Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1970, p. 6

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YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows. doors, awnings also glass and screen repairs phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears, bells, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Matli’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfc50 b‘gr all maKeS. RePail‘S to 8180- SELF illuminating Zodiac signs, tuc lawnmowers and small ap- will Stick anywhere and glow pliances. Math’s TV 49 Indus. brighth in com .. . .- ’ .' plete daikneSJ. “M334'7903- “C50 These attractive and unique deâ€" COOD usedâ€"typewriters for sale calls are made by Lumidial {tom $25 up. 884-6524. tfc51 Canada Limited in Richmond NEW fiON‘EY' BEES [Hill 60 cents per Sign, $1 for Annninfmnnt mm. Wm...“ ‘Lwo. Phone 884-8378. c2w3 Richmond Hill m__-_tfc§ SIECRETARY’g desk Ana chair. SEASONED hardwood for fire- 373-5374. __c_2w5 Places. also kindling. Picked-upiOFGK§Sâ€"; Hammond :mEl or delivered, 96 Steeles Ave.£L0\\'rey. summer clearance sale. W. or call 225-2781. tfcmfall models. Save up to $500. 889-2724 CEDAR posts. and fence rails call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089, Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in. cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rate: avail- able to students. L. II. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Clearings in Cotton printed factured to sell reduced to 79¢ rec. rooms etc. KITCHEN cabinets and vanities.!_ ‘9”“99”? Wm Free estimates. Creative DecorJ DRIVEWAY GRAVEL office and showroom. 9212?Crushed stone. sand. concrete Yonge St., Richvale 889-2462, gravel etc, delivered in small 773-4696. tfc42 quantities. Call C. L. Knappett -â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" [884-3089. “C37 A I IYMI‘VITI' ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 GARDEN SUPPLIES Loam - manure - top dressing. top soil, fill, screened loam. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc4 LITTLE PEARLS GREENHOUSE Potted Plants. Cut. Flowers etc. 833-5306. DEEP FREEZER, 33 cubic feet one year old. Best offer. 884-[X{é_ffii' 1016. V~______¢_1_\:6[,68 HR CAPTAIN’S chairs, 6, old and‘3350 0,. heavy. 884-8072 or 727-4186. l334.4350 camp cot and mattress, as new. 884-2663. clw6 4 chrome kitchen chairs. one ANTIQUE mantel clock, $50. needs repairs. 884-1816. cl\\'6 ELECTRICâ€"gaitalfifithfircase. like new. $25. 884-7949. (-1er TAPPEN 30’7rangeTFrigi'daire fridge. good condition, reason- able. 225-9581. cle SINGER seikvixigmâ€"méc'hihe‘. straight stitch. walnut cabinet, excellent condition. 884-2719. c1w6 BABY crib and mattress $20: carriage $20; single bed and mattress $19: chest of drawers $15; junior bed and mattress $20. 884-4602. c1\\'6 CLOTHING â€"â€" bfi‘s'sxfgih‘s' 12 s; 14. 884-5444. c1w6 22 rifle, steam engine, slot car set. 884â€"2237. c1w6 Appointment only RANGETTE. améfimafic and timer $35. 884-3295. oven COMPLETE wardrofie, lik_e new, give away prices. Dresses, suits, coats, sizes 10-16. Miscelâ€" laneous men’s and children‘s. 889-2665. clws 4210. c1\\'6 CHESTERFIELD, cllaii‘ffiiuâ€"e; and picture. like now. Best of- fer. 884-5510. cl\\*6 WYN~DOT THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL, ONT 884-2214 piece Chesterfield $ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8: per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .9Qc and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Clusllled advertisements should be in as early in the week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone III at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill,‘0ntario, Thursday, 'Aug. 6. 