Professional Environment Planners 884-8671 I Engineering By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Specialists in Residential Design and Construction 889-6662 ’Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants ‘ 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 884-1111 Former North Gwillimbury Reeve Joseph Dales announced two weeks ago that he will seek the mayoralty. Other possible contenders are Sutton Village Reeve Sam Nasello. “Whipper†Billy Watson who owns a farm in North Gwillimbury, Reeve Ernest Rixon of Georgina and Deputy-reeve Wallace Donnell of North Gwillimbury. All have‘ said they may join the race. 1 14 SUTTON: North Gwillimbury Township Councillor Mrs. Jean Smith is the second entry into the race for the mayor‘s job in the new Township of Georgina which consists of the amalga- mated municipalities of Geor- gina. North Gwillimbury and Sutton. The widow of a lawyer, Mrs. Smith is completing her first term as a municipal councillor. She says that, if elected. she will be a full-time mayor. LEONARD R. ROSENBERG J: ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonge St. South Aurora. Ontario Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist CHARTERED ACCOUNT ANT 808 Bay'ilew Plan Telephone 889-8275 Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Brian H. Cow. ‘n SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Auto Transmnssuon Lenok Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING Accountants CUSTOM WORK PROFESSIONAL 8. BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 'August 27, 1970 Carpentry Forestry 884-6663 884-7 774 Mister I Landscaping I Insurance "Paint-Wallpaper Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Toronto I Optometrists [Sporting Goods Ernie Brock & Son A. W. Kirchen, GD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Barrow Insurance Servnces ltd. 18 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 IN TORONTO 633-1615 Aurora - 7 73-4671 Office Hours - 9 am. - 9 pm. By Appointment Office Supplies H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods Accurate, Reliable, First and Second Mortgages Arranged Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Call or Write Frank Green Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonse Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhlll - 889-0242 Corner Agency Limited Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill 889-1379 Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. DICK MAIER Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Mortgages LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 31 Yonge St. S. PO. Box 277 By Appointment 889-5344 884-3962 Thornhill LTD. 363-3959 ‘ _______ I TV Repairs In The Mall, 250 Yonge St. N‘ Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill Bunny Snow’s T.V. RUMBLE TRANSPORT PINDER BROS. lTD. STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS It should pay $2 an hour plus mileage said Mr. Marritt, adding this is the only way the town will get a good weed inspection job done‘ He also urged council to buy more spraying equip- ment at a cost of about $250. “I can't understand how you expect to enforce The Weed Act when you haven't cleaned up your own property," said Mr. Marritt who has been the county‘s chief weed inspector since 1947. vuu .n. uvuu u ~...-â€"..__«-c V~~ TOW“ roads are a disgrace. fascinating process. At times, he said, and the north end dumn it is frightening. Frightening badly needs cleaning. He urged not only because it threatens upgrading 0f the town weed it“ our own entrenched values but spector’s job which pays $350 because we fear what the child- 8 5935011. ten we love are doing to them- It should pay $2 an hour nlus selve5_ At least, we are un- mileage said Mr. Marritt. adding comfortable, ty Weed Inspector Frank Mar- ritt told a recent meeting of Newmarket Council that the town’s weed control program is entirely inadequate. Coaches for all Occasions FOR INFORMATION BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Langdonk Coach Lines ltd. Local and Long Distance Hauling ART STUDIOS P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. Complete Antenna Service ADMIRAL SALES a; SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Phone 884-6521 NEWMARKET -- York Coun- Transportation STEEL . FABRICATING Ontario Land Surveyors Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Yates & Yates 9114 Yonge St. Richvale DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL T0 TORONTO FREE DELIVERY To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 INTERIORS LTD. 