! 9114 YONGE ST. THURNHILL ““““““‘I“ A OO7'IUJ7 THORNHILL Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24†depth) Boom Truck - 16’ -â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton The road will be asphalt con< structed to township standards at hydro‘s expense. but to en- sure that it is not used for other purposes than the unloading and transportation of the transform- ers, hydro will be required to erect a barrier to prevent ac- cess from Crestwood Road. ex- cept when the transformers are being moved. TURN SPARE ROOM FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS 889-1059