Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Sep 1970, p. 18

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Dutch Visitors Enjoying a two month vaca- tion with their son and daugh- ter-'m-law Mr. and Mrs. Arnie van Velzen of Riverside Boule- vard, are Mr. and Mrs. Andries van Velzen from Wormer, in Northern Holland. An interest- ing point of the trip is that Mr. and Mrs. van Velzen Sr. won the holiday by entering a con- test in a Dutch magazine. The prize presented them with a wonderful opportunity to visit their three sons and one daugh- ter. all now living in the Tor- onto area. Their last visit to this country was twelve years ago. "This is just an instance of the mess the province has thrown this area in. It‘s a case of the forgotten people below Highway 7. We would certainly get our investment recognized if there is a boun- dary change. and I would certainly go along with this project." said Thornhill Councillor William Masters. Reeve Stewart R u m b] e didn't agree that the problem was so simple. There Were only so many capital dollars available for township pro- jects each year, and the ming pool costs. "We should ask the school board to come forward with the final esti- mates," he said. Councillor Eldred King agreed with Reeve Rumble that certain things had hap- pened since council gave the swimming pool approval in principle. The p r o p o s e d northward move of the Metro boundary had also put the school board in a dilemma over Thornhill construction plans. he said. “We should meet with the school board to find out their several mounts agu. vuuucu agreed to refer this matter to a meeting in committee at. an early date. The meeting was not held and the efforts to obtain positive ' informa- tion from members of the Parks and Recreation Com- mittee have not been satis- factory." said the letter to council. “A decision on this matter is extremely urgent. since preparation of construction drawings for this phase (of the proposed school addition) is imminent. There is no auonuun [(1 tin: Tum-“U. School. Tw0 gymnasiums were to have been required unless the municipality agreed to follow the better plan of providing a swim- ming pool instead of one of the gymnasiums. A citizens‘ swimming pool committee. including a wide spectrum of technical and sports experts, was appointed to advise the township. The recommendations reported by this committee have been in the hands of council since early in the year. ll-lllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll“illlllillllllllllll\lillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllilllllllililllll\llllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll illlllililllllll\lilllllllilliilllllliiiillillllllii|\llllllllllllllllllil\iiilllilllllllllililllllllliiiiiiiilli'1’ wLast Sunday Mr. John van Velzen held a family reunion A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Dorothy Madsen. who is now in St. John's Convales- cent Hospital. Cummer Avenue, Willowdale. She is having ther- apy on her leg after a knee op- eration in York Central Hos- pital. N eighborhood Notes 18 Congratulations are extended to Edward Travis, eldest son of Edna (Coombes) and the late Frank Travis, formerly of Langstaff. and Susan Clare. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Clare of Lancaster. England. who will be married Septem- ber 5. The wedding ceremony will take place at 4 pm in Holy Trinity Anglican C 11 u re h. Brooke Street. Thornhill. Brook; sueea Tim-“mu, " Six other firms submittedl Dorothy Young has just re- bids as follows: Renzetti Con- turned from a lovely holiday in struction Limited. 4200 Weston England. Road, Weston, $46,829: Millert Mary, Jim and Brian King Paving Limited, Box 56, But- spent a few days recently vi5- tonville. $49,947: Beamish Con- iting with former neighbors on struction Limited Limited, 7901 Crestwood Road. the Dewars, Bayview Avenue. Thomhill, in Fenelon Falls. $46,261; Kleen-way Construction Brian King has been laid Up Limited. $45367; Pisa Construc- for a few days with a sore tion Limited. 450 Teston Road. throat. A speedy recovery is Maple. $65,366; and Dagmar Wished for him as school will Construction Company Limited, Brian King has been laid up for a few days with a sore throat. A speedy recovery is wished for him as school will soon be starting. Thornhill Presbyterian Church brimmed hats and carried has-‘1 was the scene of a lovely wed- kets of mauve and white daisies. ‘ ding when Lynda Dianne Bailie. The best man was Frank Di daughter of Mr. and Mrs. War- Bel-to. brother of the groom, ren Bailie of Thornhill. became and the ushers were Pat Di the bride of Pasquale Di Berto. Dominicis. cousin of the groom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Di Robert Bailie, brother of the Berto of Downsview on August bride. and Tony Mazzeo. 