Mr. Purdham was standing on a slanted platform on the driver’s side of a garbage truck. The door opened because of a faulty catch as the truck round- ed the corner, pitching him to the roadway. police said. She went back to find San- dra lying on the road uncon- scious, after striking her head. Sandra was expected to be out of danger in a couple of days. Constable Kenneth Robb of the Markham Township Police investigated the aceident. At press time he was de- scribed as very ill. He had a serious head fracture and in- ternal bleeding. The accident was investigated by Vaughan Township Ponce Constable Byron Langman. She had been talking with her companion. Beverley Pal- mer of 17th Avenue (RR 1, Stouffville). Getting no reply, Beverley turned and discov. cred Sandra was gone. In Thornhjll Saturday at 11:20 am at Baythom Drive and Cherryblossom Lane. Garbage- man Robert Purdham. 34. of May .Street. Sharon. East Gwil- limbury, fell and injured his head. Thornhill Garbageman, Horsewoman Injured He hit his head 01) a steel manhole cover. JUNIOR BOYS (8 and 9) Bill Best’s Tire Salesmen‘ took possession of second place.‘ by defeating Clutchey‘s Sun" Liters 19 to 9. Allan Moffat caught Bob Houghton's and Steve Wilshire‘s flies to keep Clutchey's runs down. Allan also scored three times. Colln McFarlane hit a triple. a dou- ble and a single for the tiremen. Mike Davidson scored three times, Terry Howes. Tom Gleas- ser and Neil Morley scored twice each. Bryant LaGrone and Randy Barr both hit homers for the fliers. Kevin Green hit a double and a single. Jim Schu- bert scored three times. ‘ Sandra Knox of 43 Mason Boulevard. Toronto. July 24 at 2:30 pm was riding on horse- back down 17th Avenue. be- tween Concessions 9 and 10. Markham Township. A garbageman and a horse- woman were in serious condi- tion at press time at St. Mich- ael‘s Hospital after suffering head Injuries in separate fall- Ing accidents last weekend in Markham Township. Kel‘son Plumbing ended their three game losing streak to beat Marshall‘s Shell 12 to 9 and hang onto first place. The gas- men had only six players and gave Kelson a hard time all evening. tying the game more and than once. Jeff Masson‘s fast pitching for Kelson had Marshall's play- ers swinging at anything. Jeff caught a line drive by Garth Thompson for an out and Hit two homers and a single hlmâ€" Team Border City Bake!“ Evertune Maio Border City Holland Escava- tors outlasied Baker‘s Trailer Sales 26 in 24, and toox sole. possession of first, place for me first time this year. After a dis- astrous first inning in which all 9 Border City batters got on base and Randy Shute homered to clear the bases, Baker’s never quite caught up. Sheldon Birse and Ed Macdonald also homer- ed. Scott Greer hit three dou- bles and a single. Mike Havery hit a triple, in double and a single. Mike Darby. a double and two singles. John Reid a double. Steve McFarlane and Joe Fotl a single each. Mark Wiltshire hit a home- run and two others, Mark Mallet got four hits. Peter Webb. Jeff French. Robbie Common and Davie Smith three each. Robbie Burgess got two, Jeff Keshen, one‘ iwei ‘_ play hver: K 'l‘ho 16. two Rad a di Don base for Heal hit Shai doul Hem sing] pied Sh homi helpi mun 12-1( PEP .‘ Now that the North is well under way, come you’ve meant to all summer. Thornhill softball season on out to see the games Bring a chair and cheer for your kids. It’s amazing how they respond to encouragement and support. Don’t let the season end without having seen them play. even get a chance to keep BEGINNER BOYS (6 and 7) _Evertune captured third place by defeating Maio Excavators 25 Lo 19. Bruce Cameron was good on defense with a nice catch Ind he hit a homerun. a triple. n double and a single. John Kalm homered. Larry Darby Darby made a good catch and hit two singles. Greg Daurio got four singles, Robbie Hematock 1 triple and a single. Craig Mul- len three singles. Kevin Wileman a double and two singles. Paul Denis. Steve Massey and David Reid two singles each. Rocky Wilmsmeyer for Mala was the strongest hitter in the game, with a grand slam homer. an- other homerun. and a triple. Jimmy Houghton stopped a pos- sible grand slam with a great catch. Craig Hynes hit three singles. Jeff Arend. Murray; Eaton. Steve Daurio. Lawrence' Crass all scored twice each. Bryan Levine hit a double and two singles. Border City Holland Escava- bore outlasted Baker's Trailer Snip: 26 in 24 and innit enlnl l 'Garth Thompson -scored three‘ ‘Wet grounds. the junior girlsf You might score.