Back in town and already 'Ln-l Program Director Gwen Halli-ing at St. Miss Deborah Harold left on] volved in YWCA activities isf’l‘uesday to commence her train-‘Kerrybrook Drive return Joseph's Hospital day ed Sun- from a month‘s vacation on day. who spent the summer with School of Nursing in Toronto. ltheir island in the Georgian her family at their summer She is the daughter of Mr.jBayv. cottage on the Severn River. and Mrs. John Harold of Lilliani Mr. Rintoul is manager x i * Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Rogerson. 410 Palmer Avenue. for the Labor Day weekend were Mr. and Mrs. James Wind- mill from Jamestown, New York. Street. a: a a brook Riding Club, Shirlianne Lytle Junior International A! 1‘ t Plan to attend the House; Tour and Tea being held Sep- tember 24 from 1-5 pm by the King Branch of the YCHA. Included in the tour will be the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Addison, an original 1820 log. house, with recent addition; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roche, old England Tudor mansion, panel- led in fruitwood: Dr. and Mrs.‘ Michael Willinsky. original cot-i bercroft Farm in Gormlcy. * a a ing of the season at 8 pm. Avenue. the hat and jewellery fashion tage built in 1836. extension * r * and cheese. added overlooking garden: Mr. The local Rotary Club is Admission free. and Mrs. Peter Wright. charm- again sponsoring the “Travelf * ’9‘ * and Adventure" series this fall. More details regarding the program will be available shortly and judging from the response last year it would be advisable to obtain your tickets early. ing English setting. filled with treasures and St. Andrew‘s- Eversley 1834-1958. early Pres-; byterian Church Icourtesy of1 York Pioneer and Historical Society. Tea will be served by the pool at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roche. Tickets at $2.50 each will be available at cacti house or byl calling 225-6374 or 727-8747. iii A! >9! YWCA If you're planning to take up a hobby this fall you'll find exactly what you’re looking for x o a in the YWCA Fall and Winter That Principal J o h n Program- ' _ _ Hincks of McConaghy Pub- Its packed with interesting and fun courses for everyoneâ€" both young and old. Included among the adult classes are charm and self im- provement, ballroom dancing, upholstering, pottery. sewing, rug hooking. Christmas work- shop and wine making and for boys and girls. pottery, sewing, children’s art, social recreation as well as swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, charm and recrea- tional gym classes. Why not drop into the ‘Y‘ at 25 Yonge Street North to- day and register for one or more of these coursesâ€"you'll be glad you did! Further in- formation may be obtained by calling 884-4811. ‘ * if! >k Anglicans on the March ’70 Local Anglicans are reminded of the diocesan walk to be held September 26 to raise funds for Outreach. Last year over a thousand dollars was raised by young people and adults who walked John's, York Mills. llc School has the interests of all his pupils at heart was evidenced on the first day of school. when Mr. Hincks added to his other duties those of the crossing guard at the corner of Markham Road and Yonge Street. When he was informed by telephone by a con- cerned parent that the zuard was not present. the principal hurried to the in- tersection to see that all the children made a super- vised and safe crossing. ii: an it Opening the Curtain Club season on October 2 is a re- freshing and engaging comedy “There’s A Girl In My Soup" by Terence Frisby, which play- ed to capacity houses during its long and very successful run on Broadway. Based on a middle-aged food- and-wine connoiseur who dab- bles in female delectations onI George Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mason of the Sunny- won the Challenge Trophy in a jumper class at the and Flower Show to be Horse Show held on Saturday at Am-‘ September 14. at the home ot‘fruits Mrs. Clonie Jones. 