Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1970, p. 16

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PLACES Marion and Ken White, with their daughters Lorraine and Shirley, had two and a half weeks’ holiday in the east coast area, visiting Mrs. White’s two sisters, Louise in St. John, New Brunswick and Jean in Manson, Mass, near Springfield. They spent time along the Gaspe and the Cabot Trail and visited Fundy Park. with beautiful weather for travelling and en- Edythe and Charlie Birketh and children‘ Norma, Cathy Gail and Charles enjoyed much the same holiday as their neighbours, Ken and Marion -White, even to meeting them ac- Mlss Brenda York of Railway cidentally, in Fundy Park. For street was scheduled to have the Birketts it was their first her tonsils removed this weekexperience at camping and they at York Central Hospital. We enjoyed it immensely. The hope she will be well on theihighlights of their trip were the way to feeling better when she Cabot Trail and Fundy Park reads this. and they were impressed by the meeting PEOPLE announces, with regret, that continuing'increase in costs have produce( the necessity of an increase in rates for electricity. A thorough irate study, done 'in co-operation with Ontario Hydro, indicates than an aver- age increase of 5.9%, effective on billings after October 1st, 1970, will stabilize our rates two years. Deferring the effective date would re\quire a higher percentage increse. Approval was therefore sought, and received from Ontario Hydro for the following rate schedule, which will be effective October lst, 1970. Reeve G. A. WILLIAMS Rate Schedule All rates are net. Gross rates are 5% higher. Residential Service First 50 KWH per month _________________ per KW} Next 200 KWH per month __ ___________ per KW} Balance of Consumption _ ______________ per KW} Preferred Rate A special block of 500 KWH per month is available to customers with an approved metered electric water heater. Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeey News Minimum monthly bill ________________________________________________ Flat Rate Water Heaters, base cost. per 100 watts ' per month ..... General Service Up to 500 KW Demand First 50 KW per month Balance Energy ‘ First 50 KWH per month Next 200 KWH per month Next 9750 KWH per month Balance _.___ ......... _.__ Customers purchasing poWer at 8.3 KW or at 27.6/ 44.0 KW will be allowed a transformation discount of 15 cents per KW, and 25 cents per KW respectively, based on current metered demand. Over 500 KW. Demand All KW per month __________._~ per KW __ Energy All energy _________~_.___.._.. per KWH ‘_ Minimum bills Under 50 KW _ ____________________________ __ per month . Over 50 KW per KW of previous maximum m- Transformation Discounts “The Liberal” is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord, Edgeley and Kleinburs’. Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432. ELECTRICAL POWER RATES, EFFECTIVE ON AND AFTER 1st OCTOBER, 1970 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 'Aug. 6, VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP HYDRO- ELECTRIC SYSTEM joying the beauty of the area. [ We have just learned the de- * * * * tails of an interesting holiday Edythe and Charlie Birkett taken by Mr. and Mrs. Cal Hal- and children, Norma, Cathy liday earlier this year with 3 Gail and Charles enjoyed camping trailer. They spent a much the same holiday as their two week vacation camping all neighbours, Ken and Marion over Florida. They went into >White, even to meeting them ac- the Florida Keys although they cidentally, in Fundy Park. For missed Key West. The Weather the Birketts it was their first at that point was very warm, experience at camping and they but enjoyed by the Hollidays enjoyed it immensely. The and their two children Melanie highlights of their trip were the and Daryl. Cabot Trail and Fundy Park Maple United Church experience at camping and they enjoyed it immensely. The highlights of their trip were the Cabot Trail and Fundy Park and the-y were impressed by the variety of scenery in the coastal area. We were happy to hear that Mrs. Gordon Watson (Florenccl of Maple Street. who