chw w ........... :oifice and shbswoom. 9212 :Yonge St., Richvale 889-2462‘ '773-4696. tfc42 ï¬TCHEN cabinets and vanities Free estimates. Creative Decor -n.n ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings. and Irailings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. ' tfc36 :SEASONED hardwood for tire- :places, also kindling. Picked-up ‘or delivered. 96 Steeles Ave. W. or call 225-2781. tfc19 I YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- 7ing windows. doors. awnings also glass and screen repairs phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 Maple Appointment only 889-2724. GKR‘ISEN’SUPPLIES Loam - manure - top dressing, top soil, fill, screened loam. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. th4 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill 884-1745 TIRE CLEARANCE "Brand new tires going out at .low. low prices. Various sizes :available. Also near new Daisun :tires. Neill Datsun Ltd.. Yonge :Slreet, one mile north of Rich- .mond Hill. 889-0972 and 889- 50973. rlwll fI‘WO Keystmie mag wheels lu'ilh tires and two chrome re- verse rims with tires, to fit Ford or Chrysler product. Askâ€" :ing $120 or best offer. Phone 389-6662, ask foquim 8-6. WASHER, dlyer and stove" parts, gears. belts, \vood bear- ings and “ringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowcrs and small a1)- pliances. Math's TV, 49 Indusâ€" trial Road. 384-7903. tfc9 §Ol\.Iâ€"Y stereo tipe l‘CZ‘éfdéE, ‘TC-530, and Sony stereo speak- Iers SS-103, like new. Phone taller 5 p.m.. 884-7511. c2w10 3 OLD kitchen chaii‘s» $5 each. Bramalea' “V†:GI‘EBtinE card rack with 4 2 BLACK leatherette couches, Zdrawers $5. Trundle bed 315- plus corner table, almost new. :Piano $75. 889-8070. c1\\'11 884-1795. cl-wll :WEDleNCFâ€"goï¬nflivith train: jXï¬T6ï¬IXL Equipment for 3i2e 9-10, also head piece andIsale, asking $450. 884-8344. :veil $125. 889-8790. cl\\'1 l. clwll §POOL table, Brunswick Cen-jï¬OUBLE 597d. Spring and mat- Hwy, 4 x 8. with ball relurnhuess' $35; heavy kitchen seL ï¬nd accessories, $200. 889-1631.Hgl~3y\' 3 chairS. table size 29 x " l‘1\\'11i34, $25: step ladder. (six stepsi, '6 THE LIBEHA Call “he Liberal†L, KICHmODO 11111, unbauu, L11Ll1~utluv, Myth. _. , ‘\ . 1" ~ . ‘ 1“ . g " V l i ' I w!4_â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ BEjroom, Chesterfield suite, Spanish. 2 months old, reasonâ€" able. 241-6990. tfclo :Chrome kitchen 1able. 2 chairs, 35. :Viking 21" stove, $15. :‘Upholstered rocker. $5. :Child’s desk and pegboard, $2. -Chi1d‘s rocker, chrome, $2. 12884-3938. clwll $200 or bééfo'rter. RCA hi-fi and radio combination. few re- ~cords and stand. 773-5828. CONTENTS of home for sale moving to Us. American of Martinsvillle dining room set. oval pedestal table and 6 chairs $550. King size bedroom suite, cost $2500. Sell complete $1250.. living room set. sewing machine. lamps, tables, etc. 889-9271. BOOKCASE bed, stove. piano. lawnmower. several household items. 884-1067. clwll E'SNow tires 8.25 x 14. mid; 1500 miles. cost $50 will sell 324. 884-4684. c1\\‘11 BALED hay and straw. also several tons dry shelled com. All choice quality. 887-5461. DINING Suite. Knechtel Dun- can Phyffe. mahogany, table, chairs, buffet. china cabinet. $275. 833-5157. clwll 3 PIECE bedroom suite, electric sewing machine, Bolex movie camera. occasional chair. high back. girl's winter coat, size 14.1 832-2490. clwll l WINCHESTER model 70, call? bre 300 Winchester, new. 5175: Winchester model 1200, 12 gauge, 2 barrels, new. $165: Ithica model 37 deluxe. 20 gauge pump, new. $125; Rem~ mington Model 870, 12 gauge pump, new $125; J. C. Higgins 12 gauge semi auto 8’75: J. C. Higgins 12 gauge pump poly choke $65; Savage pump 12 gauge poly choke and pad 3555. 41512.19†ol\\ll CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word: min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion at 50c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEI‘VIORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone III at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. 