Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Aug 1970, p. 18

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0 House new melting facil- ities needed for alloy develop- ment programs; Total expenditure on the new extension and new equipment will be approximately $300,000. It will: 0 House an additional pro- cess development area designed for research into new ore treat- ment methods, aimed at de- creasing air and water pollu- tion; 0 Allow an area for a new The laboratory staff has X-ray microprobe, used to grown from four in 1953 when study distribution of elements the company purchased and in ores, metals and intermed- modified an existing two-storey iate products. and to assist in building on the site. Today the ore exploration. design of more staff numbers 80 as research efficient metal recovery sys- has expanded from the field of Thornhill Senior Citizens will hold their first meeting of the new season next Wednesday (September 2) at 1.30 pm in Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall, Brooke Street. Members are reminded to note the new meeting place. The meeting will be a social afternoon and a good attend- ance is hoped for. New mem- Senior Citizens 18 Hall. Brooke street. Members are reminded to note the new meeting place. The meeting will be a social afternoon and a good attend- ance is hoped for. New mem- bers are especially welcome to come to this first meeting of the season. w a: a: t Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson, who were married last Saturday at Eglin-l ton United Church by Dr. E,‘ Cragg. The bride is the former“ Valerie Pauline Lois Humphrey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Humphrey of 24 Riverside Boulevard, and the groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dick- son of Willowdale. Mr. Kenel at one time ran a‘ short course on gourmet cook- ing in Thornhill, which was very popular. He would be in- terested -in doing so again if enough interest were shown. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marks. Thwnridge Drive. have return- ed from a very pleasant vaca- tion at a lodge near Sundridge. Presbyterian Church Summer is coming to an end, .and the final 10 am service will :be on September 6. Beginning on September 13 the services of public worship will be held at 9.30 am and 11 am and 7 pm. Guest preacher on that day will be the Rev. Reynolds Esler of the First Presbyterian n1 A . . . . , L “,,,A nruLiuur "use H Frank Kenel of 22 Fairview was extremely busy last week preparing dinner for 2,000 guests! Mr. Kenel. who is head chef at the Tam O'Shanter Golf Club, was responsible for or- ganizing and preparing the mag- nificent buffet dinner served to delegates of the Florists Trans- Neighborhood Notes Get well wishes to Mrs. L. H. Glasgow, May Avenue, who suf- fered a stroke several weeks ago and is at present recuper- ating at the home of her daugh- ter. Birthday greetings and Joan Masters of Road who will bé 14 September 1. Congratulations to Janice Mary Nicholls, Weldrick Road. and Ken Gibson of Fergus on the announncement of their en- gagement. Steven Gooderham, May Ave- nue has just returned from a wonderful holiday touring the trip to Disneyland. Steven was accompanied by his grandfather and cousin. Nancy Wehrens is enjoying a camping trip to Parry Sound with a former resident of May Avenue, Mrs. Norma Henderson, and her family. Mrs. B. T. McSpadden of Weldrick Road has just return- ed from a week at Bible Camp at Goderich. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 27, 1970 CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) Thornhill and District News Socially Speaking In Thom/will to Jean Weldrick years old large Addition Falconbric/ge labs loys tems and improvements of al-‘dhemistl'y and spectrochemis- Manager of the laboratories. Roly Bergman. said the exten- sion will also include a central stores and storage area, to im- prove the general efficiency of laboratory operations. Part of the capital expenditure is going for further air and water pol- lution control systems at the laboratories, to ensure the ex- tension does not add to envir- onmental problems in the area. world Delivery Association Con- vention held in Toronto recent- ly. The Swiss trained chef work- ed 15 hours a day to make the affair the tremendous success it proved to be. George Neeland of Franklin Avenue. the young Thornhill hurdler who has been so busy travelling to meets this summer is off again: this time to Turin. Italy. where he will compete in the World University Games for the next two weeks. Prior to his departure George, competed in the Eastern Canadian