RICE": ~ll1 .VOL. 94. NO. 5. Vaughan Twp. Office Alteration l Public Librmy, 24 ‘Jri ht. on, 15111 . 1 J-zn 3â€"2-l~ To Be Done On Cost-Plus Basis Alterations in Vaughan Town-'and Township ship Offices will be done on a cost-plus basis, it, was decided by council at its meeting on the afternoon of July 20. The townships police departâ€" ment formerly occupied the lower floor of the office build- ing, but earlier this month re-i located in new premises on Highway 7, east of Keele Street. This will permit the township staff, which has been working under very crowded conditions, to make use of the basement space. The engineering depart. ment and the building depart- ment will take over the lower floor and the vacated space up- stairs will be allocated to other departments. The steering committee for the new Town of Vaughan un- der regional government. com- posed of representatives of thelthe owner of $32,224 will be ap-‘ township and the Village oflportioned 85% to the owner and‘ Woodbridge. has indicated the'15% to the contractor. it was1 building will be used for muni- cipal administration for the new town. Architect William Witney drew up plans for the alterations to the office space as well as to the council committee room and the reeve’s office. He discussed the alterations with 14 contract- ors and bids were received from only two, it was reported. These bids were opened at a special committee meeting July 15 at 4 pm when Reeve Garnet Wil- liams and Deputy-reeve Albert Rut’herford,met the architect Administrator James McDonald. The bid from D. Bourke Con- struction Ltd.. of Thornhill, in :the amount of $32,224 had a completion time of l2 weeks and the one from White Strip Construction at. $35.650 had a completion time of eight weeks. Estimated cost of the necessary alterations had been $28,000. it was reported to council. It was further reported that the deputy-reeve and the archi- tect had met with representa- tives of the low bidder July 16 and discussed possible changes in the proposed work. It was agreed, at that time. that the contract would be pality of material and time plus 10% ~â€"- not to exceed $32,224. .Savings below the total cost to .also agreed. I Agreement was also reached that the owner would have a week to delete specific itemsi from the contract and the con-‘ tract price of $32224 would be reduced by the contractor's es-l timate for such items. apply to these deletions. Council members expressed a wish to go over the plans in committee to see what items could be deleted. This sugges- tion received unanimous sup- port“. Vaughan Township Council is still finding that the problems brought by reassessment on market value in York County will not be easy to solve. Vaughan Township was hit the hardest of all mun- 1c1palities by the new assessment guidelines it is believed. Approximately 3,700 properties have been affected. 2,200 of these have had increases of more than 10% or $50 and 1,500 have had decreases of more than 10%. Most of industrial properties. Realizing that the new as- sessment was' placing an undue burden on some residential tax- the decreases occurred on payers. but under the necessity of having income to meet edu- cational levies and current exâ€" 227 Pupils In Separate Schools Needed Speech Therapy Last Year During the past year 255 children were referred to the department of speech therapy of York County Roman Catholic Schools. the board members learned at their July 21 meetâ€" ing. Twenty-eight were found not to require therapy. The current active list con- sists of 121 children and 98 classed as “non-priority†cases were placed on a waiting list. This information was contained in a report presented by Susan Peters LOST. speech therapist. With the addition of person- nel next year the case load will be increased and it is hoped that the children with more severe speech problems will be able to receive more concen- trated therapy. Therapy will continue for 88 of the current active list on a regular basis and 19 will con- tinue to be seen on a check- up basis. This latter group is made up of children whose but it is suspected that the carryover of corrected speech into general conversation is not complete. Twelve children have been discharged and two who had begun therapy with hospital clinics, prior to the initiation of the program in the school. are continuing with their therapists. The speech therapy program was started in the schools of the York County Roman Caitlin- lic system in September 1969. Of the 225 children referred, 219 were found to need therapy. Of these 121 were classified as “priority†cases on the basis of severity of the defect and age of the child. ‘ed co-operation from the chil- dren and from the majority of parents who have worked with their children at home using material supplied by the schools. Because of the evident suc- cess of the program a larger number of referrals is expected speech is now clinically correct during the. 1970-71 school year. Reverend Dillwyn By HAROLD BLAINE Evans, 52. revised to: provide for a cost, to the munici-l The} ratio apportionment would not» The therapist reported mark-: ‘ @ME RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! Ward System 1 Meeting August 5 l I Wednesday. August 5 will give residents of the ex- panded Town of Richmond Hill under regional govern- ment In York an opportun- ity