888-1214 NEWâ€"HONEY. BEES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL Werner. tfc3 2:); nem~ 12 gauge ‘. Higgins :75: J. C. |mp poly 33 pump 12 LAI pad $55.fseel clwll‘Box AN"! Chr p110 tic28 c1w11 c2\\'11 c1\\‘11 Richmond Hill, Ontario, tfc3 2w1 1 (Cdntinuedl DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone. sand. concrete gravel etc, delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett 884-3089. tfc37 Donations of saleable articles for the Victoria Square Lions Club annual auction and rum- mage sale September 19. For pick-up call 8876409 or 887- 5222. th7 TRECONDITIONED 352 Ford ANTIQUE EXHIBITION AND SALE 22 leading antique dealers. Fea- turing Artisans of International Antique Crafts. Markham Ar- ena, Markham,‘ Ontario, Friday, Sept. 11 (11a.m.-10 p.m.), 531., Sept. 12 (1.0 a.m.-9 p.111). Spon- sored by St Andrew’s Presby- terian Church. Refreshments & Hot Beef Dinner. Free Park- ing c2w10 motor with 2 or 4 barrel intake, best offer. Phone Murray 244~ 6001. after 6 nm 773-5532. tfc9 HOMEOWNERS large Canadian sales finar Good neighbors are hard to find. company? Call Mr. Campb< Why allow weeds to come be- 884-8156. ti tween you? WILLOW-HILL ofâ€" WAITRESS __ full and pa fers FREE for the month of time_ Po ‘5 Tave' 84-2‘7'2 September only IX 501b. bag of p m. 8 if; fertilizer worth $3.25 to every -~â€"-â€"-q~~~~â€"â€"~-â€" weed Spraying customer. Fm, WANTED â€" female workers : further information, call â€" 389- pmdudion “Vork as pundl 1’“ 02 _ 294_0791 operators. only 19 and 0‘ ‘ Lawn and Garden Supply WE NEED â€" Gov‘nt. Lic. Fully Ins. “ Clerk typists 04w9 * Secretaries HOT water circulating ing I TEAKWOOD *Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 “7‘17" SKAKE EXCHANGE Exrunmnunu 'l'lrlbl New Arena September 12. 9.30 Male or female. Contact Lamb am - 3 pm. September 15. '1 pm- the Mover, 127 Birch Avenue, 9.30 pm. Information 884-3108. Thornhill. 889-4911 for inter- c2w10 View. c4w9 and second fluid MAN for greenhouse. experiâ€" fumiture for sale. 773-5448 Oak ence with roses helpful. but not Ridges. c2w10 essential. Call 1 pm - 5 pm. 359- BEDROOM and dining suit? _1_2_6§:-_ww~_71_7â€9_33fl9 Teakwood, 2 mths old, reason- Wanted _. Manager for RICH- able. Call Toronto 241-5971. MOND HILLVCREDIT UNION, c4W10 Must be energetic and capable Model 12. full steel. 884-1317 12 GAUGE 2 1355'}? Spanish shotgun. full and modified, as new. $65. 895-3256. nclwll ""EI'NAiz CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc10 WINCEESTER 12 gauge pump DOUBLE bed. spring and mat-i tress. $35: heavy kitchen set: (gray). 3 chairs. table size 29 x1 34, $25; step ladder. (six steps}, $2. All things in very good con- dition. 884-7395. clwll FAMILY size 17 cu. ft. RCA :coppertone refrigerator. 1 year old, frost free. Call 889â€"6567 after 5 pm. clwll REFRIGERATO'R, large size, reasonable; Briggs and Stratton gas cultivétor and attachments; antique carriage lamp etc. 884- 5787. clwll 9 PIECE dining room set, askâ€" ing $250. 884-8344. clwll PICK-YOUR-OWN APPLES A delightful family outing. Weekends only. All varieties, 5 miles east of Aurora. Devins- Horton Orchards. 888â€"1738, 72'7- 4768. c4w11 FRIDGE, $30; 2 Cub uniforms, quantity of floor tiles. 884â€"6675. clwll 1962 MOFFATT’gés’s’tove, good{ condition. $75 or best offer. : 884-2788. c1w11{ DRAPESjéiling to floor. 1 p11} DRAPES. ceiling to floor. 1 pr. 21 it. width, blue: one pair 10 ft. width blue; 1 pair 13 ft. width, light green. 889-2213. clwll ELECTRI’c’rénge. 30". Gurney, good condition, $50. 884-7716. clwll 4 Emiï¬Ã©gs for 14" GM. New wide ovals. Set for $150. 884. 2436. c2w11 ADMIRAL TV and sta'nd.â€384; 4335. *‘lwlll { CARRIER BOY 0R GIRL i i“The Liberal" is seeking a l‘e-i liable boy or girl for an estab- DO 3'01! haw a drinking Dl‘Ob'llished paper route in the North! lem. If so AA can help. Write Road area of Lake wile BOX 84‘ Richmond Hill. 01‘ 3311 Here‘s your opponunity to earn EMG'8684- “917 some extra money. Phone Glen ANYONE interested in joining Pratt, Carrier circulation at 884- Christian Tradesmen‘s Group 1105. nc3w11 phone 884-9312. Leave name FULL time ‘c_l.o's‘sin"g guards and phone “umben m5 needed immediately. light work... LADY, sensitive. stimulating, Good Day. Must be l‘eliable. Ap‘i Seeks gentleman (-ompanionnply Richmond Hill Police De-; Box 56 “The Liberal." c3\\'ll]partment. clwll,‘ FOR SALE WANTED Eumace. 8 rads and pump. 884-1554. choke, nickle- c1w11 Thursday, Sept. 10, 1970 *lel 'ELECTRIC guitar. 2 pick-ups; excellent condition, $50. evgs. 8844124. *lwll EXPERIENCED cook for Pop’s Tavern. 884-2752. tfc34 BARTLETT pears, cucumbers, tomatoes. pepper squash, beets, crab apples. 