The United Church Women of Headt'a'rd extend an invitation t/r’the community for Septem- er 14 at 8 pm. Don Brodie will be showing slides of his trip to Asia. including Expo "70 at Osaka, Japan, at the church, and refreshments will follow. All are welcome. Neighborhood Notes ‘ Tom Dunleavy left for a three week trip 0 England and Ireland on Fri- ay evening. While in Ireland 9 will spend some "time visit- 'ng the area near Galway where is family originated. 1 Richard Burton has left for ‘he University of Guelph where e is in his second year. Rich- rd is taking physical education nd is on the football team. Jean Clark has recently re- urned from a trip to the east cast with her sister and rother-in-law, Ruth and eorge Boynton. 0n the way here they stopped at Quebec ity and visited Lise Morin. vho had stayed with Jean as an xchange student. In New Brunswick they saw he Tidal Bore, the Flower Pots nd Hopewell Cape and the agnetlc Hill. Ron Leuschner gave the boys a com roast on Sunday eve- ning, and the ‘boys presented him with a gift in appreciation ‘of his contribution as coach of ‘the team. ‘Church News ‘ While in Nova Scotia they’ visited Elizabeth and Gordon ‘IcMillan and their children“ eather and Edward. Then on} rlnce Edward Island they‘ ’isited Gordon‘s mother, Mrs. . McMillan, who has one of he largest and most beautiful lower gardens on the island. At Burlington, P.E.I., they were very interested in the Woodleigh Replicas which are Ecale models of famous castles nd other buildings in England, made of 'stone by a retired sea aiptain. Their tour of the home of “ffâ€" Find a buyer through a clas- sified ad in “The Liberal" on sale every Thursday. It's easy to place your ad. Just call 884- 1105 or 884-1106 The baseball season is finish- ed for the Headford Boys. After winning their semi-final series iagainst Victoria Square they were beaten by Buttonville in the finals. On Tuesday evening at No. 4 School, the Headford Ladies finally defeated the Junior Farmers’ Ball Team. The score ‘was 9 'to 7 in a game which had to be called at the end of the fourth inning because of dark- ‘ness. Nova Scotia was very pic- ;uyesque and every place had .ts interesting points: The Cita- iel at Halifax, Peggy's Cove, the Cabot Trail, and the Land of Evangeline were just a few of the places they saw. Community News -At the time of writing, Mrs. Melvin Henderson is in an unâ€" cOnscious, very critical condi- tion in Sunnybrook Hospital, having had another massive cerebral haemorrhage, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Relyea have moved into the Rice’s apartment. -Staff Sergeant Fred Lewis of Ottawa is visiting his parents Neighborhood Notes On the sick list, Norman Brown had surgery on Thurs- day in Sunnybrook Hospital. John Evans had surgery on Fri- day at Toronto General Hos- pital. r Travelwayscrs‘ \ . . . New Trademark of Trallways of Canada Ltd COLONIAL Sept. 26. $124 twin (7 days, Washing- ton, Winiamsburg) FLORIDA â€" '1 departures. 21-day tour, Jan. through Apr. $329 twin (incl. Busch Gar- dens. Ybor City Tour, Tampa, Miami Beach, Mar- ineland, plus more) FLORIDA â€"â€" 14-day tours Nov. tlu-ough Apr. â€" 21 departures from $195 twin. All include tours of Wash- ington, Silver Springs, Busch Gardens, Tampa, Disney World and Miami. AUTUMN COLOUR TOURS VIRGINIA Northern Colour Tour Sept. 28, 5 Days, $99 Win Laurentian Mountain Colour Tour Oct. 3, 3 Days, $49.50 Twin Lake Placid/Stowe Vermont Oct. 6, 3 Days, $49.50 Twin New England Colour Tour Oct. 13, 6 Days. $99.50 Twin O Luxurious Aooomodation .Sightseeing & Guides OBagsaze Handling OTaxes 8.: Tipping 85 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Tours 884’8191 . Escorts ALL TOUR COSTS INCLUDE: Correspondent: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY ’ Phone 884-3035 Gormley Neighborhood Notes HEADFORD NEWS ‘5} parents Europe. Weekend guests at the Burton home were Miss Gloria Gibson. who will be teaching at Amber- croft Farms, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lawson and D’Arcy from Belleville. Diedre and Susan Staten have also been staying with the Burtons while their CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 On September 6, the George Barker family, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barker, Mrs. W. Well- man and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ’Wellman attended the annual Docks family reunion at Bond Head, where Elizabeth and her children won the prize for com- ing the farthest to get there. Roger and Sharon Brain (nee Rumble) have left for Europe where they will be touring several countries for an in- definite pei'iod of time. To celebrate Charlie‘s birth- day, they. along with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barker, visited the Nixon family in Port Bolster. Then the following week they celebrated Freeman’s 80th birthday by travelling with them to Hamilton to visit Miss Rhoda Barker and her family. Bob Burns and his family, from Dundas. spent the ï¬rst week of September holidaying on the Barker farm, and now Elizabeth McMillan and Heather and Edward are visiting from Nova Scotia while Gordon is working in Newfoundland. Anne's Green Gables was fur- ther enhanced by the fact that their guide was a relative of the author, L. M. Montgomery. The George Barker family have certainly been a busy group on the last few weeks. Mabel Barker won several prizes at the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society's August Show, including the "Court of Honor" in the arrangement class. 