15. The reception for 130 guests. The Moderator of the Presby- was held at the Town House. terian Church in Canada. Dr. Eglinton Avenue West. To re- Dilwyn Evans. officiated at the1ceive the guests. the bride‘s Prodded by the Noah Thornhill Recreation Asso- ciation, Markham Township Council last week decided to hold a meeting with the York County Board of Education to discuss the Thornlea Secondary School swimming pool that was promised months ago. ~ But there was evidence of reluctance in council over spending carefully rationed capital funds on a project in an area mooted for annexa- tion by Metro. The pool is gxpected to cost somewhere 1n the vici- nity of 3280.000 Action 0n Stalled Thornlea School Pool ! The Moderator of the Presby- terian Church in Canada. Dr. Dilwyn Evans. officiated at the double ring ceremony. with Mrs. Robert Richardson at the organ. Mrs. Hugh Martin sang. “I‘ll Walk Beside You" and “The Wedding Hymn". During the ceremony the guests sang. “0 Perfect Love". Lynda Bailie, Pasquale Di Berto Married, To Live In Downsview The bride‘ given in marriage by her father. was radiant in a white polyester crepe gown with chantilly lace bodice and sleev- es. matching full-length train and fingertip veil. She carried a nosegay of white roses and mauve cornflowers. Miss Trudi Taylor of Thorn-land dress of mauve crimplene hill was maid of honor, and the with white accessories and a bridesmaids were Mrs. Maureen purple orchid for her corsage. Di Berta, sister-in-law of the The happy couple left for a groom. and Miss Darlene Wil- three-week c amping trip liamson. Cathy Bailie waslthrough the United States and junior bridesmaid for her sister.[planned to visit their uncle and The bridesmaids were gowned aunt in Florida. On their re- in mauve and white flowereditum they will reside in Dmms- batiste with sheer mauve wide- view. Crestwood Rd. News Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Wiuowdale Telephone 889-3443 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 3, 1970 Thornhill and District News Socially Speaking In Thorn/rill at his home in Willowdale and the visitors enjoyed the com- pany of all their sons and their daughter as well as ten grand- children. Mr. and Mrs. van Velzen were accompanied on their journey from Holland and for the commencement of their vis- it by a reporter and photogra- pher from the magazine from which their prize was won, This reporter and photographer then went on to cover the visit to open the CNE of Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and her husband Pieter van Vol- lenhoven. The visit of Mr. and Mrs. van Velzen to Canada will also be reported in the Dutch magazine on their return to that country. Horticultural Society The annual summer show of the horticultural society will be held at the Heintzman House this Saturday and Sunday. The general public is invited to at- tend the show. entrance to which is free of charge on Sat- urday from 4 pm to 9 pm and on Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm. Exhibitors are to place their The contract for installation of storm s‘ewer, sanitary sewer, watermain and curb on 540 feet of Pomander Road at Union- ville was awarded last week by Markham Township Council to Parklavm Sodding Limited of Box 137. Thornhill. $42,750 Job Awarded In Markham Township Parklawn submitted the low- est bid for the job, $41750. The work will be to extend local improvements east from Emily Carr Road. Varley Vil- lage. 351.551 question of using this money for projects that would stay in the township would have to be weighed. He said the provincial move to establish York Region and change boundaries altered the Situa- tion. Deputy-reeve A n t h o n y Roman said the matter of the swimming pool for Thornhill should be brought to a head. He felt council should meet with the parks board and school board. Councillor James Jonge- neel said council had receiv- ed only sketchy and preli- minary estimates of 5mm- ming pool costs. “We should ask the school board to come forward with the final esti- mates," he said. Councillor Eldred King agreed with Reeve Rumble that certain things had hap- pened since council gave the swimming pool approval in principle. The proposed northward move of the Metro boundary had also put the school board in a dilemma over Thornhill construction plans. he said. The best man was Frank Di Bel-to. brother of the groom, and the ushers were Pat Di Dominicis. cousin of the groom. Robert Bailie, brother of the Eglinton Avenue West. To re- ceive the guests. the bride‘s mother wore pink shantung with white accessories. She was assisted by the groom‘s mother who wore a blue dress with matching jacket annd black accessories. ‘ Among the guests were the lbride's paternal grandmother. ers. Samuel Bailie of Keswick Hth wore lime green lace with [white accessories, and the bride's maternal grandfather, ,John Whaley