Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1970, p. 5

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8‘111111l!“\Wllm“\\\“\\lllll\\\\l1\“\ll\““\\“1\\“l““\\m“\“|\l\\\“\m\\\\\\“\\“W\lll“\\m“\“m‘lm‘mflllllmMl“mlllllmllflulluullumulmulllIll“nulluu\MulIuuuuuluuuumuuuulwIuuummumunmum“munnuulumum“\umunumumuuuuu Defeat King Official Plan Second Reading As Ken Mactaggart Reverses Stand . .. . , _,,, 1-“-.. ...x..-..‘. ....;.: 0: “mm:- “mm nWRC has :mnarpnflv nlan’s setting out of designa- enough to bring in accepi- growth for York County “It's I wonder all these young people weren't killed. This is a flagrant example of wanton disregard for law and public safety." said Crown At- torney Cr0551and. He told the court Pascoe had a list of sev- eral previous convictions for car theft and other offences. Pas- Five Youngsters With Accused A Langstaff Road crash en- ded a 100 mph stolen car race down Dufferin Street through red lights at the Maple Sideroad July 22, Richmond Hill Pro- vincial Court heard July 23. Pascoe had five youngsters aged 12 to 15 years with him in the car during the nlad race to escape V a u g h a n Township Police. His passengers were picked up at a nearby golf club and had no previous knoudedge of the accused, the court was told. They asked him to stop his wild flight, butt he refused. say- ing he had 'outraced the police 10 times before, Crown Attor- ney James Crossland told the court. 100 MPH Chase Ends With Collision Before the court and admit- ting his guilt was Richard Pas- coe, 20, of no fixed address in Toronto. He was charged with the July 22 possession of a 1967 automobile he had stolen July 19 from Cruickshank Motors Ltd.. 2062 Weston Road. mlya'sgééiwasr also charged with driving dangerously on Dufferin Street at 10:25 am July 22. coe had more charges pending against him in Metro and hadn't benefitted from a short jail sentence and probation, Mr. Crossland said. The Crown Attorney asked Provincial Judge Russell Pearse to give Pascoa a substanhinl jailj term. King Township Deputy- reeve Ken Mactaggart chang- ed his mind in midstream last week and the result was the defeat on second reading of the municipality’s controver- sial new Official Plan amendment. It Was My. Mactaggart‘s negative vote on July 20 that -caused a complete about-face from the previous weex’s first reading which saw the Official Plan squeak through by a 3-2 vote with the de- puty-reeve at that time fav- oring it along with Reeve Gordon Cook and Councillor Margaret Britnell. Opposed were Councillors Gordon Rowe and Lorne Goodfellow. Ridges. could barely con- ceal his elation at the July 20 meeting when he asked - for a recorded vote on second reading of the Official Plan and found Mr. Mactaggart Siding with Mr. Goodfellow and himself against Reeve Cook and Mrs. Britnell to Sink the Official Plan -â€"- at least temporarily. Mr. Rowe had just finish- ed a six-page speech oppos- ing certain aspects of the Official Plan including its refusal to consider sewage plant facilities in the- town- and“. u. .v gional- government comes into effect “and does the changing for us.” Deputy-reeve Mactaggart's stated reason for not sup- porting the Official Plan on second reading revolved mainly around the contro- versial request to the On- rllario Water Resources Com- mission by Nobleton Village for sewerage facilities. He generally favors the Official Plan amendments. , a a a at A letter from the village’s public utilities commission IICII DU!“ 8 second reading of the offi- cial plan -â€" defeated by a 3â€"2 vote at its previous meeting â€" Will be reintro- duced at the next meeting. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lIlllllll\lllllll“\llllllllllllllllllllflll “If there is any way pos- sible to provide sewers for the Nobleton area," he said, “Then I’m all for it. I won’t support third reading of the Official Plan until we get a definite answer from the OWRC." Mr. Mactaggart cited the I no HINDI an uuuv EibQ'n'as"? 