Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1970, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurs CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 1. words for .90c and .81: per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 .CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and,you will receive an invoice. . FOR SALE FOR SALE KITCHEN cabinets and vanitie? (continued) Z Free estimates. Creative Decor, BEACHYuriélhtsffivquartvbas- ‘iilllIIIIIII‘I'u' llotcllil:xt',".‘.‘l§l‘lill:liitt!!-'!‘ rIIIJOle'Z-I 1; office and showroom. 9212 ket for $5.50 private, 884-3007. ;; Yonge St., Riohvale 889-2462, Chris 2‘ m. -___L_ "C42 7 BLACK"walléd‘lii~es_si§x"l’5 - . ALUMINUM â€"- 2 snows. $100, 884-3620. I Doors; windows, awnings, and _ . _ - ._ _ - _ 1. . .L 2 ramngs‘ Ron WODdS' 884 BOY'S Mustang bike, like new, _______. $45. 884-3216. clwfii TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES DRIVEWAY GRAVEL . :TRAILER hitch, heavy duty Crushed stone. sand, concrete 2 torsion type, suitable for any (:lw5 - . p. gravel etc, delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett CLASSIFIED day. July 30. 1970 ads HELP WANTED | HELP WANTED EfPERIEN'CED_co3ffOr_IVp‘S' (“"91"de ,, #1 Tavern. 884-2752. tfc34 WOMAN to care for 2 year girl, Experienced cook to take full charge of kitchen in nursing in private home, Monday to home. King City Lodge Ltd., Friday. 889-2876 after 6 pm. RR 1, King City, 833-5037. I c1115 c l w5' ' FEMALE â€"HELP REQUIREDâ€" l woman for typingiairâ€"ld general office. lull time. Usual Sales, waitress, and kitchen company benefits. Contact A. workers. Please contact your Goerk, Superior Propane. 8470 (M) CANADA MANPOWER. lKeele St. Concord. 889-1145. , CENTRE ; c1w5 Dept. of Manpower 8; “““ "" ‘m- -" h ‘ Immigration REQUIRED Immediately £01 , plant at Richvale, workers fOI w." d4?“ yonge “3,2193” production line â€"â€" Precast Con- ' 0W 3 e “ 'clws Crete Products. Also Inainten- ,_- _g‘, ,_A _,, ,, ance men. Good rates of pay. EARN UP T0 $60 PER WEEK Apply 889-1114, Cl\‘/5 IN SPARE TIME AT HOME, “‘_â€" ‘â€" NO SELLING. PHONE MRS. DURBIN 787-5635 FOR FULL DETAILS. nc1w5 SENIOR lady student for light duties. cottage, Jackson‘s Point, 52 Yonge St, south Lake Simcoe. Call between 4 Call: Mona Robertson land 5 339-7323 (‘1\\’5 884-6944 RezAppointments ' 'CAREERAOPprT'UfifiIYâ€"P 719:5 BENEFICIAL FINANCE COMPANY OF (‘ANANA INTERESTING work with the public in the credit field. Sala- ried position. candidate must be For Permanent Local Employment Office assistants â€"â€" all catego- ries are invited to register with. A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY I LIKE A HORSE We work you like a horse but $100 per week buys a lot of oats. Must have ear. Experience not Ecar, $75. 832-2065. __ V 884_3089_ “C37 necessary 739-7237_ tfc41 over 21, single or recently mar- ; BMABY carriage $8, Stroller $12‘ A, â€"- - -â€"â€"-â€"â€" ried, high school graduate quali- , TEAKWOOD EXTRA MONEY fications. Must be capable of Learbed with wheel base $3. -- 884-8394. c1w5 Sales Service Rentals Furniture Imported. sold from warehouse Living, dining and bedrooms, INH- Authorized Dealer _ etc. RELIABLE couple to look after quire-d. - All popular make! for, sale m- EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. our Arabians, close to Maple. For appointment for Richmond :,clud1ng new and rebuilt stand- (EFCO) Apply to Box 8, “The Liberal". mu office telephone My, Ger. ': 1rd portable and electric mod- Hwy. 7' just east of FifthLine’l tfc52 vais 884-4417. for Willowdale ;_els. Special rental rates avail- Bramalea iii-i’fifiI‘ENâ€"Ct'a‘m {gayâ€"1.335;. area miephone Mr, Baum“. "‘ble to student" 451â€"5369 man wanted. B-licence. excel-v225'7731- ‘31W4 L. H. SIMS , 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc3 TRAYNOR Bassmate_amp and Open daily 1-9 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ‘__ 7 7 tfc50 REFRIGERATOR, ideal in: cottage, $50 or best Offer. 884- 4918. cle t ginot-u 13 hours. 