Cham- pionship Games at Dartmouth, NS, where he once again upheld his championship for the fourth‘ year in succession. We wish , him luck in Turin. Guest preacher on that day will be the Rev. Reynolds Esler of the First Presbyterian Church, Port Colborne. The 7 pm evening service on the 13th will be youth-oriented and spon- sored by the Thomhill Ecumen- ical Youth Group. Special guests at the service will be the youth group from Appin, Ontario. Also on the 13 the church school will open once again. The nursery class to grade 2 will meet at 11 am on that day. The following Sunday, grades 3 to 8 will meet once again. Sep- tember 27 will be Rally Sunday. Thornhill H'.rdler The Thornhill Baracuda Club will present their annual show at Thornhill Pool on September 3 at 8 pm. The show will be a joint synchronized and diving display. There is no admission charge and everyone is invited ‘to come and see the show. On his return to Canada he will resume his studies at the University of WaterIOn. Swimming A large and enthusiastic crowd of participants and spec- tators turned up at the pool last Saturday for the annual swim meet. Results of the vari- ous events were as follows: Diving Boys: Junior: 1. Don Wilson. 2. Jamie Zurowski. 3. \Arthur Vanhalteren; Intermed- “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. try to include mifieralogy-geol- ogy and metallurgical process and product developmeny iate: 1, Brad Bean, 2. Doug Mc- Naught, 3. Bruce Clatsworthy; Senior: 1. Bob McNaught, 2. Robin Harley, 3. Jim Bonnell. Swimming Boys: Junior: 1, Ar- thur Van Holteren, 2. John Ste- venson, 3. Jack Proctor; Inter- mediate: 1, Richard ‘Torrance, 2. Collin Macellum who tied with Chris Madden, 3. Hugh MacLean who tied with Ian Torrance. Senior: 1. Jack Van- Halteren. 2. Mark Skinweck. 3. Peter Gamblin. Diving Girls: Junior: 1. Marie Lise Souche. 2. Carol Davidson. Intermediate: 1. Anne Uteck, 2. Marie-Ellen Souche. 3. Sharon Williams. Senior: 1. Cor- ene Chatsworth. 2. Jane Good- year. 3. Beth Jennings. Swimming Girls: Junior: 1. Kar- en MacLellan. 2. Kelly Fey, 3. Leslie Gosnell; Intermediate: 1. Anne Uteck. 2. Paula Roch- man who tied with Yolande Mon-e11. 3. Dodie Gregg who tied with Leslie Hood. Senior: 1. Beth Jennings, 2. Susan Fairy who tied with Jane Goodyear and Cindy Bahen. In the syn- chronized program results were: Figures: 1. Patti Levi. 2. Marie Bagg, 3. Marie Ellen Souche, 4. Yolande Morrell, Strokes: 1. Marie Bagg. 2. Patti Levl, 3. Marie-Ellen Souche. 4. Yolande .Morrell. Out of the work in this lab have come such significant de- velopments as a new process for recovery of ferronickel from lateritic ores, which Falcon- bridge will utilize in its $200- million ferronickel project now under construction in the Dom- inican Republic. NICKEL 98, a granular nickel product introduced to interna- tional markets in 1969, was also developed under a pilot pro- gram at the local laboratories. v The labs grew from an idea of the late Dr. H. J. Fraser. EiCorkill - Homer former company president. in Garden Reception, Trip To East iCoast Follow Thornhill Wedding A garden reception followedthrough in table the July 18 wedding flof Shirley and wedding cake. Anne Homer of Nor Toronto - , l and Grant Thomas Corkill of ne3?ywt2§;rtr:531il Montreal. The ceremony took coast Boston and place at the Thornhill home of are living in MD the groom‘s parents. - The bride is the daughter of gglggiggiriz Mr. and Mrs. John Flavell of Wolverhampton. England. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Corkill, 27 Idleswift Drive. The bride. an en Canadian Imperi Commerce. has the foreign exch A mnnf nf thp hzm Yellow and white flowers and candles formed a background for the late afternoon ceremony. Rev. Alfred McAlister of Thom- hill officiated. The bride was given in mar- riage by Martin Reid of Kitch- ener. Her daughter, Angela Homer. was maid of honor. William Bell of Toronto was best man. and'Brian Cates an usher. Both men attended high school and university with the groom. About 50 guests were present‘in Auden. Ontario for the sum- for the buffet supper and re-lmer and will return to attend ception that followed, with the3Car1eton University, Ottawa. in yellow and white theme carriediSeptember to study social work Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 The building purchased in 1953, was enlarged in 1955 when mineralogy, geology and metallurgy sections were estab- Ilished. In 1962 it was extended 13 second time to house a new 'products research group. Believing that. as a major producer of non-ferrous metals. Falconbridge needed m o r e knowledge of metals and partic- ularly more rapid and precise methods for precious metals assay, Dr. Fraser initiated a program of sponsored research at Queen's University. By 1952, this program had resulted in development of successful spec- trochemical methods of an- alysis. 