663881" and dis- cuss in depth and thorough- ness. "The planning board has studied it for one and a half years and surely a month taken by the council now to thoroughly investigate some of the proposals I have ad- vanced would do no harm to the taxpayer who pays the freight here in King," he said. Mr. Rowe stressed the need for sewers in King Township observing 'that plallluu5 an un: wuuac alca has been stagnating because of lack of seWers and, at one point, referred to King City Secondary School’s grounds as a “giant cesspool when it rains.” “Every citizen: in a built- up area within King Township who experiences the annual battle of the septic tank knows full well that sewage systems are imperative, not: only for expansion but for the preservation of a healthy environment‘as well.” Mr. Rowe also flayed the an, a...“ no. estate areas by council is just another way of “Making instant millionaires of a select group and forcing their neighbors to a lifetime of farming." Mr. Rowe also called for a wider-scale acceptance of small-type homes in the township and felt the 1,200 per square foot mini- mum floor space was still too restrictive. He quoted an architect‘s proposal that a small home could be made attractive assessment must be' round other than the present ones. Mr. Rowe maintained that, “We ultimately need a com- plete tax reform at the municipal level before resiâ€" dential planning can be brought into realistic focus." at t i 1* Reeve Cook replied to Mr. ROWe's pleadings by pointing out the need for haste and also reminding him that King was being controlled by the province‘s Toronto Centred Plan which showed little M ' IIâ€" The revised Official Plan designates no discharge of sewage into headwaters; and therefore no sewage treat- ment plans; estate type de- velopment on two-acre lots in designated areas: provi- sions for limited expansion of villages and hamlets; standards for specific land uses; hamlet, urban centre, industrial, gravel pits. etc., and methods of implement- ing or realizing plan goals. primarily by zoning bylaws and subdivision control. fi“lllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllIllillmil“\lllllllllllml\llllllllllllllllllll\llllll“lulll\l\l\\\\\l\“\“lllllllllllllllllllllll\llll\\\l\l\l\l\l\lllMilli“ll\llllllll\llllllllllllll“illl“\“lllllllllllll\\llll\\l\“Willillllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ll!lll“\“lill\“lllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllill“llllll\l\\\\\l\l\\\“lllllllllllllllllml\ll“llll\lllllllilll\lllllillillllll“ll\\l\\\\l\ll\\llll\\l\\ll\\Illlll\lllllllllmllllllllllllmllllllllll“llllllllllillll\llllllllllllllmill“l\\\\l\\l\\\\\l\\ll\\\lWilli\\\ill“\\\llllllll“ll\\lll\\\l\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\l\\\\\llllllllllllllllllllll\\l\l\\\lllllll\lll\l\l\\llllllllllllllllllll“-P I , a , _.__ , . a, __ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July ‘“ml“ml“mum“\“mmm\\“mmmmllm‘WWW““\“l‘lll“Rmmllmmml\\\\\m\\\“\\\\l““\\““WWWl“l“mm““\“ll“lllllmmlmnmm‘“WNWMu“ll1m“\\“\“l\\l“\\\\\\ll\lm\l\l“WW“\“mmmmm“um“WmlMW“ll““\“mlmmfllulufimlillll\“llllllm‘lmllmlmm““\“mmlmlm\l“mm\ll\“um\\\l\l\\l\“\\“\l\\l\m\\l“llllulllmlmm“\Ri\9Hm“l\“mmll\WNWNW“\NW“l\\\\l“m“mm\1“\\111\\\\\\\\\\\\“\Wl\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\Il\\\\“\\l\\\llWm“N\\l\“\\“\l\\\\\l\\\\\“lmm!“\M“MM“NWWM\\“\\“\\\\\\\\\$ mlmm . , __ g n m A - I - A At St. John's Anglican Church. Jefferson. on the after- noon of July 18, the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony was solem- nized between Linda Flood. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Flood of Jefferson and Peter Rhind, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Rhind of Richvale. Rev. H. S. D. Robinson (rector of Trinity Church. King Street East, Toronto and brother of St. John's former rector, Rev. Tom Robinson) officiated. St. John's Anglican, Jefferson Scene 0f Rhind-Flood Nuptials Councillor Rowe of Oak Ridges could barely con- lceal his elation at the July 20 meeting when he asked for a recorded vote on second reading of the Official Plan and found Mr. Mactaggart siding with Mr. Goodfellow and himself against Reeve Cook and Mrs. Britnell to sink the Official Plan -â€"- at least temporarily. Mr. ROWe had just finish- ed a six-page speech oppos- ing certain aspects of the Official Plan including its refusal to consider sewage pl-ant facilities in the. town. Given in marriage by her father. Linda wore an empire waisted gown of heavily em- broidered white voile over white. The