This represents a total of 129 building permits issued as com- piled in a report last week by Aldege Pelletier and Donald McCallum of the municipality's department and presented to council. Permits for new buildings alone numbered 46 at a total value of $1,223,900 â€"â€" a drop from the first six months of the pnevious year which saw 64 permits issued at a probable cost of $1,647,000. In ‘1968 it was 58 permits at $1,300.200. The Oak Ridges area for the ï¬rst six monbhs saw $79,908 Worth of permits issued for new dwellings and/or repairs to existing ones. There were 20 permits issugd. New dwellings gathered in $39,000 on two permits; addi- tions and repairs amounted to‘ six permits and $17,800; gar- ages. seven permits and $5,950. cmercial buildings (includ- ing additions and repairs), :wo permits and $11,400; miscel- laneous permits $5,758. Totai value of building per- mits issued for new dwellings or additions to existing ones in King Township for the first 51x months is $1,489,818. Building Permits Go Down In King Lake Wilcox Recreation They have enjoyed “Nature Week". with hikes, collections of flowers, leaves, bugs, etc. Movies were a feature this past week, which was “Indian Week." The summer playground pro- gram is really being enjoyed by the youngsters and I am sure that they will find the summer fun passing far too quickly. 4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 30, 1970 Richmond Hill Texaco SERVICE STATION 281 Yonge St. North (Oppoflte Richmond Heights Centre) Phone 884-6741 hourly, daily, moldy Include gun, all. Imuram. Yearly leasing rates «In avalhb'l LOW RATES LATEST MODEL 6M0 MD CHEVROLET V‘NS, STAKES, PICKUPS 8: PANELS (Founded - 1957) DAY CAMP FOR CHILDREN (4 to 14 YEARS) SWIMMING AND CANOEING INSTRUCTION ‘ ARCHERY - CAMPCRAFT - HIKING OUTDOOR LIVING AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION Optional Extras: Riding, Riflery, Sailing, Fishing Trips, Overnights. CHARTERED BUS TRANSPORTATION JULY CAMP PERIODS FILLED. AUGUST 3-14 AND 17-28 OPEN FOR REGISTRATION PHONE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. CAMP RICHILDACA “The Liberal†has openings fer reliable boys and girls for estab- lished carrier routes during July and August. Summer replacements are needed for a wide area extending through Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Maple, King City, Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox. Guaranteed income. You are paid once you complete the period of summer relief on that particular route. For full details why not phone carrier circulation today, Mr. Glen Pratt at 884-1105. Here’s a real opportunity to earn your own pocket money. KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal†ls always pleased to publish 1 Interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. l Orton. Yonge Street, 773-4635, in King City Mary For Photographic Folder Modiï¬ed Member of The Ontario Camping Assoc. E EARN EXTRA MONEY DURING THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS ‘ u---..-“_‘w“wv 0a}: Ridges - Lake Wilcox News 884-2844 BOYS AND GIRLS “THE LIBERAL†Home Paper of the District Since 1878 The express service will run from Newmarket to Toronto via Highways 9 and 400 with additional service on the Auro- ira, Oak Ridges and Richmond Hill run. A lifelong resident of the Oak Ridges area, who has lived for the past year at Holland Land- ing. William Wallace died in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. July 20. He had undergone surgery and been hospitalized ifOl' three weeks. Mrs. Gerry Cook reports a good response from Richmond Hill and Victoria Square re the married ladies’ ball teams. Ap- parently Victoria Square mat- rons have just been awaiting the opportunity to play ball and some of the Richmond Hill lad- ies feel left out when their men go away to coach. The first game will be Sun- day, but there is still room for more players as quite a number of these matrons are short on "run" power. The hitting is pretty good. I hear â€" comes from lots of practice with hus- band and children, no doubt. His request was strictly a “courtesy†gesture as the pro- vince has jurisdiction for such applications over any munici- paflity. Council “granted†him the' permit. The building, which will be used as a terminal for the transit service, will have ex- terior parking for 85 cars and interior and exterior