Eurking Dogs Don't Bite â€"- Bul neither action had had the desired result. The petition led to a council resâ€" olution recommending to the. town's 'police. commission that the local police be. instructed to enforce the town's bylaws. In all fairness to the police. we know of other cases where their warning to owners of barking dogs had the desired result. It must also be pointed out that under the town‘s anti-noise bylaw, which prohibits We have no suggestions as to how one is to determine the owner. of the cat whose midnight songs of love and war are equally as disturbing. We have tried throwing any missile which came. easily to hand and drenching the serenaders with cold water, only to have the cacophony break out again in a few minutes in a neighbor's garden. At that point ‘we bury our head under the pillow and hopefully wait for the yowling to cease. of “The Blue Danube". Shirlene also played with the senior band, of which a number of members were 17 years and over. and their renderingr of “The Irische Suite†put them in first place. The band was competing with some fine musicians, including the Steel City Band from Hamilton, and bands from Barrie and Brantford. The Willowdale Rand made an attractive visual display. with the boys in dark suits. and the girls in delightful floor-length mauve. gowns. Next year a tour is being planned for the senâ€" ior band, and negotiations are in the offing for a (Continued on Page 14) r perseverance. to meet Its members. flease aonr. Ulan i am sei- fish, for I really enjoy meeting Japanese students. But not when there are three hundred at one time and you get the impression that they had been ordered to come in a few at a time to meet the gaijin and speak with them! We were even invited to attend one of the English conversation classes later in the day as “observers†â€" don't you believe it! We would have been swamped with students. Seriously though. I greatly admire the Japanese. Despite the fact that they study (Continued on Page 14) C‘llllllllmmllilimmilllllltllllllillllml“\llllilillllllllllllillllllllll“llllllllilllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllilllillltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllll\\lllllllllllllll\l\lllll“lllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll’tll\llllllllllllillllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'1' A major effort by the municipalities of Ontario aimed at stopping a provin- cial takeover of pits and quarries control. has appar- ently "run into a brick wall" at Queen's Park. King Township's badly needed new Official Plan has run into several bad snags in the past couple of weeks. This is most, unfortunate. The nub of the controversy apâ€" peam to be sewers and home sizes. In the meantime, township resi- dents have no protection against the many sorts of undesirable deveIOp- merit that could take place on the other side of their fences. Those holding up passage of the new Official Plan no doubt believe they have right on their side. i This may well be. true. Existing communities. mosi: nnlâ€" ably Nobleton, may well be having septic tank troubles that must be overcome. The obvious solution first coming to the minds of residents in such areas is most likely to be sewers and sewage treatment. The argument: 0! lhp municipalities were recently presented to four Ministers of the Robarts Governmem. by a committee headed by Whitchurch Township Depu- ty-reeve Norman Barnard. Minister of Mines Allan Lawrence. Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough. Highways Minister George Gomme, and Transport Min- ister Irwin Haskett. Major regent instances of unconâ€" trolvled develcpment include a private airport landing strip and a dance hall. More and worse things could happen at any moment. p11, The sewage situation in NobI-eton should be studied and solved, perâ€" haps by the Ontario Water Resources Commission. This is one of the questions mem- bers of the township council must answer for themselves. V Btit is there time to resolve this issue when King Township is threat- ened right now with’ all sorts of uncontrolled development? Perhaps the other major Issqe of house alzes can be more qulckly resolved. We feel that the township might well take a less selfish point of View. After the meeting at Queen’s Park York County Warden Gordon Cook. a member of the municipal committee. said it was quiie clear the provincial govern- ment was going in in its own way. in spite of the position taken by Ontario's 400 muni- cipalities and their four or- ganizations. The munioipai submission was made on behalf of th- Association of Ontario May- Certainly, under the present cirâ€" cumstances, it would create an un- healthy tax situation if the township were thrown wide open to an Municipalities. The submis- sion was formally supported by 12 Ontario cities, 24 towns, 25 townships and five other major municipal au- thorities. Municipal Committee Chair- man Barnard was a little