lti We Join with our entire com- in extending deepest, munity sympathy to Mr. their sadness. * * t t Earl and Gladys Boccknerd Kcele Street South. took a trip in late August, to Rose Bay,l Nova Scotia to be present at the. ordination of their son. Barry. Following the wedding of their‘ “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items reg Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 882-2408; IN THE VILLAGE OF MAPLE and Mrs, James Oilvcr. Gosling Road. on ‘ t I . . _ . the loss of their three-yeaiuold R99 005? .“me Rand} Tmlme' . t, _ ‘ I V Shirley “lute. Beverley Geddcs. Jill Daiidson and Rostniuiy t ' ‘ Iirl . . i a heart condition. lt is hoped that the prayers and sympathy; of their many friends will hrlp, to sustain the family during. 'I‘HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Sept. ltt. Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News arding people and ev ents contributed by its readers in Maple. ('oncord. Edgeley and Kleinburg. in Edgeley and Cont 0rd. Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432. etc. Those children ha\e only' ithcir little l'elt fish and their cards. i in the second period. {who passed the beginner Red lCross class were ‘Laren. Jamie Low‘thian. VOlCi'lBl Stephenson, Donald Stephenson.. and Nancy Pogue. Those who passed their i ‘ Munsliaw'. l The intermediate Red Cross class graduates were Karen Bruce West and Sandra Camp-l .bell. , ‘ Bill Wright was the only" senior to pass with flying colors. At this point we should like to extend thanks on behalf of, all of the parents who had chil dren attending the Thornhilli classes this year to the men ofl Riddiford. B a r b a r a God-.105, cipe. Heather Lamont. Karl Kan- lsiTH Snider. Those to receive their senior awards were Brian Sni- Pile. Joanne Cindy Lamont. inont. The intermediates were Brock} Macfarlane. Keith Snider, Marty, Clendcnan. Mary Lou Lamont. The juniors were Anne Wil-. mot. Nancy Snider. Anne Ella. Lindsay Creighton. Donny Prin- tarofl', Brad Elkins. Mrs. Mary Jones. Philip Hutchinson. Mrs. Joyce Elkins. Ken Kidd. Terry, McGuire. April Ella and Donna Davidson. ‘ The beginners were Belinda, Watson. Joanne Watson, Norm man Ruttle. Sherry Milne. Cyn- thia Albin. Laura Jones, Michael! The team took home the Lions Club Trophy and we are not supposed to say who an-t those der. Brian Murchison. Riclmrd nonymously donated the indiviâ€" dual trophies to each boy on Douglas .\lc- Jarvis. Jeff Jarvis and Bill La-lthe winning team! The members of the Lions Club would like to thank most sincerely the coaches who ‘ielp-‘ unim- Schanck, Robert Snider. Da\id ed during the summer for the Expos. Bruce Bousher and Frank Gultridge. for the Tigers. Ken Usher and Ian Ferguson, of the recreation program. Maple Liuns Club Jean was well known and ‘ . . liked by clients she met The members of the Lions thrown her re“ 85â€â€œ: deal club. with their wives. began 5‘ ‘ ‘ their season with a get-together chicken barbecue and corn roast at Sur-Gain 1. when the Lions entertain the coaches and umpires who have time during the summer for the baseball program. i l f l i Farms September This is an annual occasion given so generously Ol‘ tlwil‘t for the Champs. Tom Coniio‘lleowling and Bob McIntyre and Fred Carol Flynn. Joan Cox Marg Kucherawy. The boys and girls committee under the chairmanship job this summer. and all de- serve a hearty vote of thanks‘more regular from all who have had benefitiCall Bruce Palmer 32-1387. of September Lindsay Boudreau. with honor-‘June Wilson 832â€"1550 able mention to his helpmaie happy to take names for newltune to break her Sheila. has done an excellent regular or sub bowlers. ‘ Both the men's and the ladies' Daleview' Court Sharples and for the Yankees. leagues and more to are still hoping register season. i The ladies will get underway l4 and Secretary" will be The men are also asking for, and sub bowlers.