MILLWOOD Recreation Ltd. Open swimming at Slater's In- door Pool. Don Mills Rd. at Van- dorf, Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:30 pm. to 4:30 pm. tfc16 AUGUST 11 TUESDAY. 8 pm. â€" Summer flower show Richâ€" mond Hill Horticultural Society Lions Hall. clw6 (Continued from Page 1? services for newcomers in effect means no more newcomers. If this is the aim then financially. it is a sound one. But who really wants Richmond Hill and area â€"- in fact the whole region since we share all costs now â€"â€" to stop growing in population. Ceratinly not the existing busix ‘7) Mr. Mansbridge would like to leave the decision on whether or not BAIF proceeds to the new Regional Govern- ment, but he should know that this plan commenced its nego- tiations in 1965 and eventually the developers secured a com- mitment from the Province of Ontario that the sewage treat- ment plant, to accompany the development. would be permit- ted. To have some organization suddenly attempt to shut the door (if that is what Mr. Mans- bridge is hoping for) on BAIF would be grossly unfair. 1 sub- mit that it is “DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT: THE T0- 1 OMING VENT! MILLWOOD Recreation Ltd. Open swimming at Slater-'5 In- door Pool. Don Mills Rd. at Van- dorl’, Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:30 pm. to 4:30 pm. mm It 4: m 1. Allflllc'l‘ 11 ’I‘ITFQI\A\' 9 nm jit is allowed to go ahead, I ‘firmly believe the present town Sis going to suffer from the ef‘ Ifect it will have on our mer» Ichants." I humny submit that the proposed commercial de~j jvelopment will be in Richmond Hill and therefore it will also represent “out merchants". Fur~ 1ther, I fail to understand how 'the town is going to suffer and‘ I am now speaking of the vast public not included as “our, merchants". The public will be‘l the recipient of greater compe-‘i tition and a much wider range 10f items for purchase. I appreciate Mr. Mansbridge’s} concern and I know it is sim‘ cere, but like so many other things, his concern apparently stems from a lack of full know- ledge of the facts. Having been a member of Vaughan Township Planning Board for the last 18 months it is my view that Rich- mond Hill will be proud of thisI new development tailored to? meet the needs of an expanding population. I would be pleased} to discuss this with those who! have lingering doubts about the proposed plan. Yours truly, Wainwright Answers Mansbridge nessmen spoke of I Samtone Ccrrï¬rd Masker Yonge St. at Levendale Richmond Hill 884-4411 k-‘-III“-““I““‘I‘III‘| l“-“‘M“““““““““i Excellent career opportunity for mature, sales oriented man to supervise cable TV representatives in Stouffville, Markham, Woodbridge, Richmond Hill and Thornhill. newest, dynamic communications industry â€"â€" cable T‘TI Responsibilities include contact with apart- ment house owners and subdividers. Salary open. Prefer resident of Markham- Vaughan area. JACK EARTH CABLE TV SALES SUPERVIS that Mr. Mansbridge Here’s a genuine opportunity to enter Canada’s Contact: MR. JOHN GRAHAM, Richmond Hill Cable TV Ltd., 244 Newkirk Road, 884-8143 884-8111 Jimmy was down with a pro- involving a total loss longed illness and his motherJaL more than $2,300 had hired a professional full‘ported in Vaughan time nurse to care for him.‘last week. "And how do you like yourl Two color television nurse looking after you, Jim~ worth an estimated 1 my,†his mother said. stolen in sepl‘ate inc “Not so much," Jimmy said. “I can see why dad gets so mad at her sometimes that he bites her on the neck.†Our shirt laundry is equipped with the latest type of equip- ment so that We can deliver quality laundering at modest Cost. Considering the cost and trouble involved it really makes sense these days to send your shirts to us for professional laundering. that will be the basis for deci- sion on grth in the region. A careful reading of that plan would suggest that the only place in York County that is really permitted any growth is Richmond Hill. Provincial Gov- ernment authorities will be ex- panding on the guidelines set out in that report. (8) Mr. Mansbridge states, “IfI it is allowed to go ahead, I‘, firmly believe the present town is going to suffer from the ef-gl feet it will have on our mer-f chants." I humbly submit that: the proposed commercial de- velopment will be in Richmond Hill and therefore it will also. represent “out merchantsâ€. Fun} ther. I fail to understand how the town is going to suffer and. I am now speaking of the vast public not included as “our merchants". The public will be the recipient of greater compe~ tition and a much wider range of items for purchase. I appreciate Mr. Mansbridge's concern and I know it is sin. cere, but like so many other. things, his concern apparently stems from a lack of full know~ . l 1......,_ L--_ collision at 2.13 pm August 1 on the King Sideroad at Con- cession 2 is William Loveys, 43, of Flmvertotm Avenue, Bramp- ton. His wife was last reported in very critical condition in To- ronto General Hospital. The wife and child of one of the other drivers in the col- lision were injured. Mrs. Jac- queline Cummings. 