more optimistic than Warden Cook after the meeting ors and Reeves, the Ontario Municipal Association. the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario, and the Ontario Association of Rural There is nothing less conducive to a good sleep than a barking dog or a screeching and spitting cat in the neighborhood. Twelve ratepayers on North Tay- lor Mills Drive recently, after trying every other method, petitioned Rich- mond Hill Town Council to stop the incessant barking of a neighborhood dog, which is interfering with their sleep â€"-â€" many of them are shift- workers and so must sleep in the daytime. They had asked the owner of the dog to keep his pet from barking. They had called the police. But neither action had had the desired resu t. The petition led to a council resâ€" olution recommending to the town‘s police commission that, the local police be instructed tn enforce the tom's bylaws. Barnard ’3 Municipal Gravel Pit Brief Hits Queen ’3 Park “Brick Wall †Subscription Rate $5.00 per y Mr. Barnard said ho Mt e bi'ief was reasonably well THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 30, 197A King Needs Ils Plan Now An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 1' bâ€"â€"'\‘ cuLA‘ tion Rate $5.00 per year: to United States $6.00; 10c Single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd, X W. S. COOK, Publisher “Second class mail, registration number 0190" Independent Weekly: Established 1878 Tithe liberal received. The Ministers ask- ed the committee to remain intact. implying the possibil- ity of future negotiations be. fore final pit and quarry legislation is written. said the Whitchurch deputy-reeve. The municipalities object strongly to a report on pits and quarries prepared by a provincial government. comâ€" mittee. They point out that. the municipalities didn‘t. even have any representaâ€" tion on the government com- mittee. The municipalities agree with the province that the laws governing pits and quarries are now inadequate. But they don't agree to hav- ing the responsibility for pits and quarries taken away from municipal governments and out. of the hands of the local councils. The municipalities also want provisions giving them some kind of adequate tax return from pits and quar- ries tn help pay for the wear and tear on roads caused by heavy trucks. The municipal committee is critical of the provincial government committee re» port because of certain as- pects the report seems to have ignored. “Although great emphasis is given by the report to the importance of the aggregate industxy to society, and the need to have pits and quar- ries located close to large ur- ban communities. .there is a total omission of views and opinions concerning the feas- ibility of transporting sand. gravel and stone by boat from new quarry and pit On the other hand, a limited numâ€" ber of small homes could be absorbed each year Without an unduly heavy tax burden being placed on the exist- ing population. Township planners say the “hardâ€" ship†provision in the. new Official Plan will have the effect, of allowing just such a limited number of small homes to be built. Perhaps this "hardship" provision could be more fully explained to the satisfaction of those opposing the new Official Plan on the grounds of home sizes. Failing that, a satisfactory amend- ment to the new Official Plan shouldn't be too difficult to formuâ€" late, nor take too long to implement. But time is of the essence. The protection afforded by the. new Official Plan is very badly needed right now. I unlimited number of small homes It should be remembered by thosa involved in this business that Ofâ€" ficial Plans are flexible and can be changed. ' Orf the other hand. undesirable ]and uses, once established, may be with us forever and a. day. Better to pass the new Official Plan now. with a few flaws in it, than to wait for several months while trying to make everything per- feet. It would probably do very serious harm if lthe Official Plan were not made fully effective before the end of this year. With regional governâ€" ment coming into effect January 1. there is a great danger the matter would not be attended to for a long time. The new regional government for many months will probably be too occupied with the problems of reorg- anization to give attention to King Township’s planning problems. “noise which disturbs the public". the‘onus for laying a charge is on the average citizen â€" the member (or members) of the public who is being disturbed. We trust that the 12 residents who signed the petition will not have to proceed with the charge and that the owner will co-operate with his neighbors. In this way, only, can the weary worker enjoy a restful sleep day or night in his own home and that young children can be put to bed at a, reasonable hour and slip off to sleep without being continually disturbed. smphasis ft to the ggregate and the id quar- .arge ur- ere is :1 PWS and the feas- ig sand. by