4 evenings per week becoming Branch within 2 - 3 years. Some Sales experience an asset. Car reâ€" and Saturday, $50. Must have M a n a g c r car. 789-7287. tfc41 l I lent working conditions. Must have own 10015- 339-3531 mediately. banking experience Thornhill. V c3Vl'f‘preferred, but not necessary. FRUSTRA'I‘ION IS 884-8109. _ , C2‘w‘4 UNNECESSARY AUTOMOBILEâ€"MECHANIC CLERK-FYIHST required imâ€" -bass guitar $150. 884-5896. ’ *lw5 IROTARY lawn mower; type- :writer; dining table, 3 chairs, :lime oak; camera gadget bag. ; 884-2153. clw5 :FRIGIDAIRE, wooden table, casll register. like new, reason- able. 833-5512. S-ECRETARY’S desk and chair. WOLF valve seat refacer very your present income and work- we have an immediate opening little used. Victor McCaskey ing conditions then why stay? for a mechanlc. Import exper- clws your own income and hours. e'ssitY. excellent growth poten- Top training offered. For de- tial to fight man. Apply Bob If you are not satisfied with Due to rapid increase of sales Consider real estate selling. Set ience preferred. but. not a necâ€" tails call Mr. White or Mr. Cuff. JUbY- 773-5374. c2w5 Norm Black Realty Limited. NEILL DATSUN LTD. :4 chairs, china cabinet, com- plete bed set. 2 chest of draw- .ers, Jigsaw and 1 tablesaw 2 . ,stoves wood or coal. antique :buffet, iron tea kettle. also unany other items 832-8985. ' c1w5 :SEASONED hardwood for fire- ~ places, also kindling. Picked-up tor delivered, 96 Steeles Ave. 2W. or call 225-2781. tfc19 YORK ALUMINUM 'Free estimates Aluminum sid- 'ing windows, doors, awnings also glass and screen repairs . phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 ; Maple. tfc28 CWASHER. dryer and stove; Iparts, gears, belts, wood bear- ;ings and wringer rollers etc. :For all makes. Repairs to eled- tric lawnmowers and small ap- ‘pliances. Matil’s TV, 49 Indus- ,trial Road. 884-7903. tfc50 -GUODTsEd.type\l;iters Tamils from $25 up. 884-6524. tfc51 NEW HONEY. BEES :Appointment only. Werner. . 889â€"2724. th3 BUILDERS FURNITURE ‘ CLEARANCE from 7 furnished model homes :and apartments. Two piece Chesterfield sets in different fstyles and colours, also match- ;ing table sets and lamps. Like! new,,and reasonable with freel rdelivery. Call builders 226-2770.| c3w3 éNEW bricks, 1.000 old Dutch ‘bricks good for fireplace or barbeque $125. 888-1298, 889- 4847. 02w4 CEDAR posts, and fence rails: ,call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. . c3w4 o GARDEN SUPPLIES "Loam - manure â€" top dressing, top soil, fill, screened loam. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. _____> “W tfc4 EARLY Canadian solidâ€"unlnit corner cupboard with upper glass doors, 8 feet high. Jakes and Hayes rectangular cherry- wood table, approximately 21,2 by 3 feet. 920-8188. c2w4 USED fridge and stove, e'eril lent condition. Ideal for cot- tage or rec. room. 889-0705. GUITAR and amp. Good condi- tion, best Offer. 884-2901 after c1w5 IRONER, best offiar. 884â€"2501. ___k c1w5 BLACK curraTlrts and raspb-eâ€"D- ries. 40c pint. 237 Crosby Ave. 884-5608. e2w3 ORGANS Hammond and Lowrey, summer clearance sale, all models. Save up to $500. Also used organs on sale. Cash or terms. Organ lessons only $1. Toronto Organ Centre, 5254 Yonge St., Willow/dale. 1% miles north of 401. Largest selection. 222-651 . c3\v4 WALNUT table, buffet and hutch modern alld new. 884- 2551. c1w5 M-38 army jeep, excellent condition. 649-2819. c1w5 CRIB and mattress, good con- dition. 887-5491. c1w5 ELECTRIC stove, automatic, excellent condition $75. Boy’s bicycle, good condition $16. 773-5671 anytime. c1w5 SWEET corn, picked daily ex- cept Sunday. l/z mile south of Gormley on Don Mills Rd. Clif- ford L. Winger. 887-5217. cle SELF illuminating Zodiac signs, Yonge. 1 mile North of HELP WANTED (Continued) liMMElfiTELY â€" inauire'Vi-o- own 1'00an provided. 884-26 man for housekeeping duties {01 small motel. Richmond Hill - Thornhill area. Five day week. no weekends. Phone 884-4651. c1w5 POSITION available in stores department for temporary period. Must have grade 11 education. Phone York Central reach more prospects save time & money; - 884-1105 TO RENT MISCELLANEOUSl HOUSE to share with 3 others: VfiCLEANING WINDOWS. fix 0â€". ‘7”7 r Cl\\.:1 FURNISHED bachelor. ’deéEn, Yonge St., Aurora. 