THURSDAY evening August 6th at 7.30 pm. v~ Auction sale of Missionary Church Parson- age, at 322 Main Si. N. Mark- ham. 7 room frame house with centre hall plan. 2 storey. oil heating and ail other conveni- enoes. close to school and church. in extra good condition. lot size 51' by 168‘ with garHZe. Property sold subject, to reserve bid. terms 10% of purchase price time of sale and balance with 60 days, possession within 60 days. Open for inspection Saturday. August lst â€" 12 noon to 6 pm. also August 6th ~â€" 5.30 pm. to 7.30 pm. A,xS. Farmer. Auctioneer. 887-5311 Gormley. c2w4 All friends and relatives an: invited to attend a Trousseau Tea which will be held at, the home 0f Mrs. S. J. Waters. 136 Church Street South for daughâ€" ter Sheila. August 2. 1970‘ beâ€" tween 2 pm and 5 pm. c2w4 CONTINUED savings on OTTO hardtops. Free camping book, free spare wheel. free canopy. free car wiring. 6 models. Mc- Kenzie Camping Trailers Ltd. Hwy 7 East at Bayview. Otto and Wheel-Camper. ITENT trailer for sale. 884-5091. clw5 Sale of Holiday and Rocket travel trailers and truck cam- pers. NBC truck caps from $249 up. Rentals - few avail- able for August, 25% discount in September. Repairs. altera- tions. custom hitches. campmg and trailer equipment from wheels to roof. Open till 9 pm. weekends till 5 pm. King Road. west of Yonge. 773-4260. c2w4 SALE REGISTERS TENT trailer for rént: sléiebisi 6. 834-6315. tfc48 U-HAUL, local and one-way: Bob Donald's 15550, 9700 Yonge St. 884-8011. tfc48 KINEâ€" CITY TRAILERS WEST COAST INTER» NATIONAL Aug. 14 $359 twin <im-I. Mount Rush- more. Yellowstone Park) . . . New Trademark of Traflwm of Canada Ltd. MARITIMES. Sept. 12 $189 twin (incl. Gaspe. P.E.I‘ Cabot Trail) VIRGINIA. Sept 12. 26 3124 twin (7 days. Washingâ€" ton. Williamsburg) NEW ENGLAND. Sepf. 8. 14 $99.50 twin (Cape Cod, Bos- ton) FLORIDA â€" 7 departures. 21-day tour, Jan. through Apr. $329 twin (incl. Busch Gar- dens. Ybor City Tower, Tampa. Miami Beach, Mar- ineland, plus more) Travelways® QUEBEC CITY 81 MONTREAL. Aug. an $129 twin 'Kingston. Ottawa. 1000 Islands. Upper Can- ada Village). FLORIDA -â€"â€" 14-day inurs Nov. through Apr. ~« 2.5 departures from $195 twin. All include tours of Wash- ington. Silver Springs. Busch Gardens. Tampa. Disney World and Miami. MONTREAL BASEBALL. Aug. 28. Sept. 11. 18. 25 $49.95 twin each (2 nights accommodation at the Sky- line. Tickets to 2 base- ball games). O Escorts oLuxurious .Accomodniion oSlghtseeing & Guides oBaggage Handling OTaxes & Tipping t5 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Trousspau Tea Winco Steak 'N Burger Restaurants ALL TOUR COSTS INCLUDE: Scheduled to open August 5, 1970, has positions open giving excellent opportunity to obtain many benefits that only a chain organiza- tion can offer. Complete training provided. Persons who will apply must be over 21 as positions will eventually involve serving of liquor as well of food. Please apply in person to Miss Campbell. Winco Steak 'N Burger. Fairview Mall. Don Mills & Sheppard. 10 am to 5 pm. TRAILERS Tours 884-8191 WAITRESSES For the rapidly growing Winco Steak ‘N Burger Restaurants Our new location at FAIRVIEW MALL EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY tfc4 CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my sincere 'thanks to my friends and rela- [tives for the many cards and " flowers I received while a patient Iin York Central Hospital and ST. )‘John's Nursing Home. Specxal lhhanks go to Dr. James Lam:- staff. Dr, Mark Kirby and Dr. M. A. Bl-akely and all nurses on ‘the 4th floor of York Central, ‘l Mrs. Prudence Glassfm'd *lw5 Mrs. Percy Ash, RR2 Aurora, wishes to announce the engage- ment of her grand daughter, Lynda Lorraine, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ash to John Richard James. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard James. ‘Weldrick Road. Richmond Hill. I ‘ c1w5 Mr. and Mrs. Stafford William McDermott announce the en- gagement. nf their daughter. Kelly Charlotte. to Mr. Stephen Wilbur Burme. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Alfred Bumie of Richmond‘ Hill, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August 22. 