884-6367. tfcll LIKE A HORSE We work you like a horse but 5100 per week buys a lot of cats. Must have car. Experience not necessary. 789-7287. tfcil 120 BASS accordion and case, excellent condition, very rea- sonable. 884-3470. clwll MAN’S sports jackets, size 42. 889-5760. clwll 2 TECO space heaters, 1 oil tank. 773-4310. clwll EXTRA MONEY 3 hours. 4 evenings per and Saturday, $50. Must car. 789-7287. [For PERMANENT or TEMPOR- IARY office work register with: and Saturday, $50. Must have car. 789-7287. tfc41 GENTLEMEN are you interest- ed in a rewarding career with a large Canadian sales finance company? Call Mr. Campbell. 884-8156. tfcé WAITRESS â€" {in and par'tl (Continued) BOY‘S 24†bicycle, banana seat and sissy bar $18. 884-3994. WANTED â€" female workers for production work as punch press operators. only 19 and over need apply. 889-7549. 1ch of assuming responsibility for complete operation. Reply stat- ing qualifications and expected salary to Box 49 “The Liberal". Dominion Automobile Associa-l tion, Canada’s largest and most‘ progressive Motor Club, has an opening for a part time repre- sentative in l(his area. This is a‘ wonderful opportunity to earn extra money. If you can spare only a few hours a day we would like to talk to you, Reply in confidence to Box 53 “The Liberalâ€. No experience necesâ€" sary as complete training is pro- lvided. c1w11 HELP WANTED Statistical clerk female. Needs skill in math and percentages. [No typing. Salary to $90.00. Au Liberalâ€. No experience? neces-i sary as complete training is pro- vided. c1w11 SALES CO-ORDINATOR Required by progressive, elec- trical control manufacturer. Lo- cated in Aurora. Ont. Ability to co-ordinate inside sales office reporting directly to the mar- keting manager. with minimum 5 years experience in customer 1liaison order processing and ex- ‘piditing. sales correspondence and marketing statistics. Salary commensurate with experience. Call 921-2133 for appointment. clwll wunuau~.n’v v- DICTA-TÂ¥PIST transportation and preferably in We have an opemng for a D81“ Thomhill area. Reply to Box son who has good Speed and aC~ No. 57 “The Liberal†c1w11 curacy and who enjoys perform~ *â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"' ~â€"â€" ing' a variety of other typical .‘TlgAï¬iifï¬PgY ogGIRL Ofï¬ce taSks' .we Offer Steady liable boy or lvirieefoliflgaI? :- a â€" b - emplo-‘mem m a pleasant en tablished paper route in the viroment with congenital people. Y . Snap_0n Tools of Canada LLduiWestnood Road area of Rich- Keeie St. 1 Mi. N. of Hm: 73"“6 Here‘s your opportunity to 839450]. c'lwnilearn some extra money. Phone _ _ ‘ A -. Glen Pratt. carrier circul ti PART time receptionist, expcm- at 334-1105, ncgwcil; ence not necessary. Altel‘l’laliflQE’x’ *7 ‘ ~ '7‘*†~ shifts â€" days and nights. Call PERIENCED electrical a?" 8844101 fora ointment. clwu pliance repairman, full or part- †._-_,o_. ume. 884-7903. tfclO *â€" nnrnur a ï¬n A n“ FIRST CLASS FITTERS rmnrrmmn WELDERS HI-CORPS PERSONNEL 18 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL 884-6782 or 884-6970 Girl Friday with experience on Accounts Receivable. Salary open. ‘ INSPECTORS & PACKERS Ladies, 18 years and over, re-l quired for permanent part time‘ work, 3-8 hour shifts. Saturdays and Sundays. Apply Personnel loffice, Mapac. Division of Poly-pump Ltd.. 8100 Keele St.“ Maple, Ontario. 889-7336. c1w11 TRAINEE with mechanical ap- titude and chauffeur’s licence required by an industrial supply company for warehouse and part-time delivery. Excellent op-{ portunity for advancement in} Intermediate Accounts Payable female clerk. No typing. Call: A-l EMPLOYNIENT AGENCY 52 Yonge St. South Call: Mona Robertson 884-6944 Re:Appointments U Clerk twists Secretaries Bookkeepers Stenos Girls Friday company for warehouse and part-time delivery. Excellent op- portunity for advancement inl an interesting business. Calll 889-4803. c1\\'ll CARRIER ifor'on'cliuj ; “The Liberal" is seeking a re-' liable boy or girl for an estab- lished paper route in the North Road area of Lake Wilcox. Here‘s your opponunity to earn some extra money. Phone Glen Pratt, Carrier circulation at 884- lnos. nc3\v11 lFULL time crossing guards needed immediately. light work: Good pay. Must be reliable. Apâ€"' ply Richmond Hill Police De-; jpartment. clu‘ll.‘ .u. ..--_. _-....-_.r_. phone a_nytime 773-5755. 7 tic42 Servin wants bookkeeping or,Renov invoice tvping. 