340 weekly. includes services. 727-9488. tfc5 BRIGHT spacious four rooms, heat. hydro and water included, Yonge and Wellington in Au- rora. $165. upper duplex. WALLS AND FLOORS Day or night 884-2433 tic-23 SHAMPOOING SUMMER SPECIAL ‘ Rugs and cllesterfieids. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc52 PAINTING exterior and in- terior, carpentry work. altera- tions, rec rooms. no iob too Hospital, 884-1171, Mr. Reid. Bright spacious 3 rooms lleat.ilarge or too small. 884â€"5009. extension 237. c1w5 hydro and water included, $145 tfc 41 HAND‘YMANMloi-‘workiarode aduns- 10““ duplex HU3'2578- RAILROAD"tiesâ€"tor’séilfwill institution building. Prefer rc- tired or semi-retired resident of Richmond Hill, Tllornhill. Call 884â€"4651. c1w5 EXPERIENCED stake truck driver wanted for city deliveries. Apply Rumble Transport Limi- ted 94 Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hill. Clw5 KEYPUNCH o p e ral or with about one year‘s experience. for large building products com- pany in Maple. Own transporta- tion needed. Contact Data Pro- cessing Supervisor, 889-4973. ele PART time experienced adult waitress wanted. mainly week- ends for interview call Mr. Di- Cecco 884-1370. c1w5 MECHANIC rquiuired. milSt have diesel and gas experience. Boben Equipment. 889-7717. c1115 2 Kitchen Full Time 1 day â€" 1 night Shift Non-student position 2 Kitchen Part Time, Open to Students 2 Car Hostesses Full Time 1 dav â€" 1 night shift Non-student Apply; A & W Drive-In Restaurant Female Help Only 300 Yonge St. Nortn Just north of Centre e1w5 EMPLOYMENT clw5 ~APART‘MENTS AVAILâ€"ABLE 2 bedroom suite for September hydro, fridge. stove, heat, soft water. etc. Near Richmond Heights Plaza. Adults only. Call George C. Wilcock, Real Estate.‘ i .884-88‘11. chi-5: FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, 1st house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHED room, cfiikin'g' and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6.000 sq. ft. industrial space. Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 166” clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lorcd Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. O‘NEb’e'dr'onni'an’dTiro‘deiofii apartments. 884-2576. tfcl, FURNISHEDâ€"VIDOAmAfOI‘A young ‘lady, homey atmosphere, cen- tral area 884-8843. c2w5 STORE-Thornhill-Yonge‘St BBQ-1249.. 889-9653. c1w5 GENTLEMAN has furnished apartment to share with salne. 884-8407. c1w5 SINGLE roomâ€"females only. 884-2855. c2w5 ROOMS inflMaplevaiiea. 882- 2631. c1w5 AVAILABLE August 1 unfur- nished 1 bedroom apartment. 1, $165 a month. Rent includeslâ€"' 889-6241. tfc4 GENTLEMEN are you interestâ€" ed in a rewarding career with a large Canadian sales finance company? Call Mr. Campbell. 884-8156. tfc4 RICHMOND HILL Receptionist-typist for switch- board. Salary open. >'F * >8 * CONCORD Clerk-typist for congenial offi Salary open. ce. Jr. Data clerk. Grade 12 gra- duate. Salary open. . A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 52 Yonge St. South 1 Call Mona Robertson ‘ 884-6944 re: Appointments Required by block manufactur-t ‘ing company in Richmond Hill area. Good working conditions, employee benefits. Richmond Hill 889-0972 or 773-4661 \ clw'5 MOTHERS helper for balance of summer, live in, $15 per week. 889-2088. cle CASHIER, experienced pre- ferred, full-time permanent pos- ition. Apply at Canadian Tire Store, 70 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. c1w5 ions and arm caps, etc. Wall to wall broadloom in liv- ing room. heat and hydro $130. Slip covers Call after 7:30 884-1543. WANTED FURNITURE vclw5 manship guaranteed. Also cushâ€" FURNISHED I‘Oom, business Please girl, cooking possible, Bayvie‘v - phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 Markham. 