21, of 1762 Keele Street. Toronto. suffered head lacerations and bruises, son Michael, aged 18 months, only suffered bruises when he was thrown out of the car. Driver Brian Cummings. 23, had an estimated $3,500 damage to his late model car. and head lacerations. Damage to the motorcycle was estimated at $2,500. The third vehicle was driven hv James Priest. 19. of 37l I oeople were injured, and damâ€" The other driver. Frederick age was estimated at a total of Knights of Mississauga. had 83,500 in an 8.20 am August 4 head injuries and was admitted two-car collision at 18th Avenue‘to York Central Hospital for and Concession 3 in Markham treatment. His car had an es- Township. -timated $500 damage. Vaughan William Bailey. 27. of 36' Mil- Township Police said. lard Avenue. Newmarket. had * * * * cuts and abrasions and an es- In another. but rather un- timated $2.000 damage to his usual, accident in Vaughan car. Mrs. Gayle Bailey suffered‘Township. Mrs. Anne 'l‘rela of head injury and bruises to her RR 1. Maple. suffered three legs and shoulder. The Bailey broken ribs. vehicle was southbound on Con- On lslington Avenue July 31 cession 3 at a stop sign. ‘she was stopped and outside the The other driver was Karl car when it started to roll away. Henkel, 42, of 20 Valley Crest She got tangled with the car Avenue, Markham. and he had‘when she tried to hold it back back cuts, neck injury. facialEand ended up under the front and arm cuts. He was west-lwheel. She stopped the car, bound on 18th Avenue. His car but at the cost of chest injury. had an estimated $1.500 dam- August 1 in a collision at age. Markham Township Police Steeles and Cactus Avenues in said. V .Vaughan Township, Stella Wal- RONTO CENTRED REGION LOU WAINWRIGHT Councillor Township of Vaughan 271 Bay Thorn Dr. Thornhill 889-0391 ;Burg|aries And Thefts ; iCost $2,300 In To’tal‘j {Wife's Condition Critical Three or four youths causing malicious damage in the Lang- staff Road and Fairview Avenue managed to escape pursuit. They pulled up a mailbox and smashed a wagon wheel at a home off Langstaff Road. Two color television sets, each Worth an estimated $800, were stolen in seprate incidents. A Dufferin Street home was en- tered August 2 and the televi- sion set taken, as was the case in an RR 2, Woodbridge home July 31. At Luigi Brothers Paving Limited on Maplecrete Road a burglar forced open a draWer ‘and got away with $400 cash On the beach at Boyd Park August 3 a purse containing an estimated $300 worth of cash, camera and personal papers was stolen. August 1. Vaughan Townsmp Police said. Another home was entered on Concession 6 July 31 and noth- ing was taken, although all drawers and doors had been opened during a search for val- uables. Four chrome rims were re- moved from the wheels of a car parked at the Pinecrest Speedway August 3. Dead after a three vehicle collision at 2.13 pm August 1 on the King Sideroad at Con- cession 2 is William Loveys. 43, of Flmvertoxm Avenue, Bramp- ton. His wife was last reponed in very critical condition in To- V The third vehicle was drivenlage. Markham Township Police by James Priest. 19, of 3719‘said. Woodsworth Road. Willowdale. \ * >9: it a: He had whiplash and a bI‘UISBd Damage was heavy to a King forehead, with an estimated City car July 31 in a collision $800 damage. The inves’tlgatmï¬ at Duffel-in Street and Carrvillc officer was Constable Bernie Road. Richvale. in Vaughan Harris of King Township Police. 