197 DRAPI-IRY wide-width 48". drapery, manu- at $2.98 yd. now yd. â€"â€" ideal for 884-1745 Werner. tfc3 89. {LAMPS table, mirrors, Pic-iplicants with conside c3w4ftu1‘es â€" 1.3 off, odd lamp shades‘ing assistant experie |$2 each. drapes â€"n€\\" â€" 1 pail“ anent positions \vitl 35mg \veathoi'foil, 1 pair ivory dam- fringe benefits, 40. loam’lask. lmeq. Samples 2 - 5 yd. working all shifts. E ‘3089'Llengths 1,2.price. Suitable forLance will be paid fo: tfcé‘small Windows, shpcoversfland night shifts. i stools, etc. sonnel Department, 1 ‘ MARGARET CORDINGLY Street East. Toronto c1w6 c 1w6 c1 “'6 tfc4 Furniture Imported. sold from warehouse Living, dining and bedrooms, etc. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. (EFCO) Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, Bramalea 451-5369 Open daily 1-9 pm. Saturdays 10 am. - 6 p.111. Lowrey. summer clearance sale, all models. Save up to $500. Also Used organs on sale. Cash or terms. Organ lessons only $1. Toronto Organ Centre, 5254 Yonge St. Willowdale. .132 miles north of 401. Largust selection. 222-6517. c3w4 WALNUT table. buffet and hutch modern and new. 884- 2551. clw5 GENDRON baby carriage, like new $20. 884-7679. clw6 100 LEGHORN pullets, 4 mos. old. Edward Gleave, 178 Maple Ave., Richmond Hill. *2w6 2 PAIR drapes, 72” x 95" and 144" x 95". blue and white, never used, $55 for lot. Com- bination refrigerator freezer. perfect condition, $195. 889- 8318. ne1w6 4 new 2 ply tires, 775x14 $50; 3 boys‘ 3 speed bicycles $45, $30, $20; lightweight Italian touring bicycle, 10 speed $90. 884-3489. \ c1w6 ’68 Honda CL350, must sell, $350 or best offer. Call Pat. 884-4360. c1w6 ADMIRAL TV. portable an}! stand, 8‘ lawn table. Thor auto- matic Gladiron. 884-4335‘ _ INTERIORS } 7705 YONGE ST., THORNHILL' 889-1386 TREE SERVICE Removal (Trees and Hedges) Pruning Transplanting Clearing Jobs. We will go any- where. Got a pruning problem? For free estimates call: LINDSAY LANDSCAPING 884-7790 ALL types of landscaping. rockâ€" eries. patios. and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam, peat and mushroom com- post by the yard or load. Free estimates. A. Hartwick, 889- 6338. tfc42 WILLOW HILL LAWN 8; GARDEN SUPPLY 889-7024 29-1-0791 c4xk’5 GIRLS p 1‘ e f transportation 884-6236. LADY secondary school teacher and 6 year old daughter require room and board in Willowdale â€"â€" Thornhil]: area. near elemen- tary school, Monday to Friday, September 8th. Call 519-432- 5024 collect. clwfi ROOM and boardâ€"available 334- 4148, . c1\\'€ ROOM or Roéfii and-Bond Availab 884-494‘ GARDENING FOR SALE TEAKWOOD Patios Sidewalks Steps Our specialty Free Estimates 773-5053 'red, close to and industry. anadian small ppett tfc37 1ouse‘ Consider real estate selling. SetL )oms, ‘ your ). Line. 111. tfc50 r i FRUSTRATION IS UNNECESSARY If you are not satisfied with‘ your present income and work-; ing conditions then why stay‘.’, own income and hours Top training offered. For de- tails call Mr. White 01‘ Mr. Cuff. Norm Black Realty Limited. 889-6241. tfc4 GENTLEMEN are you interest- ed in a rewarding career with a large Canadian sales finance company? Call Mr. Campbell, 884-8156. tfc4 c1w6 *1w6 “('38 10m 431311371471??? WANTED . HELPVV WANTED EXTRA‘MONEY ‘ 3 hours. 