Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1970, p. 20

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Eight grade 13 graduates from Richmond Hill High School were among York Counâ€" ty's 64 Ontario Scholarship win- ners. To qualify as an Ontario Scholar. in student must have an average of 80 percent or better in his top seven subjects. and he has to do it all in one year ~â€" those who fepeat a. course to upgrade marks so that they may be. admitted to the “university of their choice" are not eligible. Without exception they in- tend to continue their studies at universities, and the $150 cash award from the Departâ€" ment of Education to Ontario Scholars will help them to meet expenses. Top studem at Richmond Hill was Phil Clark. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of 106 Ruggles Avenue with an average of 87.3 percent. 7 ' Phil intends to major in math- gmatics and statistics‘ and has Richmond Hill High School Has 8 Ontario Scholarsâ€"Phil Clark Tops 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. BARBARA WILKINSON 82.3% Want To Use Your Car Stereo In Your Boat ? PHIL CLARK 'l'op Student â€" 87.3% Regular Price $31.85 Northtown Shopping Centre JULY 30, 31, AUG 1 SDEWALK FOR AUTO. BOAT AND HOME . SEE MUNIZ PAT BOONE 86.4% 5385 Yonge Street. Just. South of Finch Ave. SALE !a repeat performance by popular demand” 57 NEWKIRK RD. RICHMOND HILI Right in the Heart of Willowdale SAFARI Special This Week ONLY $24.95 (Installation Extra) 4022 Wholesale and Retail ELIZABETH WILSON 86.3% l [V Phil went into grade 13 in his home town in November, and played for Richmond Hill Rams. He also plays golf and during the summer plays base- ball for an industrialvleague. And to round out the summer. he is working as a shipper for a firm in Metro. been accepted at, Yale Uni- versity in New Haven. Connec- ticut. , He is a keen athlete and is willing to consider a Canadian University if he can get. an athletic scholarship, but this is just a hope. He was a player in a junior A hockey game for St. Catharâ€" ines at Niagara Falls in Sep- tember, and played Junior B hockey there in the fall, but managed to school work and played for Richmond Hilli She is working for her {athâ€" Rams. He also plays golf and‘er's Willow Construction Comâ€" during the summer plays base-'pany. but, is looking forward to ball for an industrialvleague. ‘a trip to Europe before the And to round out the summer. summer ends. Her final aver~ he is working, as a shipper foriage of 83.1 percent qualifies a firm in Metro. ‘her as an Ontario Scholar. Pat Boone, 17. daughter of“ Barbara Wilkinson‘18.daugh- Mr. and Mrs. William Boone. miter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wil- Knollside Drive. finished her kinson. 50 Benson Avenue. is year with an average of 86.4.‘working as a checker at a local and plans to major in modernisupermarket. but with an aver- languages at Laurentian Univer-‘age of 82.3 percent she is look- sity in Sudbury in the fall. She ing forward to entering Victoria is interested in a career as an§College. University of TorontO, interpreter and translator. ‘in the fall and majoring in Foiâ€" the summer. she is work- ing for Ronalds‘ Federated in Richmond Hill. Elizabeth Wilson, 17. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson. 89 Bedford Park Avenue. finish- ed the year with an average of 86.3, and plans to major in Engâ€" lish at 'the University of Toron- to. "Liz" is interested in child-'lege. Universit ren as well as books. and while‘Meanwhile. she she was in high school worked local restaurant as a volunteer at Browndalel Camp for Emotionally Disturb-l Q l,‘57 Pumlc ed Children. Her father is a teacher at Seneca Community College. and her mother at Bayview Second- ary School. so it would not be surprising to see her entering that profession. but meanwhile she is working in a book store at. Towne and Countrye Square. Universal Car Stereo Port - A - Mount Bracket. Mating Receptacle For Boat (Unit slides out of EA-s Deluxe Speakers. car and into boat â€"- no wires to disconnect.) 2. tomplete with wire. LEON BROAD 81.7% 884-6474 keep up with his JEAN YOTEFF 84.7% Jean Yoteff. 18. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Yoteff. 