7 The Cumming car was west- bound on the King Sideroad and collided with the Priest vehicle that was southbound on Conces- sion 2 and came through a stop sign. A motorcyclist died, his wifc was very critically injured am several other people were in- jured in accidents on Southern York Counnty‘s local roads last week. wc’i‘ihe Loveys motorcycle was eastbound on the King Sideroad Motorcyclist Dies On King Sideroad Four break-ins and twq theft§ 80R Vaughan )Township estimated were 1‘8- Township Driver of the car was Alfreda OIiVeira, 23, of Joseph Street, Bradford. Provincial Constaâ€" ble Keith Stacey made the in- vestigation. . It is requested that any per- son who may have witnessed this accident call the Oak Ridges Detachment of the On- tario Provincial Police at 773- 5281. Charges are pending. three ueople were injured, and dam- age was estimated at a total of $3,500 in an 8.20 am August 4 two-car collision at 18th Avenue and Concession 3 in Markham Township. Joseph Elie Alcide Sauve. 40, 10 Clark Street, St. Catharines. was killed when struck by a car as he walked along Yonge Street, half a mile north of the Graham Sideroad last Saturday. Last Friday. Provincial Con- stable Don Moth checked a vehicle. As a result of his in- vestigation two persons were arrested and charged with armed robbery of a Red & White store in Orillia. The sum of $6,000 was recovered by Constable Moth. Samuel Fingold. a Toronto in- house and ham wiring when dustrialist Iborn in Whitchurch‘electricity came to the Lemon- Township, died suddenly Sunâ€" ville farm community where he day, August 2, at his country lived as a boy, but he did not home at Roches Point in North jump into the corporate lime- Gwillimbury. He was 59. glight until the early 1960’s when An entrepeneur at the age Of‘he completed a series of suc- 11, Mr. Fingold organized alcessful take-over bids in the staff of 20 electricians to do commercial arena, 1nd had no chance 'to evade Township. he crashing vehicles. It col~! Driver Mrs. Diana Lary of ided with the rear of the Priest‘Keele Street South. King City. :tationwagon, King Townshipth an estimated $2,000 dam- Police said. age. Her fatlier-in-law. Nikita * * "' * Lary suffered bruises and baby Charges are pending, three Tania Law was llninjured- ‘ Catherine Glynn was taken to York County Hospital, Newman'- ket, with leg lacerations and neck injuries after the car in Born In Whitchurch, Industrialist Samuel Fingold 59 Dies Suddenly - ton, Williamsburg) NEW ENGLAND, Sept. 14 $99.50 twin lCape Cod, Bos- tom . . . New Trademark of Traihvays of Canada Ltd. MARITIMES, Sept. 12 $289 twin (incl. Gaspe, P.E.I., Cabot Trail) WEST COAST INTER- NATIONAL Aug. 14 $359 twin (incl. Mount_ Rush- Travelway5® . more, Yellowstone Park) VIRGINIA, Sept. 12. 26 $124 twin (7 days, Washing- FLORIDA â€"- 7 departures. 21-day tour, Jan. through Apr. 5329 twin (incl. Busch Gar- dens, Ybor City Tower, Tampa. Miami Beach, Mar- ineland, plus more) FLORIDA â€" 14-day tours Nov. through Apr. â€"â€" 25 departures from $195 twin. All include tours of Wash- ington, Silver Springs, Busch Gardens, Tampa, Disney World and Miami. QUEBEC CITY 8; MONTREAL, Aug. 30 $129 twin (Kingston, Ottawa, 1000 Islands, Upper Can- ada Village). MONTREAL BASEBALL. Aug. 28. Sept. 11. 18. 25 $49.95 twin each I2 nights accommodation at the Skyâ€" line. Tickets to 2 base- ball games'. oEscorts .merious o Accomodation oSightseeing & Guides OBaggage Handling oTaxes 8.- Tipping 85 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Tours 884-8191 ALL TOUR COSTS INCLUDE: Pedestrian Killed 0n Yonge. Police Seeking Witnesses that any perâ€"l New Detachment Commander lave witnessediof the Ontario Provincial Po- :all the Oakilice at Oak Ridges is Staff Ser- ent of the Onâ€"fgeant D. G. Jones. Replacing Police at 773-‘Sergeant Joe McBain who re- tired last week, Staff Sergeant Jones comes from the Forest th checked a Detachment. His career has asult of his in- taken him to such places as persons were Pembroke, Rolphton, Ganan- charged with oque, Brockton and Grand Bend. ’rovincial Con- REPORT Ywhich she was a passenger was ‘linvolved in a single-car collis- fion on the King Sideroad July 28 at 6:35 pm. Driver of the car was Michael Glynn of 136 Browndale Avenue, Toronto. Damage to the car was esti- mated at $1,300. The investiga- tion was carried out by Pro- vincial Constable Peter Corri- gan. At present the staff sergeant is looking for a home to rent. lAny help would be appreciated. The other driver, Frederick Knights of MiSSissauga. had head injuries and was admitted to York Central Hospital for treatment. His car had an es- timated $500 damage. Vaughan Township Police said. In another, but rather un- usual. accident in Vaughan Township. Mrs. Anne Trela of RR 1, Maple, suffered three broken ribs. August 1 in a collision at Steeles