4 evenings per week and Saturday, $50. Must have car. 789-7287. tfc41 EXPERIENCE auto body repalr man wanted. 'B-licence, excel- lent workiug conditions. Must have own tools. 889-3633, Thornhill. : c3w4 EXPERIENCED cook for Pop’s Tavern. 884-2752. tfc34 LIKE A HORSE We work you like a horse but $100 per week buys a lot of oats. Must have car. Experience not necessary. 789-7287. tfc41 EXPERIENCED drapery seam- stress. Apply in person Bouk- ema’s Interiors, Towne & Coun- trye Square. ‘ ‘ RELIABLE couple to look after our Arabians, close to Maple. Apply to Box 8, “The Liberal". ' tfc52 WANTED 3 or ’4 women, part time to canvas country locations forlarge daily newspaper start- ing in Sept. Must have own car, guaranteed salary plus commis- sion. For interview call Mr. Johnson‘ 884-4408. , tfcl WAITRESS â€"- full and part- time. Pop's Tavern. 884-2752. NURDlnu ATTENDANTS $106.80 PER WEEK After 6 months probation, $112.80. Required by Metropol- itan Toronto for Homes for the Aged in Newmarket and in the Yonge-Finch area of To- ronto. Registered Nursing As- sistants are preferred but conâ€" sideration will be given to ap- plicants with considerable nurs- ing assistant experience. Perm- anent positions with excellent fringe benefits. 40-hour week working all shifts. Shift allow- ance will be paid for afternoon and night shifts. Apply Per- ‘sonnel Department, 67 Adelaide WAITRESSES required for full time by Richmond Hill coffee shop. .Excellent working condi- tions. Mature ladies only need apply. Phone Mr. Williams, 884-5151 for appointment. apply. ynone lVll‘. wnuamsu SERVICE ’Sfifi‘fiffiâ€" for appointment. J __ W_,_V7_W£1_‘f§ We require 2 full time men to WAITRESS required by topiwork swing shifts, 8 - 4 pm and private clubl in Thornhill. 889-14 - 12 am. Preferenee will be 4818. ‘ c1w6 given to those with bay \vork fifiâ€"G‘ISFERED*hW_ experience. Must be neat and ants or experienced practical‘tldy 1n appearance. Phone 'Esso, nurses for day or evening duty, 490'_ Maple 832-1166 for inter: also woman required for house- V16" - Ch“) keeping department. Transpor- MECHANIC re qu ir ed, must tation provided along Bathurst, have diesel and gas experience. Steeles and Yonge Streets to Boben Equipment. 889-7717. Richmond Hill. The Villa Hos- clws pital, Mrs. Stewart, 889-7904. FYDFRIFNI‘IPI" INTERESTED in home typing? 889-0688. c1w6 EXPERIENCED short (Ede? PRESSMAN. experienced, off set letterpress. for local plant Write Box 27, “The Liberal." WE NEED experienced office gals for tem porary assignments. cook. 851-2821. c1w6 MATURE man to work on golf course year round, Thornhill area, 889-3291. clw6 EXPERIENCED accounting clerk required. Apply Toronto Dominion Bank, Royal Orchard Shopping Centre, Thornhill. 889-0510. F. Martin. c1w6 FEMALE bookkeeper required for construction company cap- able to trial balance, accounts payable and inter~cqmpany ac- counts, own transportation re- quired, 225-7749. c1w6 FULL time crossing guards needed for September 8th, light work. Good pay. Must be reâ€" liable. Apply Richmond Hill Police Department. c1w6 PART time secretary, unattach- ed, over 30 preferred. Know- ledge of math and physics help- ful. Pel'f Pro M. Szeller, Lake Wilcox P.O. c1w6 WANTED - female workers for production work as punch press operators. only 19 and over need apply. 