boat and pit “We deplore this viewpoint. General land use planning considerations. with proper emphasis being given to all factors determining desirable use (including the recogni- tion that the operation of its quarries is incompatible with most other forms of land-de- velopment. must dominate all decisions relating to estab: lishment af aggregate mining operations. In short, the 10â€" operations in the remote parts of the province. This. as an alternative to obnox- ious operations close to the urban communities, should be fully explored. "Research into new prod- ucts. and re-use of existing materials, while unlikely to produce immediate results, should be carried out, now in anticipation of future reâ€" quirements." says the muni- cipal submission. The municipalities haVe submitted to the provincial government a statement of five principles which they feel should be followed in any future pits and quarries legislation. These five are as follows: o The report of the pro- vincial government's Miner- al Resources Committee giv- es undue priority to the exâ€" ploitation of sand. gravel and stone resources in rela- 1ionship to other land uses. It. subordinates aesthetic, conservation. comm u n i l y planning and overall envir- onment values to the mining of aggregates. The report. In fact. proposed that land use planning would be done after and around mineral re- source planning. In the year and a half during which I have been putting people in the spotlight I have met some young people who have racked up more kudos in a. few short years than many of us .accrue in a life- time. What always surprises me is their modesty: in fact, most of them take for granted the fact of their success, and are loathe to talk about it. One of these is Shirlene Austerberry, whose latest achievements at the National Music Festival were reported in “The Liberal" last week. Shirlene started learning the accordion three years ago at the age of ten, actually as a forerunner" to playing the piano. Her progress was so rapid that it soon became obvious that the accordion was her instruâ€" ment. Her choice was probably the right one at that. After all, it is much easier to take an accord- ion to a party â€"â€" pianos make rather bulky hand luggage ‘U'ec-‘o‘ ‘ After only two-and-a-half months of study, Shirlene was entered by her teacher for the National Music Festival, and won her first gold‘medal with 95%. The following year brought another gold medal, and in 1968 Shirlene placed second with 94%. By this time she was playing with the Wi110wdale Junior Accordian Band, which came second in its class in the same festival. On July 18 this year at the National Music Festival, held at the Royal .York Hotel, Shirlene entered in the Senior Open Division and was awarded a silver medal with 93%. In the Senior Division for 14 years and under, her marks were 92%, and won her a bronze medal. The Willowdale Accordion Band (Intermediate Division), of which she is a member, placed second, with a performance of “The Blue Danube". Shirlene also played with the senior band, of which a number of members were 17 years and over. and their rendering of “The Irische Suite†put them in first place. The band was competing with some fine musicians, including the Steel City Band from Hamilton, and bands from Barrie and Brantford. Inihe Spoilighft cation and operation of a pit or quarry must be satisfac- tory in the terms of the over- all community. O “In addition to the fore- going policy. it is our belief that, comprehensive studies should be undertaken on the effect generally that pits and quarries inflict on H]? total environment This would include water tables. water purification. pollution lair. visual and auditoryl. ground vibration, traffic hazard and road destruction, etc. Each propgsed area of mineral operation should be judged by such criteria. o “The control over the es- tablishment and extension of all pits and quarries must remain with local govern- ment. The provincial depart- .At a special reception held recently at Toronto’s Sutton Place Hotel to mark joint United States â€" Canada Day celebrations. a display of Canadians. spinning by Black Creek Pioneer Villager. Betty Service (right), is explained to Judy Jamison of American Airlines Toronto staff. NORMAN BARNARD Wins First Gold Medal 'At National Music Festival Canadiana And Americana By MARY MONKS ment of mines and Its en- gineers, far removed from the affected community. are not competent to determine whether or not a pit or quar- ry in a given location is de- sirable or acceptable to The community. We therefore strongly oppose the proposal “We insist that the use of land for aggregate mining be treated the same as any other land use. Control of location would be by adapta- tion of the present technique of zoning to a “Pits and Quarries Control Actâ€. ap- plicable to all municipalities. whether or not they have an ofï¬cial plan or zoning bylaW. in the report. in transfer to the