to learn how the munici- pality will be divided into wards. This system will ensure that each area of the new municipality will have representation on the lower-tier of government in i the region. , The new town has been divided into six wards. A public meeting will be held in Richmond Hill Council Chambers- (at 56 Street North) at 8.30 Aug- ust 5 to discuss the ward SYSI-em. Also scheduled for that evening is a meeting be- ; tween council and Cedar ‘ Avenue ratepayers to dis- cuss the latter‘s objection to proposed development on that street. Time for this meeting is 7.30 pm. For a time. it appeared that council would have to find time for a third meetâ€" ing that evening. when Minister of Municipal Af- fairs Darcy McKeough in- dicated he would be avail- able on that. date for a meeting on reassessment problems, asked for in April. An alternative date of September 16 has been chosen for the meeting with Mr. McKeough. _ ‘ till\IlllllllllllllIttlllllllltllllllillllillllllltlllllllllllllilIllillllltllltllIllll’ ‘ Vaughan Studies Rebate Plansl p‘enses. the township issued in- terim tax bills in April for a third of the estimated 1970 taxes on each property. When ratepayers received these inter- im tax bills, which in many cases indicated increases up to 10 times the 1969 taxes. public meetings were held and an ap- pointment arranged with of- ficials of the Department of Municipal Affairs. Arising out of that meeting and other presentations by York County municipalities, an amendment was passed to the Municipal Act which states that “municipalities reassessed in 1969 where taxes on any lands increased by more than 10% as a result of the reassessment are eligible to implement sec- tion 526A (the amendment) of this act.“ According to a report from the townships staff studied at the July 20 council meeting under this section a municipal- ity must decide NOW how much of a reduction to allow more than five years. The cost of allowing the re- ductions can be recovered by limiting tax decreases and/or charging the cost against the township general tax rate. A bylaw must be passed. includ- ing a schedule. which lists all reductions and increases over .the period of years the bylaw is in effect. Under this section the de- creases (on 2,200 properties) could be offset by increases ton 1.500 properties) with little or no cost to the municipality in lost taxation revenue. This plan would make all tax adjustments in 1970. and there would be considerable delay in issuing tax bills due to com- (Continued on Page 15) _ He wants to underline again the importance of the family in the each year for a period of not' minister of the Thornhill Presby~ terian Church, 271 Centre Street. was elected moderator of the Presâ€" byterian Church in Canada for a. one-year term on June 7. But he isn’t going to have any worries about his own local con- gregation being neglected while he travels across the nation fulfilling the duties of his new office. He has five clergymen in his congregation. and they are going to fill the gap for him in Thornhill as necessary. It is the responsi- bility of the church elders to organize the year's activities in this situation, he says. The ministers in the congrega~ tion who will be filling in for Dr. Evans are Reverend Allen Macâ€" Lean. retired after more than 30 years at Willowdale Presbyterian Church: Principal Stanley Glen of Knox College: Professor Donald Wade of Victoria College: Rever-end Douglas MacDonald. associate director of the Ontario School Trustees Council: and Dr. Lois Fowler, clerk of the Presbyterian 1()Ilhurch in Canada General Assem- Y- Two Main Aims Dr. Evans says he has two main aims for his year as national head of the Presbyterian Church. development of the social fibre of people. “The family is the place we learn the lessons of life, bar any other place." he says. His second aim for the coming year is to emphasize the joy of the Gospel in juxtaposition to what he calls the pervading despair of our times. The joy of the Gospel is the answer to today‘s despair, he says. Psychologists and sociologists would call it (people‘s despair) a sickness. “The Gospel answer puts em- phasis on the individual, instead of on mass man. Nobody is left out. There is a personal God a reconciling power in the world." says Dr. Evans. Proud Of Thornhill He has been at Thornhill 10 years. and is thrilled and proud of the area‘s ecumenical spirit. although he is on public record as opposing amalgamation of the Christian Church‘s denominations. Thornhill. he says, presents the most exciting Canadian example of unity of the Christian Church. In the joint services held. “If you didn't see the sign on the church you wouldn‘t knoyv which church you were in. We've reall." “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" JUDGE GARTH MOORE Metro Police Comm. Judge Garth Moore. a mem- jber of the police commissions‘ .in Vaughan Township, Mark- ;ham Township and the Town ,of Richmond. Hill has been ap- ‘pointcd by the Ontario Cabinet Ito the Metro Police Commis- lsion. He replaces Judge lan iMacDonnell. ‘ , The present police forces in .the three York County munici-t ‘palities will join in a region- 'wide force on January 1 and there will then be only one police commission for the whole Region of York. At present the three southern. highly popula- ted municipalities are the only ones with a police commission. In the other 11 municipalities in the county the police force ,is under the direction of a comâ€" linittee of council. 