884-6236. tfc9§homes FEMALE HELP For Temporary Assignments * Accounting Clerks * Bookkeeping Machine Operators , ï¬ï¬iST \i'ould_lil<e any'type of:and d * Data Clerks office work at home, even dic- Phone * General Clerks itaphone. 889-0202. c2\".'10 __ ,_ * Key Punch operators TYPI W, i ~~ - ~.;l L1 * Sr. Typist with /' without “on Sagï¬giges pelmanemcfxslll‘ shorthand / Dicta v ' ' ~' -Concr List now for Fall and Winter‘ [Repait employment with: walk, MONA ROBERTSON MORTGAGES Lic. r _ SERVICES CLIENTS’ funds to purchase! _ 52 Yonge St- 5- existing first mortgages, also a. BOB Call: 884-699: fOF'aPPOimment few seconds. Call Mr. McLean; an mlernew ‘389-1176. David McLean Ltd.uLoca1 clwll 74 Steeles Ave. West. clwll‘ EXPERIENCED TYPIS’I‘ SiEï¬â€˜EiiR-A’ MONEY? FOR SALE RICRMOND HILL KEELE ST clwll c1w10 week 02w10 tf249 with : TH, 1w10 'Jamb enue, ,nter- c4w9 :peri- KEYPUNCH TRAINEE We are seeking a bright, alert junior with good typing speed: to train as .a keypunch operator“ This offers an excellent opporâ€" tunity for advancement in our growing data-processing depart- ment. Snap-On Tools of Canada Ltd. Keele St. 1 Mi. N. of Hwy. '7. 889â€"7501. clwll WAREHOUSEMEN wanted for light packaging work in Thorn- hill. Part or full time. Apply Box 279. Thornhill. c2wll clwll HELPER for furniture store delivery truck. 889-5047. clwll EXPERIENACED man to work in furniture warehOuse located No. 7 Hwy. and Keele St. 889-8440. clwll EXPERIENCE ti~uck driver for furniture warehouse located No. 7 Hwy and Keele St. 889-8440. clwll CAPABLE. expect-ant mother or} girl, must be good with children, live in. Call between 5-10 pm.‘ 889-4843. clwll RELIABLE exgeriencei‘rtandeni truck driver. 832-1215. clwll CLEANING lady, once a week, own transportation, Maple. 889- 3802. clwll SERVICE station attendant, ex- ‘perienced, neat appearance. Ap- ‘ply Texaco. 7161 Yonge Street, TWO or three men. experienced in carpentry, painting or mas- onry. Must have own tools. Leave name and phone number at 884â€"9312. clwll FEMALE help wanted as coun- ter attendants in snack bar. ex- perience not necessary. from 5:30 pm to 10 pm. Apply Mrs. Purvis, GEM Store, 7171 Yonge St. c2w11 gll‘l, must UE guuu \uui L'Iululcu, live in. Call between 5-10 pm. 889-4843. clwll RELIABLE eiï¬ariencedjandeni truck driver. 832-1215. clwll CLEANING lady, once a week, own transportation, Maple. 889- 3802. c1w11 SERVICE station attendant, ex- perienced. neat appearance. Ap- ply Texaco. 7161 Yonge Street, Thornhill. clwll SALE-S help required, day and night shift. Mister Donut. 884â€" 8377. c1\v11 CASHIER, part time, preferably experienced for Thursday and Friday eVenings and all day Saturday. Apply at the office, Canadian Tire Store. 70 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. clwll waEN wanted for light pack- aging. Full or part time. Apply PO Box 279. Thornhill. c2wll EXPERIENCED nurses aids re-‘ quired, also ladies for house- keeping depaitment. Transpor- tation to Richmond Hill provi- ded. Villa Nursing Home, Bath- urst St. Thornhill, Mrs. Stewart. 889-7904. c2w11 EXPERIENCED cashier, Tues- days, Thursdays. and Sunday evenings. 884-5433. clwll STEWARD, private mens’_cli_1h in Richmond Hill, part-time. Call 884â€"4641. c1w11 CLERICAL assistant interested in the promotion of a ï¬lm library, transportation neces- sary. Apply in writing. Mrs. P. Hart. Chief Librarian, Rich- mond Hill Public Library. 24 Wright St. Richmond Hill. c1w11 MAN wanted with chauffeur's licence to work with animals, some experience preferred. 889- (Continued) HOUSEKEEPER for fiVe day week, live-out. 2 children. ages 3 and 7, Thornhill. 889-2586. c1w11 RECENT high school graduate, male, for specialized training in laboratory. Efficiency and abi- lity to learn will provide good opportunity. 