[ in July. It turned out to be a lreal iStrcet in the Estates. when 28 neighbors and friends gathered ular in school and excellent in sports. Canada plete other will land. been transferred after 13 years ‘in Canada. j'“I‘Ito have relatives visit for thrcel for the fall \ eeks recently when Mr. Klein burg Klarion Neighborhood Notes the Nobleion Bowl \ew mem- in“ September 10 at 1.13 pm DR Cu] ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clancy. hers are ll(‘(‘(lL(l Phone Sandra shaip at the Nobleion Bowl . ‘03: HLDLR 31 Rushworth Crescent. Klein» Park at 893-1820. New recruits are asked to 803'0401 burg Estates, were hosts of a tarew'ell party in honor of Mr. Bowling League will be >12ll‘l- 1739. and " ' Ali's. Joe O‘liagan and heir teenage sons. Ian and Ron: O'llagan ’ Cardish surprise for the amil). formerly of 0 wish them a fond farewell. ngs. The boys were very pop- Ron with his grade members return to London. where Mr. O'Hagan is remaining in friends to comâ€" 13 here. The of the family Eng- has Aalpoel. . pleased Joe were Mr, and Mrs. and: Mrs. M. Rock. of Sydney. Ausâ€"l tralia. whom they had not seen, for 17 years. came to Canada. Mrs. Aalpoel had the mist’or-‘ leg while the company was here and now ' has her left leg in a cast. She is spending her enforced leisure time in reading many books from the nearby library. son Allan to Nancy Lynn Nelâ€" _ J . . .. , t ‘ ' . ~ v - - - ones. Chris Plunket. Cindy ‘ , f†gfvgwggggg tï¬ï¬fï¬ï¬ bggiliililgsfoghtTE‘iilhtilslltiitititi‘llMaCfallanet Wendy Davidson-KI ' b t - H Mis: yiarinadwifonï¬daugh- or o ,- . . . . .. -. v i ‘ ‘ i r. an l rs. orman . . » . y M s. P t Muriay. Michael .Vlc- g A T E l 9‘ 0 t Quebec to PICK UP Keith and [01 m†loungsmrs dunng the Alithu: Alan Rom Bradley e o Watson. Pennon Road. cele-i six weeks period. The KIN GSDAIJL‘ ANIMAL HOSPITAL KlDlllDlll'fl â€" \aslwille phone Margaret Taylor at 8933 ,5. "1' In! NH smvrc: . . . l.\' BY 10 â€"- OUT BY 5 MONDAY TO SATURDAY Same Day Shin-I Service IN BY 10 â€"- OUT BY 5 MON DA Y "O FRIDAY FREE PICK-[7P AND DELIVERY 9724 Yonge St. South Experts Care Phone 884-2162 “Fabric Care Beyond Compare†brated her 10th birthday August 31 with a swimming party at her home. The following friends Joan Boeckner. son and daugh- ter-in law, and met Allan and Nancy in Rose Bay for Barry‘s Although we haven't checked‘SClli‘ka and MlCllael SCllf'mCK- ! this year. we do know that the Those Who earned thell‘ I‘Cd Thousands At Binder Twine Fete; . .n . n in, allmionï¬buses cost nearly $300 1astyfi5h as second_lead up to ire- “_ r a as: D mm Fi ield‘,‘ OlBtiii'iyaltiaiso ‘i'eacegtlybtreturncdweal" and ammugh the buseslgmn.†were Rare" hamaron' This gauu-dav bl‘jnfls thenk u']1~ l t1~at'0n aiKgrgn cliseove Yiionne thawi f' Ei lnd 'h re ii bl'll‘-lran ï¬ve days cam “Veek lhlleaVld Plunkm‘ Pa“! Rotz‘ Beb‘l â€" - I .‘ - I u D -l‘ 01-1 mg (.emoné ..1 ‘ ‘Cathv Beevor and two of†13m. 1:qglxa t 3‘ cu .Vecottv .‘lf year instead of Six the cost “.nllby wumot‘ Eddie Wilmot and Rleinbuirlz gindei T\\lll1€]- .Festhlhanging flower basket contestpwarim.S Sme‘m Karen and. J V A Bit‘iiilisii hama H 8h mt rain) 0 mm ha"? 