NOL. 94, No. 11. WM’fhEâ€.feJéï¬e£sf"$536511 _\r'7é17:sioii1mi(phew) also played an exhibition against the famed Eddie Feigh- ner King and His Court foursome Saturday night at the CNE. Two Sunday night home games will also be played to bring the total of home appearances to 22. The league this year is made up of 12 teams with the addition of the Scarboro Sabres. Etobi- coke Nationals of last year will play as the York Mills Millers. It's my opinion that if the juniors can come up with a respectable showing _(it takes time, mind you) they should draw some pretty fair crowds this season. It’s good, rdugh hockey with a sprink- ling of finesse and large gobs of muscle. Like ex~ citing. Just the mere passing-thought of oncoming winter is enough to make the keys of my Smith- Corona start to chatter uncontrollany so don’t blame me if what follows is a bad case of the shivers. What I mean is it‘s hockey time again. It says right here in this publicity blurb staring up at me from among the debris on my desk. It says that Richmond Hill Junior “B†hockey Rams open their exhibition season this Tuesday (mmh, that‘s right) at the town arena against last year’s regular season champion St. Michael's Buzzers. Game time is 8 pm. We’ll go into the makeup of the team at a later date. In the meantime we’ll spray a few quick-facts at you: Another three exhibition games are scheduled. two of them at home. The Rams will host Aurora Tigers (swinging rivalry this be) September 29 and Weston Dodgers October 4. Opening game of the regular Metro Junior “B†schedule will be October 6 with Whitby providing the opposition. The locals will play every Tuesday thereafter until the completion of their 44-game schedule in the middle of February. Club General Manager Earl Methe reports a large number of outstanding candidates are cur- rently vyeing for the positions available at the prac’giqes which are already. underway. by the way. admission to all the home exhibition games has been set at 50 cents per adult. So come out, take a look. JEWELLERS WIN Congrats to two Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers- sponsored teams â€" the fastball team and the soccer squad â€"- who won their respective tourna- ments over the weekend. "The Fastball Jewellers copped the St. Cath- arines Grape Festival in St. Kitts and the minor soccer boys the Newmarket Tournament. They lost 4-3 but from all reports it was a wing- ding game. Billy Drennan pitched for Richmond Hill and at one point struck out Eddie Feigner Jr., three times in a row on 12 pitches with the bases loaded. That’s different. Finally, the horses (and riders) had their day on the weekend in the international junior horse competition ratuAmbercroft Fall-ms meal-heron fl Michel Vaillancourt and Peter Stoekel led Can- ada to victory in the Nations Cup. Joining Vaillan- court, 16, of St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, and Stoekel, 17, of Ottawa, on the Canadian team were Chris Lind- vik. 16, of Oakxï¬ue and Nancy McKercher, 17, of Saskatoon. Must mention the excellent facilities at the 'Ambercroft Farms and the hospitality that went with them. Everyone, but everyone, had a fine time and the weather was very co-operative. FOR'FUN 8. HEALTH WHY NOT JOIN A BOWLING LEAGUE? Ladies’ Afternoon REGISTRATION ALLENCOU RT LANES 447 Markham Rd. BANTAMS - JUNIORS - SENIORS S - 19 YRS. (No Advanced Reg.) Fee 1.50 Last year's bowlers with 75% attendance will be given priority at this time. New bowlers ac- cepted on a first come first served basis provided there are vacancies. Senior bowlers must attend meeting Sunday, Sept. 13th at 1:30 pm. Must mush on to other things, now. SECON D SECTION Friday, Sept. 11th 3.30-8.00 pm. Saturday, Sept. 12th 9.00 a.m.