Maid of Hdnor Diane Lind- gren wore a matlve full-length at the empire waistline.‘ Her bouquet was a white orchid with white stephanotis. Mauve and white Chrysanthe- mums formed the setting in St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church, Thornhill. on August 7 at 6 pm, for the wedding of Sharon Anne Rick to Ralph Michael Sullivan. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old Rick. 58 Thornheights Road. Thornhill. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sullivan of 220 Harlan- dale Avenue, Willowdale. Fath- er Thomas Chidlow officiated at the nuptial mass. "Today" was played by Paul Morgan as the wedding march and Mr. Morgan also sang Pa- nus Angelicus and Ave Maria during the ceremony. Morgan as the wedding march The 61 guests were received and Mr. Morgan also sang Pa- at the North Thomhill Com- nus Angelicus and Ave Maria munity Centre by Mrs. Rick during the ceremony. who wore French blue shan- The bride, given in marriage tung linen with matching ac- by 9191' father. \wore a full- cessories and a white gardenia length gown 0f White brocaded corsage. She was assisted by Dean de $0ie With an overlay of the mother of the groom who organza. It was fashioned on chose for her son‘s Wedding an the A-line with slit bell sleeves old rose costume dress in cord- and a full-length train attachudjed ottaman with white acces- at the empire waistline.‘ Herlsories and a gardenia corsage. Graham Upcraft of the Thornhill School of Ballet an- nounces that registrations will be received at Holy Trinity Church September 12 between the hours of 10 am. and 2 pm. with classes starting the follow- ing week. This year his wife, Mrs. Patricia Upcraft; who is associated with the Lois Smith School of Dance in Toronto. will be introducing an adult con- ditioning class which will be held Wednesday afternoons be- tween 2 and 3. The school also has art classes conducted by Mrs. Aud- rey McDonald and provides piano tuition. Establishment of an efficient. 0 effective York Region govern. I†ment organization without was~ ting a lot of money is by far Registration for the Scottish the most important thing the Country Dancing Classes at voters should have in mind in Thornhill United Church will the October 5 municipal elect- take place September 12 at ions. says Markham Town reg~ 10 am. Classes start Septem. ional representative candidate ber 26. These classes are for James Jongeneeh 40. school~age children with the Presently a member of Mark~ minimum age being six by De. ham Township Council, stockâ€" cember 31. 1970. The popular broker and investment ad'visor classes have been held each year JongeneH says he is really since 1964. worried about the economics of St. luke's Church ls Setting For Sullivan - Risk Evening Wedding 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Sept. 10, 1970 Seeks Regional Seat In Markham Socially Speakingllongeneel Sees Jobs As Big Issue In Thom/1i†"†'V tirement of our reeve. as well as the councillor for Ward 1. \Councillor Eldred King will be TELL your neighbour, tell your friends. we are selling 12,463 empty frames â€" most sizes. styles. finishes for 50c, $1, $2. $3. $4. $5. $6. $7. $8. $9, $10. Sure, we install your pictures free. Hangers in- stalled ten cents. You decide about non-glare or regular glass. We have both at give away prices. Mats cut â€" most colors. Any size one dollar. So come with your pictures and we‘ll do the job for you. Save much money. House of 10,000 Picture Frames. 102 Doncaster Ave. 889-4346. Open Tues. Wed.. Thurs, Fri. Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Go North on Yonge St. to first traffic light north of Steeles and turn right on to Doncaster. Feel free to use Charge): or your per- sonal cheque. BUILDING MATERIALS SAND & GRAVEL Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL 889-4137 â€" 889-4176 Open ’Til Noon Saturdays â€"â€" Cash and Carry AT THE JANE & 7 COUNTRY CLUB 01: Jane SL. Between Steeles Ave. West & No. 7 Hwy. Fully Air Conditioned â€" Lots of Free Parking Early Birds 7:15 pm. â€" Regular Games 8 pm. â€" BRING THIS AD FOR ONE FREE GAME â€"- Sponsored by Forestdale Heights Lodge B‘Nai B'rith “BE AN ANGEL" Up To $3,500 In Prizes EVERY MONDAY NIGHT $333316 Thornhill and Distrct News â€" WE DELIVER NEWMARKET â€"â€" In a daY- ilight raid town police assisted ‘by the RCMP seized about $60000 to $100,000 worth of {marijuana in a Vale Avenuei ihouse recently. It is reported[ “the "grass" contained in nine packages came by rail from‘ [Western Canada. Before it could} ‘have been sold it would