1970. at half-bust two in St. Christo- pher's Anglican Church, Bur- lington. Ontario. c1w5 our sorrow we wish lo express our sincere thanks and appreâ€" ciation to our many friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown us (luringr thp illness and d9a1h of a beloved wife. mother and grandmother. Dorothy Cuttancer We especialâ€" ly wish to thank the doctors in- volved and the wonderful nurses and staff on the fourth floor of York Central Hospital. CARD 0F THANKS CUTTANCE â€"â€" In the midst of CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Frank Southwell wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes, the gifts to the Canadian Cancer Society and Richmond Hill Uni- ted Church Memorial Fund, and kind expressions of sympathy. To the nurses and staff on the fourth floor of York Central Hospital your kind and loving care of Mr. Southwell was greatly appreciated. Special ap- preciation to Dr. James Langâ€" staff Di: Paris Phillips. Rev. Robert Smihh and Rev. Allan Hallett. . Margaret Snuthwpl] and Familv clw’) Roland, Lois. VGerald and Candace Cuttance. c1w5 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Margaret Rose, to Mr. James Thomas Humphries, son of Mr. and Mrs. Humphries of Miami. Florida. Marriage to take place in Markham Gospel Chapel at 2.30 pm, August 29. 1970. WEIR â€" Dr. Fred and Joan (nee Hare) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son. 5 1b. 71/2 025. at St. Mary‘s Hos- pital, Kitchener, Ont. on July 28, 1970. Proud grandparents Mrs. Fred Hare. Temperance- ville. .Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir. Elora, formerly of Stratford. Great-grandmother Mrs. F. G. Weir of Goderich. clwï¬ Engagrmmtz \Ihe Mover Lid. MOVING 2’ 127 BIRCH AVE. THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT at us help you solve All your Moving problems mirth! efore you move! â€"- Ton dearly loved to ever bP forgotten. Gummie and Pop Clark. clw5 Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Dick) Wilson of 1 Jackson Avenue, Maple. cordially invite you in attend a reception in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday. August 15. 1970 from 2-5 pm at their homp. Please accept this notice as your invitation. (No zifts please) c2w5 BROWN. Kenneth Andrew â€"â€" (Retired employee George W. "Crothers Ltd.) â€" At North York General Hospital, on Tuesday, July 21. 1970, Ken Brown beloved husband of Orienne O‘Rourke; dear father of Marilyn (Mrs. J. H. "Robertsonl. brother of Maw Perkins. Mr. Brown rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St, (at Hwy, 731. Thornhill. Funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Luke's Rn- vman Catholic Church Friday. Interment Thomhill Ceme- tery. e1w5 SMALL, David John â€"- Sud- denly on Wednesday evening July 22. 1970. David Small. beinyed son of Mr. and Mrs. John Small nf 111 Morgan Avenue. Thnrnhill. Dear bro- ther of Shawn and Wendy. Rested at the Marshall Furl- eral Home, 126 Yonge St‘. N. Richmond Hill. Service was held on Saturday. Interment Aurora Cemetery. clwï¬ JENSEN Leanne Lynn â€" In loving memory of our darling. Taken from us suddenly Aug- ust 1. 1968. God took her home It was his will. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bickerstaff of Thornhill are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Barâ€" bara Jean to Mr. Gary Lynton Simmonds. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Simmonds of Brighton. Em;- land. Marriage to take place 4 pm. Saturday August 8. 1970, at St. Mary's Anglican Churcn, Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs.‘ Robert G. Mc- Giffin announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter, Ann Katherine. to Barry Russ Hobden. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas R. Hobden of Rich- mond Hill. Wedding to take place Friday. August 21. 1970 at 4 pm in Southminster United Church, Ottawa. *1W5 COLLINS. Arthur R. =â€"= At York Central Hospital. on Tuesday, July 28. 1970. Art Collins of 194 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill, dear father of Lee Collins and Mrs. Janie Urschel. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., ‘Richmond Hill. Service on Friday at, 11 am. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. 