884-8896, be‘mveen 3 and 5 pm. Coombs-Williams Laboratory. c1w11 EXâ€"JANITOR DOUBLES INCOME IMPOSSIBLE? N0! He is now selling real estate with our com- pany and with the help of our tremendous training program and background has increased his income by 100%. If you are over 21 ~â€" EXPERIENCED OR OTHERWISE â€" and have not yet reached your full potential, act now. Call Mr. White 01‘ Mr. Cuff. Norm Black Realty Limié ted. 889-6241. tfcll HELP WANTED ( HELP WANTED Continued) . montinued‘ FIRST CLASS FITTERS CERTIFIED WELDERS Required immediately. prefer- rably familiar with structural steel processes. Apply in person to Stran Steel Divn., 105 Indus- trial Rd.. Richmond Hill. clwll KEELE STREET Male accountant 1 01' 2 years experience. $110 + weekly. Call; 884-6944. ‘ A-I EMPLOYMENT AGEXCY‘ â€"~ -' . thL I pm. 889-9936 52 Yonge St. South advance. Call after 55 )36. clwul clwll SALES OPPORTUNITY Opening for one energetic real ‘estate salesman to specialize in farm investment and commer- lcial property sales with long ‘established company. Call Mr. McLean 889â€"1176, David Mcâ€" Lean Ltd. Realtor, 74 Steeles Ave. W. clwll WANTED immediately â€"â€" Man or woman to supply consumers, with Rawleigh Products. Can earn $50. weekly pai’t time ~â€" $100. and up full time. Write W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd., Dept. 1351-336. 4005 Richelieu St, Montreal 207. Que. clwll PLANT help wanted, male and female. Steady work, good pay. Apply in person. GENERAL FREEZER Islington Ave. N. Woodbridge. c1\\'11 CLERK receptionist, evenings. No experience necessary. State hourly salary expected. Reply 10 box 42 “The Liberalâ€. clwll CLERICAL assistant interested in the promotion of a film library, transportation neces- sary. Apply in writing. Mrs. P. Hart. Chief Librarian, Rich- mond Hill Public Library. 24 Wright St. Richmond Hill. MAN wanted with chauffeur's licence to work with animals, some experience preferred. 889- 1081 01' 887-5562‘ c1w11 CABLE TV salesman required for Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Markham and Woodbridge. Full or part time. Top commission. Mr. Jeffrey. 429-6504. c1w11 CLEANING woman wanted. Thornhill vicinity. One day weekly. References. Phone 889- 3419. ., clwll TELLER - clefk typist required. For appointment. 889-7396. SALESLADY, full of part time, for arts and crafts. Experience in this line need only apply. Activity Shop, Bayview Plaza. clwll Li EMPLOYMEM 11: WANTED EXPERIENCED saleslady in children wear, full time or partâ€" time. Richmond Heights Centre. 884-2925. A tfcll on the production line and final assembly of electro-mechanical products. Ability to use measur- ing instruments and read blueâ€" prints. Apply O/E/N Canada Ltd., Aurora Ont. 727-4231. INSPECTOR Required to carry out inspectior} SECRETARYTypist for flexible par-t time work both at home and at office. Must have own transportation and preferably in Thomhill area. Reply to Box No. 57 “The Liberalâ€, c1w11 Glen Pl'att. carrier circulation at 884-1105. nc3vw11 EXPERIENCED electrical ap- pliance repairman, full or part- AVRILVABL’EV for Woman fur- nished bed sitter with bathroom. Phone 884-6814. c1w10 YOUNG student wishes room and board in Thornhill Secon- dary School area, quiet home, $25-$30 per week. Phone 929- 0920. c1w10 ROOM and board adult home, ‘good location, packed lunches, parking, gentleman preferred. After 6 pm 884-8265. clwll ROOM and board available.! 884-4148. c1w11' YOUNG man. fullâ€"board. packed lunches. $25 weekly. 839-8704.‘ c1w11 REOTWâ€"or rooniâ€"and board for reliable working girl. Call after 6 pm. 884-9352. clwll ROOM & BOARD FURNITURE slip ’covers cut 384-2433 and fitted in your home. Workâ€" tfc52 .manShip guarantee‘i- A150 CUSh' Haroï¬iâ€"Ex'nott Constméiibn Ltd. tons and arm .caps. etc. Please 8843312 phone anytime 773'5755‘ Mth†Serving York County and Ana FEMALE wants bookkeeping crlRenovations. additions. custom invoice tvping. 884-6236. tfc9thomes. cottages, septic tanks ï¬ï¬iST \\'ould-iike any'nâ€"rpe oftand drainage systems; 2“ .h'j- office work at home, even div phone sernce for emelgenmea. tanhone. 339-0202.' c2\i.-1o 7 rth5 TYPIST would like any type of office work at home, even dic- taphone. 889-0202. c2w10 TYPIST desires permanént posi; tion. 884:3143. clwll clwll tfclll BAKER’S ' BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer a: water lines, footings. 889~3604. tfc2 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 ROOFING Eavestroughing cleaned and re- paired. siding. Free estimates. Call anytime collect, 633-0039. c-lw9 SHAMPOOING SUMMER SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Da)‘ night. 884-2433. tl PAINTING exterior and in- terior, carpentry work. altera- tions, rec rooms, no job too large or too small. 8846009. RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls, planter boxes and boat docks. Free estiâ€" mates. 