had been taken to hospital two weeks ago, after being taken ill sud- denly, is feeling much better, and is up and around in the hospital. It may be that she will be home by the time this is read. We do hope so. per KWH per KWH per KWH IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE per KW H per per per per per KW KW KW H _-_. KWH -__ KWH _ KWH __ Last Sunday was the first of the combined services of Maple United Church and St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church to be held in the United Church for the month of August at 10 am. During this month Rev. B. F. Andrew will be in charge Boys’ Baseball 7 five have managed to obtain a list of coaches for the boys baseball, and feel that it may be of interest. For the Leafs. Ross Garratt S. R. GREENWOOD 0.85 cents _ ______ $3.00 1970 0.48 cents Manager . 5.0 cents . 3.0 cents 1.60 cents 0.58 cents 36 cents 25 cents cents cents cents $0.00 $2.05 $3.00 July 27 the Tiger Cubs beat the Lions 13-3, the Leafs beat the Buds 9-7 and the Panthers beat the Beavers 13-13. On July 30 the Leafs beat the Lions 21-3, the Beavers beat :he Tiger Cubs 11-2 and the Pan- thers beat the Buds 9-7, coaches, assisted by Bill Law- son: Greg Elkins coaches the Panthers, assisted by Don Has- selfelt; Tom Mummery coaches the Beavers. with no assistance at present; the Buds are coached by Roy Homer, assisted by Dave Brown; the Tiger Cubs have Ken Fenton as their coach, and the Lions are coached by Hugh Cook, assisted by Bruce Murchison. We might add that Bruce Murchison had planned to sit on the sidelines this year after 14 years associated with coach- ing baseball, but somehow has found himself as assistant coach of the Lions. Although he was on holidays this last week. he has also been very regularly calling us with the scores for “The Liberal.” We are most for- tunate to have people like this in our community. Baseball The standings, then, are follows: Leafs Beavers Panthers Lions Tiger Cubs Buds Gil-1’ Baseball The Maple Sugars played the first game in the playoff series against the Willowdale B’s last Thursday evening and won by the skin of their teeth 20-18. The next game was scheduled for August 4, hopefully the de- ciding game out of the best two of three games. T-Ball Since the game July 28 was rained out. this leaves the Yan- kees in first place with four wins, the Champs and the Tigers with two wins each and the Expos emulating their namesakes with 0 wins. Firemen vs Policemen 7 On July 21. the Yankees beat the Champs 30-29 and the Tig- ers beat the Expos 40â€"32. A game that was enjoyed thoroughly by those spectators who were present on July 19 was played between the Fire- men and the Vaughan Police- men. Although not as many of our finest were able to partici- pate because of shift work and holidays as hadrbeen hoped, the game was a lot of fun and the Firemen won 15-10. £13; ‘Ebrfimunityrfiall Park at Anothef'iga‘me is scheduled for next Sunday. August 9_at Frank Robson Works For Children His Interest Is Reciprocated One of the most active and community minded residents of the Maple area is Frank Rob- son of Lancer Drive. Frank’s main interest lies in the child- ren of the community. Large and small they return that int- erest with almost hero worship. ; Mr. Robson is active in the ‘Maple Lions Club, where he is on 'the boys’ and girls’ commit- tee and the parks committee. He is deeply involved in Scouts and Cubs, and since he lhas had no formal training in [Scouting he sticks to his spec- iialty which is camping. . _._, “Although he recently sold his :- farm on Concession 7, Vaugh- an (Purpleville), he rights to the sugar bush the Scouts camp which he has made available for years, and for which he has some excit- ing plans for the future. sugar bush is a beehive of act- ivity in the spring when the sap is running, when busloads ‘of youngsters and adults visit 1“Robson’s Bush” for a look at imaple syrup making. Frank has ‘pl-ans to set up the five differ- ,ent processes of obtaining syrup' ifrom maple sap, so that the whole history of maple prod- ucts can be on display. Includ- ‘ed. will be the method the In- ;dians used, complete with one ‘of Canada’s