of Willowdale. For her going away outfit. the bride chose a matching coat and dress of mauve crimplene with white accessories and a purple orchid for her corsage. The happy couple left for a three-week c amping trip through the United States and planned to visit their uncle and “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 entries between 10 am and 12'Canada Caravan will come to noon on Saturday, September Thornhill United Church. The 5. There will be exhibits, dJSâ€" caravan is something new and plays and decorative designs of exciting in bazaars and the date flowers, vegetables and fruits is well worth keeping in mind. right at the peak of the season. More details will be available Come out and see how well later, horticulturalists in the Thom- Ladies of the ACW of Holy hill area have done their thing Trinity Church are new bus- in 1970. >in engaged in plans for their Congratulations to Ted Broad- stock. Centre Street. who will receive his B.Sc., degree from York University at the fall con- vocation in November. Ted is planning to attend Toronto Teachers College in the fall. Readers are reminded of‘ some interesting events to be taking place in the early fall. Tickets are now on sale for a very special fashion show to be presented by the women of the church of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Baythorn Drive and Royal Orchard ‘Boulevard. The show will be held at the church on October 13 and will feature Miss Rosar. fashion co-ordinator of the St. 3Regis Room, Simpsons. She ‘will present some interesting new fall and winter fashions. Tickets are $1 and this will in- ‘clude dessert and coffee. All prooeeds go to the work of iWomen of the Church. Belated birthday greetings to" Tom Gooderham. May Avenue,‘ for August 28: to Joanne Chrep- tyk, Pemberton Road. August 31; and to Mrs. P. Fransden, Weldrick Road, on the same day. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations are extended to Mary Lenton of Weldrick Road and George Borthwick of Port Credit on the announceâ€" ment of their engagement. position King. In letters to the Markham Township Council and the York County Board of Edu- cation. North Thornhill Re- creation Association Presi- dent Sam Masson pointed out that the local community was concerned over the lack of progress in reaching a deci- sion regarding the proposed swimming pool at Thornlea Secondary School. Kevin Victor John Green- field, the first son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Greenfield, Weld- rick Road, was christened at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, August 30. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Soderberg of Maple and George Borthwick of ‘Port Credit were godparents. “A study. with a recom- mendation for the installa- tion of a semi-Olympic pool. was submitted to council several months ago. Council agreed to refer this matter to a meeting in committee at an early date. The meeting was not held and the efforts to obtain positive ' informa- tion from members of the Parks and Recreation Com- mittee have not been satis- factory.” said the letter to council. “A decision on this matter is extremely urgent. since preparation of construction drawings for this phase (of the proposed school addition) is imminent. There is no Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Bubb from Warwickshire, England, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Lenton of Weldrick Road. Get well wishes are sent to Archie Huffman of Weldrick Road, who is doing nicely. but still confined to hospital; to Mrs. C. Bromaly and M. Mac- Donald of May Avenue who are also patients in hospital. I. Mrs. Williamian O. Bender. 8 Liszt Gate, Willowdale, On- tario. will not be responsible for any debts, of any kind. con- tracted in my name without my written order. In particular, I have always paid for the care and education of my children and will con- tinue to do so. No other per- son has ever been given care and custody OR guardianship of any of my children. or ever will be given care and custody or guardianship by me. Dated at Richmond Hill, Aug- ust 29, 1970. W. O. Baxter, (formerly) Williamian O. MacDonald On November 16 the Cross NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) NOTICE said Councillor Ladies of the ACW of Holy Trinity Church are new bus- ily engaged in plans for their opportunity sale to be held in October. Please keep this in mind if you are clearing out closets etc. They would ap- preciate anything in the way of clothing, bric a brac etc. Ar- ticles may be left inside the south parking lot door of the parish hall. Exact date of the sale will be announced later. The township‘s building total for the first seven months of ‘1970 is up $2,466,000 over 1969. This pushed the 1970 town- ship building total past the $10 million mark to $10.254,4]0. Included in the July