3n ï¬rmnriam Anniuprzarp 1F nr‘thmming marriagw Emma 889-4911-2-3 Gentle as .3 Lamb c1w5 c1\v5 ' Cérn has done well too. Most of it got planted early enough. and we have had enough moist- ure and heat since to bring it right along. Weed killers have been effective. A new one. Lasso. for annual grasses. was widely used in York this year and it’s doing a good job. Experience has been good this year with limited tillage in corn. Fields that, were just disced once are looking just as good as 'those with regular plowing and cultivation. The most interesting work on tillage is at Bruce Shillinglaw’s at, Mount Albert. He has corn planted direct on barley stubble and on corn stubble that shows no signs of suffering from lack of a normal seed bed. There rwas some nematode damage on corn this year too. It's the same one that works on oats and barley and is some- thing that corn growers can do without. nicely. Bruce used a planter with a few modifications for no-till planting. The main one is that the coulters are corrugated tn We have a few different (-orn problems this year. Fertilizer burn has shown up more than usual. Dry conditions 'after planting likely caused some of it. Germination was affected on some fields, while on others root development was limited, with the crop being stunted. There are good demonstra- tions on different weed sprays for corn at John Nicoll‘s in King. Grant Burroughes at Kleinburg. and Harvey Brown‘s at Markham. Corn men are welcome to drop in and see these trials. 8! AL WALL Agricultural Representative York County Crops in York are looking good now. Wheat is coming on in good shape. Rain came just at the right time to develop both wheat and spring grain, even if it did spoil a lot of hay. York Crops Are All Looking Good? Rain Helped Wheat, Spring GrainE Phone 5 there a Wedding in Your Future? 88421105 The borough proposal. to take in 40 per cent of Pickering Township. hinges on the as- sumption that the province would also want to split the township as part of an Oshawa Regional Development Scheme. We have been fortunate in York that neither of the two new insect threats have been really serious. Alfalfa weevil and the cereal leaf beetle are both here. but not doing nearly the damage they are doing in other parts of Ontario. PICKERING â€" Metrn Plan- ning Board has recommended the creation of a borough of Pickering. rather than the fur- ther expansion eastward of Scarboro. work a trench three or four inches wide. Corn rootworm is in the same category. It's a good time now to check for worms in the roots or goosenecked plants. So. apart from spoiled hay and some.disastrous hail dam- age in the Keswick area, the general crop picture in York is good. Reconditioned Portable TV’S $89.50 53-: RED WAGON SALES SPECIAL 20 ‘ Maple, Ont. 19" Screen Thermo-engraved (raised lettering) Wedding and engagement announcements. birth announcements, confirmation in- vitations, golden and siiver anniversary announcements, etc. (Raised Lettering) Looks and feels like the finest hand engraving. The letters have an elegance and individuality only the finest hand engraving can match. Thermo-engraving (raised lettering) Costs about half as much as hand engraving. because it eliminates the copper plate that makes hand engraving so expensive. 0f cnnrse you can nrder matching enclosure cards, reception, response. ihank you and at. home cards, etc. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. 15 distinctive styles of lettering. $5.00 DOWN 'I'I-IE LIBERAL tin Chimbote. Peru. are safe and well. it has been learned. Howâ€" [ever the family is homeless and [has lost everything it possessed. |Reports from the Foster Par- lent‘s Plan office in Chimbnie state that. six other foster chil- dren in the recent. earthquake. ‘54 members of foster plan fami- Hies were killed and 35 injured. Haydee is 11 years old and lived with her mother. four sis- ters and a brother. in a one- room shack of split bamboo with an. earthen floor. I WAITRESSES REQUIRED Along,r with his May bill he got a notice advising him that. a new computer system was going to speed up the time between future reading and billing dates. On that bill. the reading date was April 27. the billing date May 8 â€"â€" 11 days later. To his surprise. he found that his next bill gave a reading date of June 8 land a billing date of July 20. He's still trying to figure out how a time lag of six weeks is an improvement. By Richmond Hill coffee shop‘ Excellent working conditions Mature ladies only need apply‘ WILLOWDALE â€"- Foster child of 18 Willowdale families‘ Haydee Robles and her family SCARBORO: The Scarboro Public Utilities Commission has one customer completely be- fuddled. Phone Mr. William: 884-5151 for appointment FOR FULL TIME in Richmond Hill? kept BEST secret What is the best (See Page 15) Wedding Invitations THERMO-ENGRAVING AND IT'S READY WITHIN 10 DAYS Just South of Richmond Hill ‘ 889-1189 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5th - 8 to ID P.M. BRING YOUR CAMERA - HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN WITH JEAN A Jean Beï¬veau 63 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, July 30, 1970 SALES 8. SERVICE (I968) LTD. 9144 YONGE ST. BAKER'S in person at