havel ‘ had to be dried. ground up and! Lmixed with another ingredient. i! Arrested were Varley Bunn. 23. Hand James Ward. 27. I Councillor Jongeneel is seek~ ing election as a representative of all the area formerly com~ prising Markham Town and Township. There will be two such posts in the new Town of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sullivan spent their honeymoon in Booth Bay Harbor and will be residâ€" ing in Hudson, where both will be teaching in a small school. Out of town guests for the wedding came from Lloydmin- ster. Saskatchewan: Calgary, Alberta: Trout Creek. Powas- san. Peterboro, Guelph and Trenton. The reception featured a buf- fet dinner and dance. Tele- grams were received from East- boro, England and Hudson, On- tario. gown with beaded collar, Brid- esmaids Christine Comella wore a similar gown in green and Flower Girl Karen Thomas wore pale green with an over- lay of white organza. The bridesmaids carried baskets of white and mauve chrysanthe- mums and the flower girl car- ried a smaller basket. The best man was Glen Bag- ley and ushers were Barry Poitras and Colin Wright. The groom and his attendants wore black double-breasted dinner jackets. “You're going to have a tax bill the like of which you wouldn't believe. if a whole new regional staff is hired from outside and nobody in the existing old organizations is hired or movedâ€. he warns. Presently a member of Mark~ ham Township Council, stock- broker and investment adviser Jongeneel says he is really worried about the economics of the new regional government setup. “There is nothing as success~ fuI as having the right people in the right job. Having the wrong person is bad for ef~ ficiency and morale. “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 Igrams in Markham Township. “The number of playgrounds jumped from five in 1969 to nine this year. Programs were added at Royal Orchard and Henderson Public Schools in Thornhill. and at Victoria Square and Box Grove. “It is quite important, for the smooth functioning of the new government. that some background information will be readily available at future council meetings. The only way to be sure of this is to have some continuity of elected government officials. “Judging from the candidates who have declared themselves so far. there is no doubt but that some of the present Town of Markham candidates will sit on the new government body. There are some running for 10- cal council seats, some for the regional, and also for the may- oralty. by Arena in Unionville. and the North Thornhill Community Centre. “1970 was a year of expansion of summer playground pro- grams in Markham Township. “The number of playgrounds }‘Other playgrounds Were lo- cated at Baythom. Sand and Bayview Glen Schools. the Cros- Mr. Parker was very pleased with the progress made in sum- mer recreation this year. On the playgrounds the child. ren engaged in a wide variet; of activities. The playground staff of 30 young responsible leaders plan- ned a summer of games, sports, music. arts and crafts. There was a series of special events, including Indian Day, Christmas in July. bicycle rodeo, nature week. Canada Day and treasure hunts. “Fbr our present township it is a somewhat different matter because of the announced re- This year 570 children were registered during the Markham Township summer playground program. reports Summer Re- creation Director Steve Parker. This was an increase of 216 children over the previous year. NEWMARKE'I‘ â€"â€" The elec-i The carnival showed 3 Profit tion campaign is picking upiof $78.50. which took a lot of steam with Mayor Tom Sur-‘gpenniesi The money was donat- geoner. Reeve Clare Salisbury ed to the Ontario Society for and Councillor Bob Forhan all‘Crippled Children. standing for the mayoralty; Eastl “I feel that our summer Pro' Gwillimbury Deputy-reeve Raylgram has benefitted from its 'I‘winney and former town coun-igrowth this year. Hopeflflly in cillor Tom Taylor for the second11971 it will continue to improve seat on the regional councillas an important recreational Deputy-reeve Bruce Eves willtservice to the taxpayers. In the not be standing for the reeveâ€"‘rneantime. I would like to sin- ship but “ill be in the running‘cerely thank everyone who be- for a seat on the new council‘came involved in our summer and Councillor Aubrey Smith‘activities.