Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1970, p. 7

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BLACK and white wire" haired terrier, answers to Debbie. Re- wa‘ffl. 889-6912. clw7 LITTLE girl very unhappy, lost her red and brown kitten, area near golf course. Please pnone 884-2244 again. $10. reward. TIMEX calender wrist watch taken from clothes basket at St. Patrick's pool August 10. Please return to Lifeguard or send to C. Bolton, 95 Naughton D12. Richmond Hill. 884-4884. Re- ward. c1w7 Do you have a drinking probâ€" lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EM6-8684. tfcl'l ANYONE interested in joining Christian Tradesmen‘s Group phone 884-9312. Leave name and phone number. tch 3171:5311”; I'Epairs and altera- tions for your family. Pick up and delivery. 884-8859. tfc36 AUGUST 15, SATURDAY â€" Clearing Auction of Household Effects including RCA deep freeze, electric washer, vac- uum cleaner, 3 toilet sets, oil lamps, radio, chesterfield chairs, gramophone and records, odd‘ chairs. odd dishes, silverware, “hatâ€"hots, bedding, earthen- ware, range. settee. tables, dressers. pillows, wash stands, also McCormick Cub tractor with plow, mower, cultivator (this equipment is like new) small garden tractor, number antique items, large iron pot, lawn mower. bicycle. trailer, garden tools, crocks, jars. etc., the property of Mrs. Mary Laughlin in the village of Cherrywood. Note: This is only a partial list of the large num- ber of items. There will be 2 auction rings at the same time. Make this sale a must, lots of old articles. Property sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. Refreshments available. Atkin- son and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. and‘, Auctioneers. c2w6 SHORT term available. low Write Box 31 fifio 510-1300, 13' h.p., used 1 season, $600. 884-3931. c1w7 SATURDAY, AUGUST 15. 1970 SALE REGISTERS 1 PM -â€" Auction Sale of house- hold items etc. including dining‘ room chairs. Continental beds, set of 8 blue rose ironstone by Wedgewood. Large oval braided rug. china, tools, electric au- tomatic baseboard heater and many other items. For Mrs. Della Kitchner 21 Clarence St. Woodbridge, first street west of Islington Ave. off Pine. Gord Orr, Auctioneer. clw7 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Baker of Thornrhlll are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their youngest daughter Patricia Joan to Gordon David Fyfe son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fyfe of Stayner. Wedding to take place Saturday, August 22 at 3:00 o'clock in St. Mary’s Angfican Church, Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cragg of Newmarket are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming marri- age of their daughter, Valerie Rose, to Mr. Alton Avery, of New Brunswick. The marriage will take place on Saturday December 12. 1970 at 4 pm. in Richmond Hill United Church. c1w7 Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Taylor of Chelsea. Michigan are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Cath- erine Anne to John Terry Aim- one, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Aimone of Thornhill, Ontario. The wedding to take place Sep- tember 5. 1970 at St. Andrews‘ Episcopal Church. Ann Arbor. Michigan. c1w7 GOLDEN WEDDING The sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Daley of 463 Windhurst Gate, will be hold- ing open house for family‘ and friends Saturday August 15 at Our Lady Queen of the World Church, Bayview Avenue, at Crosby between the hours of 7 pm - 10 pm. following 50th anniversary celebrations and reception. No gifts please. ifinrthmming marréagta anniversary celebrations and reception. No gifts please. c1w7 t it a a Mr. and Mrs. J, B. King. of 239 Alsace Road, will be holding an Open House on Saturday, Au- gust 29, from 2 pm - 4 pm, in honor of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fox. Please accept this notice as your invitation. No gifts please. *1w7 us in the loss of our beloved husband and father Edward Lomax. We especially wish to thank Rev. Robert Mackie for his consoling words. All the donors of many floral offerings and contributions to the Heart Fund, York County Hospital staff. Dr. Susan Niremberski and the Marshall Funeral Home