884-3900 eng- thZ RELIXHLE energetic man de- SUBLET 1 bedroom apartment. sires maintenance or janitorial Yonge St. Thornhill. swimming FEMALE wanted for counter work, Saturday mornings only. 223-6473. c2lv4 WANTED bookkeeper with ex- perience to trial balance, will- ing to be trained to do monthly income and balance sheet state- ! 1 v- ment. Write Box 22 “The __,___ ## A__L,'_.-,-_#E Liberal“ c2w41 ' STATIONARY ENGINEER WE Kim SEEmNâ€"G AN "5 CLASS AMBITIOUS MAN Who is dissatisfied with his present job and would like to join a successful-sales organ- ization. He must be married l ‘and fitted in your home. Work- ..____-_~.__..___..__.._.w,- YORK BLOCK 8‘ BUILDING and have a good work record. SUPPL_Y Starting Salary $600 monthly, 8395 Yonge St- Richmond “in plus expenses. Write Box 25, 889-1135 “The Liberal”. €2W5 __.___._â€"#â€"â€" REAL ESTATE SALESMAN MEN and WOMEN WANTED Opening for 1 energetic man, continue Rawleigh SerVIce Vtolover 30 years of age, to Special- consumers. Get into a pl‘OfltaIDIe ize in farm land and invest- c1w5 business Of your own. No pre- vious experience or capital in- vestment needed. Write W. T. Rawleigh CO. Ltd. Dept. G-351- 916, 4005 Richelieu St., Mon- treal 207. Que. c1w5 will stick anywhere and glow brightly in complete darkness. These attractive and unique de-, cals are made by Lumidial Canada Limited in Richmond Hill 60 cents per Sign, $1 for two. Phone 884-8378. c2w5 BLACK currants andmraspber- ries, 40c pint. 237 Crosby Ave: 884-5608. c1wS COLEMAN catalytic stove $10, 2 car radios $5 each, baby strol- ler $12. 884-7565 after 6 p.m. cl\\'5 IVANTED 3 or 4 women, part time to canvas country locations for large daily newspaper start- ing in Sept. Must have own car, guaranteed salary. plus commis- sion. For interview call Mr. Johnson. 884-4408. tic] THAITRESS’:11111!andfipart- time. Pop's Tavern. 884-2752, tfc49 SIMPLICI'IrYfigaHienAti‘actOr 31: HP. plus lawnmower. cultiva- tor, discs and snowplow. $150. EXPERIENCED drapery seam- stress. Apply in person Bouk- §84373§1W . ,,,,,,, ema's Interiors, Towne & Coun- UPRIGHT pumice-1-7732 after trye Square. _rfl_rdr c4sz 6 p'm' *l“'5‘NLA'EE trainee required for LARGE Paul amplifier. twin wages office in Richmond Hill 12" speakers. in cabinet, like plant. Must be qUiCk. neat and new. 884-3593. *1w5 accurate with figures. and have at least grade 12 certificate of SL’MP pump. completely reron- education. write for “womb *1w4, tioned, $15. Laundrytub pump LITTLE PEARLS" GREENHOUSE 4684. in first class shape. $12. 884- [clw'S lnent in own handwriting. giv- ing brief resume of education. age and business experience If Potted Plants. _C.ut, Flowch “ENGINE: etc. Cost. any to Box 24 “The Liberal”- ““ 333‘°3°6- H 4 $54 sell $20. 889-6565. Cl\\'3 7 £118, -â€"- nihâ€" L CHEFMASTER rangette, poi~-iNIGHT watchman. Apply Mr.‘ DRAFT!“ . {celain, automatic oven. chime L, Nyiri, Cadillac Building Pro: gliirings ~T dwédefludth :3 ' minu‘e'lmndell ROlla\\3Il’ bed.'ducts Co. phone 889-4973. clwa 0 on prln e papery, _ 2 -. chvsi __.__..VLLLi'____ factured to sell at $2.98. yd. mm 884 3 9° 1 ATNTInglésg‘XSTS ligufiignié’ Size yd‘ _ ideal ‘01 § 8106.80 PER WEEK t_ . 'I ' ' ' After 6 months proba Ion, w‘h-Dor Transportatlon $112.80. Required by Metropol- THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEIV PLAZA RICHMOND HILL. ONT and to WKNTED daily Richmond Hill, from ' Danforth-Pape area. Arrive approx. 8 am leave itan Toronto for Homes for the Aged in Newmarket and In the Yonge-Finch area of TO- Inent property sales. We main- tain business hours. Spend ev- enings and weekends with ,VOUI" family. Higher earning in a specialized firm. Call Mr, Mc- Lean, 889-1176. David McLean Ltd, Realtors, 74 Steeles Av- enue West. clw5 WE NEED Office personnel for permanent and temporary. Contact. HI-CORPS PERSONNEL 18 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-6782 c1w5 GOOD experienced cleaning woman, European preferred, references, '1 day a week, Rich- vale. 8139â€"3115. c1w5 WOMAN needed for packaging in meat packing plant. Permanl ent position. 