889-7549. tfc6 4th class engineer, 884-4591 WOMAN “’an cooking for 10‘ Nursing Home Richmofid Hill accounts payable clerk e x p e r i e n c e d one-rite 53's- tem. own transportation accounts payable clerk. ex- perienced. Markham area tire with excellent shorthand executive secretary, attrac- and dicta. POSITIONS AVAILABLE Hl-(‘ORPS PERSONNEL 18 Yonge St. North Ric"“‘m'" Hill Iii-CORPS PERSONNEL 18 Yong’e St. North Richmond Hill 884-6782 884-6782 anted to do plain 10-12 people. Apply 119, 382 Yonge St.. 88-1-76“ 70 tfc49 c2wB c1w5 clwfi c1w2 clw6 cl\\'6 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Opening for 1 energetic man, over 30 years 'of age. to special- ize in farm land and invest- ment property sales. We main- .tain business hours. Spend ev- enings and weekends with your family. Higher earning in a specialized firm. Call Mr. Mc- Lean, 889-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors, 74 Steeles Av- enue West. clw5 NIGHT secretary required for ireal estate office 5-9.30 alter- inate nights and weekends. Ex- cellent typing a must. Apply Mr. Laing 884-4425. N. S. Smith Real Estate Ltd. c1w5 RICHMOND Hill coffee shop irequires full. time cooks, ex- perience an asset but not essen- tial. Call Mr, BLISSell at 884- 5151 for interview. clw5 Sprav painter‘ lllIUl‘lllaL‘lUfl can Dom-U100. ‘ [1004 Apply Excel Metalcraft Limited, ~_._hrfi_fl_ W, “N5 GENERAL contracting, altera- 95 Cousins Drive, Aurora, 727- ROOM to rent. 884-1638. tions and additions. homes, of- 9431. C1W6 Clwe‘fices, factories. Custom carpen- STRONG boy to cut lawn and $200 a month, 6 room house, 2 try Of 311 descriptions- Les work in large garden $1.00 an bedrooms, garage. Year's lease, Webb 339-2545- “C3 hour. 884-7653. ch6 renew. Possession September. FLOOR. COVERING FREE CATALOGUE ‘Get your Rawleigh Catalogue now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or part time. Write W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd., Dept. Hâ€"351-FC. 4005 Richelieu lSt., Montreal 207, Que. c1w6 INSURANCE CLERK' (female) required for Shouldice Hospital, 7750 Bayview Ave., Thornhill. Air conditioned building and many employee benefits. (Continued) WE ARE SEEKING AN AMBITIOUS MAN Who is dissatisfied with his present job and would like to join a successful sales organ- ization. He must be married and have a good work record. Starting Salary $600 monthly. plus expenses. Write Box 25. "The Liberal". c2\\'5 TEMPORARY‘ ASSIGNMENTS 2 Honeywell 01‘ Mohawk key tape operators GIRL Friday for general of- fice work, some bookkeeping necesary. Cavallo Wrecking Ltd., 889-6985. : c1w6 necesarx‘. Cavallo Wrecking LARGE furnished basement Ltd., 889-6985. : c1w61~oom _. gentleman, parking. ITEâ€"SPONSIBLE elmâ€"re} requigd‘ 884-1215. 01"“5 for light delivery. For informa- tion apply at 65 Duncan Rd., Thornhill. c2\v.6 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER (LADY) Must have ability to operate bookkeeping m a c h i n e and supervise staff. Attractive sal- ary. Please write or telephone Mr. Warnick at Toronto Air- ways Ltd. Buttonville 297-1422. ch76 PART-time bookkeeper. should have experience. $60 week. SARAH COVENTRY nationally advertised jewelry announces expansion program in your area. Immediate opportunities for full or part time. No investment. Call 368â€"9321 clw6 PART-time bookkeeper. sh have experience. $60 \.Write Box 28 "The Liberal Students, catch frogs, we’ll buy them. Canadian Live Bait, Con- cession 7. lot 33, Maple. '2\\'6 USED household furniture, pi- anos and appliances Call Cent- ral Van 8; Storage. 884-1146. FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promply. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woouvillle, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. Call: 884-6944 MONA ROBERTSON Temporary Placement Service c1w6 PART TIME work. sidewalks patios. septic tanks removed i-‘el‘andahs and cement work 889-0879. clwf 18-YEAR-OLD student wishes work. 884-1637. 31w6 MASSEYiflarris tractor, with plow and cultivator, ideal for snow plowing. 833-6804. 02w5 TOURS. cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and indlvi- dual trawl. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. Telex typist 9 am. - 4.30 pm. 889-1127 EMPLOYMENT ‘ pET RSALE WANTED l~~~ SFO # ‘_ , iNew owner Bfietty Forsyih. DEE-i JRNITURE slip covers cutlgrooming â€" poodles a speciaity. d fitted in your home. Work-[Jill Goddard. 889-3606. FARM EQUIPMENT WANTED Tâ€"RAV'EL F.10GS \\'ork‘[A BRIGHT spacious 3 rooms ; and $125; also 4 rooms $140, both Esso, with heat, hydro, and water in‘ inter- eluded, adults, shared bath, c1w6 Richmond Hill central. HUS- c717w6 l A tfc51 clwb' tfc44 tfc4 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FifRNi’SHED’WbBrh, cooking FURNISHED room. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 FOR lease. 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft industrial space, Newkirk Road Features dock level loading 16'6" clear. immediate posses sion. 3110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. FURNISHED room for young lady, homey atmosphere, cen- tral area 884-8843. 02w5 SINGLE room, females only. 884-2855. c2w5 FURNISHED room, business girl. cooking possible, Bayview - Markham. 884-3900 evgs. tfc2 SUBLET 1 bearoom apartment, Yonge St. Thornhill. swimmmg pool. sauna. 884-5211. “’63 fU'RNlSHED bedsltting room, suitable for a woman. 884-2551. clw5 2 OFFICES. located in new building Keele and Hwy 7 area, 800 sq. ft. and 400 sq. ft. For information call 889--0163. bedrooms, garage. Year‘s lease, renew. Possession September. References. 884-4517. c1w6 ROOM for rent. furnished. Bay- view and Markham district. Gentleman preferred. 884-3540. c1w6 BACHELOR apartment, kitchen fridge and stove. private bath- room partly furnished if de- sired. I block east of Yonge St, suitable for 1 person. Apply to 884-2195. > *lwfi 3 BEDROOMS, 11/2 bathrooms, large livingroom and kitchen. Full basement, carport. Chil- dren welcome $190. monthly. Available Sept. 1. 884-2942 after 6 pm. c1w6 TWO rooms and kitchen 111 Maple. 832-2631. c1w6 galow close to Yonge St. $150 -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~r monthly. Mr. Rizzi, 222-5481.| BRICK 4“ STONEWORK Harold Keffer Ltd., Realtor. Fireplaces â€"â€" chimneys â€" cus- c1w6 tom built ~â€" patios, walls, W flower-boxes garages. etc. Guar- T ! :E‘ZSIanghgidgfd“fiftifiigfeg’ anteed workmanship. For free l"~ ’ estimate call M. H. Construction .c‘all after 6_ pm.‘889~5597. get}; 88443484. ,fcz RICHMOND Hill 5 room bun-E "" ‘ “C41 BEDSITTING and kitchen, stove and fridge“ unfurnished, call after 6 pm. 889-5597. Gen- tleman preferred. *2va A BRIGHT spacious lower du- plex 7 rooms, modern kitchen and bath, garage, garden, cen- tral heat. hydro am; water in- cluded. $225. Adults, Richmond Hill. HU8-2578. clw6 2578 FURNISHED room, T.V., park- ing. $15, must be reliable no cooking 884-4602. clwfi FEMALE STUDENT (2) WANT- ED to live in - no charge in ex- change for baby sitting. Own room. 889-8887. clw6 2 BEDROOM apartment and 1 bachelor 884-2576. tfc6 7615. cl‘xV‘G APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 bedroom suite for October 1, $165 a month. Rent includes hydro, fridge, stove, heat, soft water, etc. Near Richmond Heights Plaza. Adults only. Gall George C. Wilcock, Real Estate. 