170 Sussexibaking. Preparations will be made for the side. the play opens with‘flom 8" his saying farewell to one girl and later being picked up at a party by another, who threatens to be a match for any tone. This romance is thwarted from the beginning with many amus- ing situations arising from the contrast between the sophis- ticated gourmet and the flaming youth of the modish girl. Playing the lead roles are Ron Scott and Tot Monks. ably supported by Dennis Stainer, l l l to the Cathedral. This year the route will be different. with walks starting from Christ the King in Etobicoke and St. Ninian’s in Scarboro. Parents are asked to inform their family of the walk and if they would like to participate. to call the church office at 884~2227 and they will get a sponsor for them. The walk is for the young and young in heart and St. Mary's is counting on the sup- Anthony Whitney. Dillys Ru~ how, George Jones and Bonnie Sheppard. The play runs October 2. 3. 7-10. 14-17 and tickets may be: obtained by calling Yvette Steel' at 884â€"7065. t port of some adults who would still enjoy a 20 mile stroll. Proceeds will be donated to the Distress Centre. which offers immediate assistance to people in despalr. loneliness or. who are contemplating suicide: lthe Yonge Street branch of the lCanadian Commerce. 1' )l' Come one. come all. to the lannual Horticultural Fall Fair 13 September 19 in the Lions Hall. The fair, which starts at 2 pm. is a very popular event jwith attractions for everyone. The Allenbrae Branch of thelCombining beauty with pi‘actir YCHA will hold its first meet‘fcality, there will be brilliant ,‘displays of fall blooms, prize and vegetables. home potted plants. “pink lelephants" and a door prize of ‘a floral oil painting. I Take a few l Gerry and May Paxton of 125 Wright Street enjoyed a very exciting week with Eddie and ‘Norma Shack of Encino, Cali- fornia. While there they visited many interesting places including Uni- versal Studios. Fisherman‘s Wharf, Grauman‘s Chinese Theatre. Sunset Strip (in Ed‘s ‘dune buggy! Disneyland. Sea .World at San Diego. Tijuana. “Mexico. and Balboa Island and Matched surfing at La Jolla. They also met Dick Duff. now with the L.A. Kings. and played golf with him and their lhost at the fabulous ‘Bel Air Country Club. Gerry is the used car inan- ager for Wilson Niblett Motors Ltd. on Yonge Street North. I! air it! Another interesting project is being initiated by the Recrea- tional Guild of Culture â€" for pre-school children, ages 4 and up. Classes will be held in irhythm, liobbycraft. drama. bal- let. tap, folk dancing, singing and any beginner's instruments. These will be held in the morn- ings. from 9.15 to 11.15 am. The same classes will be held. for students immediately after school. Music ensembles for adults will be held in the evenings and plans are being formulated for a women’s amateur sym- phony orchestra. Register early. there will be limited classes. Please call 1884-3208 for further informa- tion. The guild Is 3 organization in existence for the past 12 years. illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll What’s Cooking? Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy why not share the recipe with our readers. be it main course. dessert or snack? Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rintoul of‘ Imperial Bank ofRoad. friends and on-’ show to be held in Noveinber.ljoy refreshments of apple pie‘ iMrs.‘George, Parks and Recrea- non-profit‘ Mrs. Florence Stainer left ‘on Tuesday for her home in Lancashirc. England. ha\ing spent the summer with her son ‘and his wife. Dr. Dennis Stainer of and Mrs. Staincr and grandsons} Driscoll ‘ Mark and Paul. of it. and 4t Mrs. .. M r. ,and family, Ross, Alan. Neil and1 Mary-Jane. Driscoll Road. have heldlrcturncd home having spent lliel :summer at their cottage “Paton JPlace" at Dyson Lake. Muskoka. *3 >1< ï¬r Currently enjoying a three- weck holiday at the home of Monica and Buster Vermeulen. lCentre Street East. is her sis- don. England. coincided with two other sons for celebrating that eve- ning at a barbecue party â€"â€" the .Vermeulcn's neighbors. Mr. and ,Mrs. Bob Smith’s return from ,spending the summer in Boston land the winning of the York North Mixed Doubles Cham- pionship by Monica and Don Paul. Other guests joining in the fun were Stephanie Roberts and Peggy and Clive Freeman. in it wir Councillor Shaun Beggs and iMrs. Beggs of Leisure Lane ‘attended the annual convention .0f the Ontario Parks Associa- ‘tion held at the Connaught Hotel in Hamilton. l The theme of the convention. {was ‘The Quality of Life" with‘ guest speakers Federal Pro- gressive Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield and Robert Nixon, leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. Many events were planned for the wives, including tours of the Royal Botanical Gardens and Dundurn Castle. At the closing banquet, Mr. Beggs. president of the associa- tion. handed over the gave] of office to incoming president, lWilliam Locker of the Metroi Conservation Authority. Also attending the conven-l tion from Richmond Hill were‘ Councillor Eric George and, White Fred , tion Administrator Al .and Parks Foreman Thomas. Representing the Town ofi Richmond Hill at the closing banquet was Mayor William ‘Lazenby, accompanied by Mrs“ Lazenby and Councillor Lois" Hancey and Lionel Hancey. ’1‘ * >t‘ l Bingo afficiandos will be happy to learn that the Richmond Hill Lions will resume their bingos Sep- tember 14 in the Lions Hall, Centre Street East. The bingos will be held every Monday evening starting at 8 pm with games for early birds be- ginning at 7:40 p.m. Next Monday night the i Donald Paton ‘ ter. Miss Bet Windeatt of Lon-. Her arrival on September 29‘ reaâ€", ’a beautiful setting is the promâ€" A membership meeting of the 'Plcasantville Branch of YCHA will be held September 16 at 1.30 pm at the home of Jen iLarge on Bathurst Street. . This being the first meeting of the season. please plan to attend. # it We are all familiar with \valkathons and the many worthy causes the) support. bui‘ Richmond Hill Presbyterian1 Church is introducing this month a unique idea in a "work- athon". Members of the congregation are volunteering to undertake .small refurbishing tasks around the church building and prop-i ‘crty and are seeking sponsorw ship from other members at so lmuch per hour. In this way they3 ‘llOpe to earn enough to pay foi‘i ,the necessaiw' supplies. . This project should give‘ everyone who participates. worker and sponsor alike. a“ warm feeling of accomplish- inenl. l vi * w i O i This month marks the return to school. university. l in “Life in the Hill" col- umns -â€"- the service is free ‘ â€"â€"just call the Social Edi- l tor Margot Crack at 884- 1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we‘d be. delighted to hear from you. I l Mr._and Mrs. Daniel Boyne Signing The Register other places of higher learning and the resump- i tion of social and club a o activities for the comin g [Ii/mg In I Why not let us know of } your family. social and Rev Father Michael Grace; club “doings†for inclusion .‘officiatcd at the folk mass in lOur Lady Queen of the World Peter Mills w Roman Catholic Church whichl limited in marriage Susan La- green londe and Daniel Boyne on August 8 at 5 p.m. The brich is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.‘ Bernard Lalonde of Mai'ybay Crescent and the groom is the. 'l‘l-lE LIB ERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 10, 1970 l Our Lady Queen of The World EVERY THURSDAY AT 8 RM. ALL SUMMER maximum minimum 5500- $300. 4 Special Plus 21 Regular Games at $20. East side of Bayview at Crosby Ave. Quota“ .S’. %aac£ PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS Eï¬gtigg 'GLASSES " ° CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" â€"â€"â€"â€"5â€" 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMON‘D HILL 884-1955 Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am- 9 pm 13 O O oooééooooooboo i i Pl Windsor ushers were Tom Lalonde. Rod. Smith and Larry Lalonde. as the ring bearer. bridesmaids wore lime floor-length gowns of crepe trimmed with pale yellow daisies. The maid of honor and flower girls wore pale yellow gowns The in The l i vith the same trimmingl ( é Midmer aid of honor and b1‘ides-. * * * foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Stevelmaids completed their enâ€" 'l‘he general meeting of St. Mills of Balkan Road, ‘SC‘l'llblE‘S with large floppy hatsig) I.Matthew's UCW will he licld‘ The bride entered the church,and carried pink roses, ycllowl! :September 15, beginning with.and was escorted down the aisle‘chi‘ysanthcmums and babyls ; la potluck supper at 6.45 pm to be given in marriage by IICl‘ibl‘Cath. lr itjust take your favorite dishi, :fathei‘ to the strains of Gordon? The wedding music was pro-’ . . . 'This will be followed by a Lightfoot's "I‘ll Walk“. Slic,\*ided by five vocalists wth Registrations now being taken film on “RaCism†dealing with.