provincial level the DOWâ€" er to determine the location of pits and quarries. “No Operation could be ï¬tarted or extended without application in the local muni- cipality for permissive znn- ing. Any bylaw granting such permissive zoning would havo to go through proved- ures similar in than undoi- the recent Plannin: Afl- such as notification to all in terested authorities and neighboring properties. fol- lowed by a public hearing and decision by the Ontario Municipal Board. “The ‘Pits and Quarries Control Act’ should provide for a site plan agreement be- tween the operator and the local municipality. This sys- tem would provide a large measure of local accounta- bility and safeguard against arbitrary action. It also gin 9: some recourse M the apâ€" plicam if h: is turned down by the mutual. ESusan Brown Writes This is the. fourth in a series of feature articles by Susan Brown who is spend- ing the summer in Japan. Susan is a resident of Maryvaie Crescent in Langstaff and a third year Honors BA student at Trent University, Peter- boro. Susan and her girl friend are spending the summer tutoring English at a school in Osaka called ' r Osaka Eign Gakko and living with a Japanese fam- ily. They plan to live in this traditional family set- ting for seven. weeks and then spend the last three weeks touring the country especially Hokkaido in Northern Japan. This year marks Susan's second trip to Japan. She first visited the country in the summer of 1968 at which time she took an introductory language course in Japanese. This may seem like a strange question, but whv would two Japanese girls invite two Canadian girls to visit their university for an afternoon? You might assume as we did that they wished to take us on the twenty-five cent tour so that we might compare Canadian and Japanese campus life. Aah soo desuka? No, that is not so. In fact. we ourselves should have been charging a quarter since we were the main attraction! To explain further (before you get the wrong idea that I’m boasting), many oriental university students study English. Irregardless of whether they wish‘ to visit foreign countries, a knowledge of English is invaluable for improving one's position in a future business career. And naturally, the best way to learn to speak a language properly is to hear it from the horse’s mouth. So there we sat â€" the horses! Unfortunately, our friends believed we would enjoy staying in the office of their Interpreter Guide Club (I.G.C.) for an hour or more in order to meet its members. Please don‘t think I am sel- fish, for I really enjmr meeting Japanese students. But not when there are three hundred at one time and you get the impression that they had been ordered to come in a few at a time to meet the gaijin and speak with them! We. were even invited tn aftend one of the English conversation classes later in the day as "observers" _ don‘t you believe it! We would have been swamped with students, Q "Adequate regulations for control and rehabilitation should ‘be enacted by the On- tario Government. How ever. instead of the regula- tions being administered by a department, engineer. in- spectors appointed by separ- ate municipalities. counties or regions should be the. en- forcement officers. It is not. intended here that the en- forcement officers would be. employees of the local muni- cipalities where any form of area government exists. This would follow the pattern set by the Safety Construction Act. . o “Municipalities now re- ceive negligible tax revenue from pit and quarry opera- tions. amounting only to a fraction of the cost of con- struction and upkeep of the roads used by the trucks as- sociated with pit operation. A new tax formula. wherehy appropriate levies could be made against pit, operations, is urzently required." The municipalities don't (eel any better about the supplementary report made by the provincial govern- ment’s pits and quarries committee. "Although the supplement may clarify the intent of the report, the specific recom- mendations of the original report still remain. For in- stance, it is still proposed that the province shall have control over the location of pits and quarries in munici- palities Where there is no nf’ï¬clal plan. instead of gin. ing new‘and effective regula tory powers to local councils Of Life In Japan Negotiations between the fed- eral government. and the postal workers has been going on for months without much success. I. for one. sympathize with the postal workers. having seen some of their takevhome pay cheques. In «this day and age. I helieVe, "the lowest take-home pay for these public servants should be $100 per week. MINIMUM TAKE HOME long before the 6% guideline PAY $100 for wage increases was announc- Dear Mr. Editor: ‘ed. This is the wrong way to r . , . Negotiations between the fedelght Inflatlon. I have heard a eral government and the o lglot of criticism from people in workers has been going 0: ï¬rm] walks of life about thls 6% months