facilities for bus storage. All movies. with the exception of the Apollo moonshots were supplied by the Richmond Hill Public Library. Play Ball. Ladies! Close Motors Centre GO Transit Buses Mr. Howard said renovations will be made to the building with the possibility that restau~ rant accommodations will be added at a later date. The closing week will be another “Nature Weekâ€, to be ‘climaxed by an overnight stay at Humber Trails Conservation Park. GO General Manager William Howard approached King Town~ ship Council last week and ap- plied for a permit to renovate the present structure. This week will be “Moon Week" and three films of the Apollo moonshots have been ob- tained from Kodak. Other themes for the remaining weeks of the summer are "All Na- tionsâ€, and “Sports†when it Is hoped to teach rthe children something about sports they have never before participated‘ m. The former Art Close Motors Building near Highway 11 and 9 in King Township on the out skirts of Newmarket will be turned into a G0 Bus Express Station. The children also made head- bands, waistban-ds and learned much Indian lore. William Wallace Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor- length gown of white peau de soie and lace with a double row of daisies on the back to the edge of the train. A three-layer shoulder-length veil was held Why not a marathon walk. The “take†could be divided be- tween junior and senior youth, the juniors walking a shorter "It’s unfortunate I didn’t get notice of the July 22 Whit- church Recreation Committee meeting until too late. This is just going to hold up our sum- mer program a little longer," said Mr. Blyth. For what it may be worth, folks. It seems to me that the means of raising money to cope with the problems of entertain- ing the youth of any area, be it winter or summer, is so simple it has been overlooked. "They need their money. We need money. They’re doing what I think is a good job and we don’t want to take anything away from them. ‘ "I was hoping the Whit‘church Council would put a special supplementary amount in its budget, just like King Council did for us. In a statement released last week the Lake Wilcox Recrea- tion says it wants to clear up any misunderstanding that may have arisen as a result of the recreation situation in the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox area. "The funds to operate the Lake Wilcox recreation pro- jects have already been care- Oak Ridges Recreation Programs Still Without Whitchurch Support Trinity Anglican Church, Au- rora was the setting for the 4 pm wedding ceremony July 25, which united in marriage Carol Elizabeth Orton and Frederick C. Duckworth. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Thomas Orton of Oak Ridges and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Duck- ‘worth of Aurora. Ofï¬ciating iminister was Rev. F. G. Hall and the traditional wedding music was played on the organ by Mrs. Iiltyd Harris. Challgnge Ball Game Mr. Blyth said he wanï¬ed to make it clear the Oak Ridges Committee wasn’t blaming the Lake Wilcox Committee for_not giving them any money. Carol Orton And Fred Duckworth Exchange Wedding Vows July 25 The funeral service was held July 23 at Thompson's Funeral Home. Aurora. with interment following in Aurora Cemetery. Rev. James Sider of the Oak Ridges Brethren In Christ Church officiated. Pallbearers were Jim Roffey, Miller Elliot, Don Boyd, George Boyd, How- ard Boyd and Art Little. Attention Organizers ‘ Oa'k Ridges Recreation Com- mittee isn’t going to get any money out of the Lake Wilcox Recreation Committee budget. A further meeting with the Whitchurch Township Recrea- tion Committee to discuss funds was missed last week because it took the Post Office 16 days to deliver a letter about the same amount of miles. Oak Ridges delegate to the Whitchurch Council Ken Blyth said last week he missed the scheduled meeting with the township recreation committee July 22 because a letter of no- tification mailed July 7 didn’t get to him until July 23. But in the meantime the Oak Ridges group has arranged to get its senior swimming pro- gram underway. Oak Ridges youngsters are using the swim- ming pool at Vandorf one day a week at a very reasonable rate, says Mr. Blyth. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis, sons Bruce and Danny, daughter Robin, mother Mrs. Lucy Wallace of Florida. and brothers Bert and Bob. Born on Concession 2 King Township, August 21, 1936, Mr. Wallace was employed as a truck driver. “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of Interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Elisabeth Orton. Yonge Street, 773-4635, in King City Mary Dawson. 8844105. Iby a band of white daisies and [she carried a bouquet of white [daisies and stephanotis. Oak Ridges representative Blyth told “The Liberal†that his committee is more than ready and willing to bake up the Lake Wilcox baseball game challenge. "Just tell us who’s eligible to play and we’ll be ready to take them on. We‘ll even give them odds. We’ll give them 3% strikes," says Mr. Blyth. The Oak Ridges Recreation Committee includes the follow- ing: Shirley Smith of 3 Parker Avenue, president; Mrs. Peggy Clark of Yonge Street, mem- bership chairman and represen- tative to King Council; Dave Stewart of South Road, finance chairman; Gary Felix of 6 Marilyn Crescent, treasurer; Mrs. Joan Blyth of South Road, secretary; and Ken Blyth of South Road, past president and representative to Whitchurch Council. Columns in “The LibeFal‘; 55-; week for job opportunitges throughout York County. “We further challenge the Oak Ridges Committee to a baseball game, just to show them how it’s played," says the Lake Wilcox Recreation Com- mittee statement. The bride was attended by her sister-in-law Mrs. Brenda Orton as matron of honor and sisters Victoria and Florence Orton as bridesmaids. The matron of honor wore a rose shaded gown fashioned on prin- cess lines with a wide sash and carried a cascade of pink cama- tions. The bridesmaids wore sea-green gowns, fashioned simâ€" ilarly, and carried yellow Chrys- anthemums. All attendants wore complimentary flowers in their hair and silver pins on their wide sashes. There’s the format, how about taking it further. Yours truly would be happy to help. Sever- al teenagers have already been approached to see how they would react to such a scheme and all seem most enthusiastic. After all, many of them are bored to tears with inactivity and the shortage of employment this summer. A temporary job may be the angular. Read the Help Wanted fully and closely budgeted, so that there are not funds avail- able to assist directly in Oak Ridges recreation. For this rea- son the Lake Wilcox Recreation Committee cannot directly as- sist the Oak Ridges Committee. “At no time was the Oak Ridges Recreation Committee ever told that children from Oak Ridges were not welcome to both the summer activity program at the Lake Wilcox School and recreation hall, and the waterfront program. This was made clear to the Oak Ridges Committee as early as four months ago at a meeting of their committee that was attended by the Lake Wilcox chairman. “We would like to repeat our offer to the public that any children from either of our two communities are most welcome to join your program, as well as their visiting friends and rela- tives. The groom's attendants Were Dwight Streeter of Aurora as best man and Terry Morley and Derek Duckworth as ushers. A reception for the 85 guests was held in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. The bride was presented with a silver horse- shoe of good luck by the groom’s brother, Colin. It had been brought from Burnley, England, by the groom‘s grand- mother, Mrs. Annie Powers. What about it? Give the kids a call and a chance to show you what they can do for themselves. The teenagers are very capable of handling the finances and or- ganizing their own events. but a helping hand with organizing check points and transportation back home would be welcomed. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding and reception came from Burnley, England; Aber- deen. Scotland; Rutlandshire. England; Poughkeepsie, New York: London. England; Allis- ton and Toronto. distance and the seniors making it to Toronto City Hall, which always seems to be the goal for these events. Following a wedding trip to the Thousand Islands and the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Duckworth will take up residence in Montreal where the groom is an electrical ap- prentice with the CNR. WANT EXTRA INCOME? Councillor Mrs. Margaret Britnell has been showing inter- est in the King Township may- oralty race, but this week she told “The Liberal" she hasn’t yet definitely