0n the return trip they came by way of the New England States, but were delayed in New Hampshire when they were snowed in at the top of Mount Washington! Birthday greetings to Julie Dunleavy who will be 14 on September 14. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Doner and Mrs. Mildred Holmes on Wednesday on the Miss Bonnie Harvey has been occasion of Mr. Doust’s birth- ill at home for several weeks. day. I Congratulations to Mr. and inger and Miss Eileen. Wideman spent a few days holiday in Pennsylvania. Major and Mrs. Fred Lewis. vania, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Martin- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins. The dale of Barrie visited Major Masts were in Iliorin, Nigeria, and Mrs. Fred Lewis on Tues- with the Hawkins. daY. Misses Jean and Vera Brill- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust en-linger and Miss Eileen Wideman tertained Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Doner and Mrs. Mildred Holmes on Wednesday on the occasion of Mr. Doust’s birth- day. Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Winger and a number of other rela- tives attended the wedding of Miss Phyllis Cober at Fordwich on Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. John Mast and Doreen of Lancaster, Pennsyl- D NEWS MARIE DUN LEAVY {84-3035 spent a few days holiday in Pennsylvania. Miss Bonnie Harvey has been ill at home for several weeks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gamble on the birth of their first grandchild, a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gamble. Congratulations to George Leary who won the Canadian Championship in the sub-junior class â€" up to 15 years â€" at the Canadian Trap Shoot at Hamilton. Then last week George placed fourth in the Grand American Trap Shoot at Vandaliah, Ohio. He then vis- ited in North Carolina on his way home. The grand champion is an 18- pound brown Flemish and the iReserve Champion is a white Flemish. Mrs. Edith Raymer. Miss Ella Thomson and Mrs. Fred Pugh are spending a week at Canad- ian Keswick in Muskoka. WI Gormley Women‘s Institute met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith with nine members present. The president, Mrs. Russ Ellas chaired the business period. Mrs. Alex Chalmers gave a very interesting report of the WI Rally at Vallore. Mrs. Chal- mers also presented the Gorm- ley Gazette. Mrs. Charles Mil- n‘nna‘ unit}; "a- umnA Mud“ An MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF Eébkto MEATS4f‘3‘r‘gS-99r! sucw COOKED HAM Ib 99¢ GRADE MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNAlb 35¢ EAMEAL BACK P , ¢ B\ THE “M 69Ib PURE PORK Frying or Roasting CANADA PACKERS THRIF TY SIDE BACON lb 39¢ BREAD 10¢ LOAF MEATS POULTRY FARM EGGS 5 D02. 89¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA â€" RICHMOND HILL â€" 884-7691 '3?†CHICKENS are holidaying in First - ANNIVERSARY - Sae WIENERS 33’5299¢ SAUSAGE Ib49¢ 29 lb Mlll\\lll\l\\l\\MW“!l\|“lI“ll\\\llllll\\llllllll\lllllll\llll\\\\\|ll\\l\llI Congratulations to Norn Car- rington who entered four Flem- ish rabbits in the Canadian Naâ€" tional Exhibition’s agricultural mum“Iuuuummumnmmwm1uumummuunuummulwn The auctioneers and sales managers are Atkinson and Wilson of Stouffville. The young herd being offered for sale today is composed of fresh cows, springers, bred and open heifers, with high test and production. In 1965 Kittie Basil Ruth was awarded the president’s cup by the Jersey Association for hav- ing produced the most milk of any living cow. Her record was a total of 168.- 831 lbs. of milk and 7,970 lbs. of fat. Today, Thursday, one of the oldest herds of Jersey cattle in York County goes u n d e r the auctioneer’s hammer at Buttonville. Russell Burr is going out of the milk-producing busi- ness and is offering for sale the 40 registered Jerseys of the herd of Cline Burr and sons. This herd was started by Cline Burr in 1919 with a few head purchased from Alf Bagg, known through- out Canada for his fine Jerseys. As Mr. Burr's sons reach- ed maturity and joined their father in operating the farm, additions were made to the herd, until at the time of his death at the age of 95, five and a half years ago, the herd was well known as one of the best in the county. In recent years the Burrs have used the artificial in- semination service of the United Cattle Breeders at