for their kind efficient service. Vi Lomax and Family c1w7 DRESSMA KING SNOWMOBILES Anninvraarp MORTGAGES PERSONAL LOST mortgage money interest, private. “The Liberal." *1w7 c1w7 *1w7 GOODCHILD, Joseph Arnot, B.S.A., P.Ag., A.A.C.I. £W.W. II Lieutenant. Irish Reg. of Canada) â€"â€" Suddenly at Thornhill on Thursday, Au- gust 6, 1970, Joe Goodchild (Active Organizer of Child- ren Sports). Beloved husband of Laura Jean Paterson. dear father of Andrew, Lynn and Lee, son of Elizabeth and the late Andrew Goodchild, bro- ther of John. Craiglease, Ont. Mr. Goodchild rested at the B‘ E. Rim: Funeral Home, GROUND, Gilbert â€"â€" Suddenly at the North York General Hospital, on Wednesday morning. August 5, 1970, Gil- bert Ground, beloved hus- band of Maggie Harrison, 250 Byng Avenue, Willowdale. Dear father of Harold, Rich- mond Hill. George and Ruth (Mrs. Howard Wilson) both of Mississauga. Dear grandfather of seven grandchildren. Rest- ed at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. Service was held Friday, 2 pm. Interment KEFFER. Ella May â€" At York Central Hospital, on Monday morning, August 1.0. 1970, Ella May Jackson, beloved wife of Roland G. Keffer of Maple, dear mother of Jean (Mrs. Jesse Bryson), Wood- bridge, Ruth (Mrs. Charles Grubbe). King, Mary (Mrs. Allan Orr), Bradford, and, Reta (Mrs. Arthur MooreH King; also survived by 11 grandchildren, dear sister of 1 Herbert, Troy, Ohio; Harry, Maple; Edward, Welland; Minnie (Mrs. C. Horan), To- ronto; John, Port Credit; and the late George; Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held in Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood, Wednesday 2 pm. Interment adjoining cemetery. As memorial tributes, donations could be made to the York Central Hospital Memorial Fund. c1w7 LINE, Roy â€"â€" Suddenly on Mon- ‘ day, August 10, 1970, Roy‘ Line, beloved husband of Janet Line of Jackson’s ‘ Point. Brother of Ann, How- . ard, Ollie, Marjorie, Ernie, Margaret, George, Richard, Alma and the late Sam. Rest- ed at the Marshall Funeral. Home, 126 Yonge St. N. Rich- ‘ mond Hill. Service was held on Wednesday. Interment‘ Glendale Cemetery. c1w7l SCRIVENER, Jessie May - At Green Acres, Newmarket on Tuesday. August 11, 1970, Jessie Cooper beloved wife of the late William Scrivener, formerly of Centre St. W. Richmond Hill. Dear mother of Bessie. (Mrs. Harold Howe), and Marion, both of Toronto. Resting at Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service Fri. day 1.30 pm. Interment Maple i Cemetery. ' c1w7 WEBSTER. Allan, Frederick â€" At Princess Margaret Hospi- tal. on Saturday, August 8. 1970, Allen F. Webster, be-'. loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Webster and dear brother of Ross of Unionville, Mr. Webster rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge -St. (at Hwy 73), Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel on Wednesday at 2 pm. Interment Newmar- ket Cemetery. Flowers grate-l fully declined. Donations may be made to the Cancer Society. clw7 CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and re- latives for the many visits. cards and flaivers I received while a patient in York Cen- tral Hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Kovacs, Golab and Bates and all the staff on the second floor. CARD 0!“ THANKS I would like to thank the Am- bulance Services. Dr. Grantnn. intensive care staff 4th floor York Central Hospital. Drs. and B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy 7B), Thornhill. Service was held in Thornhill ‘United Church, Saturday at 1.30 pm. Inter- ment Thomhill Cemetery. nurses at St. Michaels Hespital. Also for phone calls. cards. visitations. acts of kindness. transportation to St. Michaels Hospital for my wife. Westminister Cemetery CARD OF THANKS LOMAX â€" In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express Our heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion to our many relatives. friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown %Paflw Sincerely Viola Giles c1w7 Harry Rigby * 1»w7 c1w7 c1w'7 BECK â€"- Brian and Lauma. Jonathan Alexander is here! 8 lbs. 10% oz. clw7 F INDLAY Tom and Lee Dead is Paul Moore, 21, of would like to announce the Plateau Drive, Don Mills, driver birth of a son Marc Norman‘of a 1963 model