101 Trayborn Drive. is out of town for the summer. working as a mother‘s helper for friends in Beeton. age of 82.3 percent she is look- ing forward to entering Victoria College. University of Toronto. in the fall and majoring in languages and psychology. Victoria College will also be the destination for Leon Broad, 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Broad. 21 Bedford Park Ave- ‘nue. but he plans a general arts ‘and science course, majoring in ‘political Science. For the summer. he is work- ing with a Metro distributing company. His final average was 81.7 percent. Anne Honeyman. 19. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Honey- will be in use in September with an estimated 20 children .in the kindergarten and 103 in other grades. This will reduce expected enrolment at both St. Luke‘s ljunior school) and St. Robert's (senior school) which are also'located in the Thorn- hill area, with a total enrol- ment for the three schools es- timated at 657. St. Luke's and .St. Robert‘s had a combined total of 624 at June 30. In .Septernber 290 pupils will be at .St. Luke‘s I45 in kindergarten). 244 at St. Robert’s and 123 at St. Anthony. Projected enrolment in the' man. 193 Chassie Court. finish-l ed the year with an average of 80.1. and will major in mod- ern languages at Trinity Col- lege, University of Toronto.) Meanwhile. she is working in a‘ Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Baeci, 360 Sugar Maple Court, Aida Bacci. 17. plans to enter a computer science course at The University of Waterloo in the fall. She earned an average 0( 84.7 percent. and plans to major in languages when she goes to Laurentian University in the fall. mm a Lump... at the University of Waterloo in the fall. She is working for her {athâ€"t er's Willow Construction Com- pany. but is looking forward to a trip to Europe before the summer ends. Her final aver~ age of 831 percent qualifies» her as an Ontario Scholar. Barbara Wilkinson. 18. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wil-1 kinson. 50 Benson Avenue. is1 working as a checker at a local supermarket. but with an aver- age of 82.3 percent she is look- ing forward to entering Victoria College. University of Toronto. in the fall and majoring in \.I aulvxlwu eve“ uu languages and psychology. St. John School ‘lSharon Anâ€" nexl was not in use during the past school year. but is being renovated to accommodate 80 kindergarten pupils and 98 in grades 1 - 8. reducing the num- ber in these grades at Our Lady of Good Counsel in the same area from an enrolment of 285 at June 30 to an estimated 146 in September. The new St. Anthony School being constructed on Bayview Avenue in North Thornhill. will be in use in September with an estimated 20 children in the kindergarten and 103 in other grades. This will reduce expected enrolment. at both St. 57 Pupils To Metro 337 County Schools Victoria College will also be the destination for Leon Broad, 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Broad. 21 Bedford Park Ave- nue, but 'he plans a general arts and science course, majoring in political Science. For the summer. he is work- ing with a Metro distributing company. His final average was 81.7 percent. Approximately the same num- ber of former county separate school pupils will be enrolled in grade 10 in Metro Roman Catholic high schools. The board provides transportation for these pupils in its own buses and subsidizes the tuition fee in part. Fifty-seven pupils leaving grade 8 from York County Se- parate Schools will be going to Roman Catholic High SChOOLS in Metro, according to a report presented to the York County Separate School Board, at its July 21 meeting, by Superinten- dent, Joseph Hodge. The remainder of the 394 separate school grade 8 gra- duates in York County will be attending local 5 e c o n d a r y schools. NEW IN TOWN Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 ANNE HONEYMAN 80.1% and don’t know which way to tum, cafl the July 30. 1970 @mfi/g’qmu nu. If you’re ALDI BACCI 83.1% York Separate Schools Expect 4,746 To Enroll In September Enrolment in me 20 Roman! Catholic schools in York County in September 1970 is estimated at 4.746 including 75 non-resi-‘l dents, Administrator Joseph: Hodge reported at, the July 211 meeting of York County Roman} Catholic School Board. Enrol- ment at the end of June was 4.620 pupils from kindergarten to grade 8 inclusive. :I'1W\ll“l\\lll\l\l“l!“muml\l\lll1\\l\“\\l\l\“ll\\\l\\\lll“\\\l\ll\“1l1lll“\\\ll\ll\l\l\\\\\\ll\\l1\llullmum“\Nlllllll\l\\\\\\lllllllllllllllllllmlmllfillIl\\lllll|llllllllliml“Ill““1mlllllllllllltllllllllllmllllmllllilillilllllllllulflllfllllmullRllmmMRlllllll!