natives in full dress .on hand to demonstrate. retainedi - and The ~ FRANK ROBSON work in the interests of the youngsters. He also works with the Maple Area Recreation Committee (MARC). He is ‘careful to tell us that he doesn't hold office on the committee, but helps out when he can. Frank has a mechanical abil- ity which leans toward the inâ€" ventive. He used this to ad- vantage to make the first cone threshing machine and then proceeded to improve on the Frank has a driving interest in history, including the meth- ods the pioneers used to con- quer the wilderness in early Canada, as well as his own fam- ily history. He has recently traced the Robson name back to the 1560’s when it originated in Scotland. ily history. He has recently It was Frank’s mechanicali traced the Robson name back to ability that he contributed dur-ii the 1560’s when it originated in ing his army service and it was‘ Scotland. in that service that he suffered} Frank attributes some of hisIthe accident in which he lost‘ interest in community affairs to his left hand. Even this, which' his father, James Henry Robson, most peop1e would consider a who was the secretary-treasurer severe handicap, Frank has used of the Purpleville School Sec- to advantage in dealing with his: tion for 30 years and a fOI'mel‘lyoung friends. He kids them! member of Vaughan Township‘about being Captain Hook and! Council. We have been told teaches them a valuable lessoni that the Maple Recreation AS-{in acceptance of handicaps in| sociation (MBA), with George‘themselves and others. Bailey the first acting president} Frank is also a member of was formed in Frank Robson’s'fl‘eston United Church; His; garage. For many years FrankiWife, Mal-ion (Formerly Marion? had a service station in MapleglVVatson of Maple) helps and first on the west side of Keele. goes along with Frank in all of. gin the area of the old Post his projects and dreams. Theyi Office and then across the road have a family of two, Brenda, “the Texaco station on the corn-:going into grade 12 at Lang- er before the widening of Keelejstaff Secondary School and Street). [Jimmy in grade 5 at Joseph A. Frank is in his 10th year aStGibSOll Public School. village trustee. He served his; In summing up Frank Rob- ‘first six years with Roly Kefferison, we w0uld like to use the and Jim HOngOU, and nowivords of one of his fellow Lions iserves with Fred Young and who said “Frank is one of the .Bruce Thurston. In this cap-finest humanitarians I have acity Frank is again able to_ever lmown". pm. Witli the cloxming and kibit- zing as well as the competitive spirit, these games are iun 10 watch. Plans are underway for a cruise around the Toronto 15â€" lands and an afternoon at T0- ronto Island on August 19. If no arrangements have to be change, the group will leave the Maple United Church around 9 am. arriving in Toronto in time to take the one hour cruise at 10 am. It is hoped then. that we will be able to» be on the Island for lunch. Cost of the bus and the cruise only will be $3.00 with an extra 25¢ for the Toronto Island Ferry. Arrangements for lunch are not final as yet. Please be sure to call Percy Puterbaugh at 832-1114 as soon as possible, if you plan to take advantage of this outing. If Mr. Puterbaugh is not available, call Mrs. Cooper at 832-2408. Neighborhood Notes Theresa Clcroux, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleroux, recently visited for a week. her and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hotte and three children of Oshawa. The Eugene Clemux family left by car for Ottawa July 4. In Blackburn. ThereSa and Bob- by entertained with their guitar and banjo at a reception follow- ing the wedding of a relative in Ottawa. They then enjoyed water sports and outdoor activities at a cottage on Shea Lake, near Hull, Quebec, for a few days. Theresa and Bobby again enter- tained with music at the Ven- osta Hotel in Venosta, Quebec, and "the Kaz Hotel in Kazauba- leS. Mr. and Mrs. Cleroux, Ther- esa, Bobby, Sandra, Paul and Dennis returned to Ottawa where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cleroux and many, many other relatives. Theresa says “many, many” is the right \ex- pression since one family has 21 children. The Cleroux family returned home July 11. Theresa and Bobby recently played for the residents of the Pine Grove Nursing Home at the request of Debbie Orton, president of the Mackenzie Sen- ior Public School student coun- cil. Congratulations are sent to Mr. and Mrs. John Tweddle on Klein burg Klarion Frank has a mechanical abiI-i ity which leans toward the inâ€" ventive. He used this to ad- vantage to make the first cone| threshing machine and then proceeded to improve on the‘ original to cut costs in half. We‘ must admit that we were Slll‘â€"‘ prised to know that evergreen Eones are harvested and thresh- ed. g-lMl“!mll\\lll\\“l\\\\l\\ll\l\llll\ll\lll“\lullmlmll!\mlullll“\\l“mml|\l\\\lllllll\“\ll‘ll“\“\llllI!“\\l\1lll\\\1m\\\l\lll\“\\\lllllll11llll“l\l\\l\l\l\!ll\l“\l\\\\\!l\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\|ll\\\\ll\l\\‘“NYll\\\|\\l\l\\ll\\ll\\\ll\\l\\\\lM“ll\lh\\\l\\ll\\\\\\\l\lll“\“\\l\\\\\\\l\\l\l\“l\\\\l“\\\\“\\l\“\\|\\g the birth of their first child, a‘ daughter Jennifer Dawn, at York Central Hospital July 22. She is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milley and 13th grandchild of Mrs. Charles Tweddle of Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kincade and children of Rushworth Crescent, Kleinburg Estates, have returned home after spending three weeks visiting relatives in Ireland. A surprise birthday party was" planned for Devers Agar, Isling- ton Avenue, Woodbridge, by his three sons, Wayne, Rick and Terry, July 25. Over 30 people arrived while Mr. Agar was away. On his return, to his surprise, a swimming and bar- becue party was in progress. Dev received many humorous’ cards and a variety of gifts. The fun continued well into the evening. Nine girls of the lst Klein- burg Girl Guides received their “Backyard Camping and Cook- ing” badges in June When they were tested by District Commis- sioner Mrs. Joan Goulding. On the weekend of June 12- 14, the Robins, who are Theresa Cleroux, Cheryl Donneral, Julie Cryer, Tori Swartout, Susan Goulding and Joanne Sara, camped in Mrs. Gouldings back- yard. They planned meals, cooked them, made handicrafts, hiked to Dick Swartouts’ for swimming each day, experienc- ed communal living, its joys and difficulties. 5 Directly north of the Vroom development At present, the school has only academic 2 there is the Beaton plan for a 1,003 acre subdiv- classes and students requiring vocational or g ision west of Pine Valley Drive and south of commercial courses are bused to Thornhill or 5 Elder Mills Sideroad. Langstaff Secondary Schools. in \llI\llllllll|llllllllllllllllll“llllll“Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lull“\lllllllllllllllll'lll!llll!ll“lullllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllulllllllllllwullfillllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI“RNllll\l\l1l\l\llll\\l\\\\l\\\l\l\\\\\lll\l|llllll\ll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\ll\l\\\\l\\ll\\l\ll\l’ mm ’3! Saturday Guides Judy Hos- sack, Lynda Jones and Karen Scott arrived, also for the pur- pose of camping out. Inspection was held every morning at; 10 pm 'by Mrs. Goulding and a good report was obtained at the close of the weekend. . WW“ll!“llIll“RmlNll!“llulllllllfll“lulu“[Mlliillflnlililllfllml Scout Camp 'August 17-21 New Schools For 3 Woodbridge Area Subdivisions Would Cost $5,934,200 Humber Seneca District Scout Recreation Camp will be operating again next week (August 17-21). As in July, Scouts and Cubs of the district and accompany- ing friends will be welcom‘ ed to the camp by Program Supervisors V e n t u r e r s David Strudwick (893-1236) and Jim McLean (851-0502). The H u m b e r Seneca District includes Scouting groups in Maple, King City, Concord, Woodbridge. Kleinburg, Nashville and Nobleton. About 2,836 children of school age will be moving into the Woodbridge area if three plans for residential development now before Vaughan Township Planning Board are approved and built. ‘ KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 833-5401 At a meeting on July 6, York County Board of Education was told it would have to provide three