884-8811. (22w?) SEMI-detached bungalow m country â€" twa bedrooms, oil heated immaculate condition, abstainers preferred. 837-5632. c1\\'6 house on Yonge Street, Thorn-- hill. hwy. 7. 889-1249 or 889- 9653. c]\'.'6 MAPLE - 111856th "H'iil’area five rooms: bathroom. basement phone between 6 and 7 pn. 889-2460. (‘1‘.v6 AVAILABLE immediately, 2 bedroom apartment. unfurnish- ed $150 including parking 449- 6009 or 884-8083. ‘ clwfi OPEN storage for rent NICE furnished room, cooking facilities, suit young lady. 384- MERLAND KENNEL’S REG’D Boarding Now Available Cool in Summer and warm in Winter. Ideal conditionsâ€"clean healthy â€"â€" outdoor runs. New- market, 5th Concession, 895- 8281. c7\\'3 ’CWRDING Household pets kittens available to good homes. Also portrgits of pets, paste! or pencil PUP. free 19 good home. par German Shepherd. 884-5347. TO RENT 'MISCELLANEOUS i MISCELLANEOUS; TRAILERS in small t{c50 cle tfclS CLEANING WINDOWS. WALLS AND FLOORS Day or night 884-2433 ‘ SHAMPOOING SUMMER SPECIAL Rugs and chosterfields. Day or tfc23 night. 884-2433. tfc52 PAINTING extefibf‘and in- terior. carpentry work. altera-‘ Hons, rec room. no job too‘ large or too small. 884-5009. ‘ PLUMBING a: HEATING ‘Roger Proulx -- Telephone -â€" ‘884-1650. tch4 1 LL" _ _ 7.- ..7._-,,____ ‘ STANLEY W. BURNS Custom Carpentry Complete Home Building 649-5590 884-1596 c-iw4 SINGER SEWING MACHINE Repairs â€" any make ‘ Northtown Plaza ? 221-9357 RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tfc42 FINLAY ELECTRIC Contractor. free estimates. Call anytime 884-3931. tfc37 BAKER'S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer a; water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms, additions. renovations. tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. FLOOR. COVERING All types floor tile. sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call "The Lib- eral" 884-1105. ‘ HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor Additions. alterations. recrea- tion rooms, ceiling and floor tiling and painting. Free esti- mates. E. Fox. RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior â€" Exterlor. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tf-s35 Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 Plastering G. J. CURRIE/ BUILDING CONTRACTOR Alterations and additions. Com- mercial and residential. Custom carpentry. 773-5604. tch ‘RAIZP’H’ ’ELZMS’DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. CHIMNEYS i LAKEFt Chimneys and fireplaces builtlrooms, g and repaired. Free estimates.l50’ X 31 Expert workmanship. 20 years Airport: experience. Phone 884-2882. 0f Ol'illi WALKER CONSTRUCTION 773-5978 tfc43 Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES Exterior and pairs. Free estimates. Rlcnmuna Hill. 884-6073. *Zws Harold Elliott’Conétructiethfil: 884-9312 Serving York County and Arm Renovations, additions. custom homes, cottages, septic tanks and drainage systems. 24 hr. phone service for emergencies LEONARD! BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General Repairs. Patio. Stonework Side- \vaik, Trenching and Excavating Lic. No. D0033. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR HANS BUTT 889-4106 New Flagstone Patios 8.: Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 RUBBER STAMPS C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 E. W. PAYNE CARPENTER 1C1: PAINTING R. CLARK PAINTING 884-2433 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 889-7480 889-52-8 interior, minor rc- ‘timates. Richmond Call “The leeral” TODAY Thornhill tfcu tfc32 tfc27 tfc43 tfc46 tfc52 tfc20 Les tfc3 {£044 tfcz tch "â€" LAMBERT PAINTING Interior and exterior painting Free estimates. Phone 223-9471 PRIVATE 1966 Méteor s33. bucket seats, A-1 condition. Full price $1295. 222-6150. c4w3 SCHooL' BUSES 1966 and prior models. Various makes and passenger capacities. Suitable for passenger opera- tion. group activities or con- version into campers. Phone D. Hadwen 925-5411 or 833-5352. 1966 PONTYAC convenible, reaâ€" sonable 884-6882. c1\\'6 *YORK IMPORT AUTOMOBILES LTD. PHONE 889-8830 on 884-8134 16 INUSTRIAL ROAD AT YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL TEST DRIVE THE NEW N600 HONDA SEDANS â€" ONLY $1695. OVER 45 M.P.G. SAVE GAS EXPENSES AND SEE} FOR YOURSELF. 1 USED CARS MUST BE SOLD!! 1968 Mustang Fastback V8, loaded. 23,000 miles, one oun- er, new tires, like new. Lic. No. P13756. 1966 Rambler “770” Classic big six. auto. original paint- work. Perfect throughout. Ideal for the wife. Lic. No. 437535. 1965 Comet V8, auto. radio. Reallv sharp and fast. Lic. No. 531â€"23. Save our Mercury problem!!! Bring $1,000 for our ’65 Park- lane hardtop, “not polluted". Lic. No. L668'73. c1w6 LITTLE GIRL very unhappy. 3 months old kitten, reddish- brown, Beechy Dr. area. 884- 2244. clwfi radio. low mileage, excellent condition. price $900 with safe- ty certificate. Call after 5, 889- 2943. c1w6 1958 Volkswagenâ€"- dune buggy. 884-5769 after 6 pm. c1w6 3-NIONTH femalikitten, black with orange markings â€" Centre and Bayview area. 884-8647. SIAMESE cat. Elizabeth and Centre St. area, sand coloured with black ears, paws etc, b1:- longs to 7 year old girl. Re- ward offercd. 884-4842 or 884- 5272, C‘ZWS MARMALADE coloured kitten, answers to Cedar or whistle, Baker and Markham Area. please call 884-1789. clw6 RICHMOND HILL AREA 4 month old male puppy, black with white front, wearing a red collar. Contact Roger Pyke, days. 927-0181 evenings 488- 5957. c2\‘.6 1966 Plymouth Satellite V8 auto.. certified, private, $1295 or \offer. 727-3796 evgs. CRYSTAL PIER LODGE 1 and 2 bedroom housekeeping cottages and sleeping cabins, boats and motors, store, dining room. gas, etc. Cabins from $20 \veekly, housekeeping from $45. Box 392, Fenelon Falls or phone Kinmount 91R21. *3w4 LAKEFRONT cottag‘e, six rooms, garage and sunroom, lot 50’ x 310’. Lake St., John on Airport Road, seven miles north of Orillia. 312.000 with terms. 773-5978 or Orillia 325-5984. LOT for sale in Baysville area, Lake Mnominee. Phone 222- 5143. tfc34 EXéELLENT building lots. Dfil (2105 Point. 45 miles from Rich- mond Hill. 884-2273. tfc50 SINGER SEWING MACHINE Ronairs â€" any make Northtown Plaza 221-9357 '1’9'65’Vauxha11 Victor, certified, good condition, $395. 884-8841. c1w6 Summ‘er Properties BLACK bobtailed kitten. I tier area. Reward. 884-5831 TENNESSEE \x'a hor S700. 889â€" Stables 88 JOHNNY INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING 773-4461 E ‘91, TRENCHING Underground cable and water pipe trenching. Phone 884-6266 Richmond Hill. USED CARS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 220 chestnut ‘nglish s LOST walker â€" qua it gelding, he saddle and t l or Cumberl 884-1105 vuuuc “ca! TENT trailer for rent, sleeps 6 figuâ€" 8844531752” A tfc48 .v‘ TENT trailer for rent. 384-5887 {ding after 7.30 pm. c1w6 884-15965FOUR. five and six berth tailâ€"- c-lwévers. Some bookings in August cfinfiE‘IAcro Enterpnzes. 