car. His on Tuesday August 4, 9 lbs. vehicle was judged a total 1% 02. a brother for Debra wreck and valued at an esti- Anne. Thanks to Dr. Socol mated $500. Markham Township and nurses on staff of York Police said. Central Hospital. c1w7l Mr. Moore's car was south- STONE â€" Bob and Ann are pleased to announce the ar-' rival of a daughter, Pamela Elizabeth, 8 lbs. 7 oz. at York Central Hospital, August 7. Thanks to Dr. Michael Mc- Ateer of Maple and staff of York Central. clw7 Engagrmrnm Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Corbett of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Heather Joan, to Alfred, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodearle of Smiths Falls, nnl'urin “W7 ’the rear of a truck at a road- side lane. This large truck was driven by Melvin Clifford, an police said. The dead man's car was also in a head-on collision with a 1968 model pick-up truck that was northbound on Don Mills Road. This vehicle was also a $1,600 total wreck. The driver, Thomas Towers, ‘30, of RR 2, Newmarket, is in York Central Hospital in satis- factory condition, recovering from head, chest and shoulder injuries. 29, of RR 2, Gormley, and had. estimated $150 damage, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Corbett of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Heather Joan, to Alfred, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodearle of Smiths Falls, Ontario. *1w7 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott of King are pleased to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Patricia Elizabeth Anne to Mr. Allan Howard son of Mr. and Mljs. F. A. Howard of Au- rora. The marriage to take place. October 3. 1970 at 4 pm in Holy Trinity, Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Garland S. Moore, of Richmond Hill, are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Mar- garet Jane Higgs to Mr. David Richard Terry, son of Mr. Ben- jamin R. Terry and the late Mrs. Helen Terry of Headford. Mar- riage to take place in Richmond Hill United Church at 4 pm. Saturday, September. 5, 1970. HADWEN â€" In loving memory of our brother, Eric, and his son Ricky. who passed away August 15‘ 1966. 'Dh'ough absent you are very near, Still loved, still missed, and very dear. Jâ€"Irene. Michael, Elizabeth and Paul. Jean, Harold, Wayne and Sandra. c1w7 â€"- Lovingly' remembered by daughter Adele Cardwell and family. *1w7 3n mtmnriam SAVAGE, William C. Those whom we love go out sight. But never out of mind: They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. BODYMAN 5 DAY WEEK FLAT RATE SHOP Usual Company Benefits Service Manager TWIN HILLS MERCURY 884 ' 4441 BRAKE PRESS OPERATORS SPOT WELDERS SPRAY PAINTERS Immediate Openings Must have experience in sheet metal fabrication. Spray painters experienced on Electro-Static equipment preferred. Company Shared Insurance Plans Apply in Person Personnel Department URGENTLY REQUIRED OFFICE SPECIALTY LTD. 240 PROSPECT ST. â€" NEWMARKET Call Bev. Wilkinson Zfiirflw INDUSTRIAL and COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Road, Sewer and Watermain Design 413 N. Taylor Mills Dr. Richmond Hill Phone 884-4274 ENGINEERING PLUS ERIC GEORGE, P. Eng. 01W'7‘ Mr. Moore's car was south. 'bound when in collision with ‘ aremhe rear of a truck ‘at a road- B ar- side lane. This large truck Lmela was driven by Melvin Clifford. York 29. of RR 2, Gormley. and had c1w7 {Y Police Accident Report One young man is dead, five being in critical condition for young people are injured, trafâ€" some time. He suffered a seri- fic charges are pending and ous concussion and head lacera- damage to four vehicles totals tions, and was tranferred to the about $2,550. after an 11.15 pm Toronto General Hospital from August 9 accident east of Richâ€" York Central Hospital. mond Hill on Don Mills Road His sister, Elsie Bokhout. 