889-6338. tfc42 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. FINLAY ELECTRIC Contractor. free estimates. Call anytime 884-3931. “('37 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. homes. of- fices, factories. Custom carpenâ€" try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 All types floor tile, sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"â€" including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call "The Lib- eral†884-1105. MISCELLANEOUS! MISCELLANEOUS} TO RENT HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens :1 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 ALUMINUM HOME {DAY} IMPROVEMENTS idmn 5 Alcan â€"â€" siding, EavestroughngaI-kh Doors and Windows ‘1 For fl‘Ee estimates call your "' ' Local Contractor {WILL HANS BUTT 889-4106 gm my BRICK & STONEWORK Fireplaces â€"- chimneys â€" cus- tom built â€"â€" patios, walls, flower-boxes, garages. etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884-3484. I :ch *RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tic-35 Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 1 Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 Drains septic tanks. All types of concvete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES 559151627 FREE ESTIMATESE tfc3lx _ 4,â€"_._._.»..__._ r, A .‘ RALPH ELMS DEEFRKTING Painting, paper-hanging, interâ€"‘ ior and exterior. Free estimates.‘ Work guaranteed. 887-5619. Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc43 LEONARDI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General ' Repairs. Patio, Stonework, Side- EEEOPLANEfCIaSS C. with walk, Trenching and Excavating. 13 hp, motor. controls. steering Lie. No. D0083. {and speedometer. $250. 884- 889-5223 14330, clwll CLEANING WINDOWS. WALLS AND FLOORS E635 DELiVERY SERVICE 889-5221 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned E. C. DOAK Phone 832-8985, Mama.- FLOOR. COVERING PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR New Flagstone Patios 8: Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING DEAD ELMS Day or night 881-2433 parcels and light :anage. tfc7 C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 E. W. PAYNE CHIMNEYS PAINTING 884-2433 Call “The Liberal†TODAY Thornhlll tfc23 tfc tfc41 “(:32 c1w11 tfc41 2r . -â€" w m: Eyour pets, pastel or pencil. 389- 12555. tfc4 F ‘13 KiTTENS, 5 weeks old. frée tfc20‘to good home. 884-7402. c1w10 7 PART Gemién shepherd pups, 6 wks. old. phone after 5 pm. ty es p 3884-3051. c1w11 tfc46 innâ€"o Years [0N tfc43 tf c2 “(:43 GARAGE, for storage of antique car. 889â€"6777. ' clwll 3 BEDROOM house Richmond Hill. Maple area. for family of 4, Oct. 1 possession. 884-1235. clwll SINGLE businesswoman de- sires spacious self contained unfurnished apartment or flat. preferably with old world charm in old home or farm home. 773-4631, evenings 833- 5389. clwll 2 BEDROOM winterized lake-l front cottage. on Lake Wilcox, inside conveniences. 889-9808. clwll _____,_._____._â€"â€"â€"_. TOWNHOUSE Thornhill sublet. 3 bedrooms. 11/2 baths, finished rec. room. drapes, 4 appliances. Available October 1. $225, in- cludes parking. 889‘9021. c1w11 3 BEDROOM semi with garage, close to schools. Available now or end of month, $195. 884~2815. clwll WANTED urgentlyâ€"3 bedroom house in Richmond Hill. 884- 3788 or 421-5442. C. Rhodes. clwll 71.,â€" KEELE and Hwy. 7. Bright 4 room basement apartment, fur- nished, business gentleman or 'couole. own entrance, parking - tfc44 SPECIALIZING in rec. rooms. bars, kitchen cabinets, arborite and home repairs. 889-2889. BRICK. asphalt. chimneys, etc. general repairs, fire escapes. 884-8836. c4w8 PLUMBING 8: HEATING Roger Proulx -â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 ECONOMY UPHOLSTERY ted SCHOOL Y0l o Chesterfields and chairs re-‘lu covered by students under ex- pert supervision. air. oFree estimates, guaranteed work. 763-1194. c4w10 EAYW care available in my home. 884-3455. tfc9 EAY-éél'e aï¬ilégl‘e in my home?~ preâ€"schoolers. Elmwood and Lawrence area, 884-7865. OPAY FOR MATERIALS ONI.Y‘$40 weekly, 727-9433 NO CHARGE FOR LABOR. 'g‘,‘A-â€Tn{w {mm DAY care in my home, any age. Rockport and Bayview area. 884-4583. c2w10 liarâ€"ï¬fe in my hoï¬effllill and Libby. 884-6643 RELIABLE day care given in my home, west side of Yonge St. 884-4816. tfclO DAY care, any age. companion for 1 yr old. Richvale. 889-8217. tfclf) AVAILABLE in my Osirisâ€"Crosby. 