1399" 2' gl‘eat deal lC‘S-JOh“ Wilmm- ‘Hilh an 2111â€" ay Hem. “ tit-h a.t-.a.n~ aPpl-e we. com?“ anv-da‘lvorma , i V: l l y' A ' . _ g _ . e as ('l â€"‘ UP Thank You! i The ï¬rst lead up to beginnmsdiatts tiousands of \lS_llOlS.‘LlllldlCl.'ls parade \\lll piou e 'l _- “u b V0 V ‘ t. . lead‘ershlp In 9‘ reSIdelnce in Rfosiel Bay “lllelel he * * * * .Wim blue ï¬sh were Anm Baiai..DeISigned as an old-lasing)an glitet‘lallgmenll for all agesi,ti0£16;]€i'g]:1\l foreBi‘ownlii‘ElSalnaci, >_ . _ 7, 135 0131‘ 9 0 “‘96 Cllll'C 105.? ' i - . . ' Uaa countrv oceaSion, e cs1- mm in tie inornin unti ' - ' t a v. ' St. Matthiws, St. Mark's and St. Many DMPMS ‘\‘l10 “'ef'c FOF'iAmson Cl‘elgnton' Rom†Ed- at was reï¬tted in 1967 as a midnight there Wm beg some. Guides this year. Instead. ‘ ' John's Lutheran. II it: * it September is campaign month for the arthritis and rheumatism society. and a small army of some 47 canvassers will be out in the Maple area during the next few weeks in support of this worthwhile cause. We would welcome their canvassers when she calls. and that they will give as ‘Zenâ€" erously as possible toward the ask that residents tunate enouin to have their own transportation had their chil- dren attending the swimming classes held by Mrs. Lisa Bod- ker at the Summit Gardens, Swimming pool on the Conces- sion 6 RRZ Woodbrdige. Under the direction of Mrs. Bodker, Mrs. Joan Goulding‘ of, Kleinberg and Mrs. Barbara Clark of Downsview, assisted by Kathy Ella and Cathryn Pile of Maple. the following awards invaluable work against both of these crippling diseases. ; Although we have had queries.: about the children whose names did not appear in this column in connection with the Thorn“ hill Swimming Pool for the first“ period, We have discovered that no records are kept of those children who passed in their particular class. such as beginvi ners, junior "A" etc, but onlyI those in the Red Cross classes.| advanced beginners, junior "B“,‘ were given: The Royal Lifesaving Bronze Awards and the Senior Artificial Resuscitation Award were won by Cathryn Pile and David Snider. The Royal Lifesaving Award of Merit and Senior A.R. was won by Mrs. Judy Alford. The Red Cross Awards For Survival were earned by Jill Davidson. Rosemary Brice, Brock Maelarlane, Keith Snider. Cindy Lamont. Bill Lamont, Marty Schaan and Robert Mapl'eâ€""Uhited Church Centenary Will Be Celebrated In October 1 manson and Sandra Sharples. St. Paul’s Presbyterian St. Paul's Vaughan. will ob- serve its anniversary on Septemâ€" ber 13 at 11 am. Guest speaker for the occasion will be Rev. W, K. McKinnon of Bolton and Nashville Presbyterian Chur~i ches. Arrangements are beingI made for special music to be provided for the occasion as well. i St. Martin‘s In The Field St. Martin‘s in the Field An- celebration on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding on Perth Avenue. thence to the present site on Glenlake Avenue on or about September 27 with Bishop Garnsworthy as guest preacher. Watch for further announceâ€" ments re this important service, when plans are finalized. Guides & Brownies Mrs. Dorrie Bothwell has a".