\voi'e a floor-length gown _oflaccon‘ipanicd themselves on?!) for the new season the. problems that the \VCSt‘WllliE‘ I‘rcnch pcau (le soie withlguitars. .( ilrédietsdriegrlo r léiccsd in their‘ii chapeld illitllfl triiInImed f1with1 The 160 guests were received; CLASSICAL BALLET - AMERICAN TAP a op c an o ana a. ace me a ions. or OOr-‘in the church hall where r * * * llength] veil was also decorated dinner was served and dancingli‘ MODERN JALZ DRAMA AND BATON ' Recent visitors at the home of with ace medallions and her enjoyed, If - ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zinck on bouquet was a nosegay of pale‘ After a wedding trip to thc( Please phone for mformatwn abOUt our .. Beaverton Road were Ralphgpink roses and baby‘s breath. lMaritimes, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel g Day Nursery Classes ' ‘Milner and his son. Bruce from} Bridal attendants were Linda Boyne have taken up residenceig 84_ 4 ‘Sarnia. His daughter. Sian. who‘Lalonde as her sister‘s maid of in Windsor. where the bridelfg 8 5 .had been vacationing with the :Zincks. returned home withiSeltzcr and Diane Lalonde as by the Windsor Board of Educa~ ‘them. 1bridesmaids: Arlene Lalonde tion and the groom will be Other visitors were Miss and Loi'ec Mills as flowerlentering his third year of‘ Eleanor Glowaeh, Winnipeg: Mr. girls. The best man was Reno‘studies at the University of . . ‘and Mrs. Walter Horodyski,lGai‘on of Timmins and the Windsor. ' c O ,Rexdalc: Mr. and Mrs. Roberti AAAA ’ T 7' """"" ‘ Chapman, Don Mills: Missi l Yvonne Crease, Don Mills: Miss; Yvonne Crouse, Toronto, and‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hesmer andl ‘ Mrs. Anastasia Nosaty from ‘ Newmarket. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. l Zinck visited Mr. and Mrs. i lBill Chubey in New Torontol and spent Monday evening all ‘the home of Mrs. Fred Schom-- ber in Toronto. YWCA Tea 8: Sale To Be Held Sept. I7 A cup of tea and goodies in ise of the World Service Comâ€" mittee of the Richmond Hill YWCA. The date is September 17 between the hours of 2:30 and 4 pm and the place is the home of Mrs. Dolly Kir‘win. behind theA Summit View Gardens Restaurant, just north of Richmond Hill. The tea is sponsored by the local Y and the proceeds will go towards its 1970 commitment to assist in the YWCA's work in developing countries. Be- sides the afternoon tea there will be a boutique and preserve [and pickle tables. Tickets may be purchased at the Y. 25 Yonge Street North. Jackpot will be $350 and Each week one will be oublisli-‘ ed in this column â€" how about‘ yours'.’ CHEESE WAFERS These crisp cheese wafers are ,easy to prepare and if stored in a metal box in a cool place. 52 numbers will be called. II! is * ‘ Linda King of Church Street has just returned from a two month European trip. visiting; England. Belgium. Germany.‘ lA ustria. Switzerland. Italy, l i 684-4311. Everyone is invited to come and make their con~ ti'ihution to the work of the YWCA in the world. ‘ John Graham Heads ’United Church. ‘Hallett officiated. honor: Carol Phillips. Mary Ann" will be employed as a teacher; / Hannah-Christen Queen's Univers Wed In Richmond Hill United l The marriage of Elizabeth As both the bride and groom ~â€"r~‘ Christen. (laughter of Mr.‘attcnd .iand Mrs. Bill Christen of Wil- will tak ston. lowdale to William Michael Hannah, son of Mr. and Mrs; William Hannah of Richmond; Hill, took place August 28 inl the chapel of Richmond Hilll Rev. Allen l The altar of the chapel wasl aglow with light from candlesl held in antique brass and pew-l tei‘ candlesticks. These came.‘ from England and belong to the} bride‘s family. j Given in marriage by her, father. the bride was radiantl .in a gown she had designed} lherself of white guipure lace over satin with sheer bishop sleeves. She wore a chapel- length veil embroidered with guipure lace and pearls andl carried a shower bouquet of, pink roses, white daisies and English ivy. l The maid of honor was Susan Hannah. sister of the groom, ,who looked lovely in a long‘ .