884-8969 DAY? care available. Bayview“ and Markham Road. 884-6660. , CZWIM WILL give day care, Demaine Crescent area. 884-4626. MONDAY - FRIDAY IN my home, reliable day care available for boy or girl 21/; yrs, old and part time baby sit- ting for children 212-6 yrs. On Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889- 8536. clwll DAY care available in my 884-7020. I3XY~ciiiéflihwmy home for chil- dren 3 years and older. Ruggles Markham area. 884-2148. WILL look after child any in my home. 884-2788. > RELIABLE day care given to children 3 and over in myI home, within 2 minutes of Bev- erley Acres Public School. Ref- erences. 884â€"8552. clwll New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€"â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfclB CAT BOARDING Household pgts kittens available to good homes. Also portraits of BKSENJI PUPS REGISTERED. Bal‘kless. odour- less, $125.00. Call 895-2548. ,11 §ï¬ï¬ï¬VItKNilong haired guinea pigs, black. 884-2912. clwll Underground cable and water pipe trenching. Phone 884-6266 TOY poodle. brown, unclipped, Saturday. Children’s pet, re~ ward. Area of Maple Sideroad. 832-1287. c1w11 PETS FOR SALE 'g POODLE, silver grey. Lost vicinity Bayview and 16th Avenue, August 22. Right ear marked WTC-QV. Blue collar with Etobicoke tag 721. Name Avenue, August 22. Right ear marked WTC-QV. Blue collar with Etobicoke tag 721. Name Lisa: reward. Phone Toronto 233-2444. clwll 14’ fibreglass. yellow and white, excellent condition with like new 50 Mere. electric equipped and Teenee trailer. 884-3919. VINCE‘S CARPENTRY E & L TRENCHING DAY CARE Richmond Hill. WANTED TO RENT LOST 884-1105 under ex- BACHELOR, mbderï¬,fux:hished, air-conditioned. Services in- lcluded. Yonge Street, Aurora. u- 1300 SQ. FT. office space plus » _ Vith461300 sq. ft. storage space, loca- ,STERY_ ted in professional building on Yonge St. $112 per month. 884- chairs re-:1117- “C3 clwll clwll home clwll home tfcll clwll c1w11 clwll c3w9 luau“. ~â€"-a; v nits of 02w11 '- 339' 2 BRIGHT large bedrooms with _t[‘3f own kitchen, own entrance. ,. fi'ce1384-4994. - clwll El\'v'19‘;2 BEDROOM apartment. avail- pupswable October 1. 1 baby only. 5 pm.[Apply Superintendent, 441 Elm- clwll §w00d Avenue, Richmond Hill. clwll age QUIET furnished room. young family atmosphere. After 8 pm. 889-8629. c1'.v10 BEDROOM. suit gentleman. Phone 884-1629. HQ!) 779 SQ._FT. office‘spa‘ce or in- dustrial space. Phone 884-5171. c2w10 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHED room, cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 384-1194 for appointment. tfclS FOR lease, 3,000 - 6.000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16'6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. AVAILABLE immediately, 2 bedroom apartment, unfurnish- ed. $150 monthly. 449-6009 or 884-8083. c2w1o 2 BEDROOM apartment, avail- able November 1. 1 baby only. Apply Superintendent, 441 Elm- wood Avenue, Richmond Hill. ONE housekeeping room, pri- vate bath. Suite business person only. 884-8219 after 5.30 or weekends. cZwll 2 BED‘ROOM. $35 weekly. Also bungalow, $50 weekly. 636-6837. clwll B'Aa‘IEEORiiapartment. 884- 2576. tfcll ONE bed-sitting room, private bath. Suit business person only. 884-8219 after 5:30 or weekends. c2w11 SUBLET office space, 450 sq. ft. Air conditioned. Markham / Yonge. Immediate occupancy. 884-6564. tfcll 3 BEDRSOM hEuse. Call 884- 5686, or apply at 57A Benson Ave. after 6.30 pm. c1w11 FU‘RNISHED bedsitting room, business gentleman. 884-1215. business gentleman. 884-1215. Spdn'rs MINDED? Cl\\'11§ 1965 Chev Super Sports con- GOOD barn 1'67 rth, sui’tEBJe" vertible- Big 409 V8 motor- for ponies or will board ponies.‘ HUT“ 5ti°k Shift. Wide'o‘fal 384-6714. cm.†3 tu‘es. chrome )Vheels._ spec1al â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"~â€"â€" 3â€" , purple paint Job. LlC. No. FURNISHED 1mm and F1“ 1P58110. York Imports, 889-8830. chenette on 2nd floor. parkmg, awn business person. Langstaff near 1 v.â€"-;â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"lâ€"â€"â€""‘â€"‘ Yonge. 889-4190. c1w11§196° Cad‘uac “upe' mu“ be can“ in he anm'eciated. $1.900 iLARGE bEdroom, kitchen privi- leges, female only. Yonge-Mark- ham area. 884-8497. c1w11 BACHELOR apiï¬'tthent. avail- ab1e_0ct. 1. 55 Trayborn Dr. Apply Mrs. G. Miller. 884-7930 FUR‘NIâ€"Siï¬ï¬b room. lady pre- ferred. cooking and. parking facilities. 884-4208. clwll 1 BEDROOM apartlï¬Ã©ntf‘hlâ€"d floor, private entrance. available Oct. 3, adults. 