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale 889-1059 Surveyors Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 Telephone 833-5351 221-3485 My generation was brought LeDain Report up in Canada. My children’s eration gap is is being brought up in the in all its appa world. It is their oyster. all its misund‘ In my youth, we read of im- portant world events in our newspapers within hours, and of less important developments within days or weeks. Occas- ionally, we heard a world lead- er, or demagogue, through com- peting static on our radio sets as his voice faded, or strength- ened, with the radio signal. Immediacy was at its highest when we saw newsreels at the local cinema just a week or so after the event. Travelogues took us to distant exotic lands, lands we had little, if any. hope ‘of visiting. We have also had remote civilizations within our own country or cities. The poor, the black, the Indian, Eskimo and Metis. The handicapped. the retarded, the "indifferent" affluent, the struggling immi- grant “foreignerâ€, the aged. Social and political condi- tions in Asia, Africa, and even parts of Europe, had little re- lationship to our everyday lives. To a large extent, we lived in our own cocoons, unless a war ‘shattered our isolation, or a re- turned missionary extorted a conscience contribution from us. When we met a friend a hun- dred miles from home, we said, “It's a small worldâ€. Our worlds were indeed small. To- ‘day. our children are tramping through countries that were part of a mass of distant, unde- fined civilization. It’s a big world, but modern communica- tions and transportation are making all its parts and all its problems a matter of immediate and intimate knowledge and concern. Our children have grown up in a time when even minor in- cidents in distant lands are pre- sented vividly on their TV screens as they occur. In-depth information is available within hours. Equally important is the fact that the people in these far- off lands are aware of what is happening to us. They see our affluence paraded before them. They will never return to their cocoons again. In most cases. we were so preoccupied with the immediate challenges of our day we paid little, or superficial, attention to those in other cocoons. For mam, the challenge was simply to survive, to get a jog, to be able to afford three meals a day. For a few. it was to preserve their privileged position, to take 1the most out of life they could without their conscience being itweaked by a neWSpaper article \or a TV documentary. Our crucible was depression and war. Our children’s is humanity. Our palliatives were religion, alcohol, cigarets and, though it was beneath the blankets, sex. The most destruc- tive were indifference or eva- sion. Evasion by hypocrisy or by shadings of the truth. Our children, thankfully, reject many of our values. They are istruggling to define their own. or a TV documentary. Our crucible was depression and war. Our children’s is humanity. Our palliatives were religion, alcohol, cigarets and, though it was beneath the blankets, sex. The most destruc- tive were indifference or eva- sion. Evasion by hypocrisy or by shadings of the truth. Our children, thankfully, reject many of our values. They are struggling to define their own. In some cases they have done so admirably, in very many others they have yet to find their way. In still others, they have over-reacted or been deflected. but they are not settling for the status quo, nor- should they, for the status quo is different each day. From coast-to-coast, people demand less government in- volvement in their lives and a defined limit on government spending. They have a right to demand efficient administra~ tion and avoidance of waste in government. Do they, however, have a right to demand govern- ment ignore new problems fac- ing our society? The fight against pollution is going to cost money and requires quali- fied people. Should we ignore the LeDain report and fail to ,supply the social services and ‘research necessary to deal with drug abuse? We, of course, must be in- volved, Not to be so would be the height of irresponsibility. Our job. in government, is to be To us, who are parents, this involved intelligently, respons- can be both a disturbing and ibly, sensitively and as effici- fascinating process. At times, ently as our rather inefficient it is frightening. Frightening democratic process permits. not only because it threatens The alternative is to ignore the our own entrenched values but pressing social and economic Perhaps the greatest concern is epitomized by the report of the Royal Commission On The Non-Medical Use Of Drugs. the The window is' well worth the unexpected expense of construction. The thought was that a space could be cut and the window set in but one learns in the school of rehabilitation of old build- ings that things are not just what they seem. The window had to be reinforced with steel to avoid a wall collapse. The yard too has a focal point. It is the old driving shed. The horizontal beams are 68 feet long. approxi- mately one foot deep and one foot wide, through the whole length. The supporting posts chatting while they waited for their husbands to ‘un- hitch'. This was a forum for Community matters. There was an annual tra- ditional oyster supper held in the shed with busy women wielding a plain tin dipper over the soup pot. The dip- per, now in the "museum" will stimulate memories for many of the former members. Added to the several fine old trees. decorative shrubs have been planted and young trees. several of which Were gifts from Lawson Mumber- young men and young wo- men will remark with nos- talgia. “Remember our se- cret door at Hartman." Each season has its special delight. In the spring there is a run-off of water that forms a