Brampton to maintain the excellence of their herd. Legs and Breasts 51 Yr. Old Jersey Herd On Sale Today 39 lb Roll call â€" “The Housekeep- ing Problem†â€"â€" brought out several interesting ideas with solutions. competition and captured four awards. His entries won the Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, and a pair of first and second place ribbons. Gormley Women's Institute met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith with nine members present. The president, Mrs. Russ Elias chaired the business period. Mrs. Alex Chalmers gave a very interesting report of the WI Rally at Vallore. Mrs. Chal- mers also presented the Gorm- ley Gazette. Mrs. Charles Mil- stead gave the weed study on purslane, a very common gar- den weed. Mrs. Norm Brown. who was absent, sent her paper entitled, “We're No Egg Throwers". It’ gave the origin of the Women's Institute, its aims and the pro- gress of the institute. Church News A graduation dinner was held siï¬g and a film. 011 Friday night at Heise Hill Again this year it has been Clml‘Ch in 1101101‘ Of 70 gl‘adu' decided to credit any Sunday ates from the Heise Hill. Oak school pupil who attends 40 Ridges and Bridlewood Sundays, with perfect attend- Churches. ance for the year beginning The Freeman Quartette of September 13, and ending June Newmarket were guest singers 30_ As a Special recognition for at Heise Hill Chilu'Ch 01'! Sunday this achievement, 3 beautiful night. book will be presented to each| Robert Vanderslaught of pupil who attends 40 Sundays. Scarboro was the guest Speaker Mrs. Martin Jenkinson is the Sunday morning at the Mission- Sunday school superintendent. Robert Vanderslaught of Scarboro was the guest speaker Sunday morning at the Missionâ€" ary Church. Rev. Eldon Boetâ€" tger of Stouffville spoke at night as the pastor was on hol- iday's. RED BRAND Cube- Rib- Club STEAKS 89¢ lb BONELESS RUMP ROAST 79¢|b LEAN MINCED CHUCK 69¢Ib HAMBURG STEAK HINDS of BEEF 73¢") LEAN STEWING BEEF 69¢|b BONELESS ¢ VEAL CUTLET 99", RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF FREEZER SPECIAL SWIFT’S EMPIRE BRAND SIDE BACON LOIN PORK CHOPS 79¢Ib BEEF LIVER STEAKS & ROASTS SHOULDER STEAKS 79¢lb ROUND SIRLOIN WING T-BONE Sudde 't’s 19th centuyyylfondon Edward'SheratonHotel (S? CUT AN D WRAPPED 45?: $3533 Regular Sunday school ses- sions will .commence on Sunday at 10 am. Preceding the reg- ular Sunday school session, the staff is planning an outdoor pancake breakfast for the Sun- day School pupils, parents and interested friends, to be served from 9 aml to 10 a.m.. rain or shine. It would be appreciated if the parents would come with their children. evéfï¬he Will go iqto the Sun- Arge'g'eitable and bake sale, and a snack bar. For pick up of any good used saleable articles. kindly phone Lion John McCague at 887- 5409 or Lon John Smith at 887-5222, or any Lion. member. Final plans were made for the Lions Annual Auction and Rummage Sale to be held in the community hall on Sep. tember 19. There will also be "1561-1550115 of baking. and fruits and vegetables will be greatly apprggiated. -u . , 7., ,AW Thii'proléeds will be used for community purposes. Plan now to attend. Church News Eiégrwchrhrool roBm for a hymn sing and a film. Please remember that church service is held every Sunday from now on at 11:30 a.m., with the Rev. Martin Jenkinson in The first meeting of the 1970-71 term of the Victoria Square Lions Club was held in the community hall on Septem- ber 1. Lions Félléwing the r e a_k f a s t, SLICED SIDES of BEEF 63¢") Pack 1 Lb. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R.R.. 2, Gormley â€" 49¢ lb 3 lbs For Icharge Birthday greetings to Ken- neth Petty, September 10; Mrs. Lawrence Ashton. September 11: Peggy Leitch. September 12; Karl and Katrina Vanderkooy, eight years, September 12. The ladies and their bus-(end here with her sister and bands from Victoria Square and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s Corners are invited to Herman Mortson. attended the September meet- Vincent Wills entertained his ing of the Headford UCW in the glittle cousins last week, the occa- Headford United Church on 1sion being in honor of his fifth Monday evening. September 14 birthday. Vincent started kin- at 8 13-111. ,dergarten on Tuesday and was Don Brodie will show pic-{looking forward to it. Don Brodie will show pic- tures of his recent trip to Japan, Korea and the Philip- pines. The September meeting of‘last week. Their sister Rose is the Victoria Square U'CW wili'parting with hers this week. be held in the Sunday school Mrs, Percy Price. Mrs. Wil- September 16 at 8 pm. Rev. liam Price, Mr. and Mrs. Stan and Mrs. Martin Jenkinson will Anderson of Peterborough had be telling of their recent trip dinner on Wednesday of last this past summer to the Passion week with Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Play in Germany. Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams and family spent last week holi- daying at. Cape Cod. _ Ronnie and Bryan Stephen- son, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Stephenson of Alliston spent the Labor Day weekend with their grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephenson. A speedy recovery is Wished for Heber McCague who under- went surgery in the York Cen- tral Hospital. Richmond Hill last wek. Miss Jessie Jenkinson of Niagara Falls is visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Martin Jenkin- son. Mrs. Jessie Fawcett of Brant- Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Markham Road: Thence northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Crosby Avenue; Thence Easterly along the centre line of Crosby Avenue to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bayview Avenue; Thence Northerly along the centre line of Bayview Avenue to where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road; Thence Easterly along the centre line of Gamble Road to the Westerly limit of the King’s Highway number 404; Thence Southerly along the Westerly limit of the King’s Highway number 404 to the centre line of Markham Road; Thence Westerly along the centre line of Markham Road to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 2 Crosby Avenue Public School No. 3 Walter Scott Public School No. 4 Walter Scott Public School No. 5 Crosby Avenue Public School between the hours of 7:30 PM. and 8:30 PM. by the Returning Officer. If more candidates are nominated for the respective offices herein before mentioned than are required to fill the same the voting in the several wards at the subsequent elections shall be con- ducted by the Returning Officer at the Polling Subdivisions as follows: ' Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yonge Stre to where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamb Road: Thence Westerly along the centre line of Gamb Road to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bat] urst Street; Thence Sontherly along the centre line 4 Bathurst Street to where it is intersected by the cent: line of Vaughan Road; Thence Easterly along the cent: WARD 1 Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Crosby Avenue; Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road; Thence easterly along the centre line of Gamble Road to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bayview Avenue; Thence Southerly along the centre line of Bayview Avenue to where it is intersected by the centre line of Crosby Avenue. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Municipal Hall No. 2 Beverley Acres Public School No. 3 Beverley Acres Public School No. 4 Beverley Acres Public School No. 5 Beverley Acres Public School line of Vaughan Road to the point of commencemen Polling Subdivision N o. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 MacKillop Public School 2 MacKillop Public School 3 Municipal Hall 4 Lillian McConaghy Public School 5 Pleasantville Public School 6 St. John’s Baptist Church, '75 Oxford St. 7 ‘SAeventh-Day Adventist Church, Elgm Mills R est. Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the Northerly limit of the King’s High- way number 7; Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Markham Road; Thence Easterly along the centre line of Markham Road to the Westerly limit of the King’s Highway number 404; Thence Southerly along the West- erly limit of the King's Highway number 404 to the northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7; Thence Westerly along the Northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7 to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 2 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 3 Walter Scott Public School No. 4 Walter Scott Public School No. 5 Walter Scott Public School No. 6 16th Avenue Public School No. 7 16th Avenue Public School MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS WARD 4 Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Vaughan Road; An Advance Poll will be held in the Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North on Friday, October 2nd, 1970 between the hours of 4:00 pm. and 10:00 pm. and on Saturday, October 3rd between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm. All persons who file a Declaration at the time of voting to the effect that a) expect to be'absent from the Municipality Richmond Hill, Ont., September 3, 1970. Mayor; Two Councillors for the combined offices of Regional and Local Council; Six Councillors (one Councillor for each of the said wards of the mun- icipality); , Three Members for the York County Board of Education; Threel Trustees for the York County Roman Catholic Separate School Boar . AUDITORIUM OF THE RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL NOMINATIONS McConaghy J McConaghy . Scott Public Scott Public Scott Public venue Public venue Public WARD 2 WARD 3 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2|st, I970 Public Public Public Public ford spent the Labor Day week- end here with her sister and u... .p... m- _â€"__, W, , end here with her sister andl her husband, Mr. and Mrs.