884-1795. clwll 1 BEDROOM apartihemfzdd floor, private entrance. available Oct. 3, adults. 884-1795. clwll LARGE bedroom, kitchen privi- leges, female only. Yonge-Mark- ham area. 884-8497. c1w11 AVAILABLE, 2 bedroom apart- ment with balcony, free park- ing, children welcome 884â€"7269. U-HAUL, 1:55! and one-way. Bob Donald's 15550. 9700 Yonge St. 884-8011. tfc48 CONTINUED savings on OTTO hardtops. Free camping nook, free spare wheel, free canopy. free car wiring. 6 models. Mc- Kenzie Camping Trailers Ltd. Hwy 7 East at Bayview. Otto and Wheel-Camper. i’Ro'bMS. pri\'at€_béth, and entrance. Call after 5 pm. 884- 7020. clwll E‘ERNISHED l'bom,,slla1'e kit- chen, near Yonge, 1 or 2 girls. 884-3709. clwll BED-SITTING room available, kitchen facilities. 884-6649. A KEELE and Hwy. 7, Bright 4 room basement apartment, fur- nished, business gentleman or couple, own entrance, parking - 1 car. Apply before noon or Friday and Saturday. 889-8318. clwll EOM in new house, just off Yonge St. Parking available. 773-4249. clwll ï¬iiéhen, stove and fridg after 6 pm. 889â€"5597. clwll tfc50 tfclO clwll tch tfcll 1967 Volks. Perfect in every respect. Lic. No. P58287. York Imports, 889-8830. clwll 1964 Meteor, beSL offer. 888< 1047. c2\\'1l 1962 Chev Impala, convertible. V8 motor, dual exhaust, power steering and brakes. radio. $425 or best offer. 833-6300. Cam We «11‘. 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief. standard. 1 owner. 4 door, new tires, radio. heater. Mechanical fitness certificate. $850. Call after 6 pm, 884-8085. tfcli) 1966 Plymouth Fury II, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic. power steering, radio: good condition. Contact Mr. Gervais, 884-4419 or 895-8959. 1962 Chev 1/; 1.0n pick-up. covered box, radio. wheel discs. mirrors, 41,000 mi.; sell or trade. 773-5526. elwll. T964 Chev Impala. 1 oR’ner, V8. PS 8: PB, automatlc, new tires exhaust. 773-5526. clwll $995~0ï¬Â¥ ’m 1969 DODGE, Super Bee, 383. 4 speed. 833-5508 6-8 meMoE day-Thursday. Private. c2w10 1968 Fiat 850 conipE-ed, black interior, nice condition; $1,000 or nearest offer. 884-4355. ONLY $1,995 “BARGAIN of the week." 1969 model Datsun 1600 Sports. Low mileage, fast and economical. Lie. No. P58-289. York Imports, 889-8830. , clwl 1 1962 Chev 1/: tbn piâ€"cï¬p; ‘i.9_6-5_Cadillac coupe. must be seen to be appreciated, $1,900 or best offer. 884-7414. clwll 1962 Volkswagen. exceilent con< dition and warranty certificate. ,889-2943 after 5 pm. clwll 1968 Toyota Corolla. low mile- age, certified over 35 MPG. Lic. No. P58290. York Imports, 889- 8830. clwll 1962 Falcon 4~door, 6 cylinder. $200 or best offer. 884-2788. '1'970’Honda. 65 Sport. sun under warranty. less than 500 miles, $225. 884-5149. clwll i963 Ford Econoline van. A1 condition, must sell. 884-1572. clwll 1968 Camgro. 13136 floor shift, radio, snows, $1,700. 884-9327. clwll 1961 Ford Fail-lane 500. 61.000 miles, runs good, will sell with- out certificate for parts. 884- 6l20. clwll 1968 PYRAMID trailer, 25 Self-contained, separate bed room, shower. flush toilet ct;- Like new. very reasonable. Cal 640-4373 after 5 pm. c4v.‘: ITEACHER, piano establishing Ric] 884-3925. Summer Properties ï¬bT'for’séleiin Baysville area, Lake Mnominee. Phone 222- 5143. tfc34 EXCELLENT building lots, Du« clos Point, 45 miles from Rich- mond Hill. 884-2273. tfc50 VACATION PROPERTY 110 ft. sandy lakefront lot, ex- cellent for children, well trecd level building site. 40 miles of waterway. $395 down. 773-4352. tfcll HALIBURTON LAKE Kasvhagawigamog, 1,2 acre lot with 100’ frontage, 3 bed. room cottage, all conveniences, completely furnished. 832-2513. clwll PIANO TEACHER BAYVIEW and Markham area, still has room for a limited number of pupils. Beginners a specialty. 884-6553. clwll ' PIANO TEACHER HUSBAND of the above. in. terested in adult pupils desiring to play for fun. Numbers limit- ed. 8844553. '_ _ 7-. awn PIANO lessons. $3 for 1/43 ho‘ur' lesson. 889~8790. clwn years 01 prospect CAR FOR THE WIFE? SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon USED CARS BABY SITTING MON. - TUES. 8 am. to 6 p.m WED. - FRI. 9 am. to 5 pm TRAILERS EGRE baby sitters ‘ Sit Better, 889-3650 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE for sale, very géntle. Call 832â€"1434. clwll iER horse, registered old, saddle broke, 511 ct, $350. 884-8886. TUITION E5 and theory, Richmond Hill . tf050 c2w1 1 c2w11 clwll clwll needed be :1~ tfc4 2w“) c4“ 8