gown had full sleeves. deeply cuffed at the wrist and fastened with pearl buttons. The high neckline of the bodice was graced by a strand of pearls, a gift of the groom. Linda had six attendants â€"- her sister Elizabeth as maid of honor. her nieces Cheryl and Teresh of Richmond Hill and Jennifer Burns of Edmonton as bridesmaids and Elizabeth Burns of Edmonton and Laura Price of California as flower girls. The maid of honor was gowned in avocado green voile. the first two bridesmaids in pale laven- der voile and the third and the flower girls in pale yellow voile, They carried nosegays of sum- Mr. Crossland added that Pas- Yes, Mrs. Vickie Facet of 48 Laverock Ave., Rich- mond Hill found it in the window of Ed Leeds in Sports Store in the future surprises. THE $10 BILL WAS FOUND (Advertisement) MALL NEWS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL ({Malli" coe admitted driving at speeds in excess of 100 mph. There was nearly a collision when Pascoe ran the Maple Sideroad red light at 100 mph. He grazed a truck when he tried another turn at a sideroad. and the stolen car finally suffered from $500 to $700 damage when it ended up smashed against a stopped vehicle at Langstaff and Dufferin, Mr. Crossland 'Dllree Rexdale men caught stealing cement blocks July 4 at Canada Building Materials Limited, Highway 7, Wood- bridge, were each fined $50 and costs in Richmond Hill Provinâ€" cial Court July 23. said Pascoe was remanded in cus- tody until August 6 to allow time for preparation of a preâ€" sentence report. Judge Pearse said he wanted to have a com- plete report on the youthful Pascoe before passing sentence. by Vaughan Township Police in a nearby field. He had only a temporary driver's license that had expired. the court was told. Pascoe ran from the scene of the accident and wa§ gaugpt ship and, “Its lack of provi- sion for enough small homes." The Official Plan, if it had passed its second reading, would have gone through its third and possibly final ap- proval the following Week. Now the matter is back up in the air. . The three pleaded guilty. Their lawyer explained to the court the men were apartment dwellers and hadn't wanted the cement blocks for themselves. They were having a party and decided to build a barbecue to sunprise a friend who owned a cottage. So they proceeded to pick up the blocks they needed Reeve Cook had stat/2d earlier that if the council defeated the Official Plan proposals on. the second reading it would have to go back to planning board and necessitate possible further changes and a further loss of vital time. Mr. Cook cominued to hammer at the need to pass the Official Plan within the next few weeks before re- gional- government comes into effect “and does the changing for us.” Deputy-reeve Mactaggart's stated reason for not sup- porting the Official Plan on second reading revolved mainly around the contro- versial request to the On- rliario Water Resources Com- mission by Nobleton Village for sewerage facilities. He generally favors the Official Plan amendments. , The best man was Bill Con- nelly of Hamilton and the ushers were Bob Flood. the bride’s brother and David and Thomas Rhind, the groom’s brothers. mer garden flowers It was a perfect picture-tak- ing day and, after the signing of the register, the lovely lawns surrounding the church were the site of much amateur pho- tography while families and friends visited. The reception was held in the lower hall and the meal was entered by some of the ladies of the church. The young couple left by car for their honeymoon in the Eastern United States and on their return will be living in Hamilton. The wedding was a double celebration for the Floods â€"â€" their youngest daughter's wed- ding and the first time in 10 years that all their family of four sons and four daughters had been together. Mary (Mrs. Robert Burns) with her husband and children. Jennifer, David and Elizabeth came from Ed- monton and Joan. with her hus- band Dr. Val Price and children Val. Lee and Laura travelled from Los Altos Hills, California to be present for the happy Ievent. Signed, { Merchants of the Mall Watch this space for (Advertisement) while still under the effects of hhe drinking done at the party. All were married and had steady jobs, he said. Provincial Judge Pearse said there was too much pilfering going on at building materials supply houses for him to let anybody off easily. The three cement block thieves were: Glenn Armstrong, 26, of Apartment 614 at 16 Berâ€" ganot Avenue, Rexdale; Winston Noel, 30, and Bernie Daigle. 