made up her mind. Mrs. Britnell plans to make her decision in time to official- ly announce it at the next meet- ing of council August 3. Deputy-reeve Mactaggart first ran for King Council in 1962, and held his seat for three years. In 1965 he defeated the then Councillor Jack Rouble of the Holland Marsh area for the office of deputy-reeve. He held that office by acclamation through two subsequent elec- tions. She says she is very upset by the attitude of several members of council who oppose the town- ship’s new Official Plan. “I’m just sick to death with all these goings on. I’m just Mr. Goodfellovy says he will have to make sure he will have the time necessary to properly fill the mayor‘s chair next year in King: He says the King Township mayor’s job is getting more serious and more difficult all the time, with more people and more problems to deal with. Councillor Goodfellow re- turned to council this year after serving continuously for 15 years before 1950. He was reeve for four years, warden of the county in 1949. and deputy- reeve for seven years. He lives in what is now King Township Ward 2, which includes Noble- ton. Mr. MacTaggart lives on the old Kin g - Vaughan Townline, on Lot 1, south of Nobleton. He is 60 years old and was born on the same family farm as his father and grandfather. He says he isn’t going to start campaigning for a while yet. He sold the farm, all but his home, some years ago and has been driving a high school bus for five years. He has rented a farm in King and thus quali- fies to hold office in that muni- cipality again in '1971. Former Councillor Ernest Crossland says he is making up his mind whether to run for mayor, or for the council seat in Ward Five. - “I haven't made up my mind positively, but I won’t be run- ning for anything but mayor," said the former township reeve and 1949 county warden. In addition, Ward [Council- lor Lorne Goodfellow has given "The Liberal†a strong indica- tion that he will be in the mayoralty race. “You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.†said King’s Deputy-reeve Mac- taggart as he announced his candidacy for mayor. He was referring to the fact rthat the new regional government boun- daries for York County have put his home in Vaughan Township instead of in King as it was be- fore. Three-Way Race For Mayor 9 Candidates For 7 King Township Seats Throughout York County nomination and election days will be the same, both for municipal councils and school board. “The Liberal†this week interviewed four possible candidates for mayor, plus at least one declared or probable candidate for every one of the six town- ship wgrds except Ward 1. y By HAROLD BLAINE At least a three-way race for mayor in King Township seems to be shaping up as the, September 21 nomination day deadline moves closer. Election day is October 5. . King’s Députy-reeVe Ken Mactagg‘art has formally announced his intention to run for mayor. mayor. DAILY: CLIP AND SAVE SlA'I'ER’S POOL ANNGUNCES Monday - Friday: 1 to 4 pm. Saturday and Sunday: 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Evenings - Wednesday: 8 pm. to 10 pm. Friday: 7.30 pm. to 10 pm. Councilior Mrs. Margaret Britnell has indicated an intention to run for Public Swimming Hours for August, 1970 King Township Councillor Gordon Rowe of Oak Ridges is considered a possible strong candidate to the King mayoral- He and his wife have been residents of Schomberg since their marriage in 1948 They have two children and one grandchild. Mr. Duggan has been an em- ployee of the Department of National Defence for the past 17 years and attended Schom- berg Continuation School. His favorite hobby is gardening. At least one candidate is offic- ially in the race for the wide open Ward 4 seat in the new council. He has served on the Schom- berg Village Trustees for seven years, including five years as chairman. He served on The board of his local community hall for the past six years and has been a library board mem- ber for four years. furious with these councillors who are playing politics with the Official Plan. I’m going to have to make up my mind in the light of all the waffling and weaving Deputy-reeve Mactag- gart has been doing, going flat on his back for the sake of a few developers in one area and forgetting about the overall welfare of the township. “There are definite issue: now, and the