-12 Noon Hockey Time, Yes 1m Rd. â€" Richmond Hill After 7 pm. â€" 884-5511 HORSE SHOW CALL ALLENCOURT LANES Sport Spot: By Fred Simpson 7 SPORTS Ladies’ Afternoon Leagues with Supervised Nursery Mixed Evening Leagues RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1970 The Jewellers won their first game by default when Niagara Falls couldn‘t field a team. their second one by 5-0 over St. Catharines Blue Boys and the third by 3-0 over Burlington Provisioners. That seventh inning saw Mickey Hancock fly out to cen- tre-field for the first out. Catcher George Dickey singled and went to second on Joe O‘Neill‘s single. Both runners advanced on a wild pitch. Les Downing popped to short for the second out. Vere Small walked to load the bases. Winning pitcher was Billy Drennan who allowad four hits which also included a two-run homerun. Drennan‘s effective- ness was hampered by some shaky fielding by the Jewellers who made four errors which cost him the other two runs. Drennan struck out eight bat- ters. Larry Brown's Grand-Slam Homer Gives Dynes St. Kitt's Tournament Then came Brown who crack- ed a far and long drive over the right-field fence to pull the Jewellers out of what seemed a sure defeat and hand them all the marbles. Richmond Bill also won. most of the individual honors as well with Bob Domik walking off with the best-pitching honors and O‘Neill the best hitter. Most Valuable Player was Ted DeRuter of Welland. Domik hurled two of the three games (not including the first game won by default) and allowed no runs and nine hits while striking out 21 batters. O’Neill cracked out five hits in nine official trips to the plate including a triple and two ‘doubles for a .555 average, A final inning bases loaded homerun by Larry Brown won the Labor Day Weekend St. Catharines Grape Festival Fastball Tournament for Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers in dramatic fashion Monday afternoon. . The Jewellers went into the top of the seventh mning trailing Welland Dycks by 4-3 when the big blow-up came. A loss to Welland would have required Richmond Hill â€" the only undefeated team at the time â€"- to play against the same Welland squad to decide the winner. That final game against Wel- land saw Richmond Hill trail- ing the opposition by 3-0 into Dear Mr. Editor As summer draws to a close ance â€" our team was usually and with it the summer swim- last to leave after picking up ming season, I would like to all the waste paper, pop cans, express my personal thanks and'etc. in their own comer of the those, I am sure of many par- deck and very often a bit more ents and teachers in Richmond besides. Hill. to the coach of Richmond I cannot say enough in praise Hill Swim Team, Steve Gentles.!of a young man who has done Steve, who has worked with our children for four summers now, has shown all the dedica- tion, determination and en- thusiasm of true leadership. Not only has he coached our team to the top place in the York County Summer Swim League for two consecutive years. but he has seen to it that the Richmond Hill team is one of which we can be justly proud id other ways. Always first to 155 YONGE ST. NORTH Youth Bowling Registration IN PRAISE 0F STEVE GENTLES JOE O’NEILL Top Hitter SEPTEMBER 12th & 19th 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON BANTAMS 8: JUNIORS BOWL SATURDAY MORNING SENIORS (15 - 19 Years) SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AT 1:30 P.M. ABC BOWL the sixth inning on a two-run homerun off Drennan in the forth inning by DeRuter. Wel- land scored its third run In the fith on a hit, an error. and passed ball. The Oshawa Gales down-ed the fc Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers throu 4-3 Tuesday night of last week on a in Oshawa in a controversial Red 2 opening game of the best-of-linto three Oshawa City and Districtdield. quarter final playoffs. ‘ Ric At the centre of the contro- versy was the whose decisions on two or three calls concerning The Dynes as well as The Gales resulted in some bitter complaints from players and management. “It was the worse base calling I've come across in some time." was the angry comment of Dynes Manager Russell "Casey" Cripps. “We were jobbed right out of the game." His comments followed Osh- awa's ninth inning game win- win: rim with ï¬lm men out and base umplre; ‘back in the sixth as Bob Sm:th‘tnere1n as bakers went score- ‘singled and Domik walked.