125 Yonge St. 3k, '5. Aurora. 727-9546. cle n 15’â€" TRAVEL trailer last Live weeks of August. 889-8520. tfc44 “046 5352.1.HOUSEKEEPING c o t t a g .2 s, c4w3‘Land of Lakes area, inside con- â€"‘“lviences, safe sandy beach. fish- ’plfiféiing, boat included. 884-3753. c 1va c1w6 2W5 ‘ TEACHER. piano and theory, " establishing Richmond \Hill. ‘p 884-3925. tfc50 tfcl c1w6 BI ;ht 884-3925. tfc50 EXPERIENCED secondary and elementary teacher will tutor all grades and subjects up to grade eleven. LANGUAGES grades 12 and 13. 884-1669. c1w6 RELIABLE day home, $12 a week home, pick-up if desired 1928 or 884-9379. BABYSITTING in my home. 5 days a week, 1 hot meal a day. $12 per week. 884-8830. c2w5 CARE for children given in my NOW AVAILABLE SCENIC water front lots in popular vacation areas priced ‘from $900 up. 727-3038. {£06 U"'_'HA' UT 1â€"â€"â€"ocal and onâ€"EQWAE‘AUGI-JST 15,‘ SATURDAY .â€" Bob Donald’s E550, 9700 Yonge Cleanng Auctlon of Household St. 884-8011. tfc48 Effects including RCA deep 7 ~* freeze, electric washer, vac- CONTINUED savings on ()I'Io‘ll _ lum cleaner, 3 toilet sets, oil hardtops' Free camping DOOk"lamps, radio, Chesterfield chairs, free spare wheel, free canopy, . , gramophone and records, odd free car wiring. 6 mode1§. Mc- chairs, odd dishes. silverware, KenZie Camping T1'311?1'5\-;hat-nots, , bedding, earthen- Ltd. Hwy 7 East at BaYVleW- ware, range, settee. tables. Otto and Wheel'campel'- ‘dressers. nillows. wash stands. ALL sewing repairs and altera~ tions for your family. Pick up and delivery. 884-8859. tfc36 DRESSMA KIN G Summer Accommodatlon with short hand, required for local cable television office. Interesting work in pleasant surroundings 1970-71 expansion program in residential, land and commercial activities. Specialized training and assistance. North End Office. 8242 Yonge Street. Mr. W. Sacks, F.R.I., Manager. 889-7771. For library and audio-visual, typing and schedul- ing experience preferred. To assist staff in non- teaching duties. DAY CARE TRAILERS TO RENT SECRETARY Mark II Senior Elementary School UNIONVILLE TUITION Apply to Mr. L. J. Dobson, Principal BOX 339, UNIONVILLE, om, CALL MR. COXFORD 884-8111 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY '1' 1'311?1'5h-;hat-nots, V bedding. earthen- ‘ at B“‘3’V19W-‘ware, range. settee. tables. amper- fdressers, pillows, wash stands, “C4 also McCormick Cub tractor Lwlth plow, mower, cultivator (this equipment is like new) small garden'tractor, number W antique items, large iron .pol. mm Pick up lawn mower, bicycle: trailer, 3859. “C36 garden tools, crooks, Jars. etc., the property of Mrs. Mary Laughlin in the village of [C Cherrywood. Note: This is only M__ a partial list of the large num- teacher will‘ber of items. There will be my home. 5lboxes.» are in my 884-4985 c1w6 FOR OUR tfc52 884- tfc6 £02 BUSINESS couplé require isnizivlâ€"l house. vicinity of Hwy. 7, steady reliable tenants 889-5024. Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EMS-8684. tfcl’? ANYONE interested in joining Christian Businessmen’s Group phone_ 884-9312. Leave name and phone number. SALE REGISTERS PERSONAL MON. - TUES. 8 am. to 6 pm, WED. - FRI. 9 am. to 5 pm, SATURDAY am. to 12 noon WANTED TO RENT cZwG Lfcs

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