“ said Summer Recrea- has announced he will seek re-‘tion Director Parker at the con- election to council‘ clusion of the summer program. “If we hire all the regional staff from among the present employees of local municipalit- ies, we may not get the best qualified people. (Present mun- icipal employees are guaran~ teed one year‘s employment at present rates of pay). “The third method might be to declare all the regional and local jobs vacant and hire the best applicants. This would be a big job, but might get the best results Every new em- ployee added to the municipal staff within the region will mean an addition to the wage billâ€. he says. Most of the playground staff were trained at a course spon- sored by the Youth and Recrea- Councillor Jongeneel says it will be important to have peo- ple on the new regional coun- cil who have experience on the previous local councils. 570 Children Spent Summer Days{ In Markham Twp. Play ProgramI "I’m really concerned about the hiring of people at the re- gional level. We can get peo- ple either from inside or outâ€" side the region. The aim, of course, is to get whoever is best qualified. “But if we 'hire outsiders. there will be a surplus of staff at the local level. Markham. The winning cand- idates will have seats on both the regional and town council, along with the mayor. JAMES JONGENEEL Seeks Regional Seat The second is to better his'iof disappointments and for Nee- |mark of 14.2 seconds in theiland it was the Pan American illo-metre hurdles which haslGames in Winnipeg in 1967 [him tied with Brian Donnelly of'when he fell during the com- ‘ Queen‘s University for the Cane- {petitions ‘dian record. “It was my first big comâ€" STEVE PARKER As for the first: petition and I guess I was just Successful Summer “I do a little running attoo excited. pressing too much. .‘Waterloo. at least I did. There‘s‘l was trying to break the Cana- tion Branch of the Department not that much doing downidian record and I was so in- of Education. ithere and they have a lot ofiterested on getting over the first August 12 all nine playgroundsihouse parties. It can be danger-hurdle I forgot how to land. joined together for the sum- ous running along the streets “I came down trailing one mer‘s biggest special events, a’at night. I almost got eliminated leg first and I ended up sliding Storyland parade and pennyltwo or three times.†ito the second hurdle. It was carnival. - l The second: game over. Elimination." The result was a seemineg “I've managed to run a 1le Neeland learned his lessons endless line of chum-en, all‘but it was with the aid of Wlnd ivell. Navy he concentrates on dressed as Stonland characters,and it didn't count." jiust relaxmgntaking every_com- marchinv from Thornhill Pub-1 Neelénd has also been hamp-‘petition for Just what It? is. he Schoboh to Thornhill Park. ered With 9 pulled ham string “No matter how big it ls? I There the penny carnival ran muse“? “'thh 15 3 Part Of the HIV to tell myself It's Just a . hazards of running. matter of doing your best. It‘s until dUSk- “n Anni-n" knot.-- ma 6kq6 M- _--;....t LL» -n.-- ( Next he spent two years man- aging a construction and real estate development company, one year at Chartered Trust as special representative for in- vestment properties, and two years as an independent real estate consultant and appraiser. He has also been active in committee work with the Tor- onto Junior Chamber of Com- merce, and is now a member of the Toronto Board of Trade. Councillor Jongeneel playsl tennis at the Queens Club andi rides at. the North York Hunt Club. He is a member of the Ontario Art Gallery and thel Royal Ontario Museum. He hast attended courses at Toronto University. { Born in Rotterdam, Holland. Mr. Jongeneel‘s father is an international tobaceo merchant. He has a sister living in San Francisco. He first made his home in North York 20 years ago, and after visiting many parts of North America during holidays, he decided the Toronto area was where he wanted to stay. Not liking city living, he moved to Markham nine years ago. He has been a member of the American Society of appraisers for eight years, and is a past vice-president of the Toronto chapter. His wife is the former Ver- onica Jean Young of Sussex. England, and they have two daughters. Elizabeth Anne, ag- ed 31/2, and Susanne. aged 11/2. For seven years Mr. Jongen- eel has been a director of the firm of John Allen Limited in Toronto. Following his univer- sity years (Bachelor of ‘Com- merce. Amsterdam). he was first employed by British Am- erican Oil in their marketing and real estate planning de- partments. A nine-year resident of Markham Township, Mr. Jong- eneel’s home is on Milmar Crescent, just off German Mills Road and north of Steeles