‘gow'n of pink and carried a posy bouquet of daisies in shad- es of pink and white. The best ‘man was Paul Meadows. ‘ .A charming little couple fol- lowed the maid of honor, three- cousin of the bride. ‘ycar-old (Doug. Gilbert, Prop.) 0 Hobbies 0 Sports 0 Artist Supplies 0 Crafts DISCOUNT T0 ORG AN IZATION S BAYVIEW PLAZA 884-9322 ity Students Queen's University. they 6 up residence in Kingâ€" - CONVENIENT [OCTIO N S : ‘. T: Q o =.. CCU“?! .PRCSCRN’TION SERVES 3W†mu RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 Town of Richmond Hill PUBLIC MEETING A Public Meeting will be held in Don Head Sec- ondary School located at; Vaughan Road and Trench Street in the Town of Richmond Hill on Wednesday, September 16th at 7:30 p.m. Hon. Darcy McKeough, Minister of Municipal Affairs will be present to answer public questions con- cerning the policy of market value assessment and legislation providing tax relief because of market value assessment. \ZQ/ NOW OPEN A NEW SHOE REPAIR SHOP 36A YONGE 81'. NORTH RICHMOND HILL ax a: . . h will keep for months. Serveipmnce and spam, ‘ 7 ,Susan Christen as flower girl Many friends and relatives of Estggznat0:011hghtgï¬dilg to: hot or cold. Particularly impressive places Metfo cable GrouP and seven-year-old cousin of Expert workmanship. quick Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fox attend- African Clerc... :were: the groom. Garry Hannah as service and low prices. Our WW C 1 b 9d the open House held on ___°:' - 1 cup grated strong Cheddar" London, where many playsi T) r .,l f 1...} Ilring bearer. ‘ shoe repair shop at 36A 1 lam ' ‘azen Saturday afternoon, August 29, 1 cup crushed potato chips were Viewed including “The who 2:11am:i1.$lï¬asobee:tgqiggé; The bride‘s mother were a Yonge Street North will Mayor make your shoes just like 14 cup soft butter at the home of their daughter, Beaux Stratagem†with academy GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ï¬rst president of the Greaterl‘di'ess and coat of deep pink, Mrs. John King. Alsace Drive, in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Fox were mar-‘ . ried 50 years ago on Septemâ€"i her 1 at Cherry Valley United' Church. living in Bloomfield until 1948. when they to Toronto. In 1966 they took up residence on Browndale Crescent. In the evening a celebration dinner party was held at Vic-1 toria Square Community Hall moved : attended by over 50 guests. Mr. is and Mrs. Fox were joined at“ the head table by their best‘ A man and his wife. Mr. and Mrs.’ Whytock Fox. and toasts were' proposed by sons Wilbur and Arthur. son - in - law. William‘ West and grandson Robert Coates. Other members of the family attending were daughters Mrs.‘ King. Mrs. West. Scarborogj Mrs. Fred Coat-es. QueenSv‘illezi Berton Fox of Toronto and,‘ seventeen grandchildren. 1 Their son-in-law Mr. King. acted as master of ceremonies? and read congratulatory mes-I sages from Richmond Hill Town; Council. Governor General Ro-‘cial Police at the end of July.l:he old land Michciier. Ontario Premier: .Iohn Robarts and Prime Min- ister Pierre Trudeau. Mr. and Mrs. Fox received ‘ many beautiful gifts and flowers: which were on display. includ- ing bouquets from the Rich- . mond Hill Senior Citizens‘ Club, and the town council. 3 Out of town guests were froml ‘ Picton. Toronto, Vancouver and1 New York. “The Liberal" joins with the‘ many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fox in extending heartiest con- gratulations and good wishes for many more years of future happiness. CONSTABLE MORELAND Posted To Peterboro Edward Moreland, lived at 373 South Ta Drive for the past y who has ylor Mills ear and a half, joined the Ontario Provin-l He recently graduated from the OPP College on Sherbourne Street. Toronto. after success- ful completion of the "recruit orientation course". Constable Moreland has now been posted to the Peterboro Detachment. He will be joined in that city by his wife and three~year-old son Dwayne, in the near future. The new constable is the son of Mrs. Doris Moreland and the late Sidney Moreland. He at- tended Downsview Collegiate and worked for five and a half years with the Ontario Depart- ment of Transpon. 