1 Judge Moore was appointed a junior judge of York County Court in 1960. He had served in the armed forces during World? War 11 and later graduated. ‘from the University of Toronto.t He is a member of the Yorkl County Law Association and! Lawyer‘s Club. the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto and the Progressive Conserva-l tive Businessmen's Club of Toronto. His association with the three police commissions in this area* caused him to be barred by an Ontario Supreme Court order last year from sitting as chair- man of an arbitration board set up to hear a wage dispute beâ€" tween the Oakville Police As- sociation and the town's police commission. One of his better-known cases involved Mining Promoter Viol-i MacMillan. who was sentenced {to nine months in jail and fined $10000 for manipulating the stock market in Consolidated Golden Arrow Mines Ltd. shares through wash trading. She was paroled after serving two months. ‘ llllltllllllltll\llllllllllllllllllllIlllllllltlllllilltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ , . Free 7 axis Senior Citizens During the month of Au- gust, as a public service, Avenue Taxi cab owners will be providing free transportation for senior citizens Wednesday after- noons. This service is available to all senior citizens in the Townships of Markham and Vaughan and in Richmond Hill, between the hours of one and four pm Wednes- days only. The service will be restricted to a five mile radius from pickup point. If you are a senior citi- zen and wish to take advan- tage of this offer, just THURSDAY. JULY 30, Police from Metro. Oak Ridges OPP and Vaughan Township. aided by Vaugh- an 'I‘ o w n s h i p Firemen. scoured the woods and fields south of Maple in the early morning darkness Monday. hunting [our burg- lars. Residents who wondered what all the bright lights and activity was about, found that four men had been surprised in the midst of a break-in at the Maple Sunoco Service Station on Keele Street South, just north of the fire hall. The burglars managed to escape across the fields, but thanks to an alert and fast. thinking citizen. police had the burglars‘ car. One man has since been arrested and charged. The other three are being sought. Al 2 am Glenn Saltcrn of nearby Carrville Road had R. Hill Intends To Use Capacity In "The pipelines in the sky"I proposed by the Ontario Water Resources Commission to bring lake water to the southern por- tion of York County and to take sewage to a disposal plant at‘ the lakefront. are not apt/to be an immediate development. was Architects Selected Two Separate Schools Two new eight-room schools are planned for 1971 by York County Separate School Board- Both will include eight class- rooms. library. with changerooms and showers, guidance, health and adminis- tration facilities. One of these schools will be located in Newmarket. the other in the Unionville area. At its meeting July 21 the board approved a recommenda- tion of its executive committee that the architectural firm of Hicks, Marsh and McLean, 5300. Yonge Street, Willowdale. be selected for the Newmarket project and the firm of Gordon S. Adamson and Associates, 123 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto for the Unionville School. It was reported that the ad'hoc committee on student accom- modation requirements had selected these architects from a list of eligible firms based on prior school construction ex- periencef with sufficient re- sources to meet the board's re- quirement and familiarity with construction grants procedures. Trustee Mrs. Noreen Lee of Pine Grove suggested that the ad hoc committee in the future give consideration (when two projects of identical size are be- ing considered) to hiring one architectural firm to do both. Using the same plans with some modifications could result in a considerable saving in cost, she phone 884-1111. Moderator of the Presbyterian C felt. Burglars And Police Play Hare And Hounds gymnatorium. 1970 just pulled into his drive- he heard glass way when breaking at the service sta- tion. He works part. time at the station. He called police and went after the burglars. One man had just made it. into the scrvice station building and three were waiting outside in a car. The man in the building jumped into the car and the foursome fled. Mr. Saltern gave chase in his car. The fleeing car stopped to turn in an attempt to es- cape pursuit. Mr. Saltern's car bumped the other. It careened into the ditch and bogged down. The four burglars fled across the fields. The breaking glass had been heard by another local resident. Charles Glenn of Keele Street South was out walking his clog and was also investigating. BAIF Plant the concensus of Richmond Hill Town Council at its July 13 meeting. The descriptive phrase‘ was coined by Mayor William Lazenby. Council was discussing a let- ter sent by the OWRC to Vaug- han Township concerning the proposed North Don Sewage Treatment Plant, to be built and paid for by the developers of the proposed BAIF Subdivision‘ with the help of available gov- ernment grants. The 400-acre high-density residential de- velopment will be located be- tween Weldrick and Carrviilei Roads and between Yonge and Bathurst Streets. The