people have a real choice. .It’s between good government and good planning under the new 0f- ficial Plan on the one side, and the waffljng, weaving and politioking by some members of council seeking a short term vote advant- age,†said Mrs. Britnell. ‘ “I'm just searching for words. I'm so mad at them," she con- eluded. He is Vince Duggan, 45, of Schomberg. Mr. Duggan is now a member of the township plan- ning board and has been a life- long resident of the township. She feels she must make; up her mind before 'the next meet- ing between running for ‘her old seat on council or running for mayor. KEN MAC’I‘AGGART Seeks Mayor’s Chair Iity, but this week he indicated very strongly to “The Liber- al" that he will be running for a seat on the Richmond Hill Town Council when October 5‘ rolls around. | “There’s lots to do in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox.“ he said._ “This area has a great future. The Richmond Hill Council would be a great group to work with. I’m really weigh- ing it very carefully, but have not yet made up my mind," Mr. Rowe said. . Two candidates are just about definitely in the running for King Township Ward 2, the Nobleton area. They are: Cyril Flinders of Nobleton who served four years on council before his defeat in the last election. and Roy Wil- son. 35. owner of the Nobleton ROAST 59m. Front Quarters 0F BEEF 59¢"). Sides Of Beef "2- 65¢ 3 Pieces Kerrtucky Fried Chicken, French Fries, Cole Slaw and Grecian Bread BLADE 8. SHORT RIB TUESDAY SPECIAL ï¬ï¬fiiiky flied 6kioken. DINNER JUST 99¢ LEVENDALE MEATS FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER CANADA PACKERS LOOSE IGWfEZky flied akicken. WTEï¬i'EEET 39¢ 6 LEVENDALE ROAD $1.35 ONLY 99¢ RED & BLUE BRAND ONLY CUSTOM CUT - WRAPPED & FAST FROZEN 11 mm. to 12 Midnight CANADA PACKERS RED & BLUE BRAND 187 YONGE ST. NORTH, PHONE: 884-1194 5W2; chickensqu South Block, Richmond Heights Centre Mr, Wilson told “The Liberal†this week that he expects to run for councillor unleSS some- thing unexpected happens. He is in his third one-year term as a member of the Village of Nobleton Trustees. all of them as chairman. Press He was born on 3 Bolton area farm and had lvied in Nobleton for seven years. He served one year on the Bolton School Board. He has been active six years in the Nobleton Lions Club, and is a past secrethry. His wife is the former Phyll [is Byrne of Bolton. and they have four children. Mr. Wilson says he is an op- ponent of the new King Town- ship Official Plan as it now stands. He says it‘s nice to see the Official Plan brought up to date. but he feels the new one hasn't been prepared with every strata of society in mind. He says the Official Plan shouldn't exclude construction of the sewers needed in Noble- ton. Sewers are wanted by 87% of those Nobleton residents questioned in a Board of Trus- tees' survey. he says. tees‘ survey, he says. Mr. Flinders has had an early “We won't take no for an an- retirement on a pension, due to swer and haven‘t given up hope cutbacks at the De-Havilland of getting sewers. although we Aircraft Company. where he has may end up that way. I am try- been employed for some years. ing to obtain sewers in the best He has also been operating his interests of everyone. We want own business. York Pools Com- an ofï¬cial definite no from an (Continued on Page 14) ~ POUND Ideal For Your Bar-B-Q ofï¬cial of the government be- fore we‘ll give up, and we have not had it yet,†he says. make to township council, in view of his school board and boards of trustees experience. He says he is very happy with the new ward system establish- ed in the municipalities of York under the new regional govern- ment plan. This will assure representation from all over the township, he says._ Candidate Cyril Flinders says he is definitely going to be run- ning for something. but hasn‘t made up his mind yet. Presum- ably he‘s wondering whether or not to run for mayor of King Township. or whether to run for his old council seat. But he sounds like he is leaning toward running for the Ward 2 council seat. Mr. Wilson also says the pros- pect of a township council with little experience bothers him, and he hopes there will be more candidates like Vince Duggan who have experience in com- munity affairs. Mr. Wilson feels he has a contributiOn to Cole'nol Sanders makes 31 "ling-r lickin’ sood"® 884-5801