busy little creek ending in a pond soon to be absorbed by the thirsty earth, While it lasts it is enjoyed and it inspired Dr. Binning- ton to be poetic as he spoke of “The singing waters of Hartman." Across the front of the property there is an iron fence intrically patterned in uuul\\¢l a. .I. vs wuuu wu lllCllL‘ bers a happier solution than leaving the building. loved through several generations. to be used for an auction room or old car cemetery or just derelict. Summing up their experi- ences the Binningtons agree that they have what they wanted; a place to do some of the things that time had not allowed â€"â€" nothing would shaking ~â€" just simple crea- tive efforts. working with material that comes to hand. For them the season was right, the purpose remains and “the times are in joint," d'liiiiiill!illlllllllliillllllllllllllllMilli“lllllilllllllllllmillll“lliillll“\\llilllllillillllill““Ill\\lllllliiliillilillllllllillllllllllllllii\\llii“iiiiiiiilili\\i\\imliii\mil“ii\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\l\l\\i\l\\iii“lullmil“lllllliiiliililmminilllillllliiimllllllllllillllilliilllilliliiiill“lllllililllilllllllllllili ‘his and hers’ clothes cup- room part of the church. A board was built by using chancel space. The double casement win- dow in this room makes a centre for visiting and a comfortable chester- field. chairs and the hospi- table cup of tea invite guests to dally in their going. (Continued from Page Opposes Legalizing 0f “Pot†“Within The Church Is A Home,†By BARNETT J. DANSON, MP @WAWA REPEDRT YORK NORTH LeDain Report. Here, the gen- eration gap is laid bare for us in all its apparent ugliness, in. all its misunderstanding. Our morality. our law, our whole range of standards are open for discussion and decision. We can hide from it, for a while, we can try to impose our moral code and obsolete values, or We can, as we must. be as honest with ourselves as the situation demands we be with our child- ten. As both a parent and a poli- tician, I don’t know of any is- sue that brings our problems into such sharp focus or causes so much anguish as does the LeDain Report. At the same time, if we honestly analyse and compare, the prospects need not be so ravaging to our minds ‘and souls. Perhaps the most ‘difficult problem that faces us \is one of time. Our children don’t want ac- tion in due course: 'they want it now. Being older doesn't make us any more clever, nor does it necessarily bestow greater wis- dom. Age does, hOWever, give us perspective. We know that progress usually comes slowly. Even rapid progress is slow to our children. Four or five years is 20% or 25% of their lives and they aren’t prepared to wait. While speaking to an audi- ence in North Bay recently a middle aged man stood up and demanded that we (the govern- ment) leave him alone. He had‘ enough interference in his life. While |his cry was against gov-‘ ernment -â€" all govemments,‘ though the federal government‘ was the target at the moment â€"- he was really crying out against society. The new, rapidly changing complex society to iwhich governments must be sensitive and responsive. Bet- ‘ter governments will not only ‘respond. but anticipate, which is even more difficult in deal- ‘ing with a society which does not always see its goals or com ‘sequences clearly. They, too, will learn the les- son of time but because of ad- vanced communications and technology, plus their disen- chantment with present society, they won’t settle for as much time as we might wish to take. They have a legitimate right to stand and that we try to under- stand and that we react with an honesty which is as absolute as as theirs. This will be uncom- fortable for us because it will demand effort, involvement, the disruption of our self-comfort- ing patterns which makes being thoroughly honest with ourselv- es imperative. realitieé of our time and suffer the consequences of such neg- lect. This demands more than ac- tion on the part of government itself. It demands the involve- ment of each of us as constitu- ents of this soeiety. This is what is upsetting. It is disturb- We, of course, must be in. volved, Not to be so would be the height of irresponsibility. Our job. in government, is to be involved intelligently, respons- ibly, sensitively and as effici- ently as our rather inefficient to which the horses were tied are chewed in a variety of patterns. Mrs. Binnington commented that even the horses became impatient with long winded preachers. The shed has attracted pas- sers by, one man said that his father was the minister at Hartman sixty years ago. Memories linger here of wo- men in high buttoned shoes and leg 0‘ mutton sleeves chatting while they waited for their husbands to 'un- hitch'. This was a forum for community matters. There was an annual tra- ditional oyster supper held in the shed with busy women wielding a plain tin dipper over the soup pot. The dip- per, now in the “museum†will stimulate memories for many of the former members. Added to the several fine old trees. decorative shrubs have been planted and young trees. several of which Were on the green light given to penicillin before physicians re- alized some people reacted dan- gerously