and Cactus Avenues in Vaughan Township, Stella Wal- dron of Toronto had an estim- ated $300 damage to her car. The other driver. Robert Patter- son of Toronto, had $600 dam- age. Vaughan Police estimated. The new staff sergeant has 21 years†service and is married \ï¬th two children, Denis and Kathy. His wife. Geraldine, hails from Arnprloi‘. In his early 20‘s, Mr. Fingold was a discount store operator in Aurora and opened stores in Kincardinne, Barrie and Mid- land in the next seven years. In 1937 he bought the Roxy Theatre in Mount Forest north of Guelph and is still remem- bered there as a ï¬ne tennis and baseball player. In the next 20 years he built or bought two more movie the ati‘es a year in Southern On~ tario. Between 1956 and 1957 he sold most of them to Odeon Theatres (Canada) Ltd. but re~ tained a full scale theatre pro~ jection room where he showed about 25 new films a year, often before they appeared in Toronto theatres. His home was also noted for its fine collection of antiques. After selling his independent movie circuit, Mr. Fingold bought seats on most of the Canadian and US commodity exchanges to accumulate capi~ tal through the international commodity trading markets. He then acquired, in what was described as a series of “mys- terious biddingsâ€, N. Slater Comnany Limited. a Hamilton- based mannufacturei- of stamp- ings. forgings and other metal products. in 1960. and Burling- ton Steel Company in 1961, am- algamating the two to form Slater Steel Industries Limited. He acquired the Foundation group of construction and en- gineering companies in the spring of 1962. and topped his record of financial accomplish- ments by gaining control of Sal- ada Foods Limited in 19664 The Canadian rFoundation Company, which, with its sub- sidiaries. was Canada's largest engineering and contraction company, and Salada Foods Limited. Canada‘s largest food- processing concern, were sold to Janin and Company Limited of Montreal. and Kellog’s of Battle Creek. Michigan. Mr. Fingold said at the time that he became interested in the N. Slater pmnpany primarily as an investment and also as some- thing to occupy his time. Mr. Fingold leaves his wife. Sidney: two sons. John Paul and David Bryce: a brother. Harvey. and two sisters. Rose Pullman and Shirley Albright. for reservations call: 884 410] ATTENTION BUSINESS MEN THE RICHMOND INN N 0w 2 Warehouse Locations 7 Corner No. 7 Hwy. & Woodbine and 2160 No. 7 Hwy. at Keele St. Open Daily 10 am. - 9 pm. - Sat. 9 am. - 6 pm Free Parking To Come Where The Action Is! MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED FRESH MEATY FABRIC and DRAPERY Textured Sport Cottth of surplus customized drapes. FuIly lined. To cover from 4‘ to 16’. The best buy by far m anywhere. Only at the Mill Outlet. Ontario No. I LARGE A Ontario No. I Large Latest designs and patterns at a mill clearout price. Reg. price $2.98 yd. Fresh Daily 29 Yonge St. S. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities RILHMUNU HILL Special . . . Purina DOG CHOW Liver <2 lb. Pkg.) 2 for 63¢ A favorite cool summer fabric Wash ’n wear for easy care Reg. price $2.98 yd. SPARE RIBS SUNKIST Special Business Men’s Luncheon from $1.25 up Just 3 More Reasons Mill “3;. Outlet Printed Shandora A Mi†Clearout 45†printed and plain CELERY Mil! Outlet Price â€"- Only (‘ome see our new look We dining lounge â€" fully licensed 45’,’ washable Mill Outlet Price Iy FARM CORN . . 12 c038 49¢ 67 Yonge St. S. All About try our bar menu in Mickey's Place for fast luncheon service CAULIFLOWER. . 29¢ Each 1/2 Price [29Yn lO9Yu OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 6, 1970 79:. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-884-Il05 u-n- - Tomatoes lEAN Ontario No. Don't Be Bashful . . . You Too Could Be a Winner No Ex or Present Employees AIIOWed to Participate I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ PUT A LITTLE FUN IN YOUR LIFE . . . JACKPOT $550 Final Week For BIKII CONTEST Bikini Contest 106 Centre St. East Starting Time - 8 pm. â€"- Early Birds 7.40 pm. 4 Specials Plus 20 Regular Games at $20. lIONS I'IAI.I. 6.9 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill THE FANTASTIC Sara Del Rai & The Revival WITH OUR EXOTIC DANCER SIGUEME RICHVALE LIONS CLUB MONDAY. AUGUST 10 113's Lge. Size “Fully Licensed†We Have 6 “Knights†at our Round Table . . . Why Not Join Us For One? RICHMOND HILL HOME GROWN 58 NUMBERS Doz. THE ROUND TABLE ROOM at. BE » ' DARING AND DRINK FUR y, PRICE