†self. Glen Levine hit three Ihomeruns and was great on de~ tense catching two of John 1.:- bister's hard drives and Ricky Daurio's hard hit. Marc Chayer and Robin Reid also homered for Kelson. 1n the third inning. Ricky Daurio's triple brought in two runs and put Marshall's in the lead 7 to 6. In the top of the 4th. Kelson edged back into a 9 to 7 lead. Keeping up the ex- citement. John lsbister's in the final inning put Marshall‘s back into the game and brought in two runs. Marshall's then load- ed the bases for the tying run. and with the full count on the last batter. he struck out. Ken Eaton made a great catch for Marshall's D u a n e Harriott‘s quick stepping forced errors and got him on the score sheet. times. Bruno Beltrane twice. JUNIOR GIRLS (8 and 9) Since the Monday night girls‘ games were cancelled because ofl played Wednesday. .Both games were close. STANDINGS (Week Ending July 23) Play Bill“;I Victoria Square News Pts 12 10 THORNHILL MINOR BALL RESULTS By MARGARET HOUGHTON PHONE 889-3073 WILLOWDALE -â€" North York's Social Planner James Kubas will present his first re- port to council in October. He believes district plans for de- veloped areas should be main- tained unless there is major justification for change. He notes high density housing does not necessarily mean high- rise apartments. but, suggest the borough give more consi- deration to condomimums and tom: housing. Mike Flug pitched a shut-out for Bayhhorn Power with an 8 to 0 win over Wilson‘s Esso. Brian Taylor was great on defense. STANDINGS (Week Ending July 23) Team P W L T Pls Baythorn P. 9 7 1 1 15 Wilson’s Esso 9 5 3 1 11 York Fruiting INTERMEDIATE BOYS (10 and ll) N. S. Smith Real Estate sheI-. lacked Consolidated Bathurst 35 to 5. Dorico Miconi homered for the realtors. Because Con- solidated was short of players Dorico was loaned to them and immediately hit their only ‘homer, too. The realtors hit 10 homeruns -â€" David Barr hit four. Bruce Clatworthy two, a triple and a double. John Petrosino a homer. a triple ,1 double and a single, Paul Mof~ fat. a homer and three singlesm and Alan Howes a homer and‘ bwo singles. SENIOR BOYS (12 and over) John's BP edged Plaza Pon- tiac for a 7 to 6 win and moved into a tie for first place. The game was well played' by both teams. with Rod MacDonald pitching for the. gasmen. Steve; Patterson and Les Diggins for; the car salesmen. Gary Hamon' hit the only homerun for John‘s BP. Les Diggins homer brought in three runs ’ Team J ohn's BF Plaza Pontiac CDJ Church services will resume August 2 at 10 am. Sunday school will not reopen until the ï¬rst. Sunday in September. Sherlyn Godsoe‘s pair of homers for Thomhill Pain: helped keep Thomlea Com- munity Association down to a 12-10 loss. Charlotte Harriett hit a double and mwo singles. Michelle Anderson hit a double and a single. Linda Bourrie and Carole-Anne Wilshire both hit two singles. Sue Rodger, Mary Warren and Kathy Radford’s homers weren’t quite enough. Sue Eaton singled twice. Kathy Webb got two hits. STANDINGS (Week Ending July 23) Team Thomhill Paint. Keffer Real Estate ‘Thomhill M S ‘Thornlea C A Smith R. E. Con‘dated Bath lplayed Wednesday. .Both games 'were close. Keffer Real E :1 a it e heat Thornhill Music School, 18. to 16. Heather Reid hit a homer. two triples and a single, Liz Radford a homer and triple and ‘a double. Diane Davidson and ‘Donna Dernick both tripped the bases. Fiona McQueen homered for the music makers. as did Heather McAtee. Diane