new elementary schools and a large addi- tion to Woodbridge High School to accommodate the new school population. WE'RE FLA'ITEBED, INDEED. BUT... Based on studies of similar development. staff estimates that these developments will produce 1,640 junior elementary students, 470 senior elementary students (grades 7 and 8) and 726 secondary students. Planning staff population projections indi- cate the Vroom plan for the area immediately east of Woodbridge will produce 590 junior pupils, 170 senior pupils and 266 at the secondary level, and that it will cost about $2,152,200 to provide new school accommodation for the area. The development, covering 632 acres, is planned for an area north of Highway 7 on the easterly and northerly boundaries of the Village of Woodbridge. Mrs. OWen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 There's only one Welcome Wagon. Imitation, ‘tis said, is the finest of compliments. And as a much-imitated organi- zation, we're certainly flat- lered. But as many have learned, the “reasonable facsimile." too often falls short of "the real thing." So beware of substitutes, ior there is no real substituu for the services of and the benefits provided through Welcome Wagon. WWW/m, 'amp 17-21 ca Distrivt l Camp will again nth (-21). As in “ILâ€"â€" BIRCH 4'x8' (Whilé They Last) The Rotary Club of Vaughan was selected by the district gov- ernor as the first of 53 clubs 1to visit for the annual club as- sembly. At the assembly the past year is recapped and the future planned. Peter Suttie of the Toronto- Eglinton Club is the governor of District 707 for 1970-71. In addressing the 10- cal assembly at the House of Concord,’ he challenged the Vaughan Rotarians to “Write The Story Of Rotary In Today’s Circumstances”. He emphasized that “Anything clean, healthy or good done in an unique way, with vision, will have results felt worldwide. It is the ind- ividual who makes it click and he is the reflection of his club. This is truly brought out in the Rotary principle â€" Service Above Self.” districtv ary year. In international service, the club has fostered two children in Kowloon, Hong Kong; partâ€" icipated in providing a birth control medical team in Mont- ego Bay. Jamaica, and sent aid‘ to families in distress in Thes- salonica. Greece. Closer to home, they have seen four young people attend camp and; become happier because of this experience. One young man was sent to Ottawa to partici- ;pate in Rotary’s “Adventure in {Citizenship”, shared with over 200 young people from across Canada. Rotary Club Governor Peter told the mem-l They also saw the results of] berS, “Efljoy ROtaI'y, its pl'eSt-)two years‘ work by an ortho-l ige, its fellowship, but be ardonfist in correcting dental‘ good Rota-rian by pal‘ticipa’tioniproblems of a young boy, sup- and attending meEtings. Be‘ported the work of the Victor- proud and advertise Rotary.,'ian Order of Nurses and the Wear your pin, for through it Order of St. John. you will gain worldwide respect The IndiamEskimo Centre in and be recognized as a man 0f Toronto was the recipient of high,ideals and one Who com' new flooring and furnishings mumcates by example-" donated bv the club; The club was challenged to take on a project in one of the avenues of service, particularly where it would result in better international understanding.” In quoting International Pres-i ident Bill Walk, who has as his theme, "Bridge The Gap", Mr. Suttie shared the thought that youth must be set an example more than at any other time in history. "With 50% of the 009‘ Special O”... eavy Duty PIGS‘HC Garbage Bugs bOOQOO< FACTORY CLEARANCES . . . LUXURIOUS KITCHEN CABINET 009‘ l. [lUL‘D Oufl'fia I L Hours; 8.30 am. to 5:30 pm. - Fnday 8:30 am. to 9 pm. North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. - Sat. 8:30 am. to 5 pm. PITTSBURGH PAINT... THE BEST 5 9 5 PAINT BUY ‘ - ON THE MARKET “3:22.22; !