Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Sep 1970, p. 8

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101 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond Hill Phone 884-4988 RICHMOND HILL FOR RENT 600' bright front. 2nd floor office space. Richmond Heights Centre. Choice residential parcel, 264‘x528‘. Ideal for subdiv- iding. Builders’ terms. Specialists in Industrial & 4,050 sq. ft. 2 storey indust- rial and completed offices. Ideally situated. BARRIE Commercial Real Estate Sales. Insurance, Valuations. Mortgages, Refinancing CALL TODAY 884-4988 ROBERT A. DYE LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 3, 1970 Ther WILLOWDALE REGARDEZ! Comfortable 3 bedroom brick bungalow with gold-green broad- loom in living room and din- ing room. Quiet street close to ishopping and transportation, low down payment. Phone Mr. ‘Fenwick at 889-8181. HAROLD KEFFER LTD. ‘ Realtor PRIVATE 3 bedroom brick semi in New- market. Newly decorated, kit- chen renovated. Carries $119 monthly P.I.T. Call after 6 am, 895-3786. tfclo Choice 2 acre \vooded hilltop lot. 832-1481 after 5:30 pm. WANTED TO BUY Store, with or without apart- ment on Yonge Street in Rich- mond Hill. Call Mr. Rizzi. 222- 5481. Harold Kefier Ltd. Realtor c1w10 REAL ESTATE WANTED KiNG TWP. c4w9 ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY IN YOUR PRESENT HOME? 2 pm. - 4 pm. the long week- end. Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 441, 443 and 445 Cros- by Avenue. For more information call Mrs. Narvet or Mr. Jarrett, 222-6559. $34,900 3 big new bungalows now being built on Crosby Ave. Close to Bayview. Big floor plan, wash- room off master bedroom, fin- ished open fireplace, two car garage. Take a look. Buy soon and have your choice of colors for tile and decorating. Trade- in your little old small bunga- low for one of these. You are not getting any younger you know and now is the time to make a switch. See them! J. M. EASTERBROOK REALTOR BUILDING LOT ‘ $8,900. Yonge and Oak‘ idges, 100 x 150 ft‘, resi-‘ dential or light commercial. $2,500. down. M1‘.Sunter. ‘ $26,900.00 ‘ 3 bedroom brick bungalow. rec. room, paved private drive, nicely decorated. close ‘to schools. shopping and transportation. Mr. Manuel.‘ {Beautiful 1 acre lot withl stream surrounds this cus-1 tom built 3 bedroom ranch bungalow, 2 car garage, mas-‘ ter bedroom with 3 pc. en- suite, 2 floor to ceiling fire-‘ places, walkout from panel-‘ led rec. room. Asking $25,- 000 down. Excellent terms. Mrs. Sutherland. QUIET AREA ‘ $30,900. 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow. family kit- chen. 2 baths. finished base- ment. attached garage. land- scaped lot. close to schools. Mrs. Armstrong. THORNHILL TREED RAVINE \$95.00 monthly carries cosy 2 bedroom bungalow on Freed lot 66 x 200 ft., feat- ures modern kitchen, fire- place, 3 pc. bath. 22 ft. ver- ‘andah, garage. Mrs. Workâ€" iman. $29,900. Thinking of start- ing your own antique busi- ness? Try this 5-room bun galow plus large heated showroom on 84x125 ft. lot. Mrs. Bridges. Desirable property north of Richmond Hill, excellent {frontage on Yonge St. 253 274 ft. deep. Ideal location for any type of business. Mr. McVey. CARLISLE $31,000.00. Immaculate 6 room brick home, quiet cres- ‘cent, near shopping, school ‘and bus, garage, finished ap- artment downstairs. Mr. \Crowther. 28 Yoqge St. S. 889-7381 173- Members of the Toronto, York County and District Real Estate Boards FINISHED BASEMENT How Would An Expert Appraise Your Home? Harry Sadler, F.R.I. It is a common experience for a Realtor to list a home for sale and, in a week or so, receive an offer very close to the listed price only to have the seller refuse it. Then. unfortunately, the Realtor is never able to obtain as good an offer again. ‘ Why? The problem usually comes from an unreal- istically high price which the Realtor agreed to try against his better judgement. The owner is usually the unwitting loser in this “let‘s give it a try” school of pricing. Properties often have a maximum of only two or three good prospective buyers at a given time and later price reductions may be too late to interest the right prospects, who have bought elsewhere. An expert appraisal answers three basic questions: the value of your property in relation to other similar properties being sold or offered in your neighborhood; the cost of needed maintenance as it affects the prop- erty's appearance; and the influence upon the final sell- ing price of the methods of financing. Where can a home owner obtain an accurate ap- praisal? From a professional appraiser or a Realtor possess- ing wide practical experience. current knowledge of the market and a thorough grOunding in real estate proced- ures and methods. You require nothing less than the best man you can get. COMMERCIAL LOT REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER WHY PAY RENT? REALTOR LTD. PHOTO M.L.S. KING SIDEROAD See you next week . . . Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. 884-7751 773-4335 6 ROOM ranch type bungalow. 2 car garage, sun porch. cathe- dral type construction, 12’ nigh stone fireplace. full basement. hot water heating with oil. In- spection by appointment only. 889-0350. thB MAPLE. split-level, 3 bedroom, attached garage. $33,900. 832- 2356. c2\V9 UNIONVILLE $35,900. Quiet country living, attractive 4 bed- room 11/f_; baths, family room, attached garage, almost new condition, schools, shopping close by, good mortgage. Hawkes. Low Down Payment 4 b e d r o o m bungalow waiting for an offer. 2 4-pc. baths, open stone fireplace, 634% lst mort- gage, Thornhill. Mrs. Benoit. 889-9330 OWNER MUST SELL $29,900. Richmond Hill west side immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow, attached garage, lovely garden, many extras. P. Hawkes. $5,000 DOWN 3 bedroom brick detach- ed bungalow, family siz- ed kitchen, ful] base- ment, c1056 to separate and public schools, must be sold. Mrs Ladkin. 3 bedroom bungalow, on large lot, 2 car garage, finished rec. room plus den, ideally situated in Richmond Hill, bus stop at the door, close to schools, $36,900. Mrs. .Ladkin. LOVELY PLEASANTVILLE 3 bedroom bungalow nestled among tall trees, walkout from basement to private garden, sun- deck off main living area, 2 open fireplaces. Spotless condition. Own- er transferred. Mrs. Benoit. ['F OUR SIGN IS ON YOUR LAWN â€"â€" HURRY HOME - YOU‘RE MOVING! 7724 Yonge St. Thornhil] $23,500. Immaculate, broadloomed home with 19’ panelled recreation room. 3 choice bed- rooms, big bright kit- chen. 634% 1st, reason- able down payment, earl- y possession if required! Harry Seston, 727-3442 or 889-9330. 12 acres of rolling coun- try side. Magnificent view. Building permit available, $21,500. Helen McNallly. OWNER DESPERATE IDEAL FOR HORSES YOUNG & BIGGIN LTD. REALTOR OWNER GOING ABROAD WEST SIDE Must Sell 727-3 3442 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! $23,900! ! ! 241’ LOT ! ! ! Spacious 3 bedroom family home featuring: super-large kitchen, large living-dining area, new furnace.l Two blocks to Yonge, ideal for children. Trees, trees, trees! Call Vy Howkins, 221-3411 Thornhill Office 8242Yongé 7 889-7771 MAKE AN OFFER After you have inspected this exceptionally well kept home located in the older prestige part of the Hill. Vendor will look at all offers. 3 bedrooms, 2 storey brick bungalow with attached garage and paved drive. Call Jack Madden, 889-7771 or 884â€" 4083. RECREATION, GARDENING, WORKSHOP You and your fine family could enjoy them all right in the heart of Richmond Hill. This 4 bedroom, 2 bath, den and rec. room house has all the modern features, plus a nice basement. Im- maculate condition. 6% mortgage. Asking $33,900. Call Mrs. Crecelius, 889-7771. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW In Richmond Hill, close to schools, shopping and transportation. This home is truly worth looking at. Raised floor in basement, nicely landscaped. All 6 rooms are of good family size. Asking $29,900. Cal] Mr. Murray, 889-7771. Serving Willowdale, Thornhill and Richmond Hill Gibbins Construction Ltd. 8 8 7 - 5 7 2 1 All Residential & Commercial Work HOMES Custom Built 0r REMODELLED! Toronto Real Estate Board Members of York County PROPERTIES NORTH of METRO HOLLAND Landing. two storey RICHMOND HILL brick home. remodelled. twmiBAYVIE‘V - 814% MORTGAGE washrooms and fireplace. 8233‘527‘900. Dutch clean 3 bedroom 500. $4000 down. 884-7190 oribrick bungalow, paved drive. 884-3179. c2\\'9‘1arge bright kitchen with eating ‘area. Broadloom. rec-room 28‘ x f12‘, privacy patio. steps to shop- ping, schools. transportation. ‘Call Mr. Windsor. 222-5481. 1 Harold Keffer Ltd. Realtor f clwlo N EWMARKET $36,500 Custom built home to please the most discriminat- ing buyer. A bungalow on a well tree‘d lot. Features knotty pine rec. room with stone fireplace and walkout to patio and wooded area. Three bedrooms, kitchen, dining area. large living room with fireplace. screen. ed in porch, attached garage. A look will convince you. Terms. BEAUTIFUL, IN THE COUNTRY $29,000 A stone house situated on a large lot, close to the high- way, features large living room with stcne fireplace, good kitchen, dining room. full basement. new oil furn- ace. 2 bedrooms. Excellent terms. W. R. CASE REALTY LTD. REALTORS 96 Yonge St. 5., Aurora Toronto Aurora 889-8654 727-4288 mmluumumuum“mummumuu\muumuunuuuuuumuuumnmulmuuuum\uuuummuuunuummuumm Between Steeles & No. 7 Highway East of Yonge off Bay Thorn Drive mmuuuuuuummmuuumuuu\mmuunumuuummmmnmuuummmnuumnuuummuuuummmmmuuuu PRESTIGE LIVING EXTRA LARGE I-2-3-Bedroom Suites