69 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 889-4816. c1w5[ SALESLADY / general helper. Please apply in person only! Scott's Chicken Villa, 191 Yonge St. N, Richmond Hill, clw5 NIGHT secretary required for real estate office 5-9.30 alter- nate nights and weekends. Ex- cellent typing a must. Apply Mr. Laing 884-4425. N. S. Smith Real Estate Ltd. c1w5 POSITIONS AVAILABLE ‘ GIRL FRIDAY, some posting and payroll. " CLERK, as rec. and inventory. HI-CORPS PERSONNEL t lRemoval (Trees and Hedges) work. Call Art Adams. 884-7518. Pool, sauna. 884-5211. tfc3 “C3‘V3 BRIGHT comfortable room, 3 HIGH school students looking Richmond Hill. 884-3395. clw4 build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tfc42 FINLAY ELECTRIC Contractor. free estimates. Call anytime 884-3931. tfc37 BAKER'S BACKHOE EXCAVATING ’l‘renching. sewer 5: water lines, footings. 889-3604. tfe2 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial palnt-' ing, interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations. tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc32 GENERAL contracting, zlltera-, tions and additions. homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. ifcfl‘ FLOOR COVERING All types floor tile, sheet goods. Expert workmanship at. low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll RUBBERâ€"STAMPS 1 Several type faces to choose from â€"- including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. , HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughst Doors and Windows free estimates call Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 For your BRICK & STONEWORK Fireplaces â€" chimneys â€" cus- tom built patios, walls, for summer work. ltPainting, LARGâ€"â€"E d‘Oâ€"‘â€"uble room‘ brag; lawn and garden maintenance! loomed, furnished, private bath- home Improvements, etc). 889- room kitchen facilities, park 3550. CIWS ing. 884-7254. TWO bedroom apartmth $150, & available now. 447-18â€"83. _c1‘w§ â€"_â€"_"“Vâ€""’*:”‘v-'1"â€"â€"f 6 ROOM bungalow in Rich- GIRLS 1’1.“ 91 1 ed, .° 05° ° mond Hill. 488â€"4386. clw'5 transportation and Industry. _ - _ _ .7 88445235 1&5 FURNISHED bedSIttlng room, suitable for a woman. 884-2551. LOST ..-____.._~fl5 -. _ . 3 BEDROOM, Newmarket, 3 SIAMESE cat, Elizabem and extra rooms in basement, $175 Centre St. area, sand COIOIll‘ed a month. Immediate possession. with black ears, paws etc, be- 939-2321. clw5 longs to 7 year old girl. Re- Wm ward Offercd‘ 884-4742 or 82845- mond Hill, no children, avail- 5272- ° W able Sept. 15, $155 month. 221- CAT, female, spayed, striped 3657, *1w5 back, white chest and legs from 3WBEDROOM home ‘31â€"“! to a“ Bathursf S" near Gang}: facilities, plus garage for $159 Road- 2 “931‘s ago‘ Rem“: a month. 889-9936 after 2 pm. 889-7904. elm (“V5 GERMAN shepherd. 6 months old, black with white neck and paws. Maple area. 832-1377. 4 clw5 room, wOilldVSLlit mature gentleman, ample park- .ing. 889-5786. c1w5 2 OFFICES. located in new building Keele and Hwy 7 area. 800 sq. ft. and 400 sq. ft. For information call 889--0163. c4w5 IIO’STWbF‘Min“ Pondflb’ri‘dge‘, dark glasses, black frames, pre- scription lenses. Reward 884- 2528. clw5 PURE bred biue cream Persian cat Longbridge Rd. and Uplands Garden area. Reward 889-2838. clw5 GARDENING TREE SERVICE WANTED TO RENT ONEâ€".mifurnished room. 884- i 3036. c 1w 4 Pruning Transplanting Clearing Jobs. We will go 31'5" ,__., _ . V'IIOI‘E. Got a pruning Dl‘Oblem? New owner Betty Forsytll. Dog For free estimates call: grooming â€"â€"- poodles a specialty. LINDSAY LAxngCAPING Jill Goddard. 889-3606. 884-7790 PETS FOR SALE tfc18 antigensâ€"boarded. New tfc38 can/4‘ l I ALI. types of landscaping. rockâ€" erics. patios. and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam. peat and mushroom com- post by the yard or load. Free estimates. A. llartwick, 389- 6338. tfc42 COMPLETE SERVICE Weed spraying - fertilizing - grading â€" sodding - landscaping patio and walkway installation sand - gravel - loaln - compost free e s t i m a t e s competitive prices. All work fully guaran- teed. Call: WILLOW HILL -" . v - v v v 884 "214 02",5lapprox. 