- nounced that registration night 'for Guides and Brownies will be held September 14 between 7 and 9 pm at the Maple Scout Hut. All interested parents are asked to register their daugh- glican Church is planning a hig‘ Centennial event and was such a success and proved so popular that it now has become an anâ€" nual fete, again. On Jilly 18, 1930 the Toronto Mail and Empire reported: “The celebration of the tra- ditional ‘binder twine night‘, established by Charlie Shaw more than 40 years ago. brought ,more than 5,000 persons to the} since the' Ladvent of the automobile into. village. Each year the farmers lives the event has gradually increased in propor- tions, and this year was no ex- ception. with the large crowd overflowing into the main streets. “Originally the farmers came to the village to secure sup- plies of binder twine but the custom was soon changed into Ia time for a get-together. For many years now, Mr. Shaw, who supplies the twine to the' farmers, has kept the celebra- ‘tion alive and with his sons tthet .iaie Earl of Kleinburg; Bill,l now of Toronto: and Carl of RR 1, Kleinburg! has directed and supervised the celebration. “The party broke up shortly after midnight after the street dancing for which two brass lprice of 50c with children ad- .niversary this year and mem- thing to do and more to see.‘. And all this for the admission mitted free. Kleinburg-Nashville Women‘s Institute celebrated its 70th an- bers twith others) will line the quilting frames and operate the weaving looms in oldâ€"fashioned dress. All visitors are invited to enter into the spirit of the festival and come in old-fash- ioned outfits. A special treat will be old- time sarsaparilla, a delicate honey-like drink and birch beer. stronger than root beer, which is made expressly for the Binder Twine Festival by the Coca Cola Company of Can- ada. John Brown’s Pop Fac- tory (site of Murray Hilliard’s barn) operated from about 1880 until around 1915 with hand run machinery and the children of the community used to help in its operation. There are still a few of the Original bottlesl around. The special sarsaparilla‘ booth will be maned by young teenagers, dressed appropriat-t ely. selling 1,000 cups of thisi brew for 10c a cup. Food prices remain the same as last year, iClark lngebertson. son of Mr. parents are asked to send $2 for each girl to the first regâ€" ular meeting. Leaders are needed badly. If you can help. please contact Mrs. Eunice Sw‘artout. Mrs. Lorna Stairs or Mrs. Joan Goulding. The lst Brownie Pack will meet September 15 at 3:30; the 2nd Brownie Pack, Sep~ tember 24 at 3:30; 3rdnBrownie Pack. September 14 at 3:30;“ lst Kleinburg Guides. Septem- ber 14 at '7. All meetings are held in Kleinburg Junior Pubâ€" lic School. Girls wishing to enrol in either Brownies or Guides are asked to attend the first meet- mg. For those youngsters who like to watch Tiny Talent Time on Channel 11 TV, a treat is in store for September 27. On that date you will see Scott Hilliard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hilliard, Nobleton. and and Mrs. Carl lngebertson of Brampton playing a drum duet. The emcee will say they are from Bramalea. which is mis- leading, but that is where they take their lessons together. Scott won first prize for Investigate the profit yield obtained with l". a Shur-Gain veal program. Invest in those unwanted bull calves. Put: them on a 10-12 week veal program with Shur-Gain Vealer. You’ll probably need to buy a couple of hundred pounds to put on a 180â€"200 pound gain. Get top market price for choice veal grades that can return as much as 40 '7}, return over feed and calf costs. continuous. ' research"; a " management : . . - ' s - - Shur-Gain Vealer