to it. I remember, just recently. how We thought “the pill" was the only answer, if not to a maiden’s prayer, at least to a woman’s prayer. Now we see how much care must be taken. ing to have to think not only of the problems, but of the solu- tions. It is disturbing to have to adjust to a new society when we were relatively comfortable in the old one. It is uncom- fortable when governments place White Papers before us and ask us to help them come up with answers. Governments aren't, or should not be, detached bodies, and are far from omnipotent. Govern- ments are the vehicles We choose in our democratic soci- ety to manifest society‘s aspir- ations. Government doesn’t give us things or services. It’s us, and it's our money, and in our system it can L ily proceed at a pace or in directions ac- ceptable to most of us - right or wrong. Certainly, it must lead but we must be prepared to be led or accept the direc- tion of that leadership. I don’t want to be part of a decision to legalize “pot†be- cause I’m afraid of it. Afraid of a further imbalance of the body chemistry and the psyche. I don’t know what the ultimate consequences will be. I want to see greater experience. Society is almost too complex for government to handle and that is why you and I must get involved as private citizens. Private citizens, with all too little privacy, but we can’t turn society off at will. The poor won’t just go away. The kids won't say, "OK. we‘ll cut out drugs and settle for self-des- troying cigarettes or whiskeyâ€. Red China won‘t smoke peace pipes with its neighbors. Afri- can tribes won't stop fighting or starving. Our air and rivers won’t depollute themselves. Our industry won’t stop coming under domination from foreign corporations, nor will the un- scrupulous cease to exist. I have told audiences of teen- agers that I don't want to be part of a decision that legalizes pot. I’ve read all about it. dis- cussed it with kids, and am reasonably confident that it is less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol. I haven’t heard of as many teenage drunken drivers in serious accidents in recent years. Have you? I look back I might not be afforded this luxury. I might have to face son a member of Victoria Square Church_ A purple beech was planted in mem- ory of Mrs. Earle Toole a good friend of the Birming- ton family. Gates and doors are excit- ing and Dr. Binnington made a small secret door in the shed for his grandchildren to venture into the field be- yond. It is safe to predict that in years to come several young men and young wo- men will remark with nos- talgia, “Remember our se- cret door at Hartman." Each season has its special delight. In the spring there is a run-off of water that forms a busy little creek ending in a pond soon to be absorbed by the thirsty earth, While it lasts it is enjoyed and it inspired Dr. Birming- ton to be poetic as he spoke of “The singing waters of Hartman." Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 None are quite so alone as the stranger in town. or the newcomers to the neighbor- hood. Remember your last move you feltas the moving van pulled away . . . how you more than halfwished you’d never come? Spare your new neighbors feelings such as these. Let theWelcomeWagon Hostess bring greetings and gifts to make them feel at home. Help stamp out strangers. Ctall Welcome Wagon today I HELP STAMP DUT STRANGERS @WWEWLI» alternatives to “pot†such as LSD and speed or alcohol. I might have to face he alterna- tive of the pusher. the under- world. the alienation of youth. might have to face the alterna- native which others in previous generations faced when they repealed prohibition, that of a lesser evil or that of an exist- ing fact. I can’t “cop-out" on my re- sponsibility either as a parent or a politician . . . nor can you, whateVer your role is. If we sit back and just “do our own thing", the kids will do theirs. Our thing is one another. NEWMARKET â€"- A new type of pollution-fighting chemical spray was used last Week to treat the water in Fairy Lake, and according to a spokesman for Holland Valley Conservation Authority the water should be safe for swimming for two or three days until more pollutants are carried down from the Aurora end of the river system. Authority Resources Manager Derek Sterritt said use of the chemical in this context may be a first for Ontario. He described the spraying last Wednesday “as just a test to show what we can do with this stuff.