4245. Please call 884-‘1‘011to. Registered bursmg AS- 18 IONGE ST. NORTH LAWN & GARDEN SpPpLY . .. .7- . . . a. 3749 evgs. or 929-6938 days. sistants are preferred but COn-i RICHMOND HILL 88940.24 294m?“ COMIC books, 44 Bridgeport 5‘: c2w4 sideration will be given to ap-l 884-6782 _ Hus 884-4941. "Phil " SEVIOR bfi;171,â€"\.q’” ‘ plicants with considerable Ilursâ€" V (-lw5 _ WRINGER washing machineipree transportation by Avenue 11151 aSSISlallt experience-VFfinntPART-TIME cook for local “V Hot oint. 815, also power lawnâ€" .- “v .d. . 4 A a . ‘aIlClll positions “1111 en“ el_ lodge. Meals to be Prepared fort V _ if, a W P taxl. ednes a} 9 pill . ugusti _ . . k _ _ “'“ge benemb' 40mm” “ee 40 guests. Weekends only. Repll‘iUSED household furniture, p1- "lO‘Ver- needs some repair 51-10111}: Five mile radius. Rich- Shift allowâ€" cs-1239:- . - . -cliielmond Hill Vaughan. and Mark- 2:33:1513i5'i‘453r... .‘2§_'31“‘:Lj‘?€EE-_,J1:Ԥ BABY furnishings. nearly new; ilal_n townships. 884-1111. 83933“ nigm Slims- Appl}. Pe,._ RICHMOND Hill coffee shop 339-6501_ out.) 5417. ‘1‘“) sonnel‘Department. 67 Adelaide requu‘es {Ull time COOKS. 8X- YAMAHA 1970 Snowmobile 27 hp. 18" track, less than 2-1 hrs like new cost $1245, must be sold $825 or Offer. 884-5543. clws GIRLS 28" bike, 820: baby car- raige. 310: high chair $3.50: an- tit‘lue record player. S40: book- case 310: clipboard suitable for dishes etc. 810: all in 200d con- dition. 884-8403. c1 .13, DRESSMA KING tions for your family. Pick and delivery. 884-8859. 110.) able. 884-4171. ALL sewing repairs and altera-i . lip RELIABLE student required as ENPERlENCEDjlressmalzin: â€" rage in Parry Sound district, alterations of all kinds, includ- month of _ ing children‘s clothes. Reason» aces ill and 15, 5489-7651. \iI'S. lcrlicw call 111‘. DlCecco 834: 4» til it A, Domm. perience an asset but not essen- tial. Call Mr. Bussell at 884- 5151 for interview. c1w5 PART TIME steward for golf club, Thornhill area. 889-3291. c1w5 Street East, Toronto. c1w5 REGISTERED nurse for a month beginning August 14. in lnursing home. Apply Box 309: Bradford. clwo FULL time female kitchen help wanted. 6 Cla} week. Saturday included, For m- ‘111011181‘5 helper at summer cotâ€" \u9u<l. Two children and Sunday ClvfilliiTO, clv .7 lanes and appliances Call Ccnt- 'ral V'an & Storage. 884-1146. - tfc51 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promply. For direct line call Long Distance and ask 'for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. iEd Peconi 8: Son, Wooovillle,i IOnt. Licence NO. 324C - 66. tfc4-i CHINA rSBiEr dining and kitchen table. 839-5582. clu'S l 1 {884-3185 after 600 pm. cl -5 CLO-CART,- - Vl‘f‘fliOl’ialllE‘.’ Phone- individual runs. Inspections inâ€" vited without obligation. Charâ€" gex accepted. Rivercourt Kenâ€" nels Reg'd., Yonge South of Aurora, 727-5488. tfc51 REGISTERED. male, Beagle â€"', 3 yrs old. 889-6016. tica‘ PUREBRED sllelties tminature colliest champion stock, rcgisâ€", tered. 832-1434. clw5 28 PIGEONS, fantails, rollers, feather-footed muffs, creams. reds, $30. 26 chickens. 9 full grown, 17 chicks, $17. 773-4085. .COLLIF. pups for sale reg», ’tered. 11 weeks old. champion-3, ship stock. make excellent pets. 350 phone after 5. Quecnsvil‘ci 478-2264. clwb' MERLAND KENNEL'S REG'D Boarding Now Available ‘Cool in Summer and warm in Winter. Idcal conditionsâ€"clean healthy -â€"- outdoor runs. New- 5th Concession, 895-' c7w3, l lmarket, 8281. CAT BOARDING Household pets kittens available, to good homes. Also portraits of your pets. pastel or penctl. 289â€" itc4 .y-â€"â€" -33.). c1w5 RITTENS looking for home} vaccinated, dewormed and llcalâ€" .. .. thy. Call Beryl Stewart. 889- 2555. min} flower-boxes, garages. etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884-3484. tfc2 CARPENTER A Additions, alterations. recrea- tion rooms, ceiling and floor tiling and painting. Free esti- lnates. E. Fox. 889-7480 tfc27 - RONâ€"MCORE.”