sewage treatment plant was originally planned for the Carrville area. but a site in the Langstaff Road-Bathurst Street area was later approved. to per- mit servicing of existing resi- dential development at some future date. Plans for the sew- age treatment plant have been prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited of Toronto. In keeping with its policy to restrict the number of upstream sewage disposal plants, the OWRC did not approve the North Don Plant. But an appeal to the Ontario Cabinet led to an order-in-coun- cil approving the plant, which will provide effluent polishing and nutrient removal. The order-in-council stipulated that the plant would also serve the present and expanded York Central Hospital and the pro- posed Don Head Secondary School, both located in Vaug- han Township, and 4.200 per- sons in Richmond Hill. It also stated that no extension of the serviced area and no expansion of the plant capacity would be permitted. Added by the OWRC was the stipulation that the plant would be abandoned by the municipa- lity with no compensation if it (Continued on Page 3) m'blett CHEV-OLDS “m 355 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL 889-5435 PHONE 727-9453 HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 ’QUALITY G uardian M aintenance SERVICE; " m MAR-c or EXCELLENCE Where Cars Cost Less! ) PRICE 10c PER COPY Vaughan Council Approves Increase In Hydro Rates To Be Eliective October I Because it is certain increase in the wholesale cost of power from Ontario Hydro on January 1, Vaughan Township Council approved a retail rate increase effective on and after October 1 this year. They will now make application to the provincial commission for approval of this Subject to that approval being received the new rate schedule will be advertised new rate schedule. (about August 1). Voting in favor of the at the July 7 council meeting were Reeve Garnet . Williams. Councillor Louis Wainwright and Coun- Opposed were Councillors John Gilbert and Dalton McArthur. cillor David Fraser. Rutherford and Councillor The proposed new rate sched- ule is: Residential services: first 50 kilowatt hours 512. next 200 KW 2.3c, next 500 KW .85c. balance 1.1c. The third rate (next 500 KW .85c) appliable only to pre- ferred residential customers, that is those who have a Cas- cade 40 water heater through the meter. The minimum charge for residential custom- ers is $2.50 per month. General service: (0-500 KW) â€"- demand charges, 0-50 KW no charge. 51-500 $2.50 per KW. Kilowatt charges, first 50 at 5c. next 200 at 3c. next 9,750 at 1.6c. balance .58c. (Over 500 KW) all kilowatts of demand $2.50, all energy at .48c. Discounts remain at 15c dis- tribution per kilowatt and 25c per kilowatt sub-transmission. 4 Face Drug Charges In Town Police Raids Two drug raids were made last weekend by Richmond Hill Town Police. As a result four young men were charged. two of them for drug trafficking, Police Chief Robert Robbins said. Failing to appear in Rich- mond Hill Provincial Court Monday morning to face charges of marijuana possession and possession of a narcotic drug for the purposes of trafficking were: Bruce Tearne, 19. of 3181 Eglinton Avenue. Apartment 223, Toronto and David Straney, 17. of 3171 Eglinton Avenue, Apartment 606, Toronto. The Crown Attorney told the. court Straney telephoned, said he was ill, and promised to be in court the next day. Tearne also failed to appear. Provincial Judge Russell Pearse ordered warrants issued for the arrest of both the ac- cused. *lliilrflr Wesley Robichaud, 18, of 231 Beechy Drive, Richmond Hill, also failed to appear in couit. He was charged with possession of a restricted drug early Sun- day morning. Richard Brunett, 20. of 246 Altamira Road, Richmond Hill, appeared in court Monday charged with the early Sunday morning pOSSession of a narco- tic. His case was adjourned to a future date. hurch in Canada this year is the Reverend Dillwyn Evans, minister of the Thornhill Presbyterian Church. Dr. Evans is shown above with his wife Lelia and family. The girls are. from left to right: Rhondda (Mrs. Murray Morrison). Judy and Glenda. (Photo by Lloyd )Iagee) got something here,†he says. don’t know of any other place in there will be a further motion on a recorded vote Deputy-reeve Albert Gordon Risk were absent. The late payment charge re- mains at 5% and the minimum general service bill is $3 per month. A similar motion introduced at the June 1 council meeting‘ was defeated on a 4-3 vote. It was reported then that repre- sentatives of Ontario Hydro had recommended a 6% increase ef- fective October 1. Deputy- reeve Albert Rutherford point- ed out that cost of wholesale hydro to the township had gone up three times in the past five years and rates to the public had been increased only once. “Last year we had to ask 0n- tario Hydro to allow us to pay our capital deficit over five years instead of three." The Vaughan Hydro has a large debt incurred when the township purchased the system from Ontario Hydro in 1968. “We don’t know where hydro is going in 1971, so I can‘t agree with this increase.