1‘.) cup all-purpose flour 1 tsp. prepared mustard Measure cheese and chips 1after grating or crushing. Place in bowl with remaining in- gredients and blend. Place on; unbuttered baking sheet in small spoonfuls. flattening slightly with spoon bottom. Bake at 375 degrees for 5-8 minutes or until golden brown. then cool on rack. To serve hot reheat at 300 for a few min- utes. Yield: 2-3 dozen. Liberal Lil. .lllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A special meeting of the Richmond Hill Jaycettes was held August 31 at the home of. \Irs. W. E. Dietrich, 384 Alpel' - Street. The committee for the Fall Fashion Show being presented during the Trade Show on Sep~ .tember 25 report an excellent response from local stores for the loan of merchandize to be used in the show. which will include many new and exciting fashions. i The show starts at 8 pm in arenaâ€"look for the .taycettes in their new white and blue banners! The next meeting will be a surprise potluck supper on September 14. x i o The 5th Richmond Hill Scout Ladies’ Auxiliary is holding its third annual corn and Wiener roast at 8 pm on September ‘22 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 116 Church Street‘ Len Pugh. . A short business meeting will precede the fun and new mem- bers and husbands are cordially invited to participate. Members are reminded .iake their own lawn chairs. to award winner, Maggie Smith. Paris. with unique Left Bank trestaurants and cafes and the; ‘Impressionists Museum. with,: 1works of those most famousi .artists. ‘ Ghent, Belgium. where there was the most beautiful painting. of ‘The Mystical Lamb" bv Van~ Eyck. ‘ Garmisch. a Bavarian resort. from where she travelled to visit the Oberammergau “Pas- ‘sion Play†presented once every} decade. Rome. the most impressive sight being Michelangelo‘s “Sis- tine Chapel" and the opera l "Aida" at the open Roman j Baths. ‘ Florence. the leather centre of Europe. where some beauti- fully crafted articles were pur- chased. Bern and the Jungfraujock near lnterlaken. Switzerland. were only two of the especially remembered Swiss cities. ..Kitzbuhel. Austria and Salz- burg with its Music Festival were also quite delightful. The Riviera was the most enjoyable. especially the rocky beaches of Nice. the sandy beaches of Cannes. 3 rather nude beach near St. ’l‘ropez and a particularly beautiful resort. Juan-les-Pins and Picasso‘s town which was included in a motorbike trip. Madrid was the leiliest of Spanish cities visited. high- lighted by seeing a bullfight and flamenco. Sitges. a resort on the Costa Brava was crowded with French and German vacationers, but still a most charming place. Linda feels she missed so much this time that the ti‘iY) could easily be iepeated three .times overi Toronto Cable Association, Igginnï¬v $25: a;‘;g‘p°?ed “of an ensemble in pale green. l ’ Ewen: area D S m ‘9 After the ceremony the ‘ . I in, . . . - . I“. L h The group plans to give slletS weie iete ed a to priority to working with com- munity organizations in develop- ing local programming. It has already set up a central co- ordinating committee to provide information to interested parties on equipment and facilities. Mr. Graham. who takes an active interest in the com- munity. lives on Vaughan Road, Richmond Hill. and is also co- owner of CFGM Radio Station. NEWMARKET â€" Main Street ‘ from Park Avenue to Water Street will be closed off for a shopping mall during the first weekend in October. This will be part of the celebrations to mark opening of the towns newly-renovated arena. Estelle Markham A.R.C.T. â€" R.I\I.'I‘. PIANO and THEORY REGISTER NOW FOR FALL TERM Beginning Sept. 8th 884-3787 n land the groom’s rosesl wore l with a corsage of pink mother ‘liome of the groom‘s parents on Driscoll Avenue. A toast to the bride and groom was proposed by the bride's uncle, Brian Christen. not only on behalf of the guests present. but also for the many relatives and friends in England. l When the happy couple left ‘for their honeymoon in Prince Edward Island. the bride was ‘wearing a pink shantung pant suit and carried a single red rose. mi For All Occasions We Deliver to Toronto 8: Surrounding Districts Flowers Wired Anywhere Rice's Flowers RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 - At All Hours - SSb\$‘§“\'~§5-§fl§-‘~5‘Qâ€˜ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚â€˜ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ \‘ l l i i i i i l Ruth Garson-Croucher A.D.c.n. Piano - Vo ice - Theory 428 S. Fernleigh Circle â€"â€"- Richmond Hill tMarkham/Bayview Areal COMING SOON. . . MOTORS LIMITED WILSON - NIBLE T THE NEW LITTLE CAR FROM GENERAL MOTORS THAT “ Does Everything Well†Wilson niibll CHEV‘ OLDS 355 YONGE STREET NORTH i l RICHMOND HILL PHONE 889-5435 am