Carter hit a double and a single. Sharon French a homerun‘ a double and a single. Heather Hemstock hit a triple and two singles. Mary-Jane Stever tri- Nelghborhond Notes _ Jean Clark. Ted and Murray jscheepers. Charlie Barker and Rosemary and Albert Leek joinâ€" ed the rest of their junior farm- ers‘ group and headed for Al- gonquin Park for the weekend, They pitched their tents at the Oxtrail camping grounds where they went swimming, canoeing and on a nature trail. Some of the members were able to cruise on the Tom Thomson Memorial Boat. They‘ were able to see some of the artist's sketches with the actual‘ scenery 'he was painting. The-1 CDJ beat York Printing 21 to STANDINGS (Week Ending July 23) CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Frances Purves 526 Can-ville Road Phone 884-2552 P WL Sundayi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heise ntil the were Sunday dinner guests of bar. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heise. Mr. and Mrs. David Heise and daughter have moved to (Prth Dunnville where David will be 410 Lg“. my On the evenlng of July 16 at the Kennedy Building in Union- ville the new board of directors of the Unionville Home Society _ met to discuss a program for “S the coming year for Union Villa. 13 New members on the board in- 10 elude Patrick Bryan. James Jon- 3 geneel. Stanley Neal. Dr. Rob- 51ert Seever and Mrs. Jean Stras- lser. Mr. nd Mrs. Kenneth Cassel of Preston had supper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burk- holder spent last week at his papents‘ cottage in Haliburton. teaching “shop†at the new high school there. The junior sewing circle of Heise Hill Church met Tuesday night at the home of Miriam Steckley. O Carrying out of committee Work which covers all aspects of the home. Cal Peppler. Union Villa's newly appointed administrator outlined his activities over the Mr. and MES. Gordon Byer and sons have moved to Berk- eley. Mrs. Louisa Rye of Toronto spent a week with Mrs. Beulah Jones. The Gomley Sunshine Girls (3 group of older ladies who were raised at Gormley) had their annual picnic at the home of Miss Audrey Leary and Mrs. Marie Duncan Wednesday with 26 present. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger had Sunday din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brillin- ger enjoyed a week's holiday in Northern Ontario going as far as Moosonee. 0 Investigating the feasibility of constructing senior citizens' apartments; Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Mllsted Telephone 887-5445 Neighborhood Notes Mrs. John Hawkins is home from Centenary Hospital. Scar- boro. following surgery on her spine. The ambitious program laid on for the board includes: 0 Responsibility for oversee- ing the implementation of an imaginative program for the residents of Union Villa; 0 Investigating the feasibility of opening a child day care centre on the grounds; Mrs. Ronald Holmes, Ray- mond and Bobby. are visiting relatives in England. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loschke and family have moved to To!- tenham. We welcome Clarence Pres- ton. the new owner of the Loschke farm. Union Villa Is Looking Ahead To Year Of Innovative Pragrams were able to see (some of the artist‘s sketches with the actual scenery 'he was painting. The cruise through the beautiful lakes and rivers of the area touched on other interesting spots, including the place where They pitched their tents at the Oxtrail camping grounds where they went swimming, canoeing and on a nature trail. Victoria Square {play-ground children. dressed as pirates, fol- lowed clues and found two watermelons as the treasure. Wednesday evening of last week, the Victoria Square Lad- ies’ Baseball Team played a game at 5.5. 