â€"~ PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 Plastering Thornhill R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tfc20 l AGTJ. CURRIE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Alterations and additions. Com- mercial and residential. Custom carpentry. 773-5604. tfc9 ’E.”W.”PAYNE ' IDrains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31. ’RALPH’EIIMS'DECOR’ATING l i Painting, paper-h anging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. I tfc46‘ CHIMNEYS ‘ Chimneys and fireplaces built! and repaired. Free estimates.‘ Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc43 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned C Stunden 1 Phone 884-1245 lrcz‘ New Flagstone 1 Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 tfc43, PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR 884-2433 ; G 8; R PAINTING Exterior and interior, minor rc-y pairs. Free estimates. Ricnmond' Hill, 884-6073. dad; LAMBERT PAINTING l Interior and exterior paintingm‘ Free estimates. Phone 223-9471. c2‘.\'5 Harold Elliott ConstructioTLtil. 884-9312 | Servlng iork County and Area‘884.3925' Renovations, additions, custom homes, cottages, septic tanks' , and drainage systems. 24 hr. Phone Service for mergers-i.- .L. A. A,‘ tjgnickcts. rcsenations and indivi- ANYTHING fixed tl'om air-,(inal ll'aYt'l. call A. H. Creighton planes to toasters. a.rlol‘ce tr-cll- 'I‘l‘alel Agency 8853-5643. nil-tan. 884-6047. Ll 3] it’ll-47 MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx 'â€"- Telephone â€" 884-1650 tfc24 PAINTING’and' DECORTATING 884-1311 tfc51 PSTIR‘LING MAINT‘ENAfiE‘ WINDOW CLEANING 884-1311 ire-1 STANLEY w. BURNSâ€" Custom Carpentry Complete Home Building 649-5590 884-1596 c4w~i Repairs â€" any make Northtown Plaza 221-9357 tfc44l ‘LEONARDI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain alld General Repairs. Patio. Stonework. Side- walk. TI‘Cnt‘iiillg and Excavating. Lic. No. D0033. I 889-5228 I tic-44 JOHNNY INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING I 773 - 4464 - tfcl E & L 'IRENCHING Underground cable and water pipe trenching. Phone 884-6266 Richmond Hill. | tic-46 SHIL-MARS ANTIQUES 209 Market Square Newmarket. Ontario 895-8087 NOW OPEN Shop Hours: 12.00 noon till 9 pm Monday to Saturday. Specializing ing. restoring, repairing. custom cabinet making. c4w2 FAIWI lioos‘vnnnl v-2oo aut furniture, all types of refinish- 884'8160 before 5 Pm- MON. - TUES. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. WED. - FRI. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon USED CARS ‘ PRIVATE 1966 Meteor S33, bucket seats, A-l condition. Full price $1295. 222-6150, c4w3 SCHOOL BUSES 1966 and prior models, Various makes and passenger capacities. Suitable for passenger Opera- tion. group activities or con- version into campers. Phone D. Hadwen 925-5411 or 833-5352. \ c4w3 1963 Mercury Econoline, ideal for camper, A-l condition. 773- 5717 or 773-4616. c2w4 SINGER SEWINGHHACfiIT CLASSIâ€"C’caTIQSZ Triumph Mayflower, good shape, original tires, paint, engine, etc. Rec- ent work done on valves, brakes and body. Receipts available. 727-6045. clwh' 1968 V.W., front; end damaged, motor and transmission and rear body ok. Call 884-2988. Ilclws WHOLESALE PRICESh‘ 1963 Sunbeam convertible $70. 1962 Ford Fairiane, auto. $150. 1964 Pontiac Stationwagon, VB, auto. PS. 3: PB. $250. All good running cars. 0111: they go at low, low prices, sold without plates. NEILL DATSUN LTD. Yonge St., 1 Mile North of Richmond Hill 773-4661 8139-0972 . c1w5 omatic. radio, new battery, brakes and muffler, very clean, $850. Phone evenings. 889-8867. clw5 1959_Whltei1200WcabH‘lâ€"chESie size, 10002120 tires. 889-2326, ch5 19667Yalnzilla, 100 cc.. twin eyl.. in _ antique good condition, $175.00. Larry, 7 .* lw5 DATSUN DEMO upholstering, Company driven demonstrator buying and selling. Come one now up for sale, low miles, big -â€" Come all. NO job too small. saving. Lic. NO. 116216. NEILL DATSUN LTD. Yonge St.. 1 Mile South of Richmond Hill "173-4661 889-0972 EQUIPMENT m_ .1... MASSEY HaTris tractorgwilâ€"li 1965 Plfindut'h. n‘ew rings. plow and cultivator, ideal for makes all-(l tll'eS. recent valve snow plowing. 