39, both of Apartment 4 at 6455 Finch Avenue. Rexdale. castigated council for pass- ing the Official Plan in its first reading and ignoring, A $25 fine was handed out to Edward Robichaud, 18, of 231 Beechy Drive, Richmond Hill], July 23.‘ He was in Provincial Court and admitting taking part in a theft of gasoline July 7 from a vehicle owned by Mrs. Jean Wood of 116 Cascade Circle, Richmond Hill. “The wishes of 87 percent of the residents who request sewerage facilities in our village being considered." The offence took place in the York Central Hospital parking lot. There was a 31/2-foot green hose found in the car in which Robichaud was caught, the court was told. 3â€"2 vote at its previous meeting â€"- Will be reintro- duced at the next meeting. l1\l\llllml\\\1\\\l\\\ll\l\l“lI“lll\l\lll1“\\\\“1\“\\\1\\\“\1\“fl\ll The revised Official Plan, providing guidance for the next five years, designates no discharge of sewage into headwaters and therefore no sewage treatment plants. m“\llull“\\\\\\\l111\\\\lll1l“l\\\\\l1\l\\\\l“lull\l\\\\\lll\llll\\l\\ll Mr. Mactaggart noted that the Nobleton ratepayers through council had sent a resolution to the OWRC for an okay on sewerage facili- ties. Robichaud. Gordon MacLeod, failed to appear in court when called. A bench warrant for his arrest was issued by Provincial Judge Pearse, but MacLeod turned up in court when just about everyone but the judge had gone home. Councillor Margaret Brlt- nell told “The Liberal” that a second reading of the offi- cial plan -â€" defeated by a .0". gr", MacLeod said he was late because he slept in, and because his mother had taken his car to run an errand while he was sleeping. He was remanded until July 30 and the bench warrant order for his arrest was rescinded. Charles Sullivan, 55. Toronto, was fined $100 and $3.80 costs in Richmond Hill Provincial Court July 23. He admitted driving at 12:50 am July 4 on Bayview Avenue in Richmond Hill while 1115 breathalyzer rea- ding was over 0.80. Sullivan was on his way home from a golf club party and had overestimated his drinking capacity, his lawyer told the court. Crown Attorney Crossland said Sullivan had a breatha- lyzer reading of 1.80 an hour after his arrest. A 69-year-old grandmother who danced on the police sta- tion sidewalk, tried to kick a lady passerby in the posterior. picked and threw around the town hall flowers, sat on top of a car. and tried to jump over a hedge, was in Richmond Hill Provincial Court July 23 charg- ed with being intoxicated in a public place for the third time in four days. “It all started when I got robbed in the Brown Derby.” she told Provincial Judge Rus- sell Pearse. She pleaded not guilty and told the court she only had three beers. “I wasn't drunk. I get gay even without a beer." she said. Sergeant Robert Deighton and Constable Douglas Strong told the court of two visits the lady made to the police station on the evening of July ‘32. She was apparently seeking a che- Another youth charged with n..- _rr que she believed was due to her for travelling Monday from Caledon to Richmond Hill to face the week’s first. drinking charge. A- ‘ . u _”,7‘ The well-stacked grand- mother, dressed in reddish- blond wig, bright-colored mini- skirt and blue shoes, was re- manded in custody by the judge for an examination. “I had to sléep in a cell with- out even a mattress or a sink," she complained to the court. FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS NEWS The month of May was cer- tainly busy for the officers and cadets of Patriot. Our annual fund raising tag day was a tre- mendous success, and reached our objective, so we will be able to carry on growing. I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the businesses and residents of the Hill for their generous acceptance of our appeal. letter which said 85 percent of the people were for a dis- posal plant at Nobleton and said he would rather, “defer any third reading of l(he Official