4 school against the Richmond Hill Juvenile Mic Mac team with the Mic Macs winning 24-6. Playground l ‘ Friday evening of last, week. ‘neighbors and friends gathered in the community hall for 21 miscellaneous shower in honor of Ann Binnington and Bill Boyd who are being married in August. They also received many beautiful and useful gifts. Baseball Monday evening of last week. neighbors and friends gathered in the community ‘hall for a mis- cellaneous shower in honor of Dianne Donnelly and Murray Hanna who are being married August 29. They received many beautiful gifts. During the vacation period the ‘roof on the south side of the church is being re-shingled. It 1is hoped that the interior of the church auditorium will be re- painted also. Showers Pleaï¬e remember that the church has been closed for sum- mer vacation. and will re-open again August 30 at, 11.30 am with Rev. Martin Jenkinson in charge. Church News GORMLEY ; 49-0. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham Sunday visitors of Mr. and um! and Margaret. Mrs. Jim Barker and family ria Square playground Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kemp were Mrs. Belle Perkins. Mrs. 1. dressed as pirates, fol- (Karen Chadwickl have moved Audrey Slurman and Marie all clues and found two to thm'r new home at, Holland of Toronto, and Mrs. Aline Perâ€" elons as the treasm‘e..‘Landing. kins. ., ,V, ., ¢._.._~ ,- Headford & Dislrid mg CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY â€" Phone 884-3035 :iety for illa. in- lon- >tob- ,ras- lald see- an the ility care The booklet sets out the his- torical background of Union Villa, guidelines for admission eligibility, operational philos- ophy and function of the board of directors with various com- mittees. Mr. Peppler. who pre- viously was assistant adminis- trator of Baycrest Home for the Aged in Toronto, explained that ‘ prior to admission. prospective residents of the Villa are being introduced at get-acquainted teas. He encouraged all pros- pective residents to attend these teas as they will allow them to become better acquainted be- . fore taking residence there. Opening is scheduled for Sep- tember 15 and that day will bring into realization the dreams and ambitions of many hard-working [people in South- ern York County whose efforts have created one of the most exciting new concepts in senior citizens' homes. The teas are being held Wed- nesday afternoons from 2 to 4 pm in the Village Inn on Union- ville‘s Main Street and will con- tinue through 'the summer. past several months and intro- duced the new information booklet he has assembled. The Headford Boys‘ Ball Team continues in its winning ways. defeating the Buttonville Team Wednesday evening 18-17. Get well wishes go to Connie and Larry Burton. Connie came home from camp with the sum- mer flu and Larry suffered a minor concussion and burn as the result of a fall from his motorbike. Julie and Michael Dunleavy, wi-th a friend, Bud Bell of Mark- ham, have returned from a holi- day with their grandparents at Oakview Beach. he was drawned. f Belated birthday wishes go in The weather was good. the'Leona Vanderkooy, who cele- mosquitoes not so good. but the brated July 21. weekend was enjoyed by every- Sam Marina“, whn was a one. .._~_|._‘. -__.I:A.A_, _ A - Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kemp (Karen Chadwick) have moved to their new home at Holland Landing. he was (1 rowned Mrs. Lillian Knapp, Rich- mond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woodward of Newmarket had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and Margaret. The Markham Township play- grounds are holding a parade and penny carnival at Thorn: yhill August 6. in the evening. The Victoria Square playground will be taking part. portraying the story book Cinderella. Pub- Sympathy is extended in Mr. her uncle and aunt and cousins.iiAct wh and Mrs. Don Canning in the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and cans to passing of Mrs. Canning's family. ff" the grandfather, Angus King of Mr. Herb Boynton. Toronto, “0". am Keswick. Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Mr. and pro-was Mrs. Lillian Knapp, Rich- Mrs. Don Boynton and girls â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" mond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday with ‘Mr. and Mrs. ' ‘ Jim Woodward of Newmarket David Boyn'ton and boys at (“NC had Sunday evening dinner with Woodstock. Master Vincent. Wills has re- turned after spending the past two weeks with his grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harding Wills at Jordan. e . Mrs. Stan Boynton and Grace. tions .of local gospel halls. The Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton and 10.8“ .15 f†a “"3 0f 50 years Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rumney, Jim Boynton were gues’ts at ï¬lm “'m’ Interest at 7/5 per cem' Mr. and Mrs. George Rumney Bickell-Watt Wedding in Rich- The loan will assist in the and Jeff, Mr. and Mrs. Philip mond Hill United Church Sat- construction of a single and two. Rum ey and family attended urday evening. and th_e reqep- storey building containing ac- the Eumney Reunion on Satur- tion whiCh muowed 1" R‘Ch' commodation for 34 elderly per- day at Vasey. mond Hill Dons . Hall- The sons in 16 single and nine double Mrs. Faye Wills has returned bride is a great-’nlece 0f MPS. moms_ Apart from in dining after spending the past two Stan Boyntan- room and other fecilities. the weeks in Bermuda. Congl‘atlllations 1“ farmeribuilding will also contain an Master Vincent. Wills has re-‘residents 01’ 0‘" communityi Mr~‘auditorium. a chapel. an area turned after spending the past‘and Mrs. Morley Ryan on thelfor crafts and a huge lounge, two weeks with his girandpar-ibirth of their second son 1 lic support would b ed. Neighborhood Notes These were served at lunch time on Wednesday of last week. Fifty-three children at- tended. support would be appreciat- =2 CAMERA WORK â€" INTERVIEWERS â€" Programme Organizers as SOUND and LIGHTING CONTACT KEN FOSS Richmond Hiil Cable TV Ltd. 884-2930 88458111. Trainees Required to learn Cablecasting Programming 2. Gormley ‘ No doubt the entire commun- ity will join me in wishing Doug and Kathie Curr well in their latest venture. They have pur- ‘chased a business in Graven- hurst and moved there Tuesday. The business is a combination service centre, snack bar and souvenir shop. It is hoped by all their friends that Doug and Kathie will be very successful there. A speedy recovery is wished by all in the area for this form- er resident. Mr. Marinoff. who is now 93 years old, is being cared for by Mrs. Marinoff and their daugh- ter Elsie. ‘ulal‘nel. gflrulnel' on uoncessxon The clinic was a part of the 3 many years ago. broke his fund~raising activities of the arm recently in a fall. He branch, which is centred in would be pleased to have any Richmond Hill. Revenues are of his friends visit him at ‘his devoted to research. patient home, 66 May Avenue, RiChVaIE, care and public and professional during his convalescence. education. The main effort of Mn Marinoff, who is now 93 the local branch will be a door- years old. is being cared for by to-door canvass during Septemâ€" Mrs. Marinoff and their (laugh-.bel‘. "Aflhritis Month" Miss Marie Sturman nf Tor~ onto spent last week here with her uncle and aunt and cousins. Congratulations 10 former residents of our community, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ryan on the birth of their second son. Mrs. Clarence Boyd of Tim- mins has been visiting relatives in the community. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Irene Knapp who un- derwent surgery last week in York Central Hospital, Rich- mond Hill. Special birthday greetings to Mrs. Ali'ce Perkins who on Aug- ust. 1 will be celebrating her 82nd. JULY 30, 31, AUG 1 Northtown Shopping Centre 5385 Yonge Street, Just South of Finch Ave Right in the Heart of Willowdale SALE “21 repeat performance by popular demand" and Phone 887-5421 SAFARI {WILLOWDALE North York ‘Works Committee recommend- ed last week the locations of two permanent garage transfer stations in the borough's east! end. They are to be built by Metro. One would be on a seven acre industrial site west of