Av- enue East. “Ideally I would like to see the two regional seats filled by one of the present candidates from the Town of Markham, and one from the township. This would give the population of the new unit representation with background experience readily available for all the area“, says candidate Jongeneel. “One of the main consider- ations which helped me decide to seek election to the regional post was that. with the possible exception of the mayor, I would be the only elected representa- tive fully conversant with the affairs of the township during the past two years. including all the developments leading up to regional government. tirement of our reeve. as well as the councillor for Ward 1. Councillor Eldred King will be running in Whitchurch-Stouff- ville. I gl“ll\\\ll111111\l\\l\\llllllllll\l“l\“\\\l1lmm“lllllll\\\\lll“l\\l\\l\11““\\\\llllll\“\\\lllll“l\\\1\l\lll\\“\lllll\\l\\lllll\\\\lllllWWI“!\\l\l1lllll“\“\llllllI“W11“\l\1\1llllll\\\\llll\l\l“\lllll\\l\\\\l\\ umlmmuuuuumnmmumu\mmummmmuunnmumunumuunmmummmmli By FRED SIMPSON much difficulty." (him. i Twenty-ï¬ve year old mus. Neeland is currently running “He‘s faster than me on the tachioed George Neeland of with the Canadian team in straightmvay," said Neeland. Thomhiu has two immediate Turin, Italy, where the World “50 I have to get the jump ati objectives as far as the game University Games are being the start. If my form is good I‘ of hurdles is concerned_ held this year. can take him, usually. The ï¬rst is to just stay alive He qualified for the team at ."R‘ght “0W “'3 .a “59 0f 1 while working out along the the British commonwealth Win one, and he wins the next streets of Waterloo where he Games Trials in Hamilton in one‘ If I get 0‘“ in front I can attends the University ofiJune- b.e_at him‘ BUt he's tough'†Waterloo. I Every athlete has his share‘Iâ€"‘_â€"’â€"â€"'-â€" Neeland has also been hamp- ered with a pulled ham string muscle which is a part of the hazards of running. “It doesn't bother me that much but it does affect me enough to cut down on my tim- ing. I guess I‘ wasn‘t warmed up properly when I turned on the speed recently and I pulled it." Neeland figures he will im- nrove his timing enough to get into the 13 second mark but has no illusions about cracking the World’s Record now held by the 27-year-old retired Willie Davennort of the United States. “Willie has a 13.2 mark and there‘s no way I’m going to get that. But I should be able to get into the 13’s without too and 143 were implemented in Markham Township. Association executive members July 20 also . Members complain that no indication of pos- attended a regular meeting of township council, sible council action was received at this meeting and again at that time were told no action had either. fl glam‘! been taken by council. ‘hall!lllllllllllllllllllllllllw i g e llllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllll\l\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll““ll\llllllllllllllllllllllllll ll‘lll“llll\lllllllllullllll\lllllllllllllll\l\l\\\\\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllll“\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lll\lllllll“\“lllllllllllll Another taxpayers’ protest meeting has been scheduled in Markham Township as the Septem- ber 30 deadline for payment of the second tax instalment looms. The meeting will be held September 15 at 7:30 pm at the Thornhill Secondary School, Dude ley Avenue. “The taxpayers want to know what to do," Edward Patrick, an executive member of the newly formed Markham Township Taxpayers’ Association. said. Members of the Markham Township Council have been invited to the meeting to report to the public what action the council has taken relative to the resolutions of a June 24 taxpayers’ meet- ing. The resolutions asked for relief from tax increases due to the recent market value reass- essment of all property_ in York County. Associatioh executive members "August 31 met with township council in committee session and asked what action had been taken. They were told the council had made no decision and still had the matter under study. August 27 executive members met with Township Treasurer Alex Barton to hear an explanation of the problems which would be encountered if new provincial tax relief Bills 142 and 143 were implemented in Mai‘khamTownship. Markham Township Taxpayers Plan Protest Meeting For September 15th Visitors from all parts of the world flocked to the city' to watch the Commonwealth athletes compete for medals in the new Meadow- brook Stadium, swim and dive in