protects you investment I _ .2 too, With the proper levels of antibiotics to ‘ ~ » ï¬ght scours and stress problems. A s. Come in and get your free feeding program and a Vealer Performance Chart. Prove to yourself how Shut-Gain Vealer is the most: proï¬table feed available for Veal Production. ‘ grouting animal V health service _-; MAPLE FEED MILL single competitor under 13 last May in the Bolton Rotary Amateur Night. Kleinburg Ladies‘ Bowling League will begin play Sep-I itember 10 at 1 pm. sharp at ters at that time. If you cannot . .attend yourself, please arrange The 100th anniversary of‘iter of the church. will returnlwith a neighbor to register your Maple United Church will belfrom his present post in Smith- daughtei'g in both groups V celebrated by the congregation ville for the service. There BASEBALL I oDn theg last tSunday;1 otthctoberl. will be music of a more modern Girls 0118 MOXie Whitney Ol‘t‘lleSll'a urin ia' mont ’ere wil nature provided that evening v. . ,, r. {from the Royal York Hotel. be P0"! lllOl'nlng and €\‘Cnillgib.\’ Organist Mrs. William‘{OSIZEQflï¬gpï¬ilnseugiliglgligjggI$twith spot dances and prizesl servxces of very special interest Knapp of Aurora and Brian“ae we“ Iaved aihouah 'a locsiincluded. Murray Morrison and‘ each Sunday, leading up to the Thurston. 'to Erna; ‘b.,’ 3 1 .51. TV? l final services on October 25. t The centennial Service on Oc-‘ , S it-DS e 3 a. d- (15“: C; “L0 The morning Servtce on 00- tober 25 will be conducted by (a W “.31 occhme - nuns :9 tober 4 will bring observance of My. Boogers in the morning'game “ ‘en t e pltcher of t‘ e Worldwide Communion, which while Rev. Dr. Clarke Mac- with pizzas reduced in price. CONCORD NEWS ‘ Your correspondent and herlï¬'fl . ' v 77-7.; 1~ husband. Mr. and Mrs. John‘boï¬ml‘?:jzr3igl: ‘flngilfi‘ljï¬ â€˜Cle d". w " '~ °".‘ 0 an Mi and Mrs. William.and Reeve Evelyn Buck “.1†be his square dancers and lrishJL . . ~ - t v V, . » acey spent four days in .lVIel'l-l . . , , . ldanceis will delight the toe-idem, Connecticut, where they'seeking election to the mayor. tapping group. Bands, clowns attended the w >- ~ alty of the new Town of Auroral . . . ’ eddin f M Jugglers' magma“ and “‘9 Kathryn Schneider ti (imping which will also make them the, Eringate team was hit in the award_winmng barbershoppers t n, so] re resentative on will be administered by Rev. Dona1d of St Luke’s, Toronto, DUGZY September 5. Miss 0“ S e P ‘ eye with a ball and when Janet . . . ‘ who Will shew you What g00d ‘ ' . i ' the re ional counc11. Candidates Norman Boogers. the lncumb will be present in the awning. Schneider is Mrs. Lacey s niece. g t Scott the Maple Sugar’s catcher - . . . ‘ _ ’ .g . ’ old-fashioned harmonizing .- ' th ‘ ent minister. and the elders. Dr. MacDonald heads the Unit~ SUffered 3* d‘bl‘mted flnget- If sounds like will be there. The The Lace†Staye‘i “1th Mr' for the elght seats on e bands had been provided.†In the revived festival enter- tainment goes on all day. Danc- ing will be enjoyed to the fam- 832-1241 Wm†‘sm - - , t ' ‘ ' uni i al council who have de-. ' ) In the evening ReV. Alfréd F91“ ed Church of Canada’s Board She 15f unable to p133 f9? “he Museum, with Bill Coreoran of :23 tï¬rséogfléï¬medsï¬ae‘gg xglared pto date are: Deputy-i (Whlle LaSt TESL DD: “"11 Dream With tile of Evangelism and Social Serv- “St 0 the series, She “‘11 be Nashville as manager, will play and Mrs. wmiamyDeMercham- reeve Bill Trent. Councillorsi sorely missed. Korean