“llI!“lRm“!lllllllmmllflll!‘2’ 31‘I“\mmum\ummmmlmm\km\u“mummummmmmmuummmmun“mmmummmummuunmmummmu{tummylummn\umummm\mmmmu“ummum“umnu!lu\\muuummmuummuuunu\uumuunuumumummmuuummg The schools, Rogers Sch001 in Newmarket, an unnamed junior school in then Wimpey Sub- division in Aurora and an unnamed junior school for the Costain Subdivision in Markham Town- ship, will be the first completely designed on authority from the county board. The open plan schools contain large areas to accommodate up to three or more regular classes, but also make provision for smaller groupings where these are necessary.‘ Several ‘teachers are responsible for the 100 or so pupils in each area. In presenting a 62 page study of county schools which have been operating under the blan, Research Officer Brian Burnham pointed out that at the time the study was made. none of these schools had been in use for a full year. All schools and additions built or completed since the board took over from the county's 21 area boards were in various stages of planning prior to amalgamation of the boards in January 1969. After examining a lengthy staff report. on "open concept” schools as compared with those of traditional design, York County Board of Edu- cation agreed June 2 to adopt this concept for three schools to be built for September, 1971. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER TO ALL OUR OLD AND NEW CUSTOMERS Absolutely Free â€"â€" NO Purchase Necessary â€"â€" Our Family Service Policy 50% DISCOUNT ON ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: Three New “Open” Schools Planned By County Board For Opening 1971 303 NORTH YONGE ST, INTRODUCING BuyYour lst Tire at Regular Price =- Get Your 2nd Tire For Gold Seal GOLD CUP RADIALS C's“ Gold Seal SP - Sport. CB - 57 Gold Seal Belted 70 Series Speed Twin Belt Wide Dual We Also Specialize in Mags. Alignment â€" fur EAM LY TIRE CENTRE a DUNLOP Bruno Piva 50% 50"? 50% 0% Tires for Every Type of Car. Big or Small $6.95 Discount Discount Discount Discount TERMS: NO MONEY DOWNâ€"12 MONTHS TO PAY Let Us Keep Your Family Safely On The Road WelcomesYou To His 35 $10 a $15 Tire Rotations Tire Changes Flat Repairs Wheel Alignments day was added to the robbery . Kelly and White were held in and forgery instrument charges jail without bail following their faced.the “leek hem“! by two1court appearance July 20. Mon- sataqs Chmce M°t°r°ycle Club day the Crown Attorney asked assoc1ates in Richmond Hill Pro- to have each of the accused vi'ncial Court. ' Wayne Kelly, 22, of 11 Der- held on $5,000 ball each. . voc Crescent Willowdale, and JUdge RUSSGH Pearse fixed formerly of Richmond Hill and bail at $3000 and the Pair were Thornhill. faces one other add.jstill in custody at last report. ed charge. namely breach of? White also faces a charge of probation due to possession of a;possessing a bull whip and mo- lproscribed drug without author-‘torcycle chain for purposes dan- ization. lgerous to the public peace. At Our Lady of the Annunci- ation Separate School in Oak Ridges the estimated September enrolment is 265, with 25 in kindergarten and 240 in grades I~8. This will be an increase of 17 in the total with a de- crease of four in kindergarten. three schools ln Richmond Hill The day after receiving a newithe south entrance of the totals 1.081. an increase of only bicycle complete with "banana Thornhill Golf and Country seven from June 30. Decrease seat“ and "monkey bars". aEClub. Steven told police they in kindergarten enrolment of 20 South Thornhill 12~year-old fellgtried to brake. hit a bump, wob- is predicted, from his machine on Yongel‘bled. hit another bump, and ' Of the toal 508 will he attend- Street and died of head injur-kthen fell. mg Our Lady Help of Chris- ies. i The accident was first report- tians on Bayview 135 in kinderâ€" David John Small of 111 Mor-ied to Markham Township Ponce gartenl. 