†stated Councillor Gilbert, referring to regional government. Under Bill 102 which sets up regional government in York, the 1970 Vaughan Council'will be the township’s hydro commission for 1971. Administrator James McDon- ald pointed out that hydro com- missions were left intact by the legislation to establish the Re- John Gracey MarkhaTConstable Aged 28 Years Dies Police Constable John Gracey, 28. who joined the Markham Township Police Force January 2, 1967, died at the Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, July 24. He had been hospita- lized for two weeks prior to his deaoh Born in Belfast. Ireland, he had served with the Royal Ul- ster Constabulary before emi- grating to Canada. He lived in Willowdale. PC Gracey is survived by his wife Valerie, son Martin age 6. daughter Gillian age 4 and his mother, Mrs. Isobel Gracey of Belfast. Funeral service will be held in Belfast July 30. PC Gracey, who was a dedi- cated police officer. was highly respected by his fellow officers gional ‘will be hard to service. Municipality of York (with the present Vaughan Council acting as a commission) for the year 1971. ter of Municipal Affairs Darcy “He (Minis- McKeough) did the same thing in the new Niagara Region and hasn’t done anything else there yet." "i don't think we will do anything in York either," com- mented Reeve Williams. "York has so much rural area and it Maybe there will be some integration of the existing systems." "Never in the history of hydro has there been so great and so many increases in the retail cost of power," stated Councillor McArthur. "There have been three rate increases since, by a vote of the people, the township took over the sys- tem from Ontario Hydro.†"You told people it would be cheaper. but instead it is dear- er.†charged a Crestwood Road ratepayer who was present at: the meeting." “If it had stayed as it was the rates would have gone up. Rural hydro rates as charged by the province are still higher than the ones we are consider~ ing," stated Mr. McArthur. lllllttlltllllllllllllilllllIlIllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllIllilllllltlllllllllltil“ Hope Sr. Citizen Apts. Ready Spring 1971 A completion date of early Spring 1971 is fore- cast by the Ontario Housing Corporation for the 67-unit senior citizen apartment building now under con- struction on the south side of Dufferin Street, Rich- mond Hill. The contract with R. Reusse Construction Com- pany Limited, 2498 Yonge Street, North Toronto. was signed early in June and the foundation work has al- ready been started. Units in this second building. which will be similar to the first unit at. 75 Dufferin Street, known as Dufferin Court, will all include a bedroom, livingroom, kitch- en and bath. As in the original building. rents will be geared to income. Richmond Hill Council approved the project last. year and at its request OHC added 10 units to the num- ber planned to accommo- date the known need at that time. Council also agreed to pick up 7% of any operating deficit, but this will be more than off- set under new provincial policy which requires the corporation to pay full tax- es on the assessed value of the buildings. Town council .has also. this year, widened, rebuilt and paved Dufferln Street with storm sewers and curbs and a sidewalk on the and the public. 5 Clergymen In Congregation Aid T hornhill Minister During Year Term As Moderator “I “We’re re joint program,†says Dr. Evans. north side. ally excited about this Canada where this is happening.†The joint services held on a rotation basis in Thornhill’s churches are identical in order and format every Sunday. Participat- ing through the Thornhill Minis- terial Association are the Angli- can, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyter- ian, Roman Catholic and United Churches. There is also a summer program in July where these churches join together to hold a daily Vacation Bible School in four centres. This school is jointly staffed by all the churches and is supported financ- ially by all of them. “Thornhill is the only place I know where this is happening, where all the churches go together for worshipping and teaching," says the new Canadian Presbyter- ian Church Moderator. In the joint services that are held during the Lenten season, all the churches use the same order of service. The service is led by an ecumenical choir and is held in a different church each Sunday even- ing. Two clergymen from another church conduct the service. On Good Friday there is a three- hour ecumenical service with clergymen from all six churches participating. There is also a church hockey league operating from October to March, and involving all the same churches. To Travel Overseas Looking at the year ahead, Dr. Evans says he will be visiting churches in Canada and overseas. He will be attending panels and ecumenical conferences, and work- ing to renew the mission of his church. “I have a real feeling that one of the things that are going to happen is that the church is going to rediscover itself for what it is," he says. On June 7 at the opening session of the 96th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Can- ada. at St. David‘s Presbyterian Church, Halifax. Dr. Evans was elected moderator. He was the nominee selected by previous ballot from the various presbyteries across the county. Dr. Evans’ ministry, in addition to an extremely full congregation program, moves far beyond church buildings and church organiza- tions. His work includes such widely diversified situations as dressing room chats with the boys in the church hockey league, to (Continued on Page 3)