ChOll‘ PI‘OVldlng the ices. Special music will be , for teenage dancers. . . . - I r . - ' \‘- music. Following the service alpresented by the Scarboro; The g‘l‘ls have do“? mal‘u'i Johnny Wayne. Frank Shus- anzllfaliitllg “Elisa Izaifh Fiaatle): :23“ Igdflliyvgl' $11335 Hegï¬ihl H D '. fol‘IOd 0f leOWSlllP “‘lll fOllO\\"AO’l‘S Men’s Choir. OUSJ-V “'en- alld “9 “'ISh “‘9Ԡter and Fred Davis headline the hom Iniï¬d- yeti a 1 e 1101) American Rim Simmon‘s pet}. eavy with coffee served._ For many of us. the centen» 3†“‘9 “Wk “l m“ "351 or “‘9 guest list. Games Of Chance» raned alv mmg M1-e card. “wirelhliller aformer Reeve Ste'ia-t‘ . .Qctober 11. le‘lllE 'l‘liankS- nial of our church is a mOst im- b‘eSl “"99 0f Iâ€? games- pony rides. (‘Rndl’ “055 and TVilliarrin Col: staged \avli‘th KellS:tT’ati-ick and former De “llv- e 5 Swing there .\\'lll'l)€‘_ only the portant event. One and all are 1‘33“ _ corn on the cob will be avail-4 Ann and An I'. I C 1‘ ‘ 3 I; \. Ja.k Wim m n p' L] i g g (H) to a bag) - Rcz- “.49 l‘eglllal' mm‘mng sel'l'lce. cordially invited to come along 11) ill? final eWmnE 0T '“Ball‘able. A draw on a snowmobile 7â€"777 â€"' .Uâ€"e‘.‘ .0 E" .7 SEPT, -C . a. so, 1 ._ .T _ , , , A SDE‘Clal lal‘nlell's Sel‘YiCC’ and join with the congregation’fol‘ this sea-<0“. llle Yallliel‘ trailer and a quilt rafer 4142 KITCHEN SIZE BAG“ ' 29c PKG“ (1') '10 A PI‘G') will be the order of the Inoru-‘of Maple United in‘,coaclied by the “Women's Lib-«will be held ing on October 18. while Re\'.,this milestone in church his-ieration Movement" Ralph William. [omer minis- tory. i'l‘igers 45 to 35. Homemade can-l beat tne‘dy. jams and jellies and bindert ltwine souvenirs will be on sale. ITTSBURGH PAINT... I-IE BEST 5 AIN'I' BUY N THE MARKET Can Be Tinted FACTORY CLEARANCES . . . LUXURIOUS ITCHEN&CABI ALI. CUPBOARDS Beautifully prefinished inside. fully co\'er6tl__with Burma-Teak woodgrain in furniture tinile style knobs, postformed countertops '0 Let us help you geta new home NOW! i Right now, with Winter coming on, is the time to move to the Spaciousness of your new home. Pay for it while you enjoy it! } An easy payment mortgage at ‘i Victoria and Grey Trust may 4 OOOOO.900900099.009.00.900. 09990.90“...oooooowommooo E In six standard sizes. washable vinyl in white color. magnetic catches and black colonial- in Arborite Beige Scrim. ~ ALL CEDAR PICNIC . , . $031655 tyn yeuthank- Gem TABLES . O a a n Y t ictoria an Grey. 5 95 Comp.†Nth . . . . I » . ,. ‘ Benches : 7/“. WW TH“, (WWW ()thei He‘lglh tin lispia; (Knockâ€"Down Type’ . devoled PIIIIrP/I'If) waning I > ‘ I ‘ . - i- "’e‘"""â€lv‘â€â€™0"’“"“" SEE rs roR ALI. vorn NEEDS IN HOME IMPRO\EMLI\'IS , H AND COTTAGE MATERIALS : lk’hOlO by Stuart's Dllltllo“ O . M / P 1‘}! Th (/1 a a... CADILLAC BUILDING PR DUCTS co. 3 ap e an er: 6 amp: 3 TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 PHONE 332-2271 KEELE ST., MAPLE . . I ‘ ‘ - i ' ' North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. . T } Lionllnn Sondra-an is show-n 1above tlettl presenting the Maple LIOll< Peewee Softball G. A. WARELI‘N. MANAGER “0â€: 8...) am m 5 on pm _ “my. 830 am‘ to 9 pm _ Sat. 3.30 an, to 5 pm. . ‘l-OID 1y to \im eese. captain of tie championship winnincr Panthers. Looking" on is t'U-d -h NW; 12] YONGE ST. N_ i - ... . . ., . . _ l‘.ll\'lll.<. the Panther: downed the Lion: 3.3. \\'.‘.intng- pitvllt‘l' was Dennis Lemoues. k ‘, RICHMOXD HILL “4.1107 . m...m¢¢oo¢qoo¢¢¢¢¢Oo¢¢W¢OWOOOâ€Â¢Â¢$, I