§less in the seventh. East Gwil. ‘Smith eventually moved to thirdlimbury scored one run in the and scored as the shortstopiseVenth and had two runners? threw the ball wide of first onion base with none out in almost Hancock‘s grounder. total darkness. ‘ Oshawa tied the game in the Coach .Syd Moreland advised "seventh inning on two 'mts and the Umplre it “’35 pitch black a throwing error to Shortstop that ‘t “$5.330 Pm, and that‘ Les Downing. MacDermit star- the are“ llghts were OIL The‘ ted things off With a single {01- | 'lowed by Wayne Chesseman with another one sending Mac- Dermit to third. Chesseman lumbered into second on the throw-in to third. MEMO FROM A CAR DEALER ARE “(ALL BA He went to secuuu uu a passcu d have required Richmond hall. and eventually scored on‘inBiï¬gr:higgeï¬nmggmgge d team at the time â€"- ’60 {Downing'S 590°“ 9"“ "f the Millan singled. Berezowski lland squad to dec1de the ‘innlng. {singled and Philip lashed a 1 * * * ‘double to score the two runs. Domik pitched RIChmnhd Hilii Philip was pitching a two the sixth inning on a two-run to a three-hit. 12 strikeout 5-02hitter for four innings when homemn off Drennan in the‘win over St. Kitt's in the sec- the persistent Gwillimbury bat- forth inning by DeRuter. Wel- and game, He followed this ters scored three runs on four land scored its third run in theiwith a 3-0 win over Burlington hits in the fifth to reduce fifth on a hit, an error. andtaliowing six hits and striking Richmond Hill's lead to 7-4. passed ball. [out nine. Richmond Hill took a 10â€"4 lead in the sixth as Dave Forbes reached first on an error. More- 4-3: land singled, and Strang reach- yed first on a dropped third His comments followed Osh- awa's ninth inning game win- ning run with two men out and a man at first base. Lloyd Mape grounded 3 Billy Drennan pitch to Second Base- man Vere Small who tossed to First Baseman Joe O’Neill and appeared to have Mapes by at least a foot for the third out. Mapes was ruled safe and Larry Marshall raced home with the winning run. The same umpire was also involved in a disputed call at third base earlier in the game when a Gales’ player appeared to be easily caught off base but was also called safe. This also eventually resulted in a run. The game saw Drennan tag- ged with the loss after replac- ing Bob Domik in the eighth in- ning with the score tied at 3-3. Drennan allowed tw0 hits in his stint while striking out three. Domik was tagged for three runs and eight hits during his ‘chore. Winning pitcher was Larry Marshall who pitched steady if unspectacular ball most of the way allowing seven hits. Dynes opened the scoring in the first inning as leadoff bat- ter Mickey Hancock walked. O‘Neill struck out and George Dickey grounded out sending Hancock to second base. He then came home on the first of three hits by Rightfielder Glen Van Every. The Jewellers took a 2-0 lead‘ in the second inning with two out when Duane Reid reached first on a throwing error to the shortstop. He went to second on a passed ball and scored on Hancock’s single to centrefield. i Oshawa got one run back in arrive on the deck at a meet â€"â€" sometimes even before the home team put in an appear- ance â€" our team was usually last to leave after picking up I cannot say enough in praise of a young man who has done so much to imbue our young- sters with a true spirit of sport- ing competition. and as he now draws to the end of his college training and. unfortunately for us. leaves the Richmond Hill Centennial Pool staff, I would like to wish him every success in the future. which he so ricn- 1y deserves. (MRS) SHELAGH HARRIS 407 Becker Road‘ Richmond Hill. Tithe liberal doum'ed'the fourth as Bob Young singled :wellers through the box. went to second st week on a passed ball. and scored as oversial Red MacDermit lined a triple best-of-Linto the hole in right-centre- f A key pinch-hit single by “Glen Van Every in the top of the sixth scored two runs, The Jewellers picked up another in that inning to tie the game_ Welland mOVed out in front in the bottom of the sixth as DeRutter reached first on an error to Shortstop Les Downing, He went to second on a passed ball. and eventually scored on Downing's second error of the inning. Richmond Hill got that runl‘ Darkness hampered play from back in the sixth as Bob Smithï¬herein as Baker's went score- singled and Domik walkedjless in the seventh. East Gwil- Smith eventually moved to thirdllimbury scored one run in the and scored as the shortstoplseventh and had two runners threw the ball wide of first on:on base With none out in almost Hancock's grounder. {total darkness. n,,l‘. râ€; nrAAAIHA.