the magnificent pool and participate in other events at numerous venues, or to admire the games village where competitors lived. George also recently competed in the World University Games in Turin, Italy. He is a student at the University of Waterloo. George Nee/and At Edinburgh Gear; Every athlete has his share of disappointments and for Nee- land it was the Pan American Games in Winnipeg in 1967 when he fell during the com- petitions. Neeland learned his lessons well. Now he concentrates on just relaxing. taking every com- petition for just what it is. “No matter how big it 15‘] try to tell myself it‘s just a matter of doing your best. It’s me against the other fellow." Neeland‘s most recent comâ€" petition â€" besides the games now underway in Italy â€" was the British Empire Games at Edinburgh where he finished a fourth. Neeland will be returning this fall to the University of Water- loo where he will continue his studies and running. He’s a graduate of Thornhill Secondary School. “We have a good track team at the university,“ he said. Neeland's favorite ononent is Mr. Donnellyâ€"who holds the Canadian record along with Association executive members August 25 met with Mississauga Township Treasurer James Burwell to learn how other municipalities dealt with the problem of tax relief. They report that Mississauga Council pro- \‘ided tax relief under Bill 142 and met with a. good reception from all types of property owners. The association statement supplied to “The Liberal†was prepared by Jack Stone of Thornhillr, chairman: Edward Patrick, 12 Brightbay Cres- cent, Thomhill (Telephone 889-1489); and Dave Rogers. The association July 21 also sat in at a meet- ing of the Bayview Country Club Estates Rate- payers’ Association. The association says it was learned that comparable tax inequalities to those in Thornhill also existed in the Bayview Estates area. At the meeting a resolution was adopted asking the township council to provide relief under Bill 142. This bill was passed at the last session of the Ontario Legislature. “Mississauga Council decided to limit tax increases to 10% or $50 attributable to reassess- ment, and to similarly limit decreases to 10% or $50," says the Markham Township Taxpayers’ Association executive. THORNHILL HOCKEY O.M.H.A. TEAMS (1970-71) Novice (Born 1960 - 61) Atom (Born 1959) Pee Wee (Born 1958) Minor Bantam (Born 1957) Bantam (Born 1956) Midget (Born 1954 - 1955) Juvenile (Born 1952 - 1953) Registration and Tryouts at Doublerink Arenas (One hour practice KEN SMITH - 889-2783 RICH HOWSON - 889-5519 - 61) â€" Sept. â€" Sept. 58) â€" Sept. m1 1957) â€" Sept. 6) â€" Sept. L - 1955) â€" Sept. 32 - 1953) â€"- Sept. 15 & 22 - 5.30 16 & 23 - 5.45 14 & 21 - 5.45 18 & 25 - 5.15 18 - 6.15 p.m., 17 & 24 - 5.15 18 & 25 - 8.00 COME WITH FULL EQUIPMENT For Further Information Phone f-“““‘_‘-‘-‘-‘â€"““‘ 3 WE RENT : CONTRACTORS' g EQUIPMENT : Richvale “Scaffold Rentals 1‘ vnx‘rr‘n CV“ ; THORNHILL Tuesday, Sept. 15 Markham Taxpayers’ Meeting ‘2' a-n’nm‘nxauenarvafloc<gnm-nmw Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24†depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton at a cost of $1.00 per boy) Thornhill High School Auditorium 7.30 PM. 9114 YONGE ST. Dick Maler Landscape Contractor Thornhill â€"- 889-5344 O WEED & TREE SPRAYING o LANDSCAPING O MAINTENANCE Offer 4 Free Classes Mineral Exploration A series of four free mineral exploration classes is being held at the North York Public Library (Victoria Park and Lawrence Avenue) announces Mines and Northern Affairs Minister Allan Lawrence. The courses, to be conduct- ed by E. B. Freeman. geologi- cal lecturer with the depart- ment's geological branch in To- ronto, will run from 7 to 10 pm. Wednesdays and Fridays. September 30. October 2. 7 and 9. First course will cover intro- duction. importance of mining, and physical properties of min- erals. Second night will include a film “The Unending Search“ plus a lecture on ore and in- dustrial minerals. Third course includes a film: “The Earth‘s Crust: The Earth in Change“, along with discus- sions covering rock-forming minerals, igneous, sedimentry and metamorphic rocks, plus a. lecture on structures. Last of the series will deal with prospecting methods. sources of information. and the general geologypf Ontario. "As it’s a basic course. there is no charge and all literature is free. Moreover, everyone is Welcome", says Mr.- Lawrence. 8.00 p.m. 5.30 pm. 5.45 pm. 5.45 pm. 5.15 pm. FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Sept. 25 - 5.30 pm. 889-1059