Victoria Park Avenue just north of the hydro right-of-way above Finch Avenue. and the other on part of a 14 acre site off Bermond- sey Road, south of Eglinton Avenue. Miss Elizabefh Flood. branch chairman. stated that the ‘society was most grateful to }C W. McQuillin. proprietor of ‘the golf course. and to Ernest Nerlich. who organized and conducted the clinic. Clinic At Buttonwood Aids Arthritis Group York Central Branch. Cana- dian Arthritic and Reheumatism Seciety, is richer by $170. the result of a golf clinic held at Buttonwood Golf Club. June 23. The loan is made under a sec- tion of the National Housing Act which provides long~term loans to non~profit corporations for the construction or acquisiâ€" tion and conversion of housing 1595,000 Federal loan}! ‘ .. , . 1 iSr. Citizens Housing: Provided under the National Housing Act, the loan will be made to the Bethany Lodge. a non-profit corporation sponsor- ed by several businessmen who are associated with 15 congrega- tions of local gospel halls. The loan is for a term of 50 years with interest at 7% per cent. Robert Andras. Minister Res- ponsible for Housing. announced this week the approval of a $95,000 federal loan for the con- struction of a senior citizen‘s housing project in Unionville. And there are ï¬ther neigh- borhood friends in hospital. We wish them all a rapid recovery. Mrs. Bert Craigié is in Bray}- son Hospital for surgery this week. I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hord and ' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller wentl to Belleville recently to visit! David Hard and his family. ' UnfortunatelJ'. last week Rossl Hard became ill. and is in To“ rontn General Hospital. 1‘ The Stefflers are also on a1 western jaunt, while John and his new bride and Paul keep things going on the home front. ' mg; c’;;g;g;,g&"ggt;;c'gj Friends were aorry to lea_rn 20, with'irférrnéhi“;£â€Â§Â§r mg a janguage course for T0_ of the death of MisLMuneI Surviving are three sisters Bruce said they were pleased to see a former Buttonvillian taking part in the performance there â€"â€" none other than Don- ald Tribbling driving a wagon team of six horses. Jim Gray, a nephew of Mrs. S. J. English, is a director of the Stampede. ronto Teachers’ College this month. Joy is a teacher at Bqtjconville Primary School. Last weekend Rae and Betty Donaldson and their family took off in their camper for Copetown and a visit with Hugh and Katherine Fraser McMaster. Hugh is in business for him- self thereâ€"an implement deal- ership. ’ The Armstrongs took a 'do your own thing’ holiday this year. Neal is in New England, Anna and Nancy went cottag- ing. while Bruce and Derek visited the Calgary Stampede. Warm and humid. much more like July than last, week‘s 50 degree temperatures. The corn is high and wheat is golden in the fields. A good summer. Neighborhood Notes August 27 ......... August 28, 29, 30, 31.... September September September September September 5................... September September Big names in enlerfainmenf :- are coming 10 the CNE Grandsfand this year-and four whole evenings are given over to he largest circus ever staged! August 20..... .......... August 21 ....... . ....... .......Bobby Sherman and $3.50 Augusf 22 ............'l'ha Temp?afions?.............................$5.00 and $4.00 August 23 ......... .. ........... Italian Fesiival ...... ...........................$7.00, $6.00, and $5.00 August 24, 25 ........ ........Johnny Cash ..... ................................$6.00, $5.00, and $4.00 Augusf 26 ...................... Brenda Lee ....... u...............................$5,00 and $4.00 Don’t miss these star-filled nights at the CNE.M $4: Canadian National Exhibition Z-Jcotï¬s * Dawns Jonas Fish & Chips Tuesdays are Dinner Days FOR ONLY 49 CENTS EACH Nexf Tuesday you can take home as many delicious Davey Jones fish and chip dinners as you wanf. Button ville Community Happening: 181 YONGE ST. N. PHONE : 884 - 9291 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 80‘, 197 Mail Order Office is open until August 10th. For information or tickets write: Grandstand Box Office, Canadian National Exhibition, Exhibition Park, Toronto 23, Ontario. Toronto AugustZOto Sept7 Sundays from'l:30 a... a-.a .:-:.:. Iota-n .. CORRESPONDENT: MRS F. H. LEAF â€" ....... Football/Toronto vs Edmonton.....