‘ -4..:_,J Domik struck out the next two batters but Ralph Davis hit a roller to Shortstop Downing whose throw to first was low and O'Neill couldn’t hang onto the ball. He had trouble picking the ball up and by the time he retrieved it the two runners were in. Then came the ninth inning as Pitcher Marshall rapped out his third straight hit of the night with one out. He went to second on an error. advanced to third. and came home on the controversial play to first base on Mapes’ ground ball to second. mmum“munuuuuu\uuuumm\lll1um1111mmuuunumuumu Local Bowlers Two Seconds 0n the same day George Winters and Graeme Bales bowled to a second prize for three wins at Orange- ville. ' muummummmmmmm\lm1uqmuu“umuunnuuuummum TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Richmond Hill Lawn. Bowlers came home with two second place finishes in area tournaments last week. Wednesday, a rink com- posed of Larry Wales, Floyd Perkins and James Grainger, competing in the Sisman Shoe Tournament in Aurora. captured second place for three wins. THE SUPER-COMPACT 1 FOR I97] I l S I ‘ The super compact we’ve all be waiting for is mere: Sleek and beautiful and priced just the way you exDected. See and drive THE Pinto tonight. We know you‘ll be impressed. 'Paul Philip Pitches 9 Hit Ball lBaker's Over Gwillimbury IO - 7 ‘Now Have Stranglehold On Title Baker’s Sales and Service Squirts moved one step closer to the North York champion- ship as they defeated East Gwillimbury 10-7 in Newmar- ket. September 1. behind the nine-hit pitching of Paul Philip. Pete Tipold led off with a single. Dave Forbes walked and Glen Moreland reached first on an error. Dependable Dale Strang doubled and Greg Mac- Millan, Rick Berezowski, and Steve Bond all singled for five runs as 10 men went to bat. Baker's now lead the best-of- five series two games to zero with one tied. As usual. Baker's stormed out to an early lead scoring five runs in the first inning. Richmond Hill took a 10-4 lead in the sixth as Dave Forbes reached first on an error, More- land singled, and Strang reach- ed first on a dropped third strike as each runner scored. East Gwillimbury kept peck- ing away scoring three more runs in the sixth on four hits. Moreland relieved Philip with none out and struck out the side after allowing one single. Cali backs are an effort by the safety-conscious auto industry to make an already safe car super safe. They are the result of an exhaustive search to find possible weaknesses of parts that could possibly cause a break- Unfortunately, the public sometimes gets that impres- sion, though the opposite is true. In a recent call back on a very popular model from one of the major makers. for instance. less than one percent of all units required the replacement. which took less than ten minutes to make Another mistaken impression is that call backs are the result of government safety legislation or the Ralph Nader crusade. The dealer’s area of safety responsibility lies in the servicing of a new car when it arrives from the factory and before the customer ever gets it. It is not uncommon to find ten or more faults that must be cor- rected in the dealer’s shop because they were missed in the mass production process. The cost of new car preparation is out of dealer profits and you are well advised to buy from a service- oriented dealer who delivers this service to his customers to the full because he desires their future satisfaction and repeat business. publicity W The policy of call backs has been in effect for decades and IS not new in any way. The only thing new is the down. ‘ MAVERICK ‘ MONTEGO ‘ METEOR ‘ MARQUIS " CORTINA “ CYCLONE ‘ COUGAR ‘ FORD TRUCKS 889-7703 - We Service All Ford Produ0ts - 884-4441 ARE "CALI. BACK†CARS UNSAFE? See you next week. all be waiting for is here! Richmond Hill now has a stranglehold on the champion- ship as the team requires only a tie or win in the