1947 Don’t forget the demonstra- tion this Saturday at the pool at 11 am of the latest in artifi- cial respiration. All parents are urged to attend with their swim suits. Showers Prior to her marriage last Friday to James Matresky of Kitchener, Margaret Taylor, 27 Valloncliffe Road, was enter- tained at a number of showers. Co-workers at the Toronto- Dominion Bank in Toronto had a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Judy McGeown. and friends from Thornhill United Church attended the shower at the home of Mrs. ‘Reg Hawke. Friends of the groom‘s family in Kitchener gave a miscellan- eous shower at the home of the groom’s mother. Mrs. Harold Matresky. The maid-ofâ€"honor, Miss Pat Wadsworth. invited old school friends from Thornhill Second- ary School to a shower at her home and a bathroom shower at home, of Mrs. June Mallon was attended by neighbors. The bride’s mother entertain- ed at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter a week before the wedding, which took place in Thornhill United Church on August 22. On their wedding trip, the newlyweds traveled to the east coast, Boston and Maine. They are living in Montreal where the groom is employed by Gen- eral Electric Limited. The bride. an employee of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. has transfered to the foreign exchange depart- ment of the bank‘s office in Montreal. The groom‘s brother. Keith, was unable to attend the wed- ding, but brother DaVid and wife Marion were down from Wawa. Cards and letters Were receiv- ed from the bride‘s parents and relatives in England. There were also telegrams from friends on holidays and from the groom's sister, Mary Rea, who is with Operation Beaver in Auden. Ontario for the sum- mer and will return to attend Carleton University. Ottawa. in table decorations Bride Wears Mother's Wedding §§Dress For Thornhill Nuptials The bride wore her mother's wedding dress, and baskets of orange ice gladiolas flanked the altar of Thornhill United Church for the August 22 wed- ding of Margaret Jeanne Tay- lor and James Phillip Matresky. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor, 27 Valloncliffe Road, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Matresky of Kitch- Drug And Alcohol Addiction Available to our patrons for circulation are many pamphlets and fact sheets on drug and alcoholic addiction. These are sup- plied to the library by the “Addiction Research Foundation" of the Province of Ontario. This disturbing and critical subject is well covered in all its forms. ener Matresky - Taylor Officiating clergyman was Rev. Alfred McAllister. Mrs. Lona Richardson played the wedding music, and Mrs. Anne Wilson sang Crimmon's “23rd Psalm” before the ceremony and “A Wedding Prayer” during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ivory slipper satin gown fashioned on princess lines with a sweetheart neckline. Her skirt flowed into a long train, and her long em- broidered veil fell to the floor from a corsage of lilies in her hair. She carried a trailing bouquet of yellow mums and red roses. Maid of honor was Patricia Wadsworth, and bridesmaids were Susan Taylor, a cousin of the bride, Susan Mallon, and Mrs. Brenda Wilfort, sister of the groom. Junior bridesmaids were Elizabeth and Susan Cun- ningham. The attendants were dressed alike in body-line dresses of soft green cotton with high round neckline, short puff sleeves, high-waisted skirts soft- ly gathered to the bodice, and ribbon belts which hung down the back. They wore three daisy mums in long hair pulled ‘up and hanging in curls at the 1back. Maid of honor and brides- maids carried sheaths of three orange ice gladiolas with wide deep green velvet bOWS and long streamers. .V..o . The junior bridesmaids had matching gowns trimmed with white daisies and carried bas- kets of white daisy mums. Robert Krueger of Kitchener was best man, and ushers Were Chris Vogel, John Matresky, brother of the groom, and David Taylor, brother of the bride. A buffet supper was served to about 130 guests at the recep- tion at the Heintzman House. To receive the bride’s mother wore a floor-length salmon pink “His Enemy, His Friend" â€" Friends opposing one an- other on the battlefield. “Flight Towards Home" -â€" A true story telling about a ten-year-old boy who flees flaming Breslau in 1945 and two years later reaches Goslar in West Germany. Recommended