17, north of 16th Avenue. was in satisfactory condition in Dead is Paul Moore, 21, of York Central Hospital recover- Plateau Drive. Don Mills, driver ing from head anUI‘leS and fa- me a 1933 model car. His cial laceratlons _.., v.7 ,. Fourmyouthful passengers in the dead man’s car are in vari- ous hospitals. Peter Bokhout, 20, of 14 Tuna Crescent, Don Mills, at last re- port was said to be improved at Toronto General Hospital after A wiener roast that was also a “pot” party east of Richmond Hill resulted in a drug raid and 16 arrests by Markham Town- ship Police at midnight August Quantities of both marijuana and hashish were seized, police said. The raid involved seven of- ficers, with Detective Bruce Findlay in charge of the de- tail and Sergeant Evan Kelly, officer-in-charge, accompanying his men. Police Seize Marijuana, Hashish At Markham TWp. Wiener Roast Ten young men and six young women, all from Toronto, were rounded up and taken to the police station in Buttonville. All were later released. The raid was made on a farm on the east side of Woodbine Avenue (formerly Don Mills Road), south of Victoria Square. A15 first police said charges of both marijuana possession and hashish possession would be probably laid against all 16 young people. But at last report, as vestigation continued, “IN MEMORIAM” GIFTS may be sent to the following In Memoriam Secretaries: Richmond Hill: Mrs. W. B. Niddrie 121 Traybom Drive 884-7478 Thomhill: Gormley: Canadian Cancer Society Mrs. H. C. Montgomery 46 Silver Aspen Dr. 889-1408 Mrs. F. Donnelly R.R.2 Gormley 887-5203 , 5 Hurt in 4-Vehicle Crash“ t’he in- it ap- Another passenger in the fatal car, Joan Kilpatrick, 20, of 70 Plateau Crescent, Don Mills, was treated for head and face injuries and a fractured nose at York Central. and then transferred to Branson Hospital. Her sister Mary Kilpatrick, 18, was in satisfactory condi- tion at York Central Hospital, recovering from head injuries and facial lacerations. The fourth vehicle in the ac- cident was struck by the flying box off the pick-up truck and had an estimated $300 damage. The compact car was driven by Robert Howells, 22, of 2507 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, He and a passenger Were un- injured. Richmond Hill cyclist Brian Arnold, on his seventh birth- day escaped with only cuts and bruises at 6.05 pm August 6 when his machine was in col- lision with a car at Markham Road and Sussex Avenue. His mother told “The Liber- al” Brian fell in front of the ‘wheels of a car that barely peared that only two persons may face charges in Richmond Hill Court as the actual possésâ€" sets of illegal narcotics. In Vaughan Township last weekend $150 was reported stolen from a desk drawer in a break-in at the Maple Sunoco Service Station on Keele Street. A purse containing $24 was stolen from the glove compart- ment of a locked car at Boyd Park over the weekend. And four hub caps worth about $80 were reported stolen from an automobile parked at the Pinecrest Speedway on Highway 7 West. Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd. Formold Plastics requires female 'help for the midnight shift. Start immediately. We require personnel to work as packers on Saturdays and Sundays on 8 hour shifts. The work is light and the pay is good. Persons interested in earning extra money should apply to: MAPAC DIVISION of POLYPUMP LTD. 8100 KEELE STREET, MAPLE Female Help “CASCADE 40 KNOCKS OUT ALL OTHER WATER HEATERS” Everyone Is Cheering For CASCADE 40! Cascade 40 has knocked out more than 2,700 tired, worn- out, unreliable water heaters in Waterloo! Quite a rec- ord. Cascade 40 is an efficient, dependable CLEAN fighter . . . never gets dirty in the ring. It's a fact that Cascade 40 has never been Knocked COLD! Other water heaters throw in the towel after a few rounds. but Cas- cade 40 keeps on fighting! Put Cascade 40 in your corner for only $1.50 monthly. This low charge includes normal installation and any subsequent replacement. You may buy Cascade 40 at any time after one year and receive full credit paid during the first 12 months. Have all the hot water your family needs when they need it. See RICHMOND HILL HYDRO now about the trouble-free, economical CASCADE 40 electric water heater! HELP WANTED RICHMOND HILL HYDRO 884 - 4466 4 ‘YONGE STREET SOUTH ‘95 NEWKIRK ROAD, RICHMOND HILL PHONE 889-7331 stopped in time. He was in collision with a car driven by Norman Clarke. 