Plan until we get a definite answer from the OWRC. Sunday, May 24 was our first annual inspection, and the ship’s company did a splendid job des‘ pite the inclement weather and put on an excellent Show for Commander A. H. Higuch‘i, RCN Ret, the inspecting officer. In attendance were Police Chief R. P. Robbins, Councillor David Schiller, representing Mayor William Lazenby, Commodore R. I. Hendry. vice-president Sea Cadets, and Garfield Lorriman representing the Navy League of Canada. Chief Petty Officer R. McDollough represented the Department of National De- fence and from the Boy Scouts of Canada, Assistant Provincial Commissioner Ron Sculthorpe. “If the OWRC says no, then we have no other al- ternative but to go ahead," he concluded. During the inspection, Rev. David McGuire of St. Mary’s Anglican Church dedicated the new signal mast constructed and donated to the ship by Can- adian Heat Treaters of Rich- mond Hill and J. G. Lorri- man, to whom we extend a special thank you. In his speech which was applauded by the large num- ber of ratepayers who at- tended the meeting, Mr. Rowe pleaded for council to “Take another look at this plan. “Let’s not get in a pamc." he said. “Let’s take another look at this plan. Let us sit down as a council and dis- “The planning board has studied it for one and a half years and surely a month taken by the council now to thoroughly investigate some of the proposals I have ad- vanced would do no harm to mhe taxpayer who pays the freight here in King," he said. Awards presented were to Act. Leading Cadet Robert‘ Boggs, who received the cap- tain’s prize for the best cadet; Act. Leading Cadet Jonathan Evans, the Executive Officers Prize for the best first year cadet and perfect attendance awards to Leading “Cadets Bill Bradley and Randy Diddams. Training has not slowed down since our end of year inspec- tion, and if anything has picked up in scope and interest. The Lt. David Ellison WEN A BICYCLE! Merry - Go - Round Scrambler Space Age Ferris Wheel Rock-0 - Plane Candy Floss Too! Get More Coupons At Stores Your Free Rde Ticket Makes You Eligible To FREE BICYCLE DRAW-FRIDAY, 7PM. Scuttle butt AMUSEMENT I~ RIDES " AT THE RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RCSCC PATRIOT ship‘s company spent an even-l ing sailing aboard the Sail Training Vessel Pathfinder, and another evening as guests a- board sailing crafts of the mem- bers of Frenchman‘s Bay Yacht Club. The crew of RCSSC On- tario joined us for a seamanship evening and afterwards all ‘hands went swimming at the “The OWRC has apparently decreed that there will be no sewage plants in King Township. “They say we have no al- ternative but to accept their decision," he said. "Well, I have no intention of accept- ing it in its present form. I believe that the province is flexible and will listen to in- telligent discussion." Centennial Pool. Six cadets al- so became members of the crew of the Port‘Daulphine, a Cana- dian Coast Guard Research Ves- sel for one day. During the summer months, 12 cadets will.take training at CFB Cornwallis, Digby, Nova Scotia, and seven will take a sailing and seamanship course, Operation Floatilla. at Georgian Bay. Five other Cadets join STV Pathfinder for two weeks before the mast on the Great Lakes. A busy summer but very exciting for the young men 10f Richmond Hill's Navy. Referring to the Nobleton request to the OWRC Mr. Rowe said that, “It bewilders me why this plan should be rushed through without even affording the courtesy of waiting for a reply from the OWRC to the trustees of Nobleton." Mr. Rowe maintained that planning in the whole area has been stagnating because of lack of sewers and. at one point. referred to King City Secondary School’s grounds as a “giant cesspool when it rains." Phone 884-7513 plan’s setting out of designa- ted areas for two-acre lot estate development. “Who is going to buy them, who can afford them.” he asked. “Certainly no young couples. and most certainly no older retired people. Young people are in- terested in a small lot where they can build their respectable home with a minimum of upkeep." Mr. Rowe said he was in no way against estate de- velopment but. “At the same time I am in no way interested in designated es- tate areas. Every