Reading For Young Teens "The Year Of The Raccoon” â€" This is fifteen-year- old Joey Larkin‘s story. He is the middle brother between a promising pianist and a younger "brain". The Year Of The Raccoon was the year Joey felt inferior and then dis- covered his own special ability â€" he is really the human core, the mainstay of the Larkin family. “A Hardy Race Of Men" â€" A very colorful account of men on the North American Continent from the very primitive culture of Clovis man (10,000 BC) to the tribes of the League of Iroquois which has lasted to this day. 1 tr \ - The response to our appeal for financial support at the general meeting at. the Clubhouse Thursday evening of last week was so great that. much to the delight of the club's executive, the existing courts will be resurfaced and a fourth court constructed. 7 Work is due to start September 1 and will take two weeks with good weather. We know you will all be pa- tient while this most desirable improvement is taking place. Richmond Hill defeated us 4-2 August 18 so they are now the league champions. This Wednesday we have a sudden death game with North York at North York. A win for us would allow us to take part in the playoffs. Joan Barrett School of Ballet. (Royal Academy of Dancing) Classes Commence Week Of Sept. 14th . SPECIAL NURSERY CLASSES . BEGINNERS . R.A.D. SYLLABUS & EXAMS . ADULT CLASSES THORNHILL LIBRARY Markham Twp. Public Library System Family Reading For Further Information Phone 727 - 3814 Aurora Dick Maier Landscape Contractor Thornhill â€"â€" 889-5344 o WEED & TREE SPRAYING o LANDSCAPING o MAINTENANCE Thornhill Tennis Club gown and a corsage of white sweetheart roses. For her wedding trip to a re- sort near Hunstville, the bride chose a soft white and mauve ensemble and a corsage of sweetheart roses. Guests attended from Kitch- ener. Ottawa, Vancouver and Montreal. A resident of Thornhill for eight years. the bride is a grad- uate of Thornhill Secondary School. The groom graduated with a bachelor of arts degree from Waterloo Lutheran Uni- versity last spring and will be attending Althouse College of Education in London in Septem- ber. He plans to teach high school history and geography. 7 iThe youngr couplé will live in London. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs, Di- ane and Joyce have just return- ed from a holiday in their home- land, Holland, where they visit- ed relatives and friends. Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Barbara Newman from Lewis, Sussex, England, is spending her vacation with her sister, Peggy Francis, and fam- ily. 'Birthday congratulations to Susan Ryan, who will celebrate her birthday on September her birthday on September The buffet. which took a week Mrs. Dorothy Nich015 has. Just of preparation and planning, returned from a m9t01‘ mp to was set up on eight tables in the Nova Scotia With frlénds- garden. Numerous show pieces Donna Rogers was “1 Branson decorated the tables, including Hospital for several days last an ice sculpture of Eskimos and week. but is home now and feel- some fat sculptures of bears. ing fine > I _ Correction A welcome is extended ta all of those who have moved to Crestwood recently. Please con- tact me if you have any items of interest while on holidays or at home. I will be pleased to put them in my column as we have former neighbours who have moved to all parts of Ca- nada, but still get “The Liberal” and like to read about the hap- penings in the neighborhood. Crestwood Rd. News Mrs. June Finch Phone 889-7091 Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 Robert Sherwood a resident of 50 Silver Aspen Drive. North Thornhill announced this week ‘ that he will seek election as the Ward 2 councillor in the new regional area of Markham. Vot- I ing day is October 5. Ward 2 covers the area from Yonge Street on the west to the pro- posed Highway 404 on the east ‘ and from Highway 7 on the 1 north to the Toronto Ladies: Golf Club on the south. Active in community affairs, Mr. Sherwood is chairman of the Markham Township Com- mittee of Adjustment. His in- terest in young people has seen him take an active role in hoc- key. baseball and the Boy Scouts. A residents of North Thornhill for the past four years he is married and the father of four children. Neighborhood Notes Frank Kenel of Fairview Ave- nue experienced one of the high- lights of his career recently when the Florists Tran‘sworld Delivery Association held their convention in Toronto. Mr. Kenel is head chef at the Tom 0’ Shanter Golf Club in Scarboro, and it was his res- ponsibility to plan and prepare a buffet for the 2000 members of the