without much successfgmdeline' although. no one has r g-.. n... "mnum... .nm‘ “Joffered an altematlve. The government, has given reasons against. this proposal. so let's take a look at some facts. m The Members of Parlia- ment. raised their own salaries and have increased their income tax exemption. Any member sitting for just four years may draw a pension. The Old Age and Canada Pension are not enough for them it. seems, al- though they think them suf- ficient for the rest of us to live on. 125 The gnvemmenlz and post- al workers were in negotiation “The signiï¬cance of this proposal becomes apparent when we realize that ]ess than one quarter of the municipalities in the prov- ince are covered by ofï¬cial plans. Even where oï¬-‘ncial plans are in existence. it. is admitted that few will mn- tain a mineral resources polâ€" icy ‘deemed to he adequaip by the minister" at is es- fimated that there are only seven or eight in this cate- gory). N “While municipalities could regain jurisdiction by enact- ing an ofï¬cial plan satisfac- tory to the minister, the fact remains that control of loca- tion and regulation of pits and quarries in almost every municipality in the province would immediately vest with the minister of mines. “This is a back-door tech- nique by the province to force every municipality to adopt an official plan. While we fully support the need for adoption of official plans in the growth areas of the province. their inflexibility and incomprehensiveness make them unnecessary and unsuitable for many munici- palities in dormant rural areas. In any event. the long delays in developing and amending official plans, coupled with this inadvisa- bility of instituting them in much of the province, would assure that control of loca- tion and regulation of pits and quarries in most of On- tario would remain with the province almost indefinitely." says the Ontario Municipal brief to the provincial guil- emment. It is my thinking that. wha-i.‘ should have been done. at least a year ago. was the freezing of wages at. $3 per hour. and in- stituting price controls where needed. If it were not for the loose credit of these days. many.‘ many more people would be on unemployment insurance and could well still be unless some- thing is done. I3! Millions of Canadian dol- ‘lars are spent. each year to help ‘other countries and yet Ottawa ‘cannot find the money needed lfor its employees in every de- partment, not only the postal workers. So let's cut this for- eign aid down and pay a decent wage to‘ Canadians. It's not so much how many ihrains we have. it's how we use lithem. With a little common essary means for social coercion. Richmond Hill is fortunate in that. our recreation services are better than many of those of- fered by other towns and cities. The Richmond Hill Drop-in Centre is the only social func- tion known as a Drop-in Centre that is supported financially and ofï¬cially by a local. municipal government. and at. the same time is run by a council of youth. in North America. The Drop-in Centre is cur- rently held at the old arena, at: the town park Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. from noon to closing, which will vary in accordance to the num- ber of people in attendance. The centre in: the beat facili. ties of any known Drop-in Centre and is well liked by the sense and understanding. takinglyouth of Richmond Hill. ithe middle of the. road. this BRIAN KING. It's not so much haw many‘ brains we have. it's how we use them. With a little common sense and understanding. taking the middle of the road. this problem could be solved quick- ly. So I ask the MP: to stand and be counted. regardless of party. and help our employees receive a betler deal. The above letter was in fheil‘xauul’uby ‘ ""455 hands of the editor before Fed- ' ' era]. Labor Minister Bryce. Mac-ICOli88lon8 l kasey‘s July 21 announcement. ' . (London Free Prom He stafed that earnings of post- Ontario is departing Dam. 3‘ Workers were 51013-8114 $129lfully slowly from the traditional a Week What he dld not 333' practice of having municipal was . the†ï¬gures are gross police com-missions dominated earnings and not take-home pay. by the judicial.“ ‘Aftev: deductions the take-home The practice monk! new, pay ‘5 am‘md the $80 mark' , have started because it nuts tho I will continue to contend that the lowest “take-home pay for a federal government em- ployee should be $100 per week. GEORGE LINSDELL. 7471 Yonge Street, Apt. 311. Thornhill. People attend these events and games to watch the action on the field. They don't want to see a bunch of mad young- sters tearing around the seats on bikes. It spoils all enjoyment in the game and is dangerous to small children. who become restless and leave their seats for one reason or another. ' I ask for the co-operation of the police and parents in put- ting a stop to this annoying and dangerous practice. Let‘s stop it now before someone gets huri. Or do we have to wait until some little one gets hurt? ALFRED FRY, i 22 Oxford Street. iWilliam Lazenby. 