building permits were three industrial buildings worth a total of $140,000. All are to be built for rental purposes. A $40,000 building is planned for 15th Avenue in Richvale, a $25,000 building for John Street, and a $75,000 building for Deni- son Street in the Woodbine Avenue (Don Mills) industrial area. The average construction cost of the 19 single family detached dwellings authorized in July is estimated at $26,100 per unit. Building Rate Climbs In Markham Township Another $761,000 worth of construction was authorized dur- ing July in Markham Town- ship. question that, from a recrea- tional point of View, the pool is necessary and that failure to seize this opportunity wiE) be a serious lack of foresight and community planning. “This association wishes to know what steps are being taken by council in this mat- ter and recommends that the meeting with the pool com- mittee. agreed to by council, be held without further de- lay." said the letter to coun- cil from recreation associa- tion President Masson. For some time now the York County Board of Edu- cation has been planning an addition to the Thornlea Sc‘nool. Two gymnasiums were to have been required unless the municipality agreed to follow the better plan of providing a swim- ming pool instead of one of the gymnasiums. A citizens’ swimming pool committee. including a wide spectrum of technical and sports experts, was appointed to advise the township. The recommendations reported by this committee‘have been in the hands of councli since early in the year. BUILDING MATERIALS SAND & GRAVEL 0111 Jane St.. Between Steeles Ave. West & No. '1 Hwy Fully Air Conditioned â€" Lots of Free Parking Early Birds 7:15 p.111. â€" Regular Games 8 pm. â€" BRING THIS AD FOR ONE FREE GAME â€" Sponsored by Forestdale Heights Lodge B‘Nai B'rith Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL 889-4137 â€" 889-4176 Open ’Til Noon Saturdays â€" Cash and Carry Up To $3,500 In EVERY MONDAY NIGHT See Page 35 of the bright yellow Richmond Heights Centre Back-to- School Shopping Guide in this issue . . . for the answer. What is . . AT THE JANE & 7 COUNTRY â€" WE DELIVER o WEED & TREE SPRAYING o LANDSCAPING o MAINTENANCE Dick Maier Landscape Contractor Thornhill â€" 889-5344 Al‘- the the For those of you who receive their paper Wednesday even- ing, tonight is Carrville United Church‘s big barbecue. It con- tinues to 8 pm. There will also be a take-out service. Guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Layland of Roosevelt Drive for the past couple of weeks was Mrs. Leyland‘s sister. Mrs. Mor- ay Flynn of Perth. Scotland. The ACW of Emmanuel An- glican Church will hold its first meeting of the fall season Sep‘ tember 8 at 8 pm. Guest speaker will be a representative of the Children‘s Aid Society. Every- one is invited to attend. Reâ€" freshments will be served. A new baby brother for Helen and Michael Reeve and a son for proud parents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reeve of Roosevelt Drive arrived August 16 at York Central Hospital. The baby boy has been named Daniel Charles. ' We are glad to hear that Ed Spears has returned home from York Central Hospital where he was treated for an inner ear virus infection. Neighborhood Notes Miss Paula White has return- ed home from the Falconbridge Nickel Mines Children‘s Sum- met Camp at Nelson Lake, north of the town site of Fal‘ conbridge. Fortunately the camp was not touched by the hurricane winds that hit Sud- bury and Lively. The Richvale Co-operative Nursery School, licensed by the Ontario Department of Family and Social Services. supervised by Mrs. Dorothea Shipley, will start September 14. A11 chil- dren three and four years of age are eligible to attend and ROBERT ADAMS To Seek Ward 1 Seat Robert Adams of 17 Ida Street, Thornhill, has anouneed‘ his intention to seek the Ward 1 seat on the council of the new Town of Markham in the Octo- ber 5 election. Ward one covers the area from Yonge Street to the proposed Highway 404 (roughly Leslie Street) and from Steeles Avenue to John Street in Thornhill. Bob’s community interests during his 14 years residence have included a term as pres- ident of the Thornhill Lions Club, chairman of the North Thornhill Community Centre Board, vice-president of the Thornhill Church Hockey League, as coach and manager in the league, and as a member of the Markham Township Com- mittee of Adjustment. He and his wife Margaret have three children, Bob Jr., who attends Thornhill Second- ary School. Stephen and Jo- Anne who attend Sand Junior School. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE - PHONE 889-3806 Richvale District News Prizes STARTING SEPT. 14 CLUB & No. '1 Hwy transportation is arranged through the co-operation of the parents. For further in- formation call Mrs. Shipley at 889-2896 or President Mrs. Brenda Decent at 889-7145. BOECKNER - NELSON The marriage of Nancy Lynn.