†loops, The holes for each loop had to be hand drilled. A son of the craftsman, Grant Oldham. is a neighbor. Among the problems of to- day are housing and geria- trics. Dr. and Mrs. Binning- ton have met them sensibly and happily. As congrega- tions unite leaving some ru- ral churches empty this solu- tion might appeal to home seekers. For church mem- bers a happier solution than leaving the building. loved through several generations, to be used for an auction room or old car cemetery or to be used for room or old car just derelict. Summing up their experi- ences the Binningtons agree that they have what they wanted; a place to do some of the things that time had not allowed â€" nothing would shaking ~â€" just simple crea- tive efforts. working with material that comes to hand. School Markham District High School Franklin Public School (K-B) James Robinson Public School (K-7) Roy H. Crosby Public School (K-6) Wm. Armstrong Public School (K-6) Dickson Hill Public School (Kâ€"G) RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill High School Bayview Secondary School Beverley Acres Public School (K-6l Crosby Heights Senior P. School <K-8) O. M. MacKillop Public School (K-8l L. M. McConaghy Public School (K-S) Pleasantville Public School (K-B) Walter Scott Public School (K-6) Jefferson Public School (K-6) MARKHAM UNIONVILLE (Former T.S.A. II) Mark II (Gr. 7 & 8) Parkview Public School (Ii-6) No. 10 Unionville Public School (K-S) Buttonville Public School (K-2) No. 4 Public School (Gr. 3-6) Marklee Public School (K-6) Take a course at Seneca this fall. Over 100 diploma, certiï¬cate and special interest subjects are available in the fields of business, engineer- Continuing Education . . . COURSES FOR CAREERS AND LEISURE ENJOYMENT ing technology, data processing, applied Open House registration Advance registration is daily during August us, 43 Sheppéfdlvenue East (at Yonge), from 5 through Friday. the fall semesfer begins Write or phone for further 9661 or 223-8000. THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 43 Sheppard Avenue East, Willowdale, Ontario New pupils may be registered in the week of August 31 - September 4 (Continued from Page inary arts. He also imagines that knowledgeable on the‘opposite sex. Marion, a hard-bitten young Cockney of nine- teen, shakes Robert’s self-esteem when he falls in love with her despite the difference in ages and back- grounds. Robert’s down-to-earth friend is Andrew, a happily married family type, and editor of the mag- azine for which Robert writes. Robert’s rival for Marion is the antithesis of the sophisticated gourmet. Jimmy is a lino~layer and part-time drummer in a band. He is, of course, Ehoroughly out of his element with Robert and An- rew. In contrast to Marion with her pertness and tough native wisdom, is Clare, Robert’s elegant mis- tress until the advent of Marion. There is a third lovely involved in the plot â€"- Paola, the continental au-pair who works for Andrew and his family. John the porter at Robert’s apartment building. adds to the fun with his droll comments. Ron Scott, who plays Robert. has proved his sense of timing and comedy many times at the Our- tain Club. He will be remembered particularly for his performance as old Hobson in “Hobson’s Choice", and the rascally highwayman in "The Beaux-Stratâ€" agemâ€. Dennis Stainer needs no introduction to local audiences, but this will probably be the first time he has been seen in a “straight†role. He is usually cast in character parts, and was the delightfully doddery old fellow in “The Loves Of Cass McGuireâ€. Playing Marion will be Tot Monks, who first act- ed with the Curtain Club when she played in “Sleep- ing Beauty†as a ten~yearâ€"old. Since then she has played Vicki, the younger sister in “Hobson’s Choiceâ€, and Dora, the Cockney maid in “Night Must Fallâ€. At UWO she was Estelle in “Huis Closâ€, the original version of Jean Paul Sartre’s “No Exitâ€. The remaining three members of the cast will be newcomers to the Curtain Club stage. Dillys Re< bow will be the gorgeous Clare, and Bonnie Shep- pard will be Paola. Dillys has already proved her- self as a worker backstage ‘in former productions, and Bonnie was featured with her husband Tom in this column as the artists who comprise the Shep- pard Studios in Richvale. Both girls are attractive additions to the Club’s acting force. 7 George Jones (John the porter), played in “The Odd Coupleâ€, and was the henpecked husband in “All Things Bright And Beautifulâ€. Jimmy will be played by Antony Whitney, who has recently arrived in this country from England, where he has been involved in various phases of act- ing, including films and television. “There’s A Girl In My Soup†will be produced by Joan Harold, more often seen on stage. Joan gave a moving performance as the neurotic Julia in “A Delicate Balance†last season. Performance dates will be September 25 - Octâ€" ober 10, and tickets may be obtained from Yvette Steel, 884-7065. is September 8- 9 at the Sheppard Campus and September 14. ner information and free brochures. Call 223- In The Spotlight AREA NO. 4 Principal Mt Mr. Mr Mr Mr . K. C. McDonald . . L. Abernethy ... D. Ford . . . . . . . . L. Canning ..... . G. Maunder . . . . . . F. A. Martindale Mr. G‘ Domina . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr.A.Martin............... D. Rose . . . . . . Mr. E. Gooding Mr. N. Davison Mr. .T. Hincks . . Mr. E. Woodger Mr. D‘ Middleton .. Mr. W. Kinsley D. R. MacDonald. B.A., B.Paed.. Superintendent. Area No. 4 884-4477 Mr. J. L. Dobson Mr. A. Hill . . . . . . Mr. F. Browning . Mr. H. Atkinson . . Mrs. D. Dunlop .. Mr. D. McCaw . arts, English and liberal studies. at Seneca's Sheppard Camp- rom 9 to 4:30 p.m.,rMonday he is equally Telephone 297-2047 297-2172 297-1824 297-1781 887-5802 291-1010 884-2232 884-4453 884-5059 884-5281. 884-5711 884-1461 884-7431 884-2693 884-2556 294-1886 294-3562 294-3484 294-2910 294-1262 640-2891