__â€"__ In six standard sizes. Beautifully prefinished inside, fully cpverednvith Washable vinyl in white color, Burma-Teak woodgrain in furnlture finish, magnetic catches and black colonial-style knobs, postformed countertops in Arborite Beige Scrim. PHONE 832-2271 NO. I CEDAR $1.19 FENCING L Ft. SEE US FOR ALL YOUR 1‘ AND COTTAGE MA'I‘EHIALD CADILLAC BUILDING PRODUCTSfiO: The Voice Of Concord Other Designs On Display “u”: -"3' (10 to a bag) - Reg. $51.49 KITCHEN SIZE BAGS - 29C PKG. (15 TO A PKG.) ml The Indian-Eskimo Centre in Of Toronto was the recipient of n' new flooring and furnishings donated by the club; world‘s population under 25. better year. Increased member. years of age, we must set fmiship has brought the strength example. but we must also lls-ito 30, drawn from businessmen ten to what they are saying." President Jack Mason of the ‘Vaughan Club led the assembly meeting and highlighted the ac- complishments of the past Rot- ary year. i In international service. the [club has fostered two children {in Kowloon, Hong Kong; Part- licipated in providing a birth $control medical team in Mont- Iego Bay. Jamaica. and sent aid‘ ‘to families in distress in Thes- salonica. Greece. Closer to lhnme, thev have seen four in the area. and as the govern. or said. “This club has no prob- blems, but can look back proud. ly and ahead optimistically." Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kerr Taylor. Lawrie Road. and chi dren Debora. David and E ward. recently spent four (133 at Iron Bridge, Blind Rive visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willia Kerr-Taylor. While there Dav‘ celebrated his fourth birthd~ July 27 at a party attended ' many of his cousins “from t north.” President Jack Mason of the Vaughan Club led the assembly meeting and highlighted the ac- complishments of the past Rot- ary year. The annual award for the best student in the House of Concord‘s upgrading education course received a trophy for his achievements. This project would bring in 310 junior school pupils, 90 senior pupils and 1228 requiring second- ary school accommodation at a. cost to the board of about $1,094,000. Many other small projects, Belated nay individually and collectively, wished for Mr were looked after by these con- July 30. cerned Rotarians. Congl‘a’tulati The past year has been one Mrs. Joseph C of great accomplishment and ted their 11th 1970-71 promises to be an even sary August 1 N Becatisé of, the distance from the school, students would have to be bused to Woodbridge High School at a cost of about $10,000 a year. The third, the Milani plan. covers 885 acres north of Highway 7 and immediately west of Woodbridge. The staff report to the trustees estimates an influx of 740 junior, 210 senior and 332 secondary school students in this area, with the cost of school construction required estimated at $2,687,400. Total cost of required school construction if the three plans are developed would be $5,934,200. Any one of the plans would requirean addi- tion to Woodbridge High School which was built in 1958, has a capacity of 360 students, and enrol- ment for September anticipated at 319. The “three plans would treble the number of students at the school, which would then prob- ably become a composite secondary school offer- ing commercial and vocational courses. 4 YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS ND COTTAGE MATERIALS NATURAL KNOTTED - DOMESTIC ALL CEDAR PICNIC TABLES ( Knock-Down TYPE) PKGS. $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Lanny McNeil have returned home to Ki High Drive after three wee holidays. The McNeillys a boys Christopher, Mark, 3 Alan, spent one week at a c tage at Bobcaygeon. one we visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willia McNeilly in Port Dover. and t last week at Balsam Lake cam ing, fishing and swimming. Upon returning home Chri topher McNeilly checked in York Central Hospital for , operation, but is home no‘ playing with his friends. . Your correspondent and hu band. Mr. and Mrs. John Col along with Kelly Ann and AI drew spent a day at the B0manville Zoo. It is a very i1 teresting place and the childre particularly enjoyed the an mals roaming around freely, - Belé‘trled Happy birthday wished for Mrs. Mary Costa July 30. Congratulations to Mr. an Mrs‘ Joseph Costa who celeer ted their 11th wedding annive‘ KEELE ST., MAPLE 'omplete with Benches

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