833-6804. CZWSiJOb- Cel‘tlfled. 773-5319. *st 1963 Pontiac, 6 cyl., automaTiE, excellent transportation and LIVESTOCK certified. $375 or offer. 884- - c1w5 FOR SALE ‘ - 1961 CADILLAC 2 door ask- TENNESSEE walker -â€" quarter ing $350. 884-2503, after 6 p.m. horse, chestnut gelding, height “W5 16.2 English saddle and tack, $700. 889-5163 or Cumberland Stables 887-57ACEI‘ _v tic-51; 83943366 PONY for sale, call 887-5610. 1965 Ford, V8, auto. recondi- c2w4 tioned exâ€"taxi Lic. NO. L69256 -PO\I , h‘ -r -.1d lding~ $599. ‘ I lY t leebeal o ‘ ge ‘ 1965 Austin 1100, really nice .. â€" c '. ~1 ~‘ . liznrflidifijlgz-m MHL‘)? Llc. No. 378368. $549. BLACK Gelding. saddle. bit. 1963 Acadian 6 auto L' N ‘l‘eins and halter $150. 773-4085. 204423 $353 ’ ' moms; EVER - TUNE 35 Cedar Ave. Thornhill . “1“” IlIOTO'Ifcâ€"I'CITE r Harley Davidson chopper, re- Summer built motor. 889-6738. Accommodation .-___ -4115. ‘ l TEACHER, piano and theory, ing, boat included. 884-3753. 1ch 2 BEDROOM cottage, sleeps 5, on private, safe, sandy beach in south Sailble Beach area. Avail- able from August 8-22. 832- 1589. c1w5 Summer Properties LOT for sale in Baysville area, Lake Mnominee. Phone 222- 5143. tfc34 HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS Choice level lakefront lots. Lots ,Of sand. Lots of trees. and a perfect setting 7723-4352. tfc49 EXCELLENT building Htsâ€"Duâ€" clos Point, 45 miles from Rich- mond Hill. 884-2273. tfc50 CRYSTAL PIER LODGEâ€"â€" 1 and 2 bedroom housekeeping cottages and sleeping cabins, boats and motors, store. dining HOUSEKEEPING c o t t a g e s. velau Land of Lakes area, inside con- viences, safe sandy beach. fish- INTERNATIONAL Tra- good running order, needs body work, good for parts, first $75 takes it. 499- 1571. 12-8 p.m. e1w5 1967 MG. Midget convertibTe near perfect. 884-8312. clw5 MOTORCYCLE 1969 Triumph Bonneville, 70 tank, new seat, reliable, fast. $850 firm or $900 with 2 HA helmets and ,composition shields. 8853-39519 {after 6 pm. ch5 1961 17’ fibreglaSs runabout, 85 elec- tric shift Evinrude, convertible top, hydraulic lift and trailer. Loads of accessories. $1900. 889-2604. ’-2w4 14* MOLDED plywood b351, 25 HP electric start motor, all controls. $195. 832-2503. ciwfi BOAT, 13' fibl'cglas, 30 up. motor fully equipped, $1200 or trade as down payment on room, gas, etc. Cabins from $20 weekly, housekeeping from $45. Box 392, Fenelon Falls or phone Kinmount 91R21. *3w4 RELIABLE .day “care in niy 'home, $12 a week. 884-4985. tfc52 CARE‘for l-hildl'caniven in my Iome, pick-up if desired. 384- 1928. tic4i SUPERVISED camping for children. tents and sleepware not included. Also pony rides. Gayla Stables 884-1928. tfc5 BABYSITTING in my home, 5 days a week. 1 hot meal~a day, 512 per week. 884-8830. cZwS NURSERY ’ SCHOOL Mrs. Munsy's Pre-school. l.ilni-, ted vacancies for tall ‘erln. Supervisior T. Munsy Monies-l sorl Diploma pilone 884-8090. c1w5 TUITION Richmond establishing Hill.‘ tfc50 building 101. 833-5512. cle FISHING boat. Ca1l’773-557-i. _ c2125 25 HP Evinrude motor, excel- lent condition. For sale or will trade for smaller motor, 8'64- 8816. clw5 PERSONAL DO you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, 01' call EMS-8684. tfc17 ANYONE interested lll joining Christian Businessmen‘s Group phone 884-9312. Leave name and phone number. tfc5 CAR SAVERâ€" TRAVEL TRAILERS Built in Britain by Thomson. Save wear and tear on your car. Save money with better mileage. Check these special features: Ultra lightweight, can be towed by small cars with simple hitch. Indeâ€" pendent suspension and aer- odynamic body styling for smooth easy towing. Auto- matic acting brakes for safe relaxing driving. Large pic- ture windows with colourful family planned interiors for maximum livability. 5 mod- els 14 ft. tO 19 ft. from $1865. THOMSON - YORK KELFIELD ST., TORONTO Dixon Rd. at Skyline Hotel Open Nights & Weekends 247-1108 or 221-0894

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