FEATURING “The ultimate in apartment living” Schools â€" Plaza â€" Transportation Close By WEEK DAYS 12-9 P.M. â€" Owning your own home gives you security, stability, a growing equity and a lasting sense of pride and accomplishment. Check the many homes for sale on today’s Liberal Real Estate Page. The day you purchase your mm home is a day you will never forget Thornhill Terrace Built by New Style Construction â€"- Come now for best choice REASONABLE RENTS ESCAPE 889-2234 at the to muggy-(mm Canadian Cancer Society "IN MEMORIAM” GIFTS may be sent to the following In Memoriam Secretaries: Richmond Hill: Thomhill: Gormley: EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LTD. 889-5651 - 884-2377 Members of York County, Ontario & Canadian Assoe- iation of Real Estate Boards. ONLY 82.500 DOWN! Two bedroom bungalow on spacious lot. Attached gar- age, broadloom, large kit- chen. and attractive bath- room. Call Mrs. Locking MAKE AN OFFER. Ideal for retired couple. Two bedroom bungalow on lovely treed property. Close to shopping and transportation. For information. call Mrs. Jacobsen. WITH ONLY $5.000 DOWN FOUR BEDROOMS Are you raising a large fam- ily? Then. this home is for you. For family living and comfort, you can't go wrong here. The house itself is solid brick. detached. and situated on a residential street right here in Rich- mond Hill. The man to call is Wally Gustar. You can make this lovely little home yours. There are two bedrooms, a separate dining room, a finished rec- reation room. A private, paved driveway and a garage complete the picture. Would you believe this home is in Richmond Hill and directly on the local bus route. The home is detached, also. See it today with Ben Thompson. LOOK FOR. THE SIGN OF THE SHAMROCK $26,500. - THORNHILL Your down payment consid- ered for this large. two fam- ily dwelling. Two self-con- tained apartments 1 one bedroom, 1 two bedroom. Both have spacious liv- ing and dining areas, spot- less kitchens. Garth Pal- mer will show you this home. Mrs. H. C. Montgomery WEEKENDS 12 - 6 RM Mrs. W. B. Niddrie 121 Traybom Drive 884-7478 46 Silver Aspen Dr. 889-1408 Mrs. F. Donnelly R.R.2 Gormley 887-5203 773-4391 -mw- Q 3 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL STEAL ‘6 room brick bungalow, 8 spac- jious bedrooms, finished rec. :room. large landscaped home- site, private drive. close to sep- ‘arate school, shopping and .transportation. Try $4.000 down. ,‘one mortgage for the balance. Call GEORGE JACKSON ‘ $24,900. RANCHER. 3 queen size bedrooms. spac- 'ious kitchen loaded with cup- boards. good size living and dining area. full basement, pri- vate drive. large homesite. Try i $5,000. down. Call CASSELL CRAWFORD 1 OPEN STONE FIREPLACE Call BRUCE RAINEY TRADE NOW Your home as a trade in on a new back split or sidespllt home, featuring 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms. double car garages. Several to choose from in Rich- mond Hill, King and Newmar- ket. Call LARRY SANDERS RICHMOND HILL BARGAIN $24,900.. 6 room detached brick bungalow. 3 queen size bed- rooms, full basement, many dollar saving extras, fully landscaped homesite with many mature trees. Fast possession. Try $4,000. down. $5,000. down. 6 room brick bungalow, 27 foot finished rec. room, safe oil heat. aluminum storms and screens. Fast pos- session. Call DOUG BENNETT V.L.A. APPROVED 6 room brick bungalow. open fireplace, finished rec. room. private garage, many trees and shrubs. Immediate possession. Asking $31,900. Call FINN SAMUELSEN YOUNG EXECUTIVE Gracious living. 6 large rooms, solid brick bungalow, finished rec. room and Arbar, aluminum storms and screens, 2 large washrooms, safe oil heat. Ask« ing $32,900. You: down pay- ment considered. Call -MEL ATKINS KEELE ST., N0. 7 HWY. Ideal business location plus 6 room home, full basement. safe oil heat, many dollar saving ex- tras, large 80 foot frontage homesite. Immediate posses- sion. Hurry for this one. Ask- ing $32,900. Call JOHN CRYER $4,000. DOWN Richmond Hill 6 room brick bungalow, 3 spacious bedrooms, prof. finished rec. room, alum- inum storms and screens. large landseaped homesite. Fast pos- session, only $22,900. Call HORST ROSNER GRACIOUS LIVING In quiet surroundings, 2,200 sq. foot back split bungalow, fin< ished family room with open stone fireplace, also den. 2 bathrooms, four bedrooms, dou- [ble car garage. Immediate poa‘ sessmn. Call DELMA WOODCOCK TOWN AND COUNTRY 7 room brick rancher, attached garage, featuring large living room with open fireplace. 4 family size bedrooms, two bath~ rooms, partially finished rec. room, 100x132 foot landscaped homesite, private drive and garage. Asking $33,900 and worth it. Try $5.000 down. “Honesty and Service is our Motto” Call JOYCE CLELAND

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