282 Paliser Crescent, Richmond Hill, police said. In Vaughan Township damage, was estimated at $650 when a car driven by Torontonian Lorne Grant was in collision with a garbage truck on Keele Street. Damage was estimated at $500 when a car driven by Brian Blaker of Toronto skidded and crashed on Vaughan’s Conces- sion 8. Simon Jardine of Richmond Hill and Thomas Gray each had an estimated $150 damage in a two-car collision on the Maple Siderond. A free folk concert will be held' in Thornhill Com- munty Park this Saturday afternoon (August 15) from 1.30 to 5.30 pm. It is being presented by the Thornhill Recreational Committee and will feature outstanding talent. The park is located In the Yonge Street'and High- way 7B area, adjacent to the Thornhill Swimming Pool. » The folk concert is to be a joyous family occasion to which everyone is invited. The committee has enlisted the help of many profes‘ sional entertainers to make this first event of the kind in the community a real success. Canterbury, a group com- posed of Roger Ellis and David Haisell, as well as Phillip Hughes, James She'rman, Milt Davis, Chris ISills and Steve DIAmico Among those who will be entertaining is Sandy Craw- ley, who performed so well at the Mariposa Festival. Sandy is well-known for his many radio and television appearances as well. Free Folk Festival In Thornhill Park Starry list Of Talent TO ANSWER ADVERTISEMENTS ,Simply address your reply to ithe box number given in the iadvertisment (e.g. Box 50 “The Liberal”) and add P. O. Box 390. Richmond Hill. Please include in your reply only material that will fit into la regular business envelope NEWMARKET â€" One hun- dred five youngsters passed Red Cross Swimming tests at the Peter German Pool during July. will be entertaining with everything from original folk ballads to well-known blues and traditional Amer- ican and English folk songs. Another performer, who was well received at Mari- posa, is Shelley Posen. He will be’ one of the many headliners present at Thornhill on Saturday. Shelley plays a variety of instruments including the six and 12 string guitars, five string banjo and auto- harp. Saturday’s free folk con- cert will be four solid hours of fine entertainment de- signed to make the after- noon an enjoyable experi- ence for everyone. There will be talent from all parts of the country, many of those participating being well-known recording personalities. The sponsoring Thomhill Recreational Committee sin- cerely hopes that as many people as possible will at- tend so that appreciation may be shown to the many talented entertainers who are donating their services for the afternoon. A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberal”. 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884-1105. In Memoriam Verses THREE - DA YSPE CIAL ‘. . . Fri., Sat. & Sun. '- Aug. I4, 75 & I6 Please Phone Ahead for Prompt TakE Tomato Mayonnaise Cheese Pure Beef Patty Pickles THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 13, 1970 Ketchup 300 YON GE STREET N. â€" RICHMOND HILL Just North of Richmond Heights Centre DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT warm Required immediately for outside solicitation, selling tires, batteries and accessories. As the largest rubber producer and retailer in Canada, our expansion program can truly offer growth opportun~ ity. ;rhe successful applicant must have High School education, preferably with proven sales experience. This is a salaried position with excellent Company pald benefits which includes Paid Vacation. Hospitalization, Medical, Life Insurance. and pension plans. For appointment please call MR. TED PRINGLE DAYS: 884-4423 -â€" 889-5531 GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE \ihe Mover Lid. ACETYLENE, MINI-ARC Experienced in sheet metal and tubular weld- ing. Apply in person, Personnel Dept., Office Specialty Ltd., 240 Prospect St, Newmarket, MGVING ? Ont. 127 BIRCH AVE., THOBNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse SALESMAN I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT at us! help you solve All your M oving problems 295 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill A Division Of The Goodyear Tire 3: Rubber Company Of Canada, Limited WELDERS efore you move! IS...afla woe Out Service aroducer and retailer in Canada, can truly offer growth opportun~ pplicant must have High School 889-4911-2-3 Toasted Sesame Bun Toasted; Bun Lettuce Onion Bacon Mustard 884-8911 Gentle as 3 Lamb

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