‘ Herman Mortson. ‘ Vmcent Wills entertained his! h V . m'...‘ A speedy recovery is wished for Stephen and David Meed who Lparted with their tonsils last week. Their sister Rose is parting with hers this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton, ‘. Mrs. Don Pickering and Mervyn‘ attended the Johnson-Anderson I wedding on Saturday morning| at St, Paul's Presbyterian Church, Port Hope. The recep-ll tlon followed at the home of: the bride's mother, Mrs. Mabelll Anderson. ' |A MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th, I970 Public School Public School : School : School : School : School : School Phone 887-5421 School School School School Notice is hereby given from 10 am. to 7 pm. ADVANCE POLL will be held in the for the Offices of I YOUR TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Thence Norther-1y along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road: Thence Westerly along the centre line of Gamble Road to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bath- urst Street; Thence Southerly along the centre line of Bathurst Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Vaughan Road; Thence Easterly along the centre line of Vaughan Road to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 MacKillop Public School No. 2 MacKillop Public School No. 3 Municipal Hall No. 4 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 5 Pleasantville Public School No. 6 St. John’s Baptist Church, ’75 Oxford St. No. 7 Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Elgm Mills Rd. Commencing at the centre line of Bathurst Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road: Thence Northerly along the centre line of Bathurst Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of the road allowance betWeen lots 70 and 71; Thence East- erly along the centre line a! the road allowance between lots 70 and 71 to the King’s Highway number 404: Thence Southerly along the Westeer limit of the King’s Highway number 404 to the centre line of Gamble Road; Thence Westerly along the centre line of Gamble Road to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Oak Ridges Public School No. 2 Oak Ridges Public School No.3 Sunset Beach Pavilion, Bayview Ave, Lake Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the Northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7; Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Vaughan Road; Thence Westerly along the centre line of Vaughan Road to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bathurst Street; Thence SoutherLy along the centre line of Bathurst Street to where it is intersected by the northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7; Thence Easterly along the Northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7 to the point of com- mencement. Polling Let the Wall to Wall Experts . . . I’ii‘iii‘uin‘nuunui 6313 Yonge St., Willowdale â€"- (Across from Sayvette’s) Willowdale Broadloom Ltd. V B.M.K. * Burlington * Peerless Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow And All Kodel Carpets We have a good selection of room size rugs SAVE! TOP QUALITY No. 9 No. 10 as an election official will be unable to attend the poll at which they are entitled to vote expect to be confined in a hospital for religious reasons are prevented from voting on the day fixed for Polling, on Elec- tion Day, Monday, October 5th and who are entitled to vote at Municipal Elections, may record their vote at the Advanced Poll. R. Lynett, Returning Officer Wilcox No. 4 Residence of Whitney Johnson, Gormley Road and Station Road, Gonmley No. 5 Residence of Whitney Johnson, Gormley Road and Station Road, Gomnley 57 NEWKIRK RD: RICHMOND HILL 773-4022 884-6474 £3 Open Mon. to Fri. 9 mm. - 9 pm. -â€" Sat. til 6 pm. FlflflflSélllelRY $333939†(FREE estimates in your home without obligation) Subdivision 1 Charles Hewitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 2 Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 3. Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 4. Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 5 Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 6 Richvale Lions Community Hall, 31 Spruce Ave. 7 Richvale Lions Community Hall. 31 Spruce Ave. 8 Ross Doan Public School, 101 Weldrick Road 9 Ross Doan Public School, 101 Weldrick Road 10 Ross Doan Public School, 101 Weldrick Road 1 MacKillop Public School 2 MacKillop Public School 3 Municipal Hall 4 Lillian McConaghy Public School 5 Pleasantville Public School 6 St. John’s Baptist Church, 75 Oxford St. 7 Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Elgin Mills Rd West. On Any Regularly Priced Taipe With This Coupon Until September 16 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . Harding * Celanese * Kraus (Limit 1 Per Customer) WARD 5 WARD 6 226-0941