1Shaun Beggs. chairman of the ‘ Hollnwell. The seven members of our town council, the parks and recreation committee. Mayor Councillor parks and recreation committee; ‘Alan White. recreation direct- or John Griffin. owner of the ‘Richmond Heights Centre; Rich- mond Hill Arena Board: Jack chairman of the arena board; the officers of the Richmond Hill Police Force and mostly to Rick Bransfield. our constant friend and aid. For the invaluable coopera- tion and work they have given our Drop-m Council. and more important. the youth of Rich- mond Hill. by providing them with a Drop-in Centre. This action will help greatly in solv- ing this summer’s youth unem- ployment and general. inactivity. ‘ ‘ â€" 7 LA fl-.._-:l I believe that all, bicycles and mini-bikes should be banned from Richmond Hill parks, es- pecially around the seats during sports events. Dear Mr. Editor NO PLACE FOR BIKES AND ! MINIBIKES i YOUNG PEOPLE EXPRESS THANKS DROP-1N CENTRE Dear Mr. Editor: "On hehalf of the Richmond Hill Drop-in Council. I would like to publicly thank: ,u , _.._ T, , We of the Drop-in Council have worked hard in organizing. nperating, and maintaining the centre at the old arena. but without the help of those per- sons mpntioned above. thP Drop-in Cpntre would not pxist. vvvv f The Up: And Downs 0n North Y onge Problems To the ups and downs of north Yonge. How my heart goes out to you For we have our little problems, Right here in Richvale too. We are surrounded with beautiful homes, But we have no heart at all. For over the fence, and just next door , The weeds are ten feet tall. We spend hours planting and weeding I have seen them sit and cry. The zrubs and snails, have all moved In Why should they even try. Let me pause just a moment I don't, want to lay it on too thick. But with all the grubs, and pollutedair, It really turns one sick. It pains me very deeply _ To have to speak so fran But the natural gas that we get here, Comes from the septic tank. I really hate to tell you this, It will be against your will: Soon all those problems will be yours When we join with Richmond Hill. VIDA E. WILLIAMSON Elgin Mills‘ PUL'l '" v" the In his civil rights ronnri lo ich.‘tho Ontario erernment. for- lack: mer Chief Justice J. C. McRuer mermaid emphatically that. for read the‘sons of propriety. members of and‘the judiciary should be exclm our} ded from police commissions. i There has been a decided re" era. luctance however. to unseat inn wen cumbent commissioners who iore happen to be provincial or ich- county judges. ' .1 They have tpent much time. money. and effort with the drop-in because they are aware of the needs of young people today and are attempting to meet them. The centre provid. es youth with a gathering place, a recreation centre and the nec- essary means for social coercion. The practice should new! have started because it. puts tho judiciary in a highly vulnerable dual role. For nne ï¬lling. it ea- tablishes an untenable em- ployee-employer relatinnsl‘np between magistrates. judges and the police. and for another it injects the judiciary Into the legislative process. nunmuuuumnmum\Iu\uummmlnnmmlmmmwml Reshaping Police Commissions ( (London Fro. Pres!» Ontario is departing palm 1 Despite the obvious short- comings in the practice. local police commissions are still re- quired to include at least one county or district court judge as a sitting member. The head of council is a statuary. ex- official member. and the third member can be anyone appoin- ted by the provincial govern- ment. The change to allow npc pointment of one citizen-at- llarge was made 12 years ago. iyet many commissions continue Ito have two judicial members. Police commissions pass by- laws, hire and regulate police forces. Magistrates â€"-- elevated a year ago to the status of pro- vincial judges â€"â€"- and county judges thus make decisions as police commissioners which could subsequently figure in court proceedings over which they preside. The situation weakens the principle of judi- cial impartiality and indepen- dence which must be rigidly guarded. x For the last eight years. an- obher Police Act amendment that would remove all manda- tory provisions for judicial membership on police commis- sions has lain dormant on the statute books. The amendment would permit the government to appoint two members of a commission from the ranks of the public - but for some 1m. farthomahle reason it. has never been proclaimed law, A , Judicial representation on the London Commission has now shrunk to one member. Judge W. E. C. Colter. with the 3;»- pointment of Earl Palmer. as‘ sociate dean of law at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. to succeed retired Judge Donald Menzies. His term of office has also been fixed â€" five years â€"4 in another departure frnm past in anon practice 53 Edgar Avenue Richvale. President Richmond H111 Drop-in Council.