$6.50, $5.50, $4.00, and $2.50 ' Military Band Tattoo ....................... Natlonbuildors................................. CirCus ’70 International Ray Charles /Al Hirt ....... ‘ Charley Pride 59h Dimension ................................ Drum and Bugle Competition ...... Brenda Lee ....... “...............................$5.00 and $4.00 Red Skelton ........................ ..............$6.00, $5.00 and $4.00 Bobby Goldsboro .................... :ip‘I“‘-“‘““““ OPEN: Manda Thursday & F ‘l______ Check the line-up! {I Let [the Wall to Wall Experts . . . r OPEN: Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday 9 am. - 6 pm. I Thursday 8; Friday 9 am. - 9 pm. - Sat. 9 mm. - 6 pm. f.“‘I-III“I“I“‘ Kenneth Thoburn is a new young businessman in the neighborhood south of Highway 7. He has taken over Star de- livery from. Mike Medland. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Walton entertained relatives from Dunâ€" edin. Florida recently. Bill and Molly Hood moved into their new home by the river some weeks ago, and last week held open house for a number of friends. Rick Tribbling‘s pony won second prize at Oshawa Fair on Saturday. while the first rib- bon went to Lloyd Weatheriu of Unionville for his pony. Con- gratulations. And on Sunday Mrs. A. W. Miller was taken to York Cen- tral Hospital after a severe fall which resulted in a broken nose. a broken right wrist, and other injuries. Muriel Cottom Ii Phone Carrier Circulation today and ask for Glen Pratt. He will gladly answer any questions regarding the Liberal Carrier Plan. Carrier Boys and Girls North & South Thornhill Areas Here is a real opportunity for energetic boys and girls to earn their own spending money by joining the Carrier Staff of one of Ontario’s fast- est growing suburban weeklies. mflflflflSélflXflflY “The Liberal†is keeping pace with the rap- idly expanding growth in the North and South Thornhill Areas by establishing home delivery service routes throughout the district. 6313 Yonge St., Willowdale â€"- (Across from Sayvette’s) Willowdale Brbgtflaom Ltd. We have a good selection of room size_rugs (FREE estimates in your home without obligation) Each advance evening Grandstand ticket entitles ihe holder in free admission 10 the grounds on the day of the performance (vehicle not included). Free Admission! 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . Harding "‘ Celanese * Kraus Phone 884-1105‘6 B.M.K. * Burlington * Peerless Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow And All Kodel Carpets $5.00 and $4.00 $5.00 ahd $4.00 $5.00 and $4.00 $6.00, $5.00 and $4.00 $4.00 and $3.50 $4.00 and $3.50 $2.00 and $ 1.00 $4.00 Half price for children 12 and under PHONE 499-0378 A service was held at Dixon‘s Funeral Home. Markham. July 20, with interment at Simcom Earlier in her career, Mrs. Cottom was secretary to former Ontario Premier Leslie Frost. After 'her husband’s death she carried on a Buttonville until late June, when she moved to a shop on Unionville Main Street, south of the new Post Office. She had been there only two days when she was removed to hospital and died shortly af- ter of a liver ailment. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Cottom operated Cottom‘s An- tiques in the former Les Hood store at Buttonville. They were famous for their fine re- stored white pine furniture. which was sought after by such stores as Eatons. Simpsons and Cameron - Jefferson Ltd. for their specialty shops. And Mrs. Cottom had a very fine collec~ tion of Carmel Glass of which she was very proud. Cottom at Scarboro General Hospital the weekend of July 17. Her husband Gordon died some months earlier. it†226-0941