application for e state development should be presented and evaluated on its own merits." He said that designating estate areas by council is just another way of “Making instant millionaires of a select group and forcing their neighbors to a lifetime of farming." Mr. Rowe also called for a wider-scale acceptance of small-type homes in the township and felt the 1,200 per square foot mini- mum floor space was still too restrictive. BUILDING MATERIALS SAND 8. GRAVEL 600 sq. ft. prime office space to rent in Richmond Hill Hydro Building, 4 Yonge Street South. Safe electric heating, air conditioning, parking. ' Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. -- THORNHILL 889-4137 â€"- 889-4176 Open ’Til Noon Saturdays â€" Cash and Carry TO RENT PRIME OFFICE SPACE For further information phone Brydon Ellis, 884-4466 126 yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright 5; Taylor and Pipher Chapels Moe 1876 WE DELIVER â€" mars/tall enough to bring in accept- able assessment without set- ting arbitrary per square foot sizes. “If the square foot area of a house is to be the assess- ment guideline. and the taxes keep up their steady in- crease it is perfech feasible to expect three or four thousand square foot homes in a few years." Mr. Rowe noted that the plan formerly had set a 1.300 per square foot mini- mum â€"- before reducing it to 1,200 â€"- and pointed out that “the 1,300 to 1,800 square foot areas are three times greater that the mini- mum under the National Housing Act." Mr. Rowe said new guidelines for finding assessment must be’ found other than the present ones. Mr. Rowe maintained that, “We ultimately need a com- plete tax reform at the municipal level before resi. dential planning can be brought into realistic focus." Reeve Cook replied to Mr. Rowe's pleadings by pointing out the need for haste and also reminding him that King was being controlled by the province‘s Toronto Centred Plan which showed little LIMITED 884-1062 growth for York County and a virtual "greenbelt" desig- nation. “We have to stay within the guidelines set out by the province or they'll do it for us.” he maintained. Mr. Cook stated that if the OWRC approved Nobleton's request for sewage services, “I'm sure no one will object if Nobleton is willing to Pay." He defended the allow- ance for small home develop- ment in the plan saying that the same 500 acres allowed would hold up to 5,000 homes. He pointed out that enlarged urban area conces- sions had already been made, “Especially in the Oak Ridges area and Nobleton to include thousands of houses." Richmond Heights Centre Reg. 1.39 PR. 3-6X GIRLS’ CORDUROY BOXERS...... NEW DAWN HAIR COLOR SHAMPOO. .. .. .1 Reg. 4.94 BABY PEGGY DO“. WITH STROLLERn Reg. 71¢-‘l.'l9 FINE QUALITY 1'00st FOLD OF 2 SHEETS EVERYDAY WRAP. 36"): 72" SLEEPING BAG WITH ZIPPER Filled with 4 lbs. wool batting f_or complete wgrmth! Lined with sports print. covered wnh cotton and has rubber bottom. RF I mum“!mmmmlmwwmnmlmmmumuu OUR REGULAR PRICE LBS SET Sand nmncfin penum- VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH x SERVING “ YORK COUNTY l\\\\\\\\l\\\l\kl\|\lR“ll“\11\\\\\\\\l1l\|\\l\“\lll\\\\\\“\\ll\ll|\“l\l\l\“\\\l ‘aoooooouoo-noufi O'COOIOICOOICO FLOWERS “FLORAL DESIGNS WITH YOU IN MIND” Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wedding Consultants Wire Orders Accepted 4 Yonge Street South NURSEJN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.97 PR. FOR REAL COOL GAL” ... ooh-n- DENIM FLARES lAURELEA 328 Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL 884-5211 .00.... Adiusts easfiy 'n‘tu l dlfléunt pos'l- tionsl Complata wim pad god handle. White. Avocado. Limo. mums) FRI. SAT. Take 10 the high sea: 3 Ta modelTheflare pantissporty with colored stripes running up and down! Neatly rest on your hips and 1eaturo front zipper! Some with belt loops. Juniorslzes 8-18. lADlES' ryeoussaAu amass OUR REGULAR PRICE59£PR, Open Daily 'til 6 pm. Thurs. & Fri. 'til 9 pm. THURS. FRI. SAT. Your choice of elastic or band legs! White, Black. PinhCoral or Marina. S-M~1. 884-4101 FLOWERS 30, 1970 .99 PR8. K RESGE PRICE mass: SPECIAL PRICE ill!!! BABY SEAT iuu as. m. BAT.‘ THuns. nu. BAT. .99 SAT. 577 .47 s84 “(I

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