219 at St. Joseph‘s, on gan Avenue was pronounced at 7.37 pm. The investigation Roney Avenue (28 in kinder- dead on arrival at York Central also involved the OPP and was gartenl and 354 at St. Mary Im- Hospital. Richmond Hill, at finally taken over by rthe Vaugh- macixlate on Trayborn Drive about 8 pm. [an Township Police because it (36 m kindergarten). H15 brother Steven. aupasjlhappened on the Vaughan A charge of possessing a pro-: scribed drug commonly knovmi as methadrine or “speed” Mon- day was added to the robbery and forgery instrument charges faced the week before by two Satan‘s Choice Motorcycle Club! associates in Richmond Hill Pro- vincial Court. , Add Drug Charge For Kelly, White STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 30th OPENING TIRE SALE -â€" Chromes Brakes â€" Who comes all the way from Vancouver, British Columbia Gold Seal C-41 2ND TIRE FOR RICHMOND HILL -= 889¢7714915 -â€" Oval Track Racing Tires Shock Absorbers â€" Dynami PLUS â€"â€" lZ-Year-Old Thornhill Cyclist Dies 7 In Fall On Yonge Street's Edgei 19$ 5 The accident was first report- David John Small of 111 Mor-zed to Markham Township police g3" AVEUUP “'35 Pronounced at 7.37 pm. The investigation dead on arrival at York Central also involved the opp and was Hospital. Richmond Hill. atifinally taken over by (the Vaugh- about 3 pm. Jan Township Police because it His brother Steven. a pasâ€" happened on the Vaughan senger on "Ehe bifycle..stereq‘Township side of Yonge Street, His brother Steven, a pas- senger on the bicycle. suffered cuts to his left elbow, knee and foot. I David was the son of Mr. and} Mrs. John Small. The boys were riding southl downhill on l(he west shoulder‘ of Yonge Street and fell nearl The other accused is David White, 22, of 16 Dunsinane Drive, Thornhill. A similar study'in the Borough of North York had found little variation in student per- formance in the two types of schools beyond what could be expected in any two schools, declared Mr. Burnham. A sixteen member research team, mainly elementary school principals, conducted a study of seven York County schools this winter. and heavy emphasis was placed on observation of pupil and teacher behaviours in the schools, com- paring open to non-open concept schools._ The results‘ of the study tended to favor the open school. It supported other Canadian studies in reporting that the open setting increases co-operative planning and teaching. Communications Officer Margaret McLean told the board that a similar study in Waterloo indicated there was no appreciable difference in the reading and mathematical skills of pupils in open and conventional style schools. The report notéd “the widespread demon- stration of mutual regard among pupils and teachers compliments all schools in this study.” Principals said academic achievement of the pupils concerned could not be reasonably assessed when the school had been in operation for less than a year. Date Mileage Twin Belt GT - 2+2 Raised White Letter 2ND TIRE FOR Priced For Every Family’s Budget g Tires â€"- Drag Slicks Dynamic Wheel Balancing | Motorist Robert Field of 56 ‘Wedgewood Drive. Willowdale, accompanied by Gary Levesque ‘of 62 Westwood Lane, Thornhill. [came upon the scene right after lithe boys fell. Mr. Field told police he found‘a boy lying in the roadside ‘grass. crying very ‘hard and ap- parently in great pain. Both the boys were conscious when he ‘stopped, and he drove them‘ home. I Dr. Jack Saunders of King ‘City. coroner. said an autopsy [showed the boy‘s death was due "to head injuries“ No inquest will ‘be held. the south entrance of the Thornhill Golf and Country Club. Steven told police they Called to the house, Mark- ham Township Police found Da- vid not breathing. They manag- ed to get him breathing again and took him to hospital by am- bulance. But to no avail. Mrs. Small took David to the bathroom to wash the blood from his face, and he collapsed there. SP - Sport CB - 73 SP - 68 2ND TIRE FOR Wheel 1m LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 m An easy-temperate . . ARGUS CAREFREE CAMERA OUTFIT |/ 0166/! Here To See If You Are A Wlhner In The GLENVILLE FARM'S DAIRY Features: Instant loading drop-in cart- ridge. no film to thread. Takes color and black and white pictures. Conven- ient. easy to carry. Complete with batteries, film, flash cube Richmond Heights Centre Recent Free Drawing! For Summer Fun 98 CONSOLATION PRIZES Mrs. A. Bray. 86 Septonne Ave.. Newmarket receiving coupons for one year’s supply of milk won in recent con‘ test, from John Mulder. West uunu avquuyn ...... nut, â€"_..7W , James (right) with Zoupons for one year‘s supply of milk won by their grandmother. Mrs. Hazel Foster. Sutton Winners Will Be Informed By Mail PHOTO 3 t1 3 S SUPPLIES John Mulder presenting Sandra (l_eft) an‘d Glengia 884-3221 ammmmmmMmm

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