association who dined at the club. The menu included whole barbecued hinds of prime beef Ponderosa smoked seafoods; pate de fois gras in pastry; shrimp and lobster trees; suckling pigs; a variety of meat, vegetable and green salads; fruit and jellied moulds; and a variety of des- serts. In last week‘s column I gave the incorrect date for the next meeting of Emmanuel Anglican Church Women. It should have been September 8 at 8 pm. Af- ter a short business meeting, Mrs. Jean Gordon of the Child- ren’s Aid Society will speak. All ladies in the area are invited. NEWMARKET: Two official openings mark expansion of rec- reation facilities in Newmarket. Recently the new wading pool at Newmarket Fairgrounds. a project of the Lions Club. was declared open. Plans are now under way for the local arena which is under- going extensive renovations. â€"REGISTRATIONâ€"- Sept. 10th â€" 4.30 . 6.30 EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH MacKay Drive, Richvale Sept. 11th â€" 4.30 - 6.30 CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Blvd. Thornhill TELL your neighbour, tell your friends. We are selling 12,463 empty frames â€"- most sizes. styles, finishes for 50c, $1. $2, $3. $4, $5, $6. $7, $8. $9, $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about non-glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut â€" most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we’ll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10.000 Picture Frames, 102 Doncaster Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues, Wed., Thurs, Fri., Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Chargex or your per- sonal cheque. “BE AN ANGEL” CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 LANGSTAFF NEWS :Richvale Scaffold Rentals' 9114 YONGE ST. 4 The Town of Vaughan will be comprised of the lands within the Township of Vaughan less Lots 36 to 60 in the lst Concession with the addition of the lands within the Village of Woodbridge and the lands in the Township of King being Lot 1 in Concessions 2 to 11 inclusive. An election will be held in the Area Munici- pality of the Town of Vaughan on October 5th, 1970 for the following: (a) The Council for the Area Municipality of the Town of Vaughan. (One member of the said Council will also be elected as a member of the Council of the Regional Municipality of York.) (b) Members of the York County Board of Education. (c) Members of the York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. A preliminary list of owners and tenants who are eligible to vote at the election has been prepared from the last revised Voters’ Lists and supplementary information. TOWN OF VAUGHAN Note: List law prohibited from voting, and is resident in the Village of Woodbridge or those parts of the Townships of Vaughan and King as defined above, for the period between the let day of January, 1970, and the 5th day of October, 1970, is entitled to be added to the Voters’ List. 1“. “Hunt/AVA. v .__.v titled to vote, evervy persbn‘ who is a British sub- ject, of the full age of 21 years and not disqual- ified under the Municipal Act, 9r.otherwise by , ,.!_1,__L :__ Application may be made by any person who complains that any name has been omitted from the list or that the names of persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered on the list, to the Returning Officer in his office at Maple on any day except Sunday or a legal holiday during the period from the 11th day of August to the 29th day of August inclusive, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between the hours of 9:00 am. and 4:30 p.m., and on Saturdays between the hours of 9:00 am. and 1:00 p.m., and also on the 14th day of August and the 21st day of August be- tween the hours of 7:30 pm. and 9:00 pm. Dated at Maple this 10th day of August, 1970. AREA MUNICIPALITY OF THE In addition to those peljsong ordiqayily en- On August 7th, 1970, copies of the Voters’ were posted in the following places: H PP?H9WFWN Office of the Clerk, Village of Woodbridge. Office of the Clerk, Township of King. Office of the Clerk, Township of Vaughan. Maple Post Office. ' Woodbridge Post Office. Pine Grove Post Office. ‘ Concord Post Office. Nashville Post Office. ' Kleinburg Post Office. Other prominent places throughout the area. Information as _to__these__ locations Preparation of Voters’ List a]. can LIILUL uu- u.v.. can be obtained thrgfigfivthéibffice of the Returning Officer. Revision of Voters’ List Qualification of Voters Posting of Voters’ List F. G. Jackman, Returning Officer, 33 Richmond Street, Maple, Ontario.

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