next three games to take the championship umpire called the game at this point and the score reverted to the sixth inning with Baker’s winning 10-7. Eppie Wietzes of Thornhill, owner of a Willowdale car dealership, won his second con- secutive Canadian road racing championship for Formula “A†and “B†cars Sunday. Driving a McLaren MIOB he won the Grand Prix de Trois-Rivieresi Eppie Wietzes Wins Trois Rivieres Race Eppie completed the 75-mile race over 60 laps of a twisting, turning 11/4vmile course through the downtown streets of that Quebec city in one hour. one minute and seven seconds. Starting in the 24th position on the grid. he worked his way through the pack to third place by the end of the first lap. then took the lead from Bill Brack of Toronto on the sixth lap and stayed out in front for the re- mainder of the rare. HOOVER MOVER Used Furniture & Appliances 36 Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 223-8106 LOCAL 145 THE Don Strupat that impres- RICHMOND HILL RACQUET CLUB RICHMOND HILL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION BUCKLE UP Of all the facets of automotive safety, seat belts seem to have generated the most controversy. Do they really save lives? I‘ve met people who swear they do. Here's another look at seat belts by DuPont of Canada. Q. Do seat belts really save lives? A. Yes, most definitely. One third of Canada‘s traffic fatalities could have been prevented by seat belts, accord- ing to {esearch by_the ‘C‘anadian Highway Safety Council L._ ,n __-A-..J..L~ “and: «no “:5 LL] Lguuu.\.u u; u", v_._,_r . . . and the use 0 seat belts‘ï¬' élfmotbrists Would act- ually reduce the rate of accident injuries by more than 50%. A. Yes. In fact, the majority of serious accidents occur at speeds under 40 mph and 70% of automobile accident fatalities occur within 25 miles of home. For maximum assurance of safety, fastening of seat belts should become a permanent and regular habit upon enter- ing the automobile. Q. Is it true that the occupant is safer by being thrown from the car in an accident? A. The chances of; injury or death are five times Any player registered with the R.H.H.A. is welcome to attend. Bring your own equipment and report to the dressing room 1'13 hour before time shown above, for your try-out. throvv‘n Em]; theicar in an accident? A. The chances of injury or death are five times greater for a person who is thrown from a car than for one who remains inside. Q. Why are seat belts so effective in preventing deaths and injuries? A. The restraining strength of nylon seat belts works against the forces of collision by preventing ejection from the car; protecting the occupants from harmful impacts due to tossing within the car; spreading and absorbing the immediate force of the impact of collision; keeping the driver behind the steering wheel, giving greater oppor- tunity of control to lessen the extent of further serious damage All this makes a lot of sense. That’s why all Datsun cars and trucks have proper safety harnesses. But it’s interesting to learn from a recent report that only 2% of new car buyers in the US. will order shoulder harn- esses if given the option. Can it be that 98% of the people just don’t eare enough about their safety- It's 5 iffiightvening thought Limited Memberships Available A word of advice . . . A woman in Antwerp, Belgium, has a thief to thank for the better running condition of her car. One day when Anne Breyer left her office to go to lunch, her parked car wouldn’t start -â€" so she went for a mechanic. When she returned her car was gone. That evening, however. the car was back in its parking place and functioning perfectly. On the car was a note from the thief explaining the trouble and suggesting she buy some new tires, too. YONGE ST.I MILE NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL â€" COME OUT AND PLAY SQUASH CALL 884-1117 ' .4/If~"“‘ â€"IAN NEILL IMPORT Auto TALK SEPTEMBER 13 AND 20 Q. Are seat belts necessary for local driving? NOVICE PEEWEE BANTAM MIDGET JUVENILE NEILL TRIAL FEE $1.00 PER PLAYER Combination lap and shoulder seat belts are standard equipment in the new Dataun COMPLETE SERVICE 889-0972 LTD. 773-4661