‘ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson, Roosevelt Drive, to Allan George Boeckner of Maple. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boeckner, took place August 15 in Zion Lutheran Church. Maple. Rev. John Arbuckle officiated, as- sisted by the groom‘s brother, Rev. Barry Boeckner. The or- ganist was the groom‘s brother Keith. There will be 3 parents' meeting about the nursery school September 3 at 8:15 pm in Emmanuel Anglican Church. MacKay Drive. Your correspondent is an- xious to hear from everyone in the Richvale area who has spent an enjoyable summer â€"â€" trav- elling. attending interesting events, entertaining. celebrat- ing. etc. Wedding Maid of honor for her sister was Debbie Nelson and the bridesmaids were her sister, Mary Madden; her cousin, Mar- garet Horsburgh and Barbara Urban. The flower girl was the bride‘s niece Brenda Wehmeier. Best man was David Reade and ushers were David Grahl- man and Henry and David Nel- son. The bride wore traditional White and her attendants wore aqua blue with blue cal-nations in their hair. The church was also decorated with blue-tinted carnations. TELL your neighbour, tell your friends, we are selling 12,463 empty frames â€"- most sizes. styles, finishes for 50c, $1. $2, $3. $4, $5. $6, $7, $8, $9, $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about non-glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut â€" most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we’ll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10,000 Picture Frames, 102 Doncaster Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues., Wed., Thurs, Fri., Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Chargex or your per- sonal cheque. The reception which followed OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 RM; SATURDAY TO 6 RM. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY â€" AS WELL AS LABOR DAY AL BIKE SHOP and . SPORTS CENTRE ELENC 33 Glencameron Road Thornhill E n 5 (‘11: FOR OPENERS... 5-SPEED‘ Hl-RISER COMPARE AT $76.95 Canadian made with Super Shift. For ages 7 to 14 “BE AN ANGEL" PLUS OVER 300 BIKES IN ALL MODELS FOR TODDLERS TO GRANDPARENTS Above Specials Also Available 1708 Avenue Road in Newmarket 651 McCowan Road 136 Davis Drive WE NEED YOUR TRADE IN was held at Peller‘s Restaurant in Willowdale. The three-tiered wedding cake was made and de- licately decorated by the bride‘s father. It was adorned with pink and white roses and topped with two white doves, white lily of the valley and two silver rings. Many out-ofâ€"town relatives and friends were present. in- cluding Mr. and Mrs. Hors- burgh and family from Ayton. Mr. and Mrs. William Wood from Lindsay: the groom‘s‘ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grahlman, Mr. and Mrs; Harold Grahlman and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grahlman from Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. B. C Grahlman from Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gralilman from Quebec City: Mr. and Mrs. ‘Alex Grahlman. Mr. and Mrs. William Grahlman and Mrs. John Campbell from Detroit; Michigan; Mrs. Florence Barn-1 haz'dt from Stratfard: Mr. and‘ Mrs. Richard Ridley from Cali- fornia; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Boe- ckner of Quebec City and Rev. and Mrs. Barry Boeckner from‘ Rose Bay, Nova Scotia. I‘iw After the reception, the happy young couple left for a honeymoon trip to the East Coast. where they planned to attend the induction of the groom's brother in Rose Bay. THORNHILL HOCKEY O.M.H.A. TEAMS (1970â€"71) Novice (Born 1960 - 61) Atom (Born 1959) Pee Wee (Born 1958) Minor Bantam (Born 1957) Bantam (Born 1956) ‘ Midget (Born 1954 - 1955) Juvenile (Born 1952 - 1953) Registration and Tryouts at Doublerink Arenas (One hour practice (In a Carton) KEN SMITH - 889-2783 RICH HOWSON - 889-5519 - 61) â€" Sept. 15 & 22 - 5.30 â€" Sept. 16 & 23 - 5.45 58) â€" Sept. 14 & 21 - 5.45 .m 1957) _ Sept. 18 & 25 - 5.15 6)_ ‘ â€" Sept. 13 - 5.15 p.m., : - 1955) â€" Sept. 17 & 24 - 5.15 i2 - 1953)â€" Sept. 18 & 25 - 8.00 COME WITH FULL EQUIPMENT For Further Information Phone WE RENT CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT :Richvale Scaffold Rentals' 9114 YONGE ST. A THORNHILL 007'IUJ7 ‘I“““““““ CONVERSE GYM SHOES THORNHILL BACK TO SCHOOL 0 o 0 Training and Jogglflg Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24” depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton Top Quality Running Shoe at a cost of $1.00 per boy) OTHER MODELS FROM $6.99 Compare $19.95 22 - 5.30 p.m. 23 - 5.45 pm. 21 - 5.45 pm. 25 - 5.15 pm. 6.15 p.m., Sept. 25 - 5.30 